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TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background ....................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Focus Of Research .......................................................................................... 4
1.3 Research Objectives ........................................................................................ 4
1.4 Limitations of Research ................................................................................... 5
1.5 Benefits of Research ....................................................................................... 5
1.5.1 Theoretical Benefits ................................................................................. 5
1.5.2 Practical Benefits ...................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................ 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................... 6
2.1 Theory Study ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Factors that affect tourists ....................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Motivation .................................................................................................. 9
2.1.3 Danau Linow ............................................................................................. 9
2.2 Previous Research ......................................................................................... 10
2.3 Thinking Framework ................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 12
RESEARCH METHODS .................................................................................... 12
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................ 12
3.2 Object of Research ........................................................................................ 12
3.3 Population and Sampling .............................................................................. 12
3.3.1 Population ................................................................................................ 12
3.3.2 Sampling .................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Data Collection Method ................................................................................. 13
3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................. 13
3.6 Research Schedule ........................................................................................ 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 15



1.1 Background

Tourism is one of the most influential sectors in Indonesia, this is

indicated by foreign tourists visiting in December 2018, up 22.54% compared to

the number of visits in December 2017, thats 1.15 million visits to 1.41 million

visits (Statistics Official No. 12 / 02 / Th. XXII, February 1, 2019).

The development in the tourism sector benefits many parties, including

the government, the community, and the private sector. This is because tourism

is a sector that is considered profitable to developed. Tourism is also one of the

assets that is used as a promising source for the government and the

community around tourism objects. Therefore many regions wish to establish

development in the field of tourism, without exception the North Sulawesi

Province. This province has natural beauty and tourist destinations that are in

demand by both domestic and foreign tourists. One of the tourist destinations in

North Sulawesi that attracts a lot of tourist attention is Linow Lake.

The word Linow is taken from the Minahasa language, namely

Lilinowan, which means a gathering place for water. This destination has its

own unique charm, where tourists can see the color of water that can change

color to green, blue and brownish yellow at certain conditions. Changes occur

because sulfur elements are buried in the lake as well as refraction and

reflection of sunlight which causes the color of water on Lake Linow to change.

Growth of Lake Linow Domestic and Foreign Tourists is based on data from the

statistical center (BPS) of Tomohon, the growth in the number of tourists

starting from 2013 Domestic 125,597 tourists, while foreign tourists 13,534

2014 domestic tourists 132,102 (5.17%), foreign tourists 14,023 (3.61%), 2015

domestic tourists 192,322 (4.55%), foreign tourists 14,734 (5.07%), 2016

domestic tourists 244,593 (2.71%), foreign tourists 26,441 ( 7.94%), in 2017

Domestic tourists are 455,679 (8.63%), foreign tourists are 87,736 (23.18%).

From the information above this tourist destination has increased

tourists visiting. Whereas viewed from accommodation and accessibility in this

tourist destination is not yet available and cannot be felt by tourists, but the

number of tourists visiting Lake Linow is increasing every year. Every tourist

certainly has different driving and pulling factors to visit this tourist destination.

Based on the background described above, this research takes the



1.2 Focus Of Research

From the background above, the formulation of the problem on which

this research is based is:

"What factors drive and attract tourists to visit Lake Linow?"

1.3 Research Objectives

With the background and formulation of the problem, the purpose of this

research is to find out what factors encourage and attract tourists visiting Lake

Linow, Tomohon City.

1.4 Limitations of Research

Based on the problems that have been identified, the research limits

this research only to tourists visiting Lake Linow in the period May - July 2019.

1.5 Benefits of Research

1.5.1 Theoretical Benefits

This research is expected to contribute to academics who want to

conduct research with the same title or relevant to this research, and provide

additional information/insight to readers regarding what factors encourage and

attract tourists to visit Lake Linow, Tomohon City.

1.5.2 Practical Benefits

Can provide information to stakeholders, in this case, the management

of Lake Linow, so that Linow Lake can be even better. This research also

indirectly promoted Lake Linow to readers, the general public and academics by

providing information relating to the discussions the writer examined.



2.1 Theory Study

2.1.1 Factors that affect tourists

Tourism is everything related to tourism, including the exploitation of

tourist objects and attractions as well as businesses related to the field, one of

which also includes recreation. Tourism is said to be an industry because it

includes hotels, restaurants, gift shops, transportation, service bureaus in the

field of travel, entertainment venues, attractions, cultural attractions, et cetera

(Ramain 1992: 3). Tourism provides treats to tourists in the form of attractions

that can be enjoyed by tourists.

Based on Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning

Tourism Chapter I General Provisions, Article 1, Paragraph 2 (2010) Tourists are

people who do tourism. Someone who wants to decide to take a tour is

influenced by several factors, namely pulling and driving factors.

The driving fact is an internal factor that motivates tourists to make

decisions that want to travel. The driving factors are generally person-specific

motivation. Attractive factors are external factors that motivate tourists to make

decisions that want to take a tour. Towing factors are destination-specific

attributes. According to Richardson and Fluker (2004: 67) the importance of push

and pull factors is as follows:

Push Factors are all the economic, social demographic,technological

and political forces that simulate a ddemand for tourism activity by ‘pushing’

consumers away from their usual placeof residence. These are the dominant

factors when people decide they want to go ‘get away from it all’, but are vague

about wher they want to go. Pull factors are those which ‘pull’ consumers towards

a particular destination (e.g. a positive image, safety, atraction, climate). Forms of

tourism are among pull factors-the destination’s offering to tourists (Richardso

and Fluker 2004:67).

In Ryan's literature review in I Gde Pitana (2005: 67-68), finding various

driving factors for someone to travel, is as follows:

1. Escape. Want to break away from the environment that is felt boring,

or saturation of daily work.

2. Relaxation. The desire for refreshment, which is also related to

motivation to escape above.

3. Play. Want to enjoy excitement, through various games, which is a

reappearance of childishness. and break away for a moment from

serious business.

4. Strengthening family bonds. Want to strengthen kinship relations.

especially in the context of VFR (Visiting Friends and Relations).

The familiarity of this kinship relationship also occurs between family

members who travel together, because togetherness is very difficult

to obtain in the daily work atmosphere in industrialized countries.

5. Prestige.

To show prestige, by visiting a destination that is also an

encouragement to improve social status or degree.Social

interaction. To be able to conduct social interactions with

colleagues, or with the local community visited.

6. Romance. The desire to meet people who can provide a romantic

atmosphere.Educational Opportunity, The desire to see something

new, study other people and / or other areas, or know other ethnic

cultures. This is the dominant driver in tourism.

7. Self-Fulfilment. The desire to find yourself (self-discovery), because

yourself can usually be found when we find a new person's

area.Wish Fulfilment. The desire to realize long-dreamed dreams, to

sacrifice themselves by saving money, so they can travel. This is

also very clear in the course of religious tourism, as part of a strong

desire or drive from within.

In addition to the presence of driving factors, there are also attractive

factors for tourists to travel. This attraction factor comes from a tourist attraction

that can offer a tourist attraction that can attract tourists to visit these attractions.

Fandeli (1995: 40-41) states that: Attractive factors are related to the presence of

tourist attractions in the area or at tourist destinations. This attraction can be in

the form of fame for objects, and is becoming news. The urge to visit friends or

family or want to see art and ongoing sporting events is also an attraction in

tourist destinations.

James J. Spillane (1997:40) convey tourist attraction factors to visit

tourist sites, namely :

1. The beauty of nature with its various variations.

2. Climate conditions..

3. Culture and attractions.

4. History and legendary.

5. Ethnicity with its tribal nature.

6. Accessibility, which is the ease of achieving it.

2.1.2 Motivation

Motivation is an important factor for tourists in making decisions

regarding tourist destinations to be visited. Tourists will perceive possible tourist

destinations, where this perception is generated by individual perceptions,

experience and information. The importance of tourist motivation in carrying out a

tour to a destination because motivation is very basic in the study of tourists and

tourism, because motivation is a trigger of the process of travel, although this

motivation is often not realized by the tourists themselves (Pitana 2005).

Because of the number, the motivation of travel is said to be common if

this motivation encourages someone just to switch places. A motivation becomes

special or selective when tourists are encouraged to mengunjungi suatu objek,

certain regions or countries or to choose a tour package or specific travel

program. Specific motivations, such as general motivation, will differ from one

person to another, this depends on what factors encourage tourists to visit a

tourist destination (Murphy 1985).

2.1.3 Danau Linow

Linouw Lake is one of the tourist attractions favored by foreign and

domestic tourists. The word Linow is taken from the Minahasa language, namely

Lilinowan, which means a gathering place for water. This destination has its own

unique charm, some of the unique features and uniqueness that exist in Lake

Linow, which is to have endemic animals such as blibis and insects called by the

locals "sayok" or "komo". These unique insects live in water but are winged and

can fly and on Lake Linow also has other unique tartic powers, namely changes

in the three colors of lake water, hot mud, sulfur, and tourists can see the color of
water that can change color to green, blue and brownish in certain

circumstances. Changes occur because sulfur elements are buried in the lake as

well as refraction and reflection of sunlight which causes the color of water on

Lake Linow to change. The uniqueness of Linouw Lake, and the fact that more

and more domestic and foreign tourists visiting the Linouw Lake tourist area have

shown greater potential to develop the Lake Linouw tourist area.

2.2 Previous Research

The results of previous studies that became a reference for the writer

and have similarities in the research in this study with the research title “THE


LINOW LAKE”. The similarity between the research from Sumarni, Zulkarnain

and I Gede Sugiyanta with the research of the writer, namely the method used is

the Descriptive Explorative Method with Accidental Sampling. The research made

by the writer is different from the previous research from the research location,

the time of data collection and the factors that encourage and attract tourists

visiting Lake Linow.

2.3 Thinking Framework

The framework of thought in research is a process to find out what

motivates tourists to visit Lake Linow. In addition, the framework of thinking

provides a solution to the problem that the writer faces. Based on these

problems, the writer will use percentage analysis. This is the frame of mind that

the writer concludes as follows:

Linow Lake



Percentage analysis

Conclusions and

Table 1: Framework: Faktor-Faktor Pendorong dan Penarik Wisatawan Berkunjung

ke Danau Linow



3.1 Research Design

The research made by the writer is descriptive design using a qualitative

approach. The research presentation will be descriptive exploratory, using

percentage analysis.

3.2 Object of Research

Travelers who come to Lake Linow during the period from May-July


3.3 Population and Sampling

3.3.1 Population

The population in this study were tourists visiting Lake Linow during the

period of May to July 2019.

3.3.2 Sampling

Travelers who were taken data were 30 people. The method of sampling this

research is by using accidental sampling techniques. Accidental Sampling is a

technique for determining samples based on coincidences, that is, consumers

who by chance / insidential meet with researchers can be used as samples, if the

viewer of the person found matches the source of data (Sugiyono 2009: 85).

3.4 Data Collection Method

The writer uses Accidental Sampling data collection techniques, then

the instruments that can be used are in the form of observation, interviews and


3.5 Data Analysis

The data analysis technique used is explorative descriptive analysis,

namely research by describing or describing clearly and in detail, about the

problem to be examined based on data from the research report. Data is then

collected and arranged according to each group, then connected with the theory

that is relevant to the problem to be examined, after which conclusions are taken.

3.6 Research Schedule

The planned research schedule of the attracting factors and drivers of

tourists visiting Lake Linow, as follows:

NO. Date/Time Line Activity Description
1. Februari 7, 2019 Title entry Submit research title
2. May 31, 2019 Proposal exam The research title
included was tasted
3. May 19, 2019 Data collection To find out the number of
4. June 6, 2019 Data collection Conducting interviews
secondary with tourist
5. June 14, 2019 Analyze data Knowing a lot of data
6. July 18, 2019 Perform thesis To complete the data that
preparation has been obtained.
7. July 27,2019 Thesis examination The data has been
obtained is tested to get
the actual result.


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