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Assessment 2 research

Exemplars are not perfect they are annotated in terms of what student did well can be improved.

Idea is your goin to realate this artcle to your kla . some articles might be moore rlevant than others.
How well you can relate it to you rkla and how you can use it to improve your eduacton practises.

As teachers our practise must be eveidence based to ensur the wellbing of our students in the most
effective way, to critically consume research can we work out the strengths and limitations of our
research. Research might have kimitations but its good research how do we relay that into our
teaching ractose combining.

Completing circle how we go about using reesrach and literare to enhace our findings. Webites gven
to find exsting lecture plan to modify it and make suggestons to it. Changing our approach based on
evidence all practises should be evidenced based and linked to good theory.

Highr grades …bring in additional literature that supports those recommndations .

Ex Smith 2017 teachers should offer scaffolding in the clsssrom ,, kla is history very directed telling
tudents what to fo , based on smith my understanding would be to use scaffolding etcc demonstrate
that ..and adding more literature more grades . research scaffolding and add more articles tht
support that idea.

Critiquw lit review strengths and limitations of the literature review .. methods to collect and define
the data ..the findings are they supportd by oother findinfs of resesrahc. And authors
recommendations ..sometimes givn a heading othr times are not depending on tge writer, some
papers aren’t so explicit so you do have to draw out the recommendations and then your goin to use
that to draw chages on a lesson plan.

Take lesson plan from the websites gven and just reference it .

just one lesson is needed or even a few elements in that lesson, scaffolding ex ..a good student will
clearly link the research of thir scaffold in line with the learning activity chosen , give an example of
what that looks like how would it appear in that activity what would the teacher do to demonstrate
it in the class, scaffolding is good but how ??? and extra research to support that approach. It is
better to do 2 or 3 recommendations and link it to your article and external resources and give
examples of how it will look in your activity.

Based on your recommendations ..based on the articles recommendations this activity is modified as

Writ up

Intro and conclusion

Point 1 ,,,,briefly introduce education issue in the article.. contextualising the importance of the issue
why bother to mak chages to this issue always linked to better student otcomes , high grades go
literature what does other literature say about your issue whats the impact f bullying on wellbeing
learning , whats the impact of not having indigenous education in classroom ,,,drop out inclusion
…no more than a paragraph
2. explain how issue is relevant within your kla identify your kla and why tgis issue is vip..indigenous
culture is underrepeseted in the history classooom,,,situate the importace of that issue within your

3. critically evaluate your chosen article … draw out stregths and limitations suprted with evidence,
use your rcommendations to inform teaching practises so present a balance of the strength of
limitations paper isn’t horrible because we gave to relate to it to inform our teaching practise . don’t
say reserahc iis completely invalid but now im goin to bas my teaching on it. Say the
recommendatuons as clearly as you can and consiice ..the rcommendtauons were and name them
out …

4.desribe the learning actvtity you chose from the websire don’t forget to reference it . teacher
needs to know about it descrivb the learning activity and screen shot the lesson plan you chose .
theyre in pdf ..still need to give explanantion of the figure and put figure 1 and give it a name and
refer it to in essay. Have screen shot to augment what your saying.

5. introducing the revisoons you would make to your activity , link your recommmedations to your
chosen activity, if your goin to say the teacher is goi to scaffold the analysis of that text give an
example of this , and additionl yo smith so and so found scaffolding producing better studnt

Conclusion and summing up

Refrence your chosen article

Textbook …for point 3 to evaluate the articles . incoprte additional literature and research. Points 1
and 2 .

Google scholar ….better than journal databases .

What ever rcommendtaions your making type It into scholar google hit research for the last 5yrs and
gather evidence and put it into your paper.

Marking criteria

You can use subheadings in your paper

1, 2 signigicance of issue and relating it to your kla .. contextualising the issue not just on your
ppaeerr what does other literature say about gap students and bullying

Key issue and lnik to kla …subheading

3. critical evaluation of smith or brown subheading…. Citing evdicne to support your strengths and

4. don’t go overboard on this part. Higher marks here for screenshots and incusion in essay.

Link your revision and learning activity clearly outlining the recommendation and how they used in
your kla and extra research paper more marks.
Subheadings keep content in place.

Gifeted and behaviousrally challenging

A case of differentiation 2 students 2 different evaluations how do we provide for both . group

Screenshot of lesson plan in the current form , its not sutable for challenging behaviousral , how can
I make it more suitsble .

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