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Sports Med

DOI 10.1007/s40279-013-0053-x


Effects of Stretching on Performances Involving

Stretch-Shortening Cycles
Heidi Kallerud • Nigel Gleeson

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013

Abstract moderate, indicating that the effect on performance might

Background Alongside its role in athletic conditioning, be limited in practice. Factors were identified that might
stretching has commonly been integrated in warm-up rou- have contributed to the conflicting results reported across
tines prior to athletic performance. Numerous studies have studies, such as type of SSC performance and carrying out
reported detrimental acute effects on strength following dynamic activity between the stretching bout and perfor-
stretching. Consequently, athletes have been recommended mance. Few studies since 2006 have addressed the chronic
to discontinue stretching as part of warm-ups. In contrast, effect of stretching on functional and sports performance.
studies indicate that chronic stretching performed as a sep- Although negative effects were not reported, robust evi-
arate bout from training or competition may enhance per- dence of the overall beneficial effects within current bib-
formance. However, the influence of stretching on complex liographic databases remains elusive. Plausible mechanisms
performances has received relatively little attention. for the observed effects from stretching are discussed, as
Objective The purpose of this study was to review both well as possible factors that may have contributed to con-
the acute and chronic effects of stretching on performances tradictory findings between studies.
involving the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). Limitations Considerable heterogeneity in study design
Methods A systematic search for literature was under- and methods makes comparison between studies chal-
taken (January 2006–December 2012) in which only ran- lenging. No regression analysis of the contribution of dif-
domized controlled trials (RCTs) or studies with repeated ferent predictors to variation between trials had previously
measures designs were included. The Physiotherapy Evi- been performed. Hence, predictors had to be selected on
dence Database (PEDro) rating scale was used for quality the basis of a qualitative analysis of the predictors that
assessment of the evidence. seemed most influential, as well as being identified in
Results The review included 43 studies, from which previous narrative reviews.
conflicting evidence emerged. Approximately half of the Conclusion Different types of stretching have differential
studies assessing the acute effect of static stretching acute effects on SSC performances. The recommended
reported a detrimental effect on performance, while the volume of static stretching required to increase flexibility
remainder found no effect. In contrast, dynamic stretching might induce a negative acute effect on performances
showed no negative effects and improved performance in involving rapid SSCs, but the effect sizes of these decre-
half of the trials. The effect size associated with static and ments are commonly low, indicating that the acute effect
dynamic stretching interventions was commonly low to on performance might be limited in practice. No negative
acute effects of dynamic stretching were reported. For
athletes that require great range of motion (ROM) and
H. Kallerud (&)  N. Gleeson
speed in their sport, long-term stretching successfully
Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,
Edinburgh EH21 6UU, UK enhances flexibility without negatively affecting perfor-
e-mail: heidi.kallerud@gmail.com mance. Acute dynamic stretching may also be effective in
N. Gleeson inducing smaller gains in ROM prior to performance
e-mail: ngleeson@qmu.ac.uk without any negative effects being observed.
H. Kallerud, N. Gleeson

1 Introduction [46, 59]. A review by Shrier [63] reported a similar extent

of decrements for both dynamic and static modes of
Activities involving stretch-shortening cycles (SSC) of stretching, whereas McHugh and Cosgrave [44] and Behm
muscular activation are intrinsic to exercise and sporting and Chaouachi [8] concluded that only certain combina-
endeavours. Antecedent stretching of muscle prior to tions of volume and intensity of pre-event stretching might
shortening provokes enhanced performance [81] in a pro- provoke decrements in SSC-related performance activities.
cess associated with the storage and release of mechanical Previous reviews have often been based on results obtained
work as elastic energy in the muscle–tendon units (MTU) from isolated indices of muscle strength, such as power or
[24]. rate of force development. The effect sizes of stretch-
The acute effect of stretching on muscle strength has induced decrements in SSC-related performance are com-
been studied extensively over the past two decades with monly smaller than decrements in performance measures
research suggesting that a single bout of stretching imme- of strength where tentative comparisons have been possible
diately prior to strength performance induces an acute [44] and this compromises extrapolation of findings to
impairment [37, 44, 65]. Similarly, reduced muscular functionally relevant and sporting performance.
power, rate of force development, peak isokinetic torque Recently published systematic reviews [37, 65] have
and diminished performance of complex movements provided sound evidence for a negative acute effect of
involving SSCs [44, 59, 63] have questioned the efficacy of static stretching. This negative effect diminishes as stretch
antecedent stretching [46]. Although the relative impor- duration reduces [37, 65]. However, little evidence exists
tance of factors such as intensity, mode of stretching and regarding the effect of other types of stretching or the
the optimal way of incorporating it into the warm-up rou- chronic effect of long-term stretching as part of flexibility
tine has yet to be fully determined in the extent of acute conditioning.
impairment that might occur [44], even detrimental effects Although a clear dose–response trend has been identi-
of 0–4 % observed in sprint and jump performance could fied as an important factor influencing the effect of acute
impact adversely on competitive outcomes [68]. By con- stretching, Kay and Blazevich [37] pointed out that further
trast, chronic effects of stretching aimed at increasing research is needed in order to clarify the factors affecting
range of motion (ROM) over an extended period appear to varying results among studies.
be beneficial to performances involving the SSC [59, 63]. There have been few previous attempts to systematically
Improved ROM due to more compliant tissue, and the investigate the contribution of potential determinants of the
enhanced ability to extend sporting movement patterns effect of stretching on performances involving the SSC.
with efficiency are considered fundamental to performance The relative importance of potential determinants such as
[86]. type and volume of stretching, its intensity and incorpo-
Expectations for performance in manoeuvres involving ration into the warm-up routine amongst other components
SSCs being enhanced by pre-event stretching to provoke of pre-event warm-up might offer an understanding of the
increased MTU compliancy and storage of elastic energy composition of optimal pre-event preparation and overall
[24, 81, 85] might be simplistic given the findings of recent conditioning practices. Conclusions drawn previously
reviews suggesting that pre-participation stretching induces might not reflect possible effects of dynamic and proprio-
an acute reduction in neuromuscular performance [44]. It is ceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching
plausible that careful marshalling of the best features of because earlier experimental trials have almost exclusively
established, beneficial chronic effects of conditioning for concentrated on static stretching [37, 44, 46, 65].
flexibility with those emerging from research involving The evidential basis for recent reviews of the literature
acute responses to pre-event stretching will facilitate has become increasingly more robust with the inclusion
optimal performance in exercise and sporting movements criteria focusing on controlled and randomized controlled
associated with SSCs. trials (RCT) with systematic quality assessment of the trials
A consensus about the adverse acute effect of pre-par- included in the review for the most part (Shrier [63]; Behm
ticipation static stretching on selected indices of neuro- and Chaouachi [8]; Simic et al. [65]; Kay and Blazewich
muscular performance, such as power and peak torque [44, [37]) but not always (Rubini et al. [59]; McHugh and
46, 59], led the American College of Sports Medicine Cosgrave [44]). Increased procedural robustness counters
(ACSM) to recommend stretching after activity rather than the potential for intrusion of bias and might offer superior
during the warm-up [3]. Early reviews attempting to interpretive rigour. Other recent reviews have offered
summarize the acute and chronic effects of stretching have narrative contributions [44, 46] which, although informa-
cautiously indicated a negative impact on performances tive, warrant interpretive caution.
involving the SSC, but these conclusions have been based Conclusive research findings might ultimately depend
necessarily on either conflicting or inconclusive evidence on the cumulative emergence of evidence from sufficient
Antecedent stretching and functional performance

numbers of studies with congruent designs, cohorts and measures or a non-stretching control group that partici-
outcome measures to warrant the appropriate use of meta- pated in the same volume of exercise as the intervention
analytical approaches. Nevertheless, there is an impetus for group. Chronic stretching interventions failing to increase
clarification of the role of various types of stretching for ROM were excluded as any potential effect on SSC per-
performance and to be able to prescribe optimal warm-up formance might not have been concomitant. Studies pub-
and flexibility regimes to athletes and those engaged in lished from January 2006 to December 2012 were eligible
exercise. This challenge is endorsed by recent reviews for inclusion and this date coincided with that of the pub-
arguing for clarification of the effect of the different types lication of a substantive systematic review involving SSC-
of stretching as part of the traditional warm-up [37]. To related outcomes and which provoked further scrutiny of
date, although other systematic reviews examining the more recent evidence in bibliographic databases. Full-text
acute effects of stretching exist, few systematic reviews publications in English or Norwegian were included.
have focused specifically on both the acute and chronic
effects of stretching as well as systematically attempting to 2.2 Search Strategy
differentiate the potential differing effects of different
types of stretching on functionally relevant and sporting A systematic search for literature was undertaken in the
events. This review also provides an exploration of the databases Cochrane, PEDro, PubMed and SPORTDiscus.
mechanisms underlying the indicated varying effects of The search terms ‘‘stretching’’ OR ‘‘flexibility’’ AND
different types of stretching. ‘‘performance’’ OR ‘‘jump’’ OR ‘‘sprint’’ OR ‘‘running’’
The aim of this paper was to critically and selectively OR ‘‘stretch-shortening cycle’’ were combined in a sys-
review the determinants for efficacy of flexibility regimes tematic sequence. Reviewers screened the titles and
as they impact on acute and longer-term responses within abstracts of all identified papers to determine those
performances involving the SSC. potentially relevant to the review. Titles and/or abstracts
were read and sorted into categories of ‘‘relevant’’,
‘‘unsure’’ or ‘‘irrelevant’’. The full manuscripts were then
2 Methods retrieved and each paper assessed for inclusion/exclusion
criteria and any doubts or disagreements were discussed
2.1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria between authors until a consensus was reached. Articles
categorised as ‘‘unsure’’ were read in full text in order to
Research involving RCTs or studies with repeated mea- avoid inadvertent exclusion of relevant studies. The refer-
sures designs in which participants served as their own ence lists of relevant articles were searched by hand for
controls were eligible for inclusion. Healthy participants further articles that were not identified in the database
aged 18–60 years old were included, irrespective of fitness searches. Articles referenced by authors online or articles
or activity level. Interventions assessing the acute or with restricted full text online were found in hardcopy form
chronic effect of static, dynamic or PNF stretching of one in library archives. The PRISMA flow chart (Fig. 1)
or more muscles of the lower limb were included. Static illustrates the process by which manuscripts were selected
stretching was defined as movement of a limb to its end and numbers involved.
ROM and maintaining the stretched position for certain
amount of time [26]. Dynamic stretching was defined as 2.3 Quality Assessment and Statistical Analyses
controlled movement through the active ROM of the joint,
often performed stationary [26]. Dynamic activities as part The Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) rating scale
of interventions were differentiated from dynamic stretch- was chosen for quality assessment of the included trials,
ing on the premises that these activities were more active because the reliability of the scale has been tested and it
and resembled the succeeding performance to a larger has been widely used to assess the quality of RCTs in
extent, e.g. walking lunges or sideways jumps. Outcome reviews [43, 55]. Maher et al. [43] found the inter-rater
measures of performances associated with the lower limb reliability of the rating of individual items and the total
and involving the SSC were used and these included sprint sum in the Pedro scale to vary between ‘‘fair’’ and ‘‘good’’
time, vertical jump height, jump length, kick velocity, or (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.40–0.75), while
distance covered during running tasks. Studies assessing Tooth et al. [72] reported good to excellent inter-rater
squat jump performance from a static starting position were reliability (ICC 0.71–0.89). None of the trials in this review
excluded on the basis that this manoeuvre can be consid- achieved the maximum score when assessed with the
ered an isometric-concentric movement [23]. For inclusion, PEDro scale, because of the difficulty with blinding the
a study needed to have within its experimental design participants and therapist to the purpose of this type of
either an appropriate control condition involving repeated intervention [63].
H. Kallerud, N. Gleeson

criteria are listed in Table 1. Five of these studies were

RCTs with between-group statistical comparison. The
remaining 38 studies were repeated measures designs. The
studies were heterogeneous in numerous methodological
aspects, many of which were further investigated to eval-
uate the influence of these differences across studies.
The methodological quality of the included studies
ranged between 3 and 7 on the PEDro scale (maximum
rating 10) (Table 1). The majority of the studies were
awarded either 5 (12 studies) or 6 points (12 studies). None
of the final selection of studies reported concealed or
blinded allocation of participants, but 38 of the 43 studies
used a repeated measures design in which all participants
undertook all of the interventions, and so lessened potential
concerns about systematic bias [55]. Only one study
reported ‘blinding’ of the assessor to the purpose of the

3.2 Acute Effect of Stretching

3.2.1 Static Stretching

Fig. 1 PRISMA flow chart
Thirty-five of the 43 studies investigated the acute effect of
static stretching on one or more types of SSC perfor-
In order to determine the magnitude of the differences mances. Vertical jump performance involving counter-
between the groups or experimental conditions, Cohen’s movements (CMJ) or drop jumps (DJ) was assessed in 21
d effect size was calculated using pooled standard devia- of these studies, of which nine found a significant decline
tions for each study that provided absolute mean data and in jump performance after a static stretching intervention
standard deviations [70]. Effect sizes of less than 0.4 rep- compared to a non-stretching control group. Small to
resented a small magnitude of change while 0.41–0.7 and moderate effect sizes were commonly reported
greater than 0.7 represented moderate and large magnitudes (d = 0.15–0.5) [9, 27, 28, 35], with one study [57]
of change, respectively [70]. reporting a large effect size of 0.85 after a relatively high
volume of stretching. No acute effect from static stretching
was observed in ten studies when compared to the non-
3 Results stretching control intervention [10, 14, 15, 18, 22, 42, 54,
61, 77, 79]. Pacheco et al. [52] was the only study that
3.1 Search Results and Quality of Included Trials reported improved performance after SS. One trial [16]
described reduced jump performance after a combination
Initially, 2,583 articles were identified in the initial sear- of passive warm-up and static stretching, but not after static
ches; 2,210 of these articles were deemed irrelevant on the stretching alone or combined with an active warm-up.
basis of the title. A further 204 studies were excluded Sprint performance was assessed in 14 of the 35 studies.
owing to irrelevant outcome measures or inadequacy of the Five studies reported no difference in sprint performance
control groups, and 123 were excluded as duplicate pub- immediately after static stretching [18, 25, 64, 67, 76], six
lications across databases. One article was identified reported reduced performance (d = 0.24–0.36) [7, 27, 38,
through the reference lists of other articles. Scrutiny of the 62, 69, 83], while the remaining study [42] reported
remaining 47 articles resulted in exclusion of another 6 improved sprint time. Agility performance was also being
trials because they did not fulfil all of the inclusion criteria. assessed in six studies [7, 18, 27, 42, 45, 75], but only one
Three of these studies lacked adequate control groups, one study [27] observed reduced performance compared to the
measured squat jump performance from a static starting control group which did not undertake static stretching.
position, another did not evaluate SSC performance and Various indicators of running economy were assessed in 4
one chronic stretching intervention failed to increase ROM. of the 35 studies, of which 3 found no change [1, 32, 47],
Lastly two more articles were identified while preparing while 1 study [82] reported impaired running performance
this manuscript. The 43 studies meeting the inclusion immediately after static stretching (d = 0.19–0.37).
Table 1 Summary of studies included in the review
Ref Author (year) Stretching method Subjects Repetitions and duration (total) Muscle Performance indicator Results Pedro
no. Activity level [minutes between stretching and test] stretched score

[1] Allison et al. SS/C 10 men 3 9 40 s 8: q, h, i, ts Running economy, hamstring ROM, CMJ : ROM SS pre to post (d = 1.06) 5/11
(2008) Recreational [3] height, stride rate, stride length ; CMJ height SS pre to post (d = 0.5)
athletes No change in RE or stride parameters
No difference in C pre to post
[7] Beckett et al. SS/C 20 men 1 9 20 s (4 min) 6: q, h, i, 20 m sprint time, agility speed : mean sprint time 0–5 m set 2 (d = 0.40) 6/11
(2009) Athletes [0] ad, ga, : mean sprint time 0–20 m set 2 (d = 0.27)
: mean total sprint time set 2 (d = 0.30)
[9] Behm and C/SS 100 %/SS 7 men 4 9 30 s (12 min) 3: q, h, ts Jump height: DJ, slow CMJ, fast CMJ, ; DJ height all SS vs. C (d = 0.22) 6/11
Kibele 75 %/SS 50 % of 3 women [5] self-selected speed CMJ, ROM ; squat jump height SS vs. C (d = 0.36)
(2007) pod
Unknown ; CMJslow height SS vs. C (d = 0.35)
; CMJself-selected height SS vs. C (d = 0.26)
Antecedent stretching and functional performance

; CMJfast height SS vs. C (d = 0.3)

No significant difference between SS
: ROM (d = 0.41)
[10] Behm, Plewe SS/DS/C 10 young men SS: 4 9 30 s 3: q, h, pf Jump height: CMJ, DJ : CMJ height DS vs. SS (d = 0.49) 6/11
et al. (2011) 8 middle-aged DS: 8 9 30 s : CMJ height DS vs. C (d = 0.43)
men [0] : DJ height DS vs. SS (d = 0.28)
Physically : DJ height DS vs. C (d = 0.05)
[13] Bradley et al. C/(CR)PNF/SS 18 men SS: 4 9 30 s 5: q 9 2, CMJ height. 0, 5, 15, 30, 45, 60 min post ; CMJ height SS vs. C 0 min 6/11
(2007) Physically PNF: 4 (25 s contract, 5 s relax) h, ad, ts stretch ; CMJ height PNF vs. C 0 min
active/ (10 min) ; CMJ height PNF vs. C 5 min
[0.5] No difference between SS and PNF. Deficit
returned to C values within 15 min
[14] Brandenburg SS/C 9 men 3 9 30 s 3: q, h, ts CMJ height, EMG (vastus lateralis, Ga) No significant difference 5/11
et al. (2007) 9 women (9 min)
Physically [1]
[15] Carvalho et al. DS/aSS/pSS/C 16 men SS: 2 9 15 s 3: h, q, ts CMJ : CMJ height DS vs. passive SS 7/11
(2012) Athletes DS: 2 9 30 s : CMJ height active SS vs. passive SS
Table 1 continued
Ref Author (year) Stretching method Subjects Repetitions and duration (total) Muscle Performance indicator Results Pedro
no. Activity level [minutes between stretching and test] stretched score

[16] Cè et al. (2008) SS/DA (C)/DA ? SS/PW/PW ? SS/NP 15 men 4 9 30 s 4: q, h, i, CMJ flight time, CMJ peak force, ; CMJ flight time PW vs. 6/11
Physically (8 min) ts CMJ maximal power DA(C)
active [1] ; CMJ flight time PW ? SS
vs. DA(C)
; CMJ peak force NP vs.
DA(C), S, DA ? SS
; CMJ peak force PW and
PW ? SS vs. DA(C)
; CMJ maximal power PW
and PW ? SS vs. DA(C)
[18] Chaouachi et al. SS pod/SS \ pod/DS/SSpod ? DS/ 19 men 2 9 30 s 5: q, h, a, 30 m sprint time, CMJ height, : sprint time DS ? SS \ pod 3/11
(2010) SS \ pod ? DS/DS ? SSpod/ Athletes [5: specific warm-up, 2: rest] i, ts 5 jump test distance, agility vs. C
DS ? SS \ pod/C (d = -0.50)
[19] Christensen and C/(CR)PNF/DS 36 men PNF: 3 reps PNF: 4: CMJ height No significant difference in 5/11
Nordstrom 32 women DS: 5 reps q, h, CMJ height after any
(2008) ad, ts intervention
Athletes [2]
DS: 8 No difference between sex
[22] Dalrymple et al. SS/DS/C 12 women SS: 3 9 15 s 4: q, h, g, CMJ height No significant difference 6/11
(2010) Athletes DS: 2 reps 9 2 set ts
(8 min)
[25] Favero et al. SS/C 10 men 2 9 45 s 4: q, h, g, Hamstring ROM, 40 m sprint : ROM SS vs. C (d = 0.25) 6/11
(2009) Recreational (12 min) ts time, peak and mean sprint No significant difference in
athletes velocity sprint performance
[26] Fletcher (2010) C/DSs/DSf 24 men 2 9 10 reps 8 CMJ height, DJ height, EMG : HR DSf vs. C (d = 3.55) 5/11
Recreational [2] (Ga, Ta, biceps femoris, vastus : HR DSs vs. C (d = 1.94)
athletes lateralis), HR, T
: T DSf and DSs vs. C
(d = 0.85)
CMJ height:
: in DSf vs. DSs (d = 0.24)
: in DSf vs. C (d = 0.29)
: EMG Ga DSf vs. C
(d = 1.56)
DJ height:
: in DSf vs. DSs (d = 0.32)
: in DSf vs. C (d = 0.53)
: in DSs vs. C (d = 0.22)
: EMG biceps femoris DSf
vs. C (d = 1.49)
: EMG vastus lateralis DSf
vs. C (d = 1.3)
H. Kallerud, N. Gleeson
Table 1 continued
Ref Author (year) Stretching method Subjects Repetitions and duration (total) Muscle stretched Performance indicator Results Pedro
no. Activity level [minutes between stretching and test] score

[27] Fletcher and Monte-Colombo SS/DS/C 20 men SS: 2 9 15 s 8: q, h, ab, ad, g, i, ga, HR, CMJ, 20 m sprint, agility : CMJ height C vs. SS 6/11
(2010) Athletes 1 9 15 s sol run (d = 0.4)
(6) [1] : CMJ height DS vs. SS
(d = 0.46)
DA: 2 9 12 reps
; sprint time DS vs. C
(d = 0.69)
; sprint time C vs. SS
(d = 0.41)
; agility run time DS vs. C
(d = 0.59)
; agility run time C vs. SS
(d = 0.31)
: HR DS and C vs. SS
Antecedent stretching and functional performance

[28] Fletcher and Monte-Colombo SS/DS/C 21 men SS: 1–2 9 15 s 8: q, h, ab, ad, g, i, ga, Jump height: CMJ, DJ HR, T, : CMJ height DS vs. SS 6/11
(2010) Athletes DS: 2 9 12 reps so EMG (d = 0.79)
[1] : CMJ height C vs. SS
(d = 0.37)
: CMJ height DS vs. C
(d = 0.39)
: DJ height DS vs. SS
(d = 0.64)
: DJ height C vs. SS (d = 0.48)
: DJ height DS vs. C
(d = 0.09)
: HR DS vs. SS and C
: HR C vs. S
: T DS vs. C and SS
: EMG DS vs. S
[32] Hayes and Walker (2007) SS/progressive SS/ 7 men 2 9 30 s 5: q, h, i, g, ts Running economy, steady No significant difference 6/11
DS/C Athletes [10] state VO2
[34] Holt and Lambourne (2008) SS/DS/E/C 64 men SS: 3 9 5 s SS: 5: q, h, i, g, l CMJ height ; CMJ height SS vs. E, DS, C 5/11
Athletes DS: 1 9 10 reps DS: 8
E: 6
Table 1 continued
Ref Author (year) Stretching method Subjects Repetitions and duration (total) Muscle stretched Performance indicator Results Pedro
no. Activity level [minutes between stretching and test] score

[35] Hough et al. DS/SS/C 11 men 1 9 30 s 5; q, h, i, g, ts VJ height, EMG ; VJ height SS vs. C (d = 0.3) 6/11
(2009) Recreational (7 min) : VJ height DS vs. C (d = 0.2)
athletes [2] ; VJ height SS vs. DS (d = 0.56)
; EMG SS vs. DS (d = 2.21)
[36] Jaggers et al. DS/C 10 men 2 9 30 s 5 CMJ height, force, power : CMJ power DS vs. C (d = 0.13) 6/11
(2008) 10 women No difference between sex
[38] Kistler et al. SS/C 18 participants SS: 30 s 4: h, ts, q 100 m sprint : sprint time SS vs. C during first 5/11
(2010) Athletes [\2] 20–40 m of 100 m sprint
(d = 0.52)
[39] Kokkonen Chronic SS/C 38 3 9 15 s (40 min), 3 9 week/ 15: q, h, ad, ab, ts, ta, external ROM, long jump distance, CMJ : ROM (d = 0.61) 5/11
et al. (2007) Sedentary 10 weeks and internal hip rotators height, 20 m sprint time : long jump distance (d = 0.07)
: CMJ jump height (d = 0.05)
; 20 m sprint time (d = 0.17)
[42] Little and SS/DS/C 18 SS: 1 9 30 s 6: q, h, i, a, g, ts CMJ height, stationary 10 m sprint ; 10 m sprint time DS vs. C 3/11
Williams Athletes DS: 1 9 60 s [4: specific warm-up, time, flying 20 m sprint time, agility (d = 0.23)
(2006) 2: rest] ; 20 m sprint time DS vs. C
(d = 0.32)
; 20 m sprint time SS vs. C
(d = 0.33)
No significant difference DS vs. SS
; agility time DS vs. C (d = 0.31)
; agility time DS vs. SS (d = 0.39)
[45] McMillian SS/DA/NP 20 cadets (men 1 9 20 s 5: g, h, i, q, ga, (?3 upper 5 step jump distance, agility speed : 5 step jump distance DA vs. NP 4/11
et al. (2006) and women) [0] body stretches) (d = 0.46)
: 5 step jump distance DA vs. SS
(d = 0.23)
: 5 step jump distance SS vs. NP
(d = 0.23)
; agility speed DA vs. NP (d = 0.26)
; agility speed DA vs. SS (d = 0.16)
[47] Mojock et al. SS/C 14 women SS: 4 reps 5: q, h, ts, i, gl 30 min running economy, ROM, HR, : ROM 7/11
(2011) Recreational Duration of stretch not stated distance covered No other significant differences
H. Kallerud, N. Gleeson
Table 1 continued
Ref Author (year) Stretching method Subjects Repetitions and duration (total) Muscle stretched Performance indicator Results Pedro
no. Activity level [minutes between stretching and test] score

[52] Pacheco et al. (2011) pSS/aSS/PNF/C 14 women pSS: 1 9 30 s 3: q, h, ts CMJ, DJ : CMJ height pre- to post-pSS (d = 0.19) 6/11
35 men aSS: 1 9 4–6 s : CMJ height pre- to post-PNF (d = 0.26)
Physically active PNF: 1 9 15 s : CMJ height pre- to post-aSS (d = 0.52)
: DJ height pre- to post-pSS (d = 0.19)
: DJ height pre- to post-PNF (d = 0.15)
: DJ height pre- to post-aSS (d = 0.36)
: CMJ height aSS vs. C (d = 0.5)
: CMJ height PNF vs. C (d = 0.52)
[53] Pearce et al. (2009) C/SS/DS 11 men SS: 2 9 30 s 5: q, h, g, i, ga CMJ height, CMJ peak ; CMJ height SS vs. DS post-stretch 6/11
2 women DS: 1–2 9 30 s (12–15 min) power, HR ; CMJ height SS vs. DS and C 0 min post 2nd
Physically active [0] warm-up
; CMJ height SS vs. DS and C 10 min post 2nd
Antecedent stretching and functional performance

; CMJ height SS vs. DS and C 20 min post 2nd
; CMJ height SS vs. DS and C 30 min post 2nd
All better at post 2nd warm-up vs. pre, but only
significant for DS and C
; HR in SS vs. DS and C
[54] Perrier et al. (2011) SS/DS-DA/C 21 men SS: 2 9 30 s SS: 7: q, h, i, ad, CMJ, ROM : CMJ height DS vs. C (d = 0.24) 6/11
Recreational DS: 2 sets ab, ts, back : CMJ height DS vs. SS (d = 0.17)
athletes DS-DA: 11 : ROM SS vs. C (d = 0.35)
: ROM DS vs. C (d = 0.41)
[56] Place et al. (2012) PNF/C 12 men PNF: 4 9 5 s (20 s) 1: q Jump height: CMJ, DJ No significant change in any parameter 6/11
Physically active ROM (knee flexion,
hip extension)
[57] Robbins and C/various volume 20 men 2 9/4 9/6 9 15 s (B15 min) 3: q, h, ts VJ height ; VJ height SS 6 sets vs. all other pre- 4/11
Scheuermann SS Athletes/ [4] interventions (d = 0.85)
(2008) recreational
[58] Ross (2007) Chronic SS/C 8 men 5 9 30 s 1: h Hamstring ROM, : ROM SS pre to post (d = 0.89) 5/11
5 women 7 9 week/15 days SHDT : SHDT SS pre to post (d = 0.27)
Physically active
[61] Samuel et al. (2008) SS/C 12 women 3 9 30 s 2: q, h CMJ height, torque, ; power SS vs. C 5/11
12 men (1,5 min) power
Physically active [0,5]
Table 1 continued
Ref Author (year) Stretching method Subjects Repetitions and duration (total) Muscle stretched Performance indicator Results Pedro
no. Activity level [minutes between stretching and test] score

[62] Sayers et al. SS/C 17 women 3 9 30 s 3: q, h, ts 30 m sprint time (total, acceleration : total sprint time 5/11
(2008) Athletes [1] phase, maximal-velocity phase) (d = 0.36)
: time in acceleration
phase (d = 0.36)
: time in maximal-
velocity phase
(d = -0.44)
[64] Sim et al. (2009) DA-C/DA-SS/SS-DA 13 men 2 9 20 s 4: q, h, ga, so 20 m sprint time : total sprint time 3rd set 5/11
Athletes [3] DA-SS vs. DA-C
(d = -0.58)
No other significant
[67] Stewart et al. SS only/warm-up 14 2 9 45 s 4: q, h, i, ts 40 m sprint time No significant difference 3/11
(2007) only (C)/C ? SS/ Athletes (12 min)
[69] Taylor et al. SS-DA/DS-DA/C 11 men SS: 2 9 30 s 5: q, h, g, i, ga 40 m sprint : sprint time C vs. SS- 4/11
(2012) Athletes DS: 1–2 9 30 s DA
(12–15 min)
[75] Van Gelder and SS/DS/C 60 men: SS: 1 9 30 s SS: 7: h, q, i, ga, ad, ab, Agility run time ; agility run time DS vs. 7/11
Bartz (2011) 18 athletes, 42 DS: 1 9 8–20 reps g ? 4 abdominal stretches SS (d = 0.81)
recreational DS: 14 exercises ; agility run time DS vs.
athletes C (d = 0.83)
[76] Wallmann et al. SS/DS/C 16 men SS: 2 9 15 s 1: i 37 m sprint time ; sprint time C pre to 6/11
(2010) 9 women DS: 2 9 15 s post
Recreational [\1] No other significant
athletes differences
[77] Wallmann et al. DA-SS/DA-C 7 women 3 9 30 s 1: ga CMJ flight time, EMG No significant difference 4/11
(2008) 6 men (1.5 min)
Physically active
[79] Werstein and SS/DS/C 15 women SS: 3 9 30 s 4: g, h, q, DJ flight time : DJ flight time DS vs. 5/11
Lund (2012) Athletes DS: 3 9 10 reps SS
: DJ flight time DS vs. C
[82] Wilson et al. SS/C 10 men 4 9 30 s 5: q, h, i, g, ts Kcal expenditure, distance, 60 min : kcal expenditure 5/11
(2010) Athletes (16 min) run, ROM (d = 0.37)
; distance covered
(d = 0.19)
: ROM (d = 0.17)
H. Kallerud, N. Gleeson
Antecedent stretching and functional performance

3.2.2 Dynamic Stretching

ab abductors, ad adductors, aSS active static stretching, C control, CMJ countermovement jump, CR(PNF) contract-relax PNF, DA dynamic activity, DJ drop jump, DS dynamic stretching, DSs dynamic stretching slow, DSf
dynamic stretching fast, E exercises, EMG electromyography, ga gastrocnemius, g gluteus muscles, h hamstrings, HR heart rate, i iliopsoas, l lower back, NP no preparation, PNF proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, pod
point of discomfort, pSS passive static stretching, PW passive warm-up, q quadriceps femoris, reps repetitions, ROM range of motion, s seconds, SHDT single hop for distance test, so soleus, SS static stretching, T core



Twenty studies investigated the acute effect of dynamic
: 20–40 s sprint time (d = 0.10)

No significant difference in DJ
: ROM PNF vs. C (d = 1.19)
stretching on performance. Two measured running perfor-
: total sprint time (d = 0.24,

: ROM DS vs. C (d = 0.63)

: energy cost after DS vs. C
: ROM SS vs. C (d = 1.33)

within or between groups

mance, 15 investigated jump performance, agility was
tested in 2 studies, and 5 measured sprint time. Dynamic
stretching had no acute effect on performance in eight
studies. One study [18] found diminished performance

(d = 0.4)
when dynamic stretching was combined with static

3 %)

stretching, while another study [88] reported reduced run-

ning economy when compared to no stretching. Ten studies
30 min running energy cost, distance covered

reported improved performance when comparing dynamic

stretching with a control group which participated in the
during 30 min running, HR, ROM

same amount of exercises but no stretching. Effect sizes of

Hamstring ROM, DJ flight time

these improvements ranged from low to moderate

(d = 0.05–0.53), while one study [27] reported a high
effect size of 0.69. Dynamic stretching had a beneficial
Performance indicator

effect on agility speed compared to static stretching in two

40 m sprint time

trials [42, 75] but offered no effect in another [18].

The acute effect of PNF stretching was only assessed in
four studies and all measured vertical jump performance.
Results showed significantly diminished performance in
two studies [13, 52], while no difference was observed in
5: q, h, g, i, ts (in total

the remaining two studies [19, 56].

10 movements)
Muscle stretched

4: q, h, g, ts

3.3 Chronic Effect of Stretching

2: h, ts

temperature, ta tibialis anterior, ts triceps surae, VJ vertical jump, VO2 oxygen uptake, : increase, ; decrease

Three studies have assessed the chronic effect of stretching

on performance since 2006. One study [87] involving
[minutes between stretching and test]

dynamic stretching found no effect on jump performance,

Repetitions and duration (total)

PNF: 10 s stretch, 5 s contract.

while two trials [39, 58] reported improved jump perfor-

mances in response to dynamic and static stretching,
4 9 week/6 weeks

respectively. These observations were associated with low

3 9 30 s (10 min)

effect sizes (d = 0.07–0.27) compared to pre-intervention

DS: 2 9 4 reps
SS: 4 9 30 s

performance. One study also showed enhanced sprint per-

formance after chronic stretching (d = 0.17).
Activity level

4 Discussion
11 women



11 men

28 men

14 men

4.1 Acute Effects of Stretching

This review could not confirm that stretching in general is

Stretching method

detrimental to performance involving the SSC as consid-

Chronic SS/

erable conflict emerged from the bibliographic evidence.

Approximately half of the studies that investigated the

acute effect of static stretching reported impaired perfor-

mance, while the remaining studies found no effect. Fur-
Table 1 continued

Kaya (2007)
et al. (2008)

Zourdos et al.
Author (year)

Yuktasir and

thermore, the low to moderate effect sizes of those studies



reporting decrements in performance following static

stretching suggest a muted impact in practice unless the
highest level of sporting endeavours are being considered.



It was notable that the studies were methodologically

H. Kallerud, N. Gleeson

heterogeneous in various aspects of their protocols that on SSC performance. The detrimental effect of stretching
might have provoked volatility amongst findings. might depend on the characteristics of the performance
Interestingly, diminished performance was only reported being measured [81]. Behm and Chaouachi [8] stated in
in one [88] of the studies that investigated the acute effect their review that performances involving longer SSC will
of dynamic stretching. However, the reported increased not be affected by stretching to the same degree as short
energy cost following dynamic stretching was in this study duration SSC performances. This suggestion is supported
explained by a higher initial heart rate after the intervention by the findings of this review. Two studies [1, 32] reported
when starting the performance test [88]. Earlier reviews reduced CMJ height after static stretching, while long-
have suggested that dynamic stretching enhances perfor- distance running performance remained unchanged. Long-
mance [44]. In the current review more than half of distance running involves slower SSCs compared to
the studies review reported enhanced performance, while explosive performances such as sprinting and jumping that
the remaining studies found no effect. Effect sizes of the require maximal force generation [1]. Fletcher [26]
observed benefits following dynamic stretching were low observed greater beneficial acute effects of dynamic
to moderate when compared to the control intervention. stretching on jump performances that involved fast velocity
However, many studies reported a beneficial effect from SSCs, compared to those of slower SSCs. It was hypoth-
dynamic stretching when compared to static stretching, esised that rapid SSCs rely more on storage and release of
which commonly was associated with larger effect sizes elastic energy than SSCs of longer ground-contact times
[10, 15, 27, 28, 34, 35, 53, 54, 75, 79]. For example, Hough and slower transition between phases. It was further
et al. [35] reported low effect size for the detrimental and hypothesised that rapid transitions induce a greater
beneficial effects of static and dynamic stretching respec- stretching velocity and thereby increases activity of stretch-
tively when compared to control, but a moderate effect size induced reflexes [26]. Changes in series elastic component
of 0.56 when the two stretching types were compared. (SEC) stiffness after static stretching have been observed
Similarly a large effect size was seen in Fletcher and only at loading levels close to maximum voluntary con-
Monte-Colombo [28] when comparing dynamic stretching traction (MVC), while no differences in stiffness were
to static stretching, while moderate effect sizes were seen evident at loads that were lower than 70 % of MVC [80].
when comparing static or dynamic stretching to the control Force output during long-distance running might therefore
intervention. Hence, the choice of stretching method prior be too low for the inhibitory effect of static stretching to be
to performance might therefore have an impact on perfor- apparent. In contrast, Wilson et al. [82] observed reduced
mance, especially in sports where only minor differences in running performance after static stretching in which par-
capability ultimately determine success. ticipants were asked to run as fast as possible for 30 min.
The ability of dynamic stretching to increase ROM has The self-regulated running task might have nevertheless
earlier been considered limited [6, 44]. However, both provoked sufficient bursts of speed to have simulated
Zourdos et al. [88] and Perrier et al. [54] observed sprint-related SSCs. Stretching prior to performance might
enhanced ROM after dynamic stretching interventions. therefore have different effects on various types of per-
These findings were associated with moderate effect sizes, formances because of inherent reliance on specific char-
indicating that dynamic stretching might induce a clinically acteristics of storage and release of elastic energy.
significant increase in ROM and prove to be applicable in Stretching is also commonly included in warm-ups before
pre-participation warm-ups aimed at enhancing flexibility. experimental trials investigating the effect of various
It was notable that stretching appears to moderate the interventions on indices of muscle performance and idio-
patterns of neuromuscular activation amongst the studies syncratic neuromuscular responses to stretching and sub-
that were reviewed. For example, electromyographic sequent exercise stress might bias the measurement of
(EMG) records remained unchanged when no effect on outcome measures. For example, performing a short bout
performance was observed after an intervention [14] of dynamic activity between stretching and performance
whereas in two studies [28, 35] static stretching was seems to diminish the acute negative effect of static
associated with reduced EMG activity during CMJ com- stretching. One study [53] observed that decrements after
pared to performance after dynamic stretching. Similarly, static stretching diminished after a second warm-up. Sim-
Fletcher [26] found increased EMG activity accompanied ilarly, no effect was seen in studies where a second warm-
by very large effect sizes (d = 1.3–2.21) for increased up was performed between stretching and performance [18,
CMJ performance after dynamic stretching when compared 42].
to control. High volumes of static stretching have been correlated
In accordance with the findings of the review by Rubini with reduced performance [8, 37, 44, 65]. A stretching
et al. [59], studies included in this review provided con- duration of 60–90 s has been found to impair performance,
flicting evidence concerning the acute effect of stretching while 30 s of static stretching does not influence
Antecedent stretching and functional performance

performance [8, 37, 44, 65]. Evidence of a dose–response was reported by three studies [26, 28, 35] indicating neu-
trend receives further support in this review. Robbins and romuscular adaptations. The H-reflex is a measure of
Scheuermann [57] specifically investigated different vol- motoneuronal excitability and transmission capacity from
umes of static stretching and found that only the highest Ia afferents in muscle spindles to motoneurons [30]. Sev-
volume resulted in performance decrements. Across the eral authors [4, 5, 78] have observed suppression of the
studies included in this review a total stretch duration of H-reflex after static stretching. The acute reduction in EMG
5–6 min consistently resulted in reduced performance, with activity associated with performance decrements observed
only a few exceptions, e.g. when stretching was followed by Hough et al. [35] could be explained by inhibition of
by dynamic activity. Static stretching volumes of myoelectric potentiation [20].
1.5–4 min commonly showed no effect on SSC-related It has been suggested that reduced H-reflex response
performance. Stretching interventions in which a muscle could be explained by reflex inhibition induced by the
was stretched for 2 min or more also consistently resulted Golgi tendon organ (GTO) reflex [20, 31]. This reflex
in reduced SSC-related performance and this finding is inhibits agonist activity and force production as a response
largely congruent with recent recommendations for short- to lengthening [17]. However, a very intense stretch is
duration static stretching (\1.5 min) to avoid compromised necessary to elicit the GTO reflex, and the discharge rarely
performance [8, 37, 65]. These findings imply that a certain continues after the stretching stimuli has been removed
volume of stretching is required to induce stretch-induced [17]. The GTO reflex is therefore unlikely to cause longer-
strength loss. It could be speculated that this effect might lasting effects on performance following stretching. How-
be more pronounced when stretching a large number of the ever, muscle spindles respond to stretching by initiating the
muscles that are involved in the activity. myotatic stretch reflex [2]. Stretching may desensitize the
It is believed that high MTU stiffness enhances the muscle spindles through alterations in the mechanical
ability of the SEC to produce work [20]. Static stretching properties of the MTU, hence reducing the activity of
reduces MTU stiffness and might thereby also reduce the group I and II afferents and reflex activity [5, 78]. Ensuing
elastic potentiation produced during the stretch phase. A reductions to excitation of the alpha motoneuron pool
high volume of static stretching is likely to reduce MTU would lead to reduced muscle stimuli and reflexive con-
stiffness to a greater extent than lower stretching volumes. tribution to force production [4]. This hypothesis is sup-
Altered MTU compliance has been considered as one of ported by Hough et al.’s [35] finding of lowered EMG
the primary mechanisms underpinning stretch-induced activity and reduced jump performance following static
strength loss, possibly resulting in both neural and stretching, indicating reduced activation of motoneurons
mechanical mechanisms purported to reduce performance [4, 5, 78].
[59]. It has been hypothesised that static stretching reduces Research on electromechanical delay (EMD) and rate of
performance through alterations of the length–tension force development (RFD) further supports the hypotheses
relationship in the stretched muscle. Altered the length– that static stretching-induced performance decrements are
tension relationship following stretching has been found to related to MTU stiffness. EMD is affected by the amount of
affect force-generating capacity [4, 59, 78]. The lengthened slack in the SEC that must be taken up in order to transmit
muscle will subsequently be at a shorter and less than force to the skeletal muscles. Increased MTU stiffness
optimal length for force production when returned to the enhances force transmission and thereby reduces EMD.
same joint angle after stretching [29]. This theory might be Static stretching reduces MTU stiffness by increasing the
applicable to force generation during isometric contrac- elasticity and reducing viscosity [41, 60]. Costa et al. [21]
tions, but has less impact on the patterns of force genera- recorded prolonged EMD after 20 min of static stretching,
tion associated with a range of joint angles during dynamic which was associated with a reduction in peak twitch force.
activities. EMD is inversely related to RFD [74], and Oliveira et al.
It has also been hypothesised that altered MTU prop- [50] observed reduced RFD in the late phase of muscle
erties through static stretching inhibit myoelectrical contraction after a bout of static stretching. MTU stiffness
potentiation, through changes in reflex activity. The accounts for much of the variance in RFD measured during
eccentric phase of an SSC generates myoelectric potenti- the late phase [50], which suggests that reduced MTU
ation, which causes an increase in muscle activation for the stiffness can reduce RFD during muscle contraction. Thus,
subsequent concentric contraction [27]. For example, the reduced MTU stiffness following stretching could lead to
increased jump height during CMJ compared to squat jump increased EMD and reduced RFD, and negatively influence
has been attributed to myoelectrical potentiation, because SSC performances through the diminished rate at which
increased EMG activity has been recorded during the force is initiated and subsequently developed [21].
concentric phase of the CMJ compared to squat jump [12]. A meta-analysis by Simic et al. [65] revealed that the
In this review altered EMG activity following stretching negative acute effect of static stretching was evident
H. Kallerud, N. Gleeson

regardless of sex. The data in this review did not facilitate movements [71]. However, very few studies have investi-
inference about sex differences in the acute responses to gated neuromuscular output, such as H-reflex response and
stretching. Only two studies [19, 36] investigated the twitch force, following voluntary contractions together
influence of sex but found neither significant acute with subsequent measures of dynamic performance [33,
responses to stretching nor sex differences. This was pos- 71]. A more modest potentiation is reported after sub-
sibly due to a low stretching volume compared to what was maximal compared to electrically stimulated or maximal
frequently associated with stretch-induced strength loss in effort muscle contractions [51, 66]. The potentiating effect
this review. Winter and Brookes [84] observed that females of pre-performance muscle contraction seems to become
had higher EMD latencies than men with hypothesised more prominent with increasing levels of contraction [51].
concomitant sex-specific differences in musculotendinous Differences in the level of muscle activation caused by
elasticity. Longer reflex activity following a stretch stim- variations in the dynamic stretching exercises chosen in the
ulus is commonly seen in individuals with stiffer MTUs included studies could therefore be a plausible factor
[2]. Tendencies for altered reflex activity after stretching contributing to the conflicting results. A volume effect
are also mainly seen in ‘‘stiffer’’ subject [2]. Men could linked to the balance between PAP and fatigue following
therefore be more susceptible to altered reflex activity as a dynamic stretching has also been demonstrated [73]. If the
response to stretching. Morse [49] observed greater muscle volume of dynamic stretching is too high, the effect on
stiffness in males compared to females, and proposed that performance of PAP might be overruled by fatigue [73].
this difference was due to viscoelastic properties. These Therefore, further studies investigating the optimal amount
physiological mechanisms might ultimately be shown to of dynamic stretching required to enhance performance are
determine differences in acute responses to stretching warranted.
amongst men and women once the requisite volume and Performance benefits following dynamic stretching
quality of evidence become available. could also be temperature related [26]. Three studies
Only two studies [13, 19] addressed the acute effects of recorded increased heart rate and elevated core temperature
PNF stretching on SSC-related performance, of which one following dynamic stretching compared to control or static
observed a negative effect. It is therefore difficult to stretching [26, 28, 53]. Heart rate and concomitant
determine if PNF has a consistent impact on performance, increases in blood flow could allow subsequent perfor-
but neither evidence from this nor earlier reviews have mance to begin with elevated levels of rate of oxygen
reported a beneficial effect. Since PNF increases ROM and uptake and the potentiation of muscle performance [11]. It
MTU compliance to a similar extent as static stretching is plausible that dynamic stretching increases performance
[19, 87], it is plausible that depending on the type of SSC- through mechanisms related to body temperature and heart
related performance, PNF and static stretching might be rate that might not be evident after a passive period of
expected to provoke similar acute detrimental adaptations static stretching or a control intervention. If dynamic
The ability of dynamic stretching to increase flexibility stretching enhances performance through these mecha-
is considered to be smaller than what is obtained through nisms the considerably different types of dynamic stretches
static stretching [6, 44]. Hence, detrimental effects of used in interventions might have contributed to the varying
dynamic stretching could be less likely to occur plainly results regarding the acute effect of dynamic stretching. For
because changes in MTU stiffness do not occur to the same example, while some interventions involved stationary
extent as after static stretching. This concurs with the lar- rhythmic movements, others involved more dynamic
gely equivocal findings from this review in which 8, 2 and movements that simulated parts of the sport. Bishop [11]
9 studies showed no effect, reduced and improved (low to found that activity at C40 % of maximal oxygen uptake
moderate effect size) countermovement jumping perfor- (VO2 max) and higher is necessary to induce temperature-
mance, respectively. It has been suggested that perfor- related performance benefits. It is thereby plausible that the
mance of muscle contractions during dynamic stretching interventions involving more dynamic forms of stretching
could induce post-activation potentiation (PAP). Previ- would increase body temperature and heart rate to a greater
ously, PAP has commonly been studied mainly following extent, thereby further potentiating performance. It has also
electrically stimulated, maximal or near maximal voluntary been hypothesised that dynamic stretching enhances neu-
contractions [33]; however, in recent years potentiating romuscular control and muscle activation owing to its
effects of submaximal contractions have also been reported characteristics involving practising task-specific move-
[48, 66]. In this review two studies found increased EMG ments similar to the particular sport [11]. Increased EMG
activity following dynamic stretching. PAP has been found activity during jump performance following dynamic
to increase RFD of isometric force [33]. This could plau- stretching compared to control was observed in two studies
sibly increase power output during explosive dynamic [26, 36], which might suggest increased neuromuscular
Antecedent stretching and functional performance

activation. If dynamic stretching enhances neuromuscular 5 Practical Applications and Conclusions

control and activation, the equivocal results in this review
for the acute effect of dynamic stretching could be further This review has shown that different types of stretching
explained by the different types of dynamic stretches used have differential acute effects on SSC performances. The
across studies. recommended volume of static stretching required to
increase flexibility might induce a negative acute effect on
4.2 Chronic Effects of Stretching performances involving rapid SSCs, but results of biblio-
graphic analysis since 2006 were inconsistent. Further-
In accordance with the review by Rubini et al. [59] no more, the effect size of these decrements was commonly
negative effects on SSC performances were reported fol- low, indicating that the acute effect on performance might
lowing long-term stretching. All three RCTs involved static be limited in practice. Stretching volume, type of SSC
[39, 58, 87] or PNF stretching interventions [87], all of performance and dynamic activity between the stretching
which were successful in increasing ROM, showing mod- bout and performance are variables that may contribute to
erate to large effect sizes (d = 0.61–1.33). Despite the the differing results seen across trials. No negative acute
belief that improved flexibility following long-term effects of dynamic stretching were reported, but only about
stretching will enhance running speed by increasing stride half of the studies reported improved performance.
length [2], only two [39, 58] studies reported improved Dynamic stretching has the potential to induce sufficient
SSC-related performance, while one found no effect [87]. gains in ROM, but too high volume presents a risk of
Furthermore, the effect sizes of the reported performance fatigue. Until further research on the optimal volume of
enhancements were small (d = 0.05–0.27). It is interesting dynamic stretching is presented, athletes that require great
to speculate that amongst the myriad of determinants of the ROM and speed in their sport are recommended to engage
effects of stride length on SSC performance, proper tech- in long-term stretching to successfully enhance flexibility
nique in particular is required to make use of a greater without negatively affecting performance. However, since
ROM [2]. Participants’ varying capabilities in this respect the extent of acute effects of stretching generally were
might have contributed to heterogeneity of response to limited, coaches and athletes should evaluate the impor-
chronic stretching noted in this review. Nonetheless, since tance of both ROM and speed when designing conditioning
no detrimental effects have been reported, long-term regimes for flexibility and warm-up.
stretching might remain as a safe way to increase ROM Further investigation of the hierarchy of importance
without negatively affecting performance, and especially in associated with potential determinants of heterogeneity
sports where flexibility is crucial. amongst the findings of studies in this review is warranted
It has been suggested that long-term stretching could for both acute and chronic effects of stretching. Trials using
enhance performance through altered MTU hysteresis. appropriate experimental design sensitivity and focusing
Hysteresis refers to energy loss in viscoelastic structures attention on the responses of females under varying vol-
during repeated loading and unloading of the tissue [2, 40]. umes and intensities of stretching, including PNF, are
Lost energy is converted into heat, while efficient reuse of warranted in order to further investigate the extent to which
energy increases the elastic recoil that contributes to stretch-induced strength loss is influenced by sex. In col-
mechanical work [2]. Kubo et al. [40] found reduced lating evidence from RCTs since 2006, this review has
hysteresis after a period of stretching which significantly identified the increasing need within RCTs for acute and
increased flexibility, while no change in muscle strength chronic stretching interventions that offer ecological
was observed. They hypothesised that increased compli- validity and better reflect the styles of flexibility condi-
ance enhanced the MTUs ability to store and release elastic tioning used in contemporary practice, together with the
energy, hence facilitating the concentric phase of the SSC. routine recording of ROM and properties of MTU stiffness
Guissard and Duchateau [30] observed decreased maximal to facilitate the understanding of mechanisms of change.
H/M ratio after a stretching intervention lasting 6 weeks.
No change in M-wave response was observed, indicating Acknowledgments No funding was received for this work. There
are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication.
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