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1) Placid

a. Calm , peaceful
b. Calm , tranquil , still , unemotional.
c. Not easily upset or excited.
d. A placid person does not often get angry or upset and does not usually mind doing what
other people want them to.
i. A large, placid baby.
ii. She sat still, placid and waiting.
2) Remuneration
a. Payment for work done .
b. Payment , pay , salary , wages.
3) Hysterical
a. Uncontrollably emotional.
b. Anne became hysterical and began screaming.
4) Slob
a. A lazy and slovenly person.
5) Splurge
a. An act of spending money freely or extravagantly.
6) Imposter
a. A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for
fraudulent gain.
b. The nurse was soon discovered to be an imposter.
7) Wuss
a. A Wuss is a guy who is weak, indecisive and insecure .
b. Sexy women aren’t attracted to wussies.
8) Casual
a. Happening by chance; fortuitous.
b. A casual meeting .
c. A fortuitous encounter.
9) Plunge
a. Jump or dive quickly and energetically.
b. Plunge the knife in you back.

10) Escort
a. A person, vehicle, or group accompanying another for protection or as a mark of rank
b. A police escort .
c. Synonyms  Guard , bodyguard , protector, safeguard, defender, minder
11) Associate
a. A partner or companion in business or at work.
b. A close associate of the Minister.
c. Synonyms partner, colleague, co-worker, workmate, comrade, friend, ally, supporter,
12) Stoolie
a. Short for stool pigeon.
b. A police informer.
c. A person acting as a decoy.
13) Bust
a. A woman’s chest as measured around her breasts.
b. A 36-inches bust.
c. Synonyms chest bosom, breasts.
14) Nerve
a. Brace oneself mentally to face a demanding situation.
b. She nerved herself to enter the room.
c. Synonym brace oneself.
15) Babble
a. Talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.
b. They babbled on about their holiday.
16) Incomprehensible
a. Not able to be understood; not intelligible.
17) Spade
a. Noun A tool with a sharp-edge, typically rectangular, metal blade and a long handle,
used for digging or cutting earth, sand etc.
b. Verb  dig over ( ground ) with a spade.
c. While spading the soil, I think of the flowers.
18) Ain’t
a. Informal
b. Contraction  am not; are not; is not.
c. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
d. Has not; have not.
e. They ain’t got nothing to say.
19) Resurrection
a. The act of rising from the dead.
20) Punk
a. A worthless person ( often used as a general term of abuse).
b. You think any of these punks they got fighting today could stand up to joe lousi?
21) Hassle
a. Irritating inconvenience.
b. The hassle of child care
c. Synonyms  inconvenience , brother, problem annoyance , irritation
22) Conservative
a. They were very conservative in their outlook.
b. Synonyms traditional, conventional, old-fashioned.
23) Fraudulent
a. Obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception.
24) Profusely
a. Abundantly: in an abundant manner;
b. They were abundantly supplied with food
c. He thanked her profusely
25) Souvenir
a. A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.
26) Banter
a. The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
27) Mediocre
a. Of only moderate quality; note very good.
28) Oblivion
a. The state of being completely forgotten or unknown:
b. A former movie star now in oblivion
c. The state of forgetting or of being oblivious:
d. The oblivion of sleep
29) Drought
a. A long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to
30) Miscreant
a. A bad person who causes trouble, hurts people etc.
31) Deliberately
a. Done in a way that is intended or planned on purpose, intentionally.
b. He deliberately upset her.
c. Done or said in a slow careful way:
32) Mockery
a. Teasing and contemptuous language or behavior directed at a particular person or
33) Shattered
a. Adjective
b. Very upset
c. He was said to be absolutely shattered after losing his job.
34) Repatriate
a. Send (someone ) back to their own country
35) Miniature
a. Adjective
b. Very small of its kind
c. Noun
d. A thing that is much smaller than normal, especially a small replica or model
e. Seven full-size car bodies and three miniatures were used.
36) Propriety
a. Conformity to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals.
b. He always behaved with the utmost propriety.
37) Redeem
a. Compensate for the faults or bad aspects of.
38) Despicable
a. Adjective
b. Deserving hatred and contempt
c. A despicable crime .
39) Fugitive
a. A person who has escaped from captivity or is in hiding
b. Fugitives from justice .
c. Synonyms  escapee, runaway
40) Trinket
a. A small ornament or item of jewellery that is of little value.
41) Ought
a. Verb
b. Used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions.
c. They ought to respect the law.
42) Slender
a. Adjective
b. ( of a person or part of the body ) gracefully thin.
c. Her slender neck.
d. ( of something abstract ) barely sufficient in amount or basis.
e. People of slender means.
f. Synonyms  limited , slight , modest , scanty , small , little , inadequate , insufficient
43) Prosecute
a. Verb
b. To institute legal proceedings against ( a person ) .
c. To seek to enforce or obtain by legal process.
d. To conduct criminal proceedings in court against.
44) Incantation
a. The chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power.
45) Purport
a. Verb ( used with object )
b. To present
c. A document purporting to be official.
46) Prostation
a. Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin ( prepuce ) from the human
47) Diaspora
a. The spreading of people from a national group or culture to other areas:
i. The African diaspora
ii. Muslim diaspora
48) Sporadic
a. Happening fairly often, but not regularly.
b. SYN  intermittent
i. There has been sporadic violence downtown.
ii. The fighting continued sporadically for several days.
49) Escort s
a. A group of persons, or a single person, accompanying another or others for protection,
guidance, or courtesy:
i. An escort of sailors accompanied the queen.
50) Alleged
a. An alleged crime, fact etc is one that someone says has happened or is ture, although it
has not been proved.
i. There alleged involvement in international terrorism .
ii. The alleged victim made the complaint at a police station in New York.
51) Subsequently
a. After an event in the past
i. The book was subsequently translated into 15 languages.
52) Consensual

con‧sen‧su‧al formal
1 involving the agreement of all or most people in a group:
a consensual style of management
2 consensual sexual activity is wanted and agreed to by the people involved
1 [uncountable] protection given to someone by a government because they have
escaped from fighting or political trouble in their own country
apply for/seek/be granted asylum
He has been granted asylum in France

Castration  removal of the testicles , cause sterilization

When you spit towards the sky you get your own faces battered.
I pay my respect to pashtoon brothers and sisters and all those who respect all others without any


1) Disciple
Meaning: Follower: a disciple of Freud.
2)Deliberate(‫)غور و خوض کرنا ۔ جان بوجھ کر ۔ ۔‬
Meaning==>♣Characterized by deliberation; careful or slow in deciding: a deliberate decision.
Deliberate destruction of any holy book is abhorrent
♣carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional , a deliberate lie.
Meaning==>causing repugnance; detestable; loathsome: an abhorrent deed.
Meaning==> boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted: a valiant soldier.
magnanimous (generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or
vindictiveness: to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.)

Meaning==>A formal agreement between two or more states in reference to peace, alliance,
commerce, or other international relations.
Meaning: standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable:
7)Don (2nd donned / donning)
Meaning: To put on or dress in: to don one's clothes.
8 megalomania
Meaning: A symptom of mental illness marked by delusions of greatness, wealth,

9 sever
Meaning: To separate (a part) from the whole, as by cutting or the like.
10 booty
Meaning: spoil taken from an enemy in war; plunder; pillage.

11 Formidable
Meaning: causing fear, apprehension, or dread: a formidable opponent.

12 cede
Meaning ==>to yield or formally surrender to another: to cede territory.
13 Manly
14 snub
Meaning ==> To treat with disdain or contempt, especially by ignoring.
Pakistani players were snubbed by the IPL
15 Topple
Meaning ==>To fall forward, as from having too heavy a top; pitch; tumble down.
16. Oust
Meaning:To expel or remove from a place or position occupied
17 Mitigate
Meaning ==> To lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.
18 Despondent
==> feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection,discouragement, or gloom:
despondent about failing health.
18 succumb (‫)مغلوب ھو جانا ۔ مر جانا ۔ شکست مان لینا‬
Meaning ==> To give way to superior force; yield: to succumb to despair.
19 Epitomizes (‫) خالصہ کرنا ۔ لُب لباب پیش کرنا ۔ نمونہ بننا ۔‬
Meaning ==> to contain or represent in small compass; serve as a typical example of; typify:
This meadow epitomizes the beauty ofthe whole area.
20 Depict (‫) تصویر کھینچنا۔ رنگوں میں شبیہہ بنانا۔ الفاظ میں تشریح کرنا۔ بیان کرنا۔‬
Meaning ==>♣ To represent by or as if by painting; portray; delineate.
♣ To represent or characterize in words; describe.
21 turmoil
Meaning ==> A
state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance;tumult; agitation; disquiet:
mental turmoil caused by difficult decisions.

22 Provoked (‫)مشتعل کرنا ۔ غصے پر اکسانا ۔ غصہ دالنا ۔ للکارنا ۔ جیسے ُبھوک کو ۔‬
Meaning . Incited, especially deliberately, to anger. "the provoked animal attacked the
Unprovoked ( ‫سبَب‬ َ ‫جہ ۔ بے‬ َ ‫) بے اِشتعال ۔ بِال کِسی اِشتعال کے ۔ بِال َو‬
Ex. Political Agent Atif Rehman accused the ANA and Nato forces of an unprovoked
23 Clan ‫چھوٹا قبیلہ ۔ برادری ۔ خاندان‬
24 hierarchies : ‫پیشوا ۔ مذہیبی رہنما ۔ پیر ۔ شیخ ۔‬
25 Scam
26 dampen
Meaning to make wet
27) In vain
Ex But the sacrifice of these innocent pukhtton won't go in vain.
29 Genocide
Meaning. The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or
cultural group.
30 atrocity
♣ The quality or state of being atrocious.
♣ An atrocious act, thing, or circumstance.
Meaning: ♣extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal: an atrocious crime.
♣shockingly bad or tasteless; dreadful; abominable: an atrocious painting;
atrocious manners.
40 Revival
Restoration to life , strength , restoration to use , acceptance .
Th revival of old customs.
41) Gesture
Meaning .
Movement , any action courtesy communication e.t.c intended for the effect or
A gesture of friendship.
I really liked this gesture by them.
42) Suspicious .
Meaning: Questionable , inclined to suspect .
Suspicious behaviour .
incredulous(unbelieving , skeptical)
Incredulous .
I looked on , incredulous, as my mom punched the principal in the nose.
It was an incredulous stare that I gave my boy friend when he presented four lovely flower to
me .
43) Disrupt.
Meaning .
To cause disorder or turmoil : to destroy , usually temporarily the normal
continuance or unity.
The news disrupted their conference.
Disarray , disorder , obstruct.
44) Solitary .
Meaning: Alone , without companions unattended , living alone.
individual .
45) Over-Whelm
Meaning .
To overcome completely in mind or feeling, to overpower or overcome ,
espically with superior forces: destroyed , crush.
Roman troops were over whelmed by barbarians.
46) Campaign.
Meaning: military operation for specific objective, The compitation by rival political
candidates and organization for public office.
Meaning. In anticipation; in advance; ahead of time: We should have made reservations
beforehand. I hope to be beforehand with my report.
48) Anticipate
Meaning ♣ To realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee: to anticipate pleasure.
♣ To expect; look forward to; be sure of: to anticipate a favorable decision.
conjecture, visualize, apprehend, forecast, preclude, foresee ,suppose
49) adversity
Meaning: ♣ Adverse fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or
distress: A friend will show his or her true colors in times of adversity.
♣ An adverse or unfortunate event or circumstance: You will meet many
adversities in life.
catastrophe, affliction, difficulty, misfortune, suffering, calamity, disaster
50) nexus
Meaning: ♣A means of connection; tie; link.
♣A connected series or group.
51) despair
Meaning: ♣ loss of hope; hopelessness.
♣ someone or something that causes hopelessness: He is the despair of his
desperation, despondency, tribulation
52) Brave
Meaning: Bold
Synonyms: adventurous, audacious, chin-up, chivalrous, confident, courageous, daring,
dashing, dauntless, defiant, doughty, fearless, firm, foolhardy, forward, gallant, game, gritty, gutsy,
hardy, heroic, herolike, imprudent, indomitable, intrepid, lionhearted, militant, nervy, plucky, reckless,
resolute, spirited, spunky, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, strong, unabashed, unafraid, unblenching,
undauntable, undaunted, undismayed, unfearful, valiant, valorous, venturesome
Antonyms: afraid, cautious, fearful, frightened, humble, meek, reticent, retiring, shy,
53) hoax
Meaning: something intended to deceive or defraud: The Piltdown man was a scientific hoax.
fabrication ,deception ,swindle ,deceive ,deceit ,hustle ,delude
54) infidel
Synonyms ,agnostic ,atheist ,heathen ,heretic
55) incompetent
Meaning: Not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent
Inexperienced , insufficient, ineffectual ,inefficient ,inadequate ,incapable
56) Concern
Meanings: ♣To relate to; be connected with; be of interest or importance to; affect: The
water shortage concerns us all.
♣To interest or engage (used reflexively or in the passive, often followed by with
or in ): She concerns herself with every aspect of the business.
♣ To trouble, worry, or disquiet: I am concerned about his health.
consideration ,establishment, apprehension
57) prior
Meaning: Preceding in time or in order; earlier or former; previous: A prior agreement prevents
me from accepting this.
Antecedent, precedent, preceding, previous, forward, before, former
58) Assault
Meaning: a sudden, violent attack; onslaught: an assault on tradition
aggression ,offensive ,onslaught ,violation ,invasion ,advance ,violate
59) sanctuaries
Meaning: a sacred or holy place.
protection, preserve, defense, retreat, shelter, reserve, temple
60) sophisticated
Meaning: complex
61) clearly
Meaning: without any doubt
acutely, apparently, audibly, beyond doubt, certainly, conspicuously, decidedly,
definitely, discernibly, distinctly, evidently, incontestably, incontrovertibly, indubitably, lucidly, manifestly,
markedly, noticeably, obviously, openly, overtly, patently, penetratingly, perceptibly, plainly, positively,
precisely, prominently, purely, recognizably, seemingly, sharply, sonorously, surely, translucently,
transparently, undeniably, undoubtedly, unmistakably
62) Bangle ( ‫)چوڑی‬
63) fatten
increase, augment, broaden, expand, spread, thrive, plump
64) raid
♣ A sudden assault or attack, as upon something to be seized or suppressed: a police raid
on a gambling ring.
♣ Military . a sudden attack on the enemy, as by air or by a small land force.
reconnaissance, devastate, onslaught, invasion, bombard, plunder, assault
Meaning: ♣ To leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: to abandon one's farm; to
abandon a child; to abandon a sinking ship.
♣To give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon a research project; to abandon
hopes for a stage career.
66) malfunction
failure to function properly: a malfunction of the liver; the malfunction of a rocket.
67) nuisance
Meaning:An obnoxious or annoying person, thing, condition, practice, etc.: a monthly
meeting that was more nuisance than pleasure.
68) subdue
Meaning:♣ To conquer and bring into subjection: Rome subdued Gaul.
♣To overpower by superior force; overcome.
overpower, subjugate, overcome
69) agony
Meaning: ♣ Extreme and generally prolonged pain; intense physical or mental suffering.
♣ A display or outburst of intense mental or emotional excitement: an agony of joy.
70) agonize
Meaning: ♣ To suffer extreme pain or anguish; be in agony.
♣To put forth great effort of any kind.
distress, struggle, afflict, disturb, torment, torture, lament
71) repulse
Meaning: to drive back.
Ex. The British army repulsed with heavy causalities.
72) Linger
Meaning: To remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected,
Ex. Operations of NATIO in afghanistan were supposed to be complete in 3 years but it lingered on for
10 year.
73) massacres
Meaning: The unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or
animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder.
slaughter , genocide.
74) pursue
Meaning: To follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase.
75) valor
Meaning: Boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage;
bravery: a medal for valor.
76) Stigma
Meaning: stain
77) terrain
Meaning: A tract of land, especially as considered with reference to its natural features,
military advantages, etc.
78) myth
Meaning: A traditional or legendary story,
79) ferocity
Meaning: A ferocious quality or state; savage fierceness.
80) speculate ‫سوچنا ۔ غور کرنا ۔ فِکر کرنا‬
81) caricature
Meaning: A picture, description
82) Adhere
Meaning: To stay attached; stick fast; cleave; cling (usually followed by to ): The mud
adhered to his shoes.
83) sect
Meaning: A body of persons adhering to a particular religious faith; a religious denomination.
83) pact
Meaning: treaty .
84) Kaput
Meaning: We can use this word when -for example- we are extremely tired and are not able to do
anything else:
This work is too hard, I'm kaput.
85) ego ‫ذات ۔ خودی ۔ انفرادی انا ۔ انا ۔‬

86) feudal system

Meaning: The political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding
of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal.
87) vassal.
Meaning: A servant or slave.
88) munitions.
Meaning: Usually, munitions. materials used in war, especially weapons and ammunition.
US uses chemical munitions in its drone attacks on the country's civilians.
Meaning: To deal or bargain with another or others,
Meaning: Extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal: an atrocious crime.
Women in Gilgit Protest Atrocities of Pakistani Army
91) Incentive
Meaning: something that encourages somebody to action
92) Moderately
neither small nor large but between the two; clearly within the limits of a range of possibilities
moderate growth/inflation
He's a moderate drinker.
Her handwriting was moderately good.

93) Deteriorate
Meaning: To become worse
She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.
The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly.
94) Bribe
Meaning: Money or a present that you give to someone so that they will do something for you,
usually something dishonest
He was accused of accepting/taking bribes from wealthy businessmen.

blackmail incentive

95) Harassment
Meaning: Behaviour that annoys or upsets someone
sexual harassment
exasperation, perturbation, disturbance, persecution
96) illegitimate
Meaning: Born of parents , who are not married t each other , born out of wedlock .
An illegitimate child.
bastard (bastardism) , improper , illegal .
97) Eradicate
Meaning: To remove or destroy utterly , extirpate.
To eradicate small pox through out the world.
98) Brothel
Meaning: house of Prostitution.
99) Pimp
Meaning: Agent of prostitute.
100) minnow
Meaning: Small
India lost against minnow Bangladesh.
101) etiquette
Meaning: Te set of rules or customs which control accepted behaviour in particular social groups
or social situations
(Social) etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.
102) Heist
Meaning: A robbery or holdup .
To heist a million dollars worth jewels.
caper , crime , string , theft ,
103) Fabrication
Meaning: The act or process of fabricating , manufacture untruthful statement.
His account of the robbery is a complete fabrication.
104) Pertain
Meaning: To have reference or relation , relate
to belong or be connected as a part .
Connected , relevant , related
105) Factual
Meaning of or pertaining to fact , concerning facts.
Meaning: grandiose
106) Bilateral
Meaning: Pertaining to involving or affecting of two or both sides.
A bilateral agreement .
reciprocal , respective , mutual.
107) drastic (Drastically)
Meaning: acting with force or violence , viloent.
Extreme severe or extensive
a drastic tax reduction.
Extravagant , Extrobitant , desperate , forceful
108) Tourney
Meaning: A tournament.
collision , encounter , conflict , struggle , contest.
109) Penultimate
Meaning: Next to the last
The penultimate seene of the play.
110) Rivalry
Meaning: Competition.
111) Hostile
Meaning: of , pertaining to , or characteristic of an enemy nation.
112) Fierce
Meaning: menacingly wild , savage .
A fierce animals.
A fierce look.
Violent in force , intensity .
Extremely bad or severe
A fierce cold.
uncontrollable , frightening , tempestuous.
113) menace.
Meaning: something that threatens to cause evil , harm, injury.
Air pollution is a menace to health .
An extremely annoying person.
A person whose actions, attitudes or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful.
He is real menace.
Synonyms. troublemaker , annoyance.
114) Solitary
Meaning: alone , without companions , unattended , living alone.
115) Overwhelm
Meaning: To overcome completely in mind or feeling , to overpower or destroyed , crush.
Roman troops were overwhelmed by barbarians.
116) Campaign.
Meaning: Military operation for specific objective .
117) Ambush.
Meaning: An act or instance of lying concealed so as to attack by sruprise.
The highway men waited in ambush near the road.
Camouflage, deception , surprise.
118) Conceal
Meaning: To hide withdraw or remove from observation, cover or keep from sight .
He concealed the gun under his coat.
To keep secret.
inconspicuous, incognitio ,
119) Triumph.
Meaning: the act , fact or condition of being victorious or trimphant: victory conquest.
Accomplishment , celebration , jubilation.
110) Scalp
Meaning: Any token of victory.
Afridi who scalped nine wicket so far in the world cup.
It is important to learn from your past experience rather than cribbing on the result.
111) Horrific.
Meaning: causing horror.
112) malicious
Meaning: Intended to harm or upset other people
Malicious gossip
A malicious look in his eyes
He complained that he'd been receiving malicious telephone calls
113) Irritate
Meaning: To make angry or annoyed
After a while her behaviour really began to irritate me.
114) Exasperated
Meaning: Annoyed, to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely:
He was exasperated by the senseless delays.
He's becoming increasingly exasperated with the situation.
115) vicious
Meaning: describes people or actions that show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something
very badly
A vicious thug
A vicious dog
The police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks they'd ever seen.
He gave her a vicious look.
116) credence ‫یقین۔اعتماد۔اعتبار۔عقیدہ۔‬
Meaning: The belief that something is true
I'm not prepared to give credence to anonymous complaints.
His bruises added/lent credence to his statement that he had been beaten.
117) Rebuke
Meaning: To speak angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they have said or done
I was rebuked by my manager for being late.
118) Rumpus
Meaning: A lot of noise, especially a loud and confused argument or complaint
There was a real rumpus going on in the house next door last night.
119) portray
Meaning: To represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book or other artistic
The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress.
The writer portrays life in a small village at the turn of the century.
120) rogue
Meaning: Behaving in ways that are not expected or not normal, often in a destructive way
A rogue state .
Rogue cells.
A rogue animal is a dangerous wild animal that lives apart from the rest of it

121) lash
Meaning: To hit with a lot of force
The prisoners were regularly lashed with electric cable.
The sound of the rain lashing against the windows was deafening.
122) premier
Meaning: Best or most important
He's one of the nation's premier scientists.
123) meticulous
Meaning:Very careful and with great attention to every detail
Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.
124) maniac
Meaning: Informal a person who has a very strong interest in a particular activity
A football/sex maniac
125) banish
Meaning: To send someone away, especially from their country, and forbid (= refuse to allow)
them to come back

127) methodical
Meaning: Describes people who do things in a very ordered, careful way
Tom is a very methodical person and writes lists for everything.
128) poodle
Meaning: A dog with curly hair that is usually cut short, except on its head, tail and legs
129) allege ( allegedly)
Meaning: To assert without proof.
According to what is or has been alleged.
130) assert
To say that something is certainly true
He asserts that she stole money from him.
131) stern
Meaning: ♣ severe, or showing disapproval
A stern look/warning/voice
She is her own sternest critic.
Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battleship.
♣ If something, such as a job, is stern, it is difficult
The President is facing the sternest test of his authority since he came to power five years ago.
132) critic
Meaning: 1. a person who judges something
2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a professional judge of art, music, literature, etc.
3. a person who often finds fault and criticizes
133) undermine
Meaning: To make someone less confident, less powerful or less likely to succeed, or to make
something weaker, often gradually
The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his
Criticism just undermines their confidence.
134) implication
Meaning: when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly
From what she said, the implication was that they were splitting up.
She accused the party and, by implication, its leader too.
The effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future
The company is cutting back its spending and I wonder what the implications will be for our
what the implications will be for our department.

136) intensify
Meaning: To become greater, more serious or more extreme, or to make something do this
Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours.
137)indigenous ‫دیسی‬
Meaning: Naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?
So who are the indigenous people of this land?
illegal condition or quality; unlawfulness.
An illegal act
abomination, transgression

139) obscure

Meaning: Not clear

140) imperialism : ‫استعماریت۔شہنشاہیت‬

141) Diaspora
Meaning: The scattering of the Jews to countries outside of Palestine after the Babylonian
The body of Jews living in countries outside Palestine or modern Israel.
"atrocity" act of violence
142) innovate
Meaning: To introduce changes and new ideas
The fashion industry is always desperate to innovate.
144) counterpart
Meaning .
A person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function: Our president is the
counterpart of your prime minister.
A copy; duplicate.

145) Enigma
A puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation: His disappearance is an enigma that has
given rise to much speculation.
1) Admonish
a. To caution, advise, or counsel against something.
b. To reprove or scold, especially in a mild and good-willed manner:
i. The teacher admonished him about excessive noise.
ii. She admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven.
iii. she admonished him to drink no more than one glass of wine.
c. To urge to a duty; remind:
i. To admonish them about their obligations.
2) Agnostic
a. Someone who believes that people cannot know whether God exists or not.
3) Atrocity ( Noun )
a. An extremely cruel and violent action, especially during a war.
b. Atrocious  extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal:
i. An atrocious crime.
4) Abhor
a. Hate
b. Regard with disgust and hatred
c. He abhorred sexism in every form.
5) Abduct
a. To take someone away by force.
i. The diplomat was abducted on his way to the airport.
6) Assertive ( Adjective )
a. Behaving in a confident way, so that people notice you.
b. Confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive: aggressive; dogmatic:
i. In one study, men preferred women who had traits like openness, kindness, and
7) Asylum
a. Protection given to someone by a government because they have escaped from fighting
or political trouble in their own country.
i. He has been granted asylum in France.
ii. He was looking to seek asylum in Europe.
8) Ascetic
a. Living without any physical pleasures or comforts, especially for religious reasons.
i. An ascetic life.

9) Aptitude
a. A natural ability to do something.
b. Natural ability or skill, especially in learning.
i. He has a natural aptitude for teaching.
10) Abated
a. To reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish:
b. To abate a tax
c. To abate one’s enthusiasm.
d. We waited for the storm to abate.
11) Abbreviate
a. To shorten by omitting letters
12) Abduct
a. To carry off or lead away ( a person ) illegally and in secret or by force, especially to
13) Abound
a. To occur or exist in great quantities or numbers:
b. A stream in which trout abound.
14) Abstract
a. Based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events
b. Theoretical
c. The ability to translate abstract ideas into words.
d. By the age of seven, children are capable of thinking in abstract.
15) Adroit
a. Skillful in a physical or mental way; clever; expert
b. Clever and skilful, especially in the way you use words and arguments:
c. An adroit negotiator .
16) Aerate
a. To put a gas or air into a liquid or into soil
b. To expose to the action or effect of air or to cause air to circulate through:
c. To aerate milk in order to remove odors.
17) Affluent
a. Having an abundance or wealth, property, or other material goods; prosperous; rich:
b. An affluent person.
c. Affluent families.
18) Agile
a. Able to move quickly and easily .
b. Dogs are surprisingly agile.
c. Someone who has an agile mind is able to think very quickly and intelligently.
d. He was physically strong and mentally agile.
19) Agitator
a. Someone who encourage people to work towards changing something in society – used
to show disapproval:
b. A political agitator.
20) Alacrity
a. Cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness:
b. Quickness and eagerness.
i. We accepted the invitation with alacrity.
ii. No wonder that theism is abandoned with such alacrity by so many of these
new philosophers.
21) Agitate
a. To argue strongly in public for something you want, especially a political or social
i. Unions agitating for higher pay.
22) Abandon
a. To leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for
i. How could she abandon her own child?
b. To go away from a place, vehicle etc permanently, especially because the situation
makes it impossible for you to stay
i. We had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way.
ii. Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city.
23) Abject
a. An object action or expression shows that you feel very ashamed .
i. An object apology
24) Adjure
a. To order to try to persuade someone to do something
i. Zia adjured him to be truthful.
25) Abominate
a. To hate something very much
b. Note  Abominate is not used in the progressive. You say:
i. He abominated racism . ( Correct )
ii. Don’t say: He was abominating racism.
26) Aborigine
a. A person, animal, or plant that has been in a country or region from earliest times.
i. An aboriginal inhabitant of Australia.
27) Abridge
a. An abridge book, play etc has been made shorter but keeps its basic structure and
i. The abridged edition was published in 1988.
28) Absolve
a. To say publicly that someone is not guilty or responsible for something.
i. He can’t be absolved of all responsibility for the accident.
29) Abstemious
a. Sparing or moderate in eating and drinking
30) Abstruse
a. Unnecessarily complicated and difficult to understand
i. Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations.
31) Absurd
a. Completely stupid or unreasonable
b. Synonym  ridiculous
32) Accomplice
a. A person who helps someone such as a criminal to do something wrong. s

1) Breech
a. The act or a result of braking; break or rupture.
b. An infraction or violation, as of a law, faith, or promise.
i. Ramzan peace breeched.
2) Buzzword
a. A word or phrase from one special area of knowledge that people suddenly think is very
i. Multimedia has been a buzzword in the computer industry for years.
3) Bully ( Verb )
a. To threaten to hurt someone or frighten them, especially someone smaller or weaker.
b. To put pressure on someone in order to make them do what you want.
i. Buy somebody into ( doing ) something.
ii. Don’t let them bully you into working on Saturdays.
4) Bigot
a. Narrow-minded, prejudiced person
b. A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.
c. Don’t Let a few-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city.
5) Boisterous
a. Someone, especially a child, who is boisterous makes a lot of noise and has a lot of
i. A class of boisterous five-year-olds.
b. Rough and stormy
6) Blistering
a. Extremely hot
i. The blistering heat of the desert.

1) Credible
a. Deserving or able to be believed or trusted. Credible explanation / story / account etc.
i. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behavior.
2) Contentment
a. A state of happiness and satisfaction
i. He found contentment in living a simple life in the country.
3) Candid ( Adjective )
a. Telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing.
i. She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
b. Completely honest, straightforward
4) Conjecture
a. The formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for
i. What she said was pure conjecture.
ii. Conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied.
5) Counterfeit
a. Fake , false , copied , bogus , imitation.
i. Counterfeit 10$ notes.
ii. He knew the tapes to be counterfeits
iii. My signature is extremely hard to counterfeit
6) Covert
a. Hidden or secret
i. Covert action
ii. The government was accused of covert military operations against the regime.
7) Cannibalism
a. The eating of human flesh by another human being.
1) Decree
a. A formal and authoritative order, especially one having the force of law:
i. A presidential decree.

2) Desperate
a. Very serious or bad
i. Desperate poverty
ii. A desperate shortage of food/supplies.
iii. The situation is desperate – we have no food, very little water and no medical
b. Having an urgent need, desire, etc.: desperate for attention;
i. Desperate to find a job
ii. I am desperate.
iii. Tom seems desperate.
iv. You must be desperate.
v. We are not that desperate yet.
vi. We are desperate to find a solution.
vii. Do I look desperate to you?
3) Didactic
a. Speech or writing that is didactic is intended to teach people a moral lesson .
i. His novel has a didactic tone.
4) Deteriorate
a. To become worse
i. Khan’s health has deteriorated.
ii. America’s deteriorating economy.
5) Discredit
a. To injure the credit or reputation of; defame:
i. An effort to discredit honest politicians.
6) Disaffection
a. A state or felling of being dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of
i. There is a growing disaffection with large corporations.
ii. In Balochistan where disaffection against Pakistan is at a peak.
1) Extinguish
a. To put out (a fire, light, etc.); put out the flame of (something burning or lighted):
i. To extinguish a candle.
b. To put an end to or bring to an end; wipe out of existence; annihilate:
i. To extinguish hope.

2) Enfranchise
a. Give voting rights
b. Give the right to vote to
i. A proposal that foreigners should be enfranchised for local elections.
c. Women overt thirty were enfranchised in 1918.

3) Exterminate
a. To get rid of by destroying; destroy totally; extirpate: to exterminate an enemy; to exterminate
b. To kill large number of people or animals or a particular type so that they no longer exist.
c. Synonyms Destruction, slaughter, genocide.
i. Staff use the poison to exterminate moles and rabbits.
4) Extirpate
a. To completely destroy something that is unpleasant or unwanted.
i. Nor did it ever completely disappear, despite repeated attempts to extirpate it.
5) Eccentric
a. Behaving in a way that is unusual and different from most people.
i. His eccentric behavior lost him his job.
ii. Aunt Nessy was always a bit eccentric.
6) Enunciate
a. Say or pronounce clearly.
i. She enunciated each word slowly.
b. Express an idea clearly and exactly
i. Ideas that he was to enunciate decades later.
7) Endeavour
a. Try hard to do or achieve something.
i. He is endeavouring to help the Third World.
1) Futile
a. Incapable of producing any result; ineffective; useless; not successful:
i. Attempting to force-feed the sick horse was futile.
2) Fornicate
a. A word meaning to have sex with someone who you are not married to.
i. I normally don’t do interviews with women unless I fornicate with them.

1) Gore ( verb )
a. If an animal gores someone, it wounds them with its horns or tusks:
i. He was attacked and gored by a bull.

1) Heist
a. A robbery or holdup.
b. Four men were involved in the armored car heist.
2) Hamper
a. Hinder , obstruct
i. Language barriers hindered communication between scientists.
ii. She was obstructing the entrance.
b. To hold back; hinder; impede
i. A steady rain hampered the progress of the work .
c. To make it difficult for someone to do something.
i. She tried to run, but was hampered by her heavy suitcase.
ii. An attempt to rescue the men has been hampered by bad weather.
3) Herald
a. To be a sign of something that is going to come or happen soon.
i. A flash of lightning heralded torrential rain ( very heavy rain ) .
ii. Flashing blue lights heralded the arrival of the police.
4) Hereinafter
a. Later in this official statement, document etc.
i. The Council of the Law Society ( hereinafter called the Council )

1) Integrity
a. The quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right.
Personal/professional/political etc integrity.
i. A man of great moral integrity.
2) Intriguing
a. Something that is intriguing is very interesting because it is strange, mysterious, or
b. Fascinating
i. The magazine carries an intriguing mixture of high fashion, gossip and racing.
3) Invasive
a. An invasive disease spreads quickly and is difficult to stop
i. An invasive bladder cancers
4) Indecisive
a. Unable to make clear decisions or choices.
i. A weak and indecisive leader.
5) Inevitably
a. Used for saying that something is certain to happen and cannot be avoided.
i. The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions.

6) intention
a. something that you want and plan to do
i. It wasn't my intention to exclude her from the list . I just forgot her
ii. I've no intention of changing my plans just to fit in with his.
iii. He's full of good intentions, but he never does anything about them!
7) Inevitable
a. Certain to happen and impossible to avoid.
i. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution

1) Kindle
a. To start a fire
b. He kindled a fire of dry grass.
1) Live-li-hood
a. The way you earn money in order to live
i. Fishing is the main source of livelihood for many in the area.
ii. It’s difficult to earn livelihood as an artist.
iii. Bates says he will lose his livelihood is his driving licence is taken away.
2) Lunatic
a. Someone who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way – often used humorously.
i. This hotel is run by a lunatic.
b. A very offensive word for someone who is mentally ill.
i. A dangerous lunatic.
3) Lucid
a. Expressed in a way that is clear and easy to understand.
i. Your must write in a clear and lucid style.
b. Able to understand and think clearly, used especially about someone who is not always
able to do this.
i. In her more lucid moments the old lady would talk about her past.

1) Mentor
a. An experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced person.
2) Mumbo Jumbo
a. Confusing or meaningless words or activity.
3) Mumble
a. To say something too quietly or not clearly enough, so that other people cannot
understand you.
i. He bumped into someone and mumbled an apology.
ii. Stop mumbling!
4) Mingle ( Verb )
a. Mingled , mingling
b. To become mixed, blended, or united.
c. To associate or mix in company.
i. She refuses to mingle with bigots.
d. To associate or take part with others; participate.
5) Midget
a. A very small person or thing.

6) Intuition (Noun)
a. The ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by
considering the facts.
i. Feminine intuition
ii. Intuition told her it was unwise to argue.
iii. People had an intuition that something was not right.
iv. She thought the baby would be a girl, and her intuition was correct.
v. If you think there’s something wrong about the situation, you should trust your
7) Intuit (Verb)
a. To know or receive by intuition.

1) Noxious
a. Harmful , poisonous , lethal or very unpleasant.
b. Toxic , deadly , virulent
c. They were overcome by the noxious fumes.
2) Nerve
a. Courage and confidence in a dangerous, difficult, or frightening situation.
i. Not many people have the never to stand up and speak in front of a large
ii. She finally found the nerve to tell him she wanted a divorce.
iii. It takes a lot of never to report a colleague for sexual harassment.
iv. You know, I barely had the nerve to make this call.

1) Ovulate
a. When a woman or female animal ovulates, she produces eggs inside her body.
i. Men are more attracted to women who are ovulating.
2) Obnoxious
a. Extremely Unpleasant, very offensive, unpleasant, or rude.
i. Obnoxious odours.
ii. She’s really obnoxious.

1) Persist
a. To continue to do something, although this is difficult or other people oppose it.
i. She persisted with her studies in spite of financial problems.
2) Pedophile ( Noun )
a. An adult who is sexually attracted to young children
i. Things trump can do when he’s no longer president continue thinking about his
daughter in a pedophilic way.
3) Prejudice
a. An unreasonable dislike and distrust of people who are different from you in some way,
especially because of their race, sex, religion etc – used to show disapproval
i. Women still face prejudice in the workplace.
ii. It takes a long time to overcome these kinds of prejudices.

1) Render
a. Formal  To give something to someone or do something, because it is your duty or
because someone expects you to:
i. An obligation to render assistance to those in need.
2) Recruit
a. To find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc.
i. We are having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.
ii. Many government officials were recruited from private industry.
b. To get people to join the army, navy etc.
i. Most of the men in the village were recruited that day.
c. To persuade someone to do something for you.
i. I recruited three of my friends to help me move.

1) Promulgate
a. To make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a
law, decree of court, etc.).
2) Profane
a. Showing a lack of respect for God or holy things.
i. Profane language
b. Related to ordinary life, not religion or holy things.
c. Opposite  Sacred

1) Reprimand
a. To tell someone officially that something they have done is very wrong.
i. The military court reprimanded him for failing to do his duty.
ii. The police officers were officially reprimanded for their behavior.

1) Status Quo
a. The existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues.
i. They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
2) Substitute
a. Someone who does someone else’s job for a limited period of time, especially in a
sports team or school:
i. Germany brought on a substitute at half time.
ii. Substitute goalkeeper.
iii. The coach has to find a substitute for Tim.
3) Suffocate
a. To die or make someone die by preventing them from breathing.
i. One of the puppies suffocated inside the plastic bag.
b. Be suffocating  to feel uncomfortable because there is not enough fresh air:
i. Can you open a window? I’m suffocating .
c. To prevent a relationship, plan, business etc from developing well or being successful:
i. Jealousy can suffocate any relationship.
4) Stance
a. An opinion that is stated publicly
i. Stance on  what is your stance on environmental issues?
ii. Stance against  A strong stance against abortion .
5) Slumber
a. Sleep

1) Talisman
a. Lucky charm
b. An object, typically an inscribed ring or stone that is thought to have magic powers and
to bring good luck.
c. This black ring on my finger is talisman for me.
2) Theism
a. The belief in the existence of God or gods.

1) Undeniable
a. Definitely true or certain
i. Undeniable proof.
2) Vested
a. Vested interest  a strong reason for wanting something to happen because you will
gain from it.
i. Since he owns the strip of land, Cook has a vested interest in the project being
b. Vested interests  the groups of people who will gain from a plan, project, proposal
i. The proposal faces tough opposition from powerful vested interests.
3) Ubiquitous
a. Present, appearing, or found everywhere
i. His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family.
b. Synonyms  omnipresent, ever-present , present everywhere , pervasive, universal,
worldwide, global

1) Wage
a. Money that is paid or received for work or services.
i. He promised to pay us high wages.
ii. It’s hard to get by on minimum wage.
iii. Tom’s been working for minimum wage.
iv. What’s the minimum wage in Austraila?
v. The workers united to demand higher wages.
vi. If you want your workers to be happy, you need to pay them a decent wage.
vii. His weekly wages are 20$.
viii. One-fifth of my wages go to taxes.

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