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Table of Contents
Chapter 1................................................................................................................. 4
My Best-Kept Secret to Success ............................................................................. 4
Chapter 2................................................................................................................. 6
Create Your Own Goals from Scratch...................................................................... 6
Chapter 3................................................................................................................. 9
Be a risk- taker ........................................................................................................ 9
Chapter 4............................................................................................................... 11
Change Your Views ............................................................................................... 11
Chapter 5............................................................................................................... 13
Keep Going ........................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 6............................................................................................................... 15
The Only Thing You Need to Be Successful .......................................................... 15
Chapter 7............................................................................................................... 17
Receive Miracles with This Proven Method! ....................................................... 17
Chapter 8............................................................................................................... 20
Keys to Success .................................................................................................... 20
About the Author.................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 1

My Best-Kept Secret to Success

Failures do what is tension relieving,

while winners do what is goal achieving.
-Dennis Waitley-

When was the last time that you want to get something and start begging from the
universe for you to have it?
Wait, this is not another law of attraction book that you think. This is purely based
on personal experience and I wrote this little book to inform you that you are capable of
making your own destiny.
As Goethe once said, “Certain books seem to be written, not that we might learn
from them, but in order that we might see how much the author knows.”
Don’t blame it on the universe, stars or to any deity.
But let me ask you, what if you could get all the things that you want in life, what
would you do?
Friends, this is not a coincidence.
Yes, like me, you too can achieve anything in life as long as you want it.
Now, the following pages I want to share with you are no secrets anymore, because
the time that you are reading this, other people are also reading this book.
Yes, I know because I went through the times that you’ve had today.
Anyway, let’s get to the nitty-gritty of this book.
I want to share with you the things I have learned over the past 8 years.
In 2006, I was constantly looking for my dream job. However, things were not for
me; call it unfair destiny or unfavorable circumstances.
So I became desperate, not until I came across with this posting on our school
And that was the beginning of everything.
It started to change my way of life.
Things were different then, but still I did not get everything I want. There were some
missing pieces that I need to patch up.
I started asking myself, what now?
So, I started to make a goal.
In order to achieve anything in life, start it with a GOAL.
Just like any person, we should have a goal.
I know you have, too, but the big question is how to get that goal and when to get
that goal?
Is there a timeframe for achieving your life’s goal?
It depends on you, but once you started to embark on a journey of getting that goal,
you sure to have an end point. Like any other important life decision, you have to have
goals or you are shooting in the dark.
To set goals for your work/life balance, you have to take your expectations and
translate them into the ‘what’ of what you want to achieve and the ‘when’.
Be specific as possible and aim for LONG-TERM goals.
Why long-term goals and not short-term goals?
You will learn the reason why in the next chapter how to establish your own goal.
Read on…
Chapter 2

Create Your Own Goals from Scratch

"The goal stands up, the keeper stands up to keep the goal,"
A.E. Housman

What do you want?

Are you looking for financial security, professional development and spiritual
Do you want to fit better socially, or become more expressively creative?
Establish the goal that's right for you.
Then turn that goal from a dream into a desire. You want to realize that goal, not
just wish for it. Aesop said, "Beware that you do not lose the substance by grabbing at
the shadow."
Know exactly what you want, then go for it.
Don't be tricked by your own procrastination- especially if you want to achieve
something artistic.
The writer Thomas Wolfe wrote, "I had been sustained by that delightful illusion of
success which we all have when we dream about the books we are going to write
instead of actually doing them.
Now I was face to face with it, and suddenly I realized that I had committed my life
and my integrity so irrevocably to this struggle that I must conquer now or be
Can you see what you want? If you want the abundance of material wealth that
money provides, what goal will give you that money?
Do you want the prestige of owning your own business?
What business do you want to begin?
Where are the opportunities for you?
Talk to everyone in the business you want to join. Make friends in the literary or art
societies in your area.
Read books and articles about your field of endeavor.
Read “Wise Decisions” and learn easily how to attain your goal.
"If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you don't
have to work!" wrote Ogden Nash.
Money makes money; success breeds success.
But not always.
How can you break through those thoughts to help yourself to the rewards?
Henry David Thoreau wrote...
"I have learned this at least by my experiment:
That if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, and endeavor to live
the life which you imagine, you will meet with success."
Think BIG and passionately visualize success, consistently and without ceasing:
Do you see yourself in a big house?
Maybe you picture your artwork hanging in a gallery.
Can you feel your book in print and in your hands?
How does it feel to be a person of success?!?
Affirm yourself that you can.
Make firm that you know; that it is in your grasp. That's what the others did, and
that's how people make it to the top.
Then get down to basics. Be precise.
Exactly how much money do you want, and by what date?
And exactly what are you going to do to earn that money? Be realistic, but give
yourself short-term goals. Your short-term goals will eventually lead you to achieve your
long-term goals. In other words be SMART!
Simply breakdown your ultimate goals to Specific, Measurale, Attainable,
Realistic and Time-bounded activities.
Write it down.
This is what I did when I started to get what I want in life.
In six months or one year, you will achieve your goals little by little. And repeat it
until it feels good.
Then repeat it twice a day until it swirls in your subconscious, until it becomes your
one-pointed goal.
Most of all, be a risk-taker. Follow me how on the next chapter.
Chapter 3

Be a risk- taker

To find what you seek in the road of life,

the best proverb of all is that which says:
"Leave no stone unturned."
-Edward Bulwer Lytton-

Think back to a time when you could have changed your career or transfer to
another place, but you allowed your fear to control you.
Did you regret your actions?
Why or why not?
Would you make the same choice again?
Let us say you already have a goal, what now?
At this point I want you to consider your first time in changing your career.
How would you decide for it?
Decision-making is crucial, especially if it entails your family and your social life.
One day, I visited an old friend from my Alma Mater. She said in our conversation
she was planning to apply in another agency because of the offer that is highly
beneficial to her.
She already asked permission from her boss and thought carefully about the things
that she will be doing.
However, when she weighed everything, she was left undecided.
Of course she had her own family, one important thing that she would not give up in
exchange for her work. However, she was growing old and was not yet a regular
employee. It is understandable that many people wanted to be a regular employee of a
government agency because of the fringe benefits.
When she had this opportunity to change careers, she was helpless.
Why? I don't know.
Perhaps some of you are in the same situation. Many are looking for a regular 8-5
job with huge benefits, but were unlikely to do so.
I say it’s because of lack of will. The reason why you are still on the same ground
you are standing today is because you don't take any risk.

Many people failed because they don’t take any risk.

One author said that by taking the risk, you are likely 95% ahead of your dream or
Sadly, only 5% of the people have the ability to take the risk.
Want to know how to handle risk taking and decision making process?
I invite you to read the book “Wise Decisions”.
If you have a hard time making a decision for yourself, let me tell you this:
“If you don’t take any risky decision in life, you are far from achieving your goals”
Life is all about decision-making.
No matter what you do in life, your decisions, little decisions, impact your greatest
success in life.
Do you want to be healthy, have a good relationship or get everything you want?
It all starts with good decision-making.
Let me finish this chapter by sharing some stories with you. I had this friend who
had a hard time thinking whether she wants a job or a career. And finally, after 7
months, she sent me a message saying that she has overcome her greatest fear - the
fear of losing a job. She took the risk to look for her career and she is happy now with
her new career.
Make a good decision in your life to avoid the greatest mistake that you don’t dare
to experience like what I experienced.
Chapter 4

Change Your Views

Work expands, so as to fill the time available for its completion”

~ C. Northcote Parkinson ~

Is it possible for you to change your lifestyle?

As far as I know no one can change any person.
Only God can change a person. But why I broached you this topic?
Life is a constant change as the saying goes.
Yes, it’s true.
Even at work, most of us loved to job hop, but is it really job hopping or changing
career an option for you?
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to be successful in life. All you have to do is
to adapt to changes, and doing this entails decision and right timing.
When things change or the environment you are working changes, you should be
able to adapt to it quickly.
Don’t get tied up with the system.
You have to change!
From the words of Robert Kiyosaki, “When you cannot change the system, the only
way to succeed is to manipulate the system.”
I recall when I attended a seminar in a prestigious University; one Professor said
that the generation today is entirely different than before.
Unlike in the previous generation - my generation and those who are in the
departure area (those who are in their retirement age), we are accustomed to getting a
regular paying job, but today, people have to catch up with the fast-paced and changing
society and the demands of work, including in their family.
Anyone could do job hopping, and today what matters is money. Money is
everything. The society today is a money-getting society. But if you are a person who
loves to settle for a stable job and balance your time with family, you decide to tell your
boss that you simply must have more time off to spend with the family and you’ll need to
consider a few things.
Change the way you see things.
Life is not just about money-getting, it’s everything!
It’s a matter of decision making and making everything work for you. However,
people won’t risk any effort or time in achieving something because of the fear of failure.
In life there is no failure, only results as Anthony Robbins said.
If things don’t work out for you, be quick to recognize that there are certain things in
life that are not just meant for you.
Discover “what went wrong”.
In this life, people are quick to look for someone to blame when everything is
messed up and not working. However, only few people don’t really look at why it isn’t
working for them.
I know that you are familiar with the Law of Attraction. This is the famous universal
principle or theory; whatever you may call it. Some people have applied this in their life
and got results. But some who have applied this didn’t have significant results.
If this law is universal, it should work for everybody, not just for those who are called
I don’t know the answer, but for me it matters in the way we see things.
Stephen Covey once said, “The real problem is the way we look at the problem.
Maybe it is on the way how we use or adapt the system.

Think what went wrong and change it!

Thus, I would agree to Karl Marx words that “Many philosophers have only
interpreted the world, but the point however is to change it!”
Chapter 5

Keep Going

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Live the life you have imagined.
-Henry David Thoreau-

Your best friend has been kidnapped by mole people! How do you muster up the
courage to save your friend?
What happens when you save your friend?
In life, there are many trials that come to each of us and each trial is unique... There
are those who are dancing in the silver lining, who are struggling to survive and others
A lot of people are struggling to achieve a goal and yet failed.
I recall the famous words of Anthony Robbins, “If we make goals, consider the long-
term goals and focus on it.
However, failure mostly comes to short term goals. If you want to be successful,
think about long-term goals so you will succeed.”
If you have a goal to get rich quick, then read this.
Rome was not built in one day. It took years.
In business and or personal goals, you need to have a strong foundation because
you are building an empire, not a pad.
I am not going to discourage you. I want you to know that success is not an
overnight work.
Don't settle if you have not reached your dreams yet. Just go on and continue. In
life, it doesn't matter how far have you been through, what matters most is the last step
of your journey.
I always say this to my friends, “Why quit now when we are almost done?” Mother
Theresa once said, “It is not being successful, it is being faithful.”
Sadly, most of us quit easily without even achieving anything; and I don't know why.
But for me, every time I have a goal, I have this mindset to achieve it no matter how
many years it would take.
Success is not about having something; it’s about doing more with what you have. If
only you are open for the opportunities. Always remember, Anthony Robbins once said,
“There are no failures, only results.” This is just a matter of changing your personal
views and adapting to change quickly.
If you want to see results, think for long-term and not short term goals because
there is no overnight success.
A lot of people out there, and I don’t want to include you, but some are eager to get
everything or anything in life in an instant.
This is a BIG mistake!
Imagine you get rich overnight by just a push button software or achieve soft and
shiny hair in 7 days. Those are purely advertised. I would rather agree if those
advertising companies tell you the truth.
Remember, success depends on your goal (long-term goal), so keep the fire
Don’t give up! This is not a race of the strong or the rich and famous. Success
happens to those people who have consistent and focus in goals.
Robert Kiyosaki once wrote “Focus on One Course of action Until Successful”.
I repeat,

FOCUS- Focus on One Course of action Until Successful!

Got it?
Chapter 6

The Only Thing You Need to Be Successful

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the
Name of the LORD our God.
-Psalms 20:7-

Motivational speaker Brian Tracy has said that one of the effective ways to improve
goal setting is to write them down each day to engrave it into your subconscious. Do
you think this idea holds water?
Imagine if you tried such a practice for 30 days and write a story about your goal-
setting success or failure.
How was it like?
Friends, if you want success in life, there is only one thing that you should do. I am
not supposed to share this with you, but I was compelled to do it upon hearing the song
“Pass it On.”
I would like to remind you of the most important thing in life. I don't mean to be a
religious person here. I just want to share with you the things that worked for me in
achieving true success in life.
This is not offered in any other self-help e-books on the Internet. This is a personal
Sometimes, we think too much of what are we going to do with our life. There is
nothing wrong with that because we need planning. As the book of Psalms put it;
“Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.” Proverbs
And sometimes we are on the other side to look for a solution to our problems which
I would like to tell you that is is not God's plan for us.
How would you know God's plan?
Do you want to know God's plan for you?
How about to make a crucial decision in life without regrets in the end?
It’s simple. Just follow His will and He will make the plans plan for you. Ellen White
wrote, “We have not wisdom to plan our own lives. It is not for us to shape our future.
Too many, in planning for a brilliant future, make an utter failure. Let God plan for you.”
As a little child, trust to the guidance of Him who will “Keep the feet of His saints.” 1
Samuel 2:9 (MH, 477-480).
My dear friends, we are always battling in this world. There are forces that we can't
see and sometimes these forces keep pushing us to failure if we are not prepared.
In order to be successful, TRUST GOD, nothing else.
I love to use acronyms and TRUST for me is “Total Reliance under Severe Trials.”
In Psalm 16:8, I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right
hand; I will not be shaken.
Success for me is in the hands of God, nothing more, nothing less. And I don't
mean that we should not put effort into our daily work.
That is why the book “Wise Decisions” is written to inspire us to know how to obey
and fully trust Him in our life.
Chapter 7

Receive Miracles with This Proven Method!

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must
believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
-Hebrews 11:6 -

Before anything else, I encouraged you to visit my facebook page Bible Study
Warrior and download the app for free.
I don’t want you to miss this because it is one of the most important lessons I
learned when I want to get anything I want. I am not really a fan of this Law of Attraction
and I don’t know if I am in it. But what I believe is that there is God who works miracles
if we need it.
Here is a story. One day my fiancé sent me a text message telling me that she
needs money for her graduation fee. However, she has no salary for the month of May
because classes have already ended.
I replied to her, "Okay, this is what you are going to do. Put it in your mind that after
30 days you will have the money that you need.
Worried and sad, she said, "Okay, I will try".
After a week, while she attended a seminar for teachers, she said to me, "I have
good news for you, but I will just tell you when we see each other".
I was thinking what is the good news for me?
I am excited to hear that.
When we met, she said, “Thanks God, you know what we had a conversation with
my friend in Texas and I don't know why they told me that they are going to send me
Well, Praise the Lord!
I told her, “You see, I was right. Just believe and have faith and you will receive
Few of us only believe in miracles nowadays, but for me, I received miracles on a
daily basis.
Consider this; the moment you wake up in the morning is already a miracle.
Of course, who would think that you are still breathing today?
The moment you open your eyes and see the beauty of your roommate and hear
their whispers in the morning into your ears is a miracle.
However, in today’s generation because of the hassles in life, we don't consider
these few things to matter in our life.
Come to think of it for a while.
When was the last time you experienced a problem that you thought of giving up?
Well, I say, don't give up.
There is a miracle!
I've watched a sermon of a Pastor and I learned that to receive a miracle we need
only two things.
Yes, you read it right only two things that this miracle will be ours and it is one of my
secrets in achieving anything in life.
Again, this is not a theory of worldly philosophers, but I believe that this is useful for
any individual, regardless of religion, race, gender or belief.
This works for me, and if it works for me and it will not work for you, then try to
discover “Know what went wrong” in the book “Wise Decisions.”
One last question before I will share this with you.
Do you really believe in miracles? If yes, here is my inspiration for you today.
According to that Pastor, if you need good health, new house, financial stability,
etc... add FAITH.
Add everything you need today that you can think of and this one thing called
FAITH; and you will have everything in life.
Add FAITH in order to receive miracles. If you don’t have needs, then you don’t
need miracles.
“Needs are the stuff which miracles are made of and it is where God can show His
love to us.”
That is why all we need is God and our faith in Him to receive miracles.
To continue with the story, after two weeks, my fiancé’s friend sent another
message through FB.
He said, "Give me your complete name so that we can send you money.” Another
message was sent saying “Your money is now ready for pick up at remittance center.
It’s about $200.”
It’s a miracle!
Our experience points me to bring you a story in the Bible about a poor woman who
for twelve years has suffered from a disease that made her life a burden. This story can
be read in one of my favorite books “Desire of Ages” in the chapter The Touch of Faith
with a full reference in the following verses in Matthew 9:18-26. The writer wrote that the
woman felt assured that if she could only go to Him, she would be healed. And “It was
not through the outward contact with Him, but through the faith which took hold on His
divine power that the cure was wrought.” (DA p. 342-344)
Absolutely, it was by faith that the woman was cured.
How many of us today have this faith like the woman?
According to the author, “Many hold faith as an opinion. Saving faith is a transaction
by which those who receive Christ and join themselves in covenant relation with God.”
“Genuine faith is life. A living faith means an increase in vigor, a confiding trust, by
which the soul becomes a conquering power.” (Desire of Ages p. 342-344)
All we need is faith and trust in God to achieve everything in life.
Chapter 8

7 Secrets to Success

“It is not what you get, but what you can do to help others to be successful”
Lloyd Celeste

Congratulations for reaching up to this last chapter.

If you want to be more satisfied and successful in life. These are just some of the
things you need to do.

Make people feel at ease- they will respond to your needs as you respond to theirs.

1. Cultivate relationships with people who have good and important things to say.
Participate in life. Be active in business meetings and endeavors; volunteer to be part of
organizations and groups. Social interaction will boost your sense of well-being.

2. Feel worthy of your own goal.

3. Know that you can attain it and that it is right for you.

4. Grasp your own challenge.

5. Don't give yourself impossible goals, but always reach higher.

6. Banish negative thoughts and traits. Restructure your life to exclude bad habits.

7. Believe in yourself and what you are to accomplish. All the power in the world is
within you to achieve.
What you can do for now?

Every person who has attained something worth-while has worked for that goal.
Cary Grant said, "I do believe that people can do practically anything they set out to do
if they apply themselves diligently and learn."
Which path is the right way towards your goal?
Do you need more education?
Do you need a few years experience in your field of business? Maybe you need a
teacher or guide to help you practice.
"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one
has reached, as by the obstacles which are overcome while trying to succeed," wrote
Booker T. Washington.
What obstacles are in your way?
Consider them as easy to pass through as hurdles are to a champion runner. Take
each obstacle as a special challenge placed especially for you.
Approach it with intelligence and courage, then learn what it has to teach.
"Success is a journey," said Ben Sweetland, "not a destination." For some, the
process of attainment is the attainment itself. They move on, keep growing and
expanding. There is no still water at the top.
"The message from the moon is that no problem need any longer be considered
insoluble," wrote Norman Cousins. And you can attain anything that seems impossible.
If you have a problem that needs to be solved, sit calmly and consider it with a clear
mind. Observe all the consequences of the actions- both good and bad. Ponder the
paths and actions and contemplate the core of the problem. The solution will appear.
"Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened
to you for everyone who asketh, receiveth. He that seeketh, findeth and to him that
knocketh, it shall be opened."
Tap the inner self and encourage positive actions. With each outgoing breath,
release the impossible; at each incoming breath, inhale the attainable. Command the
best of yourself, but don't despair from an overused sense of perfection.
What can you learn?
And who can teach you?
Can you attend classes and seminars from universities near home?
Check out books from the libraries and absorb the material. Find a master and
become an apprentice.
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty," said Henry Ford.
"Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind
Never stop learning; never stop growing and expanding as a person and in your
personal endeavor.
Do you know that your success depends on how you make choices? In this line of
thought, you need to make wise decisions.
Remember, you are destined to be successful.

To your success,

Lloyd Celeste

Author, Wise Decisions

About the Author

Lloyd Celeste is the founder of My Social Sketch, a website that helps people to be
aware of its environment and society. Prior to founding My Social Sketch, Lloyd served
as a Missionary for one year in General Santos City, Philippines after earning his
Master's Degree in Development Sociology. This experience helped him deepen his
understanding about the way people live and relate to the society. In addition, he also
helped people by giving encouragement, inspiration and motivation about improving
one’s relationship, personal development, entrepreneurship and other rural
developmental work which are his line of expertise as a development worker.

To receive free inspirational tips, quotes and stories or share your personal story,
please visit http://www.mysocialsketch.com.

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