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8 Best ways to Speed up your Website

Do you own a website, then this something you would want to know about? According to a
recent study, around 40% of people will abandon a web page if it takes more than three
seconds to load. A Web Development Company in India worth its reputation will not only
build you a website but will also ensure its optimum performance.

Follow the steps mentioned below to speed up your website-

1) Don’t embrace all plugins and extensions: In the earlier days of the limited number of
frameworks, the plugins were necessary tools that boosted the functionality of a website.
However, in the race of looking for superior quality has been compromised in favor of
quantity. You now have thousands of plugins available and the majority of which you are
never going to use.
It is imperative for you to scan your plugins and detect the poachers among them. plugins
that include excessive scripting and ones with continued requests should especially be
2) Do embrace browser caching: Your website pages are stored in a cache, and thus when
you have a visitor returning back to your website, the pages get called upon from within that
cache, rather than request the server to reload it again..
This is a hell of a time saver and is known to boost your page loading speed significantly. A
number of caching plugins are available, but W3 Total Cache & W3 Super Cache are generally
accepted to be the best of the bunch.
3) Image Optimization: Of course you want your website’s outlook to be attractive and
adding images is imperial to that. But high-resolution images also drag your page loading and
can be frustrating to the visitor. When using WordPress, you can use WP Smush.it for
compressing your image file, without compromising with its quality.
4) Choose an apt CMS for your website: Always consider the job your website needs to
perform before choosing a CMS Frameworks (Content Management System). So assuming
your working needs are simple and rid of complications, then simple HTML is good enough.
Even trusted CMS like WordPress and Joomla are quite robust and should answer your needs
5) Use CDNs: A Content Delivery Network will spread your websites across networks all across
the globe. That way a person in Australia visiting your website will experience the same
loading speed as your local server user next door. Cloudflare is the best-known CDN today
(also free of cost) and is known to boost your website speed up to 65%.
6) Eliminate all broken links: Broken links are akin to a zombie for your website, as they
despite being lifeless, are never truly dead. Not only do they slower your website speed, but
also cause plummeting user satisfaction.
So make sure to scan for links that are dysfunctional and fix them swiftly (preferably by
replacing the original page with fresher content)
7) File Minification: Always make sure to minify your JS or CSS files. These clunky files bloat in
your system over time and can prolong your page loading significantly. So you can store
multiple JS files inside one, or can also compress those files by deleting white space.
8) Jump to a better Web Host: If you have tried everything in your power and still nothing
seems to work, then there’s only one culprit left to blame, and that is your current web host.
Many website owners don’t even bother to monitor their web host’s performance and then
fall victim to depleting website speed. That, in return, is surely going to diminish viewers over
time. So choose a Web Host smartly, and choose another one if results don’t follow.
Conclusion: Follow these simple 8 methods, and you are sure to experience a boost in your
website’s speed overnight.
Are you looking to create a website and need professional assistance? At FutureProfilez we
provide you the complete and outstanding website designing services at highly affordable

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