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In this research, the researcher presents the reason why the researcher
interest of choosing this tittle. This Chapter is divided into several parts; they are
research background, research problem, research objective, research significances,
research scope and limitation, and definition of key term.

A. Research Background
Language is a formal system of signs governed by grammatical rules
of combination to communicate meaning. This definition stresses the fact
that human languages can be described as closed structural systems
consisting of rules that relate particular signs to particular
meanings.1Finocchiaro states that language is a system of arbitrary, vocal
symbols which permit all people in a given culture or other people who have
learned the system of that culture, to communicate to interact.2 A language
is a systematic means of communication by the use of sounds or
conventional symbols. It is the code that expresses ourselves and
communicated to others. It is a communication by word of mouth.3
One of the languages in this world is English,English language has
become an international language. It is spoken, learnt and understood even
in those countries where it is not a native’s language. English is playing a
major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, education,
advanced studies, business, technology, banking, computing, tourism etc.
All our software development today, the communication facilities are

Marriam Bashir, Muhammad Azeem, and Dr. Ashiq Hussain Dogar, Factor Effecting
Students’ English Speaking Skills, British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2: 1, (British
Journal Publishing, Inc., 2011), p. 34-50.
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Third Edition, (New
Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1994 ), p. 4.
G. Manivannan, Importance of English Language, from https://www.usingenglish.com.,
accessed on September 10th , 2016.

available to us through internet, our access to a variety of websites, are all

being carried out in English. Most of the research works are conducted and
compiled in English.4
Julie Edge said: “since British trade, followed by colonial and
imperial expansion, English spread around the world. Then the military and
economic dominance of the United States of America has confirmed
English as the international language of present historical period. As a
consequence, English server for many times many more people as a barrier
between themselves and those some fields of interest, many people in their
own countries will not be able to become doctors, for example if they
cannot learn enough English.5

There is no doubt that we are living in times of great change. As we

educators for the 21st century, we are aware of many changes occurring
globally. Population mobility continues throughout the world at an all-time
high in human history, bringing extensive cross-culture contact among
diverse language and culture groups. Predictions focus on an increasingly
interconnected world, with global Travel and instant international
communications available to more and more people.6

To follow that global development and be more competitive, we need

to be able to communicate to the people around the world. As we know
English language is used internationally and is the world’s most widely
studied foreign language.7 For purpose of the foregoing, the mastery of the
English language is an essential requirement for the success of individuals,
communities, and the nation of Indonesia to answer the global challenges.
Mastery of the English language can be obtained through a variety of
learning programs in schools.

Ishrat Aamer Qureshi, The Importance of Speaking Skills for EFL Learners, (Pakistan:
Department of English, AlamaIqbal Open University), p. 1-10.
Julian Edge, Essential, essential of English language teaching, (Longman:1993), P. 25
Lies Sercu, foreign language teachers and intercultural competence.(Great Britain: the
Cromwell Press Ltd., 2005), p. 1
Richard and Rodgers, Appoaches and methods in language teaching, (United Kingdom:
Cambridge University Press., 1986), p. 1

Learning process needs two base components, they are teachers and
students; a success of students depends on a success teacher in teaching.
Teachers have a big role in Teaching and learning process besides tool and
property of the school. Every Achievement that students get, there are
always teachers behind of them who help them to get a success. It could be
winning evens, or be the best in a class, or be the best in final Examination.

In every school, teachers have different teaching style, methods, and

approach to teach English, and every method, style, or approach has
different result. We know that every lesson needs an appropriate method to
teach, so does English, an appropriate method needs to apply to make
English to be a subject more understandable and it can gain a great result for
In Samarinda there are three Islamic junior high school that have A
Acridity, one of the school is a state Islamic junior high school, and the
others are private school only which are MTs Labaika that located in
samarinda seberang, and MTs Antasari that located in the central of
Samarinda. In this case, the private school MTs Antasari located in the
middle of the city, which is a good spot to reach by people.
MTs Antasari Samarinda is located in the middle of the city which has
more challenge than MTs labaika, the process teaching and learning in MTs
Antasari must be disturbed by the noise of the road, because the building is
next to cross road which always get road congestion, it almost every day
happen. But the process teaching and learning still going in the line, and the
students still pass the every assignment of English lesson.
The challenge is not only come from the situation of the noisy road,
but also the students, it make the teacher does something to deal with those
problems, but the teachers still can teach and make students understand
about the lesson. On the other hand, one of the aspects of acridity is the
teaching and learning process, and this school had gotten an A acridity by
BAP-SIM (Badan Akreditasi Provinsi Sekolah/Madrasah) it means the

teaching and learning process in this school had passed the test and stated to
be a Good School by receiving an A acridity.
Since the researcher know that MTs Antasari has a good teaching
even it just a private school, the researcher interest to know how is the
teaching English at MTs Antasari in academic year 2016/2017.

B. Research Problem
Based on the information stated in the Research Background, the
Research problem can be formulated as follow:
How is the implementation of teaching English at MTs Antasari in
academic year 2016/2017?

C. Research Objective
Based on the Research Problem, The research objective is describing
the implementation of teaching English at MTs Antasari in academic year

D. Research Significances
The result of this research theoretically and practically expected to be
as follows:
1. Theoretical Aspect
In theoretical aspect, this research expected to be useful as the
literature or reference. For teachers, this research will be able to some
information related to teaching English Language; for other researchers,
who will do the same field of the study, this research will be useful as a
comparative material and also a reference to make a better study about
teaching English.

2. Practical aspect
In Practical Aspect, for teachers who teach English to the
students, this research will provide a descriptive of a real English

language teaching, which can be practical guide to conduct an English

teaching-learning to the students.

E. Research Scope and Limitation

This research focuses on describing the implementation of teaching
English at MTs Antasari in academic year 2016/2017.

F. Definition of Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity of the term in this
research and to make them operationally measurable, it is better for
researcher to explain the operational definition. As follow:
1. The Islamic junior high school in this research refers to Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Antasari Samarinda or in short MTs Antasari
2. Descriptive Study in this research means systematically describe the
facts and characteristics of the implementation of teaching English
that the researcher found in MTs Antasari Samarinda8
3. Teaching is an activity to help somebody learn something by giving
information about it. .9
4. Teaching English means everything that used in the English teaching
learning process in the school, including curriculum, approach,
methodology, technique, strategy, media, material, and evaluation.10

accessed September 22nd,2016
Abu Hasan Al-Asy’ari. English teaching for blind students at Ninth Grade of the special
school Ruhui rahayu Samarinda in academic year 2013/2014, (Samarinda: STAIN Samarinda,
2014), p. 7
Abu Hasan Al-Asy’ari. English teaching for blind students at Ninth Grade of the
special school Ruhui rahayu Samarinda in academic year 2013/2014, (Samarinda: STAIN
Samarinda, 2014), p. 6

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