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-Nash amalkan ikhtilat

-Terdetik sebab hari kiamat

-Allah showed me kiamat and death
-Allah has always given u hint such that Allah gave u kefahaman ttg smeting mcm ada
ckp dalm surah bla2
-Rasa rugi 3 months x pegi skolah pondok balaja
-Plan nk improve tajwid and tuntut ilmu agama,sblum2 ni x rsa apa2 mungkin allah
showed me its the time to improve
-Takkan ko nak tnggu kiamat bru nk kejar2 akhirat sdangkn dah dkat sgt2 lagi2 kalau
ko x berilmu
-Buatpe nk kejar pilot,kita redha je.Yg penting tu kau dpt keje ac engineer xpe and
kejar akhirat tuh
-There is difference when i have phone and i dont have such that zaman kegemilangan
F3 is due to the fact yang I xde fon and berjaya AKHIRAT AND DUNIA alhamdulillah
-Get motivation starting from yesterday as i watch azizan and pilot motivation
video to improve myself.Learned of affirmations
-Affira buat hal,asik dduk call and agak jadi distraction to me and i feel like
nafsu growing bcoz of her..I needa stop bruv
-Quite lonely no people except for like Aishah tu sorang
-I would love want a good jodoh not like fira but idk if she wanna change bcoz of
me or bcz of Allah bcoz it also happens just like shahriza tuh.
-I get a passed on mathematics 78,now its study week period whereas exam is just
next week


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