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| ABR 18: Rep. David LaGrand - DRAFT SS Michigan Financial Disclosure Report De ENTE Complete for : candidate, their spouse, or dependent child. fthe individual, scouse, or dependent child is the beneficiary ofa trust which holds and/or receives income, please complete this form as both the individual and the trust. Report information on assets held on the last day of the period covered, Attach separate sheets as necessary. See the billawif undear aboutary of the ad in this form SB Statement Information Type: new O Amended 3-OG Date Statement Filed: Time Period Covered: From (2 |_1.) IBO\Rw JR 1 Qe |Simmiddiyyyy) AB rings J Annual Filer: Covering Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 of prior year; Due May 1 © Newly Appointed/Employed: File for calendar year before start date; Due within 30 days of employment or May 1, whichever is later. New Candidate: File for prior year before the candidate committee to elect filing; Due within 30 days of filing @ committee to elect for candidacy to an office, or May 1, whichever i later. 5 neaum William do. Sewecb : cousum Nacth, co Higains ra igus 37860 Saddle Lane, ChrlaTaorehi y mr 4hox Beneficial ust Sate Representative -Dickict 3) ame of Public Office Held or Sought 1.8: Rep. David LaGrand - DRAFT - PAGE 2 Gomeaeen List the name and adoress of every emoloyer from whom you, or your spouse, or dependent childiren) received employment Income of $5009 or more as an employee or contractor during the time period covered by this statemnent. fyou eamed inc ina self-employed capacity, please note each activity fr which you earned a seF-employed come over $5000 meron State of Michigan rms Shute Representa sve copy tains |Q4} N.Cioita) Ave note eset ty Cover neneendd Zetia Lansing! ONE IGIZS Filer Employer Name TalePosition Employer Addtess Employer's Prnclpal Act Others (Spouse and Dependent Crildren} Pathology Specialists of S. Employer Name Fe murne Bebe Logist/ resident x bgan r noid? | O06 058, Detrett NT HAZE, smnepssamy Pathology Services eexonworscenecinene Partha I. Hig ins oe Enployer Name TlerPoston Employer Adsress, Employers Principal Acti Peison Who Receives Income See irect Excluding publicly traded corporations, ist each business doing business in Michigan in which ycu, your spouse, or dependent child(ren), hold a direct ownership interest worth at east $10,000. Business Name Business Name Principe Activity of Business Principal Activity of Business Person rvolved Fetsoninveived + 1.8:Rep, David LaGrand - DRAFT - PAGE 3 6. eee Other than entities reported in Section 5, ist any other sour $5,000 in income as defined by the federal internal 1m which you, your enue code during the time cow from family members need not be reported, you are receiving payments from a pension, rame Seure of income Source of ncome Source of nome Person Wa Reeve Income Berson Who Received income Person Who Received come Ero ree ding assets listed above, fst the name of any investment held by the filer, spouse, and dependent children) that nasa net fair market value of more than $10,000, Include loans to any business entities anc publicly traded stocks (stock symbol wable) Include any pensions in which the individual i fully vested or any retirement ‘und. Incividual stocks end bonds are held in mutual or index funds do not need to be listed indidally. Exclude any loans to family members. Vangaurc Mutual Funds Behn Hancecle 1) Cande Financial instrument Financial instrument mi \ menmenge RET CEMENT Fund pemmnnpe Retire ment Fund pesoninomes — VYar-tha LY ).g 16 srt William S werby Versaurd Matuol Funds, Mera Stale of Michigan Financial instrument nancial instrument K » Retirement Fund sunare Redrement cwmmoe ValilViary Gaioerb/mames Willian Giuserby und Fleancial Instrument Francia nsturrent Investment Type Investment Type Person involved Person Involved

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