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Explanation With Detailed Analysis

Neon Approach ls
ASST. LOCO PILOT Half Annually Rate - 4%
1. The amount of a certain sum at compound interest for 2000
2 yr at 5% is Rs. 4410. The sum is 4% 4% Total I = 80 + 80 + 3.2
fdlh fuf'pr jkf'k dk 2 o"kZ ds fy, 5% pØo`f) C;kt dh nj ls = 163.20
feJ/ku # 4410 gS og jkf'k gS \ 80 80
(a) Rs. 4000
(b) Rs. 4200
3. 'If a' is an even positive integer and 'b' is an odd
(c) Rs. 3900 positive integer, then which of the following
(d) Rs. 3800 statement is true ?
Sol. (a) ;fn 'a' ,d /kukRed le iw.kkZad gS rFkk 'b' ,d /kukRed fo"ke iw.kkZd gS]
rks fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk dFku lgh gS \
According to the questions,
(a) a (b - 1) is even (b) a(b - 1) is odd
4410 = P (1 + 100
)2 = P × ( 21
)2 (c) (a - 1) (b - 1) is odd (d) (a - 1) b is even
4410 4410×400 Sol. (a)
P= = 441 = Rs. 4000
( 21 )2
20 As, a is even and (b - 1) will be even, so
a (b -1) = even integer.
Neon Approach ls
n ekuk a = 4, b=3
= 1+ gksrk gSA A = 4410 gS ] 441,21 dk square
P 100 4 (3 - 1) = 8 le la[;k gSA
gS rks principle (20) gksxkA P = 4000
4. AB and CD are two chords of a circle such that AB = 10
cm, CD = 24 cm and AB || CD. The distance between AB
2. The compound interest on Rs 2000 for 1 yr at the rate and CD is 17 cm. Then, the radius of the circle is equal to
of 8% per annum, when the interest is compounded
AB o CD ,d o`r dh nks thok,a bl izdkj gS fd AB = 10 lseh] CD =
semiannually, is
24 lseh rFkk AB || CD. AB rFkk CD ds chp dh nwjh 17 lseh gSA rks o`r
#- 2000 ij 1 o"kZ ds fy, 8% okf"kZd dh nj ls pØo`f) C;kt D;k dh f=T;k cjkcj gksxh \
gksxk] tc C;kt v)Zokf"kZd la;ksftr gks \ (a) 13 cm (b) 169 cm
(a)Rs163.20 (c) 26 cm (d) None of these
(b)2163.20 Sol. (a)
(c)Rs2000 Let radius be r, then

(d)Noneofthese In ∆ OMD, r² = OM²+ MD² ⇒ r² = 12² + x² … (i)

In ∆ OLB, r² = LB² + OL² ⇒ r² = (17- x)² + 5² …(ii)
Sol. (a) Comparing of both equations,
Principal=Rs2000 12² + x² = (17 - x)² + 25 ⇒ 34 x = 170
Time=1yr=2halfyears ⇒ x = 34 = 5 and r² = 12² + 5² ⇒ = 144 + 25 = 169
∴n=2 ∴ r = 13 cm

Rate=8%perannum=4%half-yearly Neon Approach ls A N B

5 5
4 2 M & N are mid point of chords.
CI = 2000 (1 + 100
) - 2000= [( 26 )2 - 1] × 2000
25 ;gka triplet 5, 12, 13 cu jgk gSA O
13 5
= 2163.20 - 2000 = Rs 163.20 12

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5. If the mean of five observations x, x + 2, x + 4, x + 6, x +
8 is 11, then the mean of first three observation is 150
∴p= 10
= 15
;fn x, x + 2, x + 4, x + 6, x + 8 izs{k.kksa dk ek/; 11 g]S rks igys rhu
izs{k.kks dk ek/; D;k gS \
(a) 9 (b) 11 7. The radius of the internal and external surfaces of a
hollow spherical shell are 3 cm and 5 cm respectively.
(c) 13 (d) None of these
If it is melted and recast into a solid cylinder of height
Sol. (a)
2 2 cm. What is the diameter of the cylinder ?
Here sum of 5 observations ,d [kks[kys xksykdkj [kksy dh vkarfjd o ckg~; f=T;k Øe'k% 3 lseh
= x + (x + 2) + (x + 4) + (x + 6) + (x + 8) rFkk 5 lseh gSA ;fn bldks fi?kyk;k tkrk gS rFkk blls 2 3 lseh ÅapkbZ
= 5x + 20 okyk ,d Bksl csyu cuk;k tkrk gS] rks csyu dk O;kl fdruk gksxk \
5x+20 (a) 12 cm
∴ Mean of total observations = = 11
⇒ 5x + 20 = 55 ⇒∴x=7 (b) 7 cm
∴ Mean of first three observations (c) 14 cm
7+9+11 27 (d) None of the above
= 3
= 3
Sol. (c)
Neon Approach ls 4
Consecutive odd/even la[;kvksa dh series esa mean, mid Internal volume of shell = 3 π (3)³ cm³
value gksrh gSA External volume of shell = 3 π (5)³ cm³
4 4
x + 4 = 11 ⇒x=7 ∴ Volume of metal = 3 π (5)³ - 3 π (3)³
Mean of first three = 9. 4
= 3 π (125 - 27)
= 3 π × 98
6. If the mean of the following data is 13.5, then the 8
value of 'p' is Length of cylinder = 3 cm
;fn fuEufyf[kr vkadMks dk ek/; 13.5 gS] rks 'p' dk eku gS\ ∴ Volume of cylinder formed = 3 π × 98
x 5 10 P 20 25 4
⇒ r²h = 3 π × 98
f 10 10 10 2 8
4 3
(a) 15 (b) 150 ⇒ r² = 3 × 98 × 8
(c) 10 (d) None of these ⇒ r² = 49
Sol. (a) ∴ r = 7 cm
xi fi fi × xi Here, diameter of cylinder = 2 × 7 = 14 cm
5 10 50

10 10 100

P 10 10p

20 2 40

25 8 200

Σ fi = 40 Σ fixi = 10p + 390

Σf ixi 10p+390
∴ Mean ( x ) =
Σf i
= 40
⇒ 13.5 =
⇒ 13.5 × 40 = 10p + 390

8. A conical tent of diameter 24 m at the base and its ⇒ h(x+2 √3 ) = x (h+6)
height 16 m. The canvas required to make it is ⇒ 2 √3 h = 6x
,d 'kaDokdkj VSaV ds vk/kkj dk O;kl 24 eh- rFkk ÅapkbZ 16 eh gSA bls
cukus ds fy, vko';d frjiky gS ⇒x=
5280 h
(a) m² ∴ tan ϕ = x

(b) 5180 m² ⇒ tan ϕ = √3

7 0
4180 ⇒ √3 = 60
(c) m²
Neon Approach ls
(d) m²
7 Neon standard triangle 60 - 30 - 900 ls
Sol. (a)
Slant height = 122 + 162
= 400 = 20m
Canvas required
300 600
= Curved surface area of conical tent 1
22 5280 6
= πrl = 7 × 12 × 20 = 7 m²
600 300
Neon Approach ls 2 3 3
Canvas required = πrl = 7
× 12 × 20
Answer 11 dk multiple gksxkA rFkk v'ka 4400 ls cM+k gksxkA Angle = 600

9. If a flag-staff of 6m high placed on the top of a tower 10. The remainder when 4a³ - 12a² + 14a - 3 is divided by
throws a shadow of 2√3 along the ground, then the 2a - 1, is
angle that the Sun makes with the ground is tc 4a³-12a²+14a-3 dks 2a-1 ls Hkkx fn;k tk;s rks 'ks"kQy gS \
;fn ,d Vkoj ds 'kh"kZ ij yxk 6 eh Åapk /otnaM tehu ij 2√3 yEch 1
Nk;k cukrk gS] rks lw;Z }kjk tehu ds lkFk cuk;k x;k dks.k gS 2
(a) 600 (b) 7
0 2
(b) 30
(c) 3
(c) 900 2
(d) None of these (d) None of these
Sol. (a) Sol. (c)

Let OA and AB be the shadows of tower OR and flag- Here, f (a) = 4a³ - 12a² + 14a - 3
staff RQ respectively on the grounds. and g (a) = 2a - 1
Let the Sun makes an angle ϕ with the ground. Put g (a) = 0 ⇒ a = 1
Let OA = x Remainder
In right angled ΔAOR, = f ( 1) = 4 ( 1)³ - 12 × ( 1)² + 14 × ( 1) - 3
2 2 2 2
tan ϕ = x
…(i) = 4 × 1 - 12 × 1 + 7 - 3 = 3
8 4 2
and in Δ BOQ,
tan ϕ = … (ii)
x + 2√3
h h+6
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), x
x + 2√3

11. If α and β be the roots of ax² - bx + b = 0, then what is 14. If x and y are positive with x - y = 2 and xy = 24, then
α β 1 1
the value of β
+ ? x + y is equal to
α β
;fn α o β, ax²-bx + b = 0 ds ewy gS rks β
+ dk eku D;k gksxk\ ;fn x o y /kukRed gS o x - y = 2 rFkk xy = 24, rks
(a) a/b (b) b/a 1 1
x + y cjkcj gS
(c) ab (d) None of these 5 1
(a) 12 (b) 12
Sol. (b) 1
x dk xq.kkad fu;rkad (c) (d) 25
ewyksa dk ;ksx =
x2 dk xq.kkad
⇒ ewyksa dk xq.ku[kaM = x2 dk xq.kkad 6 6
Here, α + β = a , αβ = a
b Sol. (a)
α α+β ∵ x - y = 2 and xy = 24
So, β + β = = a = b
α αβ b/a a
∴ (x + y)² = (x - y)² + 4xy

12. The ratio of the areas of the incircle and circumcircle = (2)² + 4(24) = 4 + 96 = 100
of a square is ∴ x + y = 10
,d oxZ ds vUr%o`r rFkk ckg~;o`r ds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr gS
1 1 y+x 10 5
(a) 1 : 2 x + y = xy = =
24 12
(b) 1 : 3 Neon Approach ls
(c) 2 : 1 x-y=2
1 1 x+y 10 5
(d) None of these xy = 24 ⇒ x + y = xy = =
24 12
Sol. (a) x=6
Radius of circumcircle y=4
= 2 Diagonal of square = 2 2a =
1 a 15. If one root of x² - 4x - k = 0 is 6, then the value of 'k' is
;fn x² - 4x - k = 0 dk ,d ewy 6 gS] rks 'k' dk eku gS
πr 2

∴ Area of circumcircle = (a) 16

πr2 4
Required ratio = 4
πr2 = =1:2 (b) 9
(c) 5
(d) 12
13. The cost of leveling a rectangular ground at Rs 1.25
per m² is Rs 900. If the length of the ground is 30 m, Sol. (d)
then the width is
One root of the equation x² - 4x - K = 0 is 6.
,d vk;rkdkj eSnku ds leryhdj.k dk [kpZ # 1-25 izfr eh2 dh nj ls
# 900 gSA ;fn eSnku dh yEckbZ 30 eh gS] rks bldh pkSMkbZ gS Let other root = β
(a) 6 m (b) 18 m b 4
α+β=- = =6+β=4
a 1
(c) 24 m (d) 36 m
Sol. (c) ⇒ β = -2
c -k
Area of ground ⇒α×β= a= 1

Total cost of leveling ⇒ 6 × -2 = -K ⇒ K = 12

= ( 900 ) = 720 m² Neon Approach ls

Area of ground 720
α+β=4 ⇒ 6+β = 4
⇒ ∴ Breadth of ground = Length = = 24m
of ground 30 αβ = -k ⇒ B = -2
αβ = -2 × 6 = -12 ⇒ k = 12

16. It is possible to distinguish between transverse and 2
mv² - GmM
longitudinal waves by studying the property of 2Gm
Hence, v = R
vuqizLFk vkSj vuqnS/;Z rjaxks ds chp varj djuk _________ds xq.k/keksZ ds
v/;;u ls laHko gS
(a) interference/O;frdj.k 19. An ideal transformer has 100 turns in the primary
(b) diffraction/foorZu and 250 turns in the secondary. The peack value of
(c) reflection/ijkorZu the AC is 28 V. The rms secondary voltage is nearest to
(d) polarization//kzqohdj.k ,d vkn'kZ VªkalQkWeZj esa izkFkfed esa 100 ?kqeko rFkk f}rh;d esa 250 ?kqeko
gSA AC dk vf/kdre eku 28 V gSA rks rms f}rh;d oksYVst fudVre
Sol. (d) gksxk
Phenomenon of polarization is shown only by (a) 40 V
transverse waves.
(b) 100 V
(c) 70 V
17. A sound wave of wavelength 90 cm in glass is
(d) 50 V
refracted into air. If the velocity of sound in glass is
5400 m/s, the wavelength of the wave in air is Sol. (d)
V2 250 28×250 14×5
dkap esa 90 lseh rjaxnS/;Z okyh ,d /ofu rjax] gok esa viofrZr gksrh gSA 28 = 100  V 2 = 2 ×100
= 2
;fn /ofu dk osx dkap esa 5400 eh@ls- gS] rks gok esa rjax dk rjaxnS/;Z 2

gksxk 70
= 50V
(a) 55 cm
(b) 5.5 cm
20. The current flowing in a coil of self inductance 0.4 mH
(c) 55 m is increased by 250 mA in 0.1 s. The emf induced will
(d) 5.5 m be
Sol. (b) 0.4 mH vf/k"Bkiu (inductance) okyh dqaMyh esa cgus okyh /kkjk 0-
Velocity = Frequency × Wavelength ⇒ V = n λ 1 lS- esa 250 mA c<+ tkrh gSA rks izsfjr emf gksxk
(a) 1 mV
;gk¡ n = Frequency, λ = rjaxnS/;Z
(b) -1V
In glass, 5400 × 100 = n × 90 (c) + 1mV
5400 ×100 (d) + 1V
⇒n= 90
330×100 5400×100 Sol. (a)
In air, =n= di -3 250×10-3
 90 e = -L dt
= -0.4 × 10 × 0.1
λ= = 5.5 cm
5400×100 = -1mV

18. The escape velocity of a sphere of mass 'm' from Earth

having mass 'M' and radius 'R' is given by
i`Foh ftldk nzO;eku 'M' rFkk f=T;k 'R' gS ls ,d 'm' nzO;eku okys
xksys dk iyk;u osx n'kkZ;k tk;sxk
2 2Gm
(c) 2GmM
(d) GM
Sol. (a)

1 981
21. A hot body will radiate heat most rapidly if its surface T = 2π g , T' = 2π 100g
is T' 98 2 1/2 1
,d xeZ 'kjhj rsth ls xehZ mRlftZr djrk gS ;fn bldh lrg gS T
= 100
= (1- 100 ) = (1- 100) by

(a) white and rough/lQsn o [kqjnjh binomial theorem.

(b) white and polished/lQsn o ikWfy'k dh gqbZ 1 T-T'
= T
= Change in time per second
(c) black and rough/dkyh o [kqjnjh
Change per day = Change in 86400 s = 86400
= 864 s
(d) black and polished/dkyh o ikWfy'k dh gqbZ
Sol. (c)
24. In the network shown in the figure, each of the
Radiation is greater from a rough surface because its
resistances is equal to 2Ω . The resistances between
effective area is greater than its geometric area. Black
the points A and B is
colour is a good radiator. Hence, black and rough
surface shall radiate heat rapidly. fn, x, fp= esa fn[kk, x, usVodZ esa izR;sd izfrjks/k 2Ω ds cjkcj gSA rks
fofdj.k dh ?kVuk [kqjnjh lrg ij vf/kd gksrh gS D;ksfd bldk dqy fcanq A o B ds chp izfrjks/k gS
ifj.kkeh {ks=Qy blds T;kferh; {ks=Qy ls vf/kd gksrk gSA dkyk jax A
lcls vPNk fofdjd gSA bl çdkj dkyh rFkk [kqjnjh lrg vPNk + R1 R3
fofdjd gSaA

22. Energy contained is maximum in R2 RX

vf/kdre ÅtkZ fufgr gS C
(a) infrared rays/vojDr fdj.kks esa
(b) microwaves/lw{e rjaxks esa
(a) 4Ω (b) 3Ω
(c) radiowaves/jsfM;ks rjaxks esa
(c) 2Ω (d) 1Ω
(d) ultraviolet rays/ijkcSaxuh fdj.kks esa
Sol. (c)
Sol. (d)
It is a balanced Wheatstone's bridge. The equivalent
E = hv circuit is shown in the figure. The diagonal resistance,
Of the given set, ultraviolet rays have maximum which is the galvanometer arm in Wheatstone's
frequency (v). Hence, energy contained is maximum bridge becomes ineffective, when the bridge is
in ultraviolet rays. Frequency of ultraviolet rays is of balanced.
the order of 1016 Hz. RPCQ = 2 + 2 = 4Ω RPDQ = 2 + 2 = 4Ω
E = 4, E=n  n = Iykad fLFkjkad
APCQB and APDQB are in parallel.
υ = vko`fr 4×4
RAB = 4+4 = 2Ω
ijkcsaxuh fdj.ksa@rajxkksa dh vko`fÙk lcls vf/kd rFkk ra,xnS/;Z lcls
ogh LVksd fczt ,d NksVk lk ifjeki gS tks ekiu esa mi;ksxh gSA bldk
de gksrh gSA (Eυ) bl çdkj ijkcsaxuh fdj.kksa dh ÅtkZ lcls de gksrh
gSA vkfo"dkj lSE;qvy NVj fØLVh us lu~ 1833 esa fd;k FkkA
fp= esa tSlk fn[kk;k x;k gS mldk vuqlkj fod.kZu% çfrjks/k
ineffective gks tkrk gSA
23. If the length of seconds's pendulum is decreased by
2%, how many seconds it will lose per day ?
25. The kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle
;fn lSd.M dh lqbZ dh yEckbZ 2% ?kVk nh tk;s] rks izfrfnu ;g fdrus executing simple harmonic motion will be equal
lSd.M [kks nsxh \
when (amplitude = a) displacement is
(a) 216 s ljy gkeksZfud xfr dks fØ;kfUor djus okys d.k dh xfrt ÅtkZ vkSj
(b) 432 s fLFkfrt ÅtkZ cjkcj gksxh tc (vk;ke = a) foLFkkiu gksxk
(c) 864 s (a) 2a (b) a 2
(d) 1728 s (c) a (d) a
Sol. (c) Sol. (d)

In SHM, KE = 2 m (a² - y²) w² (a) 600 (b) 900
PE = 2 mɷ²y² (c) 300 (d) 450
1 1
They are equal if 2 mɷ² (a²-y²) = 2 mɷ²y² Sol. (c)
⇒ a² - y² = y² Bil sinθ = F ⇒ 2 × 5 × 1.2 sinθ = 7.5
⇒ 2y² = a² 7.5 1
a ⇒ sinθ = 2×5×1.5 = 2 = sin300
∴y= 2
∴ θ = 300
26. The magnetic field at a distance 'r' from a long wire
carrying current 'i' is 0.4 tesla. The magnetic field at a 29. At a given temperature, the ratio of root mean square
distance '2r' is velocities of hydrogen molecule and helium atom will be
/kkjk 'i' izokfgr djus okys ,d yacs rkj ls 'r' nwjh ij pqEcdh; {ks= 0-4 ,d fn, x, rkieku ij gkbMªkstu v.kq o ghfy;e ijek.kq ds oxZ e/;
VsLyk gSA rks '2r' nwjh ij pqEcdh; {ks= gksxk ewy xfr;ks (Vrms) dk vuqikr gksxk \
(a) 0.2 tesla (a) 1 : 2
(b) 0.8 tesla (b) 2 : 1
(c) 0.1 tesla (c) 1 : 2
(d) 1.6 tesla (d) 2 : 1
Sol. (a) Sol. (b)
µoi µoi
B= 2πr
⇒ 0.4 = 2πr 3RT
Vrms = M
µoi 1µoi
B' = 2π(2r) = 22πR = 1 × 0.4 = 0.2 tesla Vrms of H2 M of He
Vrms of He = M of H2
4 2
27. A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by = 2= 1
,d xSYouksehVj dks _______tksMdj ,d vehVj esa cnyk tk ldrk gS 30. A simple microscope consists of a concave lens of
(a) low resistance in series/Js.kh esa fuEu izfrjks/k power 10D and a convex lens of power +20D in
(b) high resistance in series/Js.kh esa mPp izfrjks/k contact. If the image formed at infinity, then calculate
(c) high resistance in parallel/lekarj esa mPp izfrjks/k the magnifying power (D = 25 cm)
(d) low resistance in parallel/lekarj esa fuEu izfrjks/k ,d lk/kkj.k lw{en'khZ esa -10D 'kfDr dk ,d vory ysal rFkk +20D
'kfDr okyk ,d mry ysal yxk gSA ;fn izfrfcEc vuar ij curk gS] rks
Sol. (d)
bldh vko/kZu 'kfDr dh x.kuk djksA (D = 25 lseh)
To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter a low
(a) 2.5
value resistance called shunt is to be connected in
parallel to it. (b) 3.5
fdlh xSYoseksehVj dks vehVj esa cnyus ds fy;s ,d fuEu çfrjks/k dk (c) 2.0
yxk;k tkrk gS ftls 'kaV ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gSA 'kaV dks bl Js.kh esa (d) 3.0
lekUrj Øe esa yxk;k tkrk gSA
Sol. (a)

28. A current of 5 A is flowing in a wire of length 1.5 m. A Power of combination,

force of 7.5 N acts on it when it is placed in a uniform P = P1 + P2
magnetic field of 2 tesla. The angle between the
magnetic field and the direction of the current is P = + 20 - 10 = + 10D
,d 5 eh yEcs rkj esa 5A /kkjk cgrh gSA bl ij 7.5 N dk ,d cy dk;Z 1 1 100
F = p = 10 m = 10 cm = 10 cm
djrk gS tc bls 2 VsLyk okys pqEcdh; {ks= esa cnyk tkrk gSA rks D 25
pqEcdh; {ks= o /kkjk dh fn'kk esa dks.k dk eku gS For final image at infinity M = F = 10 = 2.5

31. A person suffering from presbiopia should use 34. While jumping in a swimming pool, a swimmer bends
tjk nwj n`f"V ls xzflr O;fDr dks bLeseky djuk pkfg, his body to decrease his
(a) a concave lens /,d vory ysal ,d rj.k rky esa dwnrs le;] ,d rSjkd vius 'kjhj dks D;k de djus ds
(b) a bifocal lens of which lower portion is convex/ fy, eksMrk gS \
,d mRrksory ysal ftldk fupyk Hkkx mRry gS (a) angular momentum/dks.kh; laosx
(c) a bifocal lens of which upper portion is convex/ (b) angular speed/dks.kh; xfr
,d mryksory ysal ftldk Åijh Hkkx mRry gS
(c) kinetic energy of translation/varj.k dh xfrt ÅtkZ
(d) a convex lens/,d mRry ysal
(d) moment of inertia/tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ
Sol. (b)
A bifocal lens, in which lower portion is convex to Sol. (d)
provide correction to hyper-metropia and upper When the swimmer bends his body, he decreases his
portion concave to provide remedy for myopia is used moment of inertia.
for presbiopia. As, l ɷ is constant, when l decreases, ɷ increases. l ɷ
bl jksx esa O;fDr dks f}HkkSfxd ysal vFkkZr mÙky rFkk vory nksuksa çdkj remains constant because no external torque is
ds ysal dk ç;ksx djuk pkfg;sA bls vU; uke f}Qksdlh ysal ls Hkh tkuk
applied to the system.
tkrk gSA Åijh Hkkx vory rFkk fupyk Hkkx mÙky ysal dk gksrk gSA
tc ,d rSjkd vius 'kjhj dks eksM+rk gS rc mldk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ de gks
tkrk gSA
32. By keeping the barometer tube slanting the
tc IW fu;r gS rFkk I de gksrk gS rks W c<+rk gSA IW fd;r jgrk gS
barometer reading will tc rd fd ml ij dksbZ ckg~; cy u yxk;k tk;sA
,d ok;qnkcekih ufydk dks frjNk djds ok;qnkc ekius ij
(a) increase/c<sxk
35. When sand is heaped on a rotating disc, its angular
(b) decrease/?kVsxk
velocity will
(c) first increase, then decrease/igys c<sxk] ckn esa ?kVsxk
tc ,d ?kwerh gqbZ pdrh ij jsr dk <sj yxk;k tkrk gS rks bldk dks.kh;
(d) remains the same/leku jgsxk osx
Sol. (a) (a) become zero/thjks ¼0½ gks tk;sxk
Barometer reading will increase by keeping the (b) increase/c<sxk
barometer tube slanting.
cSjksehVj dk ekiu c<+ tk;sxk tc bls frjNk j[k fn;k tk;sA (c) remain constant/fu;r jgsxk
(d) decrease/?kVsxk
33. The maximum height is h to which a person can throw Sol. (d)
a ball. The maximum distance to which he can project l ɷ is constant in the angular motion.
it will be l = MR²
,d O;fDr fdlh xsan dks vf/kdre h Å¡pkbZ rd Qsad ldrk gSA og
When sand is poured and heaped on the disc, mass
vf/kdre nwjh D;k gksxh tgka rd og mls nwj Qsad ldsxk \
increases and so/increases.
(a) h/2 (b) h
l ɷ = Constant
(c) 3 h/2 (d) 2h
Hence, if/increases, ɷ decrease.
Sol. (d)
?kw.kZu xfr esa IW ,d fu;r gSA
In projectile motion, height h = 2g I = MR2 tc /kwy ds d.kksa dks Mkyk tkrk gS rFkk fMLd ij nsj gks tkrk gS
For maximum h, θ = 90 rc nzO;eku esa o`f) gksrh gS rFkk
u2 IW = fu;r
Maximum height = 2g = h
Maximum range is obtained when angle of projection bl çdkj I c<+sxk rks W ?kVsxkA
is 450.
Maximum range - g = 2h

36. In the given current distribution what is the value of laned = tSlk fd uke ls gh irk py jgk gS laned dk 'kkfCnd vFkZ gS
'I' ? xfr dks /khek djukA laned fdlh jklk;fud xfr dks /khek djrs gSaA
mnkgj.k% H3PO4 glgcerol, H2O2 ¼gkbMªkstu ijkDlkbM+½ dh xfr dks
fn, x, /kkjk ds forj.k esa 'I' dk eku gS \
/khek djrs gSaA
(a) 2 A (b) 3 A
(c) 5 A (d) 8 A
39. The noble gas forming maximum number of
Sol. (a) compounds is
From Kirchhoff's Junction Law, og mRd`"V xSl tks lcls vf/kd la[;k esa ;kSfxd cukrh gS
⇒4+2+i-5-3=0⇒i=2A (a) Ne (b) Xe
(c) He (d) Ar
37. If two adjacent walls and the ceiling of a rectangular Sol. (b)
room are mirror surfaced, then how many images of Xenon forms maximum number of chemical because
himself, a man can see ? it has lowest ionization potential among boble gases
;fn ,d vk;rkdkj dejs dh nks vklUu nhokjs rFkk Nr ,d niZ.k dh (i.e., among the He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe).
rjg gS rks ,d O;fDr viuh fdruh ijNkbZ;ka ns[k ldrk gS \
mRÑ".k xSl mu xSlksa dks dgrs gSa tks lkekU;r% jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k esa
(a) 3 Hkkx ugha ysrh gSa rFkk lnk eqDr voLFkk esa ikbZ tkrh gSa buesa ghfy;e]
(b) 5 fuvkWu] vkxZu] fØIVku bR;kfn gSaA
(c) 6 ftukWu xSl lcls vf/kd la[;k esa dsfedYl cukrh gSa D;ksfd bldk
vk;uu foHko lcls de gksrk gSA
(d) 9
Sol. (c)
40. Pyrophosphoric acid is a
Total number of images formed = 6 *ik;jksQkWLQksfjd* vEy ,d gS \
Because with an object placed between two plane (a) monobasic acid/,d{kkjh; vEy
mirrors inclined at an angle of 900, one image is
(b) dibasic acid/f}{kkjh; vEy
produced due to each mirror and one due to their
combination, With three images right angles to each (c) tribasic acid/f={kkjh; vEy
other, one image is produced by each plane mirror (d) tetrabasic acid/prqZ{kkjh; vEy
and one by each of the three pairs of combination of Sol. (d)
two mirrors each. Pyrophosphoric acid is a tetrabasic acid = (H4P2O7)
dqy çfrfcEcksa dh la[;k = 6 gSA rhu çfrfcEc rks rhuksa niZ.kksa ds dkj.k ;g ,d prqZ{kkjh; vEy gSA
cusxsa rFkk 'ks"k vU; rhu çfrfcEc mu niZ.kksa ds feyku fcUnq dh otg ls
curs gSaA blesa ;g vko';d gS fd Q = 900
41. Bauxite containing chied impurities of oxides of
silicon is called
38. The inhibitors ckWDlkbV ftlesa flfydkWu vkWDlkbM dh v'kqf);ka izeq[krk ls gS dks dgk
laned& tkrk gS
(a) stop a chemical reaction at once/jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k (a) red bauxite/yky ckWDlkbV
dks rqjar jksd nsrk gSA
(b) white bauxite/lQsn ckWDlkbV
(b) retard the rate of a chemical reaction/jklk;fud
vfHkfØ;k dh nj dks /khek dj nsrk gSA (c) black bauxite/dkyk ckWDlkbV

(c) do not allow the reaction to start/vfHkfØ;k 'kq# ugha (d) no specific name/dksbZ fof'k"V uke ugha
gksus nsrk gSA Sol. (b)
(d) are reducing agents/vipk;d dkjd gSA White bauxite contains silica as impurity and red
Sol. (b) bauxite contains iron oxide as impurity.
lQsn okDlkbV esa flfydk v'kqf) ds :i esa ik;k tkrk gS rFkk ckWDlkbV
The inhibitors retard the rate of a chemical reaction
esa vk;ju vkDlkbM v'kqf) ds :i esa ik;k tkrk gSA
for example H3PO4 glycerol or acetamide decrease the
rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

42. When SO2 is passed through acidified solution of (a) its molecule is bent/bldk v.kq eqMk gS
potassium dichromate, then chromium sulphate is (b) its molecule is linear/bldk v.kq js[kh; gS
formed, the change in valency of chromium is (c) it is associated by hydrogen bonding/;g gkbMªkstu
tc dks ikSVsf'k;e MkbØksesV ds vEyhd`r ?kksy ls xqtkjk tkrk gS rks ca/k ls tqMk gqvk gS
Øksfe;e lYQsV dk fuekZ.k gksrk gS] Øksfe;e dh la;kstdrk esa ifjorZu gS
(d) None of the above/mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
(a) + 4 to + 2 (b) + 5 to + 3
Sol. (c)
(c) + 6 to + 3 (d) + 7 to + 2
Water has abnormally high melting and boiling point.
Sol. (c) Pure water freezes at 00C and boils at 1000C. This
When SO2 is passed through acidified solution of abnormally is due to the association of H2O molecules
potassium dichromate, then chromium sulphate is through hydrogen bonding.
formed the change in valency of chromium is +6to+3. ikuh dk vlk/kkj.k :i ls mPp DoFkukd fcanq gS D;ksfd ;g gkbMªkstu
tc lYQj xbZ vkDlkbM (SO2) dks iksVsf'k;e MkbZØksekbV ds foy;u ca/k ls ca/kk gqvk gSA ty dk mPp xyukda rFkk mPp DoFkukad gksrk gSA
ls xqtkjk tkrk gS rc Øksfe;e lYQsV dk fuekZ.k gksrk gS rc bl 'kq) ty 00C rFkk 1000C ij Øe'k% terk gS rFkk mcyrk gSA bl
Øksfe;e dh la;kstdrk +6 ls +3 gks tkrh gSA vlaxrrk dk eq[; dkj.k H2O dk gkbMªkstu ca/k ls tqM+k nsuk gSA

43. A reducing agent is a substance which can 46. Pollution free source of energy is
,d vipk;d dkjd ,d inkFkZ gS tks dj ldrk gS ÅtkZ dk iznw"k.k eqDr L=ksr gS
(a) accept electrons/bysDVªksuks dk Lohdkj (a) thermal energy/Å"eh; ÅtkZ
(b) donate electrons/bysDVªksuks dk R;kx (b)nuclear energy/ijek.kq ÅtkZ
(c) accept protons/izksVksuks dk Lohdkj (c) wind energy/iou ÅtkZ
(d) donate protons/izksVksuks dk R;kx (d) All of these/mijksDr lHkh
Sol. (b) Sol. (c)
The substance which donates electron in a chemical Wind energy is the pollution free source of energy.
reaction is called reducing agent. Note Nuclear energy causes radioactive pollution
og inkFkZ tks fdlh jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k esa bysDVªkuksa dks çnf'kZr djrk and thermal energy causes water pollution.
gS Reducing Agent dgykrk gSA iou ÅtkZ eq[;r% çnq"k.k jfgr ÅtkZ dk L=ksr gSA ukfHkdh; ÅtkZ jsfM;ks
,fDVo fofdj.k rFkk FkeZy ÅtkZ dk çlkj djrs gSa blfy;sa buls
44. Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence vR;f/kd çnw"k.k gksrk gSA
of / ikuh dh LFkk;h dBksjrk dh mifLFkfr ds dkj.k gS
(a) calcium bicarbonate/dSfY'k;e ckbZØkcksusV 47. By Wurtz reaction which alkane cannot be prepared ?
(b) sulphates and chlorides of calcium and oqMl (Wurtz) vfHkfØ;k }kjk dkSulk ,Ydsu rS;kj ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS\
magnesium/dSfY'k;e o eSXuhf'k;e ds lYQsV o DyksjkbM (a) Methane/ehFksu (b) Ethane/,Fksu
(c) sulphates and chlorides of sodium and (c) Propane/izksisu (d) Butane/C;wVsu
potassium/lksfM;e o ikSVsf'k;e ds lYQsV o DyksjkbM Sol. (a)
(d) nitrates of sodium and potassium/lksfM;e o In Wurtz reaction, the hydrocarbon obtained
ikSVsf'k;e ds ukbVªsV contains double the carbon as the parent hydrogen
Sol. (b) derivative. Since, methane contains only a single
Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence carbon atom, it cannot be prepared by Wurtz
of sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium. reaction.
ikuh dh LFkkbZ dBksjrk dsfY'k;e rFkk eSXuhf'k;e ds lYQsVksa rFkk oqMl vfHkfØ;k esa tks Hkh gkbMªksdkcZu çkIr gksrs gSa muesa nks dkcZu ik;s
DyksjkbMksa ds dkj.k gksrh gSA tkrs gSa pwfda ehFksu dsoy ,d gh dkcZu ijek.kq j[krk gSa rks bls oqMl
vfHkfØ;k }kjk çkIr ugha fd;k tk ldrk gSA
2R - X + 2Na → R - R + 2NaX
45. Water has abnormally high boiling point because
ikuh dk vlk/kkj.k #i ls mPp DoFkukad fcanq gS D;ksafd

48. The surface temperature of Sun is about (c) New Delhi-Mumbai Rajdhani Express
lw;Z dh lrg dk rkieku yxHkx gS ubZ fnYyh&eqEcbZ jkt/kkuh ,Dlizsl
(a) 106 0C (b) 58000C (d) New Delhi-Chandigarh Shatabdi Express
(c) 100000C (d) 10000C ubZ fnYyh&paMhx< 'krkCnh ,Dlizsl
Sol. (a) Sol. (c)
The temperature of the Sun's surface is of the order of
106oC. 52. NREGP is the abbreviated form of
lw;Z dh lrg dk rkieku 10 C gksrk gSA NREGP fdldk laf{kIr #i gS \
(a) National Rural Employment Guarantee
49. Green house gas is Programme/jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj xkjaVh dk;ZØe
xzhu gkml xSl gS (b) National Rural Educational Guarantee
(a) CO2 (b) O2 Programme/jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k f'k{kk xkjaVh dk;ZØe
(c) H2 (d) N2 (c) National Rapid Educational Guarantee
Programme/jk"Vªh; jSfiM f'k{kk xkjaVh dk;ZØe
Sol. (a)
The gases which trap the higher wavelength IR (d) National Rapid Employment Generation
radiation going outside from the Earth and thus Programme/jk"Vªh; jSfiM jkstxkj fuekZ.k dk;ZØe
maintaining the Earth temperature are called green Sol. (a)
house gases e.g., CO2, CH4 water vapours etc.
xzhu gkml xSlsa mu xSlksa dks dgrs gSa tks mPp rjaxnS/;Z ds fofdj.k dks 53. Mid Day Meal Scheme is financed and managed by
i`Foh ls tkus ls jksdrh gSa bl çdkj i`Foh ds rkieku dks cuk;s j[kus esa ls feM Ms ehy ;kstuk dks foRriksf"kr vkSj izfrcaf/kr fd;k tkrk gS
lgk;d gSaA buesa CO2,CH4 vapour ¼ty ok"i½ çeq[k gSaA (a) Food and Civil Supply Department of State
Government/jkT; ljdkj ds [kkn~; vkSj ukxfjd vkiwfrZ foHkkx
50. Sulphide ores are generally concentrated by (b) Department of Consumer Affairs and
lYQkbM v;Ldks dks lkekU;r% lkafnzr fd;k tkrk gS Welfare/miHkksDrk ekeyksa vkSj dY;k.k foHkkx
(a) froth floatation/>kx Iyou }kjk (c) Ministry of Programme Implementation/ dk;ZØe
(b) leaching/jklk;fud fof/k }kjk dk;kZUou ea=ky;
(c) magnetic separation/pqEcdh; i`FkDdj.k }kjk (d) Ministry of Human Resource Development / ekuo
lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;
(d) by gravity/xq#Rokd"kZ.k }kjk
Sol. (d)
Sol. (a)
Sulphide ores are concentrated by froth floatation
54. Which one of the following pairs is not property
process because of their non-wettability in water.
matched ?
When they are agitated in water containing pine oil,
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl tksMs dk Bhd esy ugh gS \
they form froth with oil and come on the surface.
Industry - Industrialists
From where they are collected and dried.
lYQkbM v;Ldksa dks lkekU;r% >kl Iyou fof/k }kjk lkafnzr fd;k tkrk (a) Reliance Mukesh Ambani
gS ;s v;Ld rsy ds lkFk >kx cukrs gSa rFkk inkFkZ dh lrg ij vk tkrs gSa fjyk;al - eqds'k vackuh
tgkW ls budks ,df=r dj fy;k tkrk gSA
(b) Wipro - R Krishna Murthy
foizks - vkj d`".k ewrhZ
51. Which is the fastest running train in Indian railways ?
(c) Airtel - Bharti Mittal
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulh Hkkjrh; jsyos esa lcls rst pyus okyh Vªsu gS \
,;jVsy - Hkkjrh fery
(a) Mumbai-Goa Superfast Express
(d) Nano Car - Ratan Tata
eqEcbZ&xksok lqijQkLV ,Dlizsl
uSuks dkj - jru VkVk
(b) New Delhi-Lucknow Shatabdi Express
ubZ fnYyh&y[kuÅ 'krkCnh ,Dlizsl

55. Who has the Sole Right to issue paper currency in proclamation of emergency/vkikrdky dh ?kks"k.kk ds nkSjku
India ? ,d o"kZ rd ds fy, c<kbZ tk ldrh gSA
Hkkjr esa dkxth eqnzk tkjh djus dk ,dek= vf/kdkj fdlds ikl gS \ (d) can be extended for two years at a time during the
(a) The Government of India/Hkkjr ljdkj proclamation of emergency/ vkikrdky dh ?kks"k.kk ds nkSjku
,d ckj esa nks o"kZ ds fy, c<+kbZ tk ldrh gSA
(b) The Finance Commission/for vk;ksx
Sol. (c)
(c) The Central Bank of India/lsaVªy cSad vkWQ bafM;k
Lok Sabha i.e. lower house of Indian parliament has a
(d) The Reserve Bank of India/Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad
tenure of 5 years or earlier if it gets dissolved before 5
Sol. (d)
years. During National Emergency, the Duration of
The sole right to issue paper currency in India is Lok Sabha can be extended to a maximum period of 1
provided to the Reserve Bank of India as every year at a time by passing a law in the parliament.
currency note in India except one rupee note has the yksdlHkk dh vof/k dks vkikrdky es a,d o"kZ ds fy;s cuk;k tkrk gSA
signature of the Governor of RBI. It also says that I bldks 5 o"kZ ls igys Hkh fo?kfVr fd;k tk ldrk gSA vkikrdky ds
promise to pay the Bearer the sum (any amount). le; esa yksdlHkk dh vof/k dks 1 o"kZ ds fy;s c<+k;k x;k FkkA
Hkkjr esa dkxth eqnzk tkjh djus dk ,d ek= vf/kdkj Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad
ds ikl gSA dsoy ,d :i;s ds uksV ds vykok vU; lHkh uksVksa ij Hkkjrh;
fjtoZ cSad ds xouZj ds gLrk{kj gksrs gSa 58. Which of the following chief justices of India acted as
the President of India also ?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls Hkkjr ds fdl eq[; U;k;k/kh'k us Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr ds
56. According to our constitution, the Rajya Sabha #i esa Hkh dk;Z fd;k gS \
gekjs lafo/kku ds vuqlkj] jkT; lHkk&
(a) Justice M Hidayatullah/U;k;ewfrZ ,e fgnk;rqYykg
(a) is dissolved once in 2 years/2 lky esa ,d ckj Hkax dj nh
(b) Justice P N Bhagwati/U;k;ewfrZ ih ,u Hkxorh
tkrh gSA
(c) Justice Mehar Chand Mahajan/U;k;ewfrZ esgj pan egktu
(b) is dissolved every 5 years/gj 5 lky esa Hkax dj nh tkrh
gSA (d) Justice B K Mukherjee/U;k;ewfrZ ch ds eq[kthZ
(c) is dissolved every 6 years/gj 6 lky esa Hkax dj nh tkrh Sol. (a)
gSA According to the Constitution if the post of President
(d) is not subject of dissolution/Hkax dk fo"k; ugha gSA falls vacant due to registration or death than the Vice
Sol. (d) President will act as President and in his absence
The Raiya Sabha i.e. upper house of Indian Chief justice or in his absence the senior most judge
parliament is permanent in nature, it does not get of the Supreme Court will act as the President.
dissolved however one third members of the house Justuce M. Hidayatullah acted as the President of
are retired after every second year. The term of India in 1969 after the sudden demise of President
member of Rajya Sabha is fixed at six years. The Dr. Zakir Hussain.
maximum strength of Rajya Sabha is 250. Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds vuqlkj tc jk"Vªifr dk in fjDr gks tkrk gS rks
mijk"Vªifr jk"Vªifr ds in ij dk;Z djrk gS ijUrq mi jk"Vªifr dh e`R;q
jkT; lHkk ftls mPp lnu dgk tkrk gS dHkh Hkh Hkax ugha gksrh gS vFkkZr
gks tkus ij Hkh mPpre U;k;ky; dk eq[; U;k;k/khjk Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr
;g ,d LFkkbZ lnu gSA blds çfr 2 o"kk±s esa ,d frgkbZ lnL; lsokfuo`r
gksrs gSaA jkT;lHkk ds lnL;ksa dk dky 6 o"kZ dk gksrk gSA vf/kdre lnL; ds :i esa dk;Z djrk gSA M fgjk;rqYykg us lu~ 1969 bZ- MkW- tkfQj
la[;k 250 gSA gqlSu dh e`R;q ds ckn jk"Vªifr ds :i esa dk;Z fd;kA

57. The term of the Lok Sabha 59. The legal advisor of State Government is known as
yksd lHkk dh vof/k jkT; ljdkj ds dkuwuh lykgdkj dks tkuk tkrk gS
(a) cannot be extended under any circumstances/ (a) Advocate-General/,MoksdsV & tujy
fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa foLrkfjr ugha dh tk ldrh gSA (b) Attorney-General/vVkuhZ & tujy
(b) can be extended by six months at a time/,d ckj esa (c) Solicitor-General/lkWfyfLVj&tujy
Ng eghus rd c<kbZ tk ldrh gSA (d) State public prosecutor/jkT; yksd vfHk;kstd
(c) can be extended by one year of a time during the Sol. (a)

According to Article 165 of the Constitution each Pitt's India Act, was an Act of the Parliament of Great
State shall have a Advocate General. He is the highest Britain intended to address the shortcomings of the
legal officer and advisor to the State Government. He Regulating Act of 1773 by bringing the East india
is appointed by the Governor of the state and hold Company's rule in India under the control of the
office during the pleasure of the Governor. British parliament.
jkT; ljdkj ds dkuwuh lykgdkj dks ,MoksdsV tujy ds uke ls tkuk fiV~l bafM;k ,DV xzsV fczVsu laln }kjk jsX;wysfVax ,DV dh [kkfe;k¡ dks
tkrk gSA lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn 165 ds vuqlkj çR;sd jkT; dk ,d de djus ds fy;s yk;k x;k FkkA bl vf/kfu;e ds }kjk bZLV bafM;k
,MoksdsV tujy gksxkA ;g jkT; ljdkj dk lcls cM+k dkuwuh daiuh ij fu;a=.k fd;k x;k FkkA
lykgdkj gksrk gSA;g jkT;iky ds çlkn Ik;ZUr rd in ij cuk jgrk
62. Consider the following statements.
fuEufyf[kr dFkuks ij fopkj djs
60. What was the reason for Gandhiji's support to 1. Muhammad Shah (1719-48) was the first Mughal
decentralization of power ? ruler to patronize Urdu.
lRrk ds fodsUnzhdj.k ds fy, xka/khth ds leFkZu dk D;k dkj.k Fkk \ eqgEen 'kkg ¼1719&48½ mnwZ dk laj{k.k djus okyk igyk eqxy 'kkld FkkA
(a) Decentralisation ensures more participation of 2. Malik Muhammad Jayasi wrote the famous epic
the people into democracy/ fodsUnzhdj.k yksdra= esa yksxks dh 'Padmavat' in Hindi.
vf/kd Hkkxhnkjh lqfuf'pr djrk gSA efyd eksgEen tk;lh us fganh esa izfl) egkdkO; *in~ekor* fy[kk FkkA
(b) India had decentralization of power in the past/ Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
Hkkjr us vrhr esa lRrk dk fodsUnzhdj.k fd;k FkkA
Åij fn, x, dFkuks esa ls dkSu lk@ls lgh gS@gSa \
(c) Decentralisation was essential for the economic
(a) Only 1/dsoy 1 (b) Only 2/dsoy 2
development of the country / ns'k ds vkfFkZd fodkl ds fy,
fodsUnzhdj.k vko';d FkkA (c) Both 1 and 2/1 o 2 nksuks
(d) Decentralisation can prevent communalism / (d) Neither 1 nor 2/u rks 1 u gh 2
fodsUnzhdj.k ls lkaiznkf;drk dks jksdk tk ldrk gSA Sol. (c)
Sol. (a)
Decentralization of power means that the power to 63. The main cause of the conflict between the Nawab
govern should be transferred to the grassroot level Sirajuddaula and the East India company was that
i.e. the people of the smallest unit like village. uokc fljktqnkSyk vkSj bZLV bafM;k daiuh ds chp la?k"kZ dk eq[; dkj.k Fkk
Gandhiji was a great supporter of decentralization of (a) the British opposed the succession of
power and panchayats are an example of this type of Sirajuddaula/ vaxzstks us fljktqnkSyk ds mÙkjkf/kdkj dk fojks/k fd;k
system in which people participate in the governance (b) the British misused the Dustaq (free duty
of their area. passes)/ vaxzstks us nLrd ¼'kqYd eq¶r ikl½ dk nq#i;ksx fd;k
lÙkk dk fodsUæhdj.k yksxksa dh Hkkxknkjh dks vf/kd lqfuf'pr djrk gSA
xka/khth pkgrs Fks fd yksdar= esa lÙkk dk fodsUæhdj.k vf/kd ls vf/kd (c) the British attacked the French settlement of
gksuk pkfg;sA tehu ij iapk;rh jkt O;oLFkk bldk ,d mnkgj.k gSA Chandranagar in Bengal/vaxzstks us panzuxj ds Ýsap mifuos'k ij
iapk;rh jkt O;oLFkk esa yksxksa dh Hkkxknkjh vf/kd gksrh gSA geyk fd;k
(d) the incident of black hole had occurred/ CySd gkWy
61. The first definite step to provide parliamentary dh ?kVuk gqbZ FkhA
control over East India Company was taken by Sol. (b)
bZLV bafM;k daiuh ij lalnh; fu;a=.k iznku djus ds fy, igyk fuf'pr In the mid 18th century British East India company
dne mBk;k x;k Fkk enjoyed the benefit of dastaq. i.e. free duty free
(a) The Regulating Act of 1773/fofu;eu vf/kfu;e] 1773 passés. These passes prevent the East India company
(b) The Pitt's India Act of 1784/fiV~l vf/kfu;e] 1784 from paying taxes during trade. This harmed the local
(c) The Charter Act of 1793/pkVZj vf/kfu;e] 1793 traders of Bengal. In 1757 the young ruler of Bengal
Sirajjudaulah took away these rights which
(d) The Charter Act of 1813/pkVZj vf/kfu;e] 1813
ultimately led to the Battle of Plassey.
Sol. (b)
18 oha lnha ds e/; esa fczfV'k bZLV bafM;k daiuh us nLrd çFkk dk vkuUn

mBk;k + e.g Free dulg, Free pass bu iklsl ds ek/;e ls bZLV bafM;k 66. Consider the following statements.
daiuh ds fcuk VsDl Tax dk ykHk mBk;kA bl pht ls Local fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj djsA
ckaXyksnf'k;ksa dks cgqr NksVk gqvkA
Salinity of water in the equatorial oceans decrease
64. The British introduced the railways in India in order Hkwe/;js[kh; egklkxjks esa ikuh dh yo.krk de gksrh gS D;ksafd
to 1. large rivers like Amazon and Congo enter into the
vaxzstks us Hkkjr esa jsyos dh 'kq#vkr --------------- ds fy, dh Fkh sea/vestu vkSj dkaxks tSlh cM+h ufn;ka leqnz esa izos'k djrh gSA
(a) promote heavy industries in India/Hkkjr esa Hkkjh m|ksxks 2. evaporation is less/ok"ihdj.k de gSA
dks c<kok nsuk
3. waters from Arctic and Antarctic mix with the
(b) facilitate British commerce and administrative/
waters of equator/Hkwe/;js[kh; egklkxjks dk ikuh] vkdZfVd rFkk
fczfV'k okf.kfT;d vkSj iz'kklfud lqfo/kk
vaVkdZfVd egklkxjks ds ikuh ls fefJr gksrk gSA
(c) move foodstuff in case of famine/vdky ds le; [kkn~;
4. of heavy rainfall/Hkkjh ckfj'k ds dkj.k
inkFkksZ dks LFkkukarfjr djus
Which of these statements are correct ?
(d) enable Indians to move freely within the
buesa ls dkSulk dFku lgh gS \
country/Hkkjrh;ks dks ns'k esa Lora= #i ls vkxs c<us esa l{ke cukuk
(a) 1 and 2/1 o 2 (b) 3 and 4/3 o 4
Sol. (b)
(c) 1 and 3/1 o 3 (d) 1 and 4/1 o 4
The British Government introduced railways in India
during the period of Lord Dalhousie in 1853. The Sol. (d)
main objective of railways were consolidation of Salanity of waters in the equatorial oceans decreases
British empire through effective mobilization of because of the high rainfall and introduction of water
army and resources and spread of British products in by rivers like congo and amazon. Salanity gets
the Hinterland. reduced after addition of water due to its dilution
vaxzstksa us Hkkjr esa Railway dh 'kq:vkr O;kikj djus ds mís'; ls dh which means now the water has less salt per litre of
x;h ;g dk;Z 1853 esa ykMZ MygkSth ds dk;Zdky esa fd;k x;k FkkA water.
vaxstksa dk eq[; mís'; jsyos ds ek/;e ls viuh vkehZ dks ,d txg ls ikuh dk [kkjsiu Hkwe/; lkxj esa de gks tkrk gS D;ksafd vestu rFkk dkaxks
nwljh txg lqxerk ls Hkstuk FkkA ufn;ksa }kjk yk;s x;s ty ds dkj.k [kkjsiu dks ikuh feykdj de fd;k
tk ldrk gS ftldk vFkZ gS vc ty esa [kkjsiu dh ekuk esa dehA

65. The Arya Samaj was founded by

vk;Z lekt dh LFkkiuk ----------ds }kjk dh xbZ 67. Tidal Range denotes the
(a) Swami Dayananda Saraswati/Lokeh n;kuan ljLorh Tokj HkkVk ls rkRi;Z gS

(b) Swami Vivekanand/Lokeh foosdkuan (a) rise of sea water and its movement toward the
coast/leqnz ds ty&Lrj esa o`f) vkSj rV dh vksj bldh xfr
(c) Keshav Chandra Sen/ds'ko panz lsu
(b) fall of sea water and its movement toward the
(d) Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar/bZ'oj panz fon~;k lkxj
sea/leqnz ds ty Lrj esa fxjkoV vkSj leqnz dh rjQ bldh xfr
Sol. (a)
(c) rise and fall of sea water due to gravitational
Arya SAMAJ IS AN Indian Hindu reform movement forces/xq#Rokd"kZ.k cy ds dkj.k leqnz ds ty Lrj esa o`f) o fxjkoV
that promotes values and practices based on the
(d) difference between high and low tide/mPp vkSj fuEu
belief in the infallible anthority of the Vedas. The /kkjk ds chp varj
samaj was founded by the sannyasi (ascetic)
Sol. (d)
Dayananda Saraswati on 7th April. 1875.
vk;Z lekt dh LFkkiuk Lokeh n;kaun ljLorh ds }kjk dh x;h FkhA vk;Z Tides occur due to the gravitational pull of Sun and
lekt dk eq[; mís'; fgUnw /keZ esa vk;h gqbZ dqjhfr;ksa dks u"V djuk Fkk Moon on Earth especially Moon. Tidal range refers to
rFkk osnksa dks vafre lR; ekuuk FkkA bldh LFkkiuk lu~ 1875 bZ- esa dh the range or difference between the height of high
x;h FkhA and low tides. High tides occur when Earth, Moon and
Sun comes in a straight line and low tides occur when
Sun and Moon are placed at perpendicular to the

Tokj ekVk ls rkRi;Z mPp ,oa fuEu /kkjk ds chp vUrj ls gSA Tokj fefy;u o"kZ iwoZ cuk FkkA 175 o"kZ iwoZ ;g xksaM ukuk yS.M+ rFkk yksjsfl;k
eq[;r% lw;Z rFkk pUæek dk i`Foh ij xq:Rokd"kZ.k cy ds dkj.k gksrk gSA esa VwV x;k FkkA blds okn xksMoaMk Hkh nks Hkkxksa nf{k.k vesfjdk rFkk
Tokjh; ijkl nks Tokjks dh mPpre o fuEure Å¡pkbZ ds chp esa vUrj dks vÝhdk nks Hkkxksa esa VwV x;k FkkA vc ;s nksuksa egk}hi ,d nwljs dk niZ.k
çnf'kZr djrh gSA mPp Tokj rc ?kfVr gksrk gS tc i`Foh] lw;Z RkFkk çfrfcEc fn[kkbZ nsrs gSA
pUæek ,d gh lh/kh js[kk esa fLFkr gksrs gSaA fuEu Tokj rc ?kfVr gksrk gS
tc lw;Z rFkk pUæek ,d nwljs ds yEco~r gksrs gSaA
71. Root found in Dahlia
Mgfy;k esa dkSulh tM ikbZ tkrh gS
68. Radialarian oozes occur in the depths of
jsfM;kslfØ; /kkjk,a fdl xgjkbZ esa izokfgr gksrh gS (a) Tuberous root/V~;wcjl #V
(a) 600 to 1200 fathoms/600 ls 1200 QSne (b) Fusiform root/¶;wlhQkWeZ #V
(b) 1500 to 2000 fathoms/1500 ls 2000 QSne (c) Fasiculated root/QSlhdqysVsM #V
(c) 2000 to 5000 fathoms/2000 ls 5000 QSne (d) Conical root/dkWfudy #V
(d) 5000 to 6000 fathoms/5000 ls 6000 QSne Sol. (c)
Sol. (c) Fasciculated roots are tuberous roots arising in
cluster from the base of the stem e.g. Dahila, Ruellia,
Asparagus, etc.
69. What is a coastal plains ?
MyfV;k esa QSflD;wysVsM root ik;h tkrh gS ;s ,d çdkj dh
,d rVh; eSnku D;k gS \
Tuberous ewy gksrh gSa ;s fuEu esa ik;h tkrh gSa tSls& Myfg;k] :fy;k
(a) It is created by a continental shelf exposed by rFkk ,likjsxl bR;kfnA
(b) It is created by continental shelf exposed by 72. Osmosis involves
(a) diffusion of suspended particle from higher to
(c) It is created by a continental shelf exposed by tidal lower concentration
(b) diffusion of suspended particle from lower to
(d) None of the above higher concentration
Sol. (b) (c) diffusion of water from more to less concentrated
70. Name the continents that form a mirror image of each (d) diffusion of water from less to more concentrated
other side
mu egk}hiksa ds uke crkvks tks ,d nwljs dk niZ.k izfrfcEc cukrs gS
Sol. (c)
(a) North America and South America/mrjh vesfjdk o
nf{k.kh vesfjdk
73. Which one of the following processes takes place in
(b) Asia and Africa/,f'k;k vkSj vÝhdk
lakes during eutrophication ?
(c) Africa and South America/vÝhdk vkSj nf{k.kh vesfjdk ;wVªksfQds'ku ds nkSjku >hyks esa fuEu esa ls dkSu lh izfØ;k gksrh gS \
(d) Europe and Asia/;wjksi vkSj ,f'k;k (a) Rapid destruction of algal growth/'kSoky ds fodkl dk
Sol. (c) rsth ls fouk'k
Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed during the (b) Excessive availability of dissolved oxygen/fo?kfVr
late Paleozoic era. It assembled from earlier vkWDlhtu dh vR;f/kd miyC/krk
continential units approximately 335 million years (c) Loss of dissolved nutrients from water/ikuh esa
ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million fo?kfVr iks"kd rRoksa dh {kfr
years ago into Gondwanaland and Lauresia. After this (d) Excessive entry of nutrient into water/ikuh esa iks"kd
break South America and Africa which were part of rRoksa dh vR;f/kd izfof"V
Gondwanaland got separated. Now it appears like Sol. (d)
these continents are mirror images of each other.
vÝhdk vkSj nf{k.k vesfjdk ,d nwljs dk çfrfcEc cukrs gSaA Pangaea
,d supereontinerl Fkk tks Paleozoic era esa vfLrRo esa Fkk ;g 335

74. Age of tree is estimated by 79. Instrument used to store the electric charge is known
isM dh vk;q dk vuqeku yxk;k tkrk gS as
(a) its weight/mlds otu ls fo|qr vkos'k dks laxzfgr djus okys midj.k dks tkuk tkrk gS
(b) its height/bldh Å¡pkbZ ls (a) inductor/izsfj=
(c) the number of annual ring/blds okf"kZd oy; dh la[;k ls (b) capacitor/la/kkfj=
(d) the length of its root/bldh tM dh yEckbZ ls (c)transformer/ifj.kkfe=@ifjorZd
Sol. (c) (d) transistor/VªkaftLVj
Sol. (b)
75. Tikka disease is related with the crop
fVDdk jksx _______ Qly ls lacf/kr gS 80. Consider the following statements
(a) Musturd/ljlks fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj djs

(b) Paddy//kku 1. Plutonium 239 can be made artificially.

IywVksfu;e&239 dks d`f=e #i ls cuk;k tk ldrk gSA
(c) Ground nut/ewaxQyh
2. Boron is used in a nuclear reactor to absorbs
(d) All of these/mijksDr lHkh
unwanted neutrons.
Sol. (c) ckWjksu dk bLrseky ijek.kq fj,DVj esa vokafNr U;wVkWu dks vo'kksf"kr
djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
76. Leaf spot disease of rice is caused by 3. In nature, the availability of Uranium-238 is much
pkoy esa i.kZ fpRrh jksx ______ ds dkj.k gksrk gS more than that of Uranium 235.
izd`fr esa] ;wjsfu;e&238 dh miyC/krk ;wjsfu;e&235 ls T;knk gSA
(a) Fungus/dod (b) Bacteria/thok.kq
Which of these statements is are correct ?
(c) Virus/fo"kk.kq (d) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
fuEufyf[kr dFkuks esa ls dkSu ls lgh gS \
Sol. (b)
(a) Only 1/dsoy 1 (b) 1 and 2/1 o 2
(c) 1, 2, 3 (d) Only 3/dsoy 3
77. The unit of intensity of electric field is
fo|qr {ks= dh rhozrk dh bdkbZ gS Sol. (c)

(a) Newton/coulomb / U;wVu@dwykWEc

81. Storage which stores or retains data after power off is
(b) Joule/coulomb / twy@dwykWEc
(c) Volt-metre / oksYVehVj
LVksjst tks fctyh tkus ds ckn Hkh MkVk dks lajf{kr j[krk gS dks tkuk
(d) Newton/metre / U;wVu@ehVj tkrk gS
Sol. (a) (a) Volatile storage/oksysVkby LVksjst
(b) Non-volatile storage/ukWu&oksysVkby LVksjst
78. When no current is passed through a conductor (c) Sequential storage/vuqØfed LVksjst
tc fdlh lqpkyd ls dksbZ /kkjk izokfgr u gks (d) Direct storage/izR;{k LVksjst
(a) the free electrons do not move/eqDr bysDVªkWu xfr ugha Sol. (b)
djrs gS
(b) the average thermal velocity of a free electron
82. Hard disc drives are considered ……. Storage.
over a large period of time is zero/,d cMh le;kof/k ds fy,
,d eqDr bysDVªkWu dk vkSlr m"eh; osx 'kwU; gS gkMZ Mªkbo fMLd dks &&&&& LVksjst ekuk tkrk gSA
(c) the average of thermal velocities of all the free (a) flash/¶yS'k
electrons at an instant is zero/lHkh eqDr bysDVªkWu ds vkSlr (b) non-volatile/ukWu&oksysVkby
m"eh; osx ,d {k.k esa 'kwU; gSA (c) temporary/vLFkk;h
(d) (b) and (c)/(b) o (c) (d) non-permanent/xSj&LFkk;h
Sol. (d) Sol. (b)

83. H2O is liquid and H2S is a gas because 87. Which one of the following pairs of geographical area
H2O ,d nzo gS rFkk H2S ,d xSl gS D;ksafd show maximum biodiversity in our country ?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk HkkSxksfyd tksMk gekjs ns'k esa vf/kdre tSo
(a) oxygen forms stronger hydrogen bond than fofo/krk fn[kkrk gS \
sulphur/vkWDlhtu] lYQj dh rqyuk esa etcwr gkbMªkstu ca/ku
cukrk gSA (a) Sunderbans and Rann of Kutch/lqnajou vkSj dPN ds
( b ) ox yg e n i s l e s s e l e c t ro n e g a t ive t h a n
(b) Eastern Ghats and Paschim Banga/iwohZ ?kkV vkSj
sulpur/vkWDlhtu] lYQj ls de fo|qr ¼_.kkRed vkos'k½ gSA if'pe caxk
(c) atomic radius of oxygen is less than that of (c) Eastern Himalaya and Western Ghat/iwohZ fgeky; vkSj
sulphur/vkWDlhtu ds ijek.kq dh f=T;k] lYQj ds ijek.kq dh f=T;k if'peh ?kkV
ls de gS
(d) Kerla and Punjab/dsjy vkSj iatkc
(d) atomic radius of oxygen is greater than that of
Sol. (c)
sulphur/vkWDlhtu ds ijek.kq dh f=T;k] lYQj ds ijek.kq dh f=T;k
ls vf/kd gS
Sol. (a) 88. Pollution of big cities can be controlled to large extent
cMs 'kgjks ds iznw"k.k dks dkQh ek=k esa fu;af=r fd;k tk ldrk gS
84. Oxidation is defined as
vkWDlhdj.k dks ifjHkkf"kr fd;k tkrk gS (a) wide roads and factories away from city/pkSM+h lM+dsa
rFkk 'kgj ls nwj dkj[kkus
(a) loss of electrons/bysDVªkWu dh deh
(b) cleanliness drive and proper use of
(b) gain of electrons/bysDVªkWu dh o`f) pesticides/LoPNrk vfHk;ku vkSj dhVuk'kdksa dk mfpr mi;ksx
(c) gain of protons/izksVksu dh o`f) (c) proper sewage and proper exist of chemicals from
(d) loss of protons/izksVksu dh deh factories/lgh ey izokg i)fr vkSj dkj[kkuks esa jlk;uksa dh mfpr
Sol. (a) ekStwnxh
(d) All of the above/mijksDr lHkh
85. With reference to their relative strengths which one Sol. (d)
of the following sequences of the basis is correct ?
mudh lacf/kr etcwrh ds vk/kkj ij] fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk vuqØe 89. Logo of WWF-N is
lgh gS \
WWF-N dk izrhd fpUg gS (a) Red panda/yky ikaMk
(a) HCO-3 - > CH3COO- - > ClO-4 > OH-
(b) Giant panda/fo'kky ikaMk (c) Polar bear//kzqoh; Hkkyw
(b) CLO-4 < CH3COO- < HCO-3 < OH-
(d) Tiger/ck?k
(c) OH < HCO-3 < ClO4 < CH3COO-
Sol. (a)
(d) ClO-4 > CH3COO- > OH- > HCO-3
Sol. (b) 90. If the Bengal tiger becomes extinct
vxj caxky ck?k foyqIr gks tk;s rks
86. The rate of diffusion of hydrogen is about (a) hyaenas and wolves will become scarce/ydMcX?ks
gkbMªkstu ds izlkj dh nj yxHkx gS vkSj HksfM;s de gks tk;saxs
(a) one half that of helium/ghfy;e dh vk/kh (b) the wild areas will be safe for man and domestic
(b) 1.4 times that of helium/ghfy;e dh 1-4 xquk animals/taxyh bykds euq"; vkSj ikyrw tkuojksa ds fy, lqjf{kr gksaxs
(c) twice that of helium/ghfy;e dh nqxquh (c) its gene pool will be lost forever/bldk thu iwy ges'kk
ds fy, [kks tk;sxk
(d) four times that of helium/ghfy;e dh pkj xquk
(d) the population of beautiful animal will get
Sol. (b)
stabilized/lqanj tkuojks dh vkcknh fLFkj gks tk;sxhA
Sol. (c)

91. Jude Felix has established reputation as an Indian 96. Who has written the book 'War and Peace' ?
player in which of the following games? *okj ,.M ihl* iqLrd fdlus fy[kh gS \
T;wM QsfyDl us fuEufy[fkr esa ls fdl [ksy esa ,d Hkkjrh; f[kykM+h ds (a) Khushwant Singh/[kq'koar flag
#i esa izfr"Bk gkfly dh gS \
(b) Mikhail Shalokhov/fe[ksy 'kSyks[kkso
(a) Hockey/gkWdh (b) Volleyball/okWyhcky
(c) Count Leo Tolstoy/dkmaV fy;ks VkWyLVWk;
(c) Football/QqVcky (d) Golf/xksYQ
(d) Saul Bellow/'kkmy csyks
Sol. (a)
Sol. (c)

92. Mrs. Meera Sahib Fthima Beebi is distinguished as

97. Who has been awarded the 'UNESCO/Crillermocana
the first lady
foundation World Press Freedom Prize' ?
Jherh ehjk lkfgc Qkfrek chch igyh efgyk &&&& ds #i esa izfl) gS
*;wusLdks@fØYejksds'ku QkmaMs'ku oYMZ izsl ÝhMe izkbt* ls fdls
(a) judge of the High Court/mPp U;k;ky; dh U;k;k/kh'k lEekfur fd;k x;k gS \
(b) Governor of a state/fdlh jkT; dh jkT;iky (a) Ms. Christina Amyanure (Nigeria)/lqJh fØLVhuk
(c) Judge of the Supreme Court/mPpre U;k;ky; dh U;k;k/kh'k vek;.;ksj ¼ukbthfj;k½
(d) Gold medal winner in sports/[ksy esa ,d Lo.kZ ind fotsrk (b) Najam Sethi (Pakistan)/utke lsBh ¼ikfdLrku½
Sol. (c) (c) Jesus Blancorenelas (Mexico)/th'kW'k CySadksjsySjl
(d) Jugnu Mohsin/tqxuw eksgflu
93. The term PC means / PC ls rkRi;Z gS
Sol. (b)
(a) Private Computer/xSj&ljdkjh dEI;wVj
(b) Personal Computer/O;fDrxr dEI;wVj
98. Press freedom day is celebrated on
(c) Professional Computer/O;kolkf;d dEI;wVj
izsl Lora=rk fnol euk;k tkrk gS
(d) Personal Calculator/O;fDrxr dSydqysVj
(a) May 2/2 ebZ
Sol. (b)
(b) May 3/3 ebZ
(c) May 4/4 ebZ
94. Who was the first chairman of the SAARC ?
(d) None of the above/mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
lkdZ ds igys v/;{k dkSu Fks \
Sol. (b)
(a) Mr. Zia Ur Rehman/Jh ft;k mj jgeku
(b) Lt Gen H M Ershad/ysf¶VusaV tujy ,p ,e bzj'kkn
99. The United Nations declared 2003-2012 at the
(c) King Birendra/jktk fcjsanz
international decade for
(d) Mrs. Indira Gandhi/Jherh bafnjk xka/kh la;qDr jk"Vª us 2003&12 dks varjkZ"Vªh; n'kd ?kksf"kr fd;k Fkk
Sol. (b) (a) United Nation Literacy Decade/la;qDr jk"Vª lk{kjrk
95. Which of the following organization issue the rules of (b) Bone and Joint Decade/gM~Mh vkSj tksM n'kd
global trade ? (c) Second International Decade for the Eradication
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk laxBu oSf'od O;kikj ds fu;eksa dks tkjh djrk gS \ of Colonialism/mifuos'kokn ds mUewyu ds fy, nwljk varjkZ"Vªh;
(a) World Bank/fo'o cSad n'kd
(b) World Trade Organisation/fo'o O;kikj laxBu (d) International Decade for Natural Disaster
(c) Foreign Exchange Dealer's Association/ fons'kh eqnzk Reduction/izkd`frd vkink esa deh ds fy, varjk"Vªh; n'kd
O;kikj la?k Sol. (a)
(d) Directorate General and Foreign Trade/egkfuns'kd
vkSj fons'kh O;kikj
Sol. (b)

100. Who is the first Indian woman to win an Asian games 104. Consider the following.
gold in 400 m run ? fuEufyf[kr dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,
,f'k;u [ksyks esa 400 eh nkSM esa Lo.kZ ind thrus okyh igyh Hkkjrh; 1. Fringe Benefit Tax/lhekar HkÙkk dj
efgyk dkSu gS \
2. Interest Tax/C;kt dj
(a) M L Valsamma/,e ,y oylEek
3. Securities Transaction Tax/izfrHkwfr;k lapkyu dj
(b) P T Usha/ih Vh Å"kk
Which of the above mentioned is/are Direct
(c) Kamaljit Sandhu/deythr la/kq Tax/Taxes ?
(d) K Malleshwari/ds eYys'ojh mijksDr mYysf[kr esa ls dkSu lk@ls izR;{k dj gS@gSa \
Sol. (c) (a) Only 1/dsoy 1
(b) 1 and 3/1 o 3
101. Which one of the following is not a quantitative credit (c) 2 and 3/2 o 3
control ? (d) All of these/mijksDr lHkh
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh ,d ek=kRed ØsfMV fu;a=.k rduhd ugha gS \
Sol. (d)
(a) Bank Rate/cSad nj
(b) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)/uxn vkjf{kr vuqikr
105. A Trade Policy consists of
(c) Increase of interest rate on saving deposit/cpr tek ,d O;kikj uhfr esa 'kkfey gS
ij C;kt nj esa o`f)
(a) Export-Import Policy/fu;kZr&vk;kr uhfr
(d) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)/lkafof/kd rjy vuqikr
(b) Licensing Policy/ykblsaflx uhfr
Sol. (c)
(c) Foreign Exchange Policy/fons'kh eqnzk uhfr
(d) Balance of Payment Policy/'ks"k vkn;xh uhfr
102. When the Reserve Bank of India announces an increase
of the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), what does it mean? Sol. (a)

tc Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad udn vkjf{kr vuqikr (CRR) esa o`f) dh ?kks"k.kk
djrk gS] rks bldk D;k vFkZ gS \ 106. Which one of the following Bills must be passed by
(a) The Commercial Banks will have less money to each House of the Indian Parliament separately by
lend/okf.kfT;d cSadks dks m/kkj nsus ds fy, de /ku feysxk special majority ?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl fo/ks;d dks Hkkjrh; laln ds izR;sd lnu }kjk
(b) The Reserve Bank of India will have less money to
cgqer ls ikfjr fd;k tkuk pkfg, \
lend/Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds ikl m/kkj nsus ds fy, de iSlk gksxk
(a) Ordinary Bill/lk/kkj.k fo/ks;d
(c) The Union Government will have less money to
(b) Money Bill//ku fo/ks;d
lend/dsUnz ljdkj ds ikl m/kkj nsus ds fy, de iSlk gksxk
(c) Finance Bill/for fo/ks;d
(d) The Commercial Banks will have more money to
lend/okf.kfT;d cSadks dks m/kkj nsus ds fy, vkSj vf/kd iSls feysaxs (d) Constitution Amendment Bill/lafo/kku la'kks/ku fo/ks;d
Sol. (a) Sol. (d)

103. Interest on public debt is a part of 107. Who sang 'Sare Jahan Se Achchha Hindostan Hamara'
lkoZtfud _.k ij C;kt &&& dk ,d fgLlk gSA of Iqbal and 'Jan-Gana-Mana' of Rabindra Nath
(a) transfer payments by the enterprises/ miØeksa }kjk Tagore in the Central Assembly at midnight of 14/15
LFkkukarj.k Hkqxrku August, 1947 ?
14@15 vxLr] 1947 dks e/; jkf= esa dsUnzh; lHkk esa bdcky dk *lkjs
(b) transfer payments by the government/ ljdkj }kjk
tgka ls vPNk fganksLrk gekjk* rFkk jfoanz ukFk VSxksj dk *tu&x.k&eu*
LFkkukarj.k Hkqxrku
fdlus xk;k Fkk \
(c) national income/jk"Vªh; vk;
(a) Rameshwari Nehru/jkes'oj usg#
(d) interest payment by house holds/ ?kjsyw C;kt Hkqxrku
(b) Meera Ben/ehjk csu
Sol. (b)

(b) Meera Ben/ehjk csu Directions (111 - 112) Give one word for the
(c) Sucheta Kriplani/lqpsrk d`iykuh
following words/sentences.
(d) MS Subbalaxmi/,e ,l lqCcy{eh
Sol. (d) 111. An elderly unmarried woman
(a) Spinster (b) Vandal
108. Which one of the pairs given below is not correctly (c) Bachelor (d) Adult
matched ? Sol. (a)
uhps fn, tksMks esa ls dkSu lk lgh lqesfyr ugh gS \ An elderly unmarried woman = spinster
(a) Equality before law Guranteed to both citizens ,d o;kso`) vfookfgr efgyk = dqaokjh efgyk] Adult = O;Ld
and non-citizens/dkuwu ds le{k lekurk&ukxfjdks vkSj xSj
ukxfjdks nksuks ds fy, izR;kHkwr
112. To induce to have sexual intercourse
(b) Altering the name of a state Power of State
(a) Incite (b) Seduce
Legislature/jkT; ds uke cnyko&jkT; fo/kku eaMy dh 'kfDr
(c) Lax (d) Entice
(c) Creating a new state Power of Parliament/,d u;k
jkT; cukuk&laln dh 'kfDr Sol. (b)
laHkksx ds fy;s mdlkuk = seduce
(d) Equality of opportunity Guaranteed only to
Indian in public employment Citizens/volj dh
lekurk&lkoZtfud jkstxkj esa dsoy Hkkjrh;ks dks vk'oLr Directions (113 - 114) Choose the correct word to
Sol. (b) fill in the blanks.

109. In what ways does the Indian Parliamanet exercise 113. The owner of these books …….
control over the administration ? (a) have gone (b) were gone
iz'kklu ij Hkkjrh; laln dk fu;a=.k fdl izdkj gS \ (c) has gone (d) are going
(a) Through Parliamentary Committees Sol. (c)
Laklnh; lfefr;ksa ds ek/;e ls The owner ,d singular gS vr% singular verb vk;sxhA
(b) Through Consultative Committees of various
114. Neither he for you …. to go.
fofHkUu eaf=;ks dh ijke'kZnk=h lfefr;ks ds ek/;e ls
(a) has (b) is
(c) By mailing the administrations send periodic
reports (c) have (d) was
iz'kklu dks i=kpkj }kjk vkof/kd fjiksVZ Hkstdj Sol. (c)
(d) By compelling the executive to issue writs Nielher-nor esa ckn okys ds lkFk Helping verb vkrh gSA vr% (c)
dk;Zdkfj.kh 'kfDr ij ijekns'k tkjh djus dk nokc Mkydj option lgh gSA
Sol. (a)
115. The indirect speech of He said to me, “What time do
110. What could be the maximum time limit of 'Zero the offices close ?” is
Hour'? (a) He wanted to know what time the offices close
*thjks vkWoj* dh vf/kdre le; lhek D;k gks ldrh gS \ (b) He asked me what time did the offices closed
(a) 30 minutes/feuV (c) He asked me what time the offices closed
(b) 1 hour/?kaVk (d) He asked me what time the offices did close
(c) 2 hours/?kaVs Sol. (c)
(d) Indefinite period/vfuf'pr vof/k he asked we that time tre office closed.
Sol. (b)

116. Who was an opium addict ?
(a) Wilde (b) Hardy
(c) Coleridge (d) Marlowe
Sol. (c)
Coleridge ,d dfo gqvk gS og vQhe dk vknh FkkA og ekurk Fkk fd
vQhe mls jpukRed cukrh gSA fØLVkosy mudh Famous poem gSA

Directions (117 - 118) Choose the correct spelt


117. (a) Guarantee (b) Guaruntee

(c) Garantee (d) Guareentee
Sol. (a)
"Guarantee" is the correct spelling.

118. (a) Dismised (b) Dismissed

(c) Dissmised (d) Desmised
Sol. (b)
"Distressed" is the correct spelling.

Directions (119-120) Choose the correct meaning of

the following idioms from the given choice.

119. A chicken hearted fellow

(a) Sober (b) Intelligent
(c) Timid (d) Bold
Sol. (c)
Chicken = Chicken hearted fellow = timid

120. To face music

(a) Enjoyment (b) In trouble
(c) Sound health (d) To be ill
Sol. (b)
To face music = Reprimand


RAILWAY GROUP D (JAIPUR) 6. Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr dks in dh 'kiFk dkSu fnykrk gS \

(a) mi&jk"Vªifr
1. fo"ke dk irk yxk,¡ %
(b) lqizhe dksVZ ds eq[; U;k;k/kh'k
1, 4, 9, 16, 23, 25, 36
(c) yksd lHkk ds v/;{k
(a) 9 (b) 23
(d) eq[; pquko vk;qDr
(c) 25 (d) 36
Sol. (b)
Sol. (b)
jk"Vªifr dks in dh 'kiFk lqizhe dksVZ ds eq[; U;k;k/kh'k fnykrk gS rFkk
23 ,d iw.kZ oxZ la[;k ugha gSA
jk"Vªifr viuk R;kx i= mijk"Vªifr dks lksairk gSA

2. nh xbZ Ük`a[kyk esa xyr la[;k dks Kkr djsa %

7. fiNksyk >hy fdl 'kgj esa fLFkr gS \
36, 54, 18, 27, 9, 18.5, 4.5
(a) t;iqj esa (b) tks/kiqj esa
(a) 4.5 (b)18.5
(c) mn;iqj esa (d) vtesj esa
(c) 54 ×2 ×2 = 13.2
(d) 18
Sol. (c)
Sol. (b) fiNkSyk >hy mn;iqj esa fLFkr gSA ;g ,d d`f=e >hy gS bldk fuekZ.k
1362 AD esa fd;k x;k FkkA bldh vf/kdre yEckbZ 4 km gSA
×2 ×2 ×2
36, 54, 18, 27, 9, 18.5, 4.5
8. fdudks ÝafV;j xka/kh ds #i esa tkuk tkrk gS \
vFkkZr~ izR;sd esa (alternatively),d la[;k ds ckn la[;k nqxuh vk (a) egkRek xka/kh (b) [kku vCnqy x¶Qkj [kku
jgh gSA (c) 'ks[k vCnqYyk (d) nknkHkkbZ ukjksth
Sol. (b)
3. nh xbZ Üka`[kyk esa xyr la[;k dks Kkr djsa % ÝafV;j xka/kh ds uke ls [kku vCnqy x¶Qkj [kku dks tkuk tkrk gSA bUgsa
5, 16, 6, 16, 7, 16, 9 lhekar xka/kh ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA bUgsa lhekar xka/kh egkRek xka/kh
(a) 9 (b) 7 ds fopkjks ls izHkkfor gksus ds dkj.k tkuk tkrk gSA
6 +1 +1 = 8 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
9. j{kk lsukvksa dk loksZPp vf/kdkj fdlds ikl gS \
Sol. (a)
(a) QhYM ek'kZy (b) iz/kku lsukifr
5, 16, 6, 16, 7, 16, 9 (c) iz/kkuea=h (d) Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr
Sol. (d)
j{kk lsukvks dk loksZPp vf/kdkj jk"Vªifr ds ikl gSA gkykafd ;g lsuk ds
4. vke vkneh ikVhZ us vke pquko 2014 esa fdruh yksd lHkk lhVsa thrh \
loksZPp fu.kZ; iz/kkuea=h dh lykg ls gh ysrk gSA
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 5 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha 10. Hkkjr ds jk"Vªh; izrhd esa mRdh.kZ *lR;eso t;rs* dgk¡ ls fy;k x;k gS \
Sol. (a) (a) xk¡/kh th dh d`fr;ksa ls (b) usg# th ds Hkk"k.kksa ls
vke yksdlHkk pquko esa vke vkneh ikVhZ us fnYyh ls 'kwU; lhVsa izkIr dh
ysfdu iatkc esa mls vPNh lQyrk gkfly gqbZ vkSj ogk¡ mlus 4 lhVs (c) eq.Mdksifu"kn~ (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
izkIr dh gkykafd iwjs ns'k esa iatkc dks NksMdj mldk lwiMk lkQ gks x;k Sol. (c)
FkkA *lR;eso t;rs* cgqr gh lkFkZd dFku gSA bls eq.Mksifu"kn~ ls fy;k x;k
gSA bldks jk"Vªh; izrhd ds #i esa 26 tuojh 1950 dks fy;k x;k FkkA
5. ekmaV ,sojsLV dh yxHkx Å¡pkbZ D;k gS \
(a) 6700 eh- (b) 8850 eh-
(c) 9800 eh- (d) 7800 eh-
Sol. (b)
ekmaV ,ojsLV dh yEckbZ 8848 eh gS ijUrq option esa ;s ugh gS vr% ge
blds ikl tks Hkh eku gS ogh ysaxsA

11. *jke d`".k fe'ku* dh LFkkiuk fdlus dh Fkh \ 16. *lwpuk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e* fdl o"kZ vfLrRo esa vk;k \
(a) lqHkk"k pUnz cksl (b) Lokeh foosdkuUn (a) 2005 bZ- (b) 2008 bZ-
(c) n;kuUn ljLorh (d) vkpk;Z jked`".k (c) 2004 bZ- (d) 2007 bZ-
Sol. (b) Sol. (a)
jked`".k fe'ku dk uke jked`".k ijegal tks ,d /kkfeZd xq# Fks ds uke lwpuk dk vf/kdkj (Right to information) 2005 esa vfLrRo esa
ij j[kk x;k gSA bldh LFkkiuk Lokeh foosdkuUn us 1 ebZ 1897 dks dhA vk;k FkkA bls ykus esa lcls T;knk ;ksxnku v#.kk jk; dk jgk gSA v#.kk
jk; ,d izfl) lekt lsfodk gSA budk izeq[k lkekftd dsUnz vtesj esa
12. fdlus dgk Fkk] **Lojkt esjk tUefl) vf/kdkj gS vkSj eSa bls ysdj jgw¡xk fLFkr gSA
(a) egkRek xk¡/kh (b) tokgj yky usg# 17. fuEu esa ls fdl ns'k esa 2014 FIFA ¼QqVckWy½ fo'o di vk;ksftr gqvk gS
(c) lqHkk"k pUnz cksl (d) cky xaxk/kj fryd
(a) czkthy (b) vtsZaVhuk
Sol. (d)
cky xaxk/kj fryd ,d egku jk"Vªoknh FksA budh fopkj/kkjk esa *LojkT;* (c) Lisu (d) Ýkal
vkrk gSA budk izfl) dFku ^^Lojkt esjk tUefl) vf/kdkj gS vkSj eSa Sol. (a)
bls ysdj jgqaxk** gSA
2014 FIFA World Cup czkthy esa gqvk FkkA

13. pUnz xzg.k gksrk gS tc%

18. fo"ke dk p;u djsa tks lewg ls lacf/kr ugha gS&
(a) i`Foh vkSj lw;Z ds chp pk¡n vkrk gS
(a) E;kÅa (Mew) (b) HkkSaduk (Bark)
(b) lw;Z vkSj pk¡n ds chp i`Foh vkrh gS
(c) ph[kuk (Shout) (d) xqjkZuk (Howl)
(c) i`Foh vkSj pk¡n ds chp lw;Z vkrk gS
Sol. ( c)
(d) lw;Z] i`Foh vkSj pk¡n 900 dk dks.k cukrs gSa a, b, d rhuksa tkuojksa ls lEcfU/kr gSA
Sol. (b)
pUnzxg.k ml [kxksyh; fLFkfr dks dgrs gS tc panzek i`Foh ds Bhd ihNs
19. fo"ke dk p;u djs tks lewg ls lacf/kr ugha gS&
vk tkrk gS ,slk rHkh gksrk gS tc lw;Z] i`Foh vkSj pUnzek bl Øe esa
yxHkx ,d lh/kh js[kk esa vofLFkr gksA (a) BCDE (b) JKLM
(c) STVU (d) WXYZ
14. *daputaxk* ioZr pksVh dgk¡ gS \ Sol. (c )
(a) Hkkjr (b) usiky a, b, d rhuksa ,d fuf'pr pattern dk fuekZ.k djrs gSaA
(c) phu (d) frCcr
Sol. (b) 20. fn, 'kCn ds v{kjksa dk mi;ksx djrs gq, fodYiks esa fn, fdl 'kCn dks
**daputaxk** ioZr pksVh Hkkjr esa usiky ckMZj ij fLFkr gSA ;g nqfu;k dh cuk;k tk ldrk gS \
rhljh lcls cMh pksVh gSA bldh ÅapkbZ 8586 eh gSA ;g pksVh fgeky; CORRESPONDING
Js.kh dk fgLlk gSA (a) DISCERN (b) RESPONSE
15. fuEu lk/kuksa esa dkSu&lk lk/ku (Device) dEI;wVjksa dks tksM+rk gS vkSj
Sol. (a )
VsyhQksu&ykbu ds vk/kkj ij dk;Z djrk gS \
(a) ,aVhuk (b) ;w- ih- ,l-
21. 50 la[;kvksa dk vkSlr 30 gSA ;fn buesa ls nks la[;kvks 35 rFkk 40 dks
(c) lh- ih- ;w- (d) eksMse
NksM+ ns rks 'ks"k la[;kvksa dk vkSlr D;k gksxk \
Sol. (d)
(a) 28.32 (b) 28.78
MODEM og ;qfDr gS tks dEI;wVj o VsyhQksu ykbu dks tksMus ds dke
(c) 29.27 (d) 29.68
vkrk gSA bldk iwjk uke Modulator and Demodulator gSA
Sol. ( d)
50×30- (35+40)
= 29.68

22. ;fn fdlh la[;k dk 35% ml la[;k ds 50% ls 12 de gS] rks og 25. ;fn 5 vkneh ;k 9 vkSjrs ,d dk;Z dks 19 fnuksa esa iwjk djrs gS] rks mlh
la[;k gS % dk;Z dks 3 vkneh vkSj 6 vkSjrs fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk djsaxs \
(a) 40 (b) 50 (a) 12 (b) 15
(c) 60 (d) 80 (c) 18 (d) 21
Sol. (d) Sol. (b)
ekuk og la[;k x gSA 5M = 9W
x × 35% = x×50% - 12 (3M + 6W) × d = 5M × 19
35 x × 50

– 100
= -12 (3M + 6 × M) d = 5M × 19
x = 80 d = 15 days

Neon Approach ls Neon Approach ls

50% - 35% = 12 5M × 12 = 30 m × n
15% = 12 n=2 5
20 9
100% = 12 × = 80 Total days = 37 + 2 = 39

23. 100 # esa fdlh oLrq dks cspus ij ,d O;fDr dks 15 # dk ykHk gksrk gS] rks 26. ,d Bsdsnkj us dksbZ dk;Z 38 fnu esa lekIr djus dk Bsdk fy;k rFkk 30
mldk ykHk izfr'kr gS % O;fDr dke ij yxk;sA 25 fnu ckn mlus 5 O;fDr vkSj yxk;s rFkk dk;Z
2 fu;r le; ls 1 fnu igys lekIr dj fn;kA ;fn og vfrfjDr O;fDr
(a) 15% (b) 12 3 %
ugha yxkrk rks fu;r le; ls fdrus fnu ckn dk;Z lekIr gksrk \
11 1
(c) 1717 % (d) 17 4 % 1 3
(a) 1 4 (b) 1 4
Sol. (c )
fo- ew- = 100 #i;s (c) 1 (d) 1 2
ykHk = 15 # Sol. (a)
25 5
Ø- ew- = 85 # 25 fnu esa dqy dke = 30 = 6 dke
15 11 1
ykHk % = 85 × 100 = 17 17 % 'ks"k dke = 6
6 × 35 × 12 = 30 × 6 × d
Neon Approach ls
d = 14, vr% dk;Z lekfIr esa yxk le; = 25+14 = 39 fnu
NPC ls
P 15 3
= =
SP 100 20 27. ,d ,Dlizsl jsyxkM+h 100 fdeh-@?kaVk dh vkSlr pky ls ,d nwjh izR;sd
D I 75 fdeh- ds ckn 3 feuV #drs gq, r; djrh gSA fdruh nsj esa ;g
3 3 = 11 jsyxkMh 600 fdeh- dh nwjh ij fLFkr xUrO; LFkku ij igq¡psxh \
17 %
20 17 17 (a) 6 ?kaVs 21 feuV (b) 6 ?kaVs 24 feuV
(c) 6 ?kaVs 27 feuV (d) 6 ?kaVs 30 feuV
24. ,d isVh esa ,d ntZu 'kh'ks FksA isVh ds fxjus ij VwVs gq, rFkk fcuk VwVs gq,
'kh'kksa dk vuqikr fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk ugha gks ldrk gS \ Sol. (a)
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 1 600 km dh nwjh r; djus esa fy;k x;k le; = 100 = 6 ?kaVk
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 7 : 5 #dus ds le; dks 'kkfey djus ij
Sol. (c) 600
( 75
- 1) = 8 - 1 = 7
vuqikr ogh gksxk tks ftls 12 esa Hkkx nsus ij iwjk&iwjk Hkkx pyk tk;sA
vr% 3 : 2 = 5 ⇒ 7 × 3 = 21 feuV
12 esa 5 dk Hkkx ugha tkrkA dqy le; = 6 ?kaVk vkSj 21 feuV Ans.

28. ,d 100 eh- yEch jsyxkMh ftldh j¶rkj 144 fdeh-@?kaVk gS] ,d 32. *,fQy Vkoj* fdl ns'k esa fLFkr gS \
fctyh ds [kaHks dks fdrus le; esa ikj djsxh \ (a) ;w- ,l- ,- (b) ;w- ds-
(a) 2.5 lsd.M (c) Ýkal (d) #l
(b) 4.25 lsd.M Sol. (c)
(c) 5 lsd.M ,fQy Vkoj yksgs ls cuk gqvk Vkoj gSA bldk fuekZ.k lqizfl} bathfu;j
(d) 12.5 lsd.M xLVko ,fQy us fd;k FkkA ;g fcfYMax Ýkal esa fLFkr gSA
Sol. (a)
d 100×18 5 33. RBI fdldk laf{kIr #i gS \
T= v = = 2 sec
144×5 (a) cSadks dk cSad (Bank of Banks)

29. 7.20 # izfr fdxzk- ds pkoy dks 5-70 # izfr fdxzk ds pkoy ds lkFk (b) ,d futh cSad (a Private Babk)
fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, fd feJ.k dk ewY; 6-30 # izfr fdxzk- gks (c) ,d lgdkjh cSad (a Cooperative Bank)
tk, \ (d) ,d okf.kfT;d cSad (a Commercial Bank)
(a) 1 : 3 Sol. (a)
(b) 2 : 3 RBI cSad % bldk iwjk uke fjtoZ cSad vkWQ bafM;k gSA ;g Hkkjr dh
(c) 3 : 4 vFkZO;oLFkk dh ekSfnzd uhfr;ks dks ns[krh gSA bldh LFkkiuk 1 April
(d) 4 : 5 1935 dks gqbZ FkhA ;g Hkkjr dh lHkh cSadks ij fu;a=.k j[krh gS blfy,
Sol. (b) bls cSadks dk cSad Hkh dgrs gSA
7.2 5.7
34. 87 ls iw.kZr;k% foHkkftr gksus okyh la[;k izkIr djus ds fy, 13601 ls
lcls NksVh fdl la[;k dks ?kVkuk pkfg, \
0.60 0.90 =2:3 (a) 49
(b) 23
30. ftruh nsj esa A, 22.5 ehVj nwjh r; djrk gS] mruh nsj esa B 25 ehVj
(c) 29
nwjh r; djrk gSA ,d fdyksehVj dh nkSM esa B, A dks fdrus ehVj ls
gjk,xk \ (d) 31
(a) 100 ehVj Sol. (c)
(b) 111 ehVj Option ij tkus ij
(c) 25 ehVj 13601 esa ls 29 dks ?kVkus ij ;g iw.kZr;k foHkkftr gks tkrh gSA
(d) 50 ehVj
35. 0.09 × 0.008 = ?
Sol. (a)
(a) 0.072
A 22.5 = 9
= (b) 0.0072
B 25 10
100 (c) 0.00072
By Aryan Ratio 9 = B ; A dks 100 eh ls
10 1000 (d) 0.72
Sol. (c)
31. izfl) **xsVos vkWQ bafM;k** dgk¡ ij fLFkr gS \ 0.09 × 0.008 = 0.00072 Ans.

(a) fnYyh (b) gSnjkckn

(c) dksydkrk (d) eqEcbZ
Sol. (d)
xsVos vkQ bafM;k eqEcbZ esa fLFkr gSA bldk fuekZ.k dh king Georze V
dh ;kn esa fd;k x;k FkkA bl bekjr dk fuekZ.k 1911 bZ- esa fd;k x;k

funsZ'k % iz'u la[;k 36 ls iz'u la- 37 % ml fodYi dk p;u djsa tks fn, 40. laln esa jsyos ctV izLrqr fd;k tkrk gS %
x, 'kCnksa dks tksMks esa vfHkO;Dr leku lac/kksa dks vPNh rjg vfHkO;Dr (a) izfro"kZ
djrk gS%
(b) nks o"kZ esa ,d ckj
(c) ljdkj ds ik¡p o"kZ ds dk;Zdky esa ,d ckj
36. dksydkrk % if'pe caxky
(d) tc dHkh Hkh ljdkj bls mfpr le>s
(a) iq.ks % egkjk"Vª
Sol. (a)
(b) Xokfy;j % e/; izns'k
laln esa jsy ctV o"kZ esa ,d ckj gh izLrqr fd;k tkrk gSA ;g izfro"kZ
(c) t;iqj % jktLFkku jsyea=h }kjk laln esa is'k fd;k tkrk gSA
(d) dkuiqj % mrj izns'k
Sol. (c) 41. gekjs jk"Vª xku dks iwjk xkus esa fdruk le; yxrk gS \
dksydkrk ia caxky mlh rjg jktLFkku dk lEcU/k t;iqj ls gSA ;gka ij (a) 2 feuV (b) 1 feuV
nksuks jkT;ks dh Øe'k% jkt/kkfu;ka gSA
(c) 52 lsd.M (d) 50 lsd.M
Sol. (c)
37. rktegy % vkxjk
jk"Vªxku dks johUnzukFk VSxksj }kjk fy[kk x;k FkkA bl xkus dh vof/k 52
(a) ve`rlj % Lo.kZ efUnj lsd.M gSA
(b) yky fdyk % fnYyh
(c) fnYyh % dqrqcehukj 42. gekjs jk"Vªh; dSysaMj dk vafre ekg dkSu&lk gS \
(d) ubZ fnYyh % bafM;k xsV (a) Hkknz (b) QkYxqu
Sol. (b) (c) pS= (d) vk"kk<
Øec) rjhds ls rktegy vkxjk esa fLFkr gS mlh izdkj yky fdyk Sol. (b)
fnYyh esa fLFkr gSA fgUnq eghuks ds uke fgUnh esa %&
1- pS= 2- oS'kk[k 3- T;s"B
38. % % dh ck;h vksj fn, v{kjks@'kCnksa esa LFkkfir leku lac/kks tSls lca/k 4- vklk< 5- lkou 6- Hkknz
n'kkZus ds fy, % % nk;h vksj fn;s v{kj@'kCn ds fy, lgh fodYi dk 7- vf'ou 8- dkfrZd 9- vxzg.;@vxSu
p;u djs % 10- ikS"k 11- es?k 12- QkYxqu
ZA : YB :: XC : ?
(a) YZ (b) NM 43. *?kwej* fdl jkT; dk u`R; gS \
(c) BC (d) WD (a) jktLFkku (b) xqtjkr
Sol. (d) (c) e/; izns'k (d) ef.kiqj
Sol. (a)
ZA : YB : : XC : WD ?kwej ,d jktLFkkuh u`R; 'kSyh gSA ;g jktLFkku esa dkQh yksdfiz; gSA
Z Y X W series py jgh gSA 44. mEesn Hkou iSysl dgk¡ ij fLFkr gS \
(a) t;iqj esa (b) mn;iqj esa
39. ,sfrgkfld tfy;k¡okyk ckx ujlagkj ls eq[;r% dkSu lacf/kr gS \ (c) tks/kiqj esa (d) vtessj esa
(a) ykMZ fjIiu (b) ykMZ dtZu Sol. (b)
(c) tujy Mk;j (d) ykMZ MYgkSth mEesn Hkou iSysl % ;g jktLFkku ds mn;iqj ftys esa fLFkr gSA
egkjktk mEesn flag dss uke ls bldk uke j[kk x;k gSA
Sol. (c)
tfy;kokyk ckx gR;kdkaM 13 vizSy 1919 dks gqvk FkkA bl gR;kdkaM dk
eq[; nks"kh tujy Mk;j dks ekuk tkrk gSA

45. gok egy dgka ij fLFkr gS \ 50. 7563.8 - 2015.74 - 1421.358 = ?
(a) t;iqj esa (b) vyoj esa (a) 4316.702
(c) chdkusj esa (d) tSlyesj esa (b) 4126.576
Sol. (a) (c) 4126.702
gok egy t;iqj esa fLFkr gSA ;g yky vkSj xqykch iRFkjksa ls cuh bekjr (d) 4036.702
gSA bldk fuekZ.k lokbZ izrki flag us djok;k FkkA Sol. (c)
7563. 8 - 2015.74 - 1421.358 = 4126.702
46. fdl ns'k us ,f'k;kbZ [ksy 2014 esa lokZf/kd Lo.kZ ind thrs\
(a) tkiku (b) Hkkjr Neon Approach ls :
(c) phu (d) nf{k.k dksfj;k Range ls
Sol. (c) 7500 - 2000 - 1400 = 4100
,f'k;k xse 2014 dk vk;kstu nf{k.k dksfj;k }kjk fd;k x;k FkkA Answer 4100 ls cM+k rFkk unit digit 2 gksxhA
lokZf/kd Lo.kZ ind phu us thrs FksA
51. 1000 # ewY;oxZ (Denomination) dh Hkkjrh; eqnzk ds uksV ij
47. Hkkjr us fdl ns'k dks gjk dj ,f'k;kbZ [ksy 2014 esa gkWdh dk Lo.kZ ind fdlds gLrk{kj gksrs gS \
thrk \ (a) Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr ds
(a) bZjku dks (b) phu dks (b) Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds xouZj ds
(c) ikfdLrku dks (d) nf{k.k dksfj;k dks (c) iz/kkuea=h ds
Sol. (c) (d) for ea=h ds
Hkkjr esa ikfdLrku dks gjk dj ,f'k;u [ksy 2014 esa gkWdh dk Lo.kZ Sol. (b)
ind thrk gSA
1000 #i;s ds uksV ij Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad (RBI) ds xouZj ds gLrk{kj
gksrs gSA 100] 50] 20] 500 #i;s ds uksVks ij Hkh fjtoZ cSad ds xouZj ds
48. mrj vkSj mrj&if'pe Hkkjr esa xfeZ;ks ds fnuks esa pyus okyh xeZ vkSj gLrk{kj gksrs gSA
'kq"d gokvks ds fy, fuEu esa ls fdl 'kCn dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS \
(a) yw (Loo) 52. jkT; fo/kku lHkk dk lkekU; dk;Zdky fdruk gS \
(b) [keflu (Khamsin) (a) 3 o"kZ
(c) dky cSlk[kh (Kal Baisakhi) (b) 6 o"kZ
(d) O;kikfjd iou (Trade Wind) (c) 5 o"kZ
Sol. (a) (d) 4 o"kZ
mrj vkSj Hkkjr if'pe esa Hkkjr esa xfeZ;ks ds fnuks esa pyus okyh 'kq"d
Sol. (c)
gokvksa dks yw (Loo) ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gSA bldk vf/kd rkieku fo/kku lHkk vkSj yksdlHkk dk lkekU; dk;Zdky 5 o"kZ gksrk gS ijUrq
gksus ds dkj.k (450C - 500C) ls ;g ?kkrd 'heat stroke' dk dkj.k O;kogkfjd n`f"Vdks.k ls budk dk;Zdky Øe'k% cgqer ij fuHkZj jgrk gSA
Hkh curh gSA ;g vDlj twu rFkk ebZ ds eghus esa pyrh gSA
53. dkSu&lk LiksVZ@[ksy ,d f[kykMh }kjk ,dy (solo) [ksyk tkrk gS\
49. IMF dk vFkZ gS& (a) okWyhcky
(a) International Military Force (b) 'krjat
(b) International Monetary Fund (c) [kks&[kks
(c) Indian Monetary Fund (d) dcM~Mh
(d) Indian Military Force
Sol. (b)
Sol. (b)
IMF = Internal Monetary Fund ¼varjkZ"Vªh; eqnzk dks"k½ ,d
vUrjkZ"Vªh; laLFkk gS tks vius lnL; ns'kksa dh oSf'od vkfFkZd fLFkfr ij
utj j[krh gSA bldk eq[;ky; okf'kaxVu Mh- lh- esa fLFkr gSA

54. lq'khy dqekj] vksyfEid ind fotsrk] fdlls lacf/kr gS \ 59. 3 × 0.3 × 0.03 × 0.003 × 30 = ?
(a) dq'rh ls (b) eqDdsckth ls (a) 0.0000243
(c) fu'kkusckth ls (d) rhjankth ls (b) 0.000243
Sol. (a) (c) 0.00243
lq'khy dqekj] vksyfEid ind fotsrk dq'rh ls lEcfU/kr gSA ;s Hkkjr esa (d) 0.0243
,d dq'rh igyoku gSa tks 2012 ds yanu vksyafid esa jtr ind rFkk Sol. (c)
2008 ds chftax vksyafid esa dkL; ind thrdj nks yxkrkj vksyafid esa
3 × 0.3 × 0.03 × 0.003 × 30
O;fDrxr ind thrus okys igys Hkkjrh; igyoku cus gSA
= 0.00243 Ans.

55. 'kCn & xzSaM LySe (Grand Slam) fdl [ksy ls lacf/kr gS \
60. ? ÷ 0.0025 = 800
(a) Vscy Vsful (b) okWyhcky
(a) 0.2
(c) ckLdsVckWy (d) Vsful
(b) 0.02
Sol. (d)
(c) 2000
Grand Slam ¼xSzaM Lyse½ % bldk lEcU/k Vsful ls gSA ;s dbZ Jsf.k;ks
(d) 2
esa foHkDr gS tSls& xzSaMLySe foyEcMu] vkLVªsfy;kbZ vksiu xzSaM LySe etc.
Sol. (d)
? ÷ 0.0025 = 800
56. iafMr jfo 'kadj fdl #i ls laxhr ls lEcaf/kr gS&
x = 800 × 0.0025
(a) xk;d (Vocalist)
x = 2 ans.
(b) flrkjoknd (sitar Player)
(c) lUrwjoknd (Sntoor Player)
61. fdlus dgk Fkk] **rqe eq>s [kwu nks vkSj eSa rqEgsa vktknh nwaxk**\
(d) rcykoknd (Tabla Player)
(a) egkRek xka/kh (b) fryd
Sol. (b)
ia- jfo'kadj ,d flrkjoknd rFkk laxhrK gSA bUgksus fo'o ds dbZ (c) ykyk yktir jk; (d) lqHkk"k pUnz cksl
egRoiw.kZ ns'kks esa viuh izLrqfr nh gSA Sol. (d)
**rqe eq>s [kwu nks eSa rqEgs vktknh nqaxk** ukjk lqHkk"k pUnz cksl us fn;kA ;s
,d egku Økafrdkjh FksA f}rh; fo'o ;q) esa Hkkjr dks fczfV'k 'kklu ls
57. ,sfrgkfld dqrqcehukj dgk¡ fLFkr gS \
eqDr djkus ds fy, bUgksus ukth oxZ dk lgkjk fy;kA
(a) gSnjkckn (b) ubZ fnYyh
(c) gkoM+k (d) vkSjaxkckn
62. nknjk vkSj uxj gosyh dh jkt/kkuh gS %
Sol. (b)
(a) dkokj=h (b) neu
dqrqc ehukj Hkkjr esa nf{k.k fnYyh 'kgj ds egjkSyh Hkkx esa fLFkr] bZVks ls
cuh bekjr gSA bldh Å¡pkbZ 72-5 ehVj gSA (c) gosyh (d) flyoklk
Sol. (d)
58. lSalsDl (SENSEX) ,d 'kCn gS] bldk mi;ksx fdl {ks= esa fd;k tkrk nkgjk vkSj uxj gosyh dh jkt/kkuh = flyoklk
gS \ dsUnz 'kkflr jkT; jkt/kkuh
1- fnYyh ubZ fnYyh
(a) mRiknu (Manufacturing)
2- y{k}hi dokjrh
(b) 'ks;j cktkj (Share Market)
3- neu ,oa nho neu
(c) d`f"k (Agriculture) 4- vaMeku fudksckj iksVZCys;j
(d) f'k{kk (Education) 5- iqnqpsjh iqnqpsjh
Sol. (b) 6- paMhx< paMhx<
SENSEX : ;g ,d 'ks;j lwpdkad gSA bldk izeq[k dsUnz eqacbZ esa fLFkr 7- nknjk ,oa uxj gosyh flysoklk
gSA vkt flQZ Hkkjr esa gh ugha cfYd fo'o ds dbZ izeq[k 'ks;j lwpdkadks esa
bldh x.kuk gksrh gSA izkjaHk esa cEcbZ LVkWd ,Dlpsat ds uke ls lu~ 1875
esa bldh 'kq#vkr gqbZA 'ks;jks ls lacf/kr dk;Z blh ds ek/;e ls fd;s tkrs gSA

63. dkthjaxk jk"Vªh; m|ku dgk¡ fLFkr gS \ 68. dkSu&lk fHkUu vuqØe ds var esa vk;sxk \
(a) fcgkj (b) if'pe caxky 1 3 5 7
2, 4 , 8 , 16 , ?
(c) vle (d) mrj izns'k 9
(a) 32
Sol. (c)
dkthjaxk vH;kj.k vle esa fLFkr gSA ;g ,d lhax okys xsaMs ds fy;s (b) 10
izfl) gSA dkthjaxk dks o"kZ 1905 esa jk"Vªh; m|ku ?kksf"kr fd;k x;k FkkA 9
;g m|ku ,d ;wusLdks fo'o fojklr LFky Hkh gSA (c) 24
(d) 32
64. 'kq) ikuh dk pH gS&
Sol. (a)
(a) 5 (b) 6
+2 +2 +2 +2
(c) 7 (d) 8
Sol. (c) 1 3 5 7 9
, , , ,
2 4 8 16 32
pH eku fdlh foy;u dh vEyh;rk ,oa {kkjh;rk dk ekiu gSA 'kq) ty
×2 ×2 ×2 ×2
dh pH = 7 gksrh gSA pH = 7 mnklhu izd`fr dks n'kkZrh gSA

65. jkT; lHkk ds fdrus lnL; jk"Vªifr }kjk euksuhr fd, tk ldrs gS \ 69. lgh fdYi dk p;u djs tks nh xbZ Ük`a[kyk esa iz'u fpâ ¼\½ dks
(a) 8 (b) 10 izfrLFkkfir djs %

(c) 12 (d) 14 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, ?

Sol. (c) (a) 26
jk"Vªifr }kjk jkT; lHkk esa dqy 12 lnL; euksuhr fd;s tk ldrs gSA ;s (b) 27
euksuhr lnL; vyx&2 fo/kkvks tSls& dyk] foKku] jktuhfr] bR;kfn (c) 29
ls lEcfU/kr gksrs gSA yksdlHkk esa jk"Vªifr }kjk 2 lnL; Hksts tkrs gSA (d) 33
Sol. (c)
66. *iapra=* ds ys[kd dkSu Fks \
(a) fo'kk[knr (b) vkj- ds- ukjk;.k +2 +4 +2 +4 +2 +4

(c) okRL;k;u (d) fo".kq 'kekZ 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, ?
Sol. (d)
iapra= ,d Qscy (fable) gS ftldk vFkZ gS tkuojksa ds ek/;e ls uSfrd
f'k{kk nsukA blesa fl;kj] ykseMh] etc dh dgkfu;ka gSA blds jpf;rk ia- 70. 106 × 106 + 94 × 94 = ?
fo".kq 'kekZ gSA budh T;knkrj dgkfu;ka **xqIr oa'k** ls lacf/kr gSA
(a) 21032
(b) 20032
67. *nknk lkgsc QkYds* vokMZ fdl {ks= esa fn;k tkrk gS \
(c) 20072
(a) lkfgR; (b) fQYe
(d) 23032
(c) laxhr (d) u`R;
Sol. (c)
Sol. (b)
106 × 106 + 94 × 94 = ?
nknk lkgc QkYds dk iwjk uke /kqfMjkt xksfoUn QkYds gSA bUgsa Hkkjrh;
fQYe m|ksx dk firk dgk tkrk gSA vr% budk lEcU/k Hkkjrh; fQYe (106)² + (94)²
txr ls gSA = (100+6)² + (100 - 6)²
= 20072
Neon Approach ls :
Digit sum apply djus ij
Option (c) dk digit sum Hkh nks gSA

71. 8597 - ? = 7429 - 4358 75. 24, 36 vkSj 40 dk y?kqre lekioR;Z gS%
(a) 5426 (b) 5706 (a) 120 (b) 240
(c) 5526 (d) 5476 (c) 360 (d) 480
Sol. (c) Sol. (c)
8597- x = 7429 - 4358 24, 36, 40 dk LCM
x = 8597 - 7429 + 4358 2³ × 3, 3² × 2², 2³ × 5
;k x = 5526 Ans. 2³ × 3² × 5 = 8 × 9 × 5 = 360

72. 2056 × 987 = ? 76. nks la[;kvksa dk y?kqre lekioR;Z 48 gSA la[;kvksa dk vuqikr 2 % 3 gS] rks
(a) 1936372 (b) 2029272 la[;kvksa dk ;ksx gS&
(c) 1896172 (d) 1923472 (a) 28
Sol. (b) (b) 32
2056 × 987 = 2029272 Ans. (c) 40
(d) 64
Neon Approach ls :
Sol. (c)
Digit sum apply djus ij
ekuk la- = 2x o 3x gSA
nh xbZ la[;k dk digit sum 6 gS] vr% mlh esa option (b) dk
x = e-l-i-
digit sum Hkh 6 gS] vr% option (c) is correct answer.
48 × x = 2x × 3 x
73. lcls NksVh vHkkT; la[;k gS&
vr% ;ksx = 2x + 3x = 5x = 5 × 8 = 40
(a) 0
(b) 1 Neon Approach ls :
(c) 2 la[;kvksa dk ;ksx = 2x + 3x = 5x
(d) 5 vr% ;ksx 5 dk xq.kt gksxk] vr% option (c) satisfy it.
Sol. (c)
lcls NksVh vHkkT; la = 2 gSA 77. 617 + 6.017 + 0.617 + 6.0017 = ?
vHkkT; la[;k;s os gksrh gS ftuesa ml la[;k ds vykok 1 dk Hkkx tkrk (a) 6.2963
gSA vHkkT; la[;kvks dh 'kq#vkr 2] 3] 5] 7] 11 ----- gksrh gSA (b) 62.965
(c) 629.6357
74. 91 ls iw.kZr;k% foHkkftr gksus okyh 5 vadks dh lcls cM+h la[;k %
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(a) 99921
Sol. (c)
(b) 99918
617 + 6.017 + 0.617 + 6.0017 = 629.6357 Ans.
(c) 99981
(d) 99971
78. ljyhdj.k djs %
Sol. (b)
(3080 + 6160 ÷ 28 = ?)
5 vadks dh lcls cMh la[;k = 99999
(a) 320
(b) 440
81 'ks"k
(c) 3320
vr% 91 ls iw.kZr% foHkkftr 5 vdksa dh lcls cM+h la[;k
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
= 99999 - 81
Sol. (d)
= 99918 6160
3080 + 28
3080 + 220 = 3300 Ans.

79. ,d fo|ky; esa [ksy fnol ij izR;sd drkj esa 30 Nk=ksa dks [kM+k djs] rks 83. Hkxoku cq) dk tUe dgk¡ gqvk Fkk \
16 drkjs curh gSA ;fn izR;sd drkj esa 24 Nk=ksa dks [kMk djs rks fdruh (a) yqfEcuh (b) oS'kkyh
drkjs cusxh \
(c) cks/k x;k (d) ikVfyiq=
(a) 20 (b) 22
Sol. (a)
(c) 29 (d) 45 egkRek cq) dk tUe yqfEcuh esa gqvk FkkA budks Kku izkIr cks/kx;k esa gqvk
Sol. (a) Fkk rFkk bUgksaus viuk izFke mins'k okjk.klh esa fn;k FkkA 80 o"kZ dh mez esa
dqy Nk= = 30 × 16 budk nsgkUr gks x;k FkkA budh e`R;q dks ckS) /keZ esa egkifjfuokZ.k dgk
ekuk drkjks dh la[;k = x x;k gSA

izR;sd drkj esa Nk=ksa dh la[;k = 24

84. Hkkjr dk jk"Vªifr fuokZfpr gksus ds fy, fu/kkZfjr U;wure vk;q gS %
24 × x = 30 × 16
(a) 25 o"kZ (b) 30 o"kZ
x = 20
(c) 35 o"kZ (d) 45 o"kZ
3 Sol. (c)
80. ,d ijh{kk esa ,d fo|kFkhZ dks fdlh la[;k dk 14 Kkr djuk Fkk] =qfVo'k
3 jk"Vªifr ds fuokZpu dh fuEure vk;q 35 o"kZ gSA
mlus ml la[;k dk 4 Kkr fd;k tks lgh mrj ls 150 vf/kd FkkA og
la[;k gS&
85. Ük`a[kyk dks iwjk djs&
(a) 180 (b) 240
480, 480, 240, 80, 20, ?
(c) 280 (d) 290
(a) 4
Sol. (c)
3x 3x (b) 1
= 14 + 150
(c) 5
= 150 (d) 10
x = 280 Ans. Sol. (a)
×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5

81. vk;Z lekt dks fdlus vkjEHk fd;k Fkk \ 480, 480, 240, 80, 20, x
(a) Lokeh n;kuUn ljLorh
(b) jktk jke eksgu jk; 86. Ük`a[kyk dks iwjk djs %
(c) Lokeh foosdkuUn 12, 21, 23, 32, 34, 43, 45, ?
(d) xksiky d`".k xks[kys (a) 9 (b) 48
Sol. (a) (c) 54 (d) 77
vk;Z lekt dh LFkkiuk Lokeh n;kuan ljLorh us dh FkhA Lokeh n;kuan Sol. (c)
ljLorh ,d egku lekt lq/kkjd FksA buds }kjk fyf[kr iqLrd *lR;kFkZ*
+11 +11 +11
izdk'k gS tks vk;Z lekft;ks dh xhrk dgh tkrh gSA
12, 21, 23, 32, 34, 43, 45, ?
82. Qkfg;ku fdlds 'kkludky esa Hkkjr vk;k Fkk \ +11 +11 +11
(a) g"kZo/kZu (b) pUnzxqIr ekS;Z  43 + 11 = 54
(c) v'kksd (d) pUnzxqIr foØekfnR;
87. fuEufyf[kr lewgks esa ls euq"; fdlls lacf/kr gS \
Sol. (d)
(a) gkseks lsfi;al (b) jkuk fVxjhuk
Qkfg;ku ,d phuh ;k=h Fkk tks Hkkjr Hkze.k ij pUnzxqIr foØekfnR; ds
dky esa ckS) /keZ ds ckjs esa tkuus ds fy;s vk;k FkkA (c) Qhfyl MksesfLVdk (d) dsful Qsfeykfjl
Sol. (a)
euq"; dk oSKkfud uke gkseks lsfi;al gSA

88. xq# rsx cgknqj dks e`R;qn.M fdlus fn;k \ badykc* dk vFkZ gksrk gS Økafr* bl izdkj badykc ftankckn dk eryc gS
(a) vkSjaxtsc (b) 'ksj'kkg
Økafr ftankcknA ;g ukjk Hkxr flag }kjk fn;k x;k FkkA
(c) gqek;w¡ (d) ckcj
93. okLdks&Mh&xkek us Hkkjr ds fy, ,d u, ekxZ dh [kkst dh vkSj 1498 esa
Sol. (a)
igq¡p x;k%
xq# rstcgknqj dks e`R;qnaM vkSjaxtsc us fn;k FkkA xq# rstcgknqj fl[kks ds
uos xq# Fks ftUgksus izFke xq# ukud }kjk crk;s x;s ekxZ dk vuqlj.k (a) iqfydV (Pulicat) (b) dkfjdy (karikal)
fd;kA buds }kjk jfpr i| xq# xzUFk lkfgc esa 'kkfey gSA (c) xksvk (Goa) (d) dkfydV (Calicut)
Sol. (d)
89. *czá lekt* ds laLFkkid dkSu Fks \ okLdks&Mh&xkek dsi vkWQ xqM gksrs gq, lu~ 1498 bZ- dks Hkkjr ds
(a) johUnzukFk VSxksj (b) Lokeh foosdkuUn dkyhdV esa igqapkA

(c) ,e- th- jk.kkMs (d) jkeeksgu jk;

94. laln esa vke ctV fdlds }kjk izLrqr fd;k tkrk gS \
Sol. (d)
**czá lekt dh LFkkiuk** jktk jkeeksgu jk; us dh FkhA jktk jkeeksgu (a) iz/kkuea=h (b) fof/k ea=h
jk; Hkkjrh; iqu tkZxj.k dk vxznwr vkSj vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk tud dgk (c) x`g ea=h (d) for ea=h
tkrk gSA jktk jke eksgu jk; us *czgkEkSfudy eSaXthu*] laokn dkSeqnh] Sol. (d)
fejkr&my&v[kckj dk izdk'ku fd;kA laln esa vke ctV for ea=h }kjk izLrqr fd;k tkrk gSA

90. izfl) *nkaMh ekpZ* fdl o"kZ gqvk Fkk \ 95. jkT; ds jkT;iky ds in ij fu;qfDr lkekU;r% r; vof/k ds fy, dh
(a) 1929 (b) 1932 tkrh gSA ;g vof/k gS%
(c) 1930 (d) 1919 (a) 3 o"kZ (b) 5 o"kZ
Sol. (c) (c) 6 o"kZ
nkaMh ekpZ % bls *ued ekpZ* ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA vf/kdka'k (d) jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds 'ks"k dk;Zdky ij fuHkZj djrk gS
Hkkjrh;ks dks ;g le> vk x;k Fkk fd xka/kh vaxzstks dks pqukSrh nsus okys gSA Sol. (b)
gkykafd xka/khth us viuh *ued ;k=k* dh iwoZ lwpuk okbljk; ykMZ fdlh Hkh jkT; dk jkT;iky eq[;r% jk"Vªifr ds izlkn i;ZUr ij fuHkZj
bjfou dks ns nh Fkh fdUrq bfoZu bl dk;Zokgh ds egRo dks u le> ldsA jgrk gS ijUrq lkekU;r% mldh vof/k 5 o"kZ gSA
12 ekpZ 1930 dks xka/khth us lkcjerh esa vius vkJe ls leqnz dh vksj
pyuk 'kq# fd;kA
96. eSjh dkWe] ,d f[kykMh gS tks gky gh esa lekpkj i=ksa esa jgh] og fdlls
lacf/kr gS \
91. Hkxr flag] jkt xq# vkSj lq[knso dks 23 ekpZ] 1931 dks fdl fy, Qk¡lh
(a) rhjankth (b) dq'rh
nh xbZ Fkh \
(c) eqDdsckth (d) cSMfeaVu
(a) ykgkSj "kM~;U= ekeys esa mudh Hkkxhnkjh ds fy,
Sol. (c)
(b) 1928 dks ykgkSj esa lkWUMjlZ dh gR;k djus ds fy,
eSjh dkWe dk lEcU/k eqDdsckth ls gSA 2012 ds yanu vkayafid esa bUgksaus
(c) dkdksjh ekeys esa mudh Hkkxhnkjh ds fy, dkL; ind thrkA
(d) dsUnzh; fo/kku lHkk (Central Legislative
Assembly) esa ce Qsadus ds fy, 97. egs'k Hkwifr] jkQsy uMky vkSj jkstj QSMjj fdlls lacf/kr gksus ds dkj.k
Sol. (a) tkus tkrs gS \
ykgkSj "kM;a= dsl % Hkxr flag] jktxq# vkSj lq[knso dks 23 ekpZ 1931 dks (a) fØdsV (b) gkWyhoqM
ykgkSj vlsEcyh esa ce QSadk x;kA blh dks gh ykgkSj "kM;a= dsl dgk (c) QqVcky (d) Vsful
x;k gSA
Sol. (d)
egs'k Hkwifr] jkQsy uMky vkSj jkstj QSMjj dk lEcU/k Vsful ls gSA
92. *badykc ftankckn** dk ukjk fdlus fn;k Fkk \
(a) pUnz'ks[kj vktkn (b) lqHkk"k pUnz cksl
(c) Hkxr flag (d) bdcky
Sol. (c)

98. og 'kgj dkSu&lk gS tks nks jkT;ksa dh jkt/kkuh gS
(a) nknjk vkSj uxj gosyh
(b) p.Mhx<+
(c) i.kth
(d) iVuk
Sol. (b)
p.Mhx<] gfj;k.kk ,oa iatkc nksuksa jkT;ks dh jkt/kkuh gSA

99. iafMr Hkhe lsu tks'kh] ,d izfl) --------- gSaA

(a) xk;d (Vocalist)
(b) ckalqjh oknd (Flutist)
(c) ljksnoknd (Sarad Player)
(d) flrkjoknd (Sitar Player)
Sol. (a)
ia- Hkhelsu tks'kh % ;s lqizfl) 'kkL=h; xk;d gSA budk lEcU/k fdjkuk
?kjkus ls gSA 4 uoEcj] 2008 dks bUgs Hkkjr jRu ls lEekfur fd;k x;kA

100. f[kykM+h feY[kk flag fdlls lacf/kr gS&

(a) ,sFkysfVDl
(b) QqVckWy
(c) gkWdh
(d) eqDdsckth
Sol. (a)
feY[kk flag dks “Flying sikh” ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA ;s ,d
/kkod jg pqds gSA /kkod] yEch dwn] Åaph dwn etc dk lEcU/k ,FkysfVDl
ls gSA


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