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Group 24
We are From group 24 and here we do research on
City Sightseeing Gunung Gede especially Cibodas
2018. We will introduce our name, we are Triwik
Murni Yanti and Rihaetin.


1. Rihaetin

Hello my name is Rihaeitin,

2. Triwik Murni Yanti

Hello my nameis Triwik Murni Yanti. I was born

in Sragen, 13th january 1997. Now, i live in Duren
Jaya Bekasi Timur. My hobby are swimming,
travelling, and reading. If you need more
information about me, you can follow my
instagram: @Triwikmurniyanty


Cibodas Botanoical Garden located in the Gunung Gede Pangrango forest complex. Cimacan
village. Cipanas, cianjur. The topography of the field is bumpy and hilly with an altitude of
1,275 meters above sea level, air temprature of 17-27 degrees celcius.

City Sightseeing is travel journey visit the objects within in the city. Our focus in researching
city sightseeing at cibodas are all routes or streets before river 1 and all routes or streets after
river 1. To do city sightseeing tour we have to buy ticket in the locket for rp. 10,000 and
every bus must have at least 10 visitors. So, the bus can start to journey and the trip starts

The entrance to the Cibodas Botanical Garden, the price of entering into Cibodas Botanical
Garden is rp 16.500.

Then, the bus goes in the direction plant galleries, Jasin office, and coutyard gates.

After passing the Jasin Office we will find the place to eat, Mushola for pray and saung for
rest and sit around.

Furtermore, the bus that passes through the lake is overgrown with water hyacinths and
around the lake there is a vast strerch of garden with shady trees.
Our bus keep moving until we see a small bridge that passes through rivers and canals.
Where it becomes a favorite spot for visitors to take pictures.

The river from the waterfalldeliberately flowed through the asphalt road, so that all the
vehicles that passed tasting were also wet. Here, we can find smalls stone and many childern
playin the river because the depth of the river is only 30-40 cm.
After the road that divides the river, we are also treated to views of green hills, such as the
Teletubbies hill.

On the right and left side of the road we can find steep cliffs that contain large trees that may
have grown hundreds of years.

In some the spots where our buses passed, we found a lot of parking area as facilities that
visitors could usethat brought their own vehicles, such as motorbike and cars.
When our bus was moving to back home, we found an improvement on a saung (a place to

Finally we arrived at the beginning of the city sightseeing bus departure, the duration of time
we spent on thisbus was 20 minutes.


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