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The following list does not include the adjectives derived from participle forms of verbs e.g.

(verb)interest (adj)interesting /interested nor does the list

include the adverbs derived by adding suffix "-ly" at the end of adjectives. eg.(adjective) deep (adverb)deeply.
enable ability able unable ably
absence absentee absent
accident accidental
accommodate accomodation
acknowledge acknowledgement
act action activity activist actor active inactive
activate activation
add addition additive additional additive
adequacy inadequacy adequate inadequate
admire admiration admirable admirably
advantage disadvantage advantageous disadvantageous
advertise advertisement advertiser
admit admission admittance
adopt adoption
advise advice advisability advisable inadvisable advisably inadvisably
affection affectionate unaffectionate
affect effect effective ineffective
agree disagree agreement disagreement agreeable disagreeable agreeably disagreeably
alcohol alcoholic alcoholically
allow allowance
ambition ambitious
amuse amusement
annoy annoyance
excite excitement
anxiety anxious
apologise apology apologetic apologetically
appear disappear appearance disapperance apparent apparently
applaud applause applauder
apply application applicant applicable applicably
appoint appointment
appreciate appreciation appreciative
approve disapprove approval disapproval
argue argument argumentation arguable argumentative arguably
arrange arrangement
arrive arrival
assist assistance
associate association
assume assumption
astonish astonishment
attend attendance

attention attentive

attraction attractiveness
attract attractive unattractive
avoid avoidance avoidable unavoidable avoidably unavoidably
base base basic basically basis
beautify beauty beautician beautiful beautifully
believe belief disbelief believable unbelievable
bleed blood
bravery brave
breathe breath breathless
broaden breadth broad
brighten brightness bright
brilliance brilliant
burry burial
calculate calculation calculator
caution cautious
change change changeability changeable unchangeable
child childhood childish childlike
choose choice
circle circle circular
civilise civiilsation civics civil civic civilised uncivilised
classify class classification
enclose enclosure
collect collection collector collective
comfort comfort discomfort comfortable uncomfortable comfortably
compare comparison comparative comparable comparably
compel compulsion compulsory compulsorily
compete competition competitor competitive
complete completion complete imcomplete
compose composition composer
conclude conclusion
confirm confirmation
confident unconfident
confide confidence
confess confession
confirm confirmation confirmed unconfirmed
confuse confusion
congratulate congratulation
consciousness unconsciousness conscious unconscious
conserve conservation
consider consideration considerable inconsiderable
construct construction constructive
consume consumption
continuous discontinuous
continue discontinue continuation discontinuation
convenience inconvenience convenient inconvenient
converse conversation conversational
cook cook cooker cookery
correct correction correct incorrect corrective
encourage courage encouragement
discourage discouragement
cowardice coward
create creation creature creator creative
crime criminal criminal
criticize critic criticism critical
curiosity curious
cruelty cruel
custom customary
damage damage
endanger danger dangerous
darken darkness dark
day daily
deafen deafness deaf
deceit deceitful
decide decision decisive indecisive
decorate decoration decorator
deepen depth deep
defend defence defendant defensive indefensible indefensibly
deliver delivery deliverable undeliverable
depend dependence independence dependent independent
descriptive describable
describe description
destroy destruction destructive non-destructive
determine determination determined undetermined
develop development
dictate dictation dictatorial
die death dead deadly
differ difference different
differentiate differentiation
direct direction director directory direct indirect
discover discovery
discuss discussion
distance distant
distribute distribution
disturb disturbance
divide division divisive
doubt doubt doubtful
dust duster dusty
ease easy easily
economic economical
economise economy economics
educate education educational
efficiency efficient inefficient
elect election
electrify electricity electrician electric electrical
embarrass embarrassment
employment unemployment
employee employer
enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably
enter entrance
enthuse enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic unethusiastic
equalise equalisation equality inequality equal unequal equally
except exception
exhibit exhibition
expense expensive inexpensive
explanatory explicable
explain explanation
explode explosion explosive
express expression
extend extension extensive extensively
extinction extinct
fail failure
falsify falsity falsehood false
fame famous infamous famously
fashion fashionable unfashionable
fatten fat fatness fat fattening
fault faulty faultless faultily
favorable unfavourable
favor favor favorite favorably unfavorably
favoured favorite
fear fear fearlessness afraid fearful fearless
ferfilise fertility fertiliser fertile
fit fitness unfit misfit
fly flight
foot footprint footstep
forget forgetfulness forgetful forgetfully
forgive forgivingness
form formation deformity formative formatively
fortune misfortune fortunate unfortunate
formalise formality formal formally
free freedom free freely
refresh refreshment fresh
frequency infrequency frequent infrequent frequently
befriend friend friendship friendly unfriendly
furnish furniture furnisher furnished unfurnished
generosity generous generously
gentleness gentle gently
gold golden
govern government governor
greed greedy
greed greedy
grow growth
guilt guilty
happiness unhappiness happy unhappy happily unhappily
hasten haste hasty hastily
hate hatred hatefulness hateful hatefully
head head headline headache heading
heal health healthy unhealthy healthily unhealthily
heat heat heater hot
heighten height high
hero heroine heroism heroic heroically
hesitate hesitation hesitative
hinder hindrance
honesty honest dishonest
honour dishonour honourable dishonourable
horizon horizontal
house household housekeeper
hunger hungry hungrily
ice icy
identify identification identified unidentified
imaginary imaginative
imagine image imagination imaginarily
imitate imitation imitative
importance important unimportant
impress impression impressive
improve improvement
include inclusion inclusive
industrialise industry industrialist industrial industrilised
infer inference
influence influence influential
inform misinform information informative uninformative
injure injury
innocence innocent
inquire inquiry
insure insurance
intellectualise intellect intellectual intellectual
intend intention intentional unintentional
interest disinterest interest disinterest uninterested uninteresting
interpret interpretation
interrupt interruption
interrogate interrogation interrogative
introduce introduction
invent invention inventive
invite invitation
know knowledge knowledgeable
laugh laughter laughable
lead mislead leader leadership
legalise legality illegality legal illegal legally illegally
lend loan
lengthen length long
lessen less
lighten light lighter lighthouse lightness light
literature literacy illiteracy literary literate illiterate
live life live lively alive
loneliness aloneness lonely alone
lose loss
loosen looseness loose
loyalty disloyalty loyal disloyal
luck lucky luckily
maintain maintenance
management mismanagement managerial manageable
manage mismanage
manager manageress unmanageable
marry marriage
mountain mountaineer mountainous
measure measurement measurable measurably
mechanic mechanism mechanical
memorise memory memo memorial
modernise modernisation modernity modern
modify modification
moralise morality immorality moral immoral
mother motherhood motherly
mountain mountaineer mountainous
multiply multiplication multiple
mystery mysterious
nationalize nation nationality national
naturalise nature natural unnatural
necessitate necessity necessary unnecessary
neglect negligence negligible negligent negligibly
nerve nervous
noise noisy noisily
obey disobey obedience disobedience obedient disobedient
objective objectionable
object objection objectivity objectionably
oblige obligate obligation obligatory
observe observation observant observatory
occasion occasional
occupy occupation occupant
officiate office officer official official unofficial
omit omission
operate operation
originate origin originality original
own owner ownership
pack packet package
part part partner particle partial
patience impatience patient impatient
pay payment payee payable unpaid
peculiarity peculiar
permit permission permissive
person personlity personal impersonal
perceive perception perceptive unperceptive
perfect perfection perfect imperfect
perform performance
permanence permanency parmanent
persuade persuasion persuasive unpersuasive
please pleasure displeasure pleasurable
plenty plentiful
politics politician political
poison poisounous
popularise popularity unpopularity popular unpopular
populate population
poverty poor
possess possession possessor possessive
post postage postal
possibility impossibility possible impossible possibly impossibly
practical impractical
practicality practicability
practicable impracticable
practise practice practitioner
prefer preference preferable preferably
present presence present
preserve preservation preservative
press pressure
prevent prevention preventive
pride proud
imprison prison prisoner imprisonment
probability improbability probable improbable probably improbably
produce production product producer productive unproductive
profession professional unprofessional
profit profit profitable unprofitable
pronunciation mispronunciation
propose proposal
protect protection protective
prove disprove proof disproof
publicise publicity public
punctuality punctual
punish punishment
purify purify impurify pure impure
qualify qualification qualified disqualified
quarrel quarrel quarrelsome
rapidity, rapidness rapid rapidly
real, unreal, realistic,
realise realisation, reality, realist
reason reasonable, unreasonable
receiver, receipt, recipient,
receive receptive, unreceptive
reception, receptionist
recognise recognition recognisable unrecognisable
recommend recommendation
reduce reduction
reflect reflection
regret regret regrettable, regretful regrettably
regularise regularity irregularity regular irregular
refer reference, referee, referent referent
refuse refusal
relieve relief
religion religious unreligious
repeat repetition repeatable unrepeatable
reside residence, resident residential
resign resignation
respectful, respectable, respectably,
respect respect, respectability, disrespect
unrespectable respectfully
respond response
responsibility,irresponsibility responsible, irresponsible
enrich richness rich
rob robber, robbery
romance romantic, unromantic romantically
roughen roughness rough
royalty royal
sadden sadness sad
satisfied unsatisfied
satisfy satisfaction dissatisfaction
satisfactory unsatisfactory
save safety safe safe unsafe
scarcity scarce
scene scenery scenic
science scientist scientific scientifically
season seasonal
secure security secure insecure
select selection selective
sensation sensitive insensitive
sense sense
senseless sensible sensational
separate sepatation separate separable inseparable
serve service servant
shade shady
shame shame shameless ashamed shameful
sharpen sharpness sharp
shorten shortage short
sign signature
silence silent
similarity dissimilarity similar dissimilar
simplify simplicity simple simply
situate situation
sincerity sincere
sleep sleep sleeper sleepy sleepless asleep sleepily
slip slip slipper slippery
smooth smoothness smooth
soften softness soft
solve solution
sorrow sorry sorrowful
speak speech speechless
spell misspell spelling misspelling
stabilize stability instability stable unstable
state statement
stone stony
stop stopper stoppage
straighten straightness straight
strengthen strength strong
stupidity stupid
succed success successful
sun sunny suntanned sunburned
suffice sufficiency sufficient insufficient
support support supporter supportive
suspect suspect suspicious unsuspicious
sweeten seetness sweet
systematize system systematic unsystematic
sympathise sympathy sympathetic unsympathetic
talk talk talkative
taste taster tastefulness
taste tasty tasteful tasteless tastefully tastelessly
tend tendency
thicken thickness thick
think thought thoughtful
threaten threat
tighten tightness tight
entitle title
toughen toughness tough
translate translation translator
treat treatment
trouble troublesome
truth truthfulness true truthful truly
entrust trust trustee trustworthy
type typical untypical
typist typeface typesetter
type typewritten
unite union unit unity
urge urgency urgent urgently
use use user usefulness useful useless
vacancy vacant
vaccinate vaccination vaccine
validate validity valid invalid
value value valuable invaluable valuably invaluably
vary variety variation variability variable invariable various variably invariably
vibrate vibration vibrant
violence violent
visibility invisibility invisibleness visible invisible visibly invisibly
visualise visual
wake awake(n) awake
warm warmth warm
wave wavy
wealth wealthy
weaken weakness weak
weigh weight weightiness weightless
widen width wide widespread
wisdom wise unwise
wool woollen
work work worker workshop workless
worth worthless worthy
x-ray x-ray
youth young youngster
young younger youthful youthfully
zeal zealousness zealot zealous zealously
zip unzip zip zipper zipfastener
zoo zoologist zoology zological

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