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Be a Hero fitness
I'm a personal trainer w ith over 10 years of experience and I'm here to help you reach your goals and push you beyond your limits

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Baki the Grappler Mass Workout:
j-da-ddt le ague -of-e xtraor … jire n-87 Seguir
Be a Hero f itness

Source: youngjusticer

233,965 note s 

Here we are looking at what it takes to make you
a powerhouse like Baki, this routine is to get you
big like Baki so it’s not a martial arts approach but
more of a bodybuilder style because lets be
honest all the guys in Baki are f**king huge.
This w orkout w ill be made up of a pow er circuit and a mass w orkout,
The pow er circuit w ill consist of exercises based on the muscle
groups you w ill be w orking that day, you perform one exercise after
another w ithout rest once all four exercises are complete take a short
rest then repeat and the mass w orkout is designed to hit the muscle
hard and cause you to grow and pack on some serious pounds.

Day 1
Power circuit: 3 sets of 10+reps
Dumbbell incline bench press

Skull crushers



Workout: sets of 30,12,10,8,6 reps

Bar bench press

Incline bench press

Dumbbell flyes


Tricep pushdow ns

Tricep one arm extensions

DAY 2:
Power circuit: 3 sets of 10+ reps

Hammer curls

Incline push-ups

Bent over bar row s

Workout: 30,12,10,8,6 reps

T-bar row s

Dumbbell bent over row s

Wide grip pulldow n

Seated row s

Bar curls

Preacher curls

Day 3
Power circuit: 3 sets of 10+ reps
Clean and press



Dumbbell shrugs

Workout: 30,12,10,8,6 reps

Arnold press

Front raises

Lat raises

Upright row s

Rear flyes

Hanging leg raises

Decline sit ups

Day 4
Power circuit: 3 sets of 10+reps
Leg curls

Calf raises

Leg extensions

Dumbbell lunges

Workout: 30,12,10,8,6 reps

Bar squats

Stiff leg deadlifts

Good mornings

Bar lunges

Seated calf raises

Standing calf raises

Originally posted by braintrash83

Pick one exercise out of every w orkout and do one of the follow ing:

6 rep dropset

1-10 plate stripping set

Pyramid up to pyramid dow n

One tw o max build up 20,10,8,5,3,1,1,1

Home workout:
For the days w hen your not at the gym it’s not a rest day it’s a
calisthenics and cardio day

2-5 sets of as many reps as possible



Sissy squats



Calf raises


Reverse crunches

5k jog or bike ride

Or shadow boxing/punch bag for 30 minutes

So it’s time to train heavy and train hard and don’t forget like Baki
learned w hen he trained w ith Ando you have to eat big to get big.

Baki basic meal plan:

Source of protein: eggs, meat free alternative, cottage cheese, tofu,
fish, beef, pork etc.

Meal 1:

1 w hole egg, 2 egg w hites, oats, handful of berries, scoop of protein.


Protein shake, apple

Meal 2:

Protein source, bow l of broccoli, sw eet potato.


Protein shake, banana


Cottage cheese, source of protein

Meal 3:

Source of protein, cup of brow n rice, 2 cups of vegetables

Meal 4:

1 w hole egg, 4 egg w hites, handful of tomatoes, spinach, cheese

So get out there and train like a beast

#baki #baki the grappler #anime #anime w orkout #w orkout

#exercise #f itness #f itspiration #w eightlif ting #pow er lif ting #trainin
#heavy lif ting #strength #bulk #calisthenics #cardio

501 note s Jul 26th, 2018 


A day with Baki

So this is it the opportunity you have been w aiting for a chance to

spend a day w alking in the shoes of Baki Hanma

So be prepared to sw eat, sw ear, scream, ache and cry as you go

through the most brutal days of your life.

The routine:
Upon w aking it’s time to start the day w ith

10 mins of yoga stretches

This is to get you limber and stretch out any of sleeping aches you may
have acquired during the night.

Now that’s done it’s time to get some breakfast and get yourself fueled
for the day ahead.

It’s time to hit the gym

The workout:

20 minutes row ing machine w arm-up

Bench press 5x5

Bar incline press 3-4x8-10

Pec deck 3-4x10

Deadlifts 5x5

Seated row s 4x8

Trap row s 4x10

Dumbbell shrugs 4x5-8

Bar shoulder press 5x5

Lat raise 3x10

Rear flyes 3x10

Leg press 5x15-20

Leg curls 4x15

Leg extension 4x15

Calf raises 5x12

Tricep pushdow ns 3x15

Bar curls 3x10

Weighted neck lifts 3x10

Neck bridges 2x 1 minute

So now you have just killed yourself in the gym it’s time to chow dow n
and refuel to get ready for the next part of Baki’s insane training.

Martial arts training:

60-120 minutes of martial arts

Baki has had you training insane or maybe at this point w e can call it
insaiyan because I’m pretty sure this on Dragon Ball level now but none
the less w e shall crack on, it’s time to take so much needed rest and
recovery time because this evening you w ill be once again joining Baki
to finish off your day of training.

The evening routine:

Skip rope 15 minutes

Punch bag 30 minutes

Ab circuits perform 5 sets of as many reps as possible.


Reverse sit-ups

Tw ist sit-ups

Plank (hold as long as you can)

Warm dow n w ith some light jogging for 10 minutes.

With this w orkout any 5x5 should be done w ith really heavy w eight but
I exercise caution as this is an anime w orkout based on a fictional
character and if you decide to follow this w orkout you do so at your
ow n risk.

I hope you have enjoyed this w orkout and let me know w hat you think

#exercise #training #gym #gym w orkout #gymlif e #gymmotivation

#pow er lif ting #w eightlif ting #anime #anime w orkout #heavy lif ting
#pow erhouse #baki #baki the grappler #baki w orkout

243 note s 

The Prison workout

The Prison workout consists of two workouts

per day
The idea behind this w orkout is to push your body so hard that it has
no choice but to grow, guys behind bars have nothing to do w ith there
time other than train and to get as big and opposing as possible so
others w ill stay aw ay.

So here w e go!

Day 1
Workout A:
Pull-ups 5x as many reps as possible

Bent over row s. 4x amrap

Wide grip pull-ups 4x amrap

Trap row s 4x amrap

Dumbbell row s 3x dropset

Workout B:
Pull-ups 3x amrap

One arm row s 3x amrap

Shrugs 2x amrap

Front raises 2x amrap

Day 2
Workout A:
Weighted push-ups 5x amrap

Decline push-ups 3x amrap

Lying floor db press 4x amrap

Diamond push-ups 2x amrap

Military press 4x amrap

Standing flyes 2x amrap

Workout B:
Push-ups 3x amrap

Sit-ups 4x amrap

Leg raise 3x amrap

Tw ist sit-ups 3x amrap

Day 3
Workout A:
Dumbbell squats 5x amrap

Sissy squats 3x amrap

Lunges 4x amrap

Arnold press 4x amrap

Bar shoulder press 3x amrap

Lat raises 2x amrap

Workout B:
Bodyw eight squats 5x amrap

Arnold press 3x amrap

Shrugs 4x amrap

Trap row s 4x amrap

Day 4
Workout A:
Chin-ups 4x amrap

Dips 3x amrap

Bar curls 3x amrap

Db triceps extension 4x amrap

Dumbbell curls 3x amrap

Bar tri extension 3x amrap

Workout B:
Bar curls 4x amrap

Dips 4x amrap

Hanging leg raises 5x amrap

Sit-ups 5x amrap

Day 5
Workout A:
Push-uPS 4x amrap

Pull-ups 4x amrap

Military press 3x dropset

Lying floor dumbbell press 2x amrap

Workout B:
Pull-ups 3x amrap

Diamond push-ups 2x amrap

Trap row s 5x amrap

Reverse flyes 5x amrap

Day 6
Workout A:
Decline push-ups 3x amrap

One arm row s 3x amrap

Dumbbell shoulder press 4x amrap

Front raises 2x amrap

Bar shrugs 4x dropset

Workout B:
Sit-ups 4x amrap

Reversese crunches 4x amrap

Tw ist sit-ups 3x amrap

Crunches 3x amrap

The w orkout reps for this are as many as you can manage each set so
that you w ork to complete failure every time and not just stop because
you have got to an allotted amount of reps.

So get ready to break out of those bars and let me know how it goes!

#w orkout #mass w orkout #anime w orkout #exercise #f itness

#f itspiration #avatar #uncle iroh #calesthenics #gym #gymlif e
#gymmotivation #health #w eightlif ting #w eight training

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The JoJo’s Bizarre adventure workout

Originally posted by doujinshi

So here w e are looking at the JoJo Joestar style physique, now all the
characters in this anime have huge arms and boulder shoulders so w e
are going to build a routine around this look.

Day 1:
Chest and triceps:

Bench press 5x8-10

Incline bench press 4x8-10

Chest press 3x6

Db flyes 5x8

Cable high flyes 3x8

Tricep skullcrushers 5x10

Tricep pushdow ns 5x8-10

Rope pushdow ns 4x6-8

Day 2:

Back and Biceps:

Pull-ups 4x6-10

One arm row s 4x8-10

T-bar row s 5x10

Bar shrugs 6x12-15

Deadlifts 5x6-10

Bicep bar curls 5x8-10

Seated incline db curls 4x10

Hammer curls 5x6-10

Day 3:

Shoulders and traps:

Bar Shoulder press 5x10

Arnold press 4x8-10

Upright row s 5x10

Lat raise 4x8

Bar front raise 4x8

Trap row s 5x10

BD shrugs 3x6-8

Day 4:


Squats 5x10

Leg press 4x15-20

Lunges 4x15-20

Leg extension 5x6-12

Leg curls 4x10

Calf raises 5x15

Day 5:

Arms and shoulders:

Chin-ups 5x10

Tricep dips 5x10

Bar curls 4x8

Tricep pushdow ns 4x8

Db shoulder press 5x10

Db front raise 4x8-10

Pike push-ups 3x10

Lat raise 3x8-10

Bent over flyes 4x10

So lift heavy, train hard and there you have it a w orkout fit for the
Joestar family line.

#jojo's bizarre adventure #anime #anime w orkout #mass w orkout

#gym w orkout #w orkout #exercise #f itness #f itspiration
#heavy lif ting #w eightlif ting #lose w eight #gymmotivation #gymlif e

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Tokyo Ghoul kaneki workout.

Originally posted by anima-posts

For this workout we are aiming for a strong lean

phsique like Ken Kaneki so are main focus will be
on bodyweight exercises with a few weighted
lifts in there for strength and some additional
circuit to really get you lean.
P.S if you don’t have access to a gym just leave out the w eighted
exercises or sw ap them for something similar.

Day 1:
One handed push-ups 3x8

Sissy squats 3x15

Pull-ups 4x10

Toe to bar 3x12

Tricep dips 4x12

Chin-ups 4x8

Deadlifts 10,8,5,5,3,1

Additional circuit:
Bear craw l


Medicine ball slams

Kettlebell push press

Perform for as many reps and sets possible.

Day 2:
Jump squats 4x12

Bar row s 3x8-10

Clap push-ups 4x8-12

Leg raises 3x15

Calf raises 4x20

Frog stand 3x as long as possible

Military press 10,8,5,5,3,1

Additional circuit:
Man makers

Kettlebell carry

Medicine ball catch

Battle ropes

Perform as many reps and sets as possible.

Day 3:
One handed pull-ups 4x6

Jumping split lunge 3x12

Decline push-ups 4x10

Hanging leg raises 4x12

Hand stand push-up 3x6-10

Dips 3x15

Squats 10,8,5,5,3,1

Additional circuit:

Sled push

Kettlebell sw ings

Mountain climbers

Perform as many reps and sets as possible.

I w ould recommend doing tw o days of cardio w eather it be jogging or

martial arts or punch bag/shadow boxing remeber you have to be just
as good at hand to hand combat as you do w ith your kagune.

Remember diet plays the biggest part in getting the physique you are
aiming for so eat clean and eat lean

Basic meal plan:



Scoop of protein

Fresh fruit


Protein shake

Handful of nuts


3 eggs

2 meat free sausages/ cut of lean meat

Bow l of salad


Piece of fruit


Meat free fillets/ cut of lean meat

Medium Potato

Cup of veg

So there you have it guys give it go and let me know w hat you think.

#gym #gymtime #gymlif e #gymmotivation #anime w orkout #w orkout

#manga #exercise #f itness #f itspiration #w eight training
#lose w eight #w eightlif ting #calisthenics #bodyw eighttraining
#bodyw eightw orkout #bodybuilding #diet #tokyo ghoul #kaneki
#ghoul #anime

12 note s 

Avatar Korra workout

Originally posted by shokugekis

This workout is based around the sort of training

Korra would have done through the years in her
preparation for being the avatar.

Originally posted by ry ocos

The w orkout is going to consist of bodyw eight exercises so it can be

utilized anyw here and closer ressembles the kind of training martial
artist use to maintain a healthy strong physique much like Korra’s.

Workout 1:
Jogging to high knees on the spot for 5 minutes






Tricep dips

Mountain climbers

Punch bag/shadow boxing for 5 minutes

Workout 2:
Star jumps to jogging on the spot for 5 minutes


Bar row s

Decline push-ups

Standing Calf raises(use a thick book)

Pike push-ups

Leg raises


Punch bag/shadow boxing for 5 minutes

Workout 3:
Jogging in the spot for 5 minutes


Pistol squats

Close grip pull-ups

Tw ist crunches

Jump squats

Bear craw l

Plank 1 minute

Punch bag/shadow boxing for 5 minutes

This is a circuit routine to be used 3 days a w eek and to give you a rest
and recovery day betw een w orkouts.

Beginners: 2 sets of 6 to 10 reps

Intermediate: 3 sets of 6 to 10 reps

Advance: 4-5 sets of 8 to 12 reps

Originally posted by justteamav atar

So get out there and train hard just like korra and don’t forget any
questions just drop me a message and also let me know how it goes

#korra #legend of korra #avatar korra #be like korra #korrasami

#gym #gymmotivation #gymlif e #f itness #exercise #anime w orkout
#w orkout #training

69 note s 

One punch man workout

Originally posted by y ungputa22

I have put together a One punch man w orkout based on Saitama’s

training to become a Hero but I w ould like to stress that doing this 7
days a w eek is not recommended especially the 10k run, I w ould say
3-4 day w ould be beneficial and supplementing the run for sw imming or
cycling to save on joint problems.

Now let’s get to it I have made three w orkouts 2.0 and 3.0 have been
modified to give you a more rounded w orkout and to push you a bit
harder, so w ithout further a due

One punch man standard workout:

100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 squats

10k run/cycle/sw im

One punch man 2.0:

100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 squats

100 bar row s

10k run/cycle/sw im

One punch man 3.0:

75 push-ups follow ed by 25 dips

75 crunches follow ed by 25 leg raises

75 squats follow ed by 25 sissy squats

75 bar row s follow ed by 25 chin ups

5 mins punch bag/shadow boxing

10k run/cycle/sw im

Give it a go and leave a comment about w hat you think.

Originally posted by zeroraws

#one punch man w orkout #hero #w orkout #f itness #one punch man
#anime w orkout #training #gym #exercise #gymmotivation

23 note s 

The All Might all American dream plan part 3.

Originally posted by bnhasource

So you’ve made it this far now it’s time to put new acquired muscle to
the test.

This part of the training w ill consist of w eight training then circuits that
w ill replicate the kind of movements Midoriya w ould have been
performing to clear the beach.

So this routine w ill be the last 12 w eeks of your 10 month journey.

So let’s get to it!

Chest and triceps:

Chest press/bench press 5,5,5,3,1

Tw o handed tricep extensions 4x10

Weighted push-ups 3x10

Weighted dips 3x12

Standing dumbbell flyes 2x8

Circuit: 3-4 sets of as many reps as possible

Tire flips

Sled push

Kettlebell push press

Medicine ball catch

Reverse crunches

Back and biceps:

Seated row s 5x10

Preacher curls 4x10

Weighted pull-ups 3x10

Weighted chin-ups 3x10

T-bar row s 4x8

Circuit: 3-4 x amrap

Man makers

Kettlebell deadlifts

Hanging leg raises

Box jumps

Kettlebell curls

Hack squats 5x10

Calf raises 4x10

Leg press 3x15-20

Calf raises 3x15

Goblet squats 3x6-8

Circuit: 3-4 sets x amrap

One arm kettlebell clean and press

Kettlebell sw ings

Mountain climbers

Sled pull

Battle ropes

Shoulder press 5x10

Dumbbell shrugs 4x10

Pike push-ups 3x8-12

Arnold press 3x12

Lat raises 3x8

Circuits: 3-4 sets x amrap

Tire flips

Man makers crunches


Kettlebell carry

Chin-ups to leg raises

For those of you out there w ho w ant to push your limits here’s an
additional 2 day calisthenics w orkout to incorporate into the routine

Workout: 2-3 sets amrap


Sissy squats

Ring back row s


Mountain climbers




The diet for this part of the w orkout w ill require you to put yourself in a
calorie deficit w e w ant to strip any fat and excess w ater w eight that
may have been put on during this journey and w e w ant you looking as
ripped and aesthetic as possible.

Originally posted by sanuske-ramblings

I w ould aim for cutting back your calories over the first couple of w eek
of this stage of the w orkout until you get just below your maintenance
amout of calories.

This part is probably the hardest to get through because if your like me I
love to eat big but the benefits are w orth it and you’ve just got to keep
telling yourself you can do it and you w ill get there and achieve the
physique you’ve w orked so hard to attain.

A big w ell done to anyone w ho makes it through this w hole plan and I
w ould love to see some before and after pics.

#my hero academia #deku midoriya #midoriya izuku #all might

#boku no hero academia #anime w orkout #all american dream plan
#gym #gymmotivation #gymlif e #exercise #w orkout #f itness
#f itspiration #lose w eight #w eight training #w eightlif ting
#calesthenics #diet #inspiration

363 note s 

Survival Power!!!

– Gonna get some Pow er to SURVIVE!!! Get some strength to lift, Carry,
and w ithstand ANY!!! Obstacle in your w ay. Get moven and get to it!

Warm up:

Push ups, Pull ups, Dips, Squats, Leg raises, Jumping jacks, jogging.

- Perform each exercise for 1 minute No Rest.

Cooldow n:

Foam roller or perform some stretches or yoga poses or you can

simply just w alk for 10 minutes, Breath deeply w hen performing any of
these cooldow ns so you can bring your heart rate back dow n.

Strength/ Agility: Build muscle lift more and move quicker and sw ift


A huge shout out to Matthew 7w ilkes w ho designed this program I

made the strength w orkout and the rest is all his,

Keep an eye on this guy in the future I can see some amazing and
inspiring thing to come from him.

So now for the strength training and accessory w ork.

Here w e are going to w ork on heavy lifts to build muscle mass and
strength and the accessory w ork is to build the supporting muscle and
to help you lift heavier on your big lifts.


Day 1:

Bench press 8,5,5,3,3,1

Incline bar bench press 5x5

Dumbbell bench press 3x10

Dumbbell flyes 3x15


Lat raise 3x12-15

Bar front raise 3x12-15

Close grip bench press 3x10

Tricep pushdow n 5x15

Tricep one arm extension 5x6

Hanging leg raise 5xamrap

Day 2:

Wide grip deadlift 8,5,5,3,3,1

Standard deadlift 5x5

Seated row 4x8

One arm row 4x8

Bar shrugs 6x15

Bicep bar curl 5x12

Preacher curls 4x15

Wrist curls 4x20

Day 3:

Squats 8,5,5,3,3,1

Hack squats 4x20


Leg extension 5x15

Leg curls 5x15

Calf raises 5x20

Day 4:

Military press 8,5,5,3,3,1

Shoulder bar press 5x5

Tri set:

Lat raise 3x12

Dumbbell front raise 3x12

Rear flyes 3x12

Trap row s 4x8

Dumbbell shrugs 3x10

Arnold press 3x8

Crunches 3xamrap

Reverse sit ups 3xamrap

Vitality Workout: Your personal Durability to take more punishment.


Pick a exercise for HIIT-

Jump Rope, Sprints, Box Jumps, Burpees, Row Machine, Sw imming,

and Stair Stepper.

- Perform one of the exercises w ith 30 seconds high intensity 100%

and 20 second rest. Complete 3 to 12 Rounds.

Grit Workout: How much you can take.

Now go heavy on your big lifts and train smart on your accessory
w ork and don’t forget to push your limits and become the ultimate


100 meter Sprint

Jogging 5 Minutes

200 Jumping jacks

Jump Rope 5 Minutes

Rest 1 to 5 Minutes

– Complete as many rounds as you can.

Encumberance Workout: How much you can carry.


Farmers Walk

Suitcase Carry

Zercher Walk

Bear Hug

Overhead Walk

Bottoms Up

– Complete each eaxercise w ith a HEAVY w eight about 80 to 90%1RM

and carry it as far and as long as you can.


– Side Note: the Encumberance exercises w ould also be good to do for

my previous “Work Workout” because people at certain jobs tend to
need to lift and carry a lot of things so thats a little extra in put if you do
that w orkout you can include this as w ell.

– So, this w orkout should definitely put you in excellent survival shape,
put you in any tough physical condition and you should be okay…. Kind
of. You still need survival skills, w hich I may touch up on some other
time. Buuut anyw ays enjoy, like alw ays Don’t Over do the undo-able
for you!“ And break your limits!

#exercise #training #gym w orkout #gym #gymlif e #gymmotivation

#pow er lif ting #w eightlif ting #anime w orkout #anime #heavy lif ting
#pow erhouse #muscle #muscle mass #muscular #agility #survival
#survival training #f itness #speed

37 note s 

Drgon ball super Jiren workout

Originally posted by neogohann

Here is a workout for those who out who are

trying to reach God level.

Originally posted by demigodxtonio

Chest and triceps day :

Bench press 4x10

Tw o handed tri extension 3x10

Incline db bench press 3x8

Tri pushdow ns 3x12

Db straight grip bench press 3x10

Tri single arm extension 3x6

Db standing chest flyes 3x8

3x as many reps as possible

Tire flip

Sled push

Kettlebell push press

Kettlebell curl

Back and biceps day :

Trap row s 4x10

Preacher curls 3x10

Dumbbell one arm row s 3x8

Hammer curls 3x10

Lat pulldow n 3x10

Seated curls 3x8

Pull-ups 3x8

Man makers

Kettlebell deadlifts

Hanging leg raises

Box jumps

Leg day:
Hack squats 4x10

Calf raises 4x10

Leg press 3x12

Leg curls 3x12

Leg ex 3x12

Calf raises 3x10

One arm kettlebell clean&press

Kettlebell sw ings

Mountain climbers

Battle ropes

Shoulder day:
Shoulder press 4x10

Dumbbell shrugs 4x10

Arnold press 3x10

Front raise 3x10

Bar shrugs 3x6

Rear flyes 3x8

Cable lat raise 3x8

Tire flips

Man makers

Crunches Lunges


The sets in the w orkout it’s designed to pyramid up just remember the
reps are there as a guide if your making them on every set then you
need to up the w eight and challenge yourself every w orkout, The
circuits are there to help add functional movement to This w orkout and
make you a true w arrior like Jiren.

This isn’t a w orkout for beginners so if you w ould like a w orkout

tailored to a beginner then please feel free to message me.

So please give it a shot and tell me how it goes w arriors.

Originally posted by bird-studio

#dragon ball #bdz #w orkout #f itness #anime w orkout #jiren

#gymmotivation #training #w arrior #beastmode #exercise

17 note s 

Dragon Ball physique workout coming soon!

This is going to be one hell of a w orkout!

I am collaborating w ith Matthew 7w ilkes to bring you a insayian training

plan to get you that ripped Dragon Ball look.

So keep an eye out because all seven Dragon Balls have been
collected and the w ish for the ultimate w orkout is nearly complete

#exercise #gym #training #gym w orkout #gymlif e #gymmotivation

#pow er lif ting #w eightlif ting #anime #anime w orkout #heavy lif ting
#pow erhouse #muscle mass #muscular #ripped
#calisthenics w orkout #calisthenics #dragon ball #DBZ #Goku
#son goku #Jiren

14 note s 

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