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you know paradigms control the results in your life they have the power over

everything from your relationships your income and when you shift your paradigm
everything in your life improves an exciting idea isn't it well I'm by Procter and
i want to welcome you to paradigm shift where we're going to teach you how to make
dramatic improvements in the quality of your life think about your life for a

I want you to think about the results in your life and think about the concept of a
paradigm shift what is a paradigm how our paradigms farmed how can they be changed
that's what I want to talk to you about and I think as you get into this you're
really going to like it ask yourself this question why would anyone look at a
tremendous opportunity offering them time and money freedom and then walk away from
it you know you hear people day in day out sat wished i had this i wished i had
that I wish to add this car I wish we could take this vacation why did they walk
away from it well most people say well I really don't know i don't think there's
an answer to that know there is an answer to that you see people are walking away
from opportunities every day and the biggest opportunity they have they carry
within them napoleon hill one time said don't go searching for opportunity but
reach out and embrace them right where they are you see the people that walk away
from the opportunities are being controlled by paradigms.

They really are they're being controlled by something and they're not even sure
what it is and think of this paradigms are nothing but a multitude of habits and
their other people's habits these habits have been passed along from one generation
to the next it's rather sad because most of the things that the average individual
does on any given day they didn't even decide to do their program to do it it's
literally program right into the jeans and that's what's called a paradigm what
you're dealing with his habits you see paradigms are nothing but a multitude of
habits paradigm is a sort of a buzz word of this particular generation and it's
it's really a explains what subconscious conditioning is all about well in this
particular part of the paradigm shift

I want to talk to you about paradigms and I'm gonna talk to you about why people
don't change them and how they could change them to see paradigms are the very
reason why success for most people is a puzzle and it really is a puzzle they give
it everything they've got and they fall short they get going and they say I'm gonna
do it this time and they quit I'm going to go on a diet and they blow it you know
why does this happen well they don't really know and success is a real puzzle going
ask a dozen people what the meaning of success is and they really don't know ask
them to have become successful they don't know that either you see we are the
product of somebody else's habitual way of thinking and I believe it's time to
change so let's take a look at how we can change you know john barker wrote a book
on paradigm and he said to ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgment
yes to put yourself at risk when exploring the future and think about that to
ignore the power of paradigms most people do ignore the power of paradise because
they don't understand what a paradigm is if you don't know what it is you're
Absolutely I and you just are automatically ignore it so he said to ignore the
power of paradigms to influence your judgment yes to put yourself at risk when
exploring the future well most people do that anybody also pointed out to be able
to shape your future you have to be willing and able to change your paradigm now if
we're going to change them we're gonna have to understand what they are if we're
going to change that we're gonna have to understand i believe how they're formed
we're going to have to understand what we have to do and get this it's well worth
studying because when you change your paradigm you can literally write your own
check you can decide where you're going to go and what you're going to do you start
to determine how much you're going to learn how much fun you're gonna have the
trips you're going to take where you're going to go and what you're going to do now
to start off with there's only two things you really have to know to succeed sounds
pretty simple first one you have to know where you are you know most people don't
know where they are

I owe a man named Ray Stanford just a tremendous debt ray Stanford was a guy 45
years ago who got me to sit down and really look at how I was living he said Bob do
you like the way you're living and I said no not particularly he said you think I'm
a happy guy and I said yeah you seem pretty happy to me he said if you ever seen me
sick I had met ahead he said if you ever see me when I was broke and again i had
met ahead week he told me says you've got to be one of the most miserable people
I've ever met and i was i was not a happy human being and he said you're always
sick now said you don't have a terminal illness and but you always got a headache
or cold or something and he said you're always broke no I was I was always broke I
never had any money he's wanted to change it but you know it never really entered
my mind that I could yet never crossed my mind that I had the ability to sit down
and decide exactly what i wanted to do and I said there's only two things you have
to know to succeed well let's take a look at the second one the second one is
you've got to know where you're going you not only have to know where you are you
have to know where you're going

Now you see I was not in a good place I was unhappy I was sick and I was broke and
because that's where i was i was almost like I had to stay there but to see I was
26 years old I have been trying to change results since I was a kid and nothing
seemed to happen so i guess by the time i was 26 I just assume this is my lot in
life but he said that doesn't have to be the way it is he said your present results
have nothing to do with your future unless you let them now he said your results
are neither good nor bad everything just is take a look at the room you're standing
in the room is neither big nor small room just is it's only bigger small relative
to something else look at a bigger role in the room you're in a small look at a
smaller room the room is big well he said your results are neither good nor bad now
that has to do with the law allow polarity lot of polarity degrees there's two
sides to everything it's also the law of relativity we have to relate things so he
said you know relative to most of the population of the world you live like Solomon
in all his splendor and glory so that's not the deal he said you're not where you
want to be so he said let's ignore where you're at now that you know where you are
and let's think of where you want to go where do you really want to go

Well you know it's been so long since I dreamed that i really didn't know and you
know what I found I found most people don't know but if we sit down and take a pen
and a pad and and ask yourself what do I really want to do we can do it no just see
there's a part of the paradigm that stops us from doing that because we immediately
asked how am I going to do it how it doesn't matter Hillary didn't know how to get
to the top of the mountain until after he got there I had the good fortune of
working with Edmund Hillary on three different occasion the only thing i saw
different about him and anybody else was his size and his determination in his
vision see no one had ever been to the top of Mount Everest no one has ever stood
on top of the world until Hilary did there's over a thousand people have done it
since then and see what about the Wright brothers no one had ever flown but they
did you see it doesn't matter how you're going to do it matters is what you're
going to do so think about this who are you now that's what race started off they
asked me says who are you?

I said what do you mean I said I'm Bob no he said that's not who you are he said
that your name where the guy get that you know I'm not my name now he said bobbin
Proctor's your name but it's not you he said there are two words you use your name
you can change them if you want you probably won't but that's not you and I said
well this is me know he said that your body you've never heard anybody phone into
work and say body's not coming in today it's sick think of it you never say anybody
say I am hand damn leg is my hand my leg my name my body these are all things we
have we've got a really stop and think Who am I now you know when you do that
you're going to come up with some pretty good answers we are spiritual beings as we
are we are assault we don't have one we are one we are spiritual beings we have
been gifted with an intellect we have intellectual factors we've got Meg nificent
mental tools locked up inside of us and we live in a physical body now it's how we
use our intellectual factors that's going to dictate our emotional state and our
emotional state is very likely going to control how we behave

Now we're going to get into a lot of this later on but you know that that's the way
it is for right now now i have mentioned a thousand times if I mentioned once we
think in pictures using now if you think in pictures i am spirit of heaven and
like to live in a physical body and you get a picture when you're thinking of
yourself what picture you get the physical picture yes the picture that reflects
back from the mirror it's the picture of the thing we dress and so we think this is
this is not at all we've got to get an image of herself where spirit nobody's ever
seen spirit we see the expression of spirit spirits creative were creative now
think about this for a moment dr. through inflate 1934 realize that we have a real
problem no one ever saw the higher side of a person's personality so I said I'm
going to make a picture and he said there's a picture of the mind and the body now
i want to recommend you do what I've been doing now for close to 40 years

You see I've been studying this for around 5 years 8 years something like that
before this picture was presented to me Leland valve and the wall presented this to
me and when he did like that everything come in to order in my mind I've been
studying all this material about the mine they didn't have an image see most people
when they think of the mind they think of the brain the brain is in the mind any
more than a fingernail is brain is an electronic switching station yet your brain
that you activate to set up new vibrations in your body and the vibration causes
you act the way you act your vibration dictates what to attract you know that
everything coming into your life you attract so what we have to learn to do is how
do we work with the mind well i'll tell you what i do i see my head is my mind and
everything from the neck down as being the body is that the way it is now of course
not but that's an image that I'm working with right now we take the mind we break
it into two parts we have the conscious mind the subconscious mind

Now I think there's probably a hundred and fifty names for each you know the
conscious mind as well as the subconscious some some areas they call the
subconscious the unconscious in some call it universal intelligence call it
whatever you want we don't care what you call it let's understand how it works your
conscious mind gives you the ability to choose is very powerful your subconscious
mind does not have that ability now your subconscious mind is you're thinking mind
your pardon me your subconscious mind is your feeling like the conscious mind is a
thinking mind all right the conscious mind is you're thinking mind and you have
hooked up to your conscious mind your sensory factors so let's look at this for a
moment what do most people think while they think according to what's going on
outside of them because these sensory factors are picking up that information and
then they feed it in and they think in pictures and they turn it over to their
subconscious and that's what causes them to feel the way they feel you see what you
think and impress upon your subconscious controls the vibration and that controls
how you act and produces the results that we're getting now you can think anything
you want but when you're a child you couldn't let me back it up your subconscious
mind is wide open to do you can put in anything you want when you were a baby your
subconscious mind was wide open see whatever went on around you come right into
your subconscious man now

Right now you can block everything out of your subconscious mind you can do it with
your conscience you can you can mentally choose the ideas that you put in you take
a look at something you don't like it just rejected see the conscious mind is the
ability to accept or reject ideas the subconscious mind doesn't have that ability
you know when you're a baby your mind is wide open you can put anything you want at
birth a baby is linguistic genius it's literally a lecture on linguistic pages you
can teach your baby any language I have some Associates of mine in Kuala Lumpur in
Malaysia they have a little four-year-old boy speaks four languages you know that
you can teach your baby to read before it can talk to some of your cell i don't
believe that well then you probably wouldn't do it this reason we don't teach
babies to read before they can talk is because we don't get any feedback we don't
understand how the mind works we don't understand that we can program it and get we
are programming it whatever we're talking about whatever is going on around that
baby is going right into the baby subconscious mind where did you get the idea that
you went to work to earn money you know that working is the worst way to where in
money you go to work for satisfaction that's why we should be doing what we
absolutely love to do you provide service during money why do you think 90 some
percent of the population have absolutely no idea hotter and money
I'll think about this for a moment this is very very important that you understand
this all right it's super important that you understand it because if you don't
understand you're going to continue doing what you're doing how are you had any
money are you having trouble with it well if you're having trouble with it it's
because of the ideas that are programmed right into your subconscious mind you see
if you're working around people that think it's difficult to earn money.

when you're a baby then you're going to grow up thinking it's difficult to earn
money if your parents went to school you'll probably go to school if your parents
didn't you probably won't if you blame the weather and what's going on outside for
the disease that you may have then you'll probably do the same thing why do you
like the food you like you like it because your program to eat it he said you
didn't choose to like that food you choose to light the food that your program to
eat now with that programming takes place its genetic and environmental at around
the age of 45 the mines already program it's the idea is going on over and over and
over and over again they become fixed in your subconscious mind we call that a
paradigm and then you begin to think now you can think anything you want but your
paradigm is controlling your behavior controlling your results think of this for a
moment let's suppose you're earning fifty thousand dollars a year what do you think
the odds are you thinking the thoughts of a person turning 250,000 a year you're
not going to do it as a matter of fact you'll probably think they're different
they're no different than you or me the only difference is in there thinking you
can think anything you want but the paradigm seems to control the way we think now
we've got to make up her mind we're going to stop that the mine you can think
anything you want if you're thinking mine think anything you want to think and
don't like the paradigm control you it's a beautiful concept once you start to
understand that

So you know really think about this all right now your paradigm controls your logic
now think of this for a moment we never flew in airplanes because anything heavier
than air is attracted towards the center of the world yet was totally illogical to
think that we could build something of metal and have a fly through the air
carrying people that was illogical but we're doing it seems logical now but it
wasn't when the wright brothers got the plane off the ground a person turning fifty
thousand dollars here if they go and talk to one of their bodies about earning
250,000 year they'll say you're crazy that is totally illogical well let's think
for a moment if the paradigms controlling the logic if the paradigm is controlling
the results we want to change the results wouldn't it make good sense then to start
thinking about things that are totally illogical so when you're looking at where
you are and looking at where you're going

I think we want to get some ideas in our mind that maybe are a little scary you see
if your goal doesn't scare and excite you at the same time it's probably not a
good goal what do you really want to do now I was sitting in a fire hall when i
picked up think and grow rich many years ago that was the best job at ever had only
works seven days and seven nights a month and I could sleep there all night go
golfing all day i was earning above average income they have never had anyone that
they let go only one person since nineteen thirty-four quit the job and yet I quit
it was totally illogical for me to do that why did I do it I did it because I
wanted to change my life I wanted to change the people i associated with I want to
change everything now Maslow said you're either going to step forward into growth
or you're going to step back into safety that's a decision that you've got to make
a few step forward into growth that's going to be scary if you step back into
safety you're going to stay where you are so let's think for a moment where are you
and where you want to go it's a good question yes the question most people never
ask themselves

I want you to stop and think of what it was like when you were a child you know
what kind of an environment where you born into because that's where your paradigms
form stop and go back and take a look at your ancestors you see you might ask how
did you get here all those little particles of energy from mom and little particles
of energy from dead come swimming along and they joined together that was the
nucleus of you do know that all moms DNA and all dad's DNA is locked up in those
little particles of energy all her habit patterns are there why do you think you
have some of the little idiosyncrasies that they have why do you think you look so
much like your parents you think that's an accident see the truth is most people
never spent any time thinking about this

I want you to think about it because your way of life is controlled to an enormous
degree by your parents your grandparents or great-grandparents their grandparents
and it's passed along from one generation to the next i'll give you an indication
of what I'm talking about it's kinda cute but it's TRUE I was born and raised in
Northern Ontario in Canada my wife was born and raised in the southern part of the
United States in birmingham alabama and in pensacola florida two totally different
cultures now we came together and we started to go out together then we got married
and we're out shopping one day and I said you know what I'd like is some turnip
she's ok so i pick one up she's what you gonna do with that I said I'm gonna need
it well she's I'm not eat now I said why not she says that's the root of the
turnip I said that's what she says that's the root of the turnip I've never heard
it called that I never even thought of that was just a turnip yet she said we feed
that to the pigs well I said what do you eat she said we the green of the turnip I
don't think I've ever seen a turnip green I said it is not strange we give that to
the pics here she was raised where the green of the turnip and through the root
away I grew up with the root of the turnip through the green away and i put the
turn it back in the bin and I walked away I mean I'm gonna fight over turn him and
I got thinking about it and I thought I wonder how many other ideas we operate like
that you see that had to do with where she was raised that you want to know the
truth we don't eat terms of their host anymore we just don't eat it I you know if i
go to my mother's and my sisters but you know think about it she was raised in a
totally different culture then I was raised in I do work over and cook chain and
kota kinabalu in kuala lumpar totally different culture when we have breaks for
seminars here in North America we have coffee breaks refreshment breaks not in
malaysia we have prayer breaks totally different culture now ask yourself you know
why are you like you are

I want you to go back and think of yourself just subconscious mind wide open your
little baby with the people talking about what were they doing what was their
thoughts towards income because they're the thoughts that you've got planted in
your subconscious mind can you see it's the repetition of these ideas going in over
and over and over again that is programmed us don't get this series paradigm shift
you've got to really understand how paradigms were formed if you're going to be
effective in changing them see I can tell you how to change the paradigm but if you
don't understand how its formed it wouldn't make any sense some of the things I'm
going to tell you to do to change your paradigm are going to seem silly they're
going to seem immature well that's all right do them anyway you know you're going
to find you're going to find that the multi millionaires in the world the people
that are happy the people that are alive and vibrant they do things a little
different than everybody else they marched to the tune of their own drummer you
know you often find people i was 71 of my life first day in the end and you know
people say you should slow down

I think that's nuts is your speed up I'm really just getting warmed up you see I
don't think we have to slow down i think what we have to do is calm down we have to
pace herself we have to do things in a very calm confident manner you can go at
warp speed if you're doing that I'll work in three or four different continents in
the same week think nothing of it I get on a plane and go to sleep just the same as
i can get a better home and go to sleep you know why i program myself to live that
way you know the way you're living is according to the program who decided on your
program did you pick it or did someone else pick it now think about it I want you
to be super honest when you're analyzing your results really take a look at where
you are and then ask yourself why don't you change your results when we really
don't know why are you doing what time you start work I always say everybody
should belong to the six o'clock club you want to get up at six o'clock ready to
fire your engines good time to wake up and study talk about studying how much time
you spend studying what do you study to see if you really want to change your life
you've got to get locked into study you've gotta figure out why you're doing what
you're doing how to change it

Now remember i said we are spiritual beings and we live in physical bodies that is
no small thing that's not something just to discuss a church or at the temple or at
the mosque this is something that we really want to focus on where is spirit
spirits omnipresent spirits a hundred percent evenly present in all places at the
same time spirits all-powerful general all the power the river was are there ever
will be is omnipresent it's a hug % evenly present in all places at the same time
this is very very vital information we've got to think about it it isn't just
something reading say isn't that nice you have infinite potential what are you
doing with it there's two things were not taught school there's many things were
not taught in school but there's two things that were not taught that are vitally
important if you really want to make a paradigm shift make things happen in your
life number one you have to learn how to make decisions absolutely essential most
people have a difficult time with it and you've got to learn how to earn money
you've got to learn how to earn money see the more money you have the more
effective you can become now understand this money is just used for two things one
is to make you comfortable and to it enables you to extend the service you
render far beyond your own physical presence not go into a lot of money or a
lot about money in this particular lesson

I just want to touch on it we will cover money specifically in one lesson see money
is to make a comfortable the more comfortable are you are the more creative you can
become and the other purpose of it is to extend the service surrender far beyond
our own presence so you can actually for be providing service when you're sleeping
if you're providing service when you're sleeping you can be earning money while
you're sleeping

I was sitting in a hotel here in the city last night sleeping but i can assure you
i was earning money while I was sleeping see I'm of the opinion the mailman should
never pass your door without leaving a check now I know that probably appealing you
and how do you get that way you get that way by making up your mind that you're
going to write the next program for your subconscious mind you're not gonna let
somebody else do it so we start to evaluate where we're at what we're doing how
much time do you spend thinking and what you spend time thinking about I spent a
lot of time in planes I am leaving here where I'm shooting this particular series
in dallas and i'm going to fly immediately to London and then i'm going to go from
there right back to Toronto and from there out to utah now this is all happening
in a week going to be spending a lot of time in the air I was flying over to kuala
lumpar from Toronto every month for approximately five years it's 25 hour isn't the
air from trata de que el and if you go any further you're coming back that's a lot
of riding and I have that time for me no disturbances i play with words and numbers
I spend all the time in the air is playing with words and numbers you know build
things in my mind if then
I laid down a track that I want to run on I'm going to execute it now when i
get a great idea i'll write it down if it's still a good idea week later I know
that I'm onto something and then I'll put together a team of people to execute it
you see I think you should have a team working with you and if you're going
to make a paradigm shift that's finally important so think you've got to make
decisions you know the Napoleon Hill said that the people that win in life make
decisions very fast and change them very slow if and when they change them at all
like that you're going to find the people would have problems in life they make
their decisions very slow and they change them frequently and without any cause why
would an individual do that it's part of the paradigm take a look at how you're
living start to analyze what do you do when you get out of bed in the morning
there's a pattern that you follow the pattern is the expression of the paradigm
how much time you spend sitting down to do nothing but create big ideas to improve
the quality of your life don't say you haven't got time everybody gets exactly the
same amount of time we get all there is so what are you doing with your life how do
you spend your days

I want you to become super aware of the thought patterns that you entertain
start to monitor your own thinking don't spend time thinking why you can't do
something spend time thinking of how you can you see you're capable of doing
anything now understand this you're either going to go forward into growth are back
into safety now I want you to also reminded that there's no shortcuts but you can
take quantum leaps through the transference of experience and information this is
about Proctor with paradigm ship I want you to join me next time thank you

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