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Muhammad Saleh,
Sutarto Hadi

Master Program of Education Management,

Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin,
Performance represent is work performance, namely the comparison between results
activity which that are real with specified the work standards set. Teacher performance is
influenced by several factors, namely the leadership of the principal, work environment,
work climate, work motivation and work discipline. These factors have a different picture
in each region, therefore it is necessary to study the picture and pattern of relationships.
such as leadership, motivation and work climate. The purpose of this study was to analyze
the direct and indirect effects between leadership, work climate and motivation on the
performance of elementary school teachers in North Banjarmasin District.
This research have the character of quantitative with cross sectional method and uses
correlation technique. The research population was 235 teachers and 148 respondents
were taken as the study sample with proportionale random sampling technique. Data
collection using questionnaire instruments and data analysis using instrument test (validity
and reliability test), descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, linear regression
analysis and path analysis.
The results of this study indicate that the value of regression variable is positif numbers,
like as the regression coefficient of principals 'leadership on teacher performance (X1-Y)
is 0.332, the regression coefficient of principals' leadership on teacher work motivation
(X1-X3) is 0.487, regression coefficient of school work climate on teacher performance
(X2-Y ) of 0.427, the regression coefficient of school work climate on teacher work
motivation (X2-X3) of 0.603, regression coefficient of teacher work motivation on teacher
performance (X3-Y) of 0.312, regression coefficient of principal leadership indirectly
through teacher work motivation towards teacher performance (X1-X3-Y) of 0.152 and the
regression coefficient of school work climate indirectly through teacher work motivation
on teacher performance (X2-X3-Y) of 0.188. the result of uji-t shows all variable path is
sig t < α (0,05), meaning that there is a significant influence on all variabel paths.
The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant direct effect of principals'
leadership, work climate and motivation on the performance of teachers of primary
schools in North Banjarmasin Subdistrict and there is a significant indirect effect of school
leadership and work climate through motivation on the performance of teachers in SDN in
North Banjarmasin Subdistrict. Suggestions for principals provide inspirational motivation
for teachers by implementing a reward system for teachers who have good performance
and for teachers to receive constructive input and criticism from the principal, and always
adhere to the principal's instructions for the progress of students.

Keywords: Leadership, Work Climate, Motivation, Teacher Performance

1. Background
Quality education is one of them determined by the professionalism of educators and
other education personnel. Therefore, if we want quality education, we inevitably must
improve the professionalism of teachers (Suriansyah, 2016, p. 5). The performance of
teachers in carrying out their roles and duties in schools, especially in the learning process
in the current context requires development and change towards a more innovative one.
The innovative performance of teachers is important for the successful implementation of
educational innovations in order to improve the quality of education / learning.
(Suriansyah, 2015, p. 15)Etymologically, performance comes from the word achievement
(performance). As stated by (Mangkunegara, 2006, p. 67) that the term performance comes
from the word "job performance or actual performance" (work achievement or actual
achievement achieved by a person), namely work results in quality and quantity achieved
by employees in carrying out their duties accordingly with the responsibility given to him.
According to (Baihaqi, 2010, p. 12) said performance is a measure that can be used to
determine the comparison of the results of the implementation of tasks, responsibilities
given by the organization in a certain period and relative can be used to measure
performance. In relation to teacher performance, it can be seen from the activities of the
teacher in carrying out the duties and obligations as a teacher and educator in the school
that can describe his work performance in carrying out all of them, and it is clear that
teacher work cannot be done by just anyone, without having certain skills and
qualifications as a teacher.
The importance of teacher performance in the educational environment, because
performance is a function of the abilities, skills and skills of teachers to complete tasks or
work. A teacher should have a certain level of ability. A person's willingness and skills are
not effective enough to do something without a clear understanding of what is done and
how to do it. Performance appraisal is one way to improve teacher performance, because
with a performance appraisal it will be known how well someone has worked in
accordance with the goals he wants to achieve. The performance of a teacher is an
individual thing, because the teacher has a different level of ability to do the task. Teacher
performance can be improved in many ways such as; a leader gives an example that is
good, motivating, and always paying attention to employees in work, setting up a
comfortable work environment and establishing a harmonious working relationship. Good
and low levels of teacher performance will have an influence on achieving educational
goals and objectives. To achieve good education goals, good performance is needed.
Performance relates to how successful and accomplished all tasks are delegated according
to their authority and position with. Performance will be good when all parts of a goal
work towards achieving good performance results.
Based on the results of the preliminary research in a number of SDN in North
Banjarmasin Subdistrict, the performance of bai teachers is still low in providing learning
to students or in carrying out their duties such as teachers who do not have learning tools,
such as: annual programs, semester programs, syllabus, and Rencna of Learning
Implementation (RPP). The low performance of the teacher has an impact on the
performance or work of the teacher.
Discussing teacher performance will not be separated from the existence of factors
that can affect the level of teacher performance. According to (Mulyasa, 2008, p. 37)
teacher performance is influenced by several factors, namely the principal's leadership,
work environment, work climate, work motivation and work discipline. These factors have
different descriptions in each region and therefore need to be studied description and
pattern of relationships. (Handoko, 1985, p. 66) "Leadership is an ability that is owned by
someone to influence others in order to work towards their goals and objectives." The
leadership problems found in SDN in North Banjarmasin Subdistrict are seen as a low
level of guidance for supervision of teachers marked by the lack of reprimand from the
leadership to teachers who have often violated applicable regulations and the ability of the
school to make the work climate less conducive because of the inappropriate way of
leadership.The teacher's work passion sometimes decreases due to lack of motivation,
teacher and staff performance the bad result of the leadership of the principal who is not
accepted by subordinates, this becomes a gap between expectations and reality that occurs.
Another factor that influences teacher achievement in schools is the work climate. The
work climate in organizations can help organizations achieve organizational effectiveness.
Litwin and Stringer (Robbins, 2006, p. 32) defines a work climate is everything that is in
the work environment that is lived as a subjective influence of the formal system, the style
of information from managers, and other important environmental factors on attitudes,
beliefs, values, and motivation from people who work in certain organizations). The
working climate of SDN teachers in Banjarmasin Utara sub-district shows that the
environment created at this time in the organization has not provided the best inspiration
for teachers in carrying out their work. The existence of boundaries between leaders and
subordinates will have an impact reflected in the work of the teacher, whether to prioritize
the school or personal interests, as well as teachers who do not feel involved in the school
organization will not have concern for their work.
In addition to the principal's leadership and work climate, the factors that influence
teacher performance are motivation. (Siagian, 2010) defines work motivation as a driving
force for someone to contribute as much as possible for the success of the organization to
achieve its objectives, with the understanding that achieving organizational goals means
achieving the personal goals of the members of the organization concerned.
Encouragement is related to one's needs, abilities and perceptions of tasks. If someone
works and needs will be fulfilled from the job he will work hard. A person can be
motivated at work, if the environment in which they are able to support the activities they
do. Some of the phenomena that occur are related to the motivation of teachers in SDN in
Banjarmasin Utara sub-district where there are still teachers who leave school during
working hours for reasons that cannot be accounted for, there are individual teachers who
do not attend the ceremony, quickly leave before their time for no apparent reason, absent
employees work with health or family needs and also an increase in the motivation of
teachers and leaders in working from time to time.
Based on the problems that occur in SDN in Banjarmasin Utara sub-district that has
been described above, and the results of several other studies, this study emphasizes more
than four variables, namely leadership, work climate, and motivation on the performance
of elementary school teachers in Banjarmasin Utara sub-district, the authors interested in
further researching the problem with the title "The Influence of Leadership, Work Climate
and Motivation on the Performance of State Primary School Teachers in North
Banjarmasin Subdistrict"

2. Research Methods
2.1 Types of Research
The type of research used is quantitative research. According to (Sugiyono, 2000, p.
41) quantitative research is research whose research data is in the form of numbers and
analysis using statistics. The reason for using this type of quantitative research, because a
data in the form of numbers collected can be useful, it must be processed and analyzed
first, so that it can be used as a basis for decision making. This study also uses explanatory
research methods. Explanatory research is to examine the relationships between
hypothesized variables. According to the level of exploration, it includes associative
research which aims to find out the relationship between two or more variables (Sugiyono,
2000, p. 42) This study tries to reveal causal (explanatory) in the form of the influence
between principals' leadership, work motivation and work climate on the performance of
teachers of Public Elementary Schools (SDN) in Banjarmasin Utara Subdistrict,
formulated into a path analysis model both direct and indirect

2.2 Design of Research

Design of this study was chosen because the researchers intended to reveal how
much influence the independent variables namely principals' leadership (X1), work climate
(X2) and work motivation (X3) on the dependent variable is the teacher's performance
level (Y) in the State Elementary School (SDN) in North Banjarmasin District.

2.3 Research Populations and Samples

The population in this study consisted of all class teachers with the status of Civil
Servants (CS) who were in schools in the North Banjarmasin Subdistrict area of 235
people. According to (Arikunto, 2010, p. 67) if the research subjects are less than 100, it is
better to take all, but if the subject is large or more than 100 it can be taken between 10-
15% or 20-25% or more. Given the population size in this study more than 100
respondents, then determine the size of the sample using Slovin formula as follows:

n = N/1 + N (e^2)

Information :
n : Number of Samples
N : Total Population
E : Error tolerance for (5% = 0.05)

Based on the above formula applied in this study, the obtained sample size was 148
people. The sampling technique in this study is proportional random sampling, which is
random sampling by taking into account the proportions that exist in members of the
population (Arikunto, 2010, p. 69)
2.4 Research Instruments
The instrument of this study includes variables that will be observed in the study,
which are designed in the form of questionnaires or questionnaires which include
assessment and and questionnaire observations for each variable, namely, principals'
leadership variables (X1), work climate (X2) and work motivation (X3 ) to the dependent
variable, namely the level of teacher performance (Y). In order for the results of the
questionnaire data to not come out of the needs of the research, the items of this instrument
are designed to be closed in nature, meaning that the respondents have prepared alternative
answers and each alternative answer has a certain score or value. In this study the
preparation of questionnaires using a Likert scale in the form of a check list with
alternative answers given a score of 1, 2, 3, and 4.

2.5 Data Analysis

2.5.1 Test Validity and Reliability
Before being used in assessment, the observation sheet is first tested for validity and
reliability testing. An instrument is said to be valid if it can reveal data from variables that
are properly examined. Calculation of validity in this study was carried out using the SPSS
22 program. If rxy> r table then the questionnaire is said to be valid and if rxy <r the
instrument table is said to be invalid. Whereas reliability has the meaning to what extent
the results of a measurement can be trusted (Barorah, 2013, p. 23). The reliability results
can be seen from the results of Cronbach's Alpha, each variable is more than the required
minimum standard of 0.60, so the variables of leadership, work climate, work motivation
and reliable performance are good as data collection tools.

2.5.2 Hypothesis Testing

Before testing the hypothesis, the researcher first conducts a pre-test which includes
the normality test, linearity test and multicollinearity test. After passing the hypothesis
prerequisite test followed by hypothesis testing in order to prove the influence of the
principal's leadership, work climate and work motivation on teacher performance both
directly and indirectly by using several analysis tests such as simple regression test, partial
test (T test), test coefficient of determination and path analysis (path analysis)
3. Research Results
3.1 Prerequisite Test Results Analysis
The results of normality with the non-parametric statistical test used is the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov One-Sample test (1-Sample K-S), each research variable has the value of Asymp.
Sig. (2-tailed) is greater than 0.05, so the data of all variables in this study can be said to be
normally distributed. While the results of the linearity of leadership variables, work climate
and motivation towards performance variables produce data deviations from linear lines
(deviation from linierity)> 0.05 and significance values <0.05, it can be concluded that the
data are linear functions and the regression models do not occur multicollinearity , it can be
concluded that the non multicollinearity data in the regression model.

3.2 Analysis Test Results

Through the results of a simple regression test, partial test (T Test), test the
coefficient of determination and path analysis (path analysis). The summary calculation of
the direct and indirect effects of leadership influence (X1), work environment (X2) and
motivation (X3) on performance (Y) through can be seen in the summary table of the path
coefficients as follows:

Tabel 3.1 Summary of Path Analysis Regression Analysis Results

Regresi test Partial Determination

Influence Variable Information
Direct Indirect Test test

Leadership (X1) - Performance (Y) 0,332 0,332 0,192 Significant

Leadership (X1) - Motivation (X3) 0,487 0,487 0,141 Significant

Motivation (X3) - Performance (Y) 0,312 0,312 0,286 Significant

Work Climate (X2) - Performance (Y) 0,427 0,427 0,221 Significant

Work Climate (X2) - Motivation (X3) 0,603 0,603 0,150 Significant

Leadership (X1) - Motivation (X3) -

- 0,152 - - Significant
Performance (Y)
Work Climate (X2) - Motivation (X3) -
- 0,188 - - Significant
Performance (Y)
3.3 Discussion
3.3.1 Direct Effect of Leadership on Teacher Performance in Primary Schools in
North Banjarmasin District.
Bass and avolio theory influence of leadership are manifested through the principal's
leadership functions, namely charisma, idealized influence, inspirational motivation,
intellectual stimulation, individual consideration (Usman, 2006, p. 59). Management of
the principal's leadership function can have an influence on teacher performance, thus the
success of educational goals will be easily achieved. The principal's charismatic leadership
function can be seen from the attitude of the principal, which is able to provide exemplary
for teachers such as principals who have a trustworthy character, are able to carry out trust,
are respected by fellow school members, and can make the best decisions for school
interests. The principal who is considered by the teacher to have this attitude can be said
that the principal has charisma in the eyes of the teachers. This is in accordance with the
opinion (Mulyasa, 2008, p. 77) describing that leadership is related to personality, and the
personality of the principal as a leader is reflected through the characteristics; honest,
confident, responsibility, dare to take risks and decisions, big soul, stable emotions, and
According to (Aslamiah, 2012, p. 48) the role of the school principal educator
focuses on the competency skills of the teaching staff, also seeks to motivate and motivate
educators to increase their competence and not be satisfied with the results that have been
achieved. Based on the results of the respondents it is known that the principal has the
ability to motivate the teacher to become more enthusiastic. This motivation can be seen
from the attitude of the principal who always gives support to the teacher's ideas, gives
encouragement, and is always an inspiration for teachers, employees, and students.
Leadership in this study is also seen from the intellectual stimulus of a school principal.
This intellectual stimulus can be seen by looking at several indicators, namely the attitude
of the principal who gives equal rights to each teacher, the principal does not discriminate
between the existence of the teacher, both in giving praise or appreciation and also in
giving warning or advice in accordance with conditions and conditions that occur.
Overall, principals' leadership is included in the transactional leadership style
because everything the headmaster does in carrying out his role and function always
involves his subordinates, this is in accordance with opinions (Usman, 2006, p. 32) saying
transactional leaders can be seen from leaders always involving and fulfill all his
subordinates in carrying out their duties and in return.

3.3.2 Direct Influence of Leadership on the Motivation of Work of Primary School

teachers in North Banjarmasin District.
According to (Aslamiah, 2012, p. 12)) one of the important competencies that must
be owned by a leader is the ability to be able to motivate his subordinates. The principal
acts as a motivator for both the subordinates and the surrounding environment. In addition,
a leader must have Inspirational motivation (motivational inspiration) where the leader has
time to communicate with employees and can provide motivation to subordinates to do
their jobs to the fullest. The leadership is also the motivation of the teachers to improve the
competencies and careers of the teachers by giving teachers the opportunity to participate
in various trainings or develop higher education. Leaders with sincerity motivate teachers
to work at a minimum of reinforcement and praise in a fair and equitable manner and most
importantly a leader always be open in any criticism and suggestions or in dealing with any
existing problems. With the attitude and nature of leadership it will certainly make
motivation for teachers to be high.
According to (Danim, 2004, p. 26) which states that the power and influence of
leaders in increasing motivation can be seen through interactions (relationships, tasks,
position power) between, superiors and subordinates. According to the results of the
research the respondents' answers to several indicators of leadership greatly influence the
motivation of the teacher in working as an intellectual stimulation of the principal with the
intelligence of the principal or the leader. Leaders are able to manage and implement good
working relationships with their subordinates or teachers as always informing all notices to
the teacher, leadership intelligence is seen from how to solve all problems in school leaders
always conduct deliberations with subordinates before making decisions and are open to
accept suggestions. Intellectual leadership in motivating teachers is seen from the division
of tasks of the teachers, even though it is conducted by deliberation but the leader must be
sensitive in understanding the character of the teacher so that the delegation of tasks must
be in accordance with the abilities of the teachers.
3.3.3 Direct Effects of School Work Climate on Teacher Performance in SDN in
North Banjarmasin District.
States that employees who are comfortable with the climate of work, tend to work
more effectively and enjoy work processes compared to employees who feel
uncomfortable (Wirawan, 2007, p. 11). In this study all indicators of the work climate are
included in the moderate category according to the teacher's assessment. A work climate
with a work atmosphere, relationships with work colleagues and the availability of
comfortable work facilities can provide the teacher peace in working so that his
performance is optimal.
The leadership in the scope of North Banjarmasin SDN Subdistrict to further
improve teacher performance, so what needs to be done from the employee's point of view
is to improve employee climatic conditions with leadership strategies by continuously
improving and maintaining conditions of work climate both social psychological aspects
which include suitability and clarity of work responsibilities , the relationship between
employees and leaders, employee relations with employees, and the facilities available in
the organization.

3.3.4 Direct Effects of School Work Climate on the Motivation of Work Teachers in
Primary Schools in North Banjarmasin District.
One important factor influencing employee work motivation is the work climate,
because all the traits or characteristics that exist or are felt in the work climate and arise
mainly because of organizational activities carried out consciously or unconsciously.
Organizational climate influences the behavior of someone who influences the way of life,
who he relates to, who he likes, how he works, what he wants to achieve, and how he
adjusts to the organization, even according to Redding (Alugoro, 2014, p. 32) that the work
climate is far more important in influencing a person's behavior at work than the skills or
techniques they have. Work climate is important to explain work motivation because it is
related to employee job satisfaction.
The influence of work climate on motivation in SDN Subdistrict Banjarmasin Utara
obtained a temporary picture that organizational climate dimensions such as task structure,
compensation system and incentive system, recognition of achievement, subordinate
superior relations and relations between personnel personnel, training and development
systems, facilities and equipment work, leadership quality, etc. related to the work climate,
it seems that it has not been able to create high work motivation for the teachers. Although
the results of the study show a strong influence of the work climate variable on teacher
motivation in the North Banjarmasin Sub-District Elementary School, but not all of them
can show high levels of work motivation. This is caused by a changing work climate so
that changes in the work climate have a strong influence, where changes in the work
climate can increase motivation towards more and lead to the ability of teachers to work as
a team work.

3.3.5 The Direct Effect of Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in Primary

Schools in North Banjarmasin District.
Motivation is a series of attitudes and values that influence individuals to achieve
specific things in accordance with individual goals. This attitude and value is an invesible
that gives the power to encourage the individual to behave in achieving goals (Siagian,
2010, p. 24). The results of this study can prove that the implementation of high work
motivation can contribute significantly to improving teacher performance. These results
indicate that the better the implementation of work motivation, the higher the performance
of employees. The findings of this study reflect that high work motivation is able to
support variations in change and has a significant contribution to improving teacher
performance. Therefore the teacher in carrying out the tasks given by the organization
always has a high work motivation for the implementation of the work he receives. The
level of work motivation possessed by the teacher is inseparable from the expected value
of the work he receives. With the increasing level of motivation of the work of the teacher
for the work received, it certainly will have an impact on the completion of the tasks
carried out by a teacher who ultimately creates high work performance.

3.3.6 Indirect Effects Between Leadership Through Motivation of Teacher's Work on

Teacher Performance in Elementary Schools in North Banjarmasin District.
The indirect leadership on the performance of teachers in SDN Banjarmain Utara
District through motivational variables, this proves that good leadership will encourage or
motivate all teachers to be more active in work and feel valued so that it will work
optimally. According to (Aslamiah, 2012, p. 51) one of the important competencies that
must be possessed by a leader is the ability to motivate him to subordinate. The principal
acts as a motivator for both the subordinates and the surrounding environment. Leadership
has a very big influence in improving employee performance, because leaders role models
and the spotlight from subordinates. Thus, if the organization wants to have high
performance, leadership is needed to be able to move around so that they feel motivated to
do work with high performance.
Based on the facts in the field according to the perceptions of work stated on teachers
in SDN Subdistrict Banjarmasin Utara, still needs improvement and improvement. This
shows that the influence of the leadership is directly on teacher performance compared to
through motivation. These results prove that leadership decisions related to both direct and
indirect performance are still top-down, where the principal is still oriented towards the
implementation of tasks and less attention to the interests of employees, employee freedom
to act in the process of tasks is limited by formal regulations, supervision is still very
formal and formal, the work atmosphere is still more formalistic. This condition results in
low work motivation.

3.3.7 Indirect Effects Between School Work Climate Through Motivation of Teacher
Work on Teacher Performance in Primary Schools in North Banjarmasin
The motivation is what causes, channel, and support people's behavior (Wirawan,
2007, p. 13). But increasing the role of play in achieving good work climate, achieving the
desired organizational goals. A good work climate will create a sense of comfort for
employees. Feeling comfortable and happy will be more active, diligent and passionate
about work as well as vice versa, resulting in a decrease in employee performance. The
relationship between employee intimacy and intimacy between employees will feel
comfortable working, besides the conducive work climate is expected to always create
harmony with employees so that employees can improve their performance.
Based on the results of path analysis in this study, it shows work motivation
(indirectly). This can be interpreted that work on climate variables can directly influence
performance without going through work motivation. This is because of the organizational
climate influences of worker behavior, that is, influences the way of life, to whom he
relates, who he likes, how his activities work, what he wants to achieve, and how he
adjusts to the organization, thus forming a performance carrying out tasks assigned to him
based on skills, experience and sincerity and use of time. the work climate is more
important in influencing a person's behavior at work than his motivation. Although the
teachers have high motivation in working, clear workload, compatibility and harmonious
relationships, high motivation will be in vain.

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion in this study, some conclusions
can be drawn from this study: (1) there is a positive and significant influence of the
principal's leadership directly on the variable performance of teachers in the SDN in North
Banjarmasin District. (2) there is a positive and significant influence of the principal's
leadership directly on the motivation of the work of primary school teachers in the North
Banjarmasin District. (3) there is a positive and significant effect of the school's work
climate directly on the performance of teachers in primary schools in North Banjarmasin
District. 4) there is a positive and significant effect of the school's work climate directly on
the motivation of the work of the elementary school teachers in the North Banjarmasin
District. (5) there is a positive and significant influence on the motivation of teacher work
directly on the performance of teachers in primary schools in North Banjarmasin District.
(6) there is a positive and significant influence of the principal's leadership indirectly
through the motivation of teacher work on the performance of teachers in the SDN in
North Banjarmasin Subdistrict. (7) there is a positive and significant effect of the school's
work climate indirectly through the motivation of teacher work on the performance of
teachers in primary schools in North Banjarmasin District.

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