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How to Consolidate


Consolidation Begins when evangelism ends. One of the main goals of follow-up is to land the new
believer in a cell – where they can introduce to new friends and develop relationships. There are three
parts to the Consolidation process. They are the Pre-Encounter, the Encounter, and the Post-Encounter.


1. Verify Salvation. Immediately after evangelism, the first thing a consolidator needs to do is to
make sure they have received Jesus and understood that He is now in their heart.
a) Ask simple diagnostic questions. Example. “Where is Christ now?”
b) Reinforce teaching in areas of the Gospel that is unclear to them.
2. Fill out the Decision Slip. The decision slip should contain important information that will be
needed for follow-up such as: Name, Nickname, Address (Home and office), Telephone Number
(Landline and Cellphone), Date, etc… The Decision Slip must also contain the prayer requests of
the new believer.
3. Pray for their Needs. Pray for the Lord's blessing and protection over them and pray for their
stated needs.
4. Inform them About a Follow-up Call. Finally, ask them if they would like to receive more
direction and inform them that somebody contact them within 24-48 hours. Within 24-48 hours,
after the person’s decision for Christ, we should demonstrate a genuine interest and concern for
the person by getting intouch with through a phone call. This will win their confidence and open
the door to make a visit.

Methods of Follow-up

the New Testament provides us with the different methods of follow-up, as examplified in the life and
ministry of Paul. These are called 4 P's of follow-up, namely:

1. Personal contact. In Acts 15:36, what did Paul urged Barnabas to do?
2. Proxy. When Paul could not make it to the Colossians (Colossians 4:7-8), whom did he send?
3. Prayer. This is another way to follow-up. It must be specific, praying for the individuals by name.
How did Paul pray for Timothy (2 Timothy 1:3)? ______________________________________.
4. Pen. Paul also wrote letters to individuals like Timothy as well as to group of believers like the
Romans and the Ephesians.
5. Phone. With the proliferation of communication gadgets, we can add this last P to the four P's.


A. Purposes of the call/text.

1. Demonstrate your genuine interest in the person and their needs.
2. Build relationship.
3. Lay the ground for the home visit.
B. Preparation for call /text.
1. Prayer – for right words/ receptiveness/ God's true love for them.
2. Plan the proposed time and place for the visit.
3. Choose the best words.
C. The Actual Call.
1. Friendly greeting/ ask: 'Have you got time for a quick chat?’
2. Start the conversation by thanking them for coming to your church, cell or network
3. Let them know you have prayed for them and be in faith for answers.
4. Seek to discover where they are at/ what have they gasped, etc.
5. Confrim the home visit – firm appointment (date, time & place)/ preferably their
6. Pray – let the Holy Spirit lead you/ ask again about particular needs.
D. Do's and Don’ts.
1. Avoid heated arguments on doctrines.
2. Be natural & warm.
3. If they are not ready, do not force a home visit.
4. Record any helpful information.

Home Visit or Personal Visit

A. Importance
1. Jesus 'modeled' home Visiting, Matthew 8:14-15. He went right into the
house, used appropriate touch and prayed with her, indicating genuine love
and respect.
2. He made it a priority, Luke 19:5-10. He was on the way to the cross, yet He
said: 'I MUST stay at YOUR house today!’
3. Jesus trained His 12 to do it; sending them in twos, He said; 'Whenever you
ENTER a house, stay there UNTIL you leave that town'.
4. It could be an opportunity to win a friend and his whole clan.
5. The next house you visit could be the next house church.
B. Purpose for the visit
1. Get to know them better. You learn more about the person when you see
his home or the family members.
2. Find out their impression of the event where you met each other or where
they heard the gospel.
3. Find out their needs and minister to them under the direction of the Holy
4. Suggest home bible studies.
C. Preparation for the Visit
1. Pray for favor and guidance from the Holy Spirit.
2. Bring any “pasalubong” or gift, if you can.
3. Remind them of your coming by texting.
4. Bring a cell leader or member.

D. The Actual Visit

5. Arrive on time.
6. Be the one to initiate the conversation, “Good morning! Ako si John at kasama
ko si Daniel…”
7. Give your pasalubong and start a friendly discussion.
8. Shift to a short sharing of God's Word; or Give a timely tract for him (You are
new to Christ).
9. Invite the person to a relevant cell or church activity. Give a short
background about the ministry.
10. Ask if it is possible to hold a bible study for the next visit. Agree on the time
and day.
11. Finish by praying for the person.

E. Do and Don’ts

1. Avoid mealtimes for your visit. The time for “telenovelas” are sacred for some.

2. Dress modestly and decently.

3. Be polite at all times.

4. Do not preach.

5. Observe time schedule. A 15-minutes maybe sufficient for the first visit.

6. Be sensitive to and dependent on the Holy Spirit.

7. Bless the house with peace.

Pre-Encounter Bible Studies

You will utilize the CONSECUTIVE HOME/PERSONAL VISITS for Bible studies. In those sessions, the new
believer will study themes related to his new life in Jesus. The aim of the Pre-Encounter Bible studies is
to prepare the believer for the Encounter God Retreat. These shall cover the following topics:

Lesson 1: Review the plan of Salvation

Lesson 2: The bible

Lesson 3: ACTS of Prayer

Lesson 4: Break free!

Invite your contact to attend the weekly cell meetings.

Encounter God Retreat (EGR)

As you start with the first Bible study, Encourage the person to attend a life-changing retreat (the
EGR). Check with your ministry leader regarding the schedule of EGRs so that you can give to your
contact the retreat details. If you sense, the person seems financially incapable, start mobilizing your cell
group to support new converts' attendance to EGR.
If possible, find a suitable partner for your contact. Accompany your contact to the EGR site and
introduce him to those who will stay in the site for the whole duration of the retreat. If possible, attend
the closing session and join your contact in his celebration of freedom.

Post-Encounter Classes

After the new believer has attended the EGR. He is now enrolled in the post-EGR class. The purpose of
the post-EGR class is to maintain the freedom of the new believer and to prevent him from returning to
his old sinful habits. The post-EGR is divides into 2 parts – lectures and seminars. There are 10 lectures
and seminars. There are 10 lecture topics and 10 seminar topics.

How can you start

1. Don’t go too far. There are many church attendees who have not gone into bible study or cell
meeting. Identify them by asking the Pastor, the consolidation team, the head of the ushering
team, the cell leader, the evangelism department or even your bible study leader.
2. Decide who and how many follow-up contacts you can manage. You should have at least one.
Our leaders recommend that you follow-up male if you are male and female if you are female.
3. Find them and establish acquaintance with them. Ask the person if he is interested to a follow-
up program (or home bible study) with you. If the answer is affirmative, agree on what time,
place and duration.
4. Pray daily by name for your follow-up contact. Don’t just utter a general prayer. Bring to God
their specific needs. Examples of biblical request for your contact:
 Will realize his exalted position in Christ (Ephesians 2:6)
 Will present himself aa a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1)
 Will be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)
 Will be regular and systematic in the study of God’s Word (1 Peter 2:2)
 Will appropriate the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:13)
 Will not lobe the world system (1 John 2:15)
 Will have a servant's heart (Mark 9:35)
 Will be a responsible church member (Ephesians 4:16)
 will reach out to the unsaved (John 1:40-41)
 will seek to know God (Acts 17:27 ; Deuteronomy 4:29)
 will believe the Scriptures (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
5. Prepare for the actual meeting. Study the Pre-Encounter Bible Study materials you will be using.
6. Aside from the scheduled follow-up, do a friendly visit, call, text or write an encouraging note to
your follow-up contacts.
7. Invite your contacts to your cell group meeting, birthday, anniversary, fellowship or worship
service. Introduce your contacts to other Christians. This will greatly help the adjust

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