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Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007


Service Oriented Architecture: Potential Benefits and Challenges

School of Computing
University of Derby
Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB

Abstract: - Globalisation, tighter economies, business process outsourcing, ever increasing regulatory
environments and knowledgeable consumers are forcing the large enterprises to transform the way they
provide their business and services. Businesses are required to be agile and flexible and IT managers are being
asked to deliver improved functionality while leveraging existing IT investment. In this climate, Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA) is proving to be an attractive approach to Enterprise Application Integration and
other solutions that they seek. SOA promises better alignment of IT with business, effective reuse,
interoperability and reduced costs of development. However, like any approach, it has its limitations and
therefore posses a number of challenges. In this paper, we introduce the SOA approach, present the benefits it
offers and discuss the inherent issues and challenges. The objective is to provide enough background
information that enterprises wishing to embark on the road to SOA have a better understanding of this

Key-Words: - Service oriented architecture, SOA, Enterprise application integration, EAI, WEB services,

1. Introduction In the rest of this paper, we first establish the need

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an emerging for SOA and briefly outline the SOA framework and
architectural style for developing and integrating technologies. Then, in sections 4 and 5, we mention
enterprise applications. It is an organisational and the potential benefits that SOA aims to achieve and
technical framework to enable an enterprise to discuss the limitations and inherent issues. In the
deliver self-describing and platform independent last section, we present summary and conclusions.
business functionality [1] providing a way of
sharing functions, typically, business functions, in a
widespread and flexible way. Knorr and Rist [2] 2. The Need for SOA
define SOA as a broad, standalone and standards Enterprises have invested heavily in large-scale
based framework in which services are built, applications software such as ERP (enterprise
deployed, managed and orchestrated in pursuit of an resource planning), SCM (supply chain
agile and resilient IT infrastructure. British management), CRM (customer relationship
Computer Society’s definition suggests that SOA is management) and other such systems to run their
about the evolution of business processes, businesses. The infrastructure is often heterogeneous
applications and services from today’s legacy- across a number of platforms, operating systems and
ridden and silo-oriented systems to a world of languages. There is often a huge duplication of
federated businesses, accommodating rapid functionality and services resulting in a waste of
response to change, utilizing vast degrees of valuable resources and poor response times.
business automation [3]. This architecture aims to Increasingly, the business and IT managers are
provide enterprise business solutions that can extend being asked to deliver improved functionality of
or change on demand as well as provide a services while leveraging existing IT investment as
mechanism for interfacing existing legacy well as provide the following:
applications regardless of their platform or • respond to business changes with agility
language. It is being seen as a new approach to • meet the demands of ever changing business
enterprise application integration, which provides a environment, customers and partner
closer alignment between business and IT systems. organisations
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007 498

• provide continuous business process • Infrastructure services: to include security,

improvement management and monitoring
• support new channels of business • Business-neutral services: to include service
• provide better customer support brokers and notification, scheduling and
• feature an architecture that supports organic workflow services
business [4]. • Business services: to include services based
on the business domain e.g. credit card
One solution is to develop architectures that allow validation, address verification and
easy integration of the existing and new enterprise inventory checks.
applications. However, the integration technology
solutions are often proprietary which present issues SOA uses a find-bind-execute paradigm. The main
of inoperability because of vendor lock-ins, tight components include:
coupling, complexity of services and issues of • Service providers – components (available
connectivity [5]. to consumers) that execute business
functions using given inputs and producing
The Web Services (WS) technology and SOA offer outputs
better opportunities for enterprise application • Service consumers – components that use
integration with the added benefits of reduced costs, services published by service providers
easier maintenance, greater flexibility and improved • Service registry – a repository containing
scalability. SOA, with its loosely coupled nature, service descriptions for service consumers
allows enterprises to plug in new services or to know how services may be accessed.
upgrade existing services [4] and provide
opportunities to increase business agility and be able Service Providers build services and offer them via
to respond on demand. It allows enterprises and an intranet or Internet. They register services with
their IT systems to be more agile to the changes in service brokers and publish them in distributed
the business and environment. registries. Each service has an interface, known as
contract and functionality, which is kept separate
from the interface. The Service Consumers search
3. SOA Elements and Technologies for services (based on some criteria) - when found, a
In a SOA, the business and technical processes are dynamic binding is performed. In this case, the
implemented as services. Each service represents a service provides the consumer with the contract
certain functionality that maps explicitly to a step in details and an endpoint address. The consumer then
a business process [6]. In this context, a service is a invokes the service.
software component that can be reused by another
software component or accessed via a standard- Services, implemented as Web Services (WS) are
based interface over the network. An important delivered using technologies such as eXtensible
aspect of service-orientation is the separation of Markup Language (XML), Web Services
service interface (the WHAT) from its Description Language (WSDL), Simple Object
implementation or content (the HOW). The interface Access Protocol (SOAP) and Universal Description
provides service identification, whereas, the content Discovery and Integration (UDDI).
provides business logic.
Many proprietary SOA tools and frameworks have
Zimmermann [7] suggests three levels of also been produced for the development of web
abstractions within SOA: services and implementation of SOA. Majority of
• Operations: units of functions operating on these are difficult to use and do not deliver the
received data, having specific interfaces and business benefits claimed. They lack vital
returning structured responses capabilities like configuration control or testing
• Services: logical groupings of operations prior to deployment. Hohpe [5, 8] believes the next
• Business processes: actions or activities to generation tools will provide facilities for testing
perform specific business goals by invoking and debugging as well as provide support for
multiple services. monitoring and management. For a review of a
number of such products from vendors such as
In terms of service-orientation, we can envisage BEA, Eclipse, IBM and CapeClear, refer to
three types of services [8]: Mahmood [17].
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007 499

4. SOA Promise • It is possible that a bug or corruption

SOA provides an opportunity to achieve broad-scale introduced in a well-used service takes out
interoperability while offering flexibility to adapt to the entire system, not just a single
changing technologies and business requirements. If application.
implemented correctly, SOA offers the following
benefits [9, 10]: Managing services metadata is another obvious
• Loosely coupled applications and location challenge. As services keep exchanging messages to
transparency perform tasks, number of these messages can go into
• Application connectivity and millions even for a single application [13].
• Alignment of IT around the needs of the Although, Web Services provide a sensible
business implementation platform, many infrastructure
services (e.g. security, systems management,
• Enhanced reuse of existing assets and
interface contracts) are not yet fully defined. Finding
a service that is at the right level of abstraction is
• Process-centric architecture
also a challenge.
• Parallel and independent development
• Better scalability and graceful evolutionary Issues, inherent due to the very nature of service-
changes orientation, can be summarised as follows:
• Reduced costs of application development • Coarse granularity: This may mean that 1)
and integration testing and validating every combination of
• Easier maintenance every condition in a complex service may
• Reduced vendor lock-ins. well become humanly impossible; 2) one
service trying to serve a dozen masters may
The SOA represents a new way of developing lead to spaghetti code and therefore
systems; it promotes a shift from writing software to introduce massive inefficiency and 3) a
assembling and integrating services. Underlying generic service, because of its coarse
platform implementation becomes irrelevant as granularity, cannot be easily optimised for
standard interfaces and message exchange patterns efficiency [12].
provide integration, both within and across • Loose coupling: It is an architect’s dream
enterprises. However, to support the goal of SOA, but making a system distributed adds a new
the infrastructure must support flexibility, level of complexity and therefore as Fowler
heterogeneity, distributed development and [16] puts it, it can become a developer’s
management [9]. nightmare.
• Integration of services: This can be a
complex task especially when there is a lack
5. SOA Limitations and Issues of skilled people to work in a SOA based
SOA is a much better architecture as opposed to environment [13].
distributed client server architecture and it can bring • Service interoperability: When web services
huge benefits in the form of code reuse, better are used to exchange SOAP messages over
integration and improved responsiveness to business HTTP, encapsulating XML data, integration
needs. However, the eternal battle between of services in heterogeneous environment
flexibility and efficiency exists in just the same way can become a serious issue.
as it always has. SOA also requires a large upfront • Evolutionary development: Building and
investment by way of technology and development. updating services is fine. However, if
It may cost a great deal and the Return on applications continually require additional
Investment (ROI) could take a long time to functionality, and these requests are
materialise. Overall [12] mentions the following granted, the entire system may become
downsides to SOA: unstable [12].
• Since any service can invoke any other,
each service needs to validate completely Other challenges and limitations can be summarised
every input parameter. This will have as follows:
implications by way of response time and • WS standards: These standards are open and
overall machine load. amorphous. Many are still working drafts.
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007 500

Higher-level services and security have not managed and audited [14]. Since SOA is a
been standardised at all. This could result in new paradigm, governance issues are not
rework of existing code to conform to new properly understood.
and evolving standards [8].
• Internet protocols: They are not designed Moving to SOA is not a straight forward transition.
for reliability, guaranteed delivery or order It requires a shift in how we compose service-based
of delivery so the service or the consumer applications whole maximising existing IT
needs to ensure that messages has been investment [15]. SOA requires building systems at a
delivered or received in a timely manner business level, not just at the IT level. Delivery of
[18]. services needs to be focused on the business
• Interoperability: Common implementations requirements. Once the business processes and
of SOA use web services to exchange architectural structures have been defined, one can
messages over the Internet. These think about the technology needed to deliver a fully
encapsulate XML data. Problems may be operational SOA. The development should be
encountered when integrating these services incremental.
in heterogeneous environments.
• Development tools: Vendors are producing
tools to enable organisations to reap the 6. Conclusion
benefits of SOA but a majority of these are Adopting SOA can be difficult for business and IT
early releases and based on evolving executives. It requires enterprises to identify the
standards. This may also result in rework of services infrastructure to deliver the required
existing code once the standards are agreed business solutions. Although SOA promises huge
upon [8]. gains as it is based on sound principles of coarse-
• Network connections: If the architecture grained, loosely coupled, standards-based,
and services are highly interconnected then interoperable, reusable services, there are also
even a partial network failure may create a numerous challenges such as change in mind set,
huge problem for the relevant organisations. huge initial investment, unreliability of Internet
Currently, although the required technology protocols, evolving standards and the newness of the
is available, there is no guarantee that approach.
infrastructures will be robust with enough
redundancy to cope with the system The bandwagon for SOA is large and many
downtimes. companies are already jumping on it. Enterprises
• Security: When using open standards, a need to be planning for it and at least be ready. They
service is much more open to other services need to be aware of the vendor hype and be extra
and applications than a monolithic vigilant when committing huge sums of money in a
application [13] and thus security becomes technology that is still evolving.
an issue. As mentioned before, Internet
protocols also lack reliability. Although, In this paper, we have discussed the characteristics
WS-Security addresses such issues, there is and the potential benefits that SOA promises as well
a considerable amount of work that still as the relevant technologies. Limitations and
needs to be done. inherent issues have also been discussed in detail.
• Application ownership: SOA blurs the The objective is to provide some useful background
boundaries of application ownership so who information for enterprises wishing to embark on the
owns what becomes an issue. road to SOA.
• Training: It takes time to acquire knowledge
of new technologies. There are too many References:
technologies and at the present moment, not
enough expertise available in the market. [1] Cartwright I and Doernenburg E, Time to
For an organisation adopting this jump on the SOA bandwagon, IT Now, British
architecture, thorough understanding of the Computer Society, May 2006
underlying technologies remains highly
critical [8]. [2] Knorr E and Rist O, 10 Steps to SOA, Info
• Governance: UK firm Gartner warns that World - San Mateo, Vol. 27, Issue 45, pp 23-35,
SOA projects will fail unless they are tightly Nov 2005
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007 501

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