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Institut für Integrierte Systeme

Integrated Systems Laboratory

Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Design of Very Large Scale Integration Circuits

Exercise 6

Power Analysis
Prof. L. Benini
F. Gürkaynak

Last Changed: 2019-03-28 16:49:52 +0100

With the execution of this training you declare that you understand and accept the regulations about using
CAE/CAD software installations at the ETH Zurich. These regulations can be read anytime at
1 What you will learn
In previous exercises, you have learned how to carry out a digital circuit design that meets given timing and
area constraints. This exercise will extend your knowledge to power considerations. More specifically, we will
show you:
• How to determine node activity figures of adequate accuracy.
• How to estimate a circuit’s power dissipation from node activities.
The required CAE tools throughout this exercise are M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM1 and C ADENCE I NNOVUS.
You will use the former in order to perform a post-layout simulation and the latter to obtain power figures of the
test circuit.

2 Introduction
2.1 Theoretical background
As explained in Chapter 10 of the lecture notes,2 four phenomena dissipate energy in CMOS circuits:

Table 1: Phenomena dissipating energy in static CMOS circuits

Phenomenon Results in dissipation Nature
Charging and discharging of capacitive loads while node voltages
Crossover currents are in transit
Driving of resistive loads (if any) at all times, even after
Leakage currents circuit has settled

We will not be concerned with static power in this exercise as we limit ourselves to pure CMOS circuits with
no resistive loads and because leakage is almost negligible due to the conservative fabrication process being
studied. For the needs of EDA tools the dynamic dissipation can be attributed to library cells as follows.
Internal power Pint is the power dissipated inside a cell for the charging and discharging of internal capaci-
tances and due to crossover currents.
Switching power Pext is the power dissipated inside a cell for charging and discharging the load capacitance
connected to the cell’s output. That external load consists of the input capacitances of all cells being
driven plus the parasitic capacitances of the wires (aka interconnect).
The total power dissipation Ptot related to a cell can now be expressed as

Ptot = Pstat + Pdyn ' Pdyn = Pint + Pext . (1)

Calculating Pext is straightforward:

α 2
Pext = fcp
Cext Udd , (2)
where α denotes the switching activity of the cell’s output node, Cext the load capacitance attached, and Udd
the supply voltage. fcp stands for the computation rate, i.e., the inverse of the computation period.3 Pint
gets calculated in much the same way, yet coming up with accurate activity and capacitance figures requires
detailed information about the inner circuitry and layout of each cell.

1 Mentor Graphics Modelsim is now actually called Mentor Graphics Questa Sim; don’t let yourself get confused - the
functionality and user interface weren’t changed.
2 Hubert Kaeslin, “Top-Down Digital VLSI Design - From Gate-Level Circuits to CMOS Fabrication”, Sept. 2015.
3 For standard single-edge-triggered one-phase clocking, computation period and clock cycle are the same fcp = fclk . Double-edge
triggered circuits, in contrast, offer two computation periods per clock cycle so that fcp = 2fclk .

A power estimator essentially is a piece of software that sums up the various contributions over an entire circuit.
Provided the same clock and voltage get used everywhere, this amounts to:
X αm X αn
Pckt = Pint m + Pext n ' fcp Udd · Cint m + Cext n (3)
m=1 n=1 m=1
2 n=1

Index m = 1...M refers to the cells instantiated in the circuit and n = 1...N to the nets of interconnect running
in between. For each cell, an internal activity figure αm is estimated from the node activities at the input(s).
Note that Cint m is not meant to correspond to any capacitance physically present in the circuit. Rather, it is
just a numerical parameter adjusted for each cell during library characterization such as to model its internal
Equation (3) tells us a few important things about power dissipation and power estimation:
• Realistic switching activity figures are crucial, they can be obtained from gate-level simulations.
• Realistic capacitance figures are important, they are best extracted from layout data.
• Dynamic power grows with Udd squared. For more information about the power vs. speed dilemma, we
refer to the lecture notes.

2.2 Manual activity and power calculations for warm up

To get a feeling for the process, let us estimate the power consumption of the toy example of Figure 1, a simple
arithmetic processing unit that accepts two unsigned numbers of 4 bits each (InputA_DI and InputB_DI)
and delivers either their sum or their product at the output (Output_DO) as an 8 bit word.



4 Clk_CI


Figure 1: A small arithmetic unit used for hand calculations.

A signal Add_SI decides which operation result gets assigned to the output according to the following rule (in
if Add_SI = ’1’
then Output_DO <= InputA_DI + InputB_DI;
else Output_DO <= InputA_DI * InputB_DI;
end if;

The frequency of Clk_CI is 200 MHz and the input waveforms are represented in Figure 2. They are periodic
and the two input values (InputA_DI and InputB_DI) have been chosen to be always the same. Moreover,
assume that no glitches occur and that the supply voltage is 1.2 V.

Student Task 1:
1. Output waveform: Collecting all 8 bits into one signature, draw the waveform and numeric values
of Output_DO in Figure 2.

4 Incidentally observe that any attempt to capture the internal dissipation of a cell with a single quantity is not exactly accurate
as the energy dissipated when one input toggles may also depend on what is happening at other inputs at the same time. And
in the occurrence of a bistable, the current state is likely to matter too. While industrial standard cell models typically cover
all possible situations, we shall not be concerned with such details here.


= 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000



10 20 30 40 time (ns)
Figure 2: Input and output waveforms.

Table 2: Power dissipated for driving the various nets of interconnect.

Capacitive load Node activity Switching power
Net Cext [fF] α [1] Pext [µW]
Clk CI 140 2 ...
Add SI 90 ... ...
InputA DI (per bit line) 60 ... ...
InputB DI (per bit line) 60 ... ...
Output DO (per bit line) 0 ... ...
Further nets neglected in the context of this excercise

Table 3: Power dissipated by the various circuit blocks (@ 200 MHz).

Dynamic power [mW]
Switching power Internal power
Adder 0.04 0.12
Multiplier 0.66 0.56
Output register + mux 0.00 0.54

2. Switching activities: Assuming single-edge-triggered one-phase clocking, complete the node ac-
tivity column in Table 2.

3. Power spent for switching of nets: You now have all the facts required to calculate the switching
powers associated with the various nets according to Equation (2). Fill in the numbers into the last

4. Power dissipated within circuit blocks: Now consider Table 3. What is the main sink of power
among the blocks listed there and how much does it dissipate?

5. Consolidated dissipation: Compiling all contributions from Table 2 and Table 3, how much power
does the circuit dissipate internally, that is, with no load attached?

6. Overall dissipation: Suppose each output drives a load of 1 pF. What is the total power consump-
tion now?

3 The test vehicle used for computerized calculations

3.1 Architectural overview
Figure 3 illustrates the circuit serving as a test case for this exercise. The circuit is entirely digital and dominated
by two finite impulse response (FIR) filters of identical structures that differ in their coefficients. Each filter is
fully parallel. At the output, an adder combines the high-pass and low-pass responses. A 2-bit selection input
signal can be used to only output the high-pass component or the low-pass component. An additional flag
(Mode_SI) can be used to disable the filters completely.
In the exercise, node activity figures will be determined by way of gate-level simulations. For comparison, let
us now make a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation from data available without detailed simulation. The test
vehicle is believed to have the characteristics below.

Clocking discipline single-edge-triggered one-phase

Clock frequency fclk [MHz] 200
Supply voltage Udd [V] 1.2
Number of interconnect nets N 4 900
Avg. load capacitance Cext n [fF] 10
Avg. switching activity αn [1] 0.2
Number of cell instances M 3 000
Avg. equiv. capacitance Cint m [fF] 7
Avg. internal activity αm [1] same as αn

Student Task 2: Plug in these numbers into Equation (3) and put down the result here:

3.2 Install test vehicle and start cockpit

We provide you with a finished test vehicle with final routing completed. To install it do


0 0
DataIn_DI 15

0 0

Figure 3: High-level diagram of test vehicle used in this exercise (simplified).

Student Task 3:
1. Open a Unix shell window.
2. Install the test vehicle:
sh > /home/vlsi2/ex06/install.sh

3. Start the cockpit:

sh > cd ex06
sh > icdesign umcL65 &

3.3 Generating stimuli

For running meaningful power simulations we will need the right input stimuli. We provide a set of stimuli
in the simvectors directory (input.stim). During this exercise, you will need to modify the stimuli files
to estimate power in different operating modes. As seen in Figure 3, the signal OutSelect_SI is used to
control which filter block is added to the output. Furthermore, there is a Mode_SI signal that can be used to
disable the registers inside unselected filter blocks. These signals can be used to configure the test vehicle in
different modes. To change the operating mode, you need to adapt the number in the first line of the stimuli file
simvectors/input.stim, since it encodes the operating mode of the design as integer value. See Table 4
for the operating modes we will use in this exercise.

Table 4: Test vehicle mode selection

Mode SI OutSelect SI(1) OutSelect SI(0) int value
Enable all 1 1 1 7
Disable LP 1 1 0 6
Clock Gating 0 1 0 2

The subsequent integer values in the stimuli file correspond to the input data. Next, let us give some technical
comments on the process of automated power estimation.

4 Power estimation flow

We are going to use the same CAD/CAE tools you are familiar with from previous exercises and/or from your
semester project in VLSI design. During earlier design phases, M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM had served to
functionally verify RTL source code. The focus now shifts to collecting the respective toggle counts of electrical
nodes present in a circuit netlist as a prerequisite for power calculations.
In search of accuracy, we are going to do a postlayout simulation that includes the various layout parasitics
that had come into existence once placement and routing were completed. For this purpose, the netlist —
previously written out by C ADENCE I NNOVUS in Verilog format — is compiled using vlog instead of vcom
(have a look into the file modelsim/compile_gate.csh in order to observe the compilation of the verilog
netlist). Since M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM is able to perform mixed-language simulations, we can use any
VHDL testbench (almost the same as the testbench for RTL simulation, only with some minor adaptations) to
carry out this particular postlayout simulation.
The next point that merits your attention is the selection of the stimuli. As power dissipation is data-dependent,
it is important to make a proper choice of the stimuli vectors to get meaningful results. The node activities
used for power estimation must be statistically representative for the target application which implies that the
stimuli will not necessarily be the same as those employed during functional verification. What follows is a brief
overview of the file types involved in annotating a netlist.

SDF back annotation: The SDF (Standard Delay Format) file contains the information about the interconnect
and cell delays in a design. It can be exported from C ADENCE I NNOVUS to transmit these delay data to
a simulator (and/or to a static timing analyzer). This file is required for any type of post-layout simulation,
irrespectively of whether you are interested in calculating power consumption or in gate-level functional
VCD back annotation: The VCD (Value Change Dump) file logs all signal changes (i.e., the “events” in VHDL
terminology) that occur during a simulation run. The information is essentially the same as in the M EN -
TOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM wave window but in textual form. File size thus not only grows with design
complexity but also with the length of a simulation run. A VCD file is required for power analysis with
C ADENCE I NNOVUS. For obvious reasons, it is always possible to extract the average activity for each
circuit node from a VCD file but not the other way round.
As a welcome observation, we note that no parasitics exchange file (such as SPEF or RSPF) is required to
transport estimated capacitance values from the place&route tool to the power calculation tool as both functions
are assumed by C ADENCE I NNOVUS in the current design flow.

5 Innovus power analysis

In this section we will perform a power analysis of our final chip using different sets of toggle activities. C A -
DENCE I NNOVUS is able to perform a power analysis based on statistical estimates of the switching activity. For
more accuracy it can also process VCD files generated as a result of post-layout simulations. Throughout the
whole power analysis exercise, you will have to continously update the table below.
We will first start C ADENCE I NNOVUS and load the saved test vehicle.

Student Task 4:
• Start C ADENCE I NNOVUS (e.g., from the cockpit).
• In the C ADENCE I NNOVUS GUI, select File→Restore Design... Click the I NNOVUS radio button
in the DATA T YPE selection. In the Restore Design File menu, choose filterBS_chip.enc
from the save directory and click OK.
• Among the views on the top right hand, select the last one, the P HYSICAL VIEW.

Power Analysis Method Ptot [mW] Dominating Instances Pdom [mW]

Global Activity I
Global Activity II
Input Activity
VCD-Based Activity
Enable all
Enable all (zero inputs)
Disable LP
Clock Gating

5.1 Statistical power analysis

As you know, dynamic power consumption directly depends on the switching activity. C ADENCE I NNOVUS
provides some simple approaches that estimates the switching activity of the circuit, without running costly
simulations. These methods are useful to quickly get a first measure of the chip’s power consumption.

Global activity

C ADENCE I NNOVUS allows to automatically set a default toggle-activity value to all internal nodes. Throughout
the power analysis each internal node of your chip will toggle with this probability in each clock cycle.

Student Task 5: In order to run the analysis, select Power →Power Analysis →Run.... The Run \
Power Analysis window opens as shown in Figure 4. For the time beeing, leave the clock frequency
at 100 MHz. Select the folder powerReports as the results directory. Then, step into the the Activity
tab and write 0.2 as global activity, which means that every node will change its state with a probability
of 0.2 per clock cycle. This is a good initial value. At this point, you are able to start your first statistical
power analysis. Press the OK button (or A PPLY).

Figure 4: Run Power Analysis menu in Cadence Innovus.

The power analysis will then start and write lines similar to the following on the C ADENCE I NNOVUS shell

Begin Power Analysis

0.00V VSS
1.20V VDD

Begin Processing Timing Library for Power Calculation

Begin Processing Power Net/Grid for Power Calculation

Ended Processing Power Net/Grid for Power Calculation: (cpu=0:00:00, real=0:00:00, mem(proc

Begin Processing Timing Window Data for Power Calculation

Clk_CI(200MHz) CK: assigning clock Clk_CI to net Clk_CI

Ended Processing Timing Window Data for Power Calculation: (cpu=0:00:00, real=0:00:00, mem(

Begin Processing User Attributes

Ended Processing User Attributes: (cpu=0:00:00, real=0:00:00, mem(process/total)=1155.82MB/

Begin Processing Signal Activity

Starting Levelizing
2016-Oct-18 13:51:56 (2016-Oct-18 11:51:56 GMT)
2016-Oct-18 13:51:56 (2016-Oct-18 11:51:56 GMT): 10%

Among the messages in the console you will find some information about the clock. Notice that the clock
frequency extracted from the Synopsys Design Constraint (SDC) file (200 MHz) does not match the frequency
specified in the GUI. The tool will use the SDC version, so the entry in the GUI will be ignored. It is important
that you always check the clock frequency on the console.
At the end of the analysis C ADENCE I NNOVUS will write a summary on the console. The result will also be
written to the filterBS_chip.rpt file, in the powerReports directory. Have a look at it and try to identify
the main results of the power dissipation of your chip.

Student Task 6: How much power does the chip dissipate? What are the values that contribute most to
the total power? Talk to an assistant and discuss where most of the power is being dissipated. Calculate
the total power dissipated by these instances. Update the results table at the beginning of Section 5. Use
the last column to enter the power dissipated by the above mentioned instances.
Once we run the analysis again this report file will be overwritten. For this exercise we would like to
preserve the file, so that we can compare the results later on. Step into the encounter directory of this
exercise and make a copy or move the file under a different name, for example:
sh > cd ./encounter
sh > mv powerReports/filterBS_chip.rpt \
sh > powerReports/filterBS_chip_gaI.rpt

As you can see, most of the power is dissipated by the drivers in the input- and output pads. In order to get
a better grasp of the power that is consumed by the actual circuit (or, the core of our chip), we want to tell
C ADENCE I NNOVUS to not take the pads into account when performing power analyses.

Student Task 7:
• Select Power →Power Analysis →Setup... to open the Set Power Analysis Mode...
menu. In the Switched-off or Power-up Nets field, enter VDDIO VSSIO to not take these
two nets into account for the power analysis. Press OK.
• Run again an activity-based power analysis with a global activity of 0.2.
• Update the results table and compare the power dissipation and the dominating instances with the
values obtained earlier.
• As before, rename the generated report file:
sh > mv powerReports/filterBS_chip.rpt \
sh > powerReports/filterBS_chip_gaII.rpt

For the remainder of this exercise, we’ll exclude the power dissipated by the padring from the power figures
and concentrate on the core of the chip and how its power consumption can be reduced. Hence, always make
sure that the VDDIO and VSSIO nets are excluded from the power analyses.

Input activity

Setting all internal nodes to a fixed activity is a gross oversimplification. Not all gates will switch with the same
probability (i.e., a 3-input AND gate switches its output much less than say a 2-input XOR gate). Instead of
setting a default switching value to every internal node of the chip, it is also possible to define only the activity
of the input pins. C ADENCE I NNOVUS is then able to propagate this activity inside the chip.
Student Task 8:
• To execute this new power analysis go back to the Run Power Analysis window and deselect
the global activity option in the Activity tab. Return to the Basic tab and put the value 0.2 in the
input activity field. Set the clock frequency (dominant frequency value) in the GUI to 200 MHz
so that it matches the SDC value. Leave the flop activity and the clock gate activity fields emptya .
• Run the analysis and check the new report. What is the total power dissipation of the chip now?
Can you explain the difference with the previous value? Which of the two results is more reliable?
• Update the table you started from the last time with the current results.
• Don’t forget to rename the generated report.
a The first specifies the activity of outputs of sequential logic, while the latter specifies the average number of times that a
clock-gating cell switches in a clock cycle.

5.2 Stimuli-based power analysis

Using a circuit simulator to determine node activity figures

Instead of trying to estimate the switching power (with different levels of accuracies), we can use the M ENTOR
G RAPHICS M ODELSIM simulator to run the complete simulation and determine the exact switching activity. We
can tell M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM to write out a VCD file from the post-layout netlist, which will for all
nodes include information that tells when the node has switched to what value.
Student Task 9: Step into the modelsim directory of this exercise:
sh > cd ../modelsim

Compile the placed & routed netlist of the final design. Also compile the testbench and related files. All
these compilations can be performed by executing a single shell scripta :
sh > ./compile_gate.csh

Now start the simulator with a prepared run script:

sh > ./sim_postlayout.csh

a A good idea is to take a look at it! You should know what you are executing.

Note that M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM displays several warnings about missing connections for each pad
when loading the design. These warnings are due to the fact that, unlike for standard cells, the power and
ground connections of the pads are explicitly specified as input pins in the I/O library. In the current design
flow, the pads are added to the verilog netlist generated by S YNOPSYS D ESIGN C OMPILER without power and
ground connections being specified. This allows C ADENCE I NNOVUS to read the netlist and properly connect
the pads to power and ground without encountering power pins misleadingly declared as signal pins. But since
the power and ground pins of the pads are also not specified in the final netlist exported by C ADENCE I NNOVUS,
M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM displays warnings about missing pad connections when reading the netlist and
loading the I/O library. Knowing that everything is fine with the pads, these warnings can be ignored.
To view the input and output of the filter, there is a .do file that will show the relevant signals in the Wave
window. On the console you could type:

vsim > do wave.do

Student Task 10:

• Now we are ready to generate the dump file. We will first simulate the circuit for 200 ns so that the
circuit is properly initialized. We do not want to include the activity during the initialization phase.
Then we have to tell M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM where to store the VCD file. The last thing is
to specify the names of the nodes that we would like to monitor, i.e., the scope. The following three
commands are used for this purpose:
vsim > run 200ns
vsim > vcd file ./vcd/filterBS_chip.vcd
vsim > vcd add -r /filterbs_chip_tb/Inst_mut/*

• At this stage we can run the gate-level simulation until the end (5,060 ns). Moreover, the simulator
needs to be flushed at the end of the simulation run to make M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM write
the VCD file.
vsim > run -all
vsim > vcd flush

For a real design, the simulation could take a very long time, and more importantly, could produce very large
(Gigabytes !!) of VCD files. For your own designs consider writing the VCD files to the /scratch directory.
This simulation, however, should not take that long. As you can see from the wave window, the inputs are
rather random, and should produce a lot of activity.

Stimuli-based activity

At this point, we have a VCD file that contains the toggle activity of the nodes in the design based on a
simulation with actual stimuli. We will now give it to C ADENCE I NNOVUS to perform a stimuli-based power

Student Task 11:

• As before, select the menu Power →Power Analysis →Run....
• In the Basic tab, select ACTIVITY F ILE to perform a simulation-based power analysis. Note that if
you don’t check this option, C ADENCE I NNOVUS uses the values given in the other fields. Take the
generated VCD file and enter as S COPE the top-level module filterbs_chip_tb/Inst_mut.
Note that there is no leading slash ’/’ in the scope and that the scope field is case sensitive. You can
also specify a start and stop time for the power simulation. Here, specify a start time of 200 ns, and
a stop time of 5,000 ns (numbers are taken from the simulation). Leave the block field empty. Do not
forget to press A DD.
• The results directory should be powerReports. See Figure 5 to get an overview of the window’s
setup. Press OK or A PPLY.

Once the power analysis starts, it will start writing messages to the C ADENCE I NNOVUS shell, which provide
you some valuable feedback about the power simulation. There will be a message similar to the following

With this vcd command, 3639044 value changes and 4.8e-06 second
simulation time were counted for power consumption calculation.

Figure 5: Run Power Analysis menu in Cadence Innovus with VCD file.

The line above summarizes how C ADENCE I NNOVUS has interpreted the VCD file. It is very important to make
sure that the time (expressed in seconds) is equal to what we have simulated (and have intended). In our case,
the time should be 5,000 ns - 200 ns =4,800 ns, which matches the above message. Make sure that you have
the correct time.

Filename (activity) : ../modelsim/vcd/filterBS_chip.vcd

Names in file that matched to design : 5066/5444
Annotation coverage for this file : 4728/4752 = 99.4949%

The lines above tell us what C ADENCE I NNOVUS has extracted from the VCD file. It is very easy to make
mistakes and use the wrong VCD file. The second line shows the total number of switching activities, and the
third line shows what percentage of the internal nodes that were annotated. If you see that the message looks
like the following:

Names in file that matched to design : 0/0

Annotation coverage for this file : 0/4752 = 0%

you have a problem. Most probably, it is the wrong file or the wrong scope has been specified. It is a good idea
to have a look at the VCD file and check for case mismatches in the scope. C ADENCE I NNOVUS will still perform
the analysis regardless of the success of the annotation. Since nothing was backannotated, the results will just
be wrong.

Student Task 12:

• Take a look at the report filterBS_chip.rpt in the output directory that you have selected. How
much power does the chip dissipate now?
• Update your results table with the latest result.
• Compare the results with the older analyses, does your result make sense?

5.3 Effect of switching activity

For the last part we have used a simulation of random input data. The stimuli file was given for the exercise,
and we just used these values. The question that we should now investigate is how much could the stimuli file
effect the overall power consumption.

Student Task 13:
• To do this, we apply the stimuli producing the least activity in the design: an all zero vector. Generate
a stimuli file with an all zero input and record a new VCD file. Try to figure out how to achieve this in
an efficient way.
• Update the estimated power in our table.
• Present the results to an assistant.

5.4 Architectural changes to save power

Architectural decisions can have a signicant effect on the power consumption of the circuit. The test circuit we
use in this exercise has been designed to have several different operation modes that correspond to differing
architectural choices. A summary of the options can be found in Section 3.3.
The stimulus file in the previous section used both the high-pass and the low-pass filter component at the same
time (option Enable all). The first thing that we will do is to disable the low-pass-filter (option Disable LP) and
check the resulting power analysis.

Student Task 14:

• Modify the stimulus file, simvectors/input.stim so that the option Disable LP is selected. You
should only change the first number in the stimulus file. Make sure you are not using the stimuli file
with zero activity!
• Perform a power analysis using the VCD file generated from the new stimulus file.
• Report your numbers in the table. How does it compare to previous results?

As you can see, the reduction in power consumption due to unselecting one of the filter banks is almost
negligible. Consulting the simplified block diagram in Figure 3, you should notice that there is another more
effective way to reduce the power consumption without losing functionality.

Student Task 15:

Describe a couple of approaches that could reduce the power consumption of the circuit. Discuss your
solutions with an assistant.

Next, we are going to disable the unused filter bank by means of clock gating. The test circuit already has the
control signals for this solution (see Section 3.3). We will use the option Clock Gating. This option will a) only
enable the low-pass filter block, and b) disable the registers inside the high-pass filter block.

Student Task 16:

• Modify the stimulus file, simvectors/input.stim so that the option Clock Gate is selected. You
should only change the first number in the stimulus file.
• Perform a power analysis using the VCD file generated from the new stimulus file.
• Report your numbers in the table.
• How does it compare to previous results?

Changing Mode_SI to 0 constantly disables the registers inside the unselected filter blocks. In general, ar-
chitectural changes like this can not always be performed by changing the input stimuli (this was done in the

exercise to save time). Such architectural changes would require changes to be made to the circuit description,
re-synthesis of the circuit, and a fresh back-end design process. After that, one would have to extract the SDF
file and the netlist, use M ENTOR G RAPHICS M ODELSIM to generate a new VCD file, import this file back into
C ADENCE I NNOVUS and perform the power analysis.
Setting Mode_SI to 0 already saves quite some power if only one of the two filter banks is used. However,
there is still some power wasted if only one of the two banks is used. Looking at the sourcecode, can you
identify how to save even more power?

Student Task 17:

Open the file filterPar.vhd in the sourcecode folder. Follow the Mode_SI signal. As you can see, the
content of the registers is never updated if Mode_SI is 0. Consequently, there will be no dynamic power
dissipation in cells which are only connected to the outputs of the registers. Can you identify the signals
which still have a lot of switching activity even though Mode_SI is set to 0? How would you fix this?

Explain the numbers in your final table to an assistant and discuss any open
E questions. E


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