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DECEMBER, 2016 A.D/1437H



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Antasari StateInstitute for Islamic Studies Banjarmasin

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of Sarjana in English Language Education




DECEMBER, 2016 A.D/1437H

By Signing this form, I

Name : Isma Nor Azizah

SRN : 1201240714

Certity that the work in this thesis is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
original, except as acknowledge in the text, and has not been summited, either in
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is proven as duplication imitation, plagiarism or made by others partly or entirely, I
understand that my thesis and academic title will be cancelled due to the law.

Banjarmasin, December 2016

The writer,

Isma Nor Azizah


Paper Entitled : An Analysis of Figurative Language on

Selected Poems by Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas

Hardy and John Donne

Written By : Isma Nor Azizah

SRN : 1201240714

Program : S1

Department : English Department

Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

Having been checked out and revised properly, hereby approve it to be submitted and
examined in front of Paper Examining. Team of Tarbiyah Faculty Teachers Training of
Antasari State Institute for Islamic Studies Banjarmasin.

Banjarmasin, Desember 21th 2016

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Hj. Nida Mufida, M. Pd Rahmila Murtiana, SS., MA

NIP. 19651241992032002 NIP. 19710730 200501 2 004

Approved By:

Head of English Department

Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

Antasari State Institute for Islamic Studies

Nani Hizriani, M.A

NIP. 19771127 200312 2 001


This ti certify that the Sarjana’s thesis of Isma Nor Azizah with the title An Analysis

of Figurative Language on Selected Poems by Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and

John Donne has been approved by the board of examiners as the requirements for

degree of sarjana in English Language Education.

, Chair Person

Dr. Hj. Nida Mufidah, M. Pd, Member

Rahmila Murtiana, SS., MA, Member

Approved by
Dean Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty

Dr. Hidayat Ma’ruf, M. Pd

NIP. 196907301995031004

Isma Nor Azizah. 2016. An Analysis of Figurative Language on Selected Poems by

Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne.Thesis.English Education
Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training. Advisors: (I) Dr. Hj. Nida
Mufidah, M. Pd, (II) R ahmila Murtiana, SS., MA.
Keywords: Analysis, Figurative Language, Meaning, Theme, Message.
Poetry is a literary work in which it is full of imagination and expressions of feelings
and overflow of emotions meaningful. Everyone is free to express thoughts and
expressions of experiences in life which is conveyed by the poet through poetry.
The problem formulation of this research are: 1) What kinds of figurative
language and meaning are used in the selected poems of Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas
Hardy and John Donne’s poem? 2) What is the theme carried by the poem of Wheeler
Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s selected poems? 3) What messages are
found in the poems through understanding figurative language used in the selected
poems of Wheeler Wilcox , Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s poem?
The subject of this research are 5 poems by Wheeler Wilcox, 5 poems by
Thomas Hardy, 5 poems by John Donne. The objects of this research are kinds of
figurative language, theme and message of it.
The methodology chose in conducting this research is qualitative method.
Data processing in this research is divided into three phase: reading the poems,
identifying, understanding.

Isma Nor Azizah. 2016. An Analysis of Figurative Language on Selected Poems by

Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne.Thesis.English Education
Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training. Advisors: (I) Dr. Hj. Nida
Mufidah, M. Pd, (II) R ahmila Murtiana, SS., MA.
Kata Kunci: Analisis, Figurative Language, Arti/Makna, Tema, Pesan.

Puisi adalah karya sastra yang penuh dengan imajinasi dan ekspresi dari
perasaan dan luapan emosi yang bermakna. Semua orang bebas untuk
mengungkapkan pikiran dan ekspresi dari pengalaman hidup yang disampaikan oleh
penyair melalui puisi.
Perumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Apa jenis bahasa
kiasan(majas) dan makna yang digunakan dalam puisi yang dipilih dari Wheeler
Wilcox, Thomas Hardy dan puisi John Donne? 2) Apa tema yang diusung oleh puisi
dari Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy dan puisi yang dipilih John Donne? 3) pesan
Apa yang ditemukan dalam puisi melalui pemahaman bahasa kiasan(majas) yang
digunakan dalam puisi yang dipilih dari Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy dan puisi
John Donne?
Subyek penelitian ini adalah 5 puisi oleh Wheeler Wilcox, 5 puisi oleh
Thomas Hardy, 5 puisi oleh John Donne. Objek penelitian ini adalah jenis bahasa
kiasan(majas), tema dan pesan dalam puisi itu.
Metodologi yang dipilih dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah metode
kualitatif. Proses pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga fase:
membaca puisi, mengidentifikasi, pemahaman.



Thanks to Allah the Almighty for everything I have in this world

My greatest prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved parents “abah and mama”, who always love me, give me many

advice , pray for me and give the best for me. You are my hero

for my academid advisor, Dr. Dina Hermina, M. Pd. and my thesis advisor,

Dr. Hj. Nida Mufida, M.Pd. – Rahmila Murtiana,SS,. M.A thanks for the advice and

All of my teachers, lectures and people who have shared their knowledge for me even
only an alphabet

My brothers, sisters and my cutie little nephew who always support me to be success
in my study

Thank you for my friends in PBI B 2012 especially my beloved friends Arisa Ermaya
D, Heriyati, Agustina Rahmawati, Indah P.S, Mega SWO, my friends in KKN , my
friends in campus, organization and my special one who always give me happiness,
love, care, suggestions, and supports for me in my study and also help me to solve
my problems and always beside me in all situation. Thank you.

I love you all.




A. Background of Study
B. Statement of Problem
C. Objective of Study
D. Significance of Research
E. Definition of Key Terms


A. Literature
B. Poetry
C. Figurative Language
D. Meaing
E. Theme
F. Message
G. The Author of Poems


A. Research Design
B. Subject and Object of the Research
C. Data and Source Data
D. Data Collection
E. Data Analysis


A. Finding
B. Discussion

A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion

List of Tables

Table 4.1 Poems by Wheeler Wilcox, Solitude

Table 4.2 Poems by Wheeler Wilcox, A March Snow

Table 4.3 Poems by Wheeler Wilcox, Always At Sea

Table 4.4 Poems by Wheeler Wilcox, An Empty Crib

Table 4.5 Poems by Wheeler Wilcox, Art And Love

Table 4.6 Poems by Thomas Hardy, AnAugust Midnight

Table 4.7 Poems by Thomas Hardy,At Day-Close In December

Table 4.8 Poems by Thomas Hardy,At A Lunar Eclipse

Table 4.9 Poems by Thomas Hardy,During Wind and Rain

Table 4.10 Poems by Thomas Hardy,Faitheart In A Railway Train

Table 4.11 Poems by John Donne, The Sun Rising

Table 4.12 Poems by John Donne,The Indifferent

Table 4.13 Poems by John Donne,The Anniversay

Table 4.14 Poems by John Donne, The Canonization

Tables 4.15 Poems by John Donne, The Bait



A. Background of Study

There are many languages which people use in the world. Each country

has different languages with other countries. Languages have more function for

us, not only to communicate verbally, but also to express our thoughts or

feelings, through for example writing. Sometimes people express their feeling

and ideas about spirit and give a predetermined form to all its symbolic

expression. Language is given by God for human being. The holy Quran sura Al

Hujurat verse 13 :

  

  

 

 

  

  

    

 
“O mankind! We created you fro, a sigle (pair) of a male and female,

and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye

may despise(each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is

(he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well

acquainted (with all thing).”

From the verse above, it can be concluded that the human is social

creature that is like to live in groups, from the smallest unit of (family) up to the

large and complex, like the nation and mankind. From this verse it is known that

every groups of human has its own language to communicate each other. So, it

was evident that language has an important role in human life.

As the interpretive dramatization of experience in metrical language,

poetry is an imaginative statement of feeling that feeling is created or imagined.

This can stimulate readers to express thoughts that raise feelings which stimulate

the imagination of the five senses in the context of rhythmic.

Most people find difficulties when studying or reading poetry. Any

difficult vocabulary in the poems is either explained or given special attention.

Poetry is full of meaning and symbol. It is very important to understand about

poetry when someone reads poetry. When readers read poetry, they will find

message and theme of poetry. To read a poetry, it is important to know and find

the figurative language used in the poetry. Figurative language is not to make

poetry confusing, but to make it clear.

Figurative language is a description of a meaning by using a abstract. As

Sweeney (ehow.com) state that, the term “figurative language” refers to by

passing the literal meaning to deppen, broken, or bring about new ideas or

insight into a word or phrase. In many ways, figurative language is a

description, in which abstract terms are used inplace of concreate description.

This type of language appeals to one’s imagination and creaters visual images

to display the impact of what is being written. Figurative language can include

many words and phrases, and there are several type of figurative language.

Many of these figurative language are often associated with literature

and with poetry in particular. Then, figurative language has unusual meaning.

Not as language that commonly used in daily conversation in the formal

atmosphere. Figurative language is the opposite of literal language.

According to Pradopo (2000,p.61), figurative language is a language to

describe the comparison, equation, and imagery. Figurative language is crucial

to get the poetic meaning of poem. There are figuratives language make poem

more interesting, more beautiful, more life, and make clear of imagine. There

are various kinds of figurative language, but although they are diverse they

have something (characteristic) common, namely figurative language that

connects things by plugging in something else. The types of figurative language

are simile, metaphor, personification, allegory, metonymy, etc

To provide the originality of this research the writer wants to present the

previous studies that deal with, especially, figurative language in general. The
previous research is done by Eni Anawati (2010) in “An Analysis on Figurative

Language Used in Selected Poem of Emily Dickinson”. Her study focuses on

figure of speech used in that poem. Besides, her study also focuses on the

meaning and the message of figurative language used in those poems. And by

Mufidah (2012) in “An Analysis on Figurative Language Used in Robert Frost

Poems”. On her study is to reveal the dominant figurative language used in

Robert Frost’s poems.

The previous studies above only focused on figurative, meaning, and

message of the poems. Actually, poetry has several aspects that can be

analyzed. In analyzing poetry, we can not only find the meaning and message

used in the poem but also we can to know the theme used in the poem. So the

writer will know clearly the purpose of the poem. On the basis of the previous

studies, in this study, the writer intends to analyze the poems by focusing on

existence of figurative language, meaning, message, and theme of the poems.

Meanwhile, the objects of the poems to be studied are different, those of the

previous studies.

Related to the description above, the writer studies figurative language

used in selected poems of Wheeler Wilcox , Thomas Hardy and John Donne .

The writer intends to find some kinds of figurative language used. She also

studies the meaning and message of figurative language used in selected poems

of Wheeler Wolcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne and the theme of selected

B. Statement of Problem

Concerning the title, the problems that comes up with can be

formulated as following:

1. What kinds of figurative language and meaning are used in the

selected poems of Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s


2. What is the theme carried by the poem of Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas

Hardy and John Donne’s selected poems?

3. What messages are found in the poems through understanding

figurative language used in the selected poems of Wheeler Wilcox ,

Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s poem?

C. Objective of Study

In relation to the formulation of the problems state above, the purposes

of the study are:

1. To identify the figurative language and meaning used in the selected

poem of Wheeler Wilcox , Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s poem

2. To know the theme carried by the poems of Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas

Hardy and John Donne’s poems

3. To understand the message of the poems through understanding

figurative language used in the selected poems of Wheeler Wilcox ,

Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s poems

D. Significance of Research

The result of this study is expected to have advantage, such as :

1. For English teacher, the result of the research hopefully able to be used

as references in teaching and learning English.

2. For English learner, the research finding are expected to enrich their

knowledge about figurative language used in poems.

3. For future researcher, the research findings are expected can be used as

references in conducting further studies about figurative language used

in different poems by different poets .

E. Definition of Key Term

The term applied by this study explain as follows:

1. Analysis means the detailed study or examination of something in

order to understand more about it; the result of the study; or; a casreful

examination of a substance in order to find out what it consist of.

2. According to Fictionwrting.com , Figurative language is a word or

phrase that departs from everyday literal language for the sake of

comparison, emphasis, clarity, or freshness. Metaphor and simile are

the two most commonly used figures of speech, but things like

hyperbole, synecdoche, puns, and personification are also figures of

3. According to Brainy Quote Online: 2008 theme is a subject or topic on

which a person writes or speaks; a proposition for discussion or

argument; a text.

4. According to Dictionary Online: 2011, message is a communication

containing information, news, advice, request from written or spoken



A. Literature

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1995, p. 687),

literature is writings that are valued as works of art, such as fiction, drama, and

poetry (in contrast with technical books and newspaper, magazines, etc). Jones

(1968,p. 1), states that literature is simply another way we can experience the

world around us through our imagination. Literature, in its broadest sense,

includes all written materials. Into this general grouping fall history books,

philosoph ical works, novels, poems, plays, scientific articles, dictionaries,

magazine, and school textbooks.

Literature springs from our inborn love of telling story, of arranging

words in pleasing patterns, of expressing in words some special aspect of our

human experience. It is usually set down in printed characters for us to read,

though some forms of it are performed on certain social occasions, (Moody,

1968,p. 2)

From the explanations above, it can be concluded that, literature is a

literary work which there is a beautiful art that comes from human life. Literary

work is the result of the expression of feelings and describes imagination of the

Literature is a description of human experience that has personal and

social dimensions at once and the knowledge of humanity that equal with the

shape of life itself. Important literature studied as a means of sharing

experiences (sharing) in the search for and finds the truth of humanity. There is

not much literature related to writing, but with the language used as a vehicle to

express certain experiences or thoughts.

A new creation can be said to have literary value in it if there is

equivalence between form and content. The form of language is good and

beautiful, and its structure and its contents can cause feelings of emotion and

impressed in the hearts of readers. The form and content of literature must

complement, which can cause a deep impression in the hearts of his readers as

the realization the values of works of art. If the content is good but the way to

express the language is bad, these works can not be as a creation literary, and

vice versa

B. Poetry

Tomlinson (1999,p.38) said poetry is the expression of ideas and

feelings through a rhythmical composition of imaginative and beautiful words

selected for their sonorous effects. Poetry is always change according to the

evolution of taste and aesthetic concept of change, (Pradopo, 2000,p. 3).

Definition of poetry is also stated in according to Wikipedia (2010), that

poetry (from the Latin poeta, a poet) is a form of literary art in which

language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in
lieu of, its apparent meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete

poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as in poetic drama,

hymns, lyrics, or prose poetry. It is published in dedicated magazines (the

longest established being Poetry and Oxford Poetry), individual collections

and wider anthologies. Poetry and discussions of it have a long history. Early

attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle's Poetics, focused on the uses of

speech in rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. Later attempts concentrated on

features such as repetition, verse form and rhyme, and emphasized the

aesthetics which distinguish poetry from more objectively informative,

prosaic forms of writing, such as manifestos, biographies, essays, and novels .

From the mid-20th century, poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined

as a fundamental creative act using language.

C. Figurative Language

According to Alfiah and Santosa (2009,p. 27), figurative language is

the use language style by the poet to describe, issue, and express feelings and

thoughts in writing poetry. Figurative language of poetry is causing a lot of

meaning. Because figurative language to produce the imagination in poetry

so that it becomes clear.

Figurative language is defined as a certain literary device which is

commonly applied by the author to gain strengthand freshness if their

literary work expression. Figurative language is essential in certain typres of

writing to help convey meaning and expression. Figurative language is

necessary to convey the exact meaning in a vivid and artistic manner, yet a

concise and to the manner to you reader. The writer has a storyto tell and the

language used must portray every motion and feeling possible on the paper.

If the writer does not create an imagine in the reader mind, he will loese the

reades’ attention and holding the attention of the reader is the writer’s goal.

Language using figures of speech such as simile, hyperbole, metaphor,

symbolidm and personification to form imagery is figurative language. It is

used to increase shock, novelty, appearance, or illustrative consequences.


Based on the quotation above, in the literary term, figurative language

is not visible with the facial expression. Therefore, figurative language is

very important to help authors in conveying expression in writing,such as

novels, song lyrics and poems. Figurative language is form of words and

phrases that does not have the same meaning as the literal meaning. Through

it, some author, take the reader’s attention to know deep about the intent

presented btbthe authors. It became one of figurative language functions in

the literary terms.

There are many kinds of figurative language, such as simile, metaphor,

personification, hyperbole, Irony, personification, etc.

The followings are presented the explanation of each of figurative


1. Metaphor
A figure of speech which compares two things that are not alike, but

the metaphor does not use the words "like" or "as.


Life is a hard road,

2. Simile

A figure of speech in which comparison is expressed by the specific

use of a word or phrase such as: like, as, than, seems or as if.


Mary is as beautiful as a rising sun.

3. Personification

A type of metaphor in which it distinct human qualities, e.g., honesty,

emotion, volition, etc., are attributed to an animal, object or idea, (Frost

Friend Online, 2010). The writer gives human qualities to something

that is not human.


The sharp teeth of the cold wind bit through my overcoat.

4. Apostrophe

A figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or something

nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and present, (Frost Friend

Online, 2010).

Milton! Thon shoudst be living at this our.

5. Hyperbole

A bold deliberate overstatement not intended to be taken literary, it is

used as a means of emphasizing the truth od statement


A memories is found in a field and supposed to be a star which has

fallen to earth

6. Symbol

A thing (could be an object, person, situation or action) which stand

for something else more abstract.


Our flag is the symbol of our country

7. Metonymy

A figure of speech which that uses a concept closely related to the

thing actually meant. The substitution makes the analogy more vivid

and meaningful. (Frost Friend Online, 2010)


Sceptre and crown must tumble down.

8. Synecdoche

Figure of speech which mentions a part of something to suggest the

whole. (Frost Friend Online, 2010)


Fire and Ice

9. Paradox

A statement or situation containing apparently contradictory or

incompatible elements, but on closer inspection may be true. (Frost

Friend Online, 2010)


Nothing gold can stay.

10. Irony

A figure of speech when an expression used is the opposite of the

thought in the speaker's mind, thus conveying a meaning that

contradicts the literal definition, (Frost Friend Online, 2010


"Oh, that's beautiful", when what they mean (probably conveyed by

their tone) is they find "that" quite ugly.

11. Understatement

The presentation of a thing with underemphasis in order to achieve a

greater affect. (Frost Friend Online, 2010


The results did not disappoint

12. Parable

A poem in the form of a narrative or story that has a second meaning

beneath the surface one. (Frost Friend Online, 2010


Green is gold

D. Meaning

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary , meaning is

what is referred to or indicated by eg sounds, words or signals. Meaning as

use refers to speaker meaning and particularly the intention of the speaker or

the desired communicative effect of the utterance, (Mwihaki, 2004).

Language used for various activities and purposes in life, then the

meaning of language is also a variety when viewed from different point of

view. The meaning of a word or term is confusing. Each word is used

sometimes to have wide meaning. That is why sometimes people are not

satisfied with the meaning of words contained in the dictionary. These issues

arise when people meet or deal with the idiom, figurative language,

metaphors, proverbs, and phrases, (Pateda, 2001,p. 81).

From the explanation above can be conclude that the meaning is

expresses of language by the writer or speaker to intention the reader or

speaker in different point of view.

E. Theme

Theme is the subject of talk, a piece of writing or a person’s thoughts;

a topic, (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary). Alfiah and Santoso (2009,

27), states that theme is the main idea (subject matter) presented by the poet.

All the work of literature must have a theme which is the principal issues

raised in the written works of literature.

Theme is the central message of literary work. It is not the same as a

subject, which can be expressed in a word or two:courage, survival, war,

pride, etc. The theme is the idea the author wishes to convey about that

subject. It is expressesed as a sentences or general statement about life or

human nature. (Laying the Foundation series of books published by AP

Strategies in Dallas)

The controlling idea of a poem is the idea continuously developed

throughout the poem by sets of key words that identify the poet’s subject and

his attitude or feeling about it. It may also be suggested by the title of a poem

or by segment of the poem. It is rarely stated explicitly by the poet, but it can

be stated by the reader and it can be stated in different ways. The controlling

idea is an idea, not a moral; it is a major idea, not a minor supporting idea or
detail; and it controls or dominates the poem as a whole, (Tripod Online,


Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the theme is

the description of the soul of a poem. It is clear that in a poem a poet wants to

express something to readers. The poet wants to describe his feelings, his

thoughts, with a view or experience the events and write it into words

F. Message

Message is a written spoken request, piece of information, etc. that is

passed from one person to another indirectly, (Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary). According to (Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US

Department of Defense , 2005), message is any though or idea expressed

briefly in a plain or secret language and prepared in a form suitable for

transmission by any means of communication.

Message is stated as conveyed in speech or writing from one person

to one or more other people, the message may not always be stated in verbal

from but can be conveyed by other means, e.g. wink, and gestures.

Message or purpose is the thing that encourages poets to create poetry.

Message can be found after knowing the theme of poetry. Message or advice

is captured by readers as the impression after reading the poem. How the

reader to conclude message poetry is closely related with the point of view of

the reader toward something. Message is different from the theme. In poetry,
the themes related to the meaning, while the message relating to the meaning

of literary works, (Saefuzaman Online, 2011).

From the statement above, it can be concluded that the message is

things to be conveyed to the reader by the poet through his poetry.

G. The Author of Poems

1) Wheeler Wilcox

Ella Wheeler Wilcox was born in 1850 on a farm in

Johnstown, Wisconsin, east of Janesville, the youngest of four

children. The family soon moved north of Madison. She started

writing poetry at a very early age, and was well known as a poet in her

own state by the time she graduated from high school.Her most

famous poem, "Solitude", was first published in the February 25, 1883

issue of The New York Sun.

2) Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy, OM (2 June 1840 – 11 January 1928) was an

English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist in the tradition of

George Eliot, he was influenced both in his novels and in his poetry by

Romanticism, especially William Wordsworth. Charles Dickens was

another important influence. He was highly critical of much in

Victorian society, though Hardy focused more on a declining rural


3) John Donne
John Donne (/ˈdʌn/ dun) (22 January 1573 – 31 March 1631)

was an English poet and a cleric in the Church of England. He is

considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets.

His works are noted for their strong, sensual style and include sonnets,

love poems, religious poems, Latin translations, epigrams, elegies,

songs, satires and sermons. His poetry is noted for its vibrancy of

language and inventiveness of metaphor, especially compared to that

of his contemporaries.

Despite his great education and poetic talents, Donne lived in

poverty for several years, relying heavily on wealthy friends. He spent

much of the money he inherited during and after his education on

womanising, literature, pastimes, and travel. In 1601, Donne secretly

married Anne More, with whom he had twelve children. In 1615, he

became an Anglican priest, although he did not want to take Anglican

orders. He did so because King James I persistently ordered it. In

1621, he was appointed the Dean of St Paul's Cathedral in London. He

also served as a member of Parliament in 1601 and in 1614.



A. Research Design
The data was collected through a library research, which means that

the data source was read repeatedly to identify figurative language and

determine their types. Because of the technique of collecting data was library

then the method applied in this study was qualitative method. It means, the

data of this study are in form word and sentences, and the result of this study

will be in form description. The data of this study are to analyze of Wheeler

Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s selected poems. This study

attempts to provide answer of the research problems of the study in analyzing

the figurative language of the poems,the theme of the poems,and the message

used in the poems in some of poem by Wheeler Wilcox entitles “Solitude”,

“A March snow”, “Always At Sea”, “An Empty Crip”, “Art And Love”.

Poems by Thomas Hardy entitles “An August Midnight”, “At Day-Close in

November”, “At A Lunar Eclipse”, “During Wind and Eain”, “Faintheart In

A Railway Traiin”. Poems by John Donne entitles “The Sunne Rising”, “The

Indifferent”, “The Anniversary”, “The Canonization”, “The Bait”.

B. Subject and Object of the Research

a. Subject

The subject of this research is poems by Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas

Hardy and John Donne’s poems

b. Object

The object of this research is figurative language, theme and what the

message from the poems.

C. Data and Source Data

The data in this research is the figurative language found in. The writer

used Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne’s poems since the

writer of the thesis has read some of his literary works.

Wheeler Wilcox’s poems entitles “Solitude”, “A March snow”,

“Always At Sea”, “An Empty Crip”, “Art And Love”. Thomas Hardy’s poems

entitles “An August Midnight”, “At Day-Close in November”, “At A Lunar

Eclipse”, “During Wind and Eain”, “Faintheart In A Railway Traiin”. John

Donne’s poems entitles “The Sunne Rising”, “The Indifferent”, “The

Anniversary”, “The Canonization”, “The Bait”.

This poems is taken from poemhunter.com . The writer also collects

the data from internet to complete the data related to the problems. Internet is

one source of information that is not limited.

D. Data Collection
Activity of data collection is a very important part in any form of

research. In this study, the writer uses documentation. The method of

documentation is to find data about the things or variables in the form of

notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, minutes of

meetings, agendas, and so forth. The instrument of this study is the writer.

The writer is as the key or main instrument that spent a deal great or time

reading and understanding the selected poems of Wheeeler Wolcox, Thomas

Hardy and John Donne.

The writer uses documentary technique in collecting the data. This

method is attempted to trace the source of information in the form of

document which are relevant to the object of the research.

The data of this study are taken from the five poems written by

Wheeler Wilcox, Thomas Hardy and John Donne . In collecting data, the

writer took the following steps:

1. Reading and understanding the selected poems by Wheeler Wilcox,

Thomas Hardy and John Donne.

2. Identifying the expressions containing of figurative language.

3. Understanding every stanza to each of poem dealing with the

general meaning and detail meaning.

E. Data Analysis
To answer the research problem, after the data have been collected,

the writer analyzed them systematically. The writer conducted the analysis

through some steps as follow:

1. Reading the whole poems to find some figurative language

After identifying the figurative language used in the poem,

then the writer categorizes them into some kinds of figurative

language used in the poem.

2. Finding the theme of the poems

To find the theme of the poems, first of all, the writer finds the

general meaning and the detail meaning of poems. After that

the writer starts finding thoughts being expressed in the poems

to describe the theme of the poems.

3. Finding the message of the poems through understanding the

figurative language used in the poems

In identifying the message of the poems, the writer reads each

poem stanzas that contain figurative language. After that the

writer determines the message of the poem.

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