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 Assalam o Alaikum my dear friends, how are you? I am good

and hope you all be are fine as well.
 Today we are going to discuss the importance of trees and
some interesting facts about them.
 Trees make any site beautiful and healthy, the greenery
refreshes us in our sight and in our environment.
 Trees are really important for us, they provide food, and
they generate oxygen and a shelter for so many species.
 There are some trees who are thousands of years old and
still standing in perfect condition.
Link 1: Do you know how many trees are there in our
 If you don’t know I will tell you, it is estimated that there is
are around 3 Trillion tress trees in the world.
 Now I will tell you some interesting benefits from of tress:
>Trees are nature's air conditioners; they can cool the feel
of the air around and underneath them by up to 10 degrees.
>They soak around 750 Gallon of water and this water is
stored for us.
>Clean around 30 kg of air
>Trees create an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for
birds and other animals.
>Trees absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful
gasses, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, from the air
and release oxygen.
LINK 2: Do you know how much oxygen a single tree
generates how much oxygen per day:
Ok, if you don’t know, I will tell you. A tree produces enough
oxygen which is enough for 4 persons

>Tress trees provide shield from ultraviolet rays of sun and cool
down temperature.

>They stop soil erosion

>They provide us wood

Link 3: Tell me about the largest forest of world:

>Yes, Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world. It covers

approximately 2.2 million square miles.

But, friends unfortunately there are massive deforestation in the

whole world, which is destroying our eco-system.

We are losing 7.3 million hector of forest each year.

Link 4: so friends what can we we can do to save environment:

>We should do plantation, and take care of the plants until they
fully grown. Grow.

>Put some indoor trees in our houses so that we can enjoy

healthy air in our houses.

>Discourage tree cutting and spread awareness about their


So friends today we have learnt a lot about learn about the

importance of tress trees, and I hope you get some fruitful
knowledge about the importance of tress. You must have realized
the importance of tress for us.

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