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Android Application for Trading Quotes

Course: Software Development for Portable Devices


The underlying idea behind this Android Application is to allow user to add US market stock
to the list and watch the stock quote during trading day. Live market quote about stock ,
synchronized data update through third party api integration.
This Android App helps users to add favorite stocks to their trading list and watch out for
live quotes. Android App is configured with US market integration but this also can
reconfigure with any other market’s stocks.
App will allow user to look out for change in stock quote using price or percentage toggle

Features :
1. Trading App allows user to add any US market stocks to the display list . It allows
you to check live market stock updates and synchronized using third party open
source api’s.

2. Trading app allows to check current market price of the selected stock.

3. Trading app allows to check difference of price with percentage criteria.

4. Trading app allows to check price in US dollars sort option.

5. User can give enter a input with symbol of stock on a dialog frame.

6. User can check live updates of stock price synchronized with NYSE market update.


1. http://quandl.com – Third party API integration for Live US stock market data .

Assignment Coverage Features:

Trading App uses these main features as mentioned below :
1. Service
A Job scheduler service to fetch stock market quote information periodically.
2. Intent service
Sync Job using third party api - https://www.quandl.com/api/v3/datasets/WIKI/ .

3. Content Provider
Query Db Data using content provider uri’s .

4. Database- Sqlite
Store the Quote Data and other details in device database.

5. Async Task
Background process of adding stock to the list.

6. Fragment
Dialog Fragment of adding stock UI which allows user to enter an input.

7. Shared Preferences
Minimal use of keys to store for offline use , toggle between percentage and
price view sort category .

1. HomeActivity.java
Activity class used for UI view of all stocks list. Start Background service , initiates
AsyncTask, updated UI components(recyclerview) .

2. AddStockDialog.java
This class used for user can input stock data with stock symbol identifier ex. GOOG.

3. StockQuoteIntentService.java
Running Sync Job using this intent service to update stock quotes .

4. StockQuoteSyncJob.java
5. StockQuoteJobService.java
Both classes are tightly bounded and job service scheduler can schedule getting
quotes of particular selected stocks on your display list.

6. Contract.java & StockQuote.java

This main class and sub class can used as content provider abstract where authority
and other uri details to be created. Base uri access - content://com.stockapp.android

7. DbHelper.java
This class holds database name , version , table entity ,table info with all columns.
8. PrefUtils.java
This preference class used for storing small set of key-value pair. This we used for
storing user preference over toggle option as percentage or price menu based over
stock quotes.

9. StockProvider.java
This class extends content provider , has all access or modifier uri’s.

10. StockAdapter.java
This class used for Displaying list of stocks selected or added by user.


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