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Factors that Affect School Enrollment Growth

Kavindra Singh
(PGT – Business Studies)

Have you ever thought about the reasons why some private schools experience enrollment growth and why others
decline? If you were developing a theory of school growth, what would you propose as the most important factors that
influence enrollment growth?

Based on my experiences in working with private schools, I believe that there are multiple factors that contribute to
enrollment growth and decline at a school. Let me highlight some of these factors for you:

Leadership – The vision, drive and personality of the leadership (primarily the head of school) will affect the
enrollment. Bennis and Nanus, leadership gurus, believe that “leadership is the pivotal force behind successful
organizations”. The same is true in a private school.

Quality School Experience – One of the most important factors in school growth is the overall quality of the
experience. Parents are investing significant resources to provide the very best education for their child and because of
this, they expect the best. A high quality experience must be integrated throughout your school in order to grow your

Faculty and Staff – Your faculty and staff should be the primary connection that a family makes with your school.
These educators will be the ones to teach and mentor students. When they deliver a high quality educational experience
and personally connect with the students in a positive way, this experience will impact enrollment.

Parent Satisfaction – When parents are satisfied, there are at least two primary results that affect enrollment. First,
satisfied parents will lead to strong retention. A strong retention rate obviously leads to increased enrollment. Secondly,
satisfied parents will tell their friends about your school. This is positive word-of-mouth working in your favor. You
won’t be able to grow your school without parent satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth.

Reputation – The experiences of parents, students, graduates, faculty, staff, and donors will fuel word-of-mouth,
whether positive or negative, in your community. In turn, this will create the reputation, and word out on the street,
about your school. This general buzz and reputation in the community will affect enrollment.

Demographics, Location and Price – Your local community demographics, the location of your school and the tuition
price will have a significant impact on enrollment. Can the families in your community afford the tuition price of your
school? Are there families in your community that support the idea of a private school for their children? When looking
at ways to grow your school it is important to consider your demographics, location and price. Unless you move your
school to another community, you can really only deal with the issue of price. Because of concerns with the economy
and increased tuition rates in private schools, it is critical to examine your pricing strategy in light of future

Competition – One of the issues facing private schools today is the increased competition from other schools. Private
schools face a very competitive market. Besides competition with other private schools, public schools are working to
increase quality by providing specialized opportunities.

Marketing and Enrollment Plan/Strategies – It makes sense that every school desiring enrollment growth should
have a marketing and enrollment plan. However, many schools I have come in contact with do not have a plan. With an
intentional marketing and enrollment plan, you will be able to implement specific strategies that will impact your
school’s growth.

While there may be other factors that influence growth, I believe that these have the most affect on enrollment at a
private school.

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