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WebICR 1.0.2.

6 New Features

Basel. Bern. Zürich.

WebICR New Features




Version 1.0 WebICR New Features 27.10.2010 II

Basel. Bern. Zürich.

WebICR New Features


Content Page

Metadaten 2
1. Introduction 1
2. Packaging information 1
3. Upload & Download of documents 1
4. Reporting 2
Report content 2
5. Statistics 2
6. 3-Value result 4
7. Other improvements 5
8. Comments 5
9. Known Issues 5
WinICR 6

Version 1.0 WebICR New Features 27.10.2010 III

Basel. Bern. Zürich.

1. Introduction
The document presents the main differences to the pürevious version of WebICR.

2. Packaging information
The WebICR application does not support specific packaging information anymore. Any packaging
information will be entered as text in the remark field.

3. Upload & Download of documents

It is now possible to attach documents to a request. This includes the upload and download of documents
which will then be presented in the context of a specific request.

Access: “Documents” menu item

Browse button: to search for a document to upload

Upload button: to upload a document

Delete selected file: to delete the currently selected file

Apply button: to apply the comment insert/edit command

All uploaded files are displayed in the list. By clicking on a column name of the list, all uploaded documents
are reordered according this field.

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Basel. Bern. Zürich.

4. Reporting
The WebICR application produces only one type of report called “internal report” (for existing requests
with “customer” and “internal” reports, no change will happen; this simplification affects only new or
resubmitted requests).

Report content
A checkbox specifies whether rules and events information shall appear in the report to generate. When
checked, the report will contain a section including all information about fired rules and events. Otherwise
the section is not generated.

The generated reports won’t include specification data (for existing requests, no change will happen; this
simplification only affects the report generation for new or resubmitted requests).

5. Statistics
A function is available for the generation of statistical data for a given period, and about selected
Access: „Statistics“ menu item.

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Basel. Bern. Zürich.


a) The user provides the period information; per default the start date is the earliest date of any
request and the end date, the current date

b) The user can select customers; a multiple choice list of all customers is presented; per default,
all customers are selected.

c) The user can decide whether the statistical data shall be restricted to Feasibility requests
and/or Sample requests.

d) The user can filter the statistical data to one or several status.
The statistical function provides then the following data:

i. Feasibility requests - Total.

ii. Sample requests – Total

iii. Number of requests in each status

If a region is selected, a double-click on a “status row” in the results generates a table displaying all
corresponding requests.

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Basel. Bern. Zürich.

6. 3-Value result
Instead of managing only two kinds of answers “Feasible” and “Not Feasible”, ICR presents for each form,
one of three possible decisions: “Feasible”, “Not Feasible” or “Undecided/Not tested”.

The Feasibility results window presents two columns with check boxes:

1. Feasible

2. Undecided
For each form, it is possible to get one of the three status:

1. Feasible is checked : the request can be produced with the corresponding form

2. Undecided is checked: it is not known, whether the request can be produced with the
corresponding form

3. Nothing is checked: the request CANNOT be produced with the corresponding form

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Basel. Bern. Zürich.

Per default, i.e. without rules fired, all forms are set to “undecided”.
For all existing requests before this new version of WebICR, if it is not known that the Form is feasible, it
will be set to “undecided”.

7. Other improvements
1. When leaving the WebICR application, the last consulted region is kept. When logging in again, the
user sees data for the saved region.

2. When submitting a new request, it is possible to flag the request so that it won’t be retrieved by a
“request search”. Per default, the flag “Include in Search” is checked, and the request will not be
filtered out in the search results.

• In the previous version of WebICR, certain aspects of archived requests can be edited: customer
feedback, comment. This version does not modify this behavior. However, it has been decide not to
allow documents to be modified.

9. Known Issues
• The “View Request” menu items get sometimes grayed out although the corresponding action could be
performed in the current context. In such a case, there exists a workaround: click first on “View

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Basel. Bern. Zürich.

These aspects do not address WebICR but have a direct influence in the working with WebICR. It has been
therefore decided to include them in this documents.

• The current version of WinICR allows to create new component families. However, the new family is
not displayed in the navigation tree, as if the family was not created. It’s only a refresh problem.
Workaround: save the family, stop and restart WinICR.

• The Calcium Stearate family contains database mistakes which prevent new technical variants to be
Temporary Workaround: provide missing technical variants and they will be entered within the
database manually.

Version 1.0 WebICR New Features 27.10.2010 Page 6

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