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Experimental investigation on the beam-slab connection behavior of a

damaged real railway bridge

A. P. C. Neto, E. P. Lima, R. P. Hune, T. N. Bittencourt, A. B. Colombo & C. T. Yanagihara
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

ABSTRACT: Providing efficient beam-slab connections in bridge structural systems when precast elements
are involved is a task that requires special care with the details of the applied solution to real bridges, special-
ly when railway bridges are concerned. Due to the magnitude and repeatability of the applied external forces
to the bridge (dynamic wheel loads from railway vehicles), different problems can arise and, among them, the
low-cycle fatigue resistance of the connectors may be important. If fatigue failure of the connectors occurs in
a successive way, then the defective beam-slab connection tends to turn the bridge behavior as if the slab was
simply supported but unconnected to the beam (in this limit case the slab freely slides over the beam). This
paper presents an experimental case study of a railway bridge with two simply supported spans which, as it
was observed in the field inspection, had a beam-slab connection system insufficient to resist the generated
internal stresses, mainly during the crossing of heavy haul vehicles like iron ore trains. Visual inspection has
detected the occurrence of cracking and failure of connecting steel bars in the regions of the bridge bearings.
The bridge was repaired and it was instrumented mainly with strain gages and displacements transducers in
two relevant situations: before and after repair. Strains in the stirrups (connectors) and concrete have been
monitored; relative displacement between beam and slab and absolute vertical displacement of the beams
were measured. The analysis of the obtained results allowed quantification and conclusions about the general
improvement in performance of the beam-slab connection after the intervention. Finally, heavy wheel loads
measurement in the railway, numerical modeling, NDT tests and acceleration measurements have comple-
mented the information obtained for the bridge assessment.

would collaborate for bonding the beam/slab inter-

face. The longitudinal girders are supported by elas-
1 INTRODUCTION tomeric bearing pads that sit over the support col-
umn blocks.
The investigated concrete bridge was constructed in The bridge was recently subjected to a visual in-
the 2000’s decade and had about eight years of use spection in which the following main defects were
when it was first studied by the authors (Figure 1). It observed:
is an infrastructure element from one of the most
important Brazilian railway ore corridors. It has two a) Existence of abnormally opened structural in-
identical isostatic spans (16 m; Figure 1a), each one clined cracks close to the support regions of all four
composed by two parallel precast pre-stressed con- pre-stressed girders, in both vertical faces of the
crete girders so that, over them, transversal precast girders (Figure 2a);
concrete plate elements were positioned in order to b) Relative displacement, clearly visible, of about 3
support the pouring of an in-situ concrete slab. The mm between girder and slab were measured in the
connections of the pre-stressed girders and the slab region closed to the beam supports (region where the
(Figure 1c) are made by mean of stirrups, designed shear force is maximum);
to cross the rectangular holes already present in the c) Failure (most likely due to low cycle fatigue) of
precast plates (Figure 1b). During the concrete pour- one of the stirrups at the support region of the longi-
ing of the slab it was supposed that the fresh con- tudinal girder, close to the girder/slab interface (Fig-
crete would completely fill in the holes, in such a ure 2b). This stirrup was no longer functional in
way that the concrete around each stirrup connector supporting the shear stress in that interface and a re-
distribution of stresses among the stirrups around it
had already occurred.

a) Longitudinal view of the bridge (elevation).

b) Pre-cast plate with the rectangular c) Pre-stressed precast girder with their connectors (stirrups) be-
openings for the connectors. fore concreting and post tensioning.
Figure 1. Views of the railway bridge, the pre-slab plates and the stirrup connectors.

a) Inclined cracks at bearing region. b) stirrup failure.

Figure 2. View of a girder typical crack occurrence for all the bearing regions and of the failure in one of the stirrups
close to the girder to slab interface (bearing region of girder was uncovered for visual inspection and instrumentation).

In a few words, the presented scenario was suspi-

cious, clearly indicating the probable progressive
failure of the shear resistance of girder-to-slab con-
nection around one of the bridge bearings. In face of Strain transducers, strain gages, displacement induc-
this, the railway administration decided to monitor tive transducers and capacitive accelerometers were
the behavior of the defective structure and to, later, installed on different positions over the bridge.
reinforce it. The monitoring was carried out for the Wireless equipment was employed for transmitting
two situations, before and after the reinforcement. and acquiring signals when the trains were crossing
The results obtained in these two monitoring cycles the bridge. Digital acquisition equipment and appro-
are presented and analyzed in this paper.. Non- priate software were used for acquiring and analyz-
destructive tests were also performed, so that com- ing the information obtained. The purpose of in-
plementary information about the global state of the strumentation was to collect the necessary
bridge was obtained. information for structural assessment of the bridge
as a whole and, in particular, obtain data that could
be enough to correctly identify and quantify the de-
fects mentioned in the introduction above. For this stroyed during the reinforcement operation and
analysis, measured strains at the mid-span section, could not be measured after reinforcement), as pre-
relative horizontal displacement between girder and sented below, were registered during the crossings
slab at the bearing region, vertical displacement of heavy iron ore trains in conditions before and af-
measured in the mid-span section of the most defec- ter bridge reinforcement. For a brief description of
tive girder and strain in the (apparently) undamaged the position of these instruments see Figures 3 and 4.
stirrups shown in Figure 2b were used. These results
(except the stirrup strain gages, which were de-

a) Mid-span section. b) ~ 1,5m from support region. c) ~ ¼ of span.

Figure 3. Parameters of interest for analysis: strains in concrete girder (E5 to E8 / mid-span), horizontal relative displace-
ments between girder and slab (Dh3 to Dh6) and vertical displacement (Dv1 and Dv2 / mid-spam).

Figure 4. Parameters of interest for analysis: stirrup instrumentation (two strain gages per stirrup, positioned opposite one an-
other, E13A, B to E16A, B).

site strain gage (E16B) in the same stirrup is nega-

tive (-750x10-06), denoting that this rebar is also sub-
3 OBTAINED RESULTS AND ANALYSIS jected to bending when the train crosses the bridge.
That represents a critical situation in terms of struc-
3.1 Situation before reinforcement and description tural safety.
of the reinforcing strategy ─.The maximum horizontal displacement be-
tween slab and girder, measured close to the beam to
3.1.1 Stirrups strain and stress and relative hori- slab interface was about 3,0 mm (Figure 5b); this in-
zontal displacement between girder and slab dicates a probably excessive displacement, indicat-
close to the support region ing that the slab is slipping, in some way, over the
Analyzing the graphs in Figure 5: girder.
─Before the structural reinforcement, the maxi-
mum measured strain at the stirrup (E16A), which 3.1.2 Strain and stress at the mid-span cross-
was installed closed to the support of one of the section.
girders, was about 2,500x10-06(Figure 5a). This In the graphs in Figure 6 one can see the strain sig-
means that the correspondent stress is about 500 nals as function of time (Figure 6a) and strain varia-
MPa, which is the magnitude of the yielding stress tion in the mid-span cross-section (girder and slab─
for the steel bar. Furthermore, the strain at the oppo- results obtained after zooming the strain x time sig-
nal graph ─Figure 6b─ in the region of maximum ty/stiffness in the set slab plus girder). On the pre-
measured strains ). stressed girder the stress distribution of the cross-
─ Before structural reinforcement, the measured section at mid-span follows the Bernoulli hypothe-
strain is about zero (Figure 6b) in the region close to sis. Most bending was resisted by the girder but not
the slab’s superior face (indicating probably the ex- by the slab.
istence of low capacity of transmission of shear
stress to the interface slab/girder and low solidari-

a) Strain in the stirrups. b) Slab to girder relative displacement.

Figure 5. Strain in the stirrups and slab to girder relative displacement (loaded iron ore train); situation “before”.

b) Mid-section height x strain (zoom / region of

a) Strain x time.
maximum strains in 5a).
Figure 6. Strains at girder mid-spam section (following Bernoulli hypothesis) and slab during the crossing of a loaded iron ore
train. Zoom interval: 24,19 s to 26,36 s; situation “before”.

a) Displacement x time; situation “before”. b) View of reinforcement clips installation.

Figure 7. Displacement at girder mid-spam during the crossing of a loaded iron ore train and a view of slab to girder connection
3.1.3 Vertical displacement at mid-span and rein- A view of the reinforcement operation is shown
forcing strategy in Figure 7b; reinforcement clips were installed in-
Figure 7 shows vertical displacement measured at side holes, which were filled with a special resin
mid-span in the situation “ before”; it shows the sig- across the deck. Additionally, carbon fiber rein-
nal acquired when the loaded iron ore train was forcement was installed at the cracked regions (close
crossing the bridge (Figure 7a). to the bridge supports) of the pre-stressed girders
(not shown in the picture).

a) Slab to girder relative displacement. b) Vertical displacement at mid-span

Figure 8. Displacements: horizontal relative and vertical (loaded iron ore train); situation “after”.
Note: Loaded iron ore trains have been weighted by mean of a WIM system and the locomotives / wagons and their respective axle
loads are about the same for all trains of this type that run on this railway

a) Strain x time. b) Mid-section height x strain (zoom / region of

maximum strains in 9a).
Figure 9. Strains at girder mid-span section (following Bernoulli hypothesis) and slab during the crossing of a load-
ed iron ore train. Zoom interval: 148,65 s to 149,77 s; situation “after”.

N= 1.815 kN

N= 1.815 kN


Figure 10. Finite element solution: axial force in the girder at mid-span cross section (continuous girder and slab in-
3.2 Situation after solidary (continuous) without pre-cast plates and
posterior poured slab. This solution can be obtained
3.2.1 Girder to slab horizontal displacement close by numerical calculation using sectional analysis,
to the support region and vertical displace- which was done and whose results can be found in
ment at mid-span. Figure 10 and Table 1.
Displacements in Figure 8a and Figure 8b (“after”), Table 1. Axial forces and estimated efficiency of slab to girder
above, can be respectively compared to Figure 5b connection
and Figure 7a (“before”). The relative horizontal Situation
N Estimated Quality Factor
displacements between slab and girder measured by (kN) QF (%)
transducers DH3 and DH4 in the situation “after” is Continuous 1815 100
about 1/3 that measured in the situation “before”, in- Before Reinforce-
dicating that the reinforcing intervention had been 860 47.4
successful. The vertical displacement at mid-span, as
After Reinforce-
can be seen in Figure 8b and Figure7a, in the situa- ment
1245 68.6
tion “after” is about 70% that in situation “before”,
indicating that the stiffness of the set girder plus slab As demonstrated in Table 1, the quality factor of
had been significantly improved after the interven- the slab to girder connection has been significantly
tion. improved after the clip reinforcement operation.
However, despite this fact, information about the
3.2.2 Strain and stress at the mid-span cross sec- remaining useful life could not be obtained. It is well
tion known that the probability of occurrence of low cy-
─As already commented above for Figure 6, in cle fatigue in stirrups causes concern to railway ad-
the graphs of Figure 9 we can see strain signals as ministrators. Hence, the railway administration has
function of time (Figure 9a) and strain variation in already decided to support another monitoring
the mid-span cross section (girder and slab ─results fieldwork in near future.
obtained after zooming the strain x time signal graph
─Figure 9b─ in the region of maximum measured
─After structural reinforcement, the measured Visual inspection of the structure was carried out
strain was about -160x10-06 (Figure 9b) in the region during the field work. Except for the anomalies that
close to the slab superior face (clearly indicating the have been already described in the items above, the
existence of much better capacity of transfer of shear infra, meso and superstructure of the bridge can be
stress of the slab/girder interface and significant im- considered as in a satisfactory state. A few aspects
provement of solidarity/stiffness in the set slab plus could be mentioned as causing concern in the near
girder). On the pre-stressed girder the stress distribu- future but they are not discussed now. Also some
tion at the mid-span section follows the Bernoulli nondestructive tests were carried out. Their results
hypothesis and the neutral axis in the situation be- are presented and commented below as title of addi-
fore reinforcement (height = 400 mm / Figure 6b) tional information.
moved up to about 500 mm (Figure 9b). Bending Non-destructive methods – impact hammer and
was now resisted by composite action by the girder ultrasound – were applied to the concrete structure
and slab. in order to qualitatively estimate the mechanical
─Another way to assess the quality of the clip re- properties of concrete, such as compressive strength
inforcement applied to the slab/girder interface is by and the modulus of concrete. Also, phenolphthalein
calculating the resultant axial force acting only in tests were made in order to verify the carbonation
the girder at the mid-span cross section. That is be- depth.
cause this resultant is equivalent to the integral of Initially, to perform the non-destructive tests, a
the shear stresses in the longitudinal section at the map of the rebar positions was defined by a rebar
slab/girder interface. With information regarding the detector (Profoscope - Proceq) for six different
geometry of the mid-span cross section, the rein- zones in the structure as in the Figure 11. This is
forcement areas and the strain distribution (Figures done to avoid any possible interference that the steel
6b and 9b), the stresses in the concrete and steel can represent in the test results. The first test was
were calculated and integrated into resultant axial carried out with a concrete impact hammer Sil-
forces. The value of these effectively measured forc- verSchmidt with standard impact energy of 2.207
es may be compared to the value of the axial force N.m. This test was performed according to the Bra-
calculated as if the girder and slab were perfectly
zilian Code NBR 7584 (ABNT, 1995) and following sults from the concrete test hammer. After the car-
the manufacturer recommendations. At least nine bonation test was carried out a correction factor of
impacts at each point of measurement, as distant as 45% (lower than maximum permitted by the product
possible from the rebars, were applied. manufacturer) was applied to the final results. The
As a carbonated layer can significantly interfere final estimated compressive strength values are
in this test results (compressive strength of con- summarized in Table 2.
crete), a correction factor must be applied to the re-
Solid concrete slab

Z4 V1 V3 Z6

Axis of Z2 Z7



V2 V4

Prestressed beam

Figure 11. Bridge’s blue print.

Table 2. Estimated compressive strength of concrete by test pressive strength of concrete. This work considered
hammer. the criteria used by Neville (1982) as in Table 3.
Zones fck,est (MPa)
1 22.0 Table 3. Criteria as Neville (1982)
2 27.7 Propagation Velocity (m/s) Concrete Quality
3a 24.1 V > 4500 Excellent
3b 26.6 3500 < V <LA4500
4a 30.0 3000 < V < 3500 Regular
4b Z3,Z4 25.1
2000 < V < 3000 Z5,Z6 Z7 Bad
5a 31.3
V1,V 2 V <V3,V
4 Very Bad
With the results from the ultrasonic testENCOthe
AP1 6a 28.1 namic modulus (Ed) and compressive strength (VITÓRIA)
6b 29.1
concrete (fc) were estimated using the procedure
The results in Table 2 show that the structure pre- proposed by Cánovas (1988). TableAP34 summarizes
sents a mean value of compressive strength greater the estimated compressive strength for two different
than 22 MPa. The zones 2 to 6 represents points over zones. It is important to mention that for each zone
the pre-stressed beams which in this case presents a four tests were performed and that according to Bra-
compressive strength at minimum of 24 MPa. For zilian code NBR 12655 (ABNT, 1996) a factor of
the sake of comparison the compressive strength es- 0.89 must be applied to the mean value of fc for es-
VISTby the original
A LONGITUDINAL design was 40 MPa. The re- timating fck in each zone.
sults also suggest that the concrete can be considered
as heterogeneous in some way. AP2 Table 4. Estimated compressive strength of concrete by ultra-
sonic test.
Another non-destructive test that was applied to Zone
Time Velocity Ed fc fck,est
verify the elasticity dynamic modulus of the con- (µsec) (m/s) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa)
crete and to check strength was the ultrasonic test. 83.4 3789.0 31.0 22.6
82.4 3835.0 31.8 23.6
This test was carried out following the recommenda- 1 21.1
82.9 3811.8 31.4 23.1
tions of the Brazilian code NBR 8802 (ABNT, 80.4 3930.3 33.4 25.6
1994). A PUNDIT LAB - Portable ultrasonic non- 58.4 4075.3 35.9 29.2
destructive testing – manufactured by Proceq was 4a
57.4 4146.3 37.1 31.1
used in this test. Since the pulse velocity inside the 58.4 4109.6 36.5 30.1
concrete depends on its density and its elastic prop- 56.9 4165.2 37.5 31.7
erties, which are associated with the quality and the The results presented in Table 4 and the criteria
compressive strength of the concrete, this device of Table 3, show that the concrete can be classified
measures the time a wave takes to cross the con- as of good quality. Also, according to Bungey and
crete. Knowing the distance between the emission Millard (2006), in order to consider the concrete as
and reception points of the ultrasonic pulse one can homogeneous the coefficient of variation of the ul-
compute the velocity of propagation. This velocity is trasonic tests must not exceed 2.5% for the meas-
an indicator of the quality, homogeneity and com- urements of velocity. The results show that most of
the tests presented a coefficient of variation that is
less than 2.5%. The values for zone 1 and 4a is 1.4 An experimental method for analyzing the quality of
and 1.0, respectively, which indicates a concrete of clipping reinforcement of a bridge composed by pre-
good quality. As an indication, the values of fc,est are stressed precast girders and their connections to con-
relatively low when compared to the compressive crete pre-slab and slab elements was herein present-
strength of concrete requested in the original project ed. Relevant aspects of structural assessment of the
that was 40 MPa. bridge safety, including additional information on
visual inspection and a few NDT’s results were pre-
sented. The bridge was considered in good condi-
4.1 Durability of Concrete - Carbonation
tions, in general, but with critical defects relative to
The most common deterioration process in rein- the connections slab to girders. The material (struc-
forced concrete structures is corrosion (Vu and tural concrete) was considered of good quality but,
Stewart, 2000, Zhou et al. 2014). However, the initi- in some way, non homogeneous. The reinforcement
ation of this deterioration process has in the steel de- operation was considered successful because a con-
passivation its primary occurrence condition. The siderable improvement in capacity of support shear
penetration of CO2 is an external agent that is capa- stresses at the girder to slab interface was obtained.
ble of reducing pH (below 9.5) and initiating corro- As the durability of the reinforced bridge could not
sion. A considerable effort in modeling the carbona- be perfectly demonstrated, the railway administra-
tion of RC, in order to predict service life of tors had decided to make a new bridge monitoring in
structures has been made from a variety of authors near future.
and projects (e.g., Smolczyk 1969, Tuuti 1982, He-
lene 1986, DuraCrete 1999, Jiang 2000, Hyvert
2009). ABNT. NBR 8802: Concreto endurecido - Determinação da
velocidade de propagação de onda ultra-sônica - Método de
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