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7/3/2019 Gmail - Fwd: Fw: [New post] Former Lover Exposes Eric Schmidt

The following is a transcript of an interview with a Google/Facebook/DARPA insider that

was conducted with a member of the Anonymous Patriots, a citizen journalist group
aligned with the American Intelligence Media. The person interviewed wishes to remain
anonymous and for purposes of the interview will be called Jane Doe. This conversation
took place on July 1st, 2019.

ANONYMOUS PATRIOT (PATRIOT): Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Perhaps
we could start with why you decided to have this conversation and why now.

JANE DOE: I decided to contact your group after a friend of mine sent me a recent
exposé on Mark Zuckerberg that you did. I thought it was timely, honest, and was
pertinent to the crisis we are in concerning Eric Schmidt’s total sell out to China through
advanced technology stolen from Google, Facebook, WhatsApp and other digital
platforms that have come to aggressively control all Chinese. I believe Eric’s evil
program, Dragonfly, has already been implemented in America.

I am calling him out for his lies and his complete control by the Chinese Communist
Party. Eric has lied so much lately and has admitted that he created the Social Credit
System now ruling China for a ruthless totalitarian government that has Eric controlled
and manipulated by President Xi Jinping and his central committee. In May of this year,
Eric said that he also bifurcated the Internet for China so that there will soon be two
different Internets – one controlled by America and one by China. These things are
immoral and wrong and must be stopped.

PATRIOT: Those are very big accusations and assertions that you have made. Frankly,
why should we believe your story? How do you know these things about Eric?

JANE DOE: I have known Eric since his days at Bell Laboratory when he wrongfully got
credit for the rewrite of Lex, lexical analyzers. I was working for the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) at that time and took an interest in this opportunist.
I liked his spunk and guts and no small amount of looking after number one. When Eric

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went on to Sun Microsystems and again gleaned the credit for projects he didn’t create,
I decided to find out what made him tick.

Yes, I chose Eric as a lover to figure out what made him so successful. Eric has always
cheated on his wife with many, many women and no small amount of men. I was just
another one. But once he moved to Novell and tanked the company, I did him a favor by
inviting him to a Highlands Group forum. For those of in your audience who might who
don’t know about the Highlands Group, it works out of the Naval Intelligence Net
Assessment Office and basically is the international group of corporations, venture
capitalists, military and corporate intelligence, and the CIA’s In-Q-Tel agency that uses
SAIC and Leidos as their corporate arm. Highlands Group was run by Andrew Marshall
for decades and essentially this group assessed new patents, DARPA/In-Q-Tel projects,
and military desires for new weapons. We all called Andrew Marshall, Yoda, because he
was basically the “head warlord” of America, globalist corporations, and the world in

PATRIOT: Wow. OK. I am coming to believe you and the person who recommended that
I interview you. No one else could possibly know those details about those super-secret
groups So, let me get this straight. You were Eric Schimdt’s lover and introduced him to
the most notorious warlords in the world who you worked for when you were in DARPA?

JANE DOE: Correct.

PATRIOT: OK. And then you got mad at Eric because he, in your opinion, is selling out
America to Chinese domination through the Internet and Eric’s new program called
Dragonfly? Is that right?

JANE DOE: Yes. Eric’s Dragonfly has already put 33 million Chinese in a more-or-less
“digital prison” because of a Social Credit Score determined by online digital use. In
America this is also already going into place. Eric worked with the Atlantic Council,
donations from the Open Society Foundation, and the Cambridge Digital Forensic
Investigation Laboratory to control the Internet before the 2012, 2016, and 2018
elections. Eric did this in 2012 and 2016 through Groundworks and other high-tech
start-ups. I hate Hilary Clinton and Obama. They both were controlled by Eric and his
controllers. Americans don’t even know that Eric, who wishes to be the king of the
digital world, has already brought these programs from Europe and China to the Internet
to control Americans.

I have such a long history with Eric and his fake cyber king friends in Silicon Valley, that
I don’t have time to tell all of it to you. For instance, the aggressive 5G attack on
Americans came through Eric and Hillary using Richard Walker, again, as a shill for
Broadcom working with Qualcomm to roll out endless poisonous 5G antennae
broadcasters throughout America. Broadcom is China and the plan was to sterilize
every American exposed to 5G before any studies could be done. Then, China
conquers America without firing a shot. Eric donated $1.5 billion to create for Hillary the
U.S. Digital Service which tried to control the 2016 presidential election results. Eric
believes that during the 2020 election he will be able to make all of the systems work
together to elect a Democrat. Eric hates Trump and more than anything wants him
destroyed. Trump stands in the way of Chinese domination. As a matter of fact, Trump
is ruining Eric’s big plans.

PATRIOT: You have my attention – What is Eric’s Big Plan?

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JANE DOE: That is simple. Total Chinese control of the world. Digital “world peace” Eric
calls it. You see, Eric is being worse than blackmailed by the Chinese. It is horrible what
they have done to Eric and his two daughters, the only people he cares about on the
planet. Eric doesn’t love his wife and never did. The Chinese poisoned Alison – that’s
his daughter - over time to control Eric. That is why he agreed to create Dragonfly and
the digital “vocational training” program Eric created to torture Chinese Muslims to
death. So far, over 1.5 million Chinese Muslims have died being reprogrammed. Eric is
directly responsible for those deaths and the brutal control of the Chinese people by
Eric’s Social Credit System.

Even though I refuse to talk to Eric now because he is too far gone, like Jim Breyer and
Uri Milner, I know his thoughts and his current dilemma. It is a Chinese torture created
just for Eric, like they did to control Jim and Uri by giving them everything they ever
wanted – unimaginable wealth, sex with everything, uncontrolled power - and then they
add the insurance policy of poisoning the person and their family and keeping the
antidote secret, slowing doling it out to stop certain death. Unfortunately, Eric tried to
keep some control and Communists don’t like that so the antidote for Alison stopped
and she passed away. But this was after the Chinese forced Eric to work with North

PATRIOT: Are you speaking about that well-reported trip of Eric and his daughter
Sophie to North Korea?

JANE DOE: Yes. That was completely faked. Sophie even wrote an alleged “diary” of
the entire experience to claim there was no “business” done between her dad and North
Korea. Eric actually took Sophie into insane danger to get her first dose of the antidote
that the Chinese had poisoned Alison, Sophie and Eric with. Then, they informed Eric
that during the trip they had poisoned him also. Thus, Eric gave the North Koreans the
Google android phone software and they immediately claimed to have invented it
themselves and called it Arirang. Everybody knows Eric sold out America on that deal
but only a very few of us know why.

PATRIOT: Why did the North Koreans agree to work with the Chinese on this poisoning

JANE DOE: Well, the Chinese poisoned Alison and Sophie in America through food.
Eric was aware of this and refused to work with the Chinese on their plan to have Wi-fi
beamed from the type of satellites Eric had already designed for the U. S. military. So,
after they demanded that Eric come to North Korea for Sophie’s antidote, they not only
blackmailed him into giving the Google android program, but they also made Eric agree
to sneak into China and create a number of programs for them to gain global digital
dominance. Eric 100% believes the Chinese will rule the world in ten years. What China
doesn’t know is that Eric had planned to rule the world in twenty years, so they were in
conflict. Eric has the plans we developed for DARPA, Motorola, and Boston Dynamics to
build an undefeatable robot warrior. It was a DARPA project called “Atlas.”

In a strange way, Eric is like Count Dooku from Star Wars, who was a good character
who went bad by building his own robot army and clone army to fight against everybody.
Count Dooku went rogue, just like Eric. But Eric is being manipulated by the Chinese
who have perfected the art. No one wins against the Chinese. That is why Eric decided
ten years ago to back the Chinese with high-tech IP theft that made the Russian, Uri
Milner one of the wealthiest men in the world. Eric and Uri stole the IP from Facebook,
Google, E-Bay, Amazon and others to make Tencent, Baidu, Molotok, 24x7, and Mail.ru
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– which were instantaneous hits. Uri, who represents the Communist Chinese Central
Committee was even allowed to trade on the London Stock Exchange. Eric hated this
and always was jealous of Uri and Jim Breyer who basically run their own “kingdoms” in
China. Eric has often said he wants to be “Eric Khan.” Nothing crazy about that, is

PATRIOT: This is the most shocking and amazing story I have every heard. Then, why
did Eric lie about Dragonfly and Muslim extermination in China?

JANE DOE: Eric was so naïve that he believed the Chinese when they said they would
not implement Dragonfly and Social Credit for years. Actually, they will have complete
control of everyone in China in two years. The plan is to have sterilized all Americans
with 5G by that time and have control of all technology in America through these

Then, with 5G in place, the Atlas warrior robot army will be finished and can move in to
disarm all Americans and arrest those who resist. America will simply become a vassal
of China due to our digital addictions, which were planned from the beginning.

PATRIOT: I don’t understand how Eric became so rich that he owns a piece of every
digital pie at this point.

JANE DOE: That’s the way of the military as they create mythical cyber geniuses as
facades for Silicon Valley corporations and then allow those idiots to buy into the next
DARPA no-bid government contract that eventually becomes a monopoly subsidized by
the government. Jim Breyer from Accel Partners, John Doerr from Kleiner Perkins, and
Sir Michael Moritz from Sequoia Capital, and the other standard venture capital
companies always knew ahead of time who was the “chosen one” for the next big

At DARPA, we used taxpayer money up front to pay for people like Larry Brin and
Sergey Page to win the DARPA contest. Then, we make sure that the insider traders
from the Highlands Group know about the next start-up that will make an Initial Public
Offering (IPO) with assets of millions but will immediately bump up to a company worth
billions. Thus, Eric took a borrowed 100 million and bet on the next Highland Group sure
bet – Facebook. Then Eric withdrew his billions after the IPO and went on from there to
buy up every insider Highlands Group start-up that he could.

After that, he was the Council on Foreign Relations chosen cyber-lord and nothing could
stop him. Eric gets placed on any board he wants with a wink. Why you ask? Because
he is the ultimate high-tech insider trader.

PATRIOT: That’s how he came to control Facebook, but how did he get control of

JANE DOE: What I am about to tell you has seldom ever been said out-loud. Brin and
Page were stooges. They were chosen because they would lie, not because they
invented something. They were given a top-secret DARPA program called Memex
which we had used as the best search engine we could develop. It was all military and
the “dark web” at first. We used it to sucker in the enemy unbeknownst to them and then
subliminally brain-wash them attempting to create behavioral outcomes through digital
dopamine reward systems and adrenalin excretions.

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It worked like a charm, so the CIA’s In-Q-Tel agency suggested we give the system out
to everyone in the world and see if we can’t control the world globally through digital
addiction and manipulation. Again, it worked like a charm so we created the fake
National Science Project that Brin and Page participated in. They simply did the best job
of the dozen people involved but they didn’t invent anything, they simply used Memex
and made it commercial. Facebook and Zuckerberg did the same thing with Lifelog,
which was another DARPA/In-Q-Tel project that needed a boy-genius as the front-man.
Mark was simply used.

I find it amazing how easily people are lied to effectually. Eric is one big fat lie. Mark,
Jim, Elon, Peter, and the whole gang got their inventions from DARPA and In-Q-Tel’s
theft of patents. I know, I was there in the meetings.

PATRIOT: So, are you evil too?

JANE DOE: Yes, in a way I fell into the same evil trap but for different reasons. I actually
was naïve and thought I was doing it for my country. I only found out after years in
DARPA what was really going on. It actually comes down to a handful of people who
control the world. I happen to know most of them. No one does anything without tech
support and I was at the heart of high-tech innovation at DARPA, Motorola, Boston
Dynamics, Facebook Building 8, and many other “skunkworks” projects for Lockheed,
Boeing, BAE and others.

Yes, I am one of those cyber warlords, but I did it in good faith, until I found out the
whole truth just months ago. That is why I feel I have an obligation to spill the beans and
let the powers that stand for honesty, morality and truth to finally have their day. I have
seen too much to let Eric and the gang sell us out to China and sterilize every American
in the process. The whole system of DARPA weaponization of patents and inventions
must stop immediately. Letting Andrew Marshall and his warlords weaponize every
invention must stop now. I will keep speaking out against this evil group of people, with
Eric at the head. There are many others I can name because I was essentially one of
their bosses, so I have a great deal of first-hand experience with these cyber fakes,
most of whom are total tech idiots and embarrass the profession every time they open
their mouth and lie.

PATRIOT: So, what happens to Eric if he doesn’t do China’s bidding?

JANE DOE: They will stop giving him the antidote and he and his daughter Sophie will
meet the same fate as Alison did. They lie and say Alison died from a long-standing
illness. This is nonsense.

PATRIOT: Sorry I am slow on the uptake with some of my questions, but frankly, I am
taken aback by your honesty and all that you are saying. Unfortunately, I still don’t
understand why Eric went with the Chinese offers to begin with.

JANE DOE: At first, it was money. Eric has always said he won’t stop even after
becoming a trillionaire. Eric believed his buddy Henry Kissinger pronouncement that
America has lost its place as the globally dominate force to China due to the high-tech
revolution and Chinese IP theft. So, Eric thought his connections to China and his
buddies Jim and Uri would make him a trillionaire. But, there was a much more
nefarious reason Eric aligned with China.

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China allows Eric to experiment on life-extension research using aborted baby tissue
and organs. Everyone knows that the number one thing Eric thinks about is longevity.
He wants to live forever but believes he already has the technology to live to 180. He
has said this many times to the press. Think back to his off-shore laboratories on huge
ships where he was experimenting on things that are illegal in America. Well, guess
what? They aren’t illegal in China, as long as you are a favorite of the Communist
Central Committee.

Eric, like most of the cyber-kings, are obsessed with extending their life indefinitely.
They often say it is their intent to live in a body for hundreds of years and then move to
an Artificial Intelligence host after that. They sit around thinking about their infinite
money, but lack of immortality.

Let me make this clear. These are idiots who are psychopaths with delusions of
grandeur. They are little boys in a sandbox. Until I came along, it was almost all boys
except for Hillary Clinton. The boys were afraid of dying. I think that is because they are
afraid of karma and the consequences of their lies and despicable actions. The ones I
know don’t sleep without sleeping pills due to being awake all night plotting their take
over of the world. Well, Eric’s plans of world domination pale against the efforts of
Communist China. The Central Committee will simply eat Eric alive and spit him out as
they have done to countless people before him. Don’t get me wrong, Eric is very useful
to China right now. He is the head architect of the digital totalitarian Chinese Communist
State. He will live forever in history as an evil and ghastly man. History won’t know
about the poisoning.

Eric, like all the aging world conquers, uses transfusions of younger blood to extend his
life. He has tried everything that money can buy to extend his life. And then, he is taken
down by his greed for wealth and power by the Chinese with some unknown powder
they put in his food. This is funny because the old Chinese kings were also obsessed
with extending their life and putting mercury in their food. The mercury actually
shortened their lives. I think the same thing happened to Eric and it is sad the Chinese
are so brutal that they also included his daughters. But no cruelty is beyond the Chinese
government. I have never had anything to do with China. That is, except for the shared
weaponized inventions of the Highlands Group. But I gained no money from the
decades of work I did in that area. I was never there for personal gain.

Eric often said he would leave his wife and divorce her so we could be together forever.
Personally, I am a Christian and I don’s share most of Eric’s crazy beliefs; even though
he preached them to me for decades. I don’t believe, and haven’t for over a decade,
hardly anything Eric says. He talks like George Soros as a divinely anointed king of the
world whose mission is for the sake of all of humanity when it is simply childish desires
that evaporate at death.

I don’t want China to have our technology. I was shocked to find out that China was
allowed to hack into every government system – even DARPA. China and Russia were
given the IP that was weaponized by the Highlands Group. That is when I left and
moved into private industry, with the help of Eric and the gang. But now, I want to focus
on human-based technology driven by human intelligence for the benefit of humans.
Eric is all about AI and believes that perhaps he will become the AI of the Internet in the
future. He actually entertains such thoughts. Just one word comes to mind –
megalomaniac. And personally, I don’t want to be on any ship that he is at the helm of.

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Eric is going down and I hope, with honest people coming forward, he will take China
with him.

PATRIOT: Wow. My brain needs oxygen. What you are describing is my worst fears
about Silicon Valley – more like a nightmare. And you have been right in among the war
demons and the goblins who makes the weapons. You seem so sweet and nice. After
speaking with the anonymous source of my last expose, I expected you to be the witch
of the virtual world of war. Really, DARPA and the whole thing. I have only ever spoken
to one other person who has attended Highlands Group forums and she said those
people were pure evil and could burn a hole through you with their demonic eyes. Cold-
hearted, blood-thirsty warlords, plain and simple.

JANE DOE: Well, she was right. I couldn’t have described it better. Sitting with the
international think tank that assures continued war is breath-taking. I didn’t know that
weapons dealers, both conventional and virtual, sit around and calculate the deaths that
will arise from going forward with a new project. But DARPA is a death machine; pure
and simple. I worked for the death lords to keep America safe and free but those old,
naïve beliefs of mine have long gone to the wayside. I really have no justification for any
of those programs. Now remember, when I say those DARPA projects, I am referring to
taxpayer funded weaponization of the Internet, Facebook, PayPal, Google, Twitter,
Gmail, YouTube, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, Apple, etcetera. It disgusts me to know
what I know about those fake corporations and their take-over of the world. I helped
create those programs. I had no idea they would all go out of control. I am trying to
rectify those mistakes right now.

PATRIOT: Can we stop the overthrow of free speech by Google, Alphabet, Facebook,

JANE DOE: I don’t know. It may be too late. Stopping the spread of
Broadcom/Qualcomm was a good start. But then they gave the software out to many
companies and the $40 billion yearly subsidizing of 5G may be the end of America as
we know it. I am encouraged by the actions against Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo, Chinese
semi-conductors and micro-chips, and other such actions. But China marches on no
matter how many troops may die.

China is basically the worst enemy we have ever had now that Eric, through Alphabet,
Boston Dynamics, Motorola, and his 5G spy satellites built for the U. S. military are in
the hands of Chinese totalitarians. I really don’t know. If we listen to Eric, and I am never
going to speak to him again personally, you would hear him tell America that we have
two years before his Chinese plan to dominate America kicks in. If 5G goes in, Eric’s
robots and the Internet of Things will control America. I know that sounds harsh but
remember that Eric told us Dragonfly and the Chinese Social Credit System would only
be partially functional in a few years. Lie. It is fully functional now and killing people as
we speak. Eric knows this.

So, if Eric says the America Social Credit System will rule America in 10 years, you can
bet it is more like two or three years. He is building Chinese controlled robot warriors as
we speak. The U. S. military has already put Atlas, our robot warrior, into active duty.
So, when you ask me about the future, even though that is my business, I cannot
predict it.

PATRIOT: So, are you saying Eric’s plans to dominate America are already in place?

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JANE DOE: Yes, I’ve already mentioned his election rigging activities, but his Digital
News Service controls all main stream media outlets. Eric owns the program that runs
Avid and Isis Management, the system that filters every word on 127 media outlets.
That’s why the news is the same wherever you look, Eric’s program scrubs the news.
Eric created a dozen look-alike programs for Europe where his programs have
effectively stopped free speech.

But it is not about the old systems, it is about the new ones and Eric controls research
and development for dozens of the largest corporations. No digital innovations go
without his approval and perhaps funding if he knows it will become a government
monopoly. Eric and Jim Breyer haven’t been wrong in over a hundred start-ups they
have funded. Amazingly good odds don’t you think? Insider trading. Personally, I never
had any money to invest or I could be rich. I never went for the money, just the power.
Woman power is what I am about. Those Silicon Valley boys were simply toys in my
hands. Eric thought he was MANipulating me, when in fact, I was manipulating him –
once I saw the light. And now, I am shinning a bright light on his corruption and plans.
These evil plans must be stopped, and I personally can’t do it myself. I believe that
Facebook and Google have a short life-expectancy at this point. Their corruption and
lies have been outed. That is why it is OK for me to speak the truth I experienced.

PATRIOT: I am overwhelmed. What can a simple person due to help?

JANE DOE: It is more simple than people think but it must come from every person on
the planet. Simply reject big-tech. Slow it down by not buying it, using it, or allowing it to
be used on children. Protect yourself, these are serious, deadly weapons you call your
smart phone, I-pad or computer. Technology as war has advanced faster than humans
have developed in morality. We are doomed to blow ourselves up if we keep making
war-toys and putting them in the hands of people like Andrew Marshall and Eric
Schmidt. These boys can’t help themselves. They want more, and more without any
consequences. That is why all this evil goes on in small groups that most people don’t
know exist. If people knew, they would hang the traitors who give American IP and trade
secrets to our enemies just to feed the war machine. Eric has become one of those war
machines and I want to see someone stop him. He is out of control.

PATRIOT: I want to thank you for what you are doing. This is truly patriotic – even if a
little late in the game. I personally, have hope because of people like you. Everyone can
wake up. It is not a sin to sleep. I could go on asking you questions endlessly but I feel I
have already been blessed by the time you have so willingly given. Seriously, I, we,
can’t thank you enough.

We will do what we can. I will transcribe this and submit it up to the boss and if they
believe you and the information can be properly vetted, I hope I can get your message
out to many people. Of course, I would like to reflect on this rather upsetting information
and then write down a bunch of questions for you.

JANE DOE: I would be happy to answer any questions that I can through this secure
line and, right now, only through you until we see where this goes. I just want to help
stop the madness. I feel I owe the American people that. I never really saw myself as a
patriot, but I guess I might be one.

PATRIOT: Thank you again for blowing my mind. I will be working hard to find
supporting material in the open media to amplify what you have told me today. I will

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submit them with this interview and perhaps we can get this thing to go viral and we can
stop the truly evil plans of Eric and his gang.

Any parting comments?

JANE DOE: I can’t tell you how this makes me feel. I am not one for sentiment but I feel
a huge weight lifting off my chest. I am pleased with my decision to have no further
working with the companions of darkness. A new day needs to come when lies are like
mill-stones around the neck of the liar.

Post Interview Notes

Support material that we found that supports Jane Doe’s interview:

Eric Schmidt illegally donated $1.5 billion to the Hillary campaign that she did not
declare. This is proof of the 2016 presidential election meddling by Schmidt.




Corrupt practices of Google under Eric Schmidt command:


What made Steve Jobs hate Eric Schmidt:


Eric’s Girl

Regina E. Dugan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Regina E. Dugan (born 19 March 1963), is an American businesswoman, inventor,

technology developer and government official. She was the first female director of the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where she served from July
2009 until March 2012.

Dugan began working for DARPA in 1996. Over the next 4 years, she led numerous
multimillion-dollar research programs. Her most notable research project, known as the
'Dog's Nose,' involved the development of an advanced portable system that could
detect the explosive content of landmines. In 1999, she was awarded 'Manager of the
Year' for her work at DARPA and in 2000, she was honored with the Bronze de Fleury
Medal by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. She has also received awards
from the United States Secretary of Defense; specifically, the Awards for Exceptional
Service and Outstanding Achievement.[3]

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Dugan left DARPA in 2000 to become a special advisor for the Vice Chief of Staff of the
United States Army. Her work included a study titled 'Quick Reaction Study on
Countermine,' which was briefed to senior members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
implemented in Operation Enduring Freedom.[4] Dugan also took positions on the
Naval Research Advisory Committee, Threat Reduction Agency and Technology panel.
Prior to DARPA, she founded a company called Dugan Ventures. In 2005, Dugan
Ventures began a new investment, RedXDefense LLC.

After leaving DARPA in March 2012, she was appointed to an executive position at
Google. Here, she led and created Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) at
Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of Google. In January 2014, it was announced that
Motorola Mobility would be acquired by Lenovo. Dugan and her team were retained by
Google. She later moved to Facebook, joining a team called Building 8. In October
2017, she announced that she would be leaving in early 2018 to pursue other

Dugan obtained her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in mechanical
engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in
Blacksburg, Virginia. In May 2013, she was inducted into the Virginia Tech College of
Engineering Academy of Engineering Excellence.[8]

Dugan was awarded a PhD by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Her
thesis was titled “Axisymmetric buoyant jets in a cross flow with shear transition and
mixing.” [1]

California State University, Fullerton presented Dugan with an honorary degree in 2011.



In April 2016, Dugan left Google to head Facebook's 'Building 8',[9] a research division
similar to Google's ATAP group.

In October 2017, Dugan announced she would be leaving Facebook in early 2018 to
focus on building and leading a new endeavor.[5]


Dugan's advanced technology group was not a part of the Lenovo acquisition of
Motorola Mobility.[10] In February 2014, Dugan rejoined Google as Vice President of
Engineering-Advanced Technology and Projects. ATAP developed Project Tango and
Project Ara. In December 2018 The Register published an article alleging that her team
were responsible for an attempt to patent an idea presented to them earlier by an MIT
academic (Ji Qie) and that the subsequent involvement of MIT authorities forced them
to back down and drop the application.[11]


Shortly after the Google acquisition of Motorola Mobility closed, Dugan was tasked with
creating the Advanced Technology and Projects group, a skunkworks-inspired team
chartered to deliver breakthrough innovations for the company. In an interview with the
New York Times, Dugan described ATAP as "a small, lean, and agile group that is
unafraid of failure," she said, and that it will "celebrate impatience."[12]

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While at Motorola, ATAP developed and shipped several products including the
Motorola Skip—part of an authentication portfolio that is also exploring digital tattoos
and pills[13]—and the augmented reality shorts, Spotlight Stories, which were featured
at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. It was there that ATAP announced the development
of Project Ara, a free, open hardware platform for creating highly modular smartphones.

Additionally, in an effort to streamline research projects, foster greater collaboration with

the university research community, Dugan and her deputy, Dr. Kaigham (Ken) Gabriel,
negotiated the Multi-University Research Agreement with, initially, eight leading public
and private universities.[14][15]


Experienced in counterterrorism and defense against explosive threats, Dugan first

served as a DARPA program manager from 1996 to 2000. During her first DARPA tour,
she directed a diverse $100 million portfolio of programs, including the Dog's Nose
program, which focused on the development of an advanced, field-portable system for
detecting the explosive content of land mines.

From July 2009 to March 2012, Dugan served as the 19th Director of DARPA and was
the first woman to lead the Agency. As Director, she advanced strategic initiatives in the
fields of cybersecurity, social media, and advanced manufacturing. She also led an
active operational deployment in direct support of the war in Afghanistan for which the
Agency was awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award.

Civis Analytics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Civis Analytics is an Eric Schmidt-backed data science software and consultancy

company founded by Dan Wagner in 2013.[1]

Wagner served as the Chief Analytics Officer for Barack Obama's 2012 re-election
campaign.[citation needed]

Civis Analytics helps businesses "understand their data, use that data to make
predictions, and get recommendations on what steps to take next".[1] Civis works with
Fortune 500 companies and the country's largest organizations, including Verizon,
Airbnb, Discovery, FEMA, Boeing and the American Red Cross.[2]

In the last few months Eric Schmidt, the gaffe-prone CEO of Google, has made public
statements that make us question whether the company’s slogan still is “Don’t be evil.”
In interview after interview, Schmidt has made tactless comments on especially
sensitive and controversial topics such as online privacy and net neutrality.

As CEO, one of Schmidt’s largest roles is to act as a spokesperson for the company, but
that ironically seems to be his Achilles’ heel. Here are some of his more recent faux

1. “The average American doesn’t realize how much of the laws are written by
lobbyists.” Schmidt made this remark last week. While he expressed shock at how
Washington works, he neglected to mention that Google spent $1.34 million last
quarter on lobbyists–an increase of 41% year-over-year–and as much as $2.72

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million in the first half of 2010. If lobbyists are writing the laws, then Google is
certainly dropping enough dough to make sure it’s controlling the pen.

2. “We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know
what you’re thinking about.” And this said on the topic of privacy! Schmidt has the
uncanny ability to confirm our darkest suspicions of Google.

3. “I don’t believe society understands what happens when everything is available,

knowable and recorded by everyone all the time.” Schmidt said this in an interview
with the Wall Street Journal, which reported that “[Schmidt] predicts, apparently
seriously, that every young person one day will be entitled automatically to change
his or her name on reaching adulthood in order to disown youthful hijinks stored on
their friends’ social media sites.” In order to escape the wide reach of Google’s
SEO, we’ll soon have to change our names, as if covering up a digital scarlet letter?
Schmidt later retracted the statement, calling it a joke.

4. “It’s true that we see your searches. But we forget them after a while.” Schmidt
made this statement on The Colbert Report, when the jocular host asked Schmidt
to confirm whether Google knows all “our likes [and] dislikes.” When Colbert then
asked why we should trust Google to forget our searches, Schmidt answered, “Not
only do you have to, it’s the law in a lot of countries.”

5. “There’s such an overwhelming amount of information now, we can search where

you are, see what you’re looking at if you take a picture with your camera. One way
to think about this is, we’re trying to make people better people, literally give them
better ideas—augmenting their experience. Think of it as augmented humanity.” Not
even Charlie Rose can keep Schmidt from going off message.

6. “The best thing that would happen is for Facebook to open up its data. Failing that,
there are other ways to get that information,” Schmidt told the audience at the
Google Zeitgeist conference.

7. “We can suggest what you should do next, what you care about. Imagine: We know
where you are, we know what you like,” Schmidt said as the IFA’s keynote speech
in Berlin, amping up the creepiness.

Famous Eric Schmidt quotes:

“We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know
what you’re thinking about”

“If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know maybe you shouldn’t be
doing it in the first place”

“Every young person one day will be entitled automatically to change his or her name
on reaching adulthood in order to disown youthful hijinks stored on their friends’ social
media sites”

“Our policy is we try things, we celebrate our failures”

“Just remember when you post something, the computers remember forever”

“You can trust us with your data”

“Washington is an incumbent protection machine… The Laws Are Written by Lobbyists“

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“I actually think most people don’t want Google to answer their questions, they want
Google to tell them what they should be doing next”

“We are willing to get it one way or another, with or without deal”

“We Want People To Be More Logged Into Google”

We Want People To Be More Logged Into Google - Eric Schmidt

“Computers will clearly handle the things we aren’t good at, and we will handle the
things computers clearly aren’t good at”

“The Internet of things will augment your brain”

Our Spirit | July 2, 2019 at 9:28 pm | Categories: Anonymous Patriots | URL: https://wp.me/p8pAfs-ie1

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