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Lampiran D D-1

Output Software SPSS

1. Uji Validitas


pertanyaan1 total

pertanyaan1 Pearson Correlation 1 -.584**

Sig. (2-tailed) .001

N 30 30
total Pearson Correlation -.584** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .001

N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

2. Uji Reliabilitas

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid
30 100.0

0 .0

30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha Based on

Cronbach's Alpha Standardized Items N of Items

.701 .707 5
Lampiran D D-2

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

pertanyaan1 3397478191.3333 951303217.46858 30

pertanyaan2 3295522279.4333 1023245362.86578 30
pertanyaan3 3362985716.4000 788677818.80202 30
pertanyaan4 3576406175.3000 688476799.36484 30
pertanyaan5 3369706307.2333 987374764.57657 30

Inter-Item Covariance Matrix

pertanyaan1 pertanyaan2 pertanyaan3 pertanyaan4 pertanyaan5

pertany 9049778115660 51101564634137 2462676139480 2328151172095 4233281759542

aan1 68860.000 0300.000 52576.000 37856.000 73090.000
pertany 5110156463413 10470310726263 4737217738589 8387169652310 1767144241409
aan2 70300.000 31520.000 6288.000 2416.000 91808.000
pertany 2462676139480 47372177385896 6220127018703 1584919936348 3355240334866
aan3 52576.000 288.000 12190.000 64032.000 69440.000
pertany 2328151172095 83871696523102 1584919936348 4740003032636 3550520061936
aan4 37856.000 416.000 64032.000 59260.000 27140.000
pertany 4233281759542 17671442414099 3355240334866 3550520061936 9749089257226
aan5 73090.000 1808.000 69440.000 27140.000 42050.000

Summary Item Statistics

Max N
imu of
m/ It
Mini e
mu m
Mean Minimum Maximum Range m Variance s

8045861630 4740003032 10470310726 5730307693 6012198504337395000
Vari 2.2
09802750.00 63659260.00 26331520.00 62672260.00 0000000000000000.00 5
anc 09
0 0 0 0 0
Lampiran D D-3
Lampiran D D-4

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