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1. Cluster Barbell Bench Press

Week 4 = 90% of 1RM x 8 total reps. Rest 30-45sec. b/t reps
Week 5 = 90% of 1RM x 10 total reps. Rest 30-45sec. b/t reps

2. Flat Dumbell Bench Press (*32.5% of Cluster Barbell Bench Press weight)
Week 4 = 30 total reps
Week 5 = 32 total reps
*Example: During Week 4, if you performed your Barbell Bench Press Cluster reps with
315lbs, you would perform your Flat DB Bench Presses with 100 or 105lb dumbbells
because 315 x .325 = 102.3. (So you can either round “up” to 105lbs or “down” to 100lbs,
depending on your how you’re feeling.)
**You can choose any set/rep scheme you like for Dumbell Bench Presses (2x15, 3x10,
4 x 8,8,8,6, etc.) as long as you complete the required # of reps.

3A. Iso-hold Y-W-T (on floor)

Week 4 = 3 x 15sec. hold each position
Week 5 = 4 x 15sec. hold each position

3B. Bent-over Dumbell Rows

Week 4 = 3 x 10 reps
Week 5 = 4 x 8 reps

3C. Rolling Dumbell Tricep Extensions

Week 4 = 3 x 10 reps
Week 5 = 4 x 8 reps

*Perform “3A, 3B, and 3C” back-to-back without resting. Once all 3 exercises are complete, rest 2
minutes before performing your next tri-set.

Copyright © 2014 DeFrancoInsider.com. All rights reserved.


1. Cluster Deadlifts
Week 4 = 90% of 1RM x 8 total reps. Rest 30-45sec. b/t reps
Week 5 = 90% of 1RM x 10 total reps. Rest 30-45sec. b/t reps

2. Barbell Free Squats or Barbell Box Squats (*75% of your Cluster Deadlift weight)
Week 4 = 25 total reps
Week 5 = 30 total reps

*Example: If you performed your Deadlift cluster reps with 365lbs, you will
perform your Barbell Squats with 275lbs because 365 x .75 = 273.75.
**You can choose any set/rep scheme you like - 3 sets (10,8,7), 5 sets of 5, or 2 higher
rep sets (13, 12), etc. Choose whatever you prefer, as long as you complete the required #
of reps.

3A. “ Statue of Liberty” Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets

Week 4 = 3 x 7 reps each leg
Week 5 = 3 x 8 reps each leg

3B. Hollow Body Rocks: 3 sets

Week 4 = 3 x 20sec
Week 5 = 3 x 30sec

*Perform “3A & 3B” back-to-back without resting. Once you complete both exercises, rest 2min
before performing the next superset.

Copyright © 2014 DeFrancoInsider.com. All rights reserved.


1. Cluster Chin-ups - underhand grip (start from dead hang)

Week 4 = 90% of 1RM x 10 total reps. Rest 30-45sec. b/t reps
Week 5 = 90% of 1RM x 12 total reps. Rest 30-45sec. b/t reps

2. Standing “ J-Pulldowns” w/ Rope

Week 4 = 3 x 12
Week 5 = 4 x 12

3A. Off-set Med Ball Push-ups w/ Shoulder Touch

Week 4 = 3 x 5-8 reps each arm
Week 5 = 4 x 5-10 reps each arm
3B. Side-Lying Incline Lateral Raises
Week 4 = 3 x 10 reps each arm
Week 5 = 4 x 10 reps each arm
3C. Incline 1½ rep Curls
Week 4 = 3 x 6 reps
Week 5 = 4 x 6 reps

*Perform “3A, 3B, and 3C” back-to-back without resting. Once all 3 exercises are complete, rest 2
minutes before performing your next tri-set.

Copyright © 2014 DeFrancoInsider.com. All rights reserved.


MONDAY – Upper Body Deload

1A. Barbell Bench Press: 2 x 8 @ 60% 1RM

1B. Band Pull-aparts: 2 x 15

2A. Seated Low Pulley Cable Rows: 3 x 10

2B. Standing Dumbell Shrugs: 3 x 10

3A. Banded Tricep Pushdowns: 2 x 20

3B. Zottman Curls: 2 x 10

WEDNESDAY – Lower Body Deload

1. Goblet Squats: 3 x 8 @ 12.5% max barbell squat

*(If your max squat 405lbs, you’d use a 50lb dumbbell or kettlebell for Goblet squats.)

2. Bulgarian Split Squats (bodyweight only): 2 x 10 each leg

3A. Straight Leg Heel Raise (shift hips back): 3 x 8 each leg
3B. Stability Ball Crunches: 3 x 15

THURSDAY or FRIDAY – Flexibility

1. B2L Upper Body Foam Roll Series


2. RECHARGE – Lower Body Recovery sessions #1, #2 & #3

#1 - http://defrancoinsider.com/members/members-home/exercise-index?entry=411

#2 - http://defrancoinsider.com/members/members-home/exercise-index?entry=412

#3 - http://defrancoinsider.com/members/members-home/exercise-index?entry=413

Copyright © 2014 DeFrancoInsider.com. All rights reserved.

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