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=== Version 3.6.

6 8242 ===
- Added users reports generator (enterprise/educational editions)
- Added handle to reset all executions for all users in a test
- Added code for not allowing any sub-administrator to edit an administrator pro
- Improved performance during csv import for users
- Moved logout redirect option to appearance tab
- Fixed issue in user type in editing an admin by a subadmin
- Fixed issue about printing test units
- Fixed adding additional options in match questions error
- Fixed toggle material in progress disappearing when only lessons are assigned
to users, and are all complete
- Fixed error when organizational chart is available to users and visited by non
- Fixed issue about onmouseover underline in content tree and IE7
- Fixed issue in advlink plugin in editor with colored themes
- Fixed issue introduced in 3.6.5 about course completion operations
- Fixed changing course category not working when lessons with the same id exist
ed in the category
- Fixed user's progress in course/lesson initialization would result in other us
ers' progress being initialized as well
- Fixed not displaying empty categories in catalog, even if children are not emp
- Fixed $loadScripts not being initialized causes modules' javascripts not being
- Added automatic creation of message folders to users, in case they are missing
- Fixed exporting lessons with illegal windows filesystem characters in their na
- Fixed avatars list not displayed when administrator edits himself
- Fixed "view" user_type restriction for messages displayed non-working add/repl
y/fwd handles
- Fixed lesson reports listing projects for users, when they have been unenrolle
d from the lesson
- Set catalog to display completed lessons and courses when everything is comple
ted even if "show material in progress" is selected
- Setting unit property 'auto complete' triggers ajax event for immediately popp
ing up completion info block
- Fixed error in api2.php file that caused newly created users' passwords to be
encoded twice
- Fixed error in activation email code sent out when new users are registering a
nd "email activation" is set
- If certificate template file is missing, the system reverts to the default
- Fixed archived users appearing in group's users list
- Fixed average test score reporting for SCORM tests not matching actual mean sc
ore (a test may be skipped)
- Fixed error while completing a test when accessing a lesson as student, having
professor as default user type and on an horizontal theme
=== Version 3.6.5 build 8086 ===
- Fixed some course settings not being available to professors
- Scorm content completion update
- Supervisor access to employees of subbranches fix
- Fixed payments tab being visible to supervisor's users even when globally disa
- Fixed issue in lesson reports not being visible under certain conditions
- Fixed bypassing cart not working when license note is enabled
- Fixed ###timestamp### template not being parsed in notifications
- Added toggle html mode in notifications editor
- Supervisor can no longer archive users
- Training record (user form) print preview fix
- Supervisors no longer access inactive unattached users
=== Version 3.6.5 build 8007 ===
- Provides RSS feeds through the RSS module
- Added api2.php for version 2.0 of eFront XML API
- Added cart disable functionality, to allow for single click enrolling to free
lessons and courses
- Added ability to switch between display modes(iframe, popup) in editing scorm
- Added 'course options' in custom user type creation for professor types
- Added file permissions checking and setting functionality
- Added code for hiding organization section for custom user types in enterprise
- Added propagation handle to branch courses
- Added tooltip with organization information in employees list
- Added headers in order to eliminate browser cache in sidebar
- Added icon for deleting project completion info(grade, commnent, file) by prof
- Added option to purge events size in maintenance -> cleanup
- Replaced flash charts with flotr JS-based graphs
- Supervisor can directly edit supervised branches
- Supervisor can now see all of his/her subbranches employees, from the employee
s screen
- Fixed issue in backup for files containing a ' in their names
- Fixed issue in changing user role in courses assignment
- Fixed bug in notification events related with specific courses
- Fixed logout redirecting to https pages
- Fixed modules not appearing in lesson settings for professors that their prima
ry type is 'student'
- Fixed bug about displaying search results in pages that sidebar was refreshed
- Fixed skill-gap tests manual assignments issue
- Fixed bug in manually sending pending notifications that was introduced in 3.6
.4 build 7725
- Fixed group filter not working in course reports
- Fixed upload from url not working when importing SCORM content
- Fixed issue in view rtf certificate from professor
- Fixed issue about displaying connected users in horizontal themes when option
is globally disabled
- Fixed bug about new lesson comment event
- Fixed bookmarks not working for professor
- Fixed issue about sending messages with a custom user type
- Fixed issue about assigning group user type to user via key
- Fixed issue in projects about removing the existing comment when grading stude
nt's project
- Fixed issue in notifications about an exception when a lesson/test is deleted
=== Version 3.6.4 build 7725 ===
- Rearranged system settings menu for speed and tidyness
- Added web server authentication feature
- Fixed job descriptions listing full branches path
- Fixed required training handles not working in IE
- Fixed professor account being affected by course rules
- Fixed archive sorting not working
- Removed refereneces to deprecated mb_ereg_replace()
- Fixed scorm export not taking into account media files
- Added link in unit operations to open unit in popup window
- Fixed default string sorting being affected by case
- IE6 compatibility fixes
- Fixed subscription payments not being properly handled by the system
- Fixed issue about students/supervisors deleting personal files
- Fixed toggling horizontal sidebar issue in IE7
- Fixed SCORM completion issue when commit is called through onUnload and iframe
layout is used
- Supervisor's branches report list does not return branches to which he/she doe
s not have access to
- Fixed issue about email in notifications sent

=== Version 3.6.3 build 7602 ===

- Added disable payments option
- Added toggle editor in html mode in all editor instances
- Added unit option for extending object at screen dimensions
- Replacing textbox with textarea in comment field of project score
- Fixed progress not displaying projects issue
- Fixed error while sending messages to "My students" from professor account
- Fixed path error when creating new user
- Fixed user type assignments when registering automatically to courses/lessons
through a default group
- Fixed memory overconsumption during calculation of users' traffic statistics
- Fixed memory_get_peak_usage() call for php 5.1.x when debug_mode is on
- Fixed deactivated lessons showing up in catalog
- Fixed certain branches not showing up on branches select lists
- Fixed submitting notification settings when "Maximum minutes ..." was not set
- Fixed bookmark addition error
- Disabled periodic updater during restore
- Fixed issue about sending messages with recipients of specific lesson
- Added dates to user reports, where applicable
=== Version 3.6.3 build 7455 ===
- Fixed error in course completion page
- Fixed lesson assignment to users issue
=== Version 3.6.3 build 7417 ===
- Added course instances functionality (educational/enterprise)
- Added feedback functionality
- Added curriculum functionality (educational/enterprise)
- Added enterprise options to system settings (educational/enterprise)
- Added find user functionality and paired them closely to groups (educational/e
- Added quick upgrade functionality
- Added purge logs functionality in admin -> maintenance
- Added option in custom user types for dashboard
- Added option about where to redirect after user login (user dashboard or user
- Added debugging mode option
- Added option to show only courses in progress in user's courses list
- Added "completed lesson" block
- Added "reset course progress" functionality
- Radical performance and memory consumption improvements
- Unassigning and reassigning a user to a course/lesson now retains his/her prog
- By default only courses/lessons in progress show up in users' catalog
- Made RSS module installed by default and connect to eFront's RSS
- Updated adodb libraries to 5.10
- Updated phplivedocx_server value to https://api.livedocx.com/1.2/mailmerge.asm
- Updated layout to better support IE6/7 (eliminates annoying white empty space)
- Fixed security vulnerabilities discovered by VUPEN Security http://www.vupen.c
The issue regarded XSS attacks via POST and was addressed by adding an optional
to sanitize POST parameters in admin's system settings
- Fixed issue about counting deactivated uses in license users count
- Fixed bug in notifications about returning archived courses as well
- Fixed display issue in lesson information about lesson completion rules
- Fixed issue about inserting (in caret) file to editor from file manager
- Fixed issue with update unit/create subunit links when redirected to first uni
- Fixed issue about not sending mass e-mails when a user has not e-mail address
- Fixed issue with new line in lesson information
- Fixed bug about taking into account archived lessons in users page
- Fixed bug about string compare instead of numeric in ini_set
- Fixed bug about importing lesson with glossary terms
- Fixed issue with php.ini when it exists in www folder by copying it to install
- Fixed issue about displaying all tests in reports for a multi-roled user
- Fixed problems with show correct answers and custom css files
- Fixed issue with progress bar when user had seen a deleted unit
- Fixed issue with active field in personal settings
- Fixed bug in storing unit visited into logs
- Fixed issue with background in editor popups and colored themes
- Fixed layout issue with simulatenously showing sidebar and header enabled
- Disabled save button in copy content from another lesson, until ajax response
- Hundreds of smaller fixes and updates
=== Version 3.6.2 build 6550 ===
- Added new automatic importing functionality
- Added multiple coupons functionality (community++)
- Added code for deleting templates cache in upgrade script
- Fixed issue about social page in eF_template_printProjects
- Fixed bug in social page about displaying private comments in professor dashbo
- Fixed bug in importing lesson with reseting files options
- Fixed issue in community edition about deleting a course
- Fixed problem of loading file manager while editing a skill gap test
- Fixed toggling lesson auto complete when using IE6/7
- Fixed toggling courses/categories in the catalog, when using IE6/7
- Added check for OpenSSL libraries need for pdf certificates
- Redo only wrong answered questions improvements
- Deleting a user logs him out first
- Fixed issue with custom blocks and links block
- Added payments notifications
=== Version 3.6.1 build 6440 ===
- Added online help functionality
- Extended tests to allow students to redo only the wrong questions (community++
- Fixed bug about news not taking into account expire field
- Fixed error in forum configuration panel with mysql strict mode
- Fixed bug about not checking course rules in sub-student user types
- Fixed default timezone in configuration to empty string (ticket 120)
- Fixed error in creating user when default group has no lessons or courses
- Fixed displaying payments icon in control panel although user type had no acce
ss to it
- Fixed alphabetical sorting for lessons and courses in index page
- Fixed user type display in forum
- Fixed problem about showing archived users in "Users who share lessons with me
- Fixed display of lessons and courses info by sorting info fields
- Fixed error about active and inactive projects
- Fixed error about displaying archived lessons in user -> getLessons
- Fixed issue with default value and select type in user profile
- Fixed redo test redirecting when showing previous text executions
- Fixed error about displaying edit link in lesson material on professor subtype
with no priviledges
- Added magic_quotes_gpc setting in editor/tiny_mce folder for gz functionality
- Added magic_quotes_runtime to false because of http://www.smarty.net/forums/vi
- Fixed js error on IE in extend user profile
- Fixed bug about displaying shared files in lessons subfolders
- Fixed bug in importing themes overwriting default theme
- Fixed errors when collapsing catalog options
- Fixed issue about corrupting title path when lesson name contains a slash
- Fixed issue with double slash in browse.php returning to editor popups
=== Version 3.6.1 build 6235===
- Fixed content rules not taken into account when auto_complete is on
- Fixed bug in upgrading modules
- Fixed problem in custom blobks with {,} characters
- Fixed issue with lessons info in catalog
- Fixed issue in number of lesson of a course when lesson is archived
- Fixed problem about viewing avatars list in popup
- Fixed sorting of languages based to translation field
- Fixed issue with a notification in community version
- Removed enter voucher field when total price of selected lessons is 0
- Added checkbox for separating if site name and site moto will de displayed in
header (except browser title bar)
- Extended search functionality for glossary
- Fixed problem with moduleIconFunctions in layout
- Fixed problem about considering examples in flashcard module (EF-545)
- Added autologin functionality
- Fixed link for file manager in organization section
- Added default user type in system settings
- Added option in test for forcing students to answer all the questions
- Fixed problem in editing announcements about default date values
- Fixed issue in lesson certificate module about issueCertificate
- Fixed issue about loading tabs in group reporting
- Changed maximize viewable area in creating content. It disappears left and rig
ht sidebars for the unit
=== Version 3.6.0 build 6152 ===
- Added IMS importing functionality
- Fixed issue with "Redirect after logout to" when input starts with http:// (EF
- Added toggle to html mode in module billboard
- Fixed problem of displaying link for tests reports in community version
- Fixed problem about conflicted forms with entities
- Fixed paths in smiles icons for chat
- Fixed bug about export chat history (EF-526)
- Fixed bug about importing user with invalid user type
- Fixed js error about undefined getPeriodicData
- Added disable tooltip option
- Fixed test analysis charts not loading with PHP 5.1.x
- Fixed voucher code not being accepted as valid in certain circumstances
- Fixed free enrollment not working with encrypted urls
- Fixed questions correction from the professor (un)setting unit completion stat
- Fixed refresh of sidebar when changing lesson in professor
- Added header hide option
- Added job self-registering and activating supervisor with branch information c
ustom profile field
- Added hiddenHeader style for horizontal template
- Fixed problem with unicode characters in calendar tooltip
- Fixed problem in horizontal themes with search box by calling eF_formatTitlePa
th that was missing
- Fixed forum configuration panel that was missing
- Fixed EF-534. If a lesson is available only via course, it can not be hidden f
rom catalog
- Fixed error when adding additional option in multiple questions with IE7
- Added additional check whether themes directories are recursively writable
- Fixed copying media along with questions and tests
- Fixed issue when editing a notification (EF-539)
- Fixed error in selecting recipients in community edition (EF-537)
- Fixed SCORM score reporting in user and test reports
- Fixed test reporting for SCORM test units
- Fixed nested categories indentation
- Fixed problem with editor templates in Internet Explorer
- Fixed deleting multiple units at once
- Disabled copying to a lesson from itself
=== Version 3.6.0 build 5997 ===
- Fixed phplivedocx configuration file creation
- Fixed upgrading from 3.5.5 not retaining all kinds of custom blocks
- Fixed community ++ issue where users where archived instead of being deleted
- Fixed issue with error appearing when deleting users
- Fixed issue with listing archived lessons in new notification list
- Fixed theme exporting problem
- Added allow_url_fopen = on to recommended PHP settings
- Fixed manual payments error
- Added option for automatically completing unit
- Added m4v files in filemanager insert to editor
- Fixed issue with ie6 theme and css path
- Fixed editor loading issue when upgrading to 3.6
- Fixed auto completion of courses for IE7
- Fixed multiple instances of sidebar appearing when users enrolled to a lesson
they already had (EF-512)
- Fixed import/export users page dropping off page borders (EF-507)
- The lesson language no longer appears in the lesson info, when a single langua
ge is set
to be used throughout the system (EF-496)
- Added "Print content" lesson property
- Added list of not solved tests in user progress
- List of category now does not include other categories' lessons and courses (E
- Fixed issue with tags and scripts when printing a unit
- Fixed deleting categories containing archived items
- Fixed SCORM content alert box popping up after error
- Fixed bug in content management when more than one possible action was set
- Fixed leaving orphaned entities while deleting lesson
- Fixed bug about new message link for user types with only view permissions in
- Added object{position: relative; z-index: 0} in css for properly display video
s and tooltips together.
Objects also need <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
- Added events in lesson initialization list
- Fixed SCORM 1.2 detected as 2004 in enterprise edition
- Fixed requesting sidebar in horizontal themes
- Fixed SCORM completion rules not taking into account empty units
- Fixed SCORM completion icon showing up correctly when coexisting with tests
- Fixed loosing questions' unit information when they are deactivated
- Fixed issue with lessons catalog not displaying hidden lessons

=== Version 3.6.0 build 5831 ===

- Added missing scorm.js file in latest build
=== Version 3.6.0 build 5830 ===
- Installation fixes to better support 3.5.x upgrades (logo, motto, custom block
- Edition separation in statistics fix
- Fixed custom footer to replace default
- When duplicate formatted user names appear, the login is displayed in order to
tell who is who
- Added maintain test history setting
- Added user configurable random pool option
- Added optional prerequisite for php_soap, which is needed by phplivedocx
- Fixed custom header propagating from 3.5.5 to 3.6.0, even though it's not supp
orted there
- Fixed user names not displaying in project assignment list
- Fixed issue with not displaying media list properly in edit theme block
- Fixed issue with editor link popup window not displaying content list correctl
- Security fix for editor browsing popup
- Fixed default notifications missing in upgrades
- Fixed students not to have access to lessons that are not activated, from the
- Fixed dashboard results not to list information for ineligible lessons
- Fixed forum list not displaying when the user does not have lessons
- Fixed complete unit with question issue
- Fixed "Passed all tests" completion condition displaying form data
- Fixed completion conditions displaying units and tests even if the lesson does
n't have any
=== Version 3.6.0 build 5751 ===
eFront 3.6.0 is a completely new version, introducing many important new feature
and important enhancements in all aspects of the platform. The hightlights of th
version are:
* 3x Faster than the 3.5.x branch
* Greater interoperability
* Rich set of social tools, including facebook integration
* SCORM 2004 4th edition compatible
* Advanced reporting
* Smart communication
* Improved payments support
* Available in a plethora of themes
* Archive support
* Smart import of data
* Revamped certifications
* Auto-update

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