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Old English Witchcraft 1

The Natural Religion of the English Speaking Peoples

The Story of The Goddess Dana of the Tuatha De Danaans (Freyja) and The All Father (Odin)
The Origin and Creation of the Wicca Faith

By the Scald Nate. With lots of help from Lady Pandora!

Colors of the Runes - The Words of a Goddess and Lady Pandora, The Words of a God,
other colors for emphasis and Truths Written In Blood.

Chapter 1 The Early Years
Chapter 2 Dainn’s Nine Worlds Tour
Chapter 3 The Aesir - Vanir War
Chapter 4 The Origin of Wicca and The Peace Treaty
Chapter 5 Ragnarak – A Joint Cause
Chapter 6 Summary
Chapter 7 About The Scald

Copyrighted information used in this book is presented under the Fair Use Doctrine of the United
States Copyright Act (section 107 of title 17) which states: 'the fair use of a copyrighted work...for
purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not
an infringement of copyright.' In practice the courts have decided that anything which does not
financially harm the copyright holder is fair use.

This story is derived exclusively from ancient Celtic and Viking legends and texts. Logical
analysis was used in organizing and combining these Ancient Celt and Viking Theologies.
Chapter 1

The Early Years

Dana, Danann or Dainn (Freyja- Viking name) and her twin brother Lugh (Frey his Viking
name) were born in Vanaheim. Her father is Ciann (Njord), leader of the Vanir. Her mother is
unnamed in the sacred myths and lore. The Vanir name for Freyr (Lugh-Celtic) is lost, but we do
know the name of his son - Cú Chulainn. The ann or ainn may indicate a Dynasty title for the
Tuath(a) Dé Danann?

“Whence came up Njorth | to the kin of the Gods,--

(Rich in temples | and shrines he rules,--)
Though of Gods he was never begot?"

Vafthruthnir spake:
"In the home of the Wanes | did the wise ones create him,
And gave him as pledge to the Gods;
At the end of Ragnarok | shall he return
Home to the Wanes so wise."
VAFTHRUTHNISMOL- The Ballad of Vafthruthnir

Eventually, Freyja as was made queen of Alfheim, one of the two

Elven worlds. Her Alfheim name is Dainn.

“Odin for Aesir, and Dainn for the Elves, Dvalin for the Dwarfs,
Asvid for the Giants, (and for Midgard (earth)) I myself carve
some.” Havamal 143

A Queen Loses Her Throne: Dainn (Day in) or Dannan (Day nen)
was the Queen of Alfheim as indicated in Havamal 143. But she
lost her throne to Freyr (her brother). ... “Alfheim, the Gods gave
to Freyr in bygone days as tooth-payments.” Grimnir's Sayings 5, from The
Poetic Edda translated by Carolyne Larrington.
Wow, that tooth fairy business
Queen Dainn, Dana or Danu must be way more important that I thought. This contention over
among Elves and Celts. Known as
Freyja and Frig with the Vikings. the rule of Alfheim must have been a hurtful event. So much so
that the former Queen of Alfheim and her tribe called the Tuatha
De Danaans by the Celts left their world of Alfheim and came to Earth, (Midgard) to settle.

The Tuatha De Danaans or Vanir came specifically to Europe (not just Ireland) as both Ireland
and Britain was still connected to the rest of Europe at the time during the last Ice Age. The
arrival of the Tuatha De Danaans was NOT an invasion and occurred much earlier that thought.

The Tuatha De Danaans Become the Gods of the Celts.

The Tuatha De Danaans (Elves) had come to a new and
strange world and they needed help to survive. They
befriended the local inhabitants: the Neanderthals,
Denisovans, and European Homo Sapiens and learned
from them. Due to the Danaans sexual free for all
attitude the 3 native races bended with the Elves and
became the Modern European Human - See Old English
Witchcraft 2. These Gods taught us how to make iron,
about the magickal folks, sacred trees, Sabats and Esbats,
the Celtic myths and sacred lore, Ogham writing, the
teaching that the soul is immortal, magick, and more.
Additionally, “Dáinn, an elf introduced the runes to her
race” according to Hávamál.

Wicca Established On Earth: The Tuatha De Danaans (Elves) taught what would later be called
Celtic Culture and Faith of Celtic Wicca to the Europeans.

A Local Enemy: Not all were happy with the Celts and their Elf Gods. The Formorians were
vicious and they wanted to annihilate these invades from another world. The Formorians used
iron weapons which make them a magick immune enemy. This placed the Celts in a bad position
as they did not practice the martial arts and almost exclusively relied on magick. The Celts faced

Magick cannot solve all problems.

Iron, the Anti-Magick: The Poetic Eddia tells us that Vikings placed iron on the front and back
of the ship to protect from magick. There are in fact multiple cultures that consider iron anti-

Kryptonite: For example the Judo-Christian God is weakened

when near iron.

“And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the
inhabitants of the mountain; but he could not drive out the
inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.”
Judges 1:19.

Here we have the “All-Powerful Yhvh” being stopped by a

couple of chariots!!?? I wonder what an M-1 tank would do!!!
Newby’s will spin and say the chariots cause tactical problems for foot soldiers. I agree
concerning soldiers, but not for the “All-Powerful Yhvh himself!” Newby’s have been
pondering this “Mystery” for several millennia!! Considering the fact that the Israelites had
defeated chariots before … what’s the big deal with these chariots? They were made of Iron!
Iron is Yhvh’s kryptonite! Read on!
“So that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house (Temple of
Yhvh), while it was in building.” I Kings 6:7.

“As Moses the servant of the LORD commanded the children of Israel, as it is written in the
book of the law of Moses, an altar of whole stones, over which no man hath lift up any iron: and
they offered thereon burnt offerings unto the LORD, and sacrificed peace offerings.” Joshua

“You will not go near for fear of iron.”

Isa. 7:25 The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible

Here is the origin of Iron being anti-magick. There are several sacred myths that show that iron
repels fairies and fays. Many Pagans today will remove all iron from themselves and their
religious site or circle. However, Old English Wicca does not prohibit iron. It appears that
multiple Pagan Gods held no prohibition to iron and many hold iron as a sacred metal and iron
was used in ancient worship of them. For example, the sword and cauldron used inside the
magick circle are composed of iron. Old English Wicca prohibits iron only if the God or
Goddess being invoked prohibits iron. I know of only one God that prohibits iron- Jehovah.

Dainn Obtains Dainsleaf: Queen Dainn of the Midgard Elves (Celts) sought out a defense
against the anti-magick Formorians. She had heard that the Dwarves had non-magickal weapons
called “technology”.

Dainn is not the only God to obtain Dwarf technology. For example, Thor's hammer Mjolnir and
Odin's spear Gungnir (dwarves made it for Odin out of sunlight and that it was from a pre-
Asgard world leftover from the previous
Ragnarok) were obtained at great cost from the
Dwarves. In fact, the Dwarves technology was
consider so advanced that they could even create
Humans called Cylons – See Battlestar Galatica.

Dainn decided to pay Svartalheim a visit.

Normally, Svartalheim is a very secure location,
but as Dain approached the gates… they swung
open. The Dwarves guarding the gate were
instantly “pussy whipped” because of her
astonishing beauty. Visits by Elves to
Svartalheim were exceptionally rare!

She Can Open Doors With A Smile.

As she entered the Dwarves compound, She announced, “All eyes on me - I have come to see the
wonders of the Dwarves and to PARTY tonight” and everyone flocked see and to talk with her
and offer her their wares. A woman of such great beauty is usually… uppity! She surprised
many as she was down to earth, not stuck-up, and would talk kindly to anyone about anything.
But most of all she was… genuine! She had come to the
Dwarves to save her people! This endeared her to the people
of Svartalheim! As night fall occurred she asked “where’s
the party?” Dwarves were not accustomed to parties as they
were a bunch of work-a-holics. But they put together a party
just because she wanted one. That night Dainn danced with
every Dwarf calling each of them by their own name – She
had a great time!

As the days went by she talked about needing a weapon that

would not interfere with her magick. Many of the Dwarves
were falling over each other to offer Her their best
technological weapons. One of the weapons stood out, a
sword made from a leaf. Dainn loves nature and is called
Mother Nature by many. The sword being a plant (not iron)
would also not interfere with her magick. She offered to buy
the sword for gold, but the dwarf said they traded only in
technology, products, and services not silver or gold.
Dwarves have an excess of gold and silver! Dainn had no technology or products to trade with.
The Dwarf asked Dainn how do Elves trade in Vanaheim? Dain answered, “Oh, I would simply
bang your brains out for it.”

The following
morning, She with
the sword in hand
walked out the gate,
blowing kisses at the
Dwarves as she left.
The Dwarves called
out … come back
anytime! She
thought to herself –
the Dwarfs are geeks,
an work-a-holics, but
they can really show
a girl a good time!
She named the sword “Dainn’s Leaf” (It never misses and always kills). This was the first of her
many visits to obtain the Dwarves technology.
Ours Goddesses Have Been Hacked: The lying
pseudo-Christian historians “attempted” to show
that our faith denied women even the basic rights
as human beings. For example, a women could be
forced to marry; were not allowed to carry
weapons or serve in the military; had no political
rights like voting or holding political office (they
even changed Queen’s names to male names). And
most of all ….they cannot choose who they make
love with!

While it is acceptable for men brag about their

sexual prowess, pseudo-Christian translators and slanders have “displayed” our Goddesses as
being ashamed of their natural sexual nature. They attack even today, the natural sexual desires
of Women by slandering Women and Goddesses when they exercise their rights to sex.

Any and all Celtic or Viking myths and lore that show Women’s rights abused must be
completely disregarded as Christian corruption. The myths and lore must be changed
back to honor Goddesses and Woman.

What is their Agenda: First Women do not have the right to choose who they have sex with –
Women are the property of a man. Further, they wanted to show that no matter how bad
Christian women had it, Wicce or Viking Women had it worse under the Pagan Gods. That way
Christian women would never consider escaping to the Wicce or Viking Faith to obtain rights!

What is their Motivation: What do pseudo-Christians really think about Women and their rights?
- I will let Christians themselves tell you:

[For women] the very consciousness of their own nature must evoke feelings of shame.–Saint
Clement of Alexandria, Christian theologian (c150-215) Pedagogues II, 33, 2

Woman is a misbegotten man and has a faulty and defective nature in comparison to his.
Therefore she is unsure in herself. What she cannot get, she seeks to obtain through lying and
diabolical deceptions. And so, to put it briefly, one must be on one's guard with every woman, as
if she were a poisonous snake and the horned devil. ... Thus in evil and perverse doings woman is
cleverer, that is, slyer, than man. Her feelings drive woman toward every evil, just as reason
impels man toward all good. –Saint Albertus Magnus, Dominican theologian, 13th century

The word and works of God is quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or
prostitutes. –Martin Luther, Reformer (1483-1546)

Do not any longer contend for mastery, for power, money, or praise. Be content to be a private,
insignificant person, known and loved by God and me. . . . of what importance is your character
to mankind, if you was buried just now. Or if you had never lived, what loss would it be to the
cause of God. –John Wesley, founder of Methodist Church (1703-1791), letter to his wife, July
15, 1774
The second duty of the wife is constant obedience and subjection. –John Dod, A Plaine and
Familiar Exposition of the Ten Commandments, Puritan guidebook first published in 1603

A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband, even as the church
willingly submits to the headship of Christ. –Official statement of Southern Baptist Convention,
Summer 1998, (15.7 million members).

Restoring the Truth: Any and all myths and lore that show Women’s rights abused must be
completely disregarded as Christian corruption. The Aesir would have never done it as the
Asynjor would have never tolerated it. The myths and lore must be changed back to honor

The Rights of Wicce - Viking Women: For the record all the
above pseudo-Christian comments are insulting, a completely a
lie, and totally unnatural.

That Which Is Natural Is the Will of the Gods

Archaeology, sociology, logic, and authentic myths and lore;

overwhelmingly prove that Women have equal and greater
rights than men.

The fact is, Women could not be forced to marry –as she would
likely kill her imposed husband.

Women had the same rights to carry arms as anyone else and
was well trained in those weapons – so if a man wanted evil she
could very competently deal with him. They had political rights and many were queens and
generals, lawyers, doctors, and any occupation she wished. Women were warriors – the graves
of Vikings, Celts, and Anglo-Saxons are occupied by Warrior Women. The status of Women in
military service is the litmus test for any civilization on Equality!

Lady Pandora adds. Why would Aesir Faith Women want to go to war? The same reason men
went to war! A chance at Valhalla, where the Warrior Women could eat the best of food, drink
the best spirits, fight, and fornicate with all those sexy muscle bound warriors, sooooo pretty
elves, and with the mighty (in girth and length) Aesir Gods themselves until Ragnarök. (No I
didn’t write this!!!” “Do you gals really think this way!!??” – “OMG”). These Warrior Women
are normal, natural, and honorable.

There is no sexual restraint with Goddesses!

The God El in Ugaritic Mythical Poem. The Hebrew Goddess pp. 141.

In every Pagan religion, Goddesses always had the right to choose their lovers and were
aggressive in getting what they want. The above statement is not insulting or disrespectful to
Women and Goddesses, but is flattery. The statement reveals something about a Woman’s
natural, but repressed psychosocial nature – her power.

Goddesses set the example for women as the Gods for men. Goddesses were not ashamed or
embarrassed at all by their love-making or sex drive! They in fact, were very proud of it and
there were no negative stereotypes what-so-ever! In fact, praising a woman’s skill in bed was a
social normal for the Celts and Vikings-

“Do not praise a maid before she is bedded.” Odin – The Havamal

A Woman has as much Right as a Man to choose her Lovers

Lady Pandora - Equal Rights My A$$: Wiccan-Viking Women simply would not settle for
just being mere equals with men. Equal rights as a term - is an insult! Their thoughts are more
of an attitude described best by Marylyn Monroe.

Powerful Women: It is well established in Pagan religions that

Goddesses in fact, would be insulted if a mortal did not fine them
“irresistible”. There are many examples of this in mythology
around the world.

Many powerful Women also knew the power of their “attraction.”

In fact, Elizabeth I of England demanded “compliments” from the
many men who appeared at her Court. If a man did not provide
the demanded “compliment” he would face the furor of the Queen
(being quite emasculating) and rudely shown the door. Many
powerful women reflect this natural attribute: Catherine II (The
Great) of Russia (my favorite), Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt, Maria Theresa
of Austria, Roman Empress Theodora (a prostitute), and Empress Wu Zetian (a concubine).

Many women today feel empowered when men love, desire, and adore them – this is a natural
part of powerful women! Many Women like it when a man wants and desires them, even if it
can never be. This is normal! This is natural!

See any Psychology book that has analyzed the effects of a women who becomes wealthy or
powerful. Understanding Human Behavior - James V. McConnell. I call this the Marylyn Monroe doctrine.

[Warning the contents below are sacred man stuff only – Women are not allowed to read… So
just move to the next chapter.]

What Are Wiccan Men to Do: Gentlemen, Warriors, Farmers, Workers, Kings, and Gods we are
the victims of a Battle of the Sexes. A battle that SHE intends to win! Our opponent the
Goddess or Woman (one can never really tell) is more intelligent than us. She uses the magick
of her airs (perfume, and make-up) and beauty; all in her bid to make us her slave. In fact, a fact
that I know, the female is the most dangerous animal in the world.

So What is the Plan: Let her win! Why? Because we can’t win. Why? Because we won’t stop
fraternizing with the enemy (no one thinks to ask why). Yes, we shall lose, as the ancient
prophecy say’s we are to “place her upon a Pedestal.” While it is true that all men want women
to rule them, she must not have an easy victory. Easy victories are not cherished. So guys, put
up a tough battle. Enjoy the fight and have great fun with it. For a women in the throes of battle
may reveal her true self to you! A woman that can reveal her true self to you can also fall in love
with you. Thus we win by losing!

You read it didn’t you. Shame, oh shame on you. Goddess – you fight like a girl!

The War Begins: The Formorians begin their attack against the Celts. Dain and her forces
were about to counter attack when… A wormhole opens from Vanaheim her father Ciann (called
Njorn by the Vikings) is a master-mind of military tactics and he brings his whole army from
Vannaheim. Another wormhole opened from Alfheim, her brother Freyr (called Lugh on
Midgard) had heard that the Tuatha Dé Danann are in serious military trouble. He gathered his
army, leaves his (disputed) kingdom of Alfheim, and travels to earth. Once Lugh (a master of
the martial arts) arrives the Tuatha Dé Danann knowing his great skills make him their military
commander. (In the Celtic myth, Lugh was a total stranger and was made military commander
out of the blue – this is dangerously illogical and likely pseudo-Christian corruption). Lugh
leads the Tuatha Dé Danann to victory and secured their safety. The severely corrupted Celtic
myth describes the war:

“By morning the second battle of Moytura between the Danaans and Formorians was in full force. Many had died on both
sides. Already Nuadha of the Silver Arm and Macha had died from Balar's magic eye. The eye had the power to kill with a
glance. The battle continued several hours more until the sun was at its highest peak. Balar's eye was tired from all the battle
and the bright sun, so the eyelid drooped over the eye. Lugh seeing his opportunity, attacked Balar by casting a spear (some
translations say stone) into Balar's eye. The spear passed through Balar's eye and brain killing twenty-seven warriors standing
behind him. Balar fell to the ground dead. The Fomoire seeing their champion and King defeated, lost heart and surrendered to
the Danaans.”

The Celts are Demi-Gods: Demigods

are individuals who have one parent
being a God or Goddess and the other
parent being mortal. The Danaans,
are the non-human mystery race that
blends with the 3 species of
Europeans. With this union, Celts
inherited the ability to perform
magick and immortal souls. Þiðreks saga
and Hrólfs saga kraka.

Earth Becomes an Elven World:

Blood has been spilt by Elves for Midgard. The natives are of
Elven blood. With the Victory over the Formorians and a
secure Midgard an election was held. Midgard was voted to
become an official 3rd Elven world.

Humans became Elves and started calling themselves elves.

Human calling themselves Elves is preserved in the modern
English words of: self (I am Elf), myself, ourselves (We are
Elves), herself (She Elf) and himself (He Elf).

Queen Dain: Now had her own Heim or Realm. Freyr and
Freyr or Lugh She did patch-up their relationship, but she still resented the
loss of Alfheim. But such conflicts must wait as there is
trouble coming from a new race of Gods called the Asgard. Cainn and Lugh then returns to their

Yes, Freyr had taken the Crown from the Tuatha Dé Danann Goddess Dain in Alfheim, but he
still came to the aid of his sister and kin! Why?

Blood is thicker than Water.

The Gods Resettle: Later several of the Danaans withdrew from earth (Midgard) returning to
Alfheim or Vanaheim. Likely after the end of the Vanir and Aesir War! They likely returned to
restore Queen Dain to the throne of Alfheim as Freyr was to be a peace treaty hostage of the
Aesir Gods to end the war between them an could no longer be a King.

The Danaans and Celts Pact: The Danaans did not just abandon their children, kin, and relations.
Many choose to stay in Midgard, and others visit often from the other realms, and some settled
under the earth. To keep the connection vibrant, a pact was made between them. A condition of
the pact is the Danaans would receive homage and offerings from the Celts and they would be
our Gods.

Wiccans today honor our obligations under this treaty and offer a libation to the Elves or
Fairies at each celebration or circle.
Chapter 2

Dainn’s Nine Worlds Tour

Reason for the Tour: Dainn after the war had a realm that was at peace. Her “sword” Dain’s
Leaf from the Dwarves had served her well in the war. Elves generally did not interface with the
other races. They never visited their worlds and certainly never traded with them. However,
Dain thought what other tools and weapons might be useful in the 6 other worlds. So Dainn
disguised herself and called herself by different names and visited the 6 worlds.

She visited the Jotuns, called Ice Giants who live in the world of Jotunheim. She was
temporarily engaged to one giant. It seems to have been a very bad break-up – for the giant!

She visited Asgard under the name of Gullveig as a fortune teller.

Brisingamen: Dainn paid another visit to the Dwarves one day. As she
entered the gates She said, “Boys the party has arrived!” As usual the
Dwarves flocked to show Her all the new technologies they made “just
for Her”. One item caught her eye – Brisingamen - "The Jewel Whose
Power Cannot be Resisted." Brising meaning fire, specifically the fire
of Lust and Love. Men meaning jewel and it also means men. To She
elves men are precious jewels! This has been preserved in our modern
slang of men with their family jewels.

Brisingamen is a technology consisting of a

single red jewel (a diamond) with the power to
make any man fall in love or lust with its
wearer. Giving great influential power over
men to do what She wants. It will also turn the
tears of the wearer into gold.


Dainn just had to have Brisingamen (What power over men She
could have) so She purchased it by sleeping with the four
dwarves that made it. Women following Dainn’s lead, will
wear jewelry to gain power over men.

The Falcon Feather Cloak: The sacred myths and lore do not tell
us where She got the cloak. That’s because she was born with
the cloak. In fact, all Pagan Goddesses are born with wings that
are detachable and can be folded so close to the body that they
cannot be seen. All Pagan Goddesses can transform into birds,
Freyja a Falcon and Isis a Dove. But there is much more to this
story! Read on…
The Bird Goddess. There has been many archaeological finds of a Bird
Goddess worshipped by prehistoric Europeans. The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe,
Gimbutas, Marija, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, reprint 1990, pp. 112-145.

“Ēostre or Ostara (Old English: Ēastre

[æːɑstre], Northumbrian dialect Ēostre
[eːostre]; Old High German: *Ôstara
(reconstructed form) is a Germanic
Goddess who, by way of the Germanic
month bearing her name (Northumbrian:
Ēosturmōnaþ; West Saxon: Ēastermōnaþ; Old High
German: Ôstarmânoth ), is the namesake of the festival of
Easter in some languages. Ēostre is attested solely by Bede
in his 8th-century work The Reckoning of Time, where
Venerable Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaþ (the
equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in
Ēostre's honor Eostre (Easter).”

Eostre (Easter) is one of our ancient Bird Goddesses. Bird Goddesses can be followed
throughout history. Ancient Babylon has Gods with wings so did the Egyptians. Even the
ancient Israelites had their winged Cherubim in their Holy of Holies. Newby’s got their
description of the female angel with bird wings from our Bird Goddess. I wonder if the practice
of calling women “birds” (Englishmen) and “chicks” (American men) is an ancient reference to
the Priestesses of this Bird Goddess?

The origin of Easter Eggs – the Bird Goddess lays them and then gives them away.

Birds in the spring begin their migration back to Europe after the winter. Such an organized
migration had to be the work of a deity, the Bird Goddess.
For the prehistoric people, birds (Humans can eat any bird)
and the eggs they laid were a vital food source. The Bird
Goddess like all birds laid eggs, but her eggs were special!
Her eggs were given decorations thus, Easter eggs. The
ancient Egyptians and Persians also celebrated this Sabat
with decorated eggs thousands of years before the
resurrection of Christ.
The Celts called the Bird Goddess Blodeuwedd. Her story is
the Easter myth and you can read about her in the
Mabinogion. Variants of the bird Goddess are found in the
winged Sumerian Goddess Lilitu and the winged Greek
Goddess Hecate.

Blodeuwedd's story is not about the dominance of men over

women as the feminists claim. It's about the Wiccan Rede
and the three fold law. If you use magick even as an
accomplice to harm another you will suffer three times that harm and that's exactly what
happened to Blodeuwedd. This myth also tells us that even the Gods are subject to the Wiccan
Chapter 3
The Aesir - Vanir War
A Logical Analysis

Before the War: “The Gods were lying in the beautiful meadows that surrounded Asgard
playing games on golden gameboards without a care. The Goddesses were gossiping while they
weaved gold and silver threads into beautiful garments and beddings. Their children, who they
watched with the careful eyes of a mother, played in the fields running and laughing to and fro.
The Gods and Goddesses never knew of war and strife. Behind their great wall, built long ago by
a Jotun, they were sure they were safe from any and all harm. That is if an enemy could get past
the ever vigilant Heimdallr (Who could hear the grass grow! Their world was their heaven and
they were peaceful and content. Idunn visited the God and Goddesses, giving each of them one
of the golden apples that they trusted only with her. With each bite of this fruit the Aesir was
granted the promise of eternal youth. Everyone in Asgard was happy and content on this day, as
they were on all days. Everyone that is but one, the All - Father.”

“Odin, from his high - seat in Hlidskjalf, was very concerned! From
this sacred throne he could see out over all the nine worlds, and
know what was happening in each. Nothing missed the All - Father's
watchful eyes, and he did not like what he was seeing. Events were
changing in the nine worlds that could be very detrimental to the
Aesir. The Jotuns had multiplied, and were ever so slowly pushing
towards Midgard. The three Jotun - Maidens (the Norns) were great
cause for concern as well. They were monstrous to look at, and had
recently set down laws for men to follow, and were starting to
control the destiny of mankind. Odin also felt threatened by their
knowledge of the past, present, and most especially the future -

The Cause of the War: “Odin for Aesir, and Dain for the elves, Dvalin for the dwarfs, Asvid for
the giants, I myself carve some". ~~Havamal 143

Odin ever in preparation for Ragnarak decided to gather the best warriors from all the 9 worlds
including the Elven Worlds of Vanaheim, Alfheim, and Midgard.

Njord, leader of Vanaheim was surprised when he received reports of dead warrior Elves souls
were being removed from the battlefield in Elven Worlds by Asgard Valkyries. He thought, we
have no dealings with the Aesir and they have no dealings with us. Why would they take our
souls? What are they doing with them? He decided to send his daughter Dain (Freyja) (Queen
of the Elves on Midgard) being exceptionally skilled in magick to investigate.
The Poetic Edda - “When She came to a house, the Witch who
saw many things, wolves She tamed, She enchanted wands,
She enchanted and divined what she could. In a trance She
practiced (Seidr) magick and brought delight to evil women.”

Note the word “Witch” above! The word is correctly

translated. The word is the equivalent to the Old
English/Anglo-Saxon Wicce. This author accused Freyja of
being the equivalent of a Wiccan!

Freyja the Spy: Freyja disguised as Gullveig left Midgard

(earth) via the Bifrost to Asgard to peddle her trade of
fortune-telling as a cover. She also spied on the Defenses of
Asgard. The Aesir despised magick, but if you wish to cause
discord with a people, then go to the low. Gullveig made
promises of riches and power - that actually came true for these
“evil women.”

Note She left from Earth- There must be some connection with
Freyja and the earth. I wonder what it could be?

“The name Gullveig is a compound word comprised of the words gull,

“gold,” and veig, “alcoholic drink, intoxication” or “power, strength.”
Its meaning, then, can hardly be anything other than “the madness and
corruption caused by this precious metal.” http://norse-mythology.org/gullveig/

The necklace of Brisingamen gave her the technological power to cry

tears made of Gold, which She gave away!

Gullveig, after gaining their

confidence began to sow discord
and disagreement among the
Asgard people.

It was not long before she determined that out of all the Gods
- Odin was preparing for war and he became the focus of her
intelligence. She followed him to the place of the Norns
where she watched him obtain the Runes. Such a power
cannot be a foes alone, so she obtained the Runes as well and
taught them to her people on earth (Midguard). Knowing the
language of your enemy can provide intelligence.
Later Freyja reported to her father that the souls of their kin are being taken to …Helheim. The
Elves (Celts) do not have an
after-life punishment and were
very disturbed by their people
being “tortured” in Hell. Who
was this unjust judge that
decided what Elves went to hell
and which Elves were released
to return to their people? Njord
immediately called for council
to deal with such an evil act!

Freyja had discovered much

intelligence about Helheim.

The council decided to have the

Morrigan Goddesses raid
Helheim and rescue the Elven
souls. Next, they were to
prevent the Valkyrie from taking the souls from the battlefield.

A battle between the Morrigan and Valkyrie ensued.

Freyja continued her spying on Odin!

Odin’s Reaction: “Odin was most concerned however, by

the resurgence of the Old Ones known as the Vanir. These
Gods lived in the world known as Vanaheim, and were
using their Magic, to upset (his plans for Ragnarök) the
balance of the universe. Odin thought on this long and hard,
weighing all possibilities and options. He consulted
seeresses, and even went to see Mimir to seek his advice
and counsel. Finally, Odin decided that it was time to take

Odin held a council with the other Gods, and they carefully
considered the situation that was developing before them.
They discussed for long hours the prospects of both war and
peace. The debate at times became quite heated with
violence being only narrowly avoided. Finally, everyone
was in agreement that something had to be done about the
Vanir, who had trampled on their honor. And that revenge
was required to restore it. The decision was made, they
would go to war, annihilate the intrusive Vanir Gods, and
destroy Vanaheim. Not one of the Gods, not even mild mannered Bragi, talked of peace that
The Elves Reaction: Gullveig reported the threats made against them, they asked Gullveig to be
their envoy. In Asgard, Gullveig revealed herself to be Freyja, a Vanir Ambassador and asked to
meet with the Aesir. They agreed.

The Aesir Council: “In the great

Asgardian hall, Gullveig warned the Aesir
council that any and all credible threats
(like taking Elven and human souls to
Helheim), or encroachment of any kind on
Vanaheim, would lead to war. To back her
warnings, and to give strength and meaning
to her words, she showed them her
powerful Magick. Odin, whose council had
already decided on war, was furious by her
brash show of defiance. And she had the
audacity to do it (magick) right there in his
sacred hall! Odin could take no more, he
broke his own sacred decree about spilling
blood in the ancient holy hall; he picked up his spear Gungnir, and shot it into Gullveig.
Countless spears were cast at Gullveig that day to no avail – (as she was completely unharmed).
In Odin's hall they burned her body three times, but three times she was re - born.”

“The war I remember, the first in the world,

When the Gods with spears had smitten Gollveig,
And in the hall of Hor had burned her,
Three times burned, and three times born,
Oft and again, yet ever she lives.”

The Aesir unable to kill this little girl were frightened and let her go (as “IF” they could stop her
from leaving!)! Freyja reported the events to Vanaheim!

Freyja was the First Witch to be Burned at the stake.

The Elven Council: “When Njord heard of these atrocities (Freyja is an Ambassador and is
entitled to diplomatic immunity), he called the Vanir into council, and asked for a vote of war
against the Aesir. Freyr jumped to his feet, raised his mighty sword that fought by itself, and
cried out, "Revenge for our Queen of Magick, Gullveig. All then rose in unison, and shouted for
war. It is said that this shout could be heard throughout all of the nine worlds. Njord simply said
quietly, Then war it shall be! "

“Njord, Gathered his army in Vanaheim. Freyr returned to Alfheim to prepare his armies for war
and to attack. Freyja returned to Midgard to gather her folk for battle and to attack Asgard via
the Bifrost. It was to be a three front assault.
"They put on their coats of mail, bright silver helmets, and belted sharp swords on their sides. All
was made ready for an attack on the great citadel that was Asgard. Most rode on white horses to
the field of battle, some however, wore feather coats and flew above the horse soldiers. The
peace was over, the war about to begin!”

The War of the Gods:

The Pre-Battle: “Odin did not know how the Vanir had sneaked by Heimdallr and into Asgard,
but he suspected Vanir magic.”

[Note: Freyja had traveled to Asgard via the Bifrost from Midgard… Again. She obviously has
a connection to Earth.]

[Note: Heimdallr is the watchman of the Gods, and he sits on the

edge of heaven to guard the Bifröst bridge. Heimdallr requires
less sleep than a bird, can see at night just as well as if it were
day, and for over a hundred leagues. Heimdallr's hearing is also
quite keen; he can hear grass as it grows on the earth, wool as it
grows on sheep, and anything louder.]

Enter Freyja’s Special Forces 1: Freyja’s earth army walks

right by Heimdallr and he does not have a clue. Since the Aesir
did not believe it was possible for anyone to get by Heimdallr
they provided no guards or security from Midgard. So they
walked right into Asgard and set powerful magick spells on
sections of the walls. [I know a spell to destroy walls, but it must
be cast from behind the walls].

The Aesir Lines: “Behind their great wall, with his cavalry, and holding the middle of the battle
line, Odin sat upon his mount in overall command. On his right was his son Thor, and Tyr held
the line steady on the left.”

The Vanir Lines: In the fields outside the great wall of Asgard the Vanir looked weak, and
unimpressive to Odin. They were far fewer in number than the Aesir, and seemed spread out and
disorganized. Some wore no armor at all, but seemed to be covered in feathers.

Attack: “Odin had seen enough, he decided to clear the fields outside of the great wall of these
unwelcomed trespassers. He decided to take the offensive and attack! He did however, leave
Balder and Hodr in reserve behind the wall to defend Asgard just in case. Odin was the wisest of
the Aesir and never took foolish chances if he did not have to, and a reserve seemed like a sound
decision. Odin laughed and thought that Balder and Hodr would not be needed anyway,
because these Vanir Gods and Goddesses were not known for their pension for war, but for love
and fertility. They would never be able to stand before the onslaught of the Aesir War Gods!”

“The great gates of Asgard were slowly opened, and out poured first Thor's legion, on the right,
followed immediately by Tyr's legion on the left. After lining up in perfect lines of battle, they
shouted a great war cry and ran at the Vanir at full speed. Then Odin, with Loki riding by his
side, streamed through the gap between Thor's troops and Tyr' s troops with his cavalry, and
attacked at full gallop.”

Enter Freyja’s Special Forces 2: “Then one of

the Vanir, a woman in full battle dress, who
Odin recognized as Njord's daughter Freyja…”

[Note: Freyja and her army was inside Asgard

placing spells on walls. They walked right
passed Balder’s and Hodr’s reserve armies and
passed by Odin’s, Thor's, and Tyr's troops. She
then placed herself directly in front of Odin
where she could be seen by him. She wanted
Odin to know that it was She…]

[Magickal Combat: A direct magickal attack

against the Aesir (like the Formorians) could
not occur as they were armed with iron
weapons. However, Freyja had learned that
magick can be cast on things around iron.]

“Freyja knelt down and raised her hands to the

sky. Odin smiled, there would be no
surrendering now! But the great magical
warrior Freyja was not surrendering, she was
Gold and silver armor. Swords are plants! summoning! Suddenly, the thickest fogs that
had ever hit Asgard rolled in, and enveloped
everything on the battlefield. Njord raised his hand and
blew up a breeze that pushed the fog all the way past the
great wall and into Asgard as well. None of the Aesir could
see the hands in front of their faces, let alone the enemy
that lay before them!”

“Freyja rose up and shouted for all to hear, "ATTACK!"

Njord with his son Freyr on his right and Freyja on his left
moved forward as one into the fray.”

“Then from the throng | did three come forth,

From the home of the (Vanier) Gods, | the mighty and
Two without fate | on the land they found,” Völuspá:

The Vanir using their magic were able to see right through
the fog, and pick out their foes with ease, while the Aesir
could only flail wildly at their perceived enemy in their
front. The Vanir warriors, with the feather coats, took to the air and began attacking from above.
Odin sensed that they were in a bad way, but pressed on. He did however tell Thor, through his
thoughts (telepathy) to go back and reinforce Balder and Hodr in Asgard, and act as a last line of
protection for the citizens of Asgard.”

“Thor understood his orders and obeyed at once!”

“The Vanir easily rolled up the Aesir lines that stood before them, and pushed them steadily
backwards to the great wall itself. The carnage was horrible! The clang of sword against
sword, and the dull "thud" of swords hitting shields was deafening. The screams of the wounded
and dying was almost unbearable! The Aesir, though valiant, could not fight an enemy that they
could not see. Those who could retreated behind the wall and awaited what they were sure would
be the final battle.”

Enter Freyja’s Special Forces 3: When the enemy had

been pushed with their back to the wall it was Freyja that
invoked the spell with her powerful wand. “Then they
heard a sound that they thought they would never hear, the
walls of the great wall being demolished.” Freyja’s spell
had reduced the walls to pebbles, dust, and splinters. A
great loss of life occurred to the many of the warriors that
had their backs against that wall as it fell. The Vanir
Warriors then poured into the breached wall pushing the
Aesir Warriors into the very city of Asgard.

“Thor alone moved forward, his eyes red with fury, his
hammer held high! Thor no longer cared whether he could
see the enemy or not. He went as wild as a berserker,
swinging his great hammer back and forth in the gloomy
mist (killing both Vanir and Aesir). Savagely he laughed
when he heard his stone hammer hitting their soft flesh. He
laughed even harder when he heard Vanir bones cracking!
When he heard the fluttering of wings overhead, or felt a
breeze upon his face, he ducked and swung his hammer in a
circular motion until he heard the hammer make contact. He
moved forward slowly beating a path back to where the
Vanir had breached the great wall. Balder and Hodr moved
forward with him, proud of their great prince, and willing to
die for great Odin and Asgard! When the Vanir became
backed up against the great wall themselves, Njord signaled
for a retreat back to their original positions outside of the
wall. Thor would have chased them all the way back to
Vanaheim, but Odin, in his wisdom, shouted for Thor to
stop! Thor looked back in the direction of the shouted order
with angry eyes, and a heart burning with fury and revenge,
but kept going. Odin then said more gently through his
thoughts, " Thor........., son, we cannot afford to lose you, come back within the (crumbled) walls
of Asgard. Thor understood his father's tone, and understood the wisdom behind his words. The
fury subsided, and Thor stopped and headed back. Though Thor had beaten back the Vanir, and
avoided total defeat, Odin considered the battle a loss, because of their great losses, and the wall
being severely damaged. Parts of Asgard that were closest to the wall had also been heavily
damaged to the Asgardians dismay. The battle had been won by Vanir magic, and Odin realized
that the Vanir were a formidable enemy who could no longer be taken lightly.”

“The wall that girdled | the Gods was broken,

And the field by the warlike | Wanes was trodden.”
The Völuspá

The Siege of Asgard: “A stalemate then ensued between the Aesir, protected by a hastily
repaired wall, and the Vanir who were encamped outside the great wall. From time to time both
sides would send out raiding parties to feel each other out, but all this accomplished was further
loss of life. On one of these attacks Balder and Hodr tried to attack under the cover of darkness,
but Freyr made the sun shine, and they were discovered. In their ferocious fight back to the walls
of Asgard, Hodr was struck across the face with Freyr's magic sword that fought by itself, and
lost his sight forever. Balder carried
his blinded brother back behind the
wall with tears streaming down his
face. Odin, seeing this, realized
there had to be another way. No
matter what plan was tried, or what
magic used, neither side was going
to win this horrible war. Across the
field of battle, Njord, a wise God in
his own right, was having similar
Chapter 4

The Peace Treaty and The Origin of Wicca

“Then Odin called all the mighty Gods to give judgement. They took council together, and
realized that they had two choices: Accept great losses, or give all the Gods, including the Vanir,
their due. Odin could see through his anger, and understood that the Aesir and the Vanir were
now few in numbers, and neither could sustain such losses for long. He also worried about the
gathering strength of the Jotuns, and did not want to get caught off - guard by them in a
weakened state. He also understood now that an alliance between the Aesir and the Vanir
would strengthen both realms, and together they could ward of all enemies. When Odin
expressed his views, before the great council, all agreed that they should go and meet with the
Vanir leader, Njord, and seek common ground for a lasting peace.”

“On the other side of the great wall, Njord also saw the futility of continuing this conflict. They
had been few in number at the beginning of the war, and now were even further diminished. This
war had accomplished nothing for the Vanir, and now it was time to reach out to the Aesir and
end the fighting. Njord also had gained great respect for the abilities and honor that the Aesir had
shown during this conflict, and felt that they could be as strong a friend as they had been an
enemy. He too held a council, and after Freyja seconded the motion, all in attendance voted for

The next day, under a flag of truce, Njord with his children, Freyr and Freyja, met with Odin and
his captains of war, just outside the great wall. The two sides agreed that peace was the only
course that made sense at this point.”

Then sought the Gods | their assembly-seats,

The holy ones, | and council held,
Whether the Gods | should (Human) tribute give,
Or to all alike | should (Human)worship belong.
The Völuspá

[The treaty required that the Valkyries stop gathering Elven dead from Elven Worlds.
Humans (with elf blood) could be taken to a new Hall called “Valhalla” if they consented. Odin
made the hall of such a wonder that no one would refuse to consent!

It was decided, “to all alike | should (Human) worship belong.” The Gods themselves created a
combo religion “all alike” where the Aesir and Vanir Gods are all alike. On Midgard (Earth)
humans were free to worship both Vanier and Aesir Gods. We also know that the Celts were the
only major Culture and Religion in close proximity to the Vikings that was Vanier-like. This
Vanier religion can only be Celtic Wicca. It is an archeological fact that many in Europe
worshipped both Vanier and Aesir Gods together in both Celtic and Viking communities.

By the command of the Gods, Vanier and Aesir Faith is one religion!
In Celtic and Anglo-Saxon England this one religion is called – Wicca

“To seal the peace, as was the custom, hostages were exchanged. Hoenir and Mimir went to live
with the Vanir, and Njord and his children, Freyr and Freyja, lived in Asgard.”

After War, Freyja the Spy: As a part of the peace treaty Freyja
would visit Asgard to check on her family. There she learned
the nature of the Aesir Gods – their: Courage, Truth (Honesty),
Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Self-Reliance,
Industriousness, and Perseverance. But in one area the Vikings
stood out - their Respect for women! Freyja befriended the
Asynjor Goddesses and became close friends.

“These three Vanir Gods and Goddess would later be so well

liked that the Aesir honored them by numbering them among

A Secret Revealed: After she had gained the trust and affection of the Aesir she was told a great
and terrible secret. She learned of the terrifying Ragnarök and how Odin (her enemy) was
planning to meet it.

While Ragnarök is no threat to Vanaheim or Alfheim, Freyja discovered that it was a threat to
Midgard. A world where some of her people lived. She must act, to save her people.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

She also knew of the repulsion of magick with the Aesir, this could be their Achilles heel that
could cause them to lose! [Atomic weapons were Hitler’s Achilles heel as he condemned the
science as Jewish dreams. Had Hitler developed the atomic weapons… we would all be
speaking German.]

Freyja knew this hared of magick would have to change, because she knew that magick could be
of great help in this war.
Chapter 7
Ragnarök - A Joint Cause

Freyja joined with Odin in the cause of Ragnarök. She started

to try to convince him that magick was a worthy warfare!

Odin had successfully argued during the peace treaty that since
Midgard was under threat it is only natural that the human
warriors of that world would fight in Ragnarök too. Further,
Odin was a human from Midgard so he had a right to be
involved in such affairs. Agreement was made that Odin would
chose for Valhalla, the human warriors: with great skill;
bravery; and drive. Odin felt his being prohibited in taking
Elven souls posed a great danger to the universe.

While it was forbidden by the Peace Treaty for Odin to gather

Elven Warriors from Elven worlds, it was not prohibited for
Freyja to do so. Freyja formed her own place for the dead,
Folkvang, a wondrous fairy land field that surrounds Valhalla, located in Helheim.

[In the poem Grímnismál, Odin (disguised as Grímnir) tells the young Agnar that every day
Freyja allots seats to half of those that are slain in her hall Fólkvangr, while Odin owns the other

The Morrigan gather the fallen dead 1st . They pick those who would make great magickal
warriors. Freyja is training these Warriors in warfare magick. There are many Women and
Elves in Folkvang.
Freyja was made Commander in Chief of the Valkyries which will not cause conflict for them to
gather the dead on Elven worlds – which originally caused the War! The Valkyries pick those
who would make great arms warriors. There are Men, Women, Elves and Dwarves in Valhalla.
Odin is also training his Warriors as well.

Why Would Women Want to Go to War? Lady Pandora answers, The

same reason men went to war! A chance at Valhalla or Folkvang,
where the Warrior Women could eat the best of food, drink the best
spirits, fight, and fornicate with all those sexy muscle bound warriors,
sooooo pretty elves, and with the mighty (in girth and length) Aesir
Gods themselves until Ragnarök. (“Do you gals really think this
way!!??” – “OMG”). This is where Warrior Women can be their true
selves. .

Enter Freyja: For example, The Goddess Freyja chose the

name Frigg as her Asynjor name when she married Odin.
Frigg from the Middle English is a vile sexual intercourse
word that very politely translates as “Fuck!” Frig is a cuss
word. We know her name is not a Christian corruption as
her name was recorded in rune stones well before
Christians arrived. Why would this Powerful Goddess
Frigg want her name as a cuss word? Ladies you can
answer this one?

In fact, the term

“sex-kitten” may
have come from Frig as cats are her favorite familiar!
Which incidentally happens to be the favorite of Celtic
Wiccans (Witches) as well. Could it be that she is a
Celtic Goddess…Witch… too?

Christianization of Celt/Vikings - Continues Today:

The Goddess Frigg has sometimes been referred to in
recent times as "Friga" or "Frigga" (which are not her
real names) in order to distance her from the English (Anglo-Saxon) word frig.

Insult 1. Heathens - You still cling to the Christian view of women! You won’t even use the
Goddesses real name, Frig – you are ashamed! You big Heathen man are afraid of her because
she likes – nookie.

Insult 2. Well…. It appears that the Wicca of today are not the gutsy Warrior types they were in
ole times when it comes to acknowledging the divine rights of Women!
Viking Law: To insult a man 1 or 2 times can be settled without blood-letting. A third insult can
only be settled by blood – currently illegal in the USA! I acknowledge the 2 insults according to
Viking Law and challenge any to prove my insults incorrect! If I am proven incorrect I will
endure the shame of apologizing!

Any takers…?
Anyone who will challenge me… ?

Freyja the Anomaly: The Völuspá does not fore-see Elves fighting in Ragnarök. It does not
see Folkvang. The Völuspá does see Freyja visiting Asgard, other-wise The Völuspá is silent on
Freyja. Because she is fate-less.

“Then from the throng | did three come forth,

From the home of the (Vanier) Gods, | the
mighty and gracious;
Two without fate | on the land they
found,” Völuspá

The two without fate is Njorn and Freyja; as

Freyr is killed in according to the Völuspá at

Freyja is a prophetic anomaly! The Völuspá

does not address Freyja’s involvement in
Ragnarök at all, because they did not see her!
With Freyja now involved – anything can
happen! The entire Völuspá prophecy can be
invalid with a completely different outcome!
The powerful necklace called Brisingamen is
a powerful Dwarf technology, but it is also a
magick belt. Freya visited the world serpent
and weaved a powerful magick that made the
belt the counterpart of the serpent. It has
every power that the world serpent has.
Who knows, it may well be Freyja that takes out the world serpent. Instead of Thor!

Freyja does not stop with her Elven army, but begins weaving a Seid spell to change destiny

The Romance of Odin and Freyja: Such a close relationship in a joint cause can cause people
to become close too. Freyja tames Odin, causing he, himself to learn warrior magick and to fall
in love with her. Freyja (now Frigg) and Odin get married and together continue to plan their
(and our) victory at Ragnarök. They are the Ultimate Power Couple!

Frigg in her policy of aggressive female sexuality even names her 2 daughters from Odin -
Hnoss (sexual desire) and Gersemi (sexual lust).
Magick Comes to Asgard: Wicca –Seidr: Wicca is an Old English (Anglo-Saxon) word for a
male Wizard or Wicce for Female Witch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch_(word) Wicca is related to the
Indo-European (Celtic) roots wic or weik means to bend or turn (reality). The Norse seid means
to bend or turn (fate).

The terms Wicca (reality) and Seid (fate) mean exactly the same and are completely
interchangeable and both are a term for “Magick”. Both the Vanir and the Celts Gods use
magick to bend or turn (fate)! Could it be that the Vanir are the Celts Gods. Yes they are!

The Volva: Frig, the High Priestess of the Blots or

Magick Circles; a Witch began to teach women Seidr
or magick and establishes the Volva Priestesshood.
Females called Volva could become masters of Seid
and held respect and social status within the Viking
faith. He Celts called the Volva – Witches.
The Elves on Magick: It is an empirical fact, the Vanir
both male and female are avid practitioners of Magick
according to the myths and lore.

The Aesir on Magick: The performing of Magick is a

major cultural difference between the Aesir and the
Vanir. The Aesir Gods have no magickal tradition.
Among the Aesir, the use of magick by males is
considered an “abomination”, a supreme insult to one
own manliness. So shameful an act that Fathers would kill their own sons for such a depravity –
see The Saga of Harald Fair-Hair.

Odin Learns Magick: Frigg his wife finally convinced Odin about the effectives of magick. In
spite of the social repercussions, Odin himself started to learn magick from Frigg. Odin, who
always seeks knowledge and wisdom saw first-hand the effectiveness of magick in combat as
Freyja turned the mighty walls of Asgard to pebbles, dust, and splinters. This Seid magick could
be of great help during Ragnarök as it is a special magick that alters the course of destiny!

Odin and Freyja are planning on defying fate and win the day at Ragnarök.

The Banishment of Odin: The Aesir revulsion of magick was so great that Odin was removed as
leader and banished from Asgard for learning magick. He was removed so quickly that he had
no time to even tell Frig where he was going. They removed Odin when Frig was not around
fearing that she may aid her husband as Freyja would be a force that they could not over-come!
When Frigg found out Odin had been banished she began to search for him in the 9 worlds.
Sometime later Frig found her husband and warned him that his brothers Vili and Ve were
planning on taking the throne of Asgard. Frig completed the training of her husband in exile and
presented him with his own sorcerer’s spear-staff.

The Return of Odin: In the Banishment of Odin, Odin used his rune sword (Will) in one hand
and his sorcerer’s spear-staff (Magick) in the other, Odin fought his way back into Asgard,
deposed Vili and Ve, and retook his throne. When the fight was over…none dared oppose him!

So Magick and Will-Power make powerful allies!

The cost was high - in the Eddic poem Loki’s Taunts, Loki accuses Odin of being a (woman)
Volva! Then Loki’s insults are documented in the Eddic “for all time!”

However, Loki was not completely accurate in his… “criticism” of Odin. Odin did learn Volva
magick, but his teacher was the Celtic Goddess – Dainn or his wife Frigg! Odin was taught
Celtic Magick!
Chapter 6

Freyja was the most powerful

warrior in the Vanir and Aesir
war. She is Queen of Midgard,
Alfheim, (likely Vanaheim too
with Njord being a hostage) and
Asgard. She is the High
Priestess of the Blot or Magick
Circle. She at once won the
respect, admiration, and love of
the great Odin (her enemy).
Freyja eventually became his
wife and even became an
Asynjor Goddess herself. She is
commander of the Valkyries.
She is loved, adored, and feared
in all the 9 Worlds. She is the
“Ultimate Feminist” by
demanding (at the point of a
sword) equal (or greater) rights
for all Wiccan/Viking Women
without hating men! And I
love her with all my heart!
Chapter 7
About The Scald
By Lady Pandora

In 1983, Melchezdek a USAF Security Policeman was assigned to the United Kingdom. While
he was jogging through a forest, he discovered a group of people standing inside a stone circle,
dressed in colorful robes, and performing a beautiful ritual. He watched from behind some trees
and didn't disturb the group. After the group was complete with their ritual, he walked forward
and spoke with a Lady, an English Wiccan High Priestess.

A year and a day later Melchezdek became a Wiccan. Some years later he achieved the High
Priesthood of Old English Wicca.

In October 1992 while assigned to Ramstein Air Base, Germany, he with several friends
established a "Pagan Support Group" in the Kaiserslautern Military Community. The Group
received worldwide publicity, The New York Times, The Stars and Stripes and many other
newspapers sent reporters and did articles on the Group.

On 30 October 92, The Pagan Support Group presented "The Witches Exhibit" at the U.S.
Army’s Vogelweh Community Activities Center. In four short hours nearly 3000 persons visited
the exhibit.

Then on 8 December 1992, history was made, the United States Air Force Chief of Chaplains,
Maj. General Donald J. Harlin granted non-Chaplain certification to Melchezdek, then a Staff
Sergeant and gave permission to conduct Wiccan rituals within chapel facilities. See letters in
attachment 1.
Today Melchezdek is a civilian and continues to serve the old Gods. He is a technical writer,
logician, an amateur archeologist, mythologist, and a student of ancient texts.

Go with Odin's wisdom, Freyja's love, and Thor's protection,

Lady Pandora
Attachment 1

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