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Mayflower Compact - governed plymouth; first set of rules for self-government (group
was escaping religious persecution
2. Acts of toleration - religious freedom among Christians in maryland
3. Navigation Acts - Mercantilism policies; only british ships trade with colonies, so prices
for goods are high
4. Proclamation of 1763 the king prevents westward expansion because fighting the
indians is expensive af and we can’t have that
5. Sugar act - helps pay for french and indian war
6. Stamp act - see above
7. Stamp act - see above
8. Intolerable acts - reaction to boston tea party
9. Olive branch petition - Hi king pls forgive us war is bad (king is pissed, doesn’t care)
10. Lord Dunmore’s proclamation - slaves are freed if they fight against the colonists
11. Declaration of Independence - basically a bunch of complaints about the British king and
the “injustices”; colonists are whiny bc they don’t want to bear the financial burden of the
French and Indian War under the pretense of “taxation without representation
12. Treaty of Paris - Land east of the Mississippi belongs to the US, also American
13. Articles of Confederation - Formed the 1st government of the US; confederate system
where states delegated power to a central government (this system sucked).
Unicameral, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade, or draft soldiers; congress only
(no judicial or executive branch).
14. Federalist papers - Papers promoting federalism, strong central government like the one
we have today where a constitution delegates power concurrently to both state and
federal governments
15. Great Compromise/Connecticut - bicameral legislature, Virginia + new jersey plan.
Congress AND senate (population/equal representation both)
16. Judiciary act of 1789 - established a court system thru congress
17. Creation of bank of the uS (thanks Hamilton dude)
18. Jay Treaty - Brits agree to trade with americans, also brits evacuate american territory
19. George washington’s farewell address - factions bad, also avoid permanent alliances
(yikes French revolution steer clear of that)
20. Monroe doctrine - leave Europe alone, if Europe messes with South America we will
screw you over
21. Missouri compromise - attempt to keep balanced slave free states, 36th parallel
22. Gadsden purchase
23. Homestead act
24. Kansas Nebraska act
25. Gettysburg address
26. Emancipation proclamation
27. 13th amendment
28. 14th amendment
29. 15th amendment
30. Pacific railway acts
31. Chinese exclusion act

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