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There are 6 books in first edition available as follows:

1-Retirement Riches in the Pacific ISBNs 1-4137-0995-8 (978-1413709957),

235 pages, published by www.PublishAmerica.com in 2003.

This book is factual and all the characters are real people. It is a real life action
adventure novel. I wrote it so that my sons and others could enjoy my adventures and perhaps
learn from them and avoid some of the disasters I have lived through.

This book is about finally getting the opportunity to go to a Pacific Island and build a tourist
cottage business. It is of only one segment/compartmentalization of the author’s life. The lead
character gets an offer for early retirement and accepts it. The long wait for retirement and
freedom is over. The character packs up, ships everything and moves to Majuro, Republic of the
Marshall Islands. He goes through the lengthy and difficult process of getting permits and
licenses and repacking and re-shipping everything to Jaluit Atoll on an inter-island freighter.
Construction commences. The character is forced into a trader role to get the pandanas thatch for
the roofs and walls and iron wood poles for the cottage frames. At first life is great. The weather
is balmy, the people are friendly, and afternoon swims in the lagoon to clean up and to relax and to
admire the day’s accomplishments are enjoyable. Dinners are mainly of fresh lagoon or ocean
fish are always at sunset. Being located near the Equator, the sunsets at Jaluit Atoll are about 6
p.m. everyday with less than an hour variation from the shortest to the longest day of the year.
There are magnificent sunsets in many splendid colors almost every evening. What a grand way
to end equally magnificent days in the tropics. And, for a while, the Alab brings young women
over about 8 p.m. in the evening to meet him and perhaps also for mutual pleasure. Doesn’t that
sound like a pleasant life style?

What about excitement? Well there is that too. i.e. One day returning from a trading trip
across the lagoon to Jaluit Jaluit island, with the 18-foot Boston Whaler heavily laden with
pandanas thatch, iron wood poles and new workers, the boat driver did not see that some water
from each wave he hit splashed over the bow and into the boat. The lead character was on top of
the load enjoying the boat trip when suddenly and without a sound and with a slight shutter, the
boat slipped under the water with the outboard motor still running. …And another, Months later
the wild teenage element on the island who had participated in breaking in his store and stealing a
case of Benson and Hedges cigarettes made local hooch, got drunk and in a drunken poor me
rage, stole kerosene, threw it on the cottage Tim had built for his landlord Kabua Kabua, the Iroij
(king) and set it ablaze. Tim woke up, saw red light, went outside and saw fire on the roof of the
adjacent cottage. It was fanned by a typhoon wind and quickly spread over and onto the roof of
his cottage setting it ablaze too. Want to read more. Check it out at
1a- Retirement Riches in the Pacific Republished with a lower retail price at
Lulu.com in 2007(lulu id# 1124251) and without an ISBN.


2-My Life Story by Tom M, a Recovering Alcoholic ISBNs 1-4208-4201-3

(978-1420842012), 283 pages, published by www.authorhouse.com 7/13/05

This book is factual and all the characters are real people. It is a real life
action adventure containing self confession. I wrote it so that my sons and other afflicted people
can identify with some of the difficult things of life and in so doing, learn to avoid them. It is a
compartmentalization of the drinking segment of the author’s life.

This book is about the lead character growing up with alcohol and therefore considering it a
normal, customary and essential element of life. For years it was his friend and savior. It gave
him relaxation, courage and helped him sleep. But, it was a fickle friend and overtime, it gradually
changed from being a friend to being a low down sneaky and deadly enemy. This story takes you
from the beginning of the drinking to the end of the drinking. It highlights the jovial and odd
incidents and the pains and sorrows. It is intended to enable other similarly afflicted people
identify and perhaps gain the realization that they too can get off the sauce, live a life without
alcohol, and be a fully functioning member of society without using alcohol as a crutch. There are
a lot of people out there who do not use alcohol and who are also not religious fanatics. You
usually don’t see them and probably wouldn’t have the information to type classify them anyway.
They are just good members of society living their lives to the fullest. There is hope and recover is
possible. However, that recover effort can never stop because the lures of the “joys” of alcohol in
movies, advertisements, words of others, social pressures, mandatory parties, ritualistic drinking
events plague each and every one of us every day until we die.

3-Star Wars in the Pacific ISBNs 1-4208-4297-8(978-1420842976), 348

pages, published by www.authorhouse.com on 7/12/05.
This book is factual and all the characters are real people. It is a real life
action adventure. However, the spy plot with the lead character is entirely fictional. This novel is
about a young woman recently completing a Peace Corps assignment in Peru who takes a job in
a medical Clinic on Ebeye Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Life on the
islands can be idyllic but also very hard. The lead character has a great ability to cope with
events. She makes friends easily and enjoys the people and the life on the islands. Because of
her beauty and the scarcity of single white females in the area she is constantly watched and
pursued by the lusty young men. She is there when the US Navy seals come to find the missing
black box from an incoming missile from Vandenberg. And, what fantastic stories those guys had
to tell.

4-On The Road to Recovery Thanks to AA Meetings ISBNs 1-4116-7552-5

(978-1411675520), 237 pages published by www.lulu.com, lulu ID:226037 in 2006

This book is factual and all the characters are real people. It is a real life
action adventure. It was written for my sons to learn from and also others who do not think that
life without alcohol is worthwhile. It is a compartmentalization of the drinking/non-drinking segment
of the author’s life. You might say this book is the sequel to My Life Story by Tom M. A Recovering
Alcoholic. It is primarily of that time in his life after he stopped using alcohol and slowly and
completely changed his life to live without alcohol or any of its influences. To accomplish that
transformation and to keep away from alcohol, he did as he had been told. He went to AA
meetings wherever he was and as often as he could. He heard other people tell “his” story as
their own story. Things he’d thought were male things he heard a woman AA member tell of in
telling her story. He heard the same tales of misery and woe repeated by many men and women
in different towns and countries who did not know him or each other. He learned what AA
friendship and fellowship meant. He finally had a safe haven to seek in most towns in most
countries he visited. Here-to-fore that safe haven had been a watering hole (not really safe at all).
Now, he could meet with “birds of a feather” who for the most part told him all so that he could
remain alcohol free and safe and sound while visiting their area. This story takes you from the end
of the drinking through much of the recovery to a “normal” life style without drinking alcohol. It
highlights some of the jovial and odd events and the pains and sorrows. It is intended to enable
other similarly afflicted people identify and perhaps gain the realization that they too can get off the
sauce, live a life without alcohol, be a fully functioning member of society without using alcohol as
a crutch. There is hope and recover is possible. However, that recover effort can never stop
because the lures of the “joys” of alcohol in movies, advertisements, words of others, social
pressures, mandatory parties, ritualistic drinking events plague each and every one of us every
day until we die. But, as time passed, he often wondered just why he still thought the smells
waifing out of the bars was good and alluring. That is just how baffling and troublesome alcohol is.

5-Odyssey of the Auditor Interns, 620 pages, ISBNs 1-4116-7688-2 (978-

1411676886), 620 pages published by www.lulu.com lulu ID 228368 in 2006.

This book is a compartmentalization of the work career of the author

(exclusive of most of the drinking/non-drinking segment of the author’s life). It is written as an
action adventure although it slightly resembles a memoir. It was written for the author’s two sons
as lessons in life.

The story line starts with an interview for a job with the government, job offer and
acceptance, graduation and drive to San Francisco to start the new job. This job was the author’s
bus ticket out of his small home town. It was the ticket to travel around the world. Just like the
Army advertisements of “Come and join and see the world”. He did just that and was very
satisfied for many years. This book is written in a style parallel to one about a group of West Point
Graduates that followed them from graduation through their careers and on into death and/or
empty lonely retirement. This book is of the civilians who volunteered to go on all overseas
assignments with anticipation and eagerness. They served too. Oh, the career struggles for the
adult version of the child’s game of “king of the mud hill” often played on proverbial mountains of
cow dung. The prizes were real. Some chose to not play and did not fare well. It was up and
onwards with lots of significant audit findings or out on the Red Cross Audit Circuit and
oblivion/death/demotion or outplacement. Some rising stars rose and then fell quickly as others
rose steadily. There was in-fighting a plenty. This novel is set in various states in the USA, West
Germany, Ethiopia (Now called Eritreria, Saudi Arabia, and Kwajalein, Republic of the Marshall
Islands. Through it all, the author enjoyed life. But, on those few and far apart occasions when he
visited his home town, he found that he no longer belonged there. He had left and had gone to
work with the feds and therefore was no longer to be trusted. And, he discovered he had grown
and changed and no longer felt totally comfortable in the town of his youth. Instead he only felt
comfortable in the international cities. And so it was that he found out the rest of the Army ad, the
part that is not written (in italics) but is very real. That is “Join the Army and see the World and
you will never be able to go home again. It will be lost to you and not longer available.”
You may say that is not all bad since you and many others are green eyed jealous and would just
love to live in the Philippine Islands for a short vacation where the author has lived for 12 years.

6-A Senior Citizen Raising Infant Sons, 230 pages, no ISBN and 1st
published by www.lulu.com (lulu ID #1124207) without an ISBN in Aug 2007:

This book is a compartmentalization of the non-drinking segment of the author’s life while
living in the Philippines and is of the time he took on the duty of raising his two infant sons alone.
All adventures in life blend together. New adventures start before the last one is completed. The
author’s local wife got tired of being a wife and preferred gambling and running around. At one
point she abandoned the author and his sons and went to Sweden for a couple of months to live
with a boyfriend from there. The author tried and tried and sought help, all to no avail. In the end,
he had to raise his sons single handed, thereby doing the last residual bit of conversion to a
proper lifestyle without alcohol. He found that raising his sons was a delight and enjoyable even
though a great challenge. He expanded his horizons to cooking and found nice recipes on the
internet. He became a complete homebody and was contented with raising, teaching, caring for
his boys, writing books and cooking. He was no longer the world traveler. He no longer traveled
at all. And, surprisingly for many of you, he was contented, at least most of the time, in his new
role in life. That lifestyle necessary to properly raise and educate his boys was also the kind of
lifestyle necessary to extend his own life. Instead of his boys just being one thing he had to do,
they became the center of his universe. Everything essential to raising and educating them
became essential and everything else was rejected. Oh, he’d had daughters before and thought
he knew what having sons meant but now he knew for sure. A daughter is just a daughter but a
son, well he carries on the family name and that is absolutely essential. Things which he’d done
earlier on for pleasure he not longer did because they did not contribute to raising and educating
his boys. He considered nothing having value unless it furthered his progress of properly raising
and educating his boys.

There are 6 books (5 books revised republished in 2nd edition and 1 book in 1st
edition) available at Lulu.com. I changed the titles of the 1st edition books above to make them
more findable with search engines, added some pictures, changed some book covers and
changed/added some text changed the print from double space to single space to reduce the
number of pages and put the books previously published by Publish America and by Author House
into my storefront at Lulu (which also means that they are available there). It seemed logical to
have all my books available at one website http://www.lulu.com/tjmcgoldrick7 . These
“republication” actions additionally gave me the opportunity to reset the retail sales prices lower.
These books were published without ISBNs but are available from Lulu publishing. The covers
and titles of all of those re-titled/republished books, all available at Lulu, are shown below:

1-The Purpose Driven Retirement to the Marshall Islands (previously titled

Retirement Riches in the Pacific), 356 pages, published by www.lulu.com (lulu ID
#832263) without an ISBN in 2007

2-My Obsession with Alcohol, 156 pages, (previously titled My Life

Story by Tom M. A Recovering Alcoholic) published by www.lulu.com (lulu ID
#834381)without an ISBN in 2007

3-The Missing Black Box, 185 pages, (previously titled Star Wars in the
Pacific) published by www.lulu.com (lulu ID #834394) without an ISBN in 2007

4-Return to a Proper Purpose Driven Life Style , 233 pages, (previously

titled On the Road to Recovery Thanks to AA Meetings) published by
www.lulu.com (lulu ID #834427) without an ISBN in 2007

5-The New Hires of 1965 (previously titled Odyssey of the Auditor Interns),
621 pages, by www.lulu.com (lulu ID #839240) without an ISBN in 2007
6-A Senior Citizen Raising Infant Sons, 230 pages, no ISBN and 1stedition
published by www.lulu.com (lulu ID #1124207) without an ISBN in Aug 2007:


If you would like to see more on any of the books, please use the internet to go to my store
front at LULU with previews of chapters at http://lulu.com/tjmcgoldrick7 and to my book blogs at
http://mcgoldrickadventurenovels.blogspot.com/ Both web sites display the book covers,
summaries and selected previews of chapters.

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