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Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section_____________________

Subject Teacher __________________________ Date: ______________ Score____________________

Instructions: Circle the letter of the correct answer:

1. Which of the following sets of words deals mostly with the sense of SOUND?

A. quiet, jangling, barking C. salty, sweet, tangy

B. moist, glassy, metallic D. earthly, fruity, minty

2. Which of the following sets of words deals mostly with the sense of TOUCH?

A. rough, sharp, slippery C. tangles, furry, bright

B. buzzing, gasping, barking D. thunderous, whispery, mousy

3. Which of the following sets of words deals mostly with the sense of SMELL?

A. aromatic, fresh, flowery C. Fluorescent, translucent, transparent

B. burning, frigid, warm D. thumping, rhythmic, shrill

4. Which of the following sets of words deals mostly with the sense of TASTE?

A. squeaking, hissing, whimpering C. bitter, sour, acidic

B. obscure, tinted, shaded D. rough, chalky, wrinkled

5. “Barefoot, the warm mud molds to my feet”. What sense is presented in the sentence?

A. see B. hear C. touch D. smell

6. “The aroma of freshly baked Indian bread filled the air.”

A. Hear B. touch C. see D. smell

7. “The sun gleamed through the smeared windows and reflected off the mirror.”

A. smell B. touch C. taste D. see

8. “The storm turned the shadows blacker than black.”

A. smell B. taste C. see D. touch

9. “My brush strolled across the old woman’s dry brittle hair.”

A. see B. smell C. touch D. taste

10. “Mrs. Olander’s heels clicked and clattered as she headed toward our classroom.”

A. smell B. taste C. hear D. touch

11. “The mouthwatering aroma of cheesy pizza drifted across the room.”

A. taste B. touch C. smell D. hear

12. My teeth chattered as the temperature dropped and the fierce wind whipped the wood smoke into my eyes and nose.
A. hear and taste B. hear, touch, smell, see C. see and smell D. see and hear

13. Which sensory details does this statement appeal to?

“My fingers lingered on the familiar leaves.”

A. sight B. touch C. taste D. smell

14. Which sensory details does this statement appeal to?

“The afternoon sun penetrated my upturned face.”

A. taste B. feel C. smell D. sound

15. Which of the following five senses is used in this sentence? “The wolf howled painfully over the loss of his mate.”

A. Sight B. sound C. touch D. taste

16. What is sensory language?

A. Language writer’s use to appeal to our senses C. Language that author’s use to unlock certain memories
B. Language that writer’s use to define terms D. Language that author’s use to write stories.

17. Which of the five senses is used in this sentence? “The warm juicy burger felt like heaven on my tongue.”

A. Taste B. touch C. sight D. sound

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

The Monkey Paw

By: W.W. Jacobs

Neither spoke, but lay silently listening to the ticking of the clock. A stair creaked, and a squeaky mouse scurried
noisily through the wall. The darkness was oppressive, and after lying for some time gathering up courage, he took
the box of matches, and striking one, went downstairs for a candle.

At the foot of the stairs the match went out, and he paused to strike another; and at the same moment a knock
so quiet and stealthy as to be scarcely audible, sounded on the front door.

The matches fell from his hand. He stood motionless, his breath suspended….

18. Choose the phrase from the passage that appeals to your sense of sight.

A. “squeaky mouse scurried noisily” C. “clicking the clock”

B. ‘At the foot of the stairs, the match wen out” D. “striking one”

19. Choose the phrase from the passage that appeals to your sense of sound.

A. “he took the box of matches”

B. “the darkness was oppressive, and after lying for some time gathering up courage…”

C. “he stood motionless”

D. “at the same moment a knock so quiet and stealthy as to be scarcely audible”

20. Choose the phrase from the passage that appeals to your sense of hearing.

A. “he took the box of matches” C. “squeaky mouse scurried noisily”

B. “went downstairs for a candle” D. “the matches fell from his head”

The Eagle

By: Alfred Lord Tennyson

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;

Close to the sun in lonely lands

Ring’d with the azure world he stands

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls

He watches from his mountain walls,

And like a thunderbolt he falls.

21. Choose the line from the poem that appeals to your sense of sight?

A. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls C. He watches from his mountain walls

B. And like a thunderbolt he falls D. Close to the sun in lonely lands

22. Why writers or authors use sensory language?

A. It is a way for writer to help the reader see or connect with their story.

B. All stories must have sensory language or they become poems.

C. Without censorship, kids may be exposed to bad writing

D. Nobody knows for sure, but it probably has to do with the writer’s decision.

23. Which of the following sets of words deal mostly with the sense of SIGHT?

A. rocky, hairy, drenched C. thick, tender, smooth

B. ticking, hissing, cracking D. smokey, pungent, flowery

24. The sensory details in a story are details that ________

A. use the five sense C. use description

B. use just sights and smells D. use powerful words

25. When a writer uses descriptive language, how does it affect the reader?

A. The reader can memorize the text C. the reader gets bored and stops reading

B. The reader feels the text come to life D. the reader gets confused and has to reread

26. Stephanie feel and felt the sting as sharp as thorns tear at her bare skin and clothes. What sense did h.the writer

A. smell B. sight C. sound D. touch

27. Lando couldn’t believe it. The beast couldn’t be from this world. It was at least 10 feet tall and moving with more
speed than any two-legged animal that Lando knew of. What sense did the writer describe?

A. smell B. sight C. sound D. touch

28. Although he was blind, Gino’s nose told him that he had to find shelter. The scent of rain filled the air. What sense did
the writer describe?

A. smell B. sight C. sound D. touch

29. The baby’s breath was warm on my face. What sense did the writer describe?

A. smell B. touch C. sight D. hear

30. The rain is pouring down from the tin roof. What senses are describe?

A. sight and taste C. sight and hear

B. smell and touch D. smell and hear

For number 31-25, write 5 sentences with sensory language.

31. Sight


32. Hearing


33. Smell


34. Taste


35. touch/feel


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