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Home Remedies For Hyperthyroidism

Home remedies for hyperthyroidism include usage of various herbs such

as hawthorn, bugleweed, motherwort and lemon balm. Inclusion of healthful foods like oats

and food rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin D may help in preventing the problems

associated with hyperthyroidism holistically. In addition to this regular exercise and

proper sleep can be beneficial in curing hyperthyroid conditions.


Hyperthyroidism refers to the state of over activity of thyroid gland in the body. It is a condition in

which the thyroid gland produces excess thyroid hormone and is also sometimes referred to as

thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxicosis is a condition which is characterized by the increase in the level of

thyroid hormones in the blood stream. Thyroid gland is a critical organ of the endocrine system

which has a shape like a butterfly and is responsible for secreting essential hormone into the

blood. These hormones hormone play a significant role in keeping the body energized and

ensures overall growth and smooth functioning of various critical processes and metabolism of

the body.

Thyroid Hormones

Thyroid gland produces hormones which include tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). T3,

T4 hormones regulate body metabolism. The quantity of thyroid hormones in the blood

determines the metabolic rate. Pituitary gland located in the brain, regulates the production of

these hormones by secreting a chemical called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

Causes Of Hyperthyroidism

According to the university of Maryland medical center, thyroid hits more women as compared

to men and typically happens after 60 years. Causes of hyperthyroidism include:

Graves’ disease: Graves’ disease is an autoimmune inflammatory disease and is the most

commonly found reason for hyperthyroidism. It is characterized by the retraction of upper

eyelids along with swelling and erythema. Graves’ disease is caused by the release of excess

thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. This happens because of the antibodies present in the

blood stick to particular activating sites on the gland which triggers the growth of thyroid gland

resulting in excess secretion.

Toxic nodular goiter: Another reason for hyperthyroidism to occur is the gradual growth of

lumps or nodules in the thyroid gland. These lumps lose their regulatory mechanism and boost

the activity of thyroid gland resulting in excess secretion of the thyroid hormone into the blood.

This condition is also known as multinodular goiter.

Immune system malfunction: Some viral infection in the thyroid or immune system problem

may also be a cause of hyperthyroidism. This condition also known as thyroiditis can cause

leakage of stored thyroid hormone by the gland. .

Excess of iodine: Ingestion of excess iodine intentionally or inadvertently from various sources

such as disinfectants and X-ray contrast mediums can also lead to hyperthyroidism in

vulnerable individuals.

Symptoms Of Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid hormones contribute significantly in the rate of the processes running in the body.

Excess thyroid hormone has a tendency to accelerate the functions of the body.

Due to the enlarged thyroid gland, people suffering from Graves ’ disease may experience

swelling in front of the neckline also known as ‘goiter’. Some patients may have raised upper

eye lids making their eyes look enlarged and protruding.

Individuals suffering from hyperthyroidism might also experience other symptoms such as

weakness in upper arm and thigh muscles, heart palpitation, nervousness, intolerance to heat,

increased sweating, trembling in hands, shortness of breath, anxiety, irritability, insomnia and

thin and fragile hair. Apart from these, some patients may also have repeated bowel

movement, loss of weight even with a good appetite.

Women suffering from hyperthyroidism may experience irregular menstrual cycle with light

menstrual flow. Overactive metabolism as a result of hyperthyroidism may primarily lead to

over-energized body. However, eventually the body breaks down with the persisting

hyperthyroidism leading to general body fatigue and tiredness.

Diagnosis Of Hyperthyroidism

Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is done by conducting a simple physical test generally detecting

an enlarged thyroid gland and fast running pulse. The patient might exhibit rapid reflexes and as
already stated, some abnormality in the eyes in case of Graves ’ disease. The physician would

also conduct lab test to confirm the level of tri-iodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and TSH. Tests

conducted on an over-active thyroid gland normally result in low level of TSH and high level of

thyroid hormone in the blood stream. In addition, the physician might also conduct a thyroid

scan to reveal the basic cause and necessary details.

Home Remedies For Hyperthyroidism

Home remedies that provide relief from hyperthyroidism include:

Bugleweed: Bugleweed is a traditional anti-thyroid herb that works by reducing the output of

T4 hormone and slowing down the conversion of T4 into T3. This aids in inhibiting the

production of excess thyroid hormone by restricting the ability of thyroid stimulating antibodies in

Graves’ disease. A study conducted on patients suffering from hyperthyroidism suggests that

bugleweed may help in reduction of symptoms like restlessness, headaches and palpitations.

Oats: Oats are valuable in hyperthyroidism to combat the weakness and exhaustion caused by

the excess hormone secretion in the body. These excess thyroid hormones boost the metabolic

rate of the body and increase the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. This in turn adds

to the degree of stress and fatigue in the body. Oats have been traditionally considered as a

mild stimulant and nervine tonic effectual in nervous debility.

Avoid diet triggers: Certain foods which are a part of your normal diet may be the trouble

makers in hyperthyroidism. Stimulating foods such as caffeine, alcohol and other food items

like soy, corn and gluten based products are likely to cause problems. Encouraging the

inclusion of food items like fresh fruits, sea vegetables, brassica and raw cruciferous veggies in

your diet can prove valuable in hyperthyroidism.

Lemon balm: Another effective remedy for hyperthyroidism is lemon balm. Extracts from lemon

balm have a restrictive effect on TSH which obstructs the activation of the thyroid gland. This in
turn assists in reducing over secretion of thyroid hormone. Along with this, lemon balm works at

the ground level by detoxifying the body and strengthening the immune system.

Motherwort: Motherwort has been considered as a valuable remedy for hyperthyroidism

attributing to its anti-thyroid activities. Motherwort has the qualities of a natural beta blocker and

helps in providing symptomatic relief from cardiac symptoms like palpitation and elevated heart

rate. Definitely, you cannot replace the commercial beta blocker with this but it is an effective

natural method to combat the heart related symptoms.

Hawthorn: Hawthorn is a time honored European medicine attributing to its cardiovascular

benefits. It has been trusted by both conventional as well modern studies for its positive effects

on coronary blood flow, energy utilizations, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. All

these factors make hawthorn a potent remedy for cardio symptoms implicated

in hyperthyroid conditions.
Calcium and vitamin D: Hyperthyroidism may have detrimental effects on the bone health and

may lead to thinning of bones. It becomes extremely vital to get that extra dose of calcium and

vitamin D on a daily basis to prevent your bones from the risk of osteoporosis. Discuss with your

physician regarding the dietary guidelines and about the requirement of additional calcium and

vitamin D.

Magnesium rich diet: Magnesium plays a key role in maintaining thyroid health particularly with

respect to the metabolism of iodine which is again critical for the body. A study conducted on

hyperthyroid patients has shown significant reduction in calcium, magnesium

and zinc concentrations. Inclusion of magnesium-rich foods such as green leafy

vegetables, nuts and seeds in the diet can greatly help to compensate for the deficit in the body.
Cut down on sugar and refined foods: Eliminating refined foods and sugar from their diet is

another thing from which the people suffering from hyperthyroidism can benefit from. Excess of

these foods will lead to a rush in the insulin and cortisol hormone which in due course will begin

to strain the adrenal glands and pancreas. Improper or weaker functioning of adrenal glands

may lead to weaker immunity which in turn can make way for autoimmune disorders such as

Graves’ disease.

Get proper sleep: This is yet another factor which contributes to the weaker adrenal glands.

Insufficient sleep can affect the adrenal activities which as mentioned already is not good for

hyperthyroidism. One should ensure to take enough sleep to keep the body and mind calm and


Kick away stress: Stress can aggravate any problem on this earth. Chronic stress can also

contribute in the growth of hyperthyroidism. While it won’t be possible to eliminate stress

completely out of our lives, you should definitely make strong effort to keep a positive attitude

and handle stress in a constructive manner. A composed mind and body can go long way in

combating with hyperthyroidism.

Regular exercise: Exercising regularly can help beneficially in hyperthyroidism. It keeps the

blood circulation healthy and ensures good cardiac and adrenal activity. Post medical advice,

you can engage in specific regime of cardiac exercise for better results.

Reduce exposure to environmental toxins: Certain environmental toxins can have negative

effects on the thyroid health. While you cannot totally change the exposure outside, go for

natural products while choosing household items to minimize the exposure at home.

In case you have been diagnosed with Graves’ disease then you may try soothing your eyes

using a cool compress, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful ultra-violet

radiations, keep your head elevated than the rest of your body to reduce the fluid accumulation
in the head. This would also alleviate the pressure on your eyes. These easy home remedies

can be utilized to bring relief from swelling and erythema or redness caused in Graves’ disease.

Hyperthyroidism: Key Tips To Remember

Do not miss or alter your thyroid medication without a discussion with you endocrine doctor.

Please be advised that these herbs are not recommended for emergency circumstances such

as thyroid storm occurrence. Depending upon the severity of the disorder, it becomes necessary

to take anti-thyroid medication and beta blockers on a provisional basis or longer. However, for

prolonged duration proper thyroid medication along with holistic and natural approach for

treating hyperthyroidism can go a long way and help lead a normal life.

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