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Heterogeneous Distribution of Students in Class


Heterogeneous type of class section become very controversial in the vicinity of

the school, especially for the students. This issue became the talk of the whole students

who are disagreeing on the decision that the school implemented. Somehow the students

reactions are not that good because they think that after knowing each other and feeling

the comfort and the ' family bond ' through their previous class they will automatically

adjust their selves on he knew environment which comes because they will be separated

on the same students or people they are with. Teachers and school heads are saying that

this would be beneficial to the student's socialization. But the problem is, some issues

arising and they think that instead of pulling others up for their grades sake, they are the

one you are dragging them down, unlike the first class that they encounter that they know

how the attitude is and how to cooperate with each other.


Heterogeneous type of class faces many opinions forms the students and from the

teachers , but there some issues that generally concluding the issue about having

heterogeneous class , specifically the socialization adjustment of the students, the way

they will cooperate with each other. And keeping their selves up together with the new


1. Discuss the problems that heterogeneous class are facing to.

2. Let every students join the program in which they can give their opinions regarding the

heterogeneous class.

3. Let the student know why does heterogeneous class are implemented.


• The problems that the heterogeneous type of class has been facing the problems

of having the difficulty in socializing with different students instead of the students that

they are in last year. The way they adjust on some ways especially on pulling their

classmates up rather than pulling them down..

• let every students join some sorts of programs will open and discuss to them that

being in a heterogeneous type of class .ay have negative effect but will give benefits on

their part as the time goes by.

• let the students know why heterogeneous class was implemented in order for

them to have peace on their mind that the development of each students will grow if and

only if they realize the worth of having heterogeneous class.


This project will be consuming half of the year (6months) in order to implement

the programs smoothly and talk to some persons who will lead the said program.


Students. Students will be benefited in this because they will know why is it

implemented and to open their eyes on the fact that this will gave them strength to

socialize with other students.

School. This will benefit the school because they can communicate with their

students regarding their complains and opinions in the implementation lf heterogeneous


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