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Request for Facial Recognition lnvcstigalion

DEPARI MhNI' OF MOTOR VEI llCl~ES 120 Stale Slleet

, lr,t'11<:r <!I framportmio11 Montpelier. Vrnnont 05603-000 I
802.828 211<•7
888-'1'1- \IU{:Vll lNt

ReqLt<'Sf lo sc:.H"ch the \'crmoni (\'T) Dcpnrtnwnl of :\lolor \'chides (D1\I\') focial reuigni1ion (l•R) pl1010
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for 1hc purpose of
cnmp;uing suspect probe photos againsl photos housed in the \'T D1\l\"s l'R pholo repository :rnd ob1:1inin1"
informalion thal will advance artiw investjgations, apprehend wanted fugitives m known or suspc<'kd
terrorists, and lorn re missing persons. , \ probe photo refers to th .. photo ot' the suhjccl ul an :H'll\"'
in\'cst1gati<>n that is submitted for search against a photo repo~ilory. The a11ticip:Hed result of 1lta1 ,carcl1 will
lie a photo gallery of po1c11rial m:llchcs. These potcmial rnatdws (candidates) \\~II he forwarded to 1hc au1horizcd r<'<Jlll'Sll'I', :dong wi1h
any associa1cd infonna1ion stored with the photo in the VT DI\!\' FR system. The rctjucster will then perform comparisons n!' 1lw
candidate pholo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

'!'he inrent of this service is npt to provide a positive idcrnification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and an;1lysis ro support thal lead. The I ,E llsn will utilize tlw \T DI\I\' JiR phoro repository 10 supplement info1 rnation p(midcd
hy existing invcstig;1live prnclict•s,

Yon agree to ~

" Securely slore phnto images :\lid tt~Xt associated with tht' DL of 1hc most likely eandidatc(s) to 1he prnhl' in :10 offici:1l rn:;c
management sptem for recnrd kt,cping purpnscs.
" lmmcdiatdy destroy all other galkry photos and assodawd information.


Date nrRcqw:st: Location ol'lnvidcnt:

Dale oflnddcnt: Type off;i~i<lcnt:
Passport Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of StC1te- Boston Field Office PF-201 1
Name orr~qucstcr: Alexander Afonso Title of requester:
Special Agent
~('ontact phone:

Contad email:
617 -565-8980 AfonsoAP@state.gov
Passport Fraud

"k nown)
Suspect In fiormatton (II

Approximate age: Gender: M

Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Received by Date Received: l

0 Approved Valcour Case#

0 Nol Approved

TA·VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
--------------~. ·-·-····
IJl:PARIMl:NT ClF MOTOR VElllCl.J·:S 120 Stale S1re1.'f
. f,~e11cy (flht11\JWrlutim1
l\fontpdkr. Vcrnionl 05603-000 I
802 X2X 11)r, 7
X8X •J•J. Vl:RM! lN I
tlmv. ''~rmonl.go\·

Ret1uest 10 s1•;in:h tlw \'ci-monl (V'J) Departmenr of \lotnr Vehicles (D\I\') foci al rci:ognitio11 (FR) pl1010
repository, which contains license (DJ,) photos, These searches will he performed for llw pmpose ol
comparing suspect probe photos againsl photos housed in ilu: \''I' l),\JV's l;R pho10 n·posilorv :md oli1:1111111~',
information thal will adv;mn· ac1ivt· invt's1·igalions, appreh('nd wantvd fugilivn> or known or '"'''i"'ned
krrorists, and locate missing persons .. \ probe pho10 refers lo llw phDIO ol' 1he s11lijer1 ,,( ;m acli\T
i1wcsiigation 1ha1 is submitted for seard1 against a photo repository. The anticipated result of thal Sl"trch will
he :i photo gallery of potential malches. These porential m;11chcs (candidates) will lw forwarded to the authorized 1np1cslt'r. ;tlu11g w11h
:1nr ;1ssoci:1ted inform;ltion stored with the pholo in the \'T Di\I\' FH system. The rt·<1uestcr will then perform com1>:1dsn11s of ilw
rnmlid:ite photo(s) :1gni11sr the prob(' phnto(s) to dt·tcnnine their viilue as investigative leads.

Th(' intent of this service is not lo provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an im't'stigall\T
k:1d :md :111:11\'sis to support that le:1d. The LE llscr will utilize the VT D\I\' FR photo repository lo supplement infnrn1atio11 pml'idcd
h)· vxisting investigative practices.

You agree to ·

" Securely slnrl' phorn ·images and t(·xt asM.a:iatcd with the DL of the most likely candidatc(s) to the probe i11 ;111 oftin<tl '·•IS<·
manag<·mc111 system for record keeping purposes.
'" I rnmcdia1cly de~troy all 01 her gallery photos :1rid associated information.

Date of Rcquc~t: 1.ocation of Incident: LJ SA

Date of Incident: Type or Incident:
passport fraud
Case II:
Department.of State PF 2017 - 00139
Tillc of requester:
Ashley Hannaway Investigative Analyst
Contact phone:
617 -565-8941 HannawayAR@state.gov
( 'fwrgcs:

Suspect I11tormat1011
. ("k
ti ·nown)
Approximate age: Gender: male ......

Approximmc height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

0 Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

-~- - _, ______ ~-,--_- ------------ ----- --~--- ---···-· ------~--·--··-·--
Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Stall' Si rc1·t
fge1u:r (~l l'ran.,p;H lalioo
l\fontpclicr. Ven non I 05611.l-OOO I
8(J2 828 111«//
X8X-'l</ VIRl\lON I

Rctj•H'St lu sl'arch the \'crmonl (\'T) [kp:u·tment of ;\lotor Vehicles (D,\!V) facial rn·ognirion (1-'H) phnl"
repository, which cnntains JiC{'llSC (DL) photos. Tlwsc St'>trches will be performed rnr dw purpose o(
comparing suspect probe phol<is against photos housl'd in the VT Df\l\"s FR photo n·posilorr anJ oh1aini11g
inforrnatio11 that will :1dva111:e ac1iv1· investigations, apprclicnd wanted fugitives or known nr susJH.'ctnl
terrorists, and lm:ate missing persons. ,\ probe photo refers to tht' photo of the s11lijcc1 of >in ;11·1 iv1·
inve"tigation 1hat is submit1cJ for search against a photo repository. The antkipateJ result of that se:ird1 will
ht' a photo gallery of polt'ntial matches. These potential matches (candidates) will lw forwarded to the anthnrized rctjucsrcr, :!long wi1h
:my associateJ information stored with the photo in the \'T Di\I\' FR system. The rl'qut'sll'r will 1lwt1 perform con1parisrn1s 1lr the
candidate photo(s) againsr the pmbe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

'J'h(' mtcnt of this service is not to prnvidt: a positiv(' idcntilirntion, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User wi1h an inw·stigali\c
lead and ;111:ilvsis It! support that lead. The LF. User will utilize tlw VT Di\!\' FR photo repository to supplement inf1mna1io11 provided
I>)• exisdng investigative practices.

\'ou agree to

,. Securely store photo images and text associatrd with the DL of the most likely camlidate(s) to the probe in an official C:hl'

rn:rnagcmcnt system fi)r record keeping j'n1rpos1:s.

"' lmnwtli:1tely desiroy all other g:illery plrntos and associated infnrmat.inn.

Date of Rc4uest:
3/13/2017 Location of Incident: Pennsylvania

!late oflncidcnt: Type of Incident:

2010 fugitive/identity theft
Ai.;.:ncy Name: Case II:
Pa Cl RM PC00223100
-~---~"---~~----~~-------~··~--· --

Name of requester: Kristine

Rost Research Analyst
- --------
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
· Federal fugitive-convicted of identity theft and access device fraud



Approximatc age: 34 ·--------+-C_J_cn_d_~_r:_m_a_le_ _ _ _ _ _-'-----~

Approximate height: 5'6" Rae~: black

Date Received:

Valcour Case #

TA VN·01 {electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Slalt; Slr~ct
.1gem }' 1~/' 'f'ransp1wlflli'm Montpelier, Vermont 0560,1-000 I
XHS-'! 11-Vl'RMl lN'I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Dcp:u:tment of l\lotor \'chide:; (IJ1\I\') facial recognitirn1 (!'!~) pholo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will he pcfforml'<l for rhe purptlst• 'if
comparing suspect probt: photos against photos housed in Ilic \'T Dl\IV's JiH photo r<:posi1orv :ltld oh1:1i11111g
information that will advance :1c1ive i1wcstigations, apprdlt'nd wanted fugitives or known or SUSJH'<:1ed
tt·rrorisls, and locale missing persons .. \ probe photo refers to the photo orthe suhjen of :\ll :trlh('
invcslig.nion that is submitted for search againsl :1 photo repository. The anticipated result or
that sc;ttch will
he a photo gallery of poi('llti:1I matches, Tlwst'. potential m:1tdws (c:indidatcs) will he forwarded to the :rnthoriznl rcc1uester, along wi1 Ii
any associated infonnaLion stotnl with tht> photo in the VT Di\!\' Ji]{ system. The rcyuestcr will then perforrn comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the prohe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads,

The intent of 1his seffice is not fn provide a positive idenlificadon, but tu provide thl' Law Enfnn.:cnwnt (LI<'.) 1lst•r with an 1nves1iga1in·
ll'ad and analysis to support" that lead. The LE User \\'ill utilize the VT Di\!\' FR photo n:pository tn supplcmc111 inrorrnation provided
by existing inve:Higativc practices.

\'ou :igrcc to -

" Secure!~· store photo images and ll'Xt associated with the DI. of the most likdy camlidilic(s) to the probe in ,ln official ms"
management sptem fnr record kC'cping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery pholo~ and associated infnrmalion.

Date of Request:
March 13, 2017 Location oflnci1font: Fugitive
Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
May 2016 Fugitive
Ag<:ncy Name: Case#:
US Marshals Service FID 10275998
f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - -.....~----~"""
Name of requester: , Title of rcqucst.::r:
Mike Barron Deputy US Marshal
Contact email:

802-951-6208 michael. barron2@usdoj.gov

Aggravated Sexual Assault on a Minor

Suspect Information (ifknown)

Approximate age: 50 Gender: Female
Approximate height: Race: White

DMV UseOnl
Date Received:

Valcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Request for Facial
_ ~-~~~----- Recognition Investigation
120 Stu!<: Street
Ageuc,r ,~f Trmt5portalim1
Mnnlpdier. Vi:rmo111 0~603-000 I
8H8-'l'!-Vl·:RrvHlN I

HL'lllll'Sl to search the Vc.·rn1011t (\'T) Department of .\lotm Vehicles (L).\IV) facial n:cognilinn (i"R) phult1
repnsi1ory, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will lie pl'rformed for the purpo:;l' nl'
_comparing srn;pcct probe photos a;j:iinst photos housed in tilt· VT !);\!V's l'R photo repository and oh1;1ining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanled fugitives or k11nwn or suspl·c11•d
tnrodsts, and locate n-tissing persons. ,\ probe photo refers to thC' photo of the subject o( a11 :ll'tive
investigation that is submittetl for search against a photo rcposi1ory. The anticipated result of that seaffh will
lw a photo g<tlkry of polentfrtl matches. These potential matches (cantlidatcs) will he fonvanled to tlw aurhorizcd n·q\lcstcr, aloi1g with
any :rnwci;1ted information 'torcd with the photo in the VT D1\I\' l'R system. The retJllt'8tcr will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative kads.

The intent of this scfvice is !!Q1 to provide a positive idt·ntification, but to provide the Law Enforn·mcnt (LI.:) User with an invcstig:11iw
lead and :malysis to support tlrnt lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Di\IV FR photo repository to supplcme11t information prov1dnl
by existing invcstigatiw practices.

You :tgrt't' Io -

@ Securely store photo images and text a~sociated with the DL of the most likely candidntc(s) to the probe in an official e;ise
management systnn for record keeping purposes.
" lrnmediatdy destroy all otht:r gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
03/10/17 Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Type oflncidcnt:
03/10/17 Identity Theft Investigation
Homeland Security Investigations
Title of requester:
David Jansen
Contact email:
(786) 229-4291 david.jansen@dhs.gov
Charges: 18 USC 1028(A)

Suspect In ormatlon 1 nown

Approximate ;1ge: Gender: One male I One female

Approximate height: Race: Both white

DMV Use Only

Received by· Date Received:

tJ<.Approved Valcour Case# / '1 /11

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

for Fadal Recognition Investigation
Montpelier. \lcr111011t O'i60\-0()0 I
802. R2 X ~Oh 7
888-9'1-\/l·RM< INT

Hc<jt1csl to search the \'..-rmollt (\'T) Dep:1rtmcnt of ;\lotor \'chicles (D1\I\') facial rccognitiol\ (i"R) pho1n
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. 'l'lwsc searches will he performed for thL· purpose or
comparing suspect probl· photos against photos housed in the \'T U1\!V's 11R photo repository :md oh1:1irn11g
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or smpt·c1<·d
terrorists, and lornte missing persons. ,\ probe photo refer,; to the photo of the :;ulijecl of an :w1i\ ,.
investigation that is submitted for search ;1gainst a photo repository. The anticipated res uh of Ih:11 search will
lw :1 photo gallery of potential m:Hches. Th1:sc potential m:nchcs (candidates) will be forwardnl lo th~: aulhoriznl rCLJLlt'sler, along \\'ilh
:lll)' ;tssociatcd information stored with the photo in the \'T Di\!\' FR system, The rct111estcr will dw11 perform comparisrnts <>( ilw
c:1111\id:ate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

Thl' imcnt of this service is not lo provide a positive identification, hut In prnvid,· the Law Enforcement (LE) Usc1· with an i11vcs1i1•,atin·
lead and analysis to suppon th,11 le:1d. The Ll•: lJscr will utilize: the \'T Dl\IV FR photo repository to supplement i11formatio11 provided
by exisdng investig:llivc practices.

You agrn· to

" Securely srorc photo images and text associated with the DL of tlw most likl·ly rnndicbtc(s) to the probe 111 an , >1lit:i:1l ca"'
managcnwn t system f, •r record keeping purposes,
'" lmnwdi:uely tkstroy all orlwr gallery photos,nnd associated informatfrm.

Date Location of Incident: Austin'

Date oflnd<lcnt: Type of Incident:
3/28/2017 Rape
Agency Name: Case II:
Austin PD 17-06001
Name Tille of requester:
Amanda Polis
Intelligence Analyst
t 'ontact phone: Contact email:
512-97 4-5363 amanda.polis@austintexas.gov
( 'hargcs:

Su sped I nlormatmn
, (I'fk nown

1\pproximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Stale Slrcct
. lget1<Y 1~( l'ranvporfalivn
Montpelier. Vermont 05603-000 I
il02.828 2w, 7
888-'1 1/,.Vl'li/VH >NT

Rc<.1uest to st.1rch the Vermont (\T) Dep,1rtment of ,\!otor \'chides (D;\f\') facial recognition (l'R) pho1n
repository, w ich contains license (DL) photos. These se,uches will be performed for ihl· purp<>Sl' o(
comparing su pect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR phuto repository :mJ nh1aining
information \har will advance active i11vcsrigations, npprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspcclcd
terrorists, an4 locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of :111 active
investigation ihat is submitted. for search against a photo repository. The an1icipati::d result of tha1 search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. [l'hcsc. poten1ial matche:o; (candidates) will he forwarded to the authorized requcskr, along with
any associated information srored with 11he photo in the \'T DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comp,1risons n( th('
candidate photo(s) against the probe pho~o(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is !!Q! to provJe :1 positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LI:<'.) User with an invcstigativt·

lead and analysis ro support that lead. T~c LE User will utilize rhe VT D(lfV FR photo repository to supplement information prqvidcd
hy existing investigative practices.

\'nu agree to ·-

Securely store photo images and tef t associated with the DL of the most likely candid:ite(s) to the probe in an r:iffo:i~1l rnsc
" management system for record kcepi g purposes.
Immediately dcstmy all other gallery hotos and associated information.

Date of Request:
Location of Incident: . . • . . .
04-07-2017 Nat1onw1de fugitive from Justice
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
wanted for 1 years Statutory Sodomy/Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution

Agency Name: Case#:

Missouri lnforma ion Analysis Center SD170406151304
Name of requester: Title of requester:
Shelly Dom Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
Char0 es·
"' ··Statutory Sodomy/Unla ul Flight to Avoid Prosecution (Bruce - Kenie is his wife/paramour)

Sus ect fnfonnation (if known)

Approximate age: 64 Gender: M and F

Approximate height: Un known Race: both White

OMV Use Only

Date Received: 4-'1-l1
Valcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/201B MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
DFl'Al~Tl\ffNfOF MOTOR VElll('l.FS 120 Stale Sttc'<cl
Ag('Jt(l' (!I Trmr111J111'/ation
Monlpelicr. \IL'r111011t O:'ifi0.1-tHIO I
XO.' X.~8 JW17
888.IJ<J. VFRMt >NI

RC(Jl!est to search the Vermont (\'T) Department of i\lotor \'chicles (D;\I\') facial fecognilion ()•R) ph(JJn
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will he pnfnrmed for the purpnsl' ',f
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DJ\l\"s l'R photo rcposito1·y and e1li1:1ini11g
inform:ition that will :nlvance active investigations, apprehc:nd wanted fugitiV('s or known or st"f"'•'l"d
terrorists, and locate missing pcrsotrn ..• \ probe photo rcfrrn to the photo of the subject of a11 :1r11w
inwstig:ttion that is submitted for search against a photo repository. Tht: anticipated result of tli:ll search will
ht' ;1 photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidati:s) will be forwarded to the authorized n·1.1ucstcf., along wit It
:un· associated information stored with the.· photo in the \''!' D:-..IV FR S)'Stt:m. The n:qucstcr will then perform comparisons o( 1he
rcmdidatc phoh1(s) ag:1ins1 the probe phnto(s) to detl'fminc their value as investigative leads.

Tlw intent nf this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an inws1iga1i.vc
lead and :tnalysis 1n support rhat lead. The LI•: Usc·r will utilit:e the \T Di\IV FR photo repository to supplenwnt ini'orma1irn1 pt'o\id('d
by existing inn:stigative practicl's.

\'nu agree tn

'" Sccurclr slnrc photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely camlidate(s) 10 the proltc in an off1ci,1l Cl'<'
nmnagemcnr system for record kt:eping purposes.
'" lmmcdi;1tcly destroy all other gallery photos a11d assnci:ited information.

Date 1f Request
3/27/2017 1.ocation orincidcnt: Pennsylvania
Dat.:: of111cidc11t: Type of Incident:
Agency Name: Case Ii:
Pa CIC RMPC00223266
Nain~; 11i·;cqueskr: • • Title of requester:
Kristine Rost ~-~----~~~-~ -- -
Research Analyst
-~=-~--"=-~~~-~-~~~ -·

Contact phone: Contact email:

717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: , ,
fug1t1ve--federal drug charges

"k nown)
Susl)ect lnlor111at1on (1t
Approximate age: 44 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5' 11" Race: black

OMV Use Only

Date Received:
Valcour Case #

TA-VN·01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
, lf{clllJ' o(Tra11sport<11io11
Montpelier, Vem1ont 0:5601-0tlO I
802 828.106 7

Rcqu.::sr to search the Vermont (V'J) Dcpamnenl of i\Iotor Vehicles (D1\l\) facial r<~rngnition (l<R) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for rhc p11rpost· of
compnring suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DM\"s FR photo repository ;ind nbt,1i11i11g
information that will advance active inwstigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or su~pcctcd
terrorists, and locarc missing persons, ,-\ probe photo refers to the photo of thl' subjt:ct of an ac1iw
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that se·,tn:h will
be a photo gallcq' of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized rcyucstl'.f, 1dong \vi1h
any a~sociated information stored with the photo in the \TT Dt\f'\/ FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) agrtinst the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is .ru:U; ro provide a po8itive identification, bur to provide the Law Enfon:ement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis t0 support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Di\IV FR phot0 repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree ro ···

• Securely store phoro images and t·ext associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
"' Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Dute of Request:
3/15/2017 Locationoflncident: New Hampshire
Date oflncidcnt: Type oflncident:
1985/2000 Cold Case Investigation
Agency Name: Case#:
New Hampshire State Police 1-85-148
Name or requester: Amy Paradis Title of requester:
Criminal Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
(802) 872-6122 Amy.Paradis@Vermont.Gov
Charges: Related to cold case investigation. Bodies discove r el. Perpetrator's true identity is
unknown and he died in 2010. Utilized name of Looking to find true identity.

Suspect Infonnation (if known)

Approximate age: 30-37 Gentler: Male
Approximate height: 5' 1Q" Race: Black

ValcourCase# / 1 /J1VOCJ

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Ag1.'H(l' 1fJ'ranvwna1i<m
Montpelier_ Vermont 0."i(J(l l·OOO I
XXX-'l'i-VI R~H>N I

Rcl1uest tn search rhc \'ermonr (VT) Dcparlmcnt of i\lotor \'chirfos (Di\IV) Licial n-cogoilirn1 (l'R) pl11 >It>
repository, which contains license (DL) phoros. Thcs<' ~catches will lw ped(>rnwd fo,· rlie p11rpo~c oC
nnnparing suspect prolic photos again~,1- photos housed in the \'T D1\JV's FR photo repositorv and 1 ilit-.1i11in~',
information that will advan<.:c active investigations, apprehend wanted fugilivcs or !mown or suspeclnl
terrorists, and locitc missing pernons. A probe photo refers to the photo of du· subject of ;m :icti\'l:
inve:;tigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result u( that ~t·arch will
lw ;1 phOlo gallery of pukntial matclws. These potential matcht's (candidates) will be forwarded to thl' authorized rc1.1ucslcr, :1lo11g wili1
an1· assncialt'd inrormatinn stored with the photo ir1 llw \'T Dl\lV FR system. Tlw relJUCSlt:r will tlwn perform n1111p:1risons ot" ilw
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to detennine their value as investigative lead!..

The imcnt of this servi.:c is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforccnwnt (I.Ji.) User with an inwstigalivc
le:id :md annlysis lu support tlwt lead. The l.E User will urilizt' the VT Di\f\I PR phn10 repository to s11pple111c111 inliir111;11io11 prn,·idnl
hy existing inwstigative practices.

\'nn agree to -

"' Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to tlw probe i11 :111 official c:I~<'
management system for re(ord keeping purposes.
"' lmn1edia1ely destroy all othn gallery photos and associated information.


Date of Request: Location oflncidenl:

8 March 2017
Date of lnt:ident: Type of Incident:
February 2005 violated supervised release; fugitive

Agency Name: Case ii:

US Marshalls/Alabama Fusion Center 0579-0216-2009-D
Nnmc ofn:qucstcr: Sara Loughran Title of n:quester:
Intelligence Analyst
t---~· ~~---~~~.~-~~~~-~~~-- ~~~·~~-
Contad phone: Contact email:
3345172667 sara.loughran@alea.alabama.gov

Charges: illegal entry to the US 2000; violated supervised release 2005.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate aµe: 50 years Gender: Male
Approximate height: 5'7" Race: Hispanic

Valcour Case #

TA·VN-01 (electronic only) 0912013 MTC

.VERMONT Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
OF M<>l( )R VEJ l~ll-:~L~E~S~------------------- ~W,µ,~~~-~~,~~,m~~~~,--.
120 State SinTI
Agnu:v <~lTra11'iporlalim1
Montpelier. Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828 2or,7
888· 1! 11-VFRM< lNI
dnn·. ''ermool.i.:ov

Request tn search the Vermont (\'T) Dcpar11m:nt of l\ln1or \'chicl<.cs (Di\!\') (ad;il recognition (l'R) phnlo
tcpository, which contains license (DI.) photos. 'J'hcsl'. searches will lw performed !'or 1he purp• isc nt
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the \'T Dl\l\"s FR photo rcpositmv :111d obtaining
information thnt will advnncc active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspcc!cd
terrnrists, nnd locate missing persons. ,\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of :111 actin·
investigation that is submiited for s1.:arch aguimt a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
he ;l photo gallery of potential matches. These potcntinl matches (camlidales) will he forwarded to the authorb:nl rc<JlH'Sil'r, ;dong willi
:my a>.sociated infr>rmation stored wiih the photo in the \1T D:\IV FR system. The requester will then perform eomparisnm 1if ilw
c.1mlidate photo(s) against rhc probe photo(s) to determine their value as inves1igalivc leads.

The intent nf this service is 1!2! to pr'Ovidc a positive identificadnn, hut to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an im'<'.stigativ1·
lead :md nnalysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the \'T Di\IV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
l1y existing itwcstigative practices.

\'011 ;1grcc to -

"' Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely caodidarc(s) to the probe in an official case
n1anag,·me111 system (or n:cord lkcping purposes.
"' lm1rn·diatdy destroy all oilier gallery phmos and associated information.

Date Location of Incident:

Uatc or Incident: Type of!ncident:
Passport Fraud
Agem:y Numc: Case II:
Department of State- Boston Field Office PF-2009-05301
(617) 565-8937 CARSONJL@state.gov
Passport Fraud

I known)
Suspect lnfom1at1on ('f

Approximate age: 46 Gender: M

Approximate height: 5'2 Race: w

Received by: Date Received:

J1' Approved Valcour Case#

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Slnlt: Street
.Jg<111iy uf7'ra11sportatinn
Montpelier, Vennont 05603-000 I

Request to search the \'ermont (VT) Department of i\!otor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for tht• purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo reposirory and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, ~md locate missing persons. , \ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for se:m:h against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potentfal matches (candidates) will he forwarded to the authorized ret1uester, ;ilnng wirh
any ;1ssociated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
rnndidatc photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is n~t to provide a positive identification, but to provide 1he Law Enforcement (LE) User with an invesliga!ivc
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utili:lc the VT Di\(V FR photo repository to supplement informar1on provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree tn -

• Securely store phoro im<igcs and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the pmbe in an oftki,11 c;1se
management system for record keeping purposes.
"' I mmcdiatcl)' destroy all other gallery photos and associatt~d information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident B t MA

3/2/17 os on,
Dute of Irwident: Type of Incident:
10/21/14 FTA Major Fraud Case
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 7503992
Namcofrequester: Neil Sullivan Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-748-2566 neil .sullivan@usdoj.gov

susoect I nfcormat1on (fk

1 nown

Approximate age: 41 Gender: M

Approximate height: 6'0 180 Race: White

DMV Use Only

Date Received:

Valcour Case #


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

ONT Request for Facial Recognition fnvestigation
I 20 State Street
. lge1ny '!{Tmn.vporlation
Montpelier. Vermont 051103-000 I
888-'l'i-VEI~ MC

RcCJucsr to search the Vermont (YT) Department of ,\fotM \ll•hklt•s (D.\!V) facial rccognirion (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DJ.) photos. These ~carchcs will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect prnhe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's PR photo repository and ohrnining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to rhe photo of the subject of an active
investigiltion that is submitted for search agf1inst a photo rcpositoq: The anticipated result of 1hat search will.
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwanled to the authorized requester, along with
any :rnsnciated information stored with the photo in the YT DM\' FR system. The rec1uestcr will then perform comparisons of 1he
candidate photo(~) against the probe photo(s) to determine their Vf1luc as investigative leads.

The i1ttent of 1fos service is ru!i; 1-0 provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead <Ind anlllysis to support that lead. The LE. User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

'(011 agree to --

"' Securely store photo im;1gcs and text associated with the DL of the most likely c:mdidate(s) to the probe in an official caoc
management system for record keeping purposes.
• !mmediatdy destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Dale of Request:
2/21/17 Location of Incident Methuen' MA
Dall' of [ncidcnt: Type of Incident:
Sept 16 Murder
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 1191148
Name of requester: Neil Sullivan Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
857-753-1419 neil.sullivan@usdoj.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 32 Gender: M
Approximate height: 5-8 Race: B

DMV Use Only

e Received:
,f-,f I-/ 7
/?hi v

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation

Montpelier. Vermont 05603··000 I

B88-'1'>· Vl!Rl\H lNT

R<'qucst to search the \'crmont (\'T) Dt:partmcnt of 1'.!otor \'chicks (D.\f\') facial rvcognitinn (l'R) photn
rt•pository, which contains lin·n,;e (DL) photos. Th cs(' sc:irchcs will lie performed for th(' p11rpo•w ot
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT D,\!\"s FR photo repository ;1ml oht:1i11i11g
information th:it will advance active investigations, apprehend w:mteJ fugitives or known or suspect<•d
terrorists, and locate missing persons .. \ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an acti\',.
investigation that is submitted for seard1 :1gainst a photo rqm>itory. The a111idpatcd result of that se:11·ch will
lie a photo g:tllery of potential matches. Thcsl· potential rnatchcs (candidates) will he forwarded to the authorized rec111csrer, along with
:my :1ssuciated information stored with the photo in the VT Dl\IV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of 11H'
candidate photo(s) ag;1inst the prohc phnto(s) to dctennine their value as investig:ltive leads.

Th(: intcnl uf this service is not to provide a pnsitive idl'ntification, but to provide the I .aw Enforcement (LE) User with an invcstig:llivc
lead :ind analysis In support that lead. The LE User will utili:te the VT Di'.\IV FR photo repository to supplement inforn1:11ion provided
hy existing invc.stigativc practices.

You :1)1/<'C to -

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of fhe most likely c:mdidate(s) to tht· probe i11 :111 official c:1st·
managcmcnl system for record keeping purposes.
I nm1cdi:1tely Jc:stroy all other g:1lkry photos and assod:m:d information.

Date ofRcqucs1: I.ocation of Incident:

01/20/2017 Baltimore MD
Date oflnddcnt: Type of Incident:
02/03/2000 Offense
US Marshals Service N/A
Name orr~'CJUCStcr: Tille of requester:

- ----------~·---~---
lnsup Shin Supervisor
Conlad phone: Contact
802-951-6202 insup.shin@usdoj.gov
C'lrnrges: • ,
Sex Offense - Against Child-Fondling

Suspect Information (1'fk·nown)

Approximate age: 58 Gender: Male

Approximate height: 5' 11" Rae~~:
DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

}k:Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA·VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

120 Si3(l' Street
Montpelier. Vermont 0:1603-000 I
802 82X.20li"/
888-'1 1!- VFRM< )NI

Retiuest to search the Vermont (\''!) Department of i\lotor \'chicles (Di\I \') facial recognition (FR) phot• >
reposilorr, which contains license (DL) photos. These seardws will bl' pl'rfornwd for 1hc Jlllt'!H>e>t' .. r
comparing snspen probe pho1os aw1i11st photos housed in lhe VT UM V's Fl{ photo repn.,itnry :ind nlitaini11g
inform:llion that will advance active im•t•stigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspecil'd
1erroris1~;, :incl loc:itc missing persons ..\ probe photo refers to the photo of the s11bjc·ct of :111 acti1 ,.
invcsligation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of Ihat scan·li will
hl' a photD gallery of potential rnatchcs. These potential matches (candidates) will lx· fon.vankd to tlw ;mthorilcd rniuc:;tn, along with
any associ:Hed information stored with d1c photo in the \'T DT\I\' FR system. The rcciucster will then pcrfurm compariso11S nr th<'
c:mdid:llc plmto(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

Tlw intent of this s('rvice is !lli.! t 0 pmvidc a positi\'l' kkntificatinn, but to prnvidc the Law Enforcement (LE) User \Vith au inwstig;1tivc
lc;1d :111d analysis to support that lead. The LE User will t1tiliie the \'T Di\IV FR photo rcpositor)' tu suppkrnenl ioform:uio11 prm·idcd
by existing invt'stig:Hive prnctkes.

't'"ou agree to -

"' Sccurelr store photo images and text :issnciated with the DL of the most likely ntndidatc(s) In 1lw prnlw in an official c:ts!'
m:111:igcmen1 system for record keeping purposes.
.. lmm .. diatcly destroy all olhn gallery phntns and associated information.

Location oflncident: New ~.~.

07-18-2008 fugitive/narcotics
Title of requester:

Research Analyst
Contact Contact email:
717-783-0722 kro st@ pa.gov
· fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (1·r known)

Approximate age: 43 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'04" Race: unknown

Valcour Case#

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 0912013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Sla(c Street
Agmq ·~r Transpou,111011 Montpelier, Vcnnont 0%03-0001
802 .R28.206 7
888-99- Vl'R MC lNT

Ret1uest to search the \'ermont (VT) Department of J\loror Vehicles (Di\·!\') fadal recogni1ion (Jill) phoio
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpos<.· of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT Di\IY's FR photo repository and obtaining
inforrnatio11 thnt will advance ~lctivc investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. :\ probe photo refers lo the photo of the subject of an acuve
investigation that fa subrnittcd' for search against a photo repositoqr. The anricipated result of thar search will
be a photo gt1llery of potential matches. 'l'hesc potential matches (candidates) will be fonvarded to the authorized requester. along witb
anr as~ociated inform.arion stored with the photo in the VT 07\1\' FR system. The requester will then perform. comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is llilt to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User wilh an investigative
lead and analy~is to support· thar lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information prodded
lw existing investigative practices.

You ;1grce to -

" Sccurdy sinrc pho10 images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidare(s) to the prob(• in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncidcnt B t MA

1/6/17 oson,
Date oflncidcnt: Type of Incident
4/1/95 Murder 2014
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 9686610
Name of requester: Neil Sullivan Title of requester:

Conlad phone: Contact email:
617-748-2566 neil.sullivan@usdoj.gov
Murder Fugitive 2014

Sus ect Information (if known)

Appmximak agt:: Gender: M
Approximate height: 5-11 150 lbs Race: White Hispanic


alcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Mo1n1Pem,r, Vermont 05603"4:1001

to seuch the V(li:mont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (Dfvrv) facial ,.,,;ui.:'11.l<•un
which c:ontains license (DL) photos. The$e searches 'l'.llil! be ""'rm1r"''""
probe photos photos housed in the vr DMV's FR photo "'1-IVO<aUJ
'\'.llil! advance mvestigations, wum:Q Ot known or 5UJir;t:Cte•d
lrn;ate missing A probe photu refers to the photo of the subject of :m active
investigation that is submitted seuch against a photo repository. The 11.nticipated result of thar search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential m:m:hes (C!!ndidates) will be foi;w.uded to the authorized requester, \vi!h
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The will then
candidate photo(s} against the probe photo(s) to determine their value !IS investigat:iv!!

The intent of this service is JUll to provide a positive identification, but lo provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an mv'estm,11tJve
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Dl\.J:V FR photo to supplemeor information or(>\f!c!eo:
by investigative practices.

You agree to -

S~ri:ly mm1 photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the in an offidal
managemt:nt system for tecord keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

D11te of Request: Location of Incident.:

Date of Incident.: Type or lm:idmt:

N!l.llle of n::queslm':

Contact phone: Contact email:

Chqes: .
Federal Supervised Violation secondary to a PWID (Cocaine) conviction, with

Date Received:

:Valcour Case#

TA.VN.tl1 (lllledronlc only) 0912013 MTC

r·~H~~P~A-,-R-=T::-tv-:-11-,-,:N--l'f::-,1.,.::)1-,:::l'vl=<=>l~'<=m~·:::V::E.:::11:..f(::::.'f:_J_::;s-=----------~·, ,,,·-~-·,_~_ , . .--.
Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Slat.: Str.:cl
,,f.-t:CHlJ' 1~/'Fron.\JNittathm
IVlonlpclicr. Vcrnmnt 0560.1·000 I
802 828 211(17
ggg,.<n VI 'RM( lN r

ltc1.1uc·s1 '" sc:irch ilw \'cn11ont (\'T) Lkpartment of 1\lotor \'chides (DJ\I\') facial rn·ognition (l;R) pho11.1
repository, which c11111:iins lit:cnsc (DL) photos, These searches will he pcrf"nrn:d !l1r Ilic P""l'"':t· ol'
ct1mparing suspect pt'obc photos against photos housed in 1·he VT Di\l\l's Fl{ photo repository and ohlaining
infrirni:ttiun that will advance ac11ve investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known Dr suspcct•·d
terrorists, and locate 1nissing persons. ,\ probe pho1·0 refers to rhc photo of the subji:n of :m :H·1in'
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo rqm,;itory. The anticipated result .,f 1ha1 sl':tr<.h will
Ix a plwto gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidall's) will be forwarded to the authrn·ized requester, :dong with
:mv associated information stored wilh the photo in the VT Di\!\' FR system. The retiurntcr will then perform con1parison:; of' tlw
cmdidale photo(s) against the prnbc plwto(s) to determine rhcir value :1s investigative leads.

Thi! intent of this s('rvicc is ilot lo pmvidv a pwdriw id1.•ntHkatiot1, hut to provide the Law I<:nforccmcnt (LI;.) User with an invrstig:11iw
k:1d and analysis lo •a1ppnrt th:H lead. The LF Us1.·r will utilize the VT Di\l\i FR phnti1 rcpositnry In snpplcmt:nt infflrm:11ion prm ided
h)' existing inwsligntiV(' pr:1ctkl's.

'{c;u agree to -

'" ~ccurely sture phulo images and text associatcu with the DJ, of the mosl likely candidale(s) lo the prohe Jn an otllci:il <';ts1·
m:111agcmcn1 systern Cor record keeping purposes.
<> lmmedia1cly dcslroy all other g,tlkry photos and associated information.

Date nrlnddcnt: Type
N/A Fugitive Investigation
1\gcncy Nam,•: Case II:
__L_i_n_d_g_r_e_n__________ -;Title of requester: Deputy u.

. Marshal
Contact phunc: Contact
503-326-4178 jesse.lindgren@usdoj.gov
( 'h·irgcs·
- ' .. State of Oregon Felony Escape Warrant (Underlying Charges of Rape I and Sodomy I).

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 70 <lender: Male
Approximak height: 5'1 O" Race: White

DMV Use Only

Date Receiyed:

Valcour Case#

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
llLl'AIHMENT OF MOTOR VF.lllCLES 110 Slate s11,:c·1
, lgnlr',\* of' 7hOf\/1orlaliu11 Mn11tpclier. Vern1011t 05Ml.l-Oflll I
802 82X 21J(, 7

Request lo search the Vennont (VT) Department of 1\!otor \'ehide,; (U,\l V) fadal rccognifi.,n (Ill\) ph"'"
repository, \Vhich contains license (DL) photos. Thl'~e searches will be performed for the purpos.- .,f
comparing suspt'cl prnhl' photos againsl pl1otns housed in lhc \''!' Di\·l\"s l•R phnt11 repository and oht:1ii1i11:'.
inform:ition tha1· will advance active invcsligarinns, apprehend wankd fug1ti\'cs nr known 111· suspLTtnl
terrorists, and lorntL' missing persons, .\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an :Ktin·
investigation that is sulmu1ted for scard1 against a photo n«pository. Tht' a111icipaicd result of 1ha1 sc:1rch \\'ill
he a photo gallery of polenlial matches. These potenlial matches (candidates) will be forwanled to the authorized reLp1csrcr, :1lo11g wi1l1
:1111· associa1cd information stored with the photo in the \'T D?ll\' FR system. The rn1ucstcr will then perform cnmp:irisw1' of tlw
cmdid:Ht' plwto(s) ag:iinst the probe photo(s) to determine their value as inwstigativc leads.

The inlt'nl ol thi~ service is !IQ! to prnvidc a positiYc identification, but to provide the Law r•:nforceme111 (LE) User with an inwsiig,11iw
k:td and :malysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Di\!V FR photo repository tu supplement information pnn·idcd
hv existing inve:;tigativc pr:1ctic1:s.

\'ou agree Io -

., Sccurdy More photo associated with the DJ, of the mos! likely candidatc(s) to the probe in an oftici:il
i111:1ges and text t:!N1'
keeping puqmscs .
111:11rngcml'tll S)'Sfl'.m for recn1'd
., fmm(·diatcly dcslwv all othl'r g;ilkry photos and assnci,1ted information.


Dute of Rcqucst: Location of lncidt:nt:

Datc of Incident: Type oflncidcnl:
Passport Fraud
Agcm·y Namc: Case II:
Department of State- Boston Field Office PF-2009-05301
Name 'I itlc of requester:
Ian Kaeding Employee
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8937 KaedinglP@state.gov
Passport Fraud


Susnect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 46 Gender: M
Approximate height: 5'2 Ra.:c: w

Date Received:

Valcour Case#

TA-VN-01 (eleclronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT D.l'vIV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Dl'vlV FR photo repository to supplement information prm-idccl
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and te:Xt associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12-12-2016 Location ofincident: Pennsylvania
Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
2001 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00214031
Name ofrequesti;:r: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal parole violation and fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 71 Gender: male

Approximate height: 6'01" Race: white

DMV Use Only

Date Received:

V alcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DJ'vIV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an actiw
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the \.1T Dl:VlV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigativt'
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information proyicJccl
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Arizona

December 7, 2016
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
April, 2014 Narcotics
Agency Name: Case#:
Vermont Intelligence Center 16-VIC-2809
Name of requester: Chris Coyner
Title of requester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6119 christiana .coyner@vermont.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: male
Approximate height: Race: hispanic

OMV Use Only ·

Received by: Date Received:

·~ved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Tra11Jportatio11 Montpelier. Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Departn1ent of J\Iotor Vehicles (DJ'vl \') facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an actiw
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DivI\r FR system. The requester will then perform cornparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide. the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information proYiclcd
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official rnse
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: 111 i no is

December 6, 2016
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
April, 2014 Homicide
Agency Name: Case#:
Vermont Intelligence Center 16-VI C-2802
Name orrequester: Chris Coyner
Title of requester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-61°19 christiana.coyner@vermont.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: male

Approximate height: Race: hispanic

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

J?r'Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Tra11sporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of 1\Iotor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose oi"
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an ;1cti1·c
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallt'.ry of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized regucster, along with
any associated infornrntion stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information proYiclcd
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident:

December 5, 2016
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
Visa Overstay
Agency Name: Case#:
Vermont Intelligence Center 16-VIC-02782
Name of requester: Chris Coyner
Title of requester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6119 christiana.coyner@vermont.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 30 Gender: Female
Approximate height: Race:

DMVUse Only

Received by: Date Received:

Valcour Case#

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Tra11sporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
888-99-VER l'vl ONT

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an acti\'e
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be fonvarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to. determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Dl'vIV FR photo repository to supplement information proYided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

'" Securely store photo. images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
'" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
Locationoflncident:West Lebanon NH
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
11-23-2016 Death Investigation
Agency Name: Case#:
Lebanon PD 16L-1000-0F
Title of requester:
Name of requester: Richard Norris
Contact phone: Contact email:
603-448-1212 Richard. Norris@lebcity.com
Charges: N/A

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 50 Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

Date Received:

V alcour Case #


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTramporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of l\lotor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the pmpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an acti\T
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investig;1tivc
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User. will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information proYiclecl
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location ofTncident:

11 /21/2016
Date ofTncident: Type ofTncident:
Passport App. Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State- Boston Field Office PF-2016-01764
Name of requester: John Berbano Title of requester:
Investigative Analyst Assistant
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8978 BerbanoJ P@state.gov
Passport Application Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

13 Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11spor/atio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828 211117

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of l\lotor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DJ'vI'l's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an acti\•c
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the "lT DivIV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo~s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information prm·idcd
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
11/21/2016 Location oflncident: s an Di eg 0' Calif0 rn ia
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Unknown Corruption involving Prostitution
Agency Name: Case#:
Defense Criminal Investigative SeNices- San Diego 2012000472
Name of requester: Amy Paradis Title of requester:
Criminal Drug Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
(802) 872-6122 Amy. Paradis@vermont.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

Date Received:

Valcour Case# J

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Slate Slrccl
Agency of Tra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802 828:1116 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of l\lotor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an actiye
investigation friat is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated inform.at.ion stored with the photo in the VT D.M\r FR system. The requester will then perform compariwns of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information prnYidccl
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident:

Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
Passport Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State- Boston Field Office PF-2016-00057
Name ofrequester: Ian Kaeding Title of requester:
Investigative Analyst Asst.
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8937 Kaeding IP@state.gov
Passport Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: M
Approxiniate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Date Received:

Valcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Age11cy of Tra11spor/alio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be fonvarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DJVIV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official c1se
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Passport Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State- Boston Field Office PF-2015-02039
Name of requester: Kayla lzenman Title of requester: ).) I I ·t-t )
Employee "~1)(jJ n ·1--tJ, /rrfi'.vn
lzen man KN@stat~.gov
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8980
Passport Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 48 Gender: M

Approximate height: Race:

DMVUse Only

Date Received:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency o/Tra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (\'T) Department of I\lotor Vehicles (D1vIV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be perforn1ed for the purpose o~­
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT Dl'vI"v"s FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an actiw·
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized reguester, along with
any associated inforrnation stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The reguester will then perfonn comparisons of 1·hc
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DIVIV FR photo repository to supplement information prm·idcd
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

11 /09/2016
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
Passport App. Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State- Boston Field Office PF-2016-01255 \

Name of requester: John Berbano Title ofrequester:

Employee-Investigative Analyst Assistant lk
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8978 BerbanoJP@state.gov
Passport Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: M
Approximate height: Race: w
DMVUse Only
Received Date Received:

}? Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency a,( Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
e Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Dale of Request:
11 /02/2016 Location oflncident: Fort Lauderdale FL
Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
2013 Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
OHS M116BR13MI0019
Title of requester:
Nameofrequester: Christiana Coyner
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6119 christiana.coyner@vermont.gov
/fra yd

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 60 Gender: Male

Approximate height: Race: white

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

pQApproved Valcour Case # J{1;;

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of'Tra11spor/alio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
11 /02/2016 Location oflncident: Detroit
Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
1987 Drugs
Agency Name: Case#:
US Marshalls 8739-0513-0165
Name ofrequester: Christiana Coyner
Title of requester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6119 christiana.coyner@vermont.gov
Distribution of Drugs

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 84 Gender: Female
Approximate height: Race: Black

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received: I\\

}t[ Approved Valcour Case # }~ Y\''1
D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio1i Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
11 /02/2016 Location of Incident: Detroit MI
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
1996 Sex Assault
Agency Name: Case#:
US Marshalls 1639-0216-1713-S
Name of requester: Christiana Coyner
Title of requester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6119 christiana.coyner@vermont.gov
Sex Assault

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 64 Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race: Black

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Age11cy o/Tra11sporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. 1\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an actjve
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this' service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement informatjon provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
'" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
11 /02/2016 Location of Incident: Detroit MI
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
1996 Sex Offender
Agency Name: Case#:
US Marshalls 1339-0122-1460-S
Name of requester: Christiana Coyner
Title ofrequester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6119 christiana.coyner@vermont.gov
Absconded Sex Offender

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 67 Gender: male
Approximate height: Race: Hispanic

OMV Use Only

Valcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency o.(Tra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system: The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/28/16 Location oflncident: MASSAC H LJ SETTS
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
2014 Murder
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 9180578
Name of requester: Neil Sullivan
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-748-2566 neil .sullivan@usdoj.gov
- Wanted for Murder in Lynn, MA since

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: M
Approximate height: 5' 11 11 Race: Hispanic

Received by: Date Received:

)a" Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTransportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
corn.paring suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtainjng.
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate rn.jssing persons . .A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is subrn.jtted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform. comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to deterrn.jne their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT D:NfV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Im.mediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Can ad a

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
2013 Suspicious Death
Agency Name: Case#:
OMV Investigations 16-010690
Title of requester:
Name of requester: Francine Gonzales
Chief of Investigations
Contact phone: Contact email:
3032058382 francine.gonzales@state.co.us
Charges: .
Fraud - possible fugitive of other felony cnmes

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 60 Gender: m
Approximate height: 509 Race: w
OMV Use Only
Received by: Date Received:

~pproved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11spor1a1io11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/27/2016 Locationoflncident: Mechanicville, NY
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
5/3/2011 FTR Sex Offender
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 1795930
Name of requester: Neil Sullivan
Title of requester:
Senior Inspector
Contact phone: Contact email:
34 7-865-3918 roy.wright@usdoj.gov
Charges: . . . .
FTR Sex Offender Fug1t1ve , Nat1onw1de NCIC

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 1/8/1964 Donald HAYES Gender: M
Approximate height: 5'7" ' 160lbs Race: White

DMV Use Only

Date Received:

Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802 828 201i7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Passport Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State- Boston Field Office PF-2013-00094
Name of requester: John Berbano Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8978 BerbanoJP@state.gov
Passport Fraud

Suspect lnfo11nation (if known)

Approximate age: 42 Gender: M

Approximate height: 5'10 Race: w
OMV Use Only

Date Received:

Valcour Case#

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o/Tra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement inforrnation provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10-26-2016 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
01-23-1982 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00210670
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal parole violations

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 72 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'09" Race: white

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

0 Approved V alcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate ph6to(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
'" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: B t MA

10/25/16 os on,
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
4/1 /95 Murder 1995
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 781496
Name of requester: Neil Sullivan Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-748-2566 neil .sullivan@usdoj.gov
Murder Fugitive 1995

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: M
Approximate height: 6'2 200 Race: White Hispanic

OMV Use Only

Date Received:

V alcour Case #


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o_(Transportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802 828206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe 1n an official case
management systern for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/21 /2016 Location ofincident: Pennsylvania.
Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
02/10/2016 Fraud/Theft
Agency Name: Case#:
PaCIC RMPC00210598
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Fraud, theft

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: male
Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by:

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802. 828 .206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an nctivc
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) \vill be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices:

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/21 /2016 Location oflncident: Newark and New York City
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
several over past year ATM Skimming/ID Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Homeland Security Investigations 16-VIC-2403
Title of requester:
Name of requester: Christiana Coyner Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
ATM Skimming/ID Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Received Date Received: / ~ - c:7 /

2' Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG
Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/18/2016 Location oflncident: Bronx Ny
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
2013 Non-Fatal Shooting
Agency Name: Case#:
NYPD & US Marshalls 16-VIC-2364
Name ofrequester: Chris Coyner Title of requester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6119 christiana.coyner@vermont.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 37 Gender: Male
Approximate height: 5'3" Race: Hispanic

DMV Use Only

Date Received: /t:JJ-/

Valcour Case #


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
October 5, 2016 Location oflncident: Missouri
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Agency Name: Case#:
Vermont Intelligence Center LS161005124710
Name of requester: Mindy Duong Title of requester:
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6118 mindy.duong@vermont.gov
Charges: Requesting Facial Recognition on all Driver's License, Identification Cards or Prison photos in your respective AOR for the following photos in regards to an ongoing investigation by the JTTF. Person is
suspected in providing material support to terrorism (international). Believed to have frequented Missouri and Nevada in the 1980s.

Case #LS161005124710

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

~Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DM:V FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
9/29/16 Locationoflncident: MASSACHUSETTS
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
1997 Child Rape
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 9180578
Name of requester: Neil Sullivan Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-748-2566 neil .sullivan@usdoj.gov
Charges: . . . . .
, Child Rape Fug1t1ve Nat1onw1de NCIC

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: M
Approximate height: 51 8" Race: WHITE

Received by:

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) phoro
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspect('.d
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
9/21/16 Location oflncident: Wellesley' MA
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
March 2015 Fugitive Rape
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 1618811
Name ofrequester: Neil Sullivan
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-748-2566 neil.sullivan@usdoj.gov
·Wanted for Rape since March 2015

Approximate age: Gender: M

Approximate height: Race: Asian

DMV Use Only

Received by,: Date Received:

urA;proved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Stale Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802 . 828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Di\!IV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
9/16/16 Locationoflncident:Wellesley, MA
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
1/1/10 Child Rape
Agency Name: Case#:
USMS 9223909
Nameofrequester: Neil Sullivan Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-7 48-2566 neil .sullivan@usdoj.gov
Child Rape Fugitive Nationwide NCIC

Approximate age: Gender: M

Approximate height: 5-8 21 Q Race: White Hispanic

Received by: Date Received:

V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o/Transportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These se~rches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an ipvestigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DTvIV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident: New y 0 rk

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Unknown Homicide
Agency Name: Case#:
United States Marshals 9707602
Name ofrequester: Amy Paradis
Title of requester:
Criminal Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
(802) 872-6122 Amy.Paradis@Vermont.Gov
Charges: ·
Wanted for a drug related homicide in New York

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 30-37 Gender: Male
Approximate height: 5'1 O" Race: Black

Received Date Received:

~Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

_, '

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTransportalion Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV') facial recognition (FR) pholo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for· the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an fictive
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT D.MV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
. 8/24/2016 Location oflncident: Williamstown
Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
8/23/2016 Suspicious Circumstance
Agency Name: Case#:
VSP-Middlesex 16A303598
Name ofrequester: Aimee Nolan
Title of requester:
Detective Sergeant
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-839-0324 aimee.nolan@vermont.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 20's Gender: M
Approximate height: 5'6 Race: White

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

;tApproved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG


Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
I 20 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices. '

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
8/24/16 Locationoflncident: Massachusetts
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Ongoing Passport Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
DOS/DS/BFO PF-2015-01458
Name of requester: Alyssa Palazzo
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617 -565-8942 PalazzoAM@state.gov
Passport Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Date Received:

V alcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Age11cy ofTra11sporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspec:t probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Im.mediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Boston

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
N/A Passport Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
DOS PF-2016-00295
Name of requester: Alyssa Title of requester:
Palazzo Investigator
Contact phone: Contact email:
617 -565-8942 PalazzoAM@state.gov
Passport Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: ate Received:

~Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
8/8/2016 Locationofincident: Pennsylvania
Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
1/22/2009 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00203885,
Name of requester: Kristine Title ofrequester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--sex offense

Suspect Information (iflmown)

Approximate age: 48 Gender: ma Ie
Approximate height: 5'9" Race: white

OMV Use Only

Date Received: 8\ ~) llf

Valcour Case# / {p
D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o/Tra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an ~ctiVe
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
August5,2016 Location oflncident: West Virginia (WV)
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
Money Reshipping Scam
Agency Name: Case#:
WV Intelligence Fusion Center 16-VIC-01820
Nameofrequester: Danelle D. Wandling Title of requester:
Facial Recognition Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
304-558-4831 Danelle.D.Wandling@wv.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Female
Approximate height: Race: White

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received: 2/5 / J(p

~Approved ValcourCase# J(p Jvt VOOV/ f '/b
D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
8/3/2016 Locationoflncident: Pennsylvania
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
9/1/1996 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00203852
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
convicted of narcotics and money laundering charges. Escaped from federal prison in 1996

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 47 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'7" - 5' 1O" Race:

Received by: Date Received:

Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Stale Street
Agency ofTransportalion Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an acti\•e
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candiclate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: B t

7/26/16 . os on
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Passport Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
DOS-Diplomatic Security PF-2009-02430
Name of requester: Alyssa Palazzo
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8942 PalazzoAM@state.gov
Passport Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: , Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

V alcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DiVfV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

,. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
,. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
July 22, 2016 Location oflncident: Williston' VT
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Same Suspicious activity
Agency Name: Case#:
Name of requester: Mark Emmons
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-863-6316 Mark.Emmons@ic.fbi.gov
Charges: N/A. Subject made unusual and suspcious activities about firearms while at a gunshop in
Williston. Vermont Intelligence Case# is 16-VIC-1730

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race: White


Received by: Date Received:

~Approved Valcour Case # ·

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o.fTransporlalion Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Boston

Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
N/A Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
DOS-Diplomatic Security PF-2013-00401
Name of requester: Alyssa Palazzo
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-565-8942 PalazzoAM@state.gov
Passport Fraud

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: N/A Gender: Male
Approximate height: N/A Race: N/A

OMV Use Only

Date Received:

V alcour Case #


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DM'\T) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

July 1, 2016
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Fraud I ID Theft
Agency Name: Case#:
U.S. Dept. of State, Diplomatic Security (OS) (ORI: NJDOSOOOO)
Name of requester: Jeffrey C. Wiser Title of requester:

Contact phone: Contact email:

317-234-4950 jeffrey.wiser@HQ.DHS.GOV

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race: ,

OMV Use Only

Date Received: 7-/- /~

V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
I 20 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo im.ages and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official e<1se
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: B t MA

June 22, 2016 os on,
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
03/14/2016 Financial Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
DHS - Homeland Security Investigations
Name of requester: Quinn Maynard Title of requester:
Special Agent
Contact phone: Contact email:
617-565-7394 quinn.w.maynard@ice.dhs.gov
Charges: 18 USC 1028A(a)(1); 18 use 1344

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:


IB'Approved alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTransporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspect(cd
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.'
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

Date of Incident: Type oflncident:

Agency Name: Case#:

DOS Diplomatic Security CL-2015-00401
Title of requester:
Name of requester: Elizabeth Riedel
Contact phone: Contact email:
6175658209 riedeles@state.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received Date Received:

~pproved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV') facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices. ,

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:

Agency Name: Case#:

US DOS-Diplomatic Security CL-2015-00401
Name ofreque.ster: Megan Gross
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617.565.8214 grossmm@state.gov
.,~.1 • lri .\£-C-+ c~

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 40 Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

Received by: Date Received:

Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11spor/alio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or !mown or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of thi.s service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
1996 Rape of Child
Agency Name: Case#:
OS-Diplomatic Security CL-2015-00401
Name of requester: Alyssa Palazzo
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
617 -565-8942 PalazzoAM@state.gov
Charges: .
Open Warrant Rape of Child
6-u.J,.) 112-c .{- t4
Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

Date Received:

Valcour Case #

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802 828.2067

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
5/2/2016 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
4/13/2016 identity theft
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00195799
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: I have 2 individuals found to be using other people's identities to obtain state-issued IDs. Attached are their images and we are
attempting to locate their true identities. I have 1 male and 1 female suspect we are requesting facial rec searches to locate
their true identities.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o.fTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of poten:tial matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
"' Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Boston

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State 2015 - 00401
Name of requester: Ashley Hannaway
Title of requester:
Diplomatic Security
Contact phone: Contact email:
617 -565-8923 HannawayAR@state.gov

Suspect Information (iflmown)

Approximate age: Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race:

Received by: Date Received:

~roved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices. ·

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
02/23/2016 Locationoflncident: Orleans County, VT
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
02/23/2016 Wanted Fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
U.S. Marshals
Name of requester: Chris Kopac Title of requester:
Deputy U.S. Marshal
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-999-1856 Christopher. Kopac@usdoj. Gov
Charges: Fugitive has Burglary charges. Subject below is fugitive's girlfriend that will assist in the capture
of our fugitive.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 33 Gender: Female
Approximate height: Unknown Race: White

DMV Use Only

d ·-;? ;3-/ 1)
Received by: ate Received:.,

By: Valcour Case# / 6 /7J j/' /)

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for FaciaJ Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to~

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
01/27/2016 Location oflncident: Chicago, IL
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
1987 Passport Fraud/MJ Smuggling
Agency Name: Case#:
Diplomatic Security Svc PF-2015-01991
Name of requester: Jeff Dubsick
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
415-609-6577 dubsick@state.gov
Charges: Passport Fraud; Marijuana Smuggling - See attached photo and flyer for more info. Request received from
MOCIC on behalf of ASAC Dubsick. If any results are found, please cc kmcdonough@nespin.riss.net.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: male
Approximate height: 6'02" Race: White


Received by:

~ved Valcour Case# I &nl\ vOc

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons . .A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

01 /26/16 100 Kennedy Dr. S. Burlington
Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
June 2015 to Nov 2015 Voyeurism
Agency Name: Case#:
Burlington Police Department 15BU35024
Title of requester:
Name ofrequester:Thomas Nash
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-540-2221 tnash@bpdvt.org
Charges: .

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: J«/flt!l{·/i·

~proved By:

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) phoro
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

"' Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to th~ probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information. ·

Date of Request:
1/12/2016 Locationoflncident: Pennsylvania
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
12/22/2006 fugitive/homicide
Agency Name: Case#:
PaCIC RMPC00187476
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: .

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 50 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'1 O" Race: white

DMVUse Only
Received by: ,:'f//i /l </ Date Received:
'.~-:;!;fl l t,, c. (,/,
D Approved By:
Valcour Case #

0 Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository.and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These pote1~tial matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Boston

Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
Multiple Felonies
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State 2009 - 05301
Name of requester: Ashley Hannaway
Title of requester:
Diplomatic Security
Contact phone: Contact email:
617 -565-8923 HannawayAR@state.gov
Charges: . . . .
Multiple felonies including passport fraud, drugs, assault

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race:

Received by: Date Received:

/'-/ / ·-16
Valcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State St!'cct
:lgency ofTm11sportatio11 Montpelier, \I ermont 05(10]-lll Ill I
802.828 21!(17
888-99-VrR MONT

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of ;\lotor Vehicles (D1\.l\I) facial recognition (!"I\) photo
repository, which conrains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose "f
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the V'J' D1VIV's l."H. photo rcposito1:y and obt:1inJllf'.
information that: will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspectl'd
terrorists, and locate missing persons. ,\ pi:ohc photo refers to the photo of the 8Ubjcet of an ;1i:tiw
investigation that is submitted fot: search ag~tinst a phoro repository. The anticipntcd result of that SC>ll'Ch \\"ill
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized ne(1uester, along wit Ii
·,1ny associated information Mored wirh the photo in the VT Di'vlV FR systcq1. The re,1uestcr will tlicn perform comparisons of' the:
candidate phoro(s) againsr the probe photo(s) to deteunine their value \IS investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not lo provide a positive identification, hut to provide the Law Enfor<..:ement (LE) User with an invcstigMtY<·
lead ;ind analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the V'I' DMV FR photo repository to supplemen( .information provided
hy existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the prob,· in an ol-fic1al c1;.(:

management system for record keeping purposes.

.. Immcdiatcly destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location or Incident:

Date of Incident: Type oflncidcnt:

Agency Name: Case#: ) -


Contact phone:
\(( (~.··

~~uspecl_!n_fi_o1_111~a~t_m_(i.f_Js_J!o__ ) _____________~--- --------------'~------------·

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Onl' .

Date Received:

D Approved Valcour Case#

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 Stnte Street
Agency o.fTransportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DivIV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate rnissing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement inforrnation provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12/9/2015 Location ofincident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
7/15/2015 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
PaCIC RMPC00182493
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
theft by deception/confidence scheme

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: male
Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received: lJ'- /(l-/
·El Approved Valcour Case #
/~/J1V 6
D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Age11cy ofTra11sporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
888-99-VER MONT

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DlvIV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, app.rehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. ·A pxobe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search ·will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential .matches (candidates) will be fonv:u:ded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the V'l' DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is .!!ill to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support thatlead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

o Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes,
• Immediate))' destroy all other gallery photos and associated infortnation.

Date ofRequest: Location of Incident:

Date of Incident: Type of Incident:

Name of requester:

Sus ect Information (if known

Approximate age: \l \ex\,'V)\Aj Y\

Approximate height: Y\ \e_y\() uJ y'\ Race: o\ Qc\h

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o.fTransportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) phoro
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anti.cipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s). to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12-3-2015 Locationoflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
January 1994 fugitive
Agency Name.: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00181837
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 70 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5' 08" Race: W.hite

Date Received: / "'1 ·-

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o(Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
· State of Vermont Agency ofT1'ansporOOl2i&11l 2067
DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES [phone] 802-828-2000 888-99-VERMONT
120 State Street [fax] 802-828-2098 dmv.vcrmont.gov
Montpelier, VT 05603-0001 [tdd] 802-253-0191
www .aot.state. vt. us

Reg\1est to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active'
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that seard1 will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform. comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

• Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
• Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12/01 /2015 Locationofincident: Pennsylvania
Date ofincident: Type oflncident:
09/01/2003 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00181836
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 73 Gender: male

Approximate height: 5' 11" Race: white

OMV Use Only '.t

)'.] Approved B. '- Valcour Case # I )/J1Yoo

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DM'i') facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose ~f
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. ,-\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Montana

Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
20130214 Missing Person
Agency Name: Case#:
MTDOJ MC13-02-02
Name of requester: Rachael Title of requester:
Mattausch Administrative Specialist
Contact phone: Contact email:
406-444-5631 rmattausch@mt.gov
Homicide Investigation

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only


Received by:\jf.tx,~t[ Date Received:


B Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

- ,,

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation

Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repmitory, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to~

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
.., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
11/11/2015 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
2000 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
PaCIC RMPC00181834
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: . .
fugitive--federal bank robbery conv1ct1on

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 47 Gender: male
Approximate height: 6'05" Race: white

Received Date Received:

~roved Valcour Case #

0 Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

ONT Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State S trcct
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vennont 05603-0001
802 828 2067

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (PR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is rutl to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT D.tvIV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident:

Ahl/. L/
Date (Jl/ncident:
o/5 s. 1'1~1(1)
Type oflncident:
5.(. s.i. 4(
!VoV. 3 r-4,1.JCl
Agency Name: Case#:


Acce.SSarf 4--Ck.r 4--hc... ~<::+

Suspect Iniiormation ('f

I Imown)

Approximate age:
)...a',5 - 3o'5 Gender:
Approximate height: Race:

Received by: Date Received: // (fl I

B~pproved Valcour Case#

D Nol Apprnved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o.fTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
802 828.2067

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DJ\ifV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo· in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/27/2015 Location oflneident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
July 2012 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00180904
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 48 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'07" Race: white

Received b)!i· Date Received:

Valcour Case # / 5/)J j/ /

0 Not Approved ~~-----

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o/Tra11spor/alio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
drnv. vcrrnont.gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. Th~se potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

e Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
e Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/16/2015 Locationoflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
1998 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00180845
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: fugitive--convicted of fraud in a federal court/stole over $350 million

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 61 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'06" Race: white

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

Approved Valcour Case#

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

f\c~1ucsl i'nl' hicinl ili(lll l11\<'>t1
l>I I' \I'. Ji\ll l·il 111 ~11)1<)1( Yl-.111('1,1,S l.'11 \1.il
1,1'1·11, 1 111 !1,nn;11n·1 11111111 i\1untpcliL'l" \ 1.·r1n(\!\I {)>111·

\ ! i

d111\ ,•.

l«·•J"''"I '" ,;c,1rd1 ilw \'«rn1nn1 (\"I) I lvp:1rrnwn1 nf .\l"r"r \'ehicks (I l.\f\'1 f:1ci:il 1'L'C"!~1111" •11 · ! I\
l'<'J'"'it<>J')', whid1 <'<>llLlllJ~ lic<'.n~c (DI.) photos. Th~·s<' sqrcl1cs will he; J"Tt'nnnnl (,,r 1l1r. :111'i'
c<1111Jhlri<1g ,;u:<pecl Jll'Olw photos :1µ,11im1 photos huu:;cd i11 thL' \'T li.\l\n,; fil~ 11lw1r1 '"'Jl"»irr •r\ .11;;! ·.: ,:
infn1·11J;1li<111 1h111 \\'ill adv;inc:c at:tive invc~1ig;11in11s, apprclw11J wantt•d !'111~1ti\·c·; 11r k11r1\\'I: .,, .;i;
11•1T•>1'i.:1:;, :ind l<>ctilk• mi:;si11;.\ JWl'SlllJ~ . . \ jll"11h0 pho111 l'\ct'ers I<> 1lw phnl" 111· the ,:ul 1 ...
i111·vs1ig:11ion 1h111 j,; sulimittcd f"r search :ig;tinst a 11l10r" i'L'Jl"oi1<1rr. J'lw :111ticq1:11t•d rv>'ul1 ,,1 !11.:1 ., 11·
111 i'I""" :>,.dk1·1· ni' p<>l<'1lli·.d 111·.11clws. Tiwsc p(lle11ri:tl rn:11clH',; (c1ndid:11cs) will lie !'11rw:t1'(.kd rn the ,ll1thnrir.ed l'n111c: 1<'1'
:11\ ,1;·.<11 1.11cd i11°i'>1i'lll:J1i1111 stnl'Ni \\'ith :he 11hn1n in 1Jw \IT J)T\[\' l;I~ S)'!it('Jll. The 1·ec111c,;1n will 1hc11 J'Cl'l·111·m cn11ij>.ll'l•«1i.
, .l!I• 11.l.11<' J'I" 11• 11·,,I .1,:>,.1i11'l dll' prnlw ph<>l.,(s) 1" delt'l'mi1w rlwi,. 1·alpc 11' i11\'.::stig11ti1·r k:1ds.

1111· 11111·111 '•t 1111•1 ·;cn·1cc is !HH Ill pr•1Yide ;t pnsitivr idcnlitkati()n, hut J1> J1r"1·idi: the J,a\\' E11t'11rcc111cnl (!,!~1 l 'sL'I' ,1·i1i1 .111 11n, •
1.... ,,1
111d 1<1 «uppml tlut lc,1d. The LJ!. llscr \\'ill utilize the \''J' !),\[\' 1:R photu r•1posi111r1· 10 supplcmc111 i11l.11rn1.1t1•.111 I"
h~· < ·-.,:!'; r1 n.:' in\'t''.\ in,11 )\'l' p1'.1cri<.'<':-;.

l•'\I ,l· 1 :i \ l•1

., '"'')., .. 1,,,.,. 11li11t•I \111;1)',l':' .111d IL'XI ;JS:il\1'i:1tl'd wi1h tltc l)J. n( 1he \llllSI likcl) c:u1diLLtlC\S) J!I tltc Jll'<1h(' Ill .Ill .. 111.'"
111.11u:•(·11H·n1 :··~-~,ll'Jll1·l>1' fi.'<'1n·d kl·eping purpo!'c:-:..
I 11111""11.11"!\ d"'11·11.1· ;ill ut ltn g:illcr)· pho1ns and as:;ociarcd infonnatio11.


I );Hi.' 1i1' l\l'Lllh':-'-(: Location ol'Jncidcnt:

September 28, 2015
8 Meadow Wood Dr, Graniteville; · /
11:11<.' "I ltl•..·idc·11I: Type oJ' l1widc11t:

August 31, 2015
------------- ~-
----- - ----
:\)!l..'llC_\ !'-:':Hlh..': CHSL' l.t:
Barre Town Police
--~---------~-- ---------~-
1'<;11111: 11j'j\'ljllL'')k1': Tit k ol' req11esti:r:
Damian Hook Police Officer
( 1111l:il'I plt«llll: Cn111ac1 \'mail:
(802)4 79-0509 damian.hook@vermont.
· Burglary, False Tokens

<•ender: Fem aIe

- - + - - -.. - - - - - - - · · - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dale Received:

Valcour Case II

I /~·Vi·i r1 I ll·declronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sporlatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management sy~tem for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident: LJ SA

Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
Agency Name: Case#:
US Department of State CL-2015-00401
Title of requester:
Name of requester: Ashley Hannaway
Diplomatic Security Employee
Contact phone: Contact email:
617 -565-8923 HannawayAR@state.gov
Charges: The U.S. Department of State, in coordination with the U.S. Marshals Service, have an open warrant and is searching for the
following Subject listed in the attachment. With respect, we request Facial Recognition on all Driver's License, Identification
Cards or Prison photos in your respective AOR

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

Date Received:

Valcour Case #
D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store. photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the p~obe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

9/23/2015 160 Paine Turnpike North, Shaws Supermarket

Date oflncident: Type of Incident:

Multiple, last 9/21/;2015 Theft/Larceny
Agency Name: Case#:
Berlin Police Department 15BL02538
Name of requester: Sgt. Chad Bassette
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-223-4401 ch ad. bassette@vermont.gov
Charges: . . . .
2 counts of Larceny at this point, more counts may be added, not to mention, Montpelier P.O.
also received a report from Shaw's of this male stealing.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Unknown Gender: Male
Approximate height: Unknown Race: White

OMV Use Only

Date Received: t/
V alcour Case # /

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DJ\ifV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
. comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe 111 an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
September 8, 2015 Locationoflncident: University of Vemront
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
09-03-2015 Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
UVM Police Services 15UV0005142
Nameofrequester: Matt Collins
Title ofrequester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
656-3473 mlcollin@uvm.edu

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Mid-20's Gender: Male

Approximate height: 5'10-6'00 Race: White/Latin

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

D Approved Valcour Case #
D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency o/Transporlation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
8/17/15 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
5-2006 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00175996
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal wire fraud charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 45 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5' 05" Race: Asian

Received by: Date Received:

MApproved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe m an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
8/11/2015 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
8/03/1994 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00175166
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 43 Gender: m
Approximate height: 5' 11" Race: unknown

Date Received:

/ Valcour Case #
D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
I 20 State Street
Agency o/Transporlation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These. potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location ofincident: Boston

Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
2014 Murder
Agency Name: Case#:
U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security, Boston Field Office
Name of requester: Hannah Tyrrell Title of requester:
Investigative Assistant
Contact phone: Contact email:
617 -565-8240 Tyrrell H@state.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 27 Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race: White


Received by: Date Received:

jl(Approved Valcour Case#

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

~VERMONT Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11spor1a1io11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

R~quest to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (D.l\1V) facial i:ecognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DJ\fV's D'R photo repository and obtaining
information that will 11dvance acth'e investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
tcrrodsts, and locate missi11g persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo reposltOf)\ The anticipated result of that search ~will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authod'.led requester, along with
any associnted information stored with the photo in the VT DJ\fV FR system. The cequester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) agninst the probe photo(s) to determine their vall1e as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You 11gree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to th~ probe in an official case
management system for record keeping pnrposes,
" Immediately destroy all other gnllery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location ofincident: Lyndonville

Date ofTncident: Type oflncident:
7/14/15 False information
·Agency Name: Case#:
Lyndonville PD 15LV00566
Name ofrequester: Brandon Thrailkill Title ofrequester:
Contact phone: Contact email: .
802-626-1271 brandon.thrailkill@vermont.gov
false information

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Male

Approximate height: Race: Black

R.eceived by: (


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 07/2013 MTG

Ca.SJ!. 1smvoo0J:.Lfr
Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency o.fTransportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (D1VfV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed fo.r the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. 1\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigatiye
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe Jn an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: B t

July 27, 2015 os on, MA
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
2010 Murder
Agency Name: Case#:
Department of State, Diplomatic Security DL-2015-00401: BFO Liaison FY 2015
Title of requester:
Name of requester: Nathalie Notarianni Investigative Assistant/Intern
Contact phone: Contact email:
(617) 565-8923 NotarianniN@state.gov

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 30 yrs Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

arApproved Valcour Case #

0 Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
l 20 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing perSOf1.S. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and. analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident:

07/07/2015 2686 Middle Country Rd. Center Reach, NY.
Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
02/1 /03-04/05/03
Agency Name: Case#:
Riverside DA INJ013731
Title of requester:
Name of requester: Scott deGruyter
Investigative Technician
Contact phone: Contact email:
951-955-5123 sdegruyter@rivcoda.org

Approximate age: Gender: M

Approximate height: 5-1 0 Race: White

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

IP Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vennont 05603-000 I
802.828 2067

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DM'i/) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform coipparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigatjve
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT·DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe m an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
7/7/2015 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
2004 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RM PCOO 172234
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--robbery at gunpoint

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 39 Gender: male

Approximate height: Race: white

Received by: Date Received:

[i3" Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency o.fTransportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (Dl'vf'V) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information. that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement inforrnation provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
'" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
06-29-2015 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
10-17-2003 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00170954
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783:.0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges:fugitive--two full extradition warrants in NCIC, one for parole violations and one for the rape of a

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 47 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5 71 11
Race: black

OMV Use Only

Date Received:
liarApproved By: V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o.fTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DM'i') facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. ,-\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The r.equester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
06/10/2015 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
04/19/2006 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00170255
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title ofrequester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--failure to register under Megan's Law

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 39 Gender: m

Approximate height: 5' 11" Race: w

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

t!l'J Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
· dmv. vcrmont,gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Dl'vfV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

e Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
05/04/2015 Locationofincident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
04/20/2015 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00167870
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--violations of supervised release and failure to appear

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Date Received:
r.!r Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vennont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12 March 2015 Location oflncident: Bristol
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
11 March 2015 Attempted burglary
Agency Name: Case#:
State Police 15C200729
Name ofrequester: Timothy Hanley
Title ·of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
388.4919/cell-578.9157 timothy.hanley@state.vt.us
·Pending. Unlawful trespass

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: N/A Gender:

Approximate height: Race: White

OMV Use On!

Received by: Date Received:

p:l)Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o.fTransportalion Montpelier, Vennont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of ·potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to--'

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

03/02/2015 180 SWANTON RD/ST.ALBANS
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
Agency Name: Case#:
Name of requester: RAY ALLEN Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-372-4482 RAY.ALLEN@STATE.VT.US

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 40? Gender: FEMALE
Approximate height: UN KOWN Race: WHITE

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

~Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 l

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fogitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Dl'vIV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
02/27/2015 Location of Incident: Rutland' VT
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
02/24/2015 Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Rutland City PD 15RL01677
Title of requester:
Name ofrequester: Megan Sheridan
Detective Sergeant
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6118 Megan.Sheridan@state.vt.us

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: unknown Gender: male
Approximate height: unknown Race: black

Received by: Date Received:

Approved 'Z· 2 7 -',}_{)/ 7 ValcourCase#

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance activ~ investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be fonvarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis t~ support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DTvfV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe m an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
02-20-2015 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
12-14-2006 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00161379
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title ofrequester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug .charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 51 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'08" ·Race: unknown

DMV Use Only

Received Date Received:

.'.CJ Approved Z. z,j .·zui £ Valcour Case#

D Not Approved By:

I TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Req~est for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency o.fTransportation Montpelier, Vennont 05603-0001
802. 828.206 7
dmv. vcrmont.gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. ,-\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) agaimt the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12-30-2014 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
04-11-2012 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
PaCIC RMPC00157746
Name of requester: Kristine Title ofrequester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

j{J Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12-29-14 Location of Incident: Mid d Ie bLI ry
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
12-28-14 Robbery of pharmacy
Agency Name: Case#:
Middlebury Police Dept 14-M B-005277
Name of requester: Kris Bowdish
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-388-3191 kbowdish@middleburypolice.org
Robbery 13 VSA 608

Suspect Inf01mation (if known)

Approximate age: 20 to 40 Gender: male
Approximate height: 510 Race: white

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

(~Approved Valcour Case#

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency a,[ Transportation Montpelier, Vennont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a· photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to detennine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
.. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
12-23-2014 Locationofincident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
03-12-2014 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
PaCIC RMPC00156990
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: .. Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 36 Gender: male
Approximate height: Race: unknown

OMV Use Only

Date Received: I

~!Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

~YERMONT Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Tra11sporlatio11 Montpelier, Vem1011! 05603-0001
dmv. vcrmonl.gov

Request to search the Vermont (V1) Department of Motor Vehicles (Di\lV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL)' photos. These senrches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos ngninst photos l;oused in the V'f DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information· that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These.potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the :mthorized .requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT Dl\[V FR system. The .requester will then perform comparisons of the
candid11te photo(s) ngrunst the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

'l'he intent of this service is llill to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead 11nd analysis to support thM lead. The LE User will \ltilizc the V'f DMV FR photo repositor}' to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You ~gree to -

" Securely store photo images and text assocfoted with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associnted information.

Dntc of Request: Location ofTncident:

IP< - L\- ZOl!f
Date of Incident: Type ofI11oide1tt:
Agency Nmne: Case#:
Name of requester: Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
&z l<ol\

Suspect information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:
Approximate height:, Race:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
dmv. vermont.gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Departrnent of i\Iotor Vehicles (DlvIV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT Dl\IV's FR photo 1·epository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an actiw..
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with t11e photo in the VT Dl\'1V FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their. value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the LE User with an investigative lead and analrsis to
support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplen1ent information provided by existing
investigative practices.

You agree to -

" To securely store photo images and text associated wiili the DL of the 1nost likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident: h n• 0

Date of Incident: Type oflncident:

Agency Name: Case#:

Title of requester: 1_::-
/;ilY1ru'-(111!!;1}.. ~, /
Contact phone: Contact email: n ·
ol'.q11 • /11\V\ _, v .-, '5 L'-k. v L u.s

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: M_,f~

Approximate height: ' Race:

Received by:


FR LE Request 07/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photo:;. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
9-24-2014 Locationofincident: Pennsylvania
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
2000 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00151060
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title ofrequester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 39 Gender: male
Approximate height: Race: unknown


Received by: Date Received: -/

~Approved V alcour Case #
D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 l

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along .with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
9-8-2014 Locationofincident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
4-30-2009 fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00150225
Name ofrequester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: .
fugit1ve--federal drug charges

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 33 Gender: male
Approximate height: Race: unknown

Received by: Date Received:

1~Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

-------- --

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11spor/alion Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe 1n an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
8-13-2014 Locationoflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
December 2006 FTA/fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00143571
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: . . .
fugit1ve--fa1lure to appear 1n court/federal drug charges

suspec t I nfiormat'ion ('f1 known

Approximate age: 37 Gender: male
Approximate height: 6' 1" Race: black

Date Received:

Valcour Case # Y;

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. ,-\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: Maryland

Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
1976 murder
Agency Name: Case#:
FBI 88A-BA-13361
Name ofrequester: Celena Title of requester:
Colasurdo Crossley Special Agent
Contact phone: Contact email:
4434367701 celena. colasu rdo@ic. fbi. gov
murder fugitive

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 77 Gender: male
Approximate height: 6'1 Race: white

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

fupproved Valcour Case #

0 Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or lu10wn or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DlVfV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe 1n an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:·Pennsylvania

Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
August2012 failure to appear/fugitive
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00143571
Name ofrequester: Kristine Rost Title of requester:
Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
Charges: arrested on federal narcotics charges in connection to a large-scale marijuana distribution
operation; failed to appear for court in August of 2012

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 30 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'9" Race: black

DMV Use Only

Received Date Received:

~pproved V alcour Case # I

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
7-1-2014 Location oflncident: Eastlake, OH
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
7-30-2002 Identity Theft
Agency Name: Case#:
United States Marshal Service 02-01639
Nameofrequester: Bill Boldin Title of requester:
Deputy United States Marshal
Contact phone: Contact email:
216-522-3522 WBoldin@usms.doj.gov
Identity Theft

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 70 Gender: Male
Approximate height: 5' 8" Race: White

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

~Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DJ\fV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

'" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
'" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
6-23-2014 Location oflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
July 16,2012 escape from prison
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00143571
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive from federal DOC facility

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 40 Gender: male
Approximate height: 5'6" Race: black

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

jt!'Approved V alcour Case #

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802 828 2067

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
,. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
6-12-2014 Locationoflncident: Pennsylvania
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
July 1972 escape from prison
Agency Name: Case#:
Pa CIC RMPC00143571
Name of requester: Kristine Title of requester:
Rost Research Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
717-783-0722 krost@pa.gov
fugitive from state DOC facility

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 84 Gender: male

Approximate height: 5'7" Race: white

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

fa V alcour Case #
Approved vc-- tJ
B y.' \~

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency o.fTransportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802. 828. 206 7
d mv. vc1·111011 t.gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the· DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

June 5th 2014 85 Swift Street South Burlington, VT 05403
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
May 27th 2014 Assault, trespassing, disorderly conduct
Agency Name: Case#:
South Burlington Police Department 1488005823
Name of requester: A d H J h Title ofrequester:
n rew . o nson Detective Corporal
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-922-4447(c) cir 802-846-4217 (d) ajohnson@sbpdvt.org

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 20-35 Gender: Male

Approximate height: 6'0" Race: White

Received by: Date Received:

Approved By: V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

\ .

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation

Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DM'\T) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submi_tted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches: These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

. Date of Request:
05/27/2014 Location oflncident: Massachusetts
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
Agency Name: Case#:
Massachusetts State Police 1960-BS-4935933
Title of requester:
Nameofrequester: Mackenzie Richardson
Watch Analyst
Contact phone: Contact email:
978-451-3700 fusion@massmail.state.ma. us
This subject is a gypsy and is scamming elderly people for money.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Female
Approximate height: 5'4' Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:


Approved V alcour Case #

11[.I IIv1\i\J/ (/)
() '2 c , ( . / ·
/,' () . (I. \
D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportalto11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802 828.206 7
888 99-VERMONT

Rcc1uest to search the Vermont (VT) Dcpa1-tmcnt uf i\[otm Vehicles (D;\J\') focial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed fot' the pmposc of
cot11paring suspect probe photos ngainst photos housed in the '\'T Di\JV's 1' 0R photo repository and obtoiining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted Fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons .. \ probe photo refers to rhe photo ot the subjen of an ;1ctl\·c
1m·estigation that is submitted for search against a photo reposttory The anticipated result oF tlrnt search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) wil1 be forwarded to the authorized requester, alung with
any associated tnformatwn srored with the photo in the \'T Di\IV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of die
cancLdnte photo(s) agmnst the probe photo(s) to determine their nlue as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identifirntion, but to prm·ide the Law Enforcement (LE) User wtth an ln\'esttg,ll1"e
lead and annlys1s to support thrit lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DJ\JV FR photo repository ro supplement information prm•ided
by existing im'estigative pmctices:

You agree to -

e Secw-ely store photo 1mages and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe In an official case
management system for record kccpmg purposes.
fmmediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.


Suspect Information (if_k_no_wn~)_ _ __

r Approximate age: Jr:> ~ Yo Gender:

~proximate height: f/Vlltl '/!'hil.trn Race:

Date Received:
·ll.·lt -
t Valcour Case#
TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG
Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sporlalio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802. 828. 20(17

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
4/22/14 Location oflncident: California
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
Multiple dates in 2013 Identity Theft
Agency Name: Case#:
Missouri Department of Revenue 69820-13
Name ofrequester: Anna Hallstrom Title ofrequester:
Special Agent
Contact phone: Contact email:
314-877-0397 c;lnna.hallstrom@dor.mo.gov
Filing false Missouri income tax return and identity theft

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 30-35 Gender: male
Approximate height: Race:

Date Received:

Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTransporlat.ion Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DJ\ifV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

e Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe 1n an official case
management system for record keeping purposes .
., Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location of Incident:

04/07/2014 1131 Depot Street, Manchester, VT. 05255
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
03/22/2014 Retail Theft
Agency Name: Case#:
Manchester PD 14MC000947
Name ofrequester: J O B Title. of requester:
. . ossong Officer
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-362-2022 James.Bossong@state.vt.us
T13VSA2575 Offense of Retail Theft

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race: White

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

,:0 Approved Valcour Case # I 'I /YI

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603·0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate niissing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

.. Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
04-04-2014 Threats to LE
Agency Name: Case#:
US Marshal Service
Name of requester: Michael Barron
Title of requester:
Deputy US Marshal
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-999-1854 michael.barron2@usdoj.gov
Various threats to Law Enforcement. Attempting to ID for officer safety awareness.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race: Black

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

l!I/Approved 'f"'? - 20 ~ Valcour Case#

D Not Approved

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC (

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
802.828.206 7

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Di\fV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

e Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
e Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
03/11/2014 Location oflncident: Killington Resort
Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
03/09/2014 Multiple Thefts
Agency Name: Case#:
Vermont State Police 14C101383
Name of requester: Aron McNeil Title of requester:
State Troooper
Contact phone: Contact email:
(802) 773-9101 aron.c.mcneil@state.vt.us

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 30's Gender: Male
Approximate height: 5'8 - 6' Race: White

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

Valcour Case # L M\/C)c)/l
D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (PR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the ·probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
03/04/2014 Location of Incident: Mi Ito n' VT
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
03/03/2014 Larceny/Credit Card Fraud
Agency Name: Case#:
Milton Police 14MT001038
Nameofrequester: Paul Locke Title ofrequester:
Detective Corporal
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-893-6171 paul.locke@state.vt.us
Credit Card Fraud and Larceny

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: early 20's Gender: Male
Approximate height: 6'0" Race: white

DMV Use Only

Date Received:

Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency o/Tra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
drnv. verrnont.gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

Date oflncident: Type of Incident:
Agency Name: Case#:
Vermont Intelligence Center 14-VI C-00645
Nameofrequester: Ron La Fond Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-872-6115 Ronald.LaFond@state.vt.us

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate a.ge: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

~Approved By: V alcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

<> Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
January 22, 2014 Location oflncident: LJ nknown
Date of!ncident: Type of Incident:
Unknown Wanted Person
Agency Name: Case#:
VT Intelligence Center 14-VI C-00333
Name of requester: Cari Crick Title of requester:
Det. Trooper
Contact phone: Contact email:
(802) 872-6117 cari. crick@state. vt. us
Female has active MA warrant for her arrest and is the girlfriend of male with a federal warrant.
The USMS has reason to believe she has been obtaining driver's licenses under false names.

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: Gender:

Approximate height: Race:

OMV Use Only

Received by: -:__ Date Received:

~Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency of Transportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

., Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
,. Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

01/16/14 Small Dog Electronics South Burlington VT
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
12/23/13 Retail Theft
Agency Name: Case#:
South Burlington 1388018094
Name ofrequester: Dale Crispin
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
846-4167 Dcrispin@sbpdvt.org
Retail Theft over 1,000 dollars, Felony

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 31 Gender: Male (in process of becoming female
Approximate height: 506 Race: White

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received:

JZ(Approved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTC

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTra11sportatio11 Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT' DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forward~d to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

" Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident:

01/06/2014 110 Mansfield Ave #8 Burlington, VT 05401
Date of Incident: Type of Incident:
12/16/2013 Grand Larceny
Agency Name: Case#:
Burlington Police Department 13BU033115
Name of requester: Kristian Young
Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
(802) 658-2704 Ext. 0 kyoung@bpdvt.org

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 20-30 Gender: Female
Approximate height: Unknown Race: White

OMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received: / I
~proved Valcour Case #

D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

~YERMONT Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency of Tra1rsportatio11 Montpelier, Vem1onl 05603-000 I
drnv. vermont.gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles' (D:MV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains lic~nse ·(DL) photos. 'These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT D.MV's FR photo repository and obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate 1nissing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted fo.t: search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search.will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized .requester, along with
any assochted information stored with the photo in tl~e VT DivIV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is &91 to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enfmcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilhc the VT J;:>:!vlV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

"' Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the prnbe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
"' Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location oflncident: B It

12/05/13 . o on
Date oflncident: Type oflncident:
12/01/13 Larceny/uni. mischief
Agency Name: Case#:
VSP Williston 13A104959
Name of requester: Todd Ambroz Title ofrequester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
878.:.7111 todd.ambroz@state.vt.us
unlawful mischief

suspect I nfiormat1on ('fkn

L own)
Approximate age: Unknown Gender: Male
Approximate height: Race: white


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
120 State Street
Agency ofTro11sportatio11 Montpelier. Vermont 05603-000 I

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed. for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository and obtaining
inforrn.ation that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe photo refers to the photo of the subjecr ·of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplen1ent information provided
by existing investigative practices.

You agree to -

"' Securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
"' Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request:
10/08/13 Location oflncident: Charlotte
Date of Incident: Type oflncident:
10/4/13 Burglary
Agency Name: Case#:
VSP Williston 13A103874
Name of requester: Adam Marchand
Title of requester:

Contact phone: Contact email:
802-878-7111 Adam.Marchand@state.vt.us
Burglary, Petit Larceny

Suspect Information (if known)

Approximate age: 30 Gender: Male

Approximate height: possibly 5'5" Race: White

DMV Use Only

Received by: Date Received: I o/c;i,' d 0 (]

JZf Approved
D Not Approved By:

TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 09/2013 MTG

Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTransportation Montpelier, Vermont 05603-000 I
dmv. vermont.gov

Request to search the Vermont (VT) Department of l\fotor Vehicles (DMV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT DMV's FR photo repository anti obtaining
information that will advance active investigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected
terrorists, and locate missing persons. ,\ probe photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DMV FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positive identification, but to provide the LE User with an investigative lead and analysis to
support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT DMV FR photo repository to supplement information provided by existing
rnvestigative practices.

You agree to -

" To securely store photo images and text associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
<> Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: September 17, 2013 Location oflncident: Colchester VT

Date oflncident: September 15, 2013 Type oflncident: Sexual Assault
Agency Name: Chitt. Unit for Special Inv. Case#: 13CC09197
Name ofrequester: Morgan Lawton Title ofrequester: Detective
Contact phone: _ _ Contact email: mlawton@essex.org
802 652 6803
Charges: Sexual Assault -- Title 13 V.S.A. 3252

.suspcct fn ormat10n 1I nown

Approximate age: 25 Gender: male

Approximate height: "ta 11" Race: White

DMV Use Only

Received by: l
L· ·iyQ/'(_e Date Received:


FR LE Request 07/2013 MTG

~.VERMO Request for Facial Recognition Investigation
Agency ofTranspor1a1ion
Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
ulrnv. verrnont.gov

Request to search the \'ermont (YT) Department of i\fotor Vehicles (DlvIV) facial recognition (FR) photo
repository, which contains license (DL) photos. These searches will be performed for the purpose of
comparing suspect probe photos against photos housed in the VT Di\f\"s FR photo repositorv and obtaining
information that will advance active im estigations, apprehend wanted fugitives or known or suspected

terrorists, and locate missing persons. A probe .photo refers to the photo of the subject of an active
investigation that is submitted for search against a photo repository. The anticipated result of that search will
be a photo gallery of potential matches. These potential matches (candidates) will be forwarded to the authorized requester, along with
any associated information stored with the photo in the VT DM\' FR system. The requester will then perform comparisons of the
candidate photo(s) against the probe photo(s) to determine their value as investigative leads.

The intent of this service is not to provide a positi\'e identification, but to provide the Law Enforcement (LE) User with an investigative
lead and analysis to support that lead. The LE User will utilize the VT Di\IV FR photo repository to supplement information provided
by existing investigative practices.

'i.'ou agree to -

" Securely store photo images and texr associated with the DL of the most likely candidate(s) to the probe in an official case
management system for record keeping purposes.
" Immediately destroy all other gallery photos and associated information.

Date of Request: Location ofincident: Sharon

Date ofincident: Type ofincident:
8/19/2013 Attempted Burglary
Agency Name: Case#:
VSP Royalton 130303649
Name of requester: Daniel Martin Title of requester:
Contact phone: Contact email:
802-234-9933 daniel.v.martin@state.vt.us
Attempted Burglary, Burglary, Unlawful Mischief

Suspect Information (if known)

Aoproximate age: 17-30 Gender: male

Approximate height: 5'9" Race: white

Received by: Date Received:


TA-VN-01 (electronic only) 07/2013 MTC

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