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Downtown Oakland Association
YTD Cash Summary- February 2019

Perm/Temp Variance Comments

Cash Available YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance (For variance amounts of 10% and $10K)
Assessment Income $967,538.56 $949,533.00 $18,005.56 Favorable TV - January disbursement exceeded budget.

Less Reserve $57,000.00 $57,000.00 $0.00 Reserve reflects 3% of budgeted assessment collection.

Less Payments Made From Reserve $872.50 $0.00 $872.50 Includes loan origination fees and interest.

Total Cash Available $910,538.56 $892,533.00 $18,005.56 See comment above

Marketing and Branding $10,345.94 $23,982.36 $13,636.42 Favorable TV - strategic projects pending
implementation (e.g. Big Belly ad campaign, updated
marketing collateral, and website updates).
Administrative (ORG) $49,928.06 $64,478.68 $14,550.62 Favorable TV - budgeted rent increase on spaces at
1924 Franklin St. and 388 19th St. not yet implemented
and percentage of projected end of year bonus included
in monthly allocation for Staff Personnel.

Clean and Safe $156,558.39 $223,837.50 $67,279.11 Favorable TV - BBB is ramping up to contracted service
levels and PROW Maintenance projects are pending

Total Expenses $216,832.39 $312,298.54 $95,466.15 See comments above and expense detail attached.
Cash Remaining $693,706.17 $580,234.46 $113,471.71

Current Current
District Profit to
Non-Assessment Funds - Contracted Contract Amount Notes
Services Amount Invoiced
1111 Broadway $118,572.33 $10,427.33 $468.18

Clorox $180,949.94 $15,082.90 $1,367.04

Dedicated PT Ambassador.
EBALDC $39,266.86 $3,271.84 $263.12
Total Available Non-Assessment Funds as of 2/27/19 $68,906.54
*PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
*TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.
10:27 AM Downtown Oakland Association
Cash Basis February 2019 Expenses

DOA YTD Variance Report - February, 2019

*PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
*TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.
Curr. Actual Curr.Bud. Curr. Var. % Var. Permanent Variance Comments Temporary Variance Comments

Operating Expenses Variance - 10% and $10,000 - Summary Line Items

Marketing and Economic

Marketing and Branding
Marketing & Communications 489.86 6,666.68 6,176.82 93%
Digital Media Coordinator 6,398.58 6,815.68 417.10 6%
Public Space Programming 3,457.50 10,500.00 7,042.50 67%
Total Marketing and Branding 10,345.94 23,982.36 13,636.42 57%
Administrative Expenses
Accounting Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00
Computer Service & Support 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%
Consulting & Legal Expenses 0.00 250.00 250.00 100%
Fees & Permits 79.90 333.32 253.42 76%
Directors & Officers 3,388.00 5,615.00 2,227.00 40%
General Liability 660.00 1,430.00 770.00 54%
Misc. 371.03 750.00 378.97 51%
Rent 8,125.00 12,000.00 3,875.00 32%
Office Furniture & Equipment 182.52 1,250.00 1,067.48 85%
Postage, Shipping & Delivery 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%
Printing & Copying 186.79 525.00 338.21 64%
Supplies 166.47 500.00 333.53 67%
Telephone & Telecommunications 594.07 416.68 (177.39) -43%
Annual Stakeholder Event 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%
Staff Personnel 36,104.28 38,975.68 2,871.40 7%
Training & Prof. Develop. 70.00 883.00 813.00 92%
Total Administrative Expenses 49,928.06 64,478.68 14,550.62 23%
Clean and Safe Enhancements
Clean and Safe 137,218.51 185,759.32 48,540.81 26% Favorable TV as BBB is actively hiring and ramping up to full
staffing levels.
Misc. 46.71 916.68 869.97 95%
Program Director 11,628.00 12,879.18 1,251.18 10%
Program Coordinator 6,758.00 7,029.32 271.32 4%
PROW Maintenance 907.17 17,253.00 16,345.83 95% Favorable TV due to strategic projects pending implementation.

Total Clean and Safe 156,558.39 223,837.50 67,279.11 30%

TOTAL EXPENSE 216,832.39 312,298.54 95,466.15 31%

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