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“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by

altering their attitudes of mind” –William James

Psychology has been a part of my subconscious indirectly for many years. I’ve always
been an observer of people from something as insignificant as noting their behavior
of in a cafe to an impromptu counseling session for a friend with emotional trauma. I
have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been
fascinated with human behavior and understanding of how the mind works, in order
to empower individuals to lead better lives. It is this fascination that has makes
psychology such a desirable subject for me.

During my undergraduate studies, the program I undertook offered me the subjects

of Business, but my interests were majorly inclined towards the topics I learned
under Organizational behavior. Through studying Business, I have looked at key
motivational theorists like Maslow and Herzberg, who are firstly and fore mostly
psychologists. Their theories encouraged me to research further on how financial or
non-financial methods are directly related to motivation. I prepared to write a
Business dissertation and altered my research project to “INFLUENCE OF CELEBRITY
This allowed me to explore the practical applications of Business psychology and read
further on psychological theorists such as Till& Busler and then study the intense
psychological and philosophical debate of our cognitive processes into happiness.
This project offered me an excellent opportunity to develop and utilize my research
skills, time management skills, and ability to self-motivate; three vital qualities that
must be possessed in order to be successful at higher education. My dissertation also
included an oral presentation at the end of my study, which strengthen my speaking
and communication skills.

An internship in the subject of International Kindergarten Expansion with an AIESEC

entity in Poland was an opportunity that came my way in the summer of 2016. A
group of students of age 5 and 6 were assigned to me. Surprisingly I observed that
kids such age are already dealing with issues, such that it led a student to be abusive
towards teachers and being rebellious to the instruction given to him. Shocking at it
sounds, but I managed to calm the 6 year old, trying to speak to him about why he
was behaving the way he did.
Having played the role of a mediator, planner and communicator for an the
enthusiastic bunch in Cambodia for community service, this particular experience
was an eye opener as to how compelling it is to work with youth population from,
different countries possessing different views and yet similar human nature.

Apart from college, I once participated in a skiing camp at Switzerland. I was keen on
skiing, but the only thought that came to my mind was, ‘what if I fall?’ All my
teammates were enthusiastic and ready for the adventure, whereas I was being a
coward. After a few minutes I saw a girl half my age, swooping down the mountain
happily without any fear. A thought then popped my mind saying, if she can do it why
cant I? I closed my eyes and began to ski. I had never felt that good before, it felt like
flying. That mesmerizing experience helped me learn that it’s just the fear in our
minds and sometimes all we need is, to find inspiration around us. It’s all in the head,
we just need a little push and everything becomes just fine in the end.
The human race is all about simplifying the norms of living. A field like, psychology
where there is a wide scope of exploring, experimenting and simplifying the daily
processes of living and survival, I have always been a fanatic when it comes to
meddling with this field. To further dwell myself in this booming field, I need a
program that can offer the right mix of knowledge as well as a platform for practical
experience. Therefore, I would like to apply at your esteemed University for this

While I wish to peruse Masters, it has been my dream to study in the United
Kingdom. Education in the UK has an inclination towards a practical approach, which
is a necessary requirement in today’s age. This makes my decision stronger to study
in the UK.

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