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// Function calculate Pray Time


/*Macro Function */

#define d2r(x) x*M_PI/180

#define r2d(x) x*180/M_PI


const float lunarY = 354.367068f;

// Main Function

void sholatCal()

float EJD = E_Julian_date(now.year(),now.month(),now.day(),Prm.L_LO);

float Decl=Dql(EJD);

float EqOfTime=EqT(EJD);

Pray_Time(Prm.L_TZ, Prm.L_LA, Prm.L_LO,Prm.L_AL,Decl, EqOfTime );

//Julian Date at GMT mid day

float E_Julian_date(int Year,int Month,int Days,float Longitude) // juliant date - 2451545

if (Month <= 2)

Year -= 1;

Month += 12;

float A = floor(((float)Year/100.0));

float B = 2 - A + floor(A/4.0);

float CLong = Longitude/(float)(15 * 24);

float JD = floor(365.25 *(float)(Year+ 4716))

- 2451545

+ floor(30.6001 * (float)(Month + 1))

+ (float)Days + B

- 1524.5


return JD;

//Sun Declination

float EqT(const float EJD)

float g = fix_angle(357.529f + 0.98560028f* EJD);

float q = fix_angle(280.459f + 0.98564736f* EJD);

float L = fix_angle(q + 1.915* sin(d2r(g)) + 0.020* sin(d2r(2*g)));

float e = (23.439f - 0.00000036f* EJD);

float RA = r2d(atan2(cos(d2r(e))* sin(d2r(L)), cos(d2r(L))))/ 15;

float Eq =(q/15-fix_hour(RA));

return Eq;

// Ds = r2d(asin(sin(d2r(e))* sin(d2r(L)))); // declination of the Sun

float Dql(float EJD)

float g = fix_angle((357.529f + 0.98560028f* EJD));

float q = fix_angle((280.459f + 0.98564736f* EJD));

float L = fix_angle((q + 1.915f* sin(d2r(g)) + 0.020f* sin(d2r(2*g))));

float e = (23.439f - 0.00000036f* EJD);

float dd = r2d(asin(sin(d2r(e))* sin(d2r(L)))); // declination of the Sun

return dd;

float HourAngle( float Alfa, float Declination, float Latitude)

float rn =acos(



return r2d(rn);

void Pray_Time(float TimeZone, float Latitude, float Longitude,float Altitude,float Declination, float
EquationOfTime )

// Dzuhur

float BaseTime = fix_hour((float)12+TimeZone-(Longitude/15)-EquationOfTime);

sholatT[4] = BaseTime + (float)Prm.IH/60 + (float)Prm.IL/60;

// Ashr

float alfa =r2d(-atan(1 / (1+tan(d2r(fabs(Latitude-Declination))))));

float HA = HourAngle(alfa,Declination,Latitude);

sholatT[5] = BaseTime + HA + (float)Prm.IH/60 + (float)Prm.IA/60;

// Maghrib

alfa = 0.8333f+0.0347f*sqrt(Altitude);

HA = HourAngle(alfa,Declination,Latitude);

sholatT[6] = BaseTime + HA + (float)Prm.IH/60 + (float)Prm.IM/60;

// Terbit

sholatT[2] = BaseTime - HA;

// Isya

HA = HourAngle((float)18,Declination,Latitude);

sholatT[7] = BaseTime + HA + (float)Prm.IH/60 + (float)Prm.II/60;

// Shubuh

HA = HourAngle((float)20,Declination,Latitude);

sholatT[1] = BaseTime - HA + (float)Prm.IH/60 + (float)Prm.IS/60;

// Imsak

sholatT[0] = sholatT[1]-(float)10/60;

// Dhuha

HA = HourAngle((float)-4.5,Declination,Latitude);

sholatT[3] = BaseTime - HA;

char buff[100];

float fix_hour(float a)

a = a - (float)24.0 * floor(a / 24.0);

a = a < 0.0 ? a + 24.0 : a;

return a;

float fix_angle(float a)

a = a - (float)360.0 * floor(a / 360.0);

a = a < 0.0 ? a + 360.0 : a;

return a;


// Function calculate Hijriah Date


long Days(uint16_t Y,uint8_t M,uint8_t D)

if (M < 3)

Y -= 1;

M +=12;

Y = Y - 2000;

long ndays= floor(365.25*Y)+floor(30.6001*(M + 1))+floor(Y/100)+floor(Y/400)+D+196;

//long ndays= d1 + d2 - A + B + D + 196;

return ndays;

long DaysHijri(uint16_t Y,uint8_t M,uint8_t D)

Y = Y - 1420;

long hari = floor(29.5*M - 28.999)+floor(lunarY*Y)+D ;

return hari;

hijir_date toHijri(uint16_t Y, uint8_t M, uint8_t D,uint8_t cor) // core --> corection date today=0
yesterday=-1 tomorrow=1

hijir_date BuffDate;

long nday = Days(Y, M, D)+ Prm.CH + cor;

long tahun = floor(nday/lunarY) + 1420;

long bulan = 1;

long harike = 1;

while(DaysHijri(tahun, bulan, 1) <= nday){tahun++;};


while(DaysHijri(tahun, bulan, 1) <= nday){bulan++;};


harike = 1 + nday - DaysHijri(tahun, bulan, 1);

if (bulan == 13){bulan = 12; harike += 29;};

BuffDate.hD = harike;

BuffDate.hM = bulan;

BuffDate.hY = tahun;

return BuffDate;

hijir_date toHijri(int g_y, int g_m, int g_d,int cor )

hijir_date BuffDate;

int year, month, day;

int zyr;

int zd;

int zm;

int zy;

float zjd;

int zl;

int zn;

int zj;

year = g_y;

month = g_m;

day = g_d;

zyr = year;

zd = day;

zm = month;

zy = zyr;
if((zy > 1582) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm > 10)) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm == 10) && (zd > 14)))

zjd = ((1461 * (zy + 4800 + ((zm - 14) / 12))) / 4)

+ ((367 * (zm - 2 - 12 * (((zm - 14) / 12)))) / 12)

- ((3 * (((zy + 4900 + ((zm - 14) / 12)) / 100))) / 4) + zd - 32075;


zjd = 367 * zy - ((7 * (zy + 5001 + ((zm - 9) / 7))) / 4)

+ ((275 * zm) / 9) + zd + 1729777;

zl = zjd - 1948440 + 10632;

zn = ((zl - 1) / 10631);

zl = zl - 10631 * zn + 354;

zj = (((10985 - zl) / 5316)) * ((int)((50 * zl) / 17719))

+ ((zl / 5670)) * ((int)((43 * zl) / 15238));

zl = zl - (((30 - zj) / 15)) * (((17719 * zj) / 50))

- ((zj / 16)) * (((15238 * zj) / 43)) + 29;

zm = ((24 * zl) / 709);

zd = zl - ((709 * zm) / 24);

zy = 30 * zn + zj - 30;
BuffDate.hD = zd;

BuffDate.hM = zm;

BuffDate.hY = zy;

return BuffDate;

} */

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