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PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk - Sari Roti Semarang

Group members :
Wa Ode Sardiyanti SN (16522024)
Afian Cavin Widiatama (16522007)



At the moment business people in industries in Indonesia realize that their customer
orientation will be changing towards quality. Quality in the manufacturing industry in addition
to emphasizing the products produced, must also pay attention to the quality of the
production process (Ariani, 2003). Quality improvement measures not only on the final
product, but the production process or product that is still in the process (work in process),
so that if there are known defects or errors can still be corrected. Companies must be able to
find solutions to quality improvement issues. The quality improvement method that Motorola
has used is Six Sigma. The Six Sigma concept is continuous improvement to reduce defects by
minimizing variations that occur in the production process. Hendradi (2006) stated that
General Electric (GE) as one of the companies that successfully implemented Six Sigma and
stated that Six Sigma is a high discipline process that helps in developing and delivering near-
perfect products. Six Sigma methods are carried out by DMAIC stages (Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve, Control). FMEA (Failue Mode and Effect Analysis) is used as a quality
improvement approach to finding key priority improvements. The study was conducted
because the percentage of defects in instant noodle products reached 8.9%. This problem
resulted in not yet achieving the production target. The study aims to reduce the number of
disabled instant noodles by providing recommendations for improvements using the Six
Sigma and FMEA methods.


The research was carried out in the production and quality control department of PT. Nippon
Indosari Corpindo, Tbk - Sari Roti Semarang. The type of research used is action research
where research is conducted to find findings for the needs of operational decision making
(Sinulingga, 2011). The object observed is sweet bread. Data collection methods used in this
study are:
a. Interviews, namely conducting question and answer and discussion directly with
the leadership and workers regarding matters relating to the topic of research, to
support the discussion of the problem
b. Company documentation, which is collecting data by recording company
documentation data relating to the research conducted
c. Observation, namely making observations directly on the production process
and the type of product defects.
The data needed are Operation Procesess Chart (OPC), Critical to Quality (CTQ), the number
of production of instant noodles A in October 2018 - June 2019, data on the number of
defective products of sweet bread in October 2018 - June 2019. The steps taken are Define :
Selection of the six sigma project, OPC depiction, definition of CTQ, Measure: Calculation of
DPMO value, σ value, determination of Critical to Quality, normality test data with kolmogrov
smirnov, determination of control limit with map np, calculation of capability process,
Analyze: Perform analysis using cause effect diagram and FMEA, Improve: Make
recommendations for corrective actions and Contro: Conduct documentation of corrective


3.1. Define (Pendefenisian Stages)

At this stage the goals and objectives of improvement are determined, which is the object of
research is the product of instant noodles A, because this product is most widely produced.
The description of the production flow aims to understand the overall production process on
the production floor. Identify potential sources of causes of failure in the production process
which results in the emergence of defective products, as well as defining Critical To Quality
(CTQ). The definition is useful as a limitation of the criteria for defective products, the
following is the definition of CTQ for sweet bread products in Table 1.

Table 1 Potential CTQ for sweet bread products

Critical To
No Quality Information
1 contamination Products contaminated with
oil or spices.

2 Row bread Bread made from one of

the parts or several parts
that are not cooked or still
3 Damaged Writing on etiquette is unclear
Etiquette or delamination occurs.

4 Burnt Bread Bread that is overheated so

that the color of the bread
becomes browned.

5 Crushed Bread is damaged or defective

Bread during the printing process.
3.2. Analyze (Analysis Phase)
At this stage an analysis of the data that has been obtained is carried out. The tool used to
analyze is Cause and Effect Diagram and Failur Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA). FMEA is based
on the results of interviews and discussions with production supervisors at the factory. The
following is the FMEA value after being sorted.

Table 1 Process Failure Based on RPN Values

No Type of failure Cause RNP

The cutter
machine chain
1 Bread broke 240
is loose.

2 200
Etiquette broken thickness.
Crushed bread machine
3 192
broken speed is not
4 Contaminated Beat the fryer. 175

5 Bread broke 168

The cutter blade

6 Etiket rusak 168
end sealer is
not optimal
7 Etiket rusak 160

Kawat listrik rusak

8 Cemaran 126

Suhu heater tidak

Posisi penyusuan
9 Cemaran 98
tidak tepat
Based on Table 2 obtained the value of RPN (Risk Priority Number) the highest is 240 with the
cause of failure, the cutter machine chain is loose, which is a type of failure that is the first
priority for immediate repairs.

3.3. Improve (Repair Phase)

At this stage a quality improvement action plan is proposed, through improvements to the
sources of the occurrence of defective products caused by broken noodles, broken etiquette
and contamination. Proposed improvements are in accordance with the results of the Cause
and effect diagram analysis and from the results of the Failur Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA)
analysis. Failure due to the cutter speed factor, the temperature of the long sealer and the
end sealer temperature are not optimal, the repair solution is sought by using ANOVA.
Table 3 Comparison of Proposed Actual Conditions with Proposed Improvements
No Kondisi Aktual Usulan Perbaikan
1 Cutter blade Perform the
checks are inspection and
carried out if replacement of
the product has the cutter blade
broken according to the
schedule, if the
blade is still wide,
simply grinding, if
not possible,
replace the blade.

2 Check steel Examination of

rollers on slitter steel rollers at each
machines in the shift shift, do
event of a lubrication with
defective cooking oil
3 Heater Perform a check
inspection on and change the
packing heater according
machine if to the
etiquette is maintenance
perforated schedule if the
heater teeth are
uneven, just
4 Examination Check the ink
of ink markem every
markem is shift shift.
done if the
writing on
etiquette is
not clear

Table 4 Comparison of Proposed Actual Conditions with Proposed Improvements (Continued)

No Kondisi Aktual Usulan Perbaikan
5 Pemeriksaan Periksa posisi
posisi penyusunan
penyusunan bumbu pada
dilakukan, jika conveyorpacking,
produk jika tidak seimbang
mengalami perbaiki posisi
cemaran. penyusunan
sebelum masuk ke
mesin packing.
6 Pemeriksaan Pemeriksaan busa
busa gelombang harus
gelumbung , dilakukan secara
jika bentuk mie rutin, jika busa
tidak standar. gelembung sudah
tipis harus
7 Pemeriksaan Pemeriksaan
kematangan kematangan mie
mi hanyak pada proses
pada proses steam, jika mie
fryer saja. masih lengket
pada net box
steam maka mie
blm matang, hal
ini untuk
menghindari mie
menjadi rapuh.
8 Permeriksaan Pemeriksaan
putaran bross, putaran bross
jika harus dilakukan
kegembungan secara rutin, jika
produk tidak busa gelembung
standar. sudah tipis harus
9 Suhu pada long Gunakan suhu
sealer long sealer 2150C,
bervariasi dari kecepatan mesin
197-2500C, cutter 650 rpm,
kecepatan dan temperatur
mesin cutter end sealer 1640C
500-650 rpm,
end sealer

From Table 4 it can be seen the comparison of actual conditions in the company with
recommendations for improvements to reduce the defect rate of instant noodle products in
order to achieve production targets.

Based on the results of the analysis and discussion

it can be concluded that, sweet bread products are still many that are outside the company's
specification standards, this is seen from the lack of achievement of the minimum defect
percentage set by the company, this will have an impact on the decline in company
productivity. Then the proposed long sealer machine is 2150C, the end sealer temperature is
1640C, and the cutter speed is 650 rpm so that the production target is reached.


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