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ZS Placement Rounds - Jatin Chauhan

• Round 1 - Aptitude & Video

Duration: 1 Hour. Everything would be monitored on webcam, so be careful!!
First round is medium level aptitude which is full of quantitative questions and data
interpretation questions. It is not easy but not that difficult either. Tho it is very lengthy and
time consuming to complete, so therefore you have to manage your time accordingly.
60% Quantitative
40% Data Interpretation/Sufficiency questions which consists of bar graphs and tables and
you'll be asked questions on it

So your strategy must be that you complete the quantitative as soon as possible because the
data interpretation questions would take a huge amount of time in calculation. Therefore I
recommend you to practice some data interpretation/sufficiency questions before attempting
the test.

After you are done with the questions they would be 6 video round questions where you have
to record a short 1 minute video and upload them there. The questions in the video round are
easy which focuses on HR and Guestimation.

For example:
What are your strengths and weaknesses
How good do you handle your stress at moments, provide some examples
Explain your technology stack in your project
How many traffic lights are there at your city
How many red Swift Desires are there at your city
Note: Questions might be different for you, so do practice some by finding some sample
questions on Google

If you've qualified to next round, read further:

• Round 2 - Case Study Round & Technical Interview

Skills Required : SQL
You'll be asked to sit in a room and they would hand you couple of sheets with some
This round is technical case study based and requires a lot of SQL knowledge also you should
be able to interpret data well. The objective of this round is to check how well you are good at
understanding data that is thrown at you, also it checks how good you are at SQL.

So when I got a case study question it was regarding a grocery store situated in Delhi and I was
given a scenario with 5 tables which consisted the data of invoice number, customer number,
item number, price of the item, quantity of the items sold etc. So I had couple of questions
following with this information.

While answering the questions you are given two choices either to write SQL for it or make a
data flow diagrams. If possible you could do both if you have enough time.

Questions regarding the case study:

1. How would you normalise the data?
2. Is the data correct? do you think is there any need of cleaning the data? (removing
duplicates etc.)
3. How would you generate offers for loyalty members who are recurring customers? (First of
all, how would you find those customers)
There were couple of more business related questions after that, which would depend on the
kind of question you get.
Note: Questions might be different for you, so do practice some by finding some sample
questions on Google

After like 20 Minutes you'll be asked to hand over your sheets to them and wait for the
Technical Interview which would start after 2-3 hours.

Technical Interview:
This round lasts 20-40 minutes
First of all they will ask basic details about the technology stack that you worked on, the
projects that you have made and the details regarding those projects.
Next, they will ask you some SQL based questions which includes the Syntax, DDL, DML and
DCL queries, Normalisation, Data Quality checks. After this they will handover the sheet which
you have prepared for the case study based round. They will ask some questions as "why you
have written this query", "what is this for" and if you have made any data flow diagrams they
will ask details regarding it.
There are lots of SQL based question that would be asked, therefore I would recommend you
to go thoroughly over queries in SQL and also types of Normalisation, and how would you apply
it in real data.

To increase your chances of qualifying this round: Make sure you have an project which
somehow uses SQL in the backend

If you've qualified to next round, read further:

• Round 3 - HR/FIT Interview

This round lasts 20-30 minutes
This is an easy round which tests your personality. Interviewer ask very basic question
regarding your strengths & weakness, technology skills, technology stack that you've worked
mostly on and some basic questions regarding your personality.
After this questions they will ask about any of your project which you will have to explain in lots
of details starting from frontend to backend & everything in between!!
Make sure you are thorough with your project and know inside out about it. Please don't fake
your project, in case you do, they won't consider you if you're caught.

Tips for this round:

1. Be thorough at your project
2. Have confidence and don't fumble!
3. Practice some HR questions before hand. Check out Google, Quora & Medium for some
sample questions.

PLEASE NOTE: The whole placement process for you may or may
not be different. I am not sure. I have written this, just to give you
insights on what I got on my plate during this whole process. So
prepare with an open mind!


If you've passed this round,


If you have any doubt regarding anything, or you've cleared all the rounds and planning to join
ZS, Here's my LinkedIn account:

Last modified: 17:58

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