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Okay good morning every body First of all, let’s thank to almighty god who has been

giving us some mercies and blessing .so that we can gathering in our school in good
situation and healty
we are from the tenth grade of computer and network engineering
we wiil show some performances. The first appearance is the tradisonal minang
dance lets watch their performance

the second appearance is traditional nias dance. originating from the

nias islands of north Sumatra. let's watch their performance

Indonesia has a lot of ethnic and cultural diversity that we must preserve

selamat pagi semuanya pertama-tama kita ucapkan puji syukur ke hadirat tuhan
yang maha esa dimana telah memberikan kita kasih dan berkat . oleh karena itu
kita dapat berkumpul di sekolah kita ini dalam kondisi yang baik dan sehat.

Kami dari kelas 10 teknik komputer dan jaringan

akan mempertunjukkan beberapa penampilan

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