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Chapter 2


The researchers used other related researches to acquire information

effects of playing mobile legends to the social interaction among grade 7


According to the research into massively multiplayer online role-

playing games conducted by Cole and Griffiths on 2007, that this study

explored the social interactions that occur both within and outside of

MMORPGs. The number of MMOPRGs has increased dramatically, they were

found to be high socially interactive environments providing the opportunity

to create strong friendships and emotional relationships. The results showed

that the sample consisted of 912 self-selected MMORPG players from 45

countries. The study showed MMORPGs can be extremely social games, with

high percentages of gamers making life-long friends and partners. They

reached to the conclusion that virtual gaming may allow players to express

themselves in ways they may not feel comfortable doing in real life because

of their appearance, gender, sexuality, and /or age. MMORPGs also offer a

place where teamwork, encouragement, and fun can be experienced.

Several studies in psychology have found out that increased time

spent on the Internet can lead to negative impact on a person's ability to

communicate appropriately face-to-face with friends, peers, family members

including parents (Dumrique and Castillo, 2018).

The researchers will conduct this research to know if frequent playing

of Mobile Legends, an online gaming application can really lead to a

decrease in social interaction of students who play this application or it will

be the opposite. The researchers wants to know if Mobile Legends will give

positive or negative effects on the students.

According to the respondents, it can be inferred that playing online

games has a positive effect on respondents ' social behavior. Even if online

games are played by respondents, personal interaction with others is not

affected. They still have their friends personally and can effectively socialize.

There is a significant relationship between respondents ' social

behavior and playing online games in terms of their frequency, especially in

the item: "I play online games before I go to bed" and "I only play online

games on weekends." In addition, online games such as Minecraft, Ancient

Defense, Farmville, Smite and Candy Crush.

There is a significant relationship between respondents ' academic

performance and a weekend of playing of online games. Which results in a

good grade while playing online games. When playing computer games, this

can be interpreted as a trade-off. If the student decides not to play, the

grades will not be deducted.

Which is true of the researchers ' study for the academic performance

of the respondents is only significant for the weekend of playing online

games. Weekends are the days when respondents enjoy recreational

activities (Dumrique and Castillo, 2018).

While there are many known negative effects of playing online games

and video games in general, the researchers will also focus on the positive

side as the study aims to also find out if Mobile Legends can contribute to a

grade – 7 student’s social interaction positively.

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