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k,I Facult6 de Gestion et de Finance

Wniversit6 La Sagesse
Faculty of Business Administration & Finance
1 EXAMEN I EXAM Annee / Year: 20 10-2011 Date: 2-1 1-2010

11 Kl Midterm
Semester: FALL Duree / Duration:
1 h 30 min.
1 Nombre de Page(s) / 1
El MASTER umber ofPages: 5
code: MKT 6b0 / ' ~ a t i &/r Course:
e Strategic Marketing Management- ' ' ' Note - Grade 1100
i I Section C I 1
Langue / Language: $9 / Franqais / El English

Multiple Choice Questions 40%

1. Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and

a. execution
b. selling
c. strategies
d. tactics
e. research

2. Marketing management is .
a. managing the marketing'process
b. monitoring the profitability of the companies products and services
c. selecting target markets
d. developing marketing strategies to move the company forward
e. the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through
creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value

3. can be produced and marketed as a product.

a. Inforplation
b. Celebrities
c. Durable goods
d. Orpizations
e. Prop$ies
4. A is someone seeking a response (attention, a purchase, a vote, a donation) from another party,
called the
a. salesperson, customer
b. fund raiser, contributor
c. politician, voter
d. marketer, prospect
e. celebrity, audience

5. Companies selling mass consumer goods and services such as soft drinks, cosmetics, air travel, and
athletic shoes and equipment spend a great deal of time trying to establish a superior brand image in
markets called
a. business markets
b. global markets
c. consumer markets
d. nonprofit and governmental markets
e. service markets

6. In business markets, advertising can play a role, but a stronger role may be played by the sales force,
and the company's reputation for reliability and quality.
.-a. brand image
b. distribution
c. promotion
d. price
e. performance

7. In business markets, advertising can play a role, but a stronger role may be played by the sales force,
,and the company's reputation for reliability and quality.
a. brand image
b. distribution
c. promotion
d. price
e. performance

8. Rising promotion costs and shrinking profit margins are the result of
a. changing technology
b. globalization
c. deregulation
d. privatization
e. heightened competition

9. The is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not
think of buying, such as insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.
a. marketing concept
b. selling concept
c. production concept
d. product concept
e. holistic marketing concept
Holistic marketing incorporates and understanding broader concerns and the ethical,
environmental, legal, and social context of marketing activities and programs.
a. safe product design
b. cultural marketing
c. social responsibility marketing
d. cross-functional teams
e. direct sales policies

11. The Ambiance and is considered part of:

a. process
b. promotion
c. Physical evidence
d. Product
e. All of the above

12. A key ingredient of the marketing management process is insightful, marketing strategies and
plans that can guide marketing activities.
a. creative
b. measurable
C. macro
d. micro
e. niche

13. The first phase of the value creation and delivery sequence is that represents the "homework"
marketing must do before any product exists.
a. choosing the value
b. market research
c. target marketing
d. serviyz6nsideration
e. proj* thinking

14. The firm should estimate its competitors' costs and performances as against which to compare
its own costs and performance.
a. competition
b. standards
c. challenges
d. benchmarks
e. moveable standards

15. Core competencies tend to refer to areas of special technical and production expertise, where
tend to describe excellence in broader business processes.
a. p r o c e s ~ n c h m a r k s
b. distinctive capabilities
c. core business values
d. value statements
e. mission~atements
16. Which of the following terms matches to the phrase "it is a single business or collection of related
businesses that can be planned separately from the rest of the company"?
a. Strategic business unit.
b. Diverse business unit.
c. Growth business unit.
d. Niche market unit.
e. Specialized business unit
17. Market-penetration, product-development, and market-development strategies would all be examples of
a. concentric
b. conglomerate
c. horizontal
d. intensive growth
e. integrative growth

18. When a business gets to know market segments intimately and pursues either cost leadership or
differentiation within the target segment it is referred to as a
a. defined strategy
b. focused strategy
c. value-added strategy
d. competitive advantage strategy
e. customer-focused strategy

19. Successful marketing requires having capabilities such as understanding , creating customer
value, delivering customer value, capturing customer value, and sustaining customer value.
a. customer loyalty
b. customer perks
c. customer retention
d. customer value
e. customer benefits

20. We can say that a has three characteristics: (1) It is a source of competitive advantage in
that it makes a significant contribution to perceived customer benefits, (2) it has applications in a wide
variety of markets, and (3) it is difficult for competitors to imitate.
a. core competency
b. business strategy
c. core technology
d. strategic business unit
e. winning strategy
True and False Questions 10%

1. The formula, segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) is the essence of strategic marketing.
T. F.

2. To evaluate opportunities, companies can use Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA) t o determine the
attractiveness and probability of success.
T. F.

3. Once a SWOT analysis has been completed, the strategic planner is ready t o proceed t o the goal formulation
stage of the strategic planning process model.
T. F.

4. A mission statement has as its primary focus the product and how t o make it.
T. F.

5. If a company sought t o expand the number of existing products sold t o its current markets, it would use an
integrative growth strategy labeled as "market-penetration strategy."

Practical Questions

Question 1 15%
Assuming t h a t you were asked t o f o r m a company t h a t deals w i t h providing Escort services, w h a t is the
m a i n strategic marketing objective t h a t you w i l l take into concern when f o r m i n g your marketing

Question 11 15%

If you have a capital of $500,000, where decided to penetrate the wine market, where you will encounter major
competitors such as Ksara, Kefraya, Warde etc. What will be your recommendation t o penetrate the market and
hedge yourself against the cornpetitof s reactions?

Question 111 20% --8

.PS -hi.
- Gc-.
When two of your major copy books customers left you and went to another competitor due to the factor of price.
Those competitors have biggerfinancial resources. Also, a new company offered you t o buy you're the majority of
your stock and t o form a joint venture company where your own will have a small percentage. What is your
strategic decision that will be taken in order t o keep growing your current business?
Facultv Of Business Administration & Finance
YEAR X Midterm
EXAM 2009 Final
Semester Spring


MASTER Date: April 24,2009

Code : MKT. 500 ( Course: Advanced Marketing Management Duration: 1:30 h.
Instructor Alfred Riachi
Number of Page(s) Grade / 100

Documents: Allow Dictionary

Part A.
\?- .5-
Multiple Choice Questions, total grade: 25% 4I l.
(Estimated duration: 5 minutes)

1. ,,.--,
Food marketing is no accident, but a result of carehl planning and
[,_aj execution %
b. selling-
' tactics

2. the most formal definition of marketing is . ,/,/"-

a. meeting needs profitably
b. identifying and meeting human and social needs
c. the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
c:; an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering, value
to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its
stake holders.
e. improving the qilality of life for consumers

3. Marketing management is
a. managing the marketing process
b. monitoring the profitability of the companies products and services ,./*

selecting target markets
developing marketing strategies to move the company forward

the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers
through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer
4. Marketers often use the term to cover various groupings of customers.
a. people I
b. buying power Y
.$. demographic segment
d, social class position
.- . s;a~li--h;'~:;.-
>.-.,.L- >i.cL,_r:\.- ixsi~lfss
~rits a:ij - .. r;.scvr;ts
assigr:ir,;. i SsCri
. .
-. c. ~ssiamnz L - rsscurces to each SBC
,.,,.:. zssessing ETL?;JT~opportunities
<. s~.dcrsrandingtarget markets
. m n of the abol-e

6. Ji~rkst-penetration,product-development, and market-development strategies would ail 'Dz ::;,z;-tz ::

3. concentric
b conglon~erate -,,

c. horizontal
d. intensive growth
e, Integrative growth

7 . The first step in the business unit strategic-planning process deals with which of the folloning'
a. Goal ffirrnulation.
b. Business mission.
c Smregy formulation. 1 . ,,-"

2. Program formulation.
t . SIf.OT analysis.

) S 5I:ssion statements are at their best when they reflect a

I market
3. strength ,_--
c. competency
ci. vision
it, value

9. The is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the marketing effort.
a. strategic plan
.. marketing plan ., ,

c. tactical plan
d. customer value statement
e. corporate mission

10. The Japanese have refined the value delivery process to include a component that emphasizes
a. zero servicing
s., zero customer feedback time

c. zero promotion
- d. zero dependency on intermediaries
e. zero marketing costs
- - -,,,- , y urvrrvrlv, rv-Ul 51 UUL. A W /u
(Estimated duration: 2 minutes)

1. Value marketing is the "art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping. =: g:-: -
customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value."
True/False? ~ 1 -

. -.
2. Unwholesome demand occurs when consumers dislike the product and may even pay a pricc r2_ ~ ; :iYx ~

True/False? t&fjk
r ,:

3. The formula, segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) is the essence of strategic markedzg.. .,

True/False ? ..:;,../--i. L . . , . - . ~ . -

4. One of the characteristics of a good mission statement is that it has an expansive number c f ~ t f:c? ~
doing business.
True/False? I '

5. If a company sought to grow via a strategy that required the company to seek new businesses t h a ~h 2 . t xa
relationship to its current technology, products, or markets, the company would be using a diverrl- -P,=,:r
stratcgy called a conglomerate strateay.
Trzt e/False?
yr*9 w

Part C .
Essay Question: total grade: 15% <
(gstimated duration: 10 minutes)
> Choose two of the two below essay questions to answer

1. Indicate the differences and similarities between the following terms: marketingplan, strategic marke&y
plan, and tactical marketingplan

2. Assessing growth opportunities involves planning new businesses, downsizing, or terminating older
businesses. The company's plans for existing businesses allow it to project total sales and profin. E
there is a gap between future desired sales and projected sales, corporate management will have to
develop or acquire new businesses to fill it. Identify and describe the three strategies that can be us&
to fill the strategic gap.
1 a1 L IJ bud- U C U U J ) LWLUl 6lUuv. LIV I Y (LJJLIILIULUU UULULIVII. - / v I I I I I I U L C J )
,' -- . - . ..I.* .:<. 6
: '
. ... . -7.-

bK,inu.eas.ed-leisure and inseased.incone has meant a huge gro_Gh.i~

111 the the travel .industrq..
. .. Fi13.!.:as sga r z s r , ,
people had only hvo weeks' holiday a year - only a lucky few had' three weeks. Yet in the 21st cenni? mzz! pcp!e I
enjo!. j i weeks'
~ annual leave, or even seven weeks. At the same time disposable income rose 18% 'bcnicn 2 Q E )L - I ~ I
2006 - and there are only so many household items someone can buy. The surplus income often finds a home ir, p?i.xg
for eyer more exotic holidays. In the 1950s most British people holidayed within the UK, at resorts such zis
Blackpool, Brighton, Rhyl, Bognor Regis or Bournemouth. In most cases, these resorts drew their custom f ~ c -~ e r b l .
cities - Manchester and Liverpool for Blackpool, London for Bognor Regis and Brighton, and so forth. H~ixt...tr,L &
.---. of the jet aircraft.. made flying much
- .
.. .-.
,,,,,-,L,~ 3.
and during ,.
. . . . .
.. .. ..
. .
1950s ,
early 1960s package ho!iia:\-5 I?
foreign countries began to become popular. Air-inclusive tours (AITs) boomed during the next 20 b.2~s
travelers became more sophisticated the idea of a package holiday became less appealing- people wanted ro 3:~ x i r
own agendas on holiday. During the 1990s cheap airlines became established, and the main advantage of the -&IT iiau.
overall cost) was eroded. The range of choice of holiday is now vast, to take account of the variety of customer rjxL5 ,.

and customer experiences. At one end of the spectrum,. .there . are..holid~iymakers who look for.__.
- .. . . . . .
knoyvf:-dgeable-\-..firm, where the holiday experience is managed almost entirely by the tour operator. EiampIej or mrs
an. organizediourii=im
_ ,-, -. . - .a.
include guided tours of Egyptian antiquities, cruises, or hvo-centre holidays where the customers spend part or' Lkir
time in a major city and part of their time on a beach somewhere. At the other end of the scale, backpacken mii
independent travelers book themselves a flight, and find their hotels or hostels when they arrive, needing no more &an
a good guide book and a smattering of the local language.
For firms in the holiday industry, segmenting& -market is therefore.---__
.---,. ,-- ..--..---. _ .--.-,,...-.,,
complex Package holidays
--.. ..,- -.-.-.--. might be A.E.,or
non-AIT (mostlyelf-drive tours .-.-
--A to Ireland or France). The market c.ould be sesmented by destinatio: (France: Spzik
b ,-.
-\. \- -----l---.-- 7

Greece a o r t h America a r a e most popular destinations for Brits). The market..may be segmented by dd-pf -.II
i~de.p.endense-~fdhe..ho.Mgm@s.It may even segment by .income _ _-__ _ , .
- -.backpackers are at'the
__ budget
-. _.. . end, \!:hereas
many people in their 50s and 60s have high disposable~incomesand take luxurious holidays.
Some holidaymakers look for specific activities (skiing, sightseeing, surfing etc.). There were 954 000 ski r r i ~ s
*en from the UK in the 200412007 season alone, according to researchers Mintel. Packages aimed at such cusromers
soketimes include tuition or expert guides. Other holidays aim at relaxation - but even h e r e g e market can k
segfnente%re is a great deal of differgnce between a r e I ~ J m l i & q a m e b ~ 1 ~ aolds r and one aimed si
- with small children.
The final complication for holiday companies is th,at~divid_u.a!~~.pft.e_~~~iftfromne.seme~~~..~other. The young
people looking for a lively night-life five years ago might be looking for a quiet location where their children can be
entertained this year. Equally, someone who backpacked across India five years ago might be a rising executi\,e
looking for a honeymoo11 trip on the Orient Express this year. Even within a shorter space of time, it would not be
unusual for someone to take a cheap, self-organized holiday for one chunk of leave and take a more organized package
holiday later in the same year. Over a longer period of time, backpackers package holiday later in the same year. Over a
longer period of time, backpackers become family people and eventually become well-off older people - people aged
over 50 are among the most affluent in the country, and also frequently have the most spare time available to enjoy
foreign holidays.
Undoubtedly the package holiday is not yet dead, but the strongest growth is in the independent sector. How tour
operators will counter this trend remains to be seen. .i

1 . \%'hatbases for segmentation might be appropriate in the holiday business?
2. Which segments are likely to show the strongest growth in the next 10 years?
3 . Which segments are likely to shrink in the next 10 years?
1. How might tour operators respond to the growth in the independent sector?
5 . How might a holiday marketer track people who apparently shift from one segment to another?

Good Luck '7 I i

Alfred Riachi \ iw,. ~ ./- d
3 ["phi $1


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