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Maslow’s Theory of Human Motivation

Abraham Maslow, a behavioural scientist propounded the theory of hierarchy of human needs as
determiners of human motivation and behaviour.
The crux of Maslow’s theory is that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy composed of five
categories. The lowest level needs are physiological and the highest level are the
self-actualization needs. Maslow starts with the formulation that man is a ‘wanting’ animal with
a hierarchy of needs, some lower in scale and some in a higher scale. As the lower needs are
satisfied, higher needs emerge. Higher needs can not be satisfied unless lower needs are
fulfilled. ​A satisfied need ceases to be a motivator. When these needs are active they act as
powerful motivators of behaviour.

Hierarchy of Needs:​ The main needs of men are five i.e. ​physiological needs, safety needs,
social needs, ego needs and self-realization or self-actualization needs.

Ego needs
Social needs
Safety & Security needs
Physiological needs

Physiological or Body Needs:

The individual moves up the ladder responding first to the physiological needs for nourishment,
clothing and shelter. He struggles to fulfil these needs before he moves onto a higher need.
Safety Needs:
The next in order, is the safety need, the need to be free from danger, either from other people or
to be safe in the environment. He wants to be assured once his need for food, thirst and warmth
are satisfied, that he is ‘secure’. It may be job security, against disease, misfortune, death or
Social Needs: ​With safety needs fulfilled, man feels the desire to ‘belong’ to a group. The need
to love and be loved; the need to have a family, friends’ circle, membership of a club, come up as
part of the social need to be a part of a group which gives him an ‘identity’.
Ego or Esteem Needs: Ego needs are reflected in our desire for status, recognition, respect and
prestige in a group, such as being made a class rep., branch secretary, office bearer; involvement
in decision making and fulfillment of the urge for self-expression. They relate to self-esteem-
achievement, self-confidence, knowledge, competence, etc.
Self-realization or Self-actualization Needs:​ This higher level need focuses on growth,
self-direction, minimal dependence on others, with creativity in full bloom. This need reflects a
state where man attains his personal goal. This is a self directed need with no external demand
or pressures. To quote Maslow, “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must
write, if he is to be ultimately happy. What a man can be he must be. This need we may call

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