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Moderator :

Presentasi 1 (P1) :

Presentasi 2 (P2) :

Presentasi 3 (P3) :

Audien 1 (A1) :

Audien 2 (A2) :

Audien 3 (A3) :

Audien 4 (A4) :

Moderator : Assalamualaikum.Wr.Wb. Good morning all participant. How

is your day ?

All audiens : Waalaikumsalam, fine Alhamdulillah.

Moderator : Alhamdulillah, ladies and gentleman. We’re student from

STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang. Counseling or health
education about diarrhea direases, before the start of counseling
this morning. We will introduce ourselves first.

I am as Moderator

Beside me as instructor 1

The next as intructor 2

Next as instructor 3

Before starting let’s say Basmallah first, “ Bismillahirrahmanirahim”.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, then we will immediately begin counseling to day.
Which will be explained by instructor 1 and will countinue instructor 2 and
instructor 3.

Instructor 1 : Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today we will share information

related to diarrhea. Does anyone know what is diarrhea
disease? Can you raise your hand to those who know?

Audiens 1 : (raise hands)

Instructor1 : Yes, the ladies there, please introduce your name

Audien 1 : My name is as I know, diarrhea is continuouslybowel

movement and aften in a day
Instructor 1 : Yes, exactly. That’s a brief explanation. Yes, here we will
describe more about

- Definition diarrhea
- Diarrhea classification
- Diarrhea cause
- Risk factor
- Sign and symptoms
- Transmission of diarrhea
- Prevention of diarrhea
- Treatment of diarrhea
If all participants want to record the point that I mentioned, please note !

First, diarrhea is defined by the world health organization (WHO) as

having three or more loose or liquid stools per day, or as having more stools
than is normal for that person. Diarrhea is the condition of having at least three
loose, liquid, or watery bowel movement each day. After that, there are several
classification of diarrhea. The three types of diarrhea are :

1. Short duration watery diarrhea.

2. short duration bloody diarrhea and

3. persistent diarrhea (lasting more than two weeks).

Well the next explanation will be explained by my friend.

Instructor 2 : i will continve the explanation. The most common cause is an

infection of the intestines due to ether a virus, bacteria, or
parasite. A condition also known as gastroententis than there
are risk factor for diarrea is contaminated put or water. Next the
sign sysntom of diarrrea disease is loose pfrequant bowel
movements and dehydration. Urgent need to go the toilet,
change in colour of your stools then my friend will explain it.

Instructor 3 : i will continue the explanation. Before i continue, does anyone

want to ask.

All audiens : not yet

Instructur 3 : how to transmit diarrhea a is bacterial infectious diarrhea is most

often caused bya eating contaminated or spoiled food. Like
viruses, bacteria such as campylobacter or salmonella can also
be transmitted through direct contact with infected people orby
touching contaminated objects.
Ladies and gentlemen must know that in fact the diarrhea can be
prevented is hand washing. Hand washing is one of the most
effetivee ways of preventing the spread of viruses and bacteria
that can cause diarrhea. You should always wash your hands
throughly after using the toilet, changing nappies and before
meals. The last, you can handling diarrhea with oral rehydration
solution, zinc supplementation.

Ladies and gantlemen, our explnation about diarrhea is has een

axplained. If there are questions or there are things you don’t
nderstand, pleas ask us. I returned to the moderator again.

Moderator : welll, ladies and gentlemen, the materials has been axplained by
the instructor. We open a resssion of 2 questions. Please raise
your hnad ! yes, Mrs. Is over there

Audiens 3 : (raise hands) my name is... here i want to ask what should be
done if the child doessn’t want to eat and drink when diarrhea?

Moderator : good question. I kept the question. Okay, for one more question
again. Yes, please be there

Audiens 1 : my name is... here i want to ask “usually we are are people use
guava leaves to treat dirrhea or continous bowel movements. Is
this the right way or not? If yes, why the leaves guava can
threat, what is the content in the guava leaves

Moderator : good question. All the questions will be answered immediately

by the presenters or instructors

Instructor 2 : i will answer the question from audiens 3 (name)...

Moderator : is it clear Mrs? Audiens 3 (yes, enough). Alright, answer the

next question,

Instructor 3 : i will answer the question from audiens 1 (name)

Moderator : ladies and gentlemen is it questions clear? If it’s clear, next we

from the committee also want to ask about the material. We
have explained earlier for those who can answer we have
prepared prizes as awards

The first question : who can mention sign and symptoms of


Yes, who can answer, please raise your hand and stand up to
introdduce the name?
Audiens 2 : I’m ...(raise hand) , my name is ...signs and symptoms of
diarrhea that i know

1. Not appetite
2. Anxious or lethargic
3. Often thirsty
4. Less fluid
5. Lose weight
6. Fever
7. Defecate a times a day for babies and more than 3 times for

Moderator : How instructor, is it carrect?

Instructor 1 : the answer is correct and almost all of it is said.

Moderator : congrast, this is a gift from us, next, who can practice the
correct hand washing, that was thought earlier.yes, please
audiens 4 ?

Audiens 4 : my name is ...... here are 6 steps of hand washing (practied)

Moderator : how instructor 3, it is the correct?

Instructor 3 : great! Audiens 4 (name), already done practice it!

Moderator : congrast audiens 4. This is a gif fromus. Alright. Ladies and

gentelmen, we are very happy and pround because all of you
understand and can practic the explanations we haveexplained.

Thanks you for the time today. To end conselng today. It is

better to say hamdallah “alhamdulillah”. I’m as moderator. If
there is a wrong word, i apolagize to god i beg forgiveness.
Wasalamualaikum wr.wb

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