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Training coordinator
 After a 12 months training period made the final decision if the supervisor would be
able to be promoted in the company or if the assignment should be ended.
 Conducted one-on-one sessions with managers and executives for leadership
effectiveness coaching.
 Performed training knowledge transfer sessions to enabling them to guide and
coach staff.
 Performed weekly/monthly quality while working closely with the agents resulting in
increasing their monthly production by 15-20% and creating new saving programs.
 Worked closely with the recruiting department by creating them a checklist that
assisted them with making decisions if an agent was a fit for the company or not.

Colegio Villa Hidalgo

Academic Coordinator (High School)

Supervised and provided case management and individual Elementary, and

Counseling Departments consisting of 43 employees

 Collaborated with mental health, school, and district staff to accomplish and
exceed mission and initiatives of the mentoring program.
 Counseled parents and students on academic performance and behavior on a
need basis
 Created, scheduled, and taught preparation classes for general basis
 Interviewed students, parents, teachers and administrators to obtain for
assessment and developed and implemented individual treatment plan.
 Manage, created schedules and adjusted pre-determined curriculum and programs
within the campus by semester for 30 classes
 Participated in the selection of academic and teaching personnel.
 Provided coaching and support with problem solving and decision-making using a
strength-based approach when students encounter barrier(s) to success.
 Provided leadership and calming presence during crisis and consulted appropriate
resources as needed.
1. Centro de Bachillerato Té cnico en Computació n

Academic Coordinator- CBTC-

Created and taught curriculum inside the school, supervised and provided case
management and Counseling Departments.

 Arranged meetings with staff members regarding the alignment of subject areas
being taught.
 Determined policies and plans for school year
 Formulated schedules and managed curriculum
 Organized meetings with each student weekly to discuss academic progress,
review short-term goals and to secure resources for academic assistance needed
to excel in courses.
 Participated in the selection of candidates
 Planned strategies for teaching mathematics.
 Provided coaching and support with problem solving and decision-making using a
strength-based approach when students encounter barrier(s) to success.
 Teached program curricula for 8 subjetcs.
 Trained tutors in curriculum and lesson planning.

Universidad Tecnoló gica de Aguascalientes.

Orientador Educativo de la Coordinació n de Tutorías / Equidad de Gé nero

/ Habilidades Gerenciales.
Evaluated and referred teachers and students to necessary resources for
educational, social or academic development.

 Collaborated with mental health, school, and district staff to accomplish and
exceed mission and initiatives of the mentoring program.
 Created, scheduled, and taught classes for Administration, Mentoring and Equity
 Manage, created schedules and adjusted pre-determined curriculum and programs
within the campus by quarter for 9 classes
 Managed and facilitated Mentoring, Diversity and Soft Skills for Administration
Programs increasing university retention in a 15%
 Participated in the school incorporation in the different educational authorities.
 Participated in the selection of academic and teaching personnel.
 Planned and delivered Leadership and Recognition Summit Event to build cultural
competency and leadership capabilities for Employee Resource Group Leadership
Teams and to recognize diversity excellence in employee basis.
 Provided coaching and support with problem solving and decision-making using a
strength-based approach when students and teacher encounter barrier(s) to

Instituto Sanford.

Director de secundaria. High School Principal

 Administrative Responsibilities - budgeting, scheduling, teacher assignments and
evaluations, discipline, and other related areas.
 Developed and implemented the first after school tutorial classes.
 Developed and implemented the first student academic monitoring system
 Established a student leadership program to create student ownership in their
school and improve student behavior.
 Improved the scores in math from 62% to 84% passing.
 Responsible for graduation ceremonies.
 Served as principal at Sanford Institute Gonzales with approximately 300 students.
 Supervised, assessed and evaluated all components of the instructional process,
including regular teacher evaluations
 Trained and supervised certified and support staff, developed curriculum and


 Conducted certification process and training for the Mexican government.

 Created department training project plans, while managing deliverables for multiple
training initiatives.
 Designed training curriculum for companies, universities and different educational
 Established formal training methodology and developed tools that are used to
manage technical and non-technical training programs.
 Expert knowledge of design tools used to design and develop instructional training
materials that include electronic manuals, job aids, multimedia visual aids, training
guides, templates, and methodologies.
 Maintained curriculum and master training environment for all upgrades
 Provided embedded Professional Development to increase staff effectiveness
through differentiated best practice instructional strategies
 Provided support during implementations of training and certification
 Tracked, monitored and evaluated training programs and development processes
different evaluation tools and lessons learned.

Implant Heineken Ags.

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