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Engineering College
Chemical Engineering Department
BE Semester VII
Subject: Chemical Reaction Engineering-II (2170501)

Q. Content Mar Year CO

No. ks
Chapter 1: Non Ideal Flow
1. Mention the procedure for tracer experiment for step response. 3 S-19
OR W-18
Explain Pulse experiment and E curve in detail
2. Estimate the vessel E curve equation. We suspect that the tanks-in 4 S-19
series model reasonably represents the flow in the vessel. t in = 220 s
and σ2 in = 100 s2; tout = 280 s and σ2 Out =1000 s2 .
3. Discuss segregation model with equation of conversion. 7 S-19
OR W-16
Derive the equation for a first order reaction using the segregation
model when the RTD is equivalent to an ideal PFR and ideal CSTR.
4. Write brief about Micro fluid and Macro fluid. 7 S-19
5. A sample of tracer is injected to get pulse response of closed vessel. 7 S-19
The effluent concentration is measured with respect to time as per
following table.
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14
 0 1 1 5 8 10 8 6 4 3 2.2 1.5 0.6
Estimate the E curve.
6. Draw the sketches for Various ways of studying the flow pattern in 3/4 S-19
vessels. S-18
OR W-17
Discuss various non ideality that can occur in real reactor. W-17
OR All ex.
Discuss in detail about the deviations from ideal flow pattern with
7. From the first principle prove that for a back mix reactor Eθ = e-θ 4 S-19
8. What is the basic assumption of Tanks-in-series model? Develop an 7 S-19
equation for E(t) according to this model by making material balance
on tracer flowing through a reactor.
9. Explain the step input method and impulse input method for 7 S-17
determining C, E, and F curves in non-ideal chemical reactors.
10. Explain: Earliness and lateness of mixing. 03 S-18
11. Write down the integral and discrete equations for calculating mean 07 S-17
residence time andvariance from C and E curve.
12. A liquid macro fluid reacts according to A → R as it flows through a
vessel. Find the conversion of A for the flow patterns and kinetics as
shown below.

13. Show graphically a method to convert E curve to F curve obtained 7 S-17

from impulse input.
14. Derive Residence Time Distribution Function (RTD) for Tank-in Series 7 S-17
model for N-number of CSTR in series.
15. Write a short note on the Dispersion Model. For dispersion model with 7 S-17
chemical reaction, derive the second order differential equation
relating the dispersion number and conversion.
Write a short note on Dispersion Model.
16. Describe step and impulse input test for determining exit age 7 S-16
distribution in non-ideal chemical reactors.
17. A pulse input to a vessel gives the results shown in below figure: 7 S-16
(1) Check the material balance with the tracer curve to see whether
the results are consistent.
(2) If the result is consistent, determine mean residence time , volume
of reactor V and sketch the E curve.
18. A pulse tracer test gives the following output curve: 7 S-16
Time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Conc. 35 38 40 40 39 37 36 35
(1) Draw C versus t curve, and find the area under the C versus t
(2) Draw E versus t curve.
(3) Calculate the mean residence time and variance of the E curve.
19. Define E, F, & C curves and derive relation between them. 7 W-12
OR S-18
Compare C-curve, E-curve and F-curve along with their physical
20. From time V/S tracer concentration data in the reactor effluent 7 W-12
stream, calculate fractional conversion for a first order chemical
reaction whose rate constant is 5 ×10-2 Sec-1Also campare it with
conversion in ideal plug flow reactor of the same size.
Time (min) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Conc. 0 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.04 0
21. For a pulse input vessel the following output signal is obtained 7 W-12
Time 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Conc. 0 4 6 8 10 7 3 0
Using variance marking procedure and appropriate model, find
number of tanks.
22. Explain: 1. RTD 2. Micro fluid 3. Macro fluid 4. Early mixing 4 W-18
23. Explain Dirac delta function for RTD for ideal plug flow reactor. 3 W-18
24. Discuss mean time and variance in brief. 3 W-18
25. A reactor with a number of dividing baffles is to be used to run the 4 w-18
reaction A R with -rA = 0.05 CA mol/liter. min A pulse tracer test gives
the following output curve:
Time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Conc. 35 38 40 40 39 37 36 35
How many tanks in series are equivalent to this vessel?
26. Discuss and derive the dispersion model to describe the non-ideal 7 S-18
behavior in tubular flow reactor.
27. Prove that degree of segregation does not have any effect on the 04 W-17
conversion for first order reaction in CSTR.
28. The tabulated data represent a continuous response to pulse input 07 W-17
into a closed vessel which is to be used as chemical reaction.
Calculate the mean residence time of fluid in the vessel and tabulate
and construct E curve. Determine the fraction of material leaving the
vessel that has spent between 10 and 15 min in the vessel.

Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Conc. 0 3 5 5 4 2 1 0
29. Derive and discuss the relation for residence time distribution in ideal 7 S-17
batch and plug flow reactors.
30. Derive relation for the tank – in – series model along with normalized 7 S-17
RTD function.
31. A sample of trace hytane at 320 k was injected as a pulse to a 7 W-16
reactor, and the effluent concentration was measured as a function
of time as shown in table:
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14
Con. 0 1 1 5 8 10 8 6 4 3 2.2 1.5 0.6
Construct E(t) curve ii) Determine both the fraction of material leaving
the reactor that has spent between 3 and 6 min in the reactor.
32. Derive the equation for a first order reaction using the segregation 7 w-16
model when the RTD is equivalent to an ideal PFR and ideal CSTR
Hetrogenous Reaction:Introduction
1. Dilute A diffuses through a stagnant liquid film onto a plane surface 04 S-19
consisting of B, reacts there to produce R which diffuses back into the
mainstream. Derive the overall rate expression for the L/S reaction.
2. Discuss with diagram various contacting pattern in two phase system 07 All Ex
3. Gaseous reactant A diffuses through a gas film and reacts on the 04 S-18
surface of a solid B according to a reversible first order reaction: -
r =ks(Cs–Ce).Where Ce is the equilibrium concentration of A. Develop
an expression for the rate of reaction accounting for both the mass
transfer and reaction steps.
4. Gas containing A contacts and reacts with a semi-infinite slab of the 7 S-17
solid B as A(g) + B(s) → R(g) + S(s) As reaction progresses, a sharp
reaction plane advances slowly into the solid leaving behind it a layer
of product through which gaseous A and R must diffuse. Overall then
three resistances act in series that of the gas film, the ash layer, and
the reaction. Noting that the rate of thickening of the ash layer is
proportional to the rate of reaction at that instant or dt/dl =M (-rA)
De C
and the product layer diffusion rate . If diffusion through ash
layer controls, show that tashlayer
2 MDeC Ag
5. In slurry reactor pure reactant gas is bubbled through liquid 7 W-16
containing suspended catalyst particles. Initially the reactant gas
which enters the liquid must diffuse through the liquid film into the
main body of liquid, and then through the film surrounding the
catalyst particle. At the surface of particle reactant yields product
according to first order kinetics. Derive an expression for the rate of
reaction in terms of resistances encountered in the reactor.
6. Dilute A diffuses through a stagnant liquid film onto a plane surface 7 w-17
consisting of B, reacts there to produce R which diffuses back into the
mainstream. Develop the overall rate expression for the L/S reaction
which takes place on this flat surface. A(1) + B(s) → R(1)
Fluid-Particle systems
1 For diffusion through chemical reaction control, derive relation for 07 S-19
time required for unreacted core model for spherical particles of
unchanging size; deduce relation for complete conversion also.
2 Explain Shrinking core model for spherical particles of unchanging 04 S-19
3 What are the steps according to Unreacted Core Model for non- 07 S-18
catalytic G/S reactions?
4 Derive a relation to estimate time required for complete conversion 07 S-18
of B by the non-catalytic G/S reaction A(g) + bB (s) → product, in
case gasfilm film diffusion controls according to Unreacted Core
5 Describe the phenomenon of ash-layer diffusion in G/S non- 07 S-18
catalytic reactions. Give three examples of industrial G/S non-
catalytic reactions.
6 Describe the shrinking core model for spherical particles of 07 S-17
unchanging size.
7 Derive the time-conversion-radius relationship for shrinking-core 07 S-17
model for spherical particles of unchanging size when chemical
reaction controls.
8 Derive the time-conversion-radius relationship for shrinking-core 07 W-17
model for spherical particles of unchanging size when gas film S-17
diffusion controls.
9 Differentiate between Progressive Conversion Model (PCM) and 07 S-16
Shrinking Core Model (SCM) for fluid-particle reactions.
10 Derive the time-conversion-radius relationship for shrinking-core 07 S-16
model for spherical particles of unchanging size when diffusion
through gas film controls.
11 Describe in details the role of temperature, time, and particle size in 07 W-17
determining the rate controlling step for fluid-particle reactions. S-16
12 Explain Progressive Conversion model for fluid particle reaction. 03 W-18
OR W-17
Describe Progressive Conversion Model (PCM) with appropriate
13 Write the limitations of the shrinking core model. 04 W-17
14 Discuss in brief about segregation model and maximum mixedness 07 S-18
model with suitable examples
15 Give some industrial examples of fluid particle reactions 03 W-17
17 Derive the expression for fractional conversion for the reaction 07 W-17
between solid and fluid when particles of solid are changing in size
and Diffusion through Gas film controls.
18 Uniform-sized spherical particles UO3, are reduced to UO2, in a 07 W-16
uniform environment with the following results:
Time(hr) 0.18 0.347 0.453 .567 .733
Conversion XB 0.45 0.68 0.80 .95 .98
If reaction follows the SCM, find the controlling mechanism and
rate equation to represent this reduction.
19 A batch of solids of uniform size is treated by gas in a uniform 07 S-12
environment. Solid is converted to give a flacking product,
according to shrinking core model. Conversion is 7/8 for the
reaction time of 1 hr, conversion is 100% in 2 hrs. Which mechanism
is rate control ?
20 Experiment shows that the progress of conversion can be 07
represented by ‘Chemical Reaction controlling’ for un reacted
core model and that the time for complete conversion of 4 mm
particle is 4 hr. What is time needed for complete conversion when
particle size are (i) 2 mm ,(ii) 1 mm ?

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