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Fortuna 托管架调节连杆调试大纲

Commissioning produce of adjust link system for Fortuna


1. 调 试 前 准 备 工 作 the preparation for Commissioning produce of adjust link

Check if the mechanical drawings are available , and if all the pieces are
assembled ;
b. 所有参与的相关人员需了解此构件的工作功能及过程,确保人员在调试过程
All persons who are concerned during commissioning shall be have a general
knowledge about the function of the project, make sure that everyone and every part
are safe during the commissioning, portable phones are necessary for this
c. 检查各紧固件的连接可靠性;
Check the connective reliability of all fastening pieces.
d. 检查托管架缠绕系统钢丝绳是否穿引到位,钢丝绳绕向是否正确;
Check the steel wire is reeved correctly.
e. 检查各滑轮是否运转正常,轴承、销轴及销轴孔处是否有润滑油脂,确保内外
Check if the sheaves run smoothly, the lubrication of bearing 、pin and hole, make
sure the inner box can slide inside the outer box fluently;
f. 吊装调节连杆之前,须将连杆调节最短伸缩长度,并确保插销油缸将插销顶
Prior to rigging the stinger ,the adjust link should be in the shortest location and
make sure the Pin actuation cylinder are extend and locked;
g. 检查电气系统及液压系统,测试液压站液位液温等保护信号,确保电气、液压
Check the electric equipments and hydraulic system, including HPU oil level and
temperature protection function, ensure they are ready state.
h. 排除整个液压系统中的空气,初步调整两调节油缸的运动同步;
Exhaust the air in whole hydraulic system,adjust the two adjust cylinders to run
2.连杆调节试验 adjust link system test
调节连杆系统共有五个调节点位,初始位 1(此节点调节长度最短)依次 2. 3 .
4. 5;
The adjust link system is including five adjust location ,the starting location 1
(in this location the adjust length is shortest)following2.3.4.5;
a. 同时启动左右舷插销油缸,将插销收回到位,启动左右舷调节油缸,将插销
移到 2 号位,待定位后,调节油缸停止,启动插销油缸,将插销顶推到位,托
管架静止 3 分钟;
Start the pin action cylinders both side together, and retract in position, then start
the adjust cylinders and extend, when the pin action cylinder arrived in position 2, and
when the observer make sure the section 2 on position,stop the adjust cylinder, start
the pin action cylinder when the pin get the position ,stop the pin action cylinder and
keep 3 minute;
b. 同时启动左右舷插销油缸,将插销收回到位,启动左右舷调节油缸,将插销
移到 3 号位,待定位后,调节油缸停止,启动插销油缸,将插销顶推到位,托
管架静止 3 分钟;
Start the pin action cylinders both side together, and retract in position, then start
the adjust cylinders and extend, when the pin action cylinder arrived in position 3, and
when t the observer make sure the section 2 on position , stop the adjust cylinder,
start the pin action cylinder when the pin get the position ,stop the pin action cylinder
and keep 3 minute;
c. 同时启动左右舷插销油缸,将插销收回到位,启动左右舷调节油缸,将插销
移到 4 号位,待定位后,调节油缸停止,启动插销油缸,将插销顶推到位,托
管架静止 3 分钟;
Start the pin action cylinders both side together, and retract in position, then start
the adjust cylinders and extend, when the pin action cylinder arrived in position 4, and
when the observer make sure the section 2 on position ,stop the adjust cylinder, start
the pin action cylinder when the pin get the position ,stop the pin action cylinder and
keep 3 minute ;
d. 同时启动左右舷插销油缸,将插销收回到位,启动左右舷调节油缸,将插销
移到 5 号位,待定位后,调节油缸停止,启动插销油缸,将插销顶推到位,托
管架静止 3 分钟;
Start the pin action cylinders both side together, and retract in position, then start
the adjust cylinders and extend, when the pin action cylinder arrived in position 5, and
when the observer make sure the section 2 on position ,stop the adjust cylinder, start
the pin action cylinder when the pin get the position ,stop the pin action cylinder and
keep 3 minute ;
e. 同时启动左右舷插销油缸,将插销收回到位,启动左右舷调节油缸,将插销
油缸移到 1 号位,待定位后,调节油缸停止,启动插销油缸,将插销顶推到位,
Start the pin action cylinders both side together, and retract in position, then start
the adjust cylinders and extend, when the pin action cylinder arrived in position 1, and
when the observer make sure the section 2 on position, stop the adjust cylinder, start
the pin action cylinder when the pin get the position ,stop the pin action cylinder。
g. 检查托管架运转是否正常,应无异常的振动和噪音。
Check the stinger, making sure there is no abnormal vibration and noise.
h. 应全面检查各连接部件和金属结构,重要连接焊缝应不存在残余变形,松动,
Overall check up the connecting parts and metal structures, making sure the main
welding lines have no abnormal state such as residual deformation, loosing, sealing
off, split etc, making sure the junctions of wire ropes are well-firmed and reliable.

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