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A Reflection on
Kenya’s Social Justice Struggle
1960 - 2019

Onyango Oloo’s journey

Born to Richard Achwal Oloo and Jennipher Siare Voice of Kenya Television (VoK).
Wandolo in 1960 in Nakuru, Onyango Oloo was In 1982 Oloo enrolled at the University of Nairobi
the first born in a family of 10 - Janet Adhiambo, and in August of the same year, although he did
Washington Oloo Digo, Beatrice Ombiro, Ruth not have any role in either planning or executing it,
Awuor, Dorice Aluoch, Ochieng Oloo, John Otieno, OO was among hundreds of students who joined in
George Oduori and Sarah Akinyi. celebrating the short-lived coup that took place on
It is sad to mention that out of the August 1st the same year. The coup
ten siblings Oloo had lost six of that was led by Kenya Air Force
them over and above the parents. members occurred on the backdrop
Although he was born in Nakuru, of erstwhile clandestine activities
OO’s early education took place in that had been simmering at various
Nairobi while he was living with institutions of higher learning, with
his Auntie Alice Owiti. Oloo’s dad the singular purpose of improving
then worked with Kenya Prisons as Kenya’s governance.
a Senior Officer and owing to the In a move that was meant to quell
nature of his work, he was always the unrest, the government ordered
being transferred from one station the University of Nairobi closed
to the other across the country. and students were forced to go
Oloo’s mother was a very back to their homes. OO’s Uncle
committed Anglican, while Walter Wandolo organized for his
OO’s grandfather was among ticket and this is how he boarded a
the pioneers of St. Peter’s Luanda David Onyango Oloo Mombasa-bound evening train.
Anglican Church in Luanda, giving Although Nairobi city was the
Oloo a lineage of impeccable most affected, security personnel
Christian values. As he grew up OO’s leadership were deployed at various towns in search of escaping
qualities were visible for even as young as he was, he Kenya Air Force soldiers. It was when the train
took the responsibilities of a Sunday school teacher at stopped between Mtito Andei and Voi Station,
the local church. that Railway Police entered the train and asked for
During his mid-primary education, Oloo relocated to identification document. When it was Oloo’s turn,
Luanda but this was short-lived following the decision instead of displaying his national ID, he showed his
in 1972 by OO’s father to opt for early retirement, students card and that was what made the Police more
after securing a job with the International Casino in curious.
Mombasa, the family relocated to the costal town. As they sifted through OO’s luggage, the Police came
OO was a bright and intelligent boy evidenced by across an article he had been writing while on board
his attainment of the first position in every class he that had names of certain leaders, and this made
attended all through his early education. It was at them believe that it was part of seditious publications
the coast that he attended Baptist High and later that were being circulated clandestinely. OO was
Aga Khan School, where he completed his Form 6 in immediately arrested and booked at Voi Police
1981. Station.
Due to his love for English literature, Oloo was Aboard the train was also Patrick Muholi, a fellow
always active in plays, drama and debating clubs, and University of Nairobi student who upon arrival in
he featured prominently in quiz competitions and Mombasa, informed Oloo’s father about the incident.
debating programs that were produced by the then Although his father later travelled to Voi and tried

hard to secure his son’s release, he was not successful minded comrades from across the world among them
a and Oloo was transferred to Nairobi where activists from Palestine, Latin America and South
he joined hundreds others who had also been arrested. Africa. Apart from his passion in writing, Oloo was
During the long trial that was always attended by also introduced to marginalized communities, and
members of his family, there were plans to have even discussed their plight while working as a radio
him sentenced for a few years if he pleaded guilty. producer in Montreal.
Knowing quite well the dehumanizing condition in In 1991 Oloo and Kathure Kebaara were blessed with
Kenyan prisons, Oloo’s father engaged 2 lawyers just a son who they named Sankara, in honor of President
to make sure that his son was not jailed for a long Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso - a very successful
period. revolutionary leader and a Pan Africanist who was
However, Onyango Oloo defended himself and assassinated in 1987, and was considered to be Africa’s
emphasized that his conscience was very clear when he Che Guevara.
wrote the article. He pleaded not guilty to the charges Oloo returned to Kenya to become the National
and was thereafter jailed for five years for sedition. Coordinator of the Kenyan Social Forum in 2006,
While in jail, Oloo continued to be active and and also served on the Organizing Council for the
together with other comrades, they even recruited World Social Forum Nairobi 2007.
more people into the struggle. Even though there were Established in 2001, The World Social Forum is an
lecturers who were also jailed with him, Oloo not only annual platform that brings together civil societies
conducted lessons, but also continued to write while to discuss how to address the negative impact of
at Kamiti Prison. capitalism globally.
Although the political atmosphere in Kenya was still After the global meeting, Oloo remained in Kenya
dangerous, members of the family tried their best and engaged in a number of activities that included
to pay Onyango Oloo regular visits. The situation the drafting Kenya’s Constitution 2010. Although he
not only drained the family economically, but it also relocated to South Africa, he returned to Kenya where
emotionally affected concerned relatives and close he mainly continued to volunteer his services with
friends, and the impact is still being felt to date. occasional paid assignments even after having declared
Despite the fact that they were entitled to remission his HIV status.
political prisoners were expected to serve full term, a Beginning of 2019, Onyango Oloo had decided
move that made Oloo sue the Kenyan government in to settle at K’Agina, Luanda Dudi and had even
1986 with the support of Amnesty International, an constructed his home. One of his wishes was to set
organization that had earlier adopted him as one of up the Barack Obama Centre, a community initiative
the 150 prisoners of conscience. that was to develop and act as a regional model
Although his appeal was successful and was freed with in addressing social-economic challenges in rural
damages, Oloo feared re-arrest and that made him communities.
seek refuge in Tanzania. However, the possibility of A man who liked cooking and listening to music,
being repatriated back to Kenya from Tanzania was Onyango Oloo breathed his last on June 16, 2019
real since it had taken place before. The situation while he was on his way to Yala Sub County Hospital
made Oloo and the rest of Kenyans to request for for further medical attention. He has left behind
resettlement to a third country. Sankara his son, sisters Janet Adhiambo Okeyo, Ruth
After having stayed in Dar es Salaam for a year, Oloo Awuor Oloo, Dorice Aluoch, and brother Washington
had an opportunity to either choose Benin or Canada. Oloo Digo.
He finally chose Canada and finally landed in the Onyango Oloo will be buried at his newly established
country in November 1988 together with two other home, adjascent to his grandfather’s ancsestral land
Kenyans. where his parents and the rest of the siblings were laid.
It was while in Canada that Onyango Oloo met like-

Onyango Oloo was ahead of his time

Betty Wandolo-Wakhu is history...
My dear cousin Onyango Oloo, the I am over fifty years old now and
polite son of Aunty Jennifer. thought I was quite well schooled,
It is 23:00hrs as I write this tribute, learned, wise, well-spoken and alright
unable to get sleep or rest because as far as my contribution to mankind
Onyango won’t let me until I write, is concerned, especially being in the
so I will. teaching profession but today, 2nd
Thirty-seven years ago, I made my July 2019 after the big celebration at
maiden trip to the dreaded prison the National Theatre, my perspective
I had only heard and read about - changed as I reflected on Onyango’s
Kamiti, riding on a public bus with life, a life well lived, in servitude, a life
my older sister (late) Lilian. Those with purpose, a rich life. Onyango’s
days it took forever to get onto Thika struggle was his happiness, and his
road. My father, the late Walter, had asked us mind - his greatest companion.
to visit our cousin Onyango and we obliged
(actually, we didn’t have a choice like in the new WHAT IS A TRUE REVOLUTIONARY?
age parenting!). What is it like to crave real change and
When we got to the prison I happiness?
remember waiting for quite a Thanks to you Onyango, I
while before we were attended now know what it is not...
to (like most services in It is not people who rant and
Kenya) and finally asked to go rave, and do nothing about
in to speak to him. their situation.
As we did so, I was nervous It is not persuing things that
and wondered what state we are to your convenience.
would find him in, you see,
I watched a lot of ‘prison’ It is not wallowing in self-pity.
movies and thought I had an It is not self-absorbed or
idea of how prison should be From left to right: Dr Mary Oguna, Mrs Janet Ok- attention-seeking.
like. eyo, Mrs Betty Wakhu during Onyango Oloo’s It is not showy, loud and
So, we sat in this waiting room celebrations at the Kenya National Theartre, arrogant.
with walls of peeling paint, Nairobi. It is not swaying with the
looking pretty sad and solemn crowd.
but when Onyango came through behind the It is not hoarding and hiding knowledge and
bars (I didn’t realise ‘behind bars was literal’) experiences.
his face lit with a big smile and in his calm Onyango, what selflessness, what grace, what
demeanor, asked US how WE are doing?! I humility, what wisdom I have yet to find. You
was surprised but that warmed my heart and I were way ahead of your time and I wish we all
thought to myself “...prison isn’t that bad after learn from you and continue in your struggle-
all”. Little did I know that it was so horrific that when Kenyans refer to ‘Wanjiku’ I think they
Onyango had to hide it from us with his stories meant ‘Onyango’ - I will say no more but play
and smiles. I remember Onyango telling Lilian my part.
that there was a library and so he’s fine! The rest

We thank God for everything

By Janet Florence Adhiambo Okeyo to school, you always insisted, we must
pass by our Aunty Margaret Oguna’s
To my brother,
place and never left without some
With tears rolling down my eyes, snacks, bananas especially. Mama
coming to terms with the reality, you are Margaret is great farmer.
no more. I’m glad you died peacefully,
Your determination and pursuit for
despite enduring pain and hurting
success, as as an outstanding performer
moments of heavy pain.
and your spirit of excellence inspired
Being our first born, whose early childhood was me to work hard, not to let you down. We
spent away from us, with Aunty Alice Owiti were always together and sometimes when our
in Nairobi, we missed you dearly in our midst. mother, was away, we would step in as young
Maybe our Dad had seen the potential in you, as we were, this gave us the opportunity to
and desired to give you, his first born the best bond and assume leadership responsibilities at a
early childhood education. When you joined tender age.
us after Aunty
One day, our mother had gone shopping at
Alice relocated
the local market, Dudi, only to come home
from Nairobi
and find we had prepared ugali for our
to Kisumu,
siblings but it was half-cooked. Our mother
we enrolled
was not amused, we both ran to hide in our
at our local
grandmother’s bedroom but she found us there
school, Luanda
and gave us a hitting that anytime, we were
Primary. By
together as adults, we recalled the day and
this time we
laughed off. Recounting our mother’s firmness,
had other
her intolerance for mischievours behaviour and
her speed to instill dsicipline, the loss of her
Oloo Digo
children is heartbreaking.
late Joseph Today, we pay tribute to her first born out of
Ochieng and the ten children she gave birth to. Only three
John Otieno, surviving? Sad indeed!
our baby sister, When we relocated from Gem to Mombasa,
we were delighted because we were going to
Mr and Mrs Richard Achwal Oloo be one big family and our baby sister, late
late Beatrice Ombiro was staying with Aunty Beatrice Ombiro joined us. Our Dad took
Alice. this bold decision when he opted for early
I recall, how us primary school pupils our late retirement from the civil service for a job at
grandfather Jaduong, Isaya Oloo a staunch the International Casino to give his family the
Christian and our born again mother, has us opportunity to be together and his children to
enrol for baptismal classes at Nyamininiya receive quality education. During my brother’s
Primary School, 5 kilometres away that we teenage years in Mombasa, he was social and
never missed. During the lunch breaks we had many friends, who became part our family,
had to attend the classes and dash back for brothers and sisters. This was evident from
the afternoon school activities. Oloo loved what happened when we received the breaking
everyone, although we would be rushing back news of his arrest from his best friend, Patrick

From right: Washington Oloo, Onyango Oloo (behind), Grandmother From right: Joseph Ohieng’ (hands akimbo), Dad Richard Achwal,
Doris Awiti, John Otieno, Joseph Ochieng’ (with tie) and Janet Okeyo Washington Oloo (infront of Dad, John Otieno, Onyango Oloo (behind
(behind). smiling), Betty Oloo (stripped T-shirt), Janet Okeyo.
The late Betty Oloo The late Ochieng’
Mukholi, another sad On the 17 June 2019,
moment, for Achwal at 6.30a.m, when
family, only two years my sister Ruth Oloo,
after we had lost broke the news of
our mother, Jenifer your sad demise, I
Siare Wandolo, who could not believe
succumbed to breast because, I had gone
cancer. to bed, not knowing
When OO that as a struggle hero,
disappeared in our who had endured all
midst, I immediately stepped in his shoes and the suffering as youth in prison, torture, solitary
doubled up as a mother to support my dad, confinement, living in exile, total orphan,
who worked on night shifts and committed to became survivor and advocate of people living
raise eight of us alone, we had two baby sisters, with HIV, that you could leave us too soon!
Ruth Awour and Sarah Akinyi. My dad could It is a difficult moment for me to pay my
not afford to handle all the responsibilities, tribute, disappointed that I’m not a good
so he delegated some of the tasks, visiting enough writer to pen down all that I wanted to
my brother in industrial area during the trial, share. You will forever remain my Big Brother,
attending court proceedings and consultations role model, mentor, and in later years, another
with family members was mine. My brother’s Richard Achwal, my dad who left us too soon!
courage to fight for his rights and innocence The time we spent together in South Africa
gave me hope and determination to control my compensated all the years you were incarcerated
emotions and strength to focus of the journey in Kamiti, life in exile, returning home while, I
ahead of us as a family. was away and many more.
I admired his calm and composure during Thank you for dedicating your life not only
the trial and eventual sentencing, my visits to to us but for our children and grandchildren
Kamiti Maximum prison while studying at to be, knowing that you impacted many lives
Kenyatta University, where I met some of the despite dying as a poor man, as some have put
relatives and families of his political friends. it. But we know our family values rests on love,
Some of them became my mentors and support kindness, generosity and hard work.
structure. I will never forget Njeri Kabeberi and
Mumbi wa Kinyati.

Why I have been quite on Facebook

I am responding publicly to a message her cellphone in the
confronting me when I logged into Facebook apartment where she
and found this notification: lived with her daughter.
“93 people who like Jukwaa Discussion forum, The family has decided
haven’t heard from you in a while. Write a that Sarah is being buried
post.” in Durban on the 17th of
Well, it is true that I have not posted anything June 2017.
in Jukwaa for a while. As the first born of the
For a very simple reason: family - and especially
My second youngest sister, Sarah Akinyi Oloo since my mother died of
died on Saturday from a cardiac arrest cuased by breast cancer in December 1980 and my father
an embolism which had left her with a swollen died of a stroke in November 1996, I have had
knee. My other sister Janet - my immediate to be in Kwazulu Natal.
follower, had just arrived with a doctor friend June 13, 2017
to take Sarah to hospital when they found Onyango Oloo,
her collapsed on the ground clutching onto

Uncle wa Canada

From left: Jackline Otembo, Jackline Okeyo,Jenipher Okeyo, Samoei Christine Achwal Paula Okong’o Steve Oloo Jenipher Oloo
Oloo and Kennedy Okeyo.
Macy Oloo
Growing up, we always heard about our of admiration was his exceptional talent
Uncle who lived in Canada and who when it came to writing. his thought -
spent five years in prison. We were, provoking pieces and his moving poetry
therefore, eager to meet our famous made him a truly respectable author in
uncle. our family.
When he would call, he often asked Regardless of his illness, Uncle was sharp-
us what we wanted. Being kids, we would minded, able to engage in stimulating debates
give him a long list of what we wanted. He from religion to traditional Luo culture, and his
would entertain us for a while over the phone, passion: politics.
reassuring us that he would bring our presents He also spoke highly of his son, and it was clear
when he came to Kenya. that he loved Sanki.
Alas, we never received those gifts when he Lastly, we will remember him, as a man who
returned back home. However, what we received was passionate about his convictions and
was better than the superficial gifts we wanted. unapologetically himself. He truly fulfilled his
During our conversations with him, he enriched life purpose. Rest in power Uncle, until we meet
us with his worldly knowledge. Another point again.

Moi robbed us of our happiness

By Awuori because I had never seen huge gates in my life.
The last time I Unfortunately Janet could not convince them so
remember seeing my we were left at the waiting area.
cheeky bubbly brother Fast forward....
was beginning of 82 In classs 4 on my way home a lady vendor who
taking my late sister knew my family stopped me to tell me that my
Sarah and I to Bobby brother had been released as she points the front
day Nursery school. page stroy with a lot of the newspaper with a lot
Months later, I saw my of excitement.
dad and friends in the
I must admit I was blank because yes the face
livingroom talking in
looked familiar but I couldn’t understand the
undertones about an
hullabaloo behind it, but reaching home I
arrest, and since then
passed the message to my big sister only then
our lives changed for
i knew it was a big deal because my sister fell
the worst!
down and started crying, its been a long walk
But even after sentencing, dad was forever to freedom.. I remember Mwandawiro was
hopeful seeing his son again someday and released a day before my brother and they all
he would tell us: “Onyango akifunguliwa knew my brother was next.
nitatandika gazeti nyingi hapa chini karibu na
That was the first time my family was genuinely
kitanda changu alale” (upon Onyango’s release I
happy and felt complete but before we knew
will spread lots of newspapers on the floor right
it he went into exile and my dad went back to
next to my bed for him to sleep) ...and my late
default settings, sadness was written all over his
sister Sarah and I would wonder how special is
face. He talked about Onyango year in year out
this brother of ours because years had gone by
unfortunately he passed away before seeing him
and we the little ones had forgotten about him.
again one last time. Though he would send us
There were series of meetings at our place in family photos and dad would stare at Sankara
Mombasa with strict instructions that all doors his grandson for a long time then flip to other
and windows remain closed - truly arap Moi pictures he still wanted his physical son robbed
brought so much pain and suffering over and from him.
above the trauma that came with it.
We only got the opportunity to spend time with
As years went by my older siblings started Onyango years later when he was appointed
dating and dad remained with the two little National coordinator for the World social
ones (Sarah and I) which eventually our big forum.
sister Janet took us after getting a job as a
Truly my brother was a force to reckon with!
secondary teacher at Voi Secondary to ease
From charisma to generosity regardless the
Baba’s burden.
nightmares and insomnia he used to have
I remember one time she dressed us well and brought by the torture, this is not to say he
kept telling us “we are going to see Onyango, if didn’t have shortcoming - no!
the police ask your relation tell them you are his
God knows how many times we picked fights
children” and you can imagine the look we gave
but at the end of the day he didn’t cease to be
my big brother.
Anyway.... we played along and as we reached
I’ll miss his numerous phone calls to check on
the prison, I must have been so tiny or the gates
me, inquisitive nature and infectious smile.
were humongously huge manned with guns

He encouraged me to write
Naledi “Mtembezi” Okong’o by road very pregnant with me and
My Uncle has been an intergral my uncle was with her on phone
part of my life as a child and as throughout the labor in Gaberone
a young adult. I recall fondly helping her in breathing, so my
his visits and going to visit him uncle holds a very special place in
back as a primary school child, my heart.
even though I didn’t compeletely His line of duty as an activist
understand fully his line of work through perilous and thankless
as a political activist. in the past, has contributed our
I liked to read his various books democratic independence as a
on the subject and infact, he country and ranked him as an
is one of my inspiration for unsung hero.
pursuing history in high school and alongside Even though he was grappling with sickness,
my mother Ruth Oloo, they encouraged me to he still kept a strong and willful spirit, striving
write. to be above his ailement and for this i admire
“Naledi mtembezi” he would call me as him.
he removed his shoes before entering our As his niece, I prayed dearly for his full
livingroom. recovery and constantly wished to see him
I was “mtembezi” (traveller) to him because as he was; jovial, politically correct, (not
my mother a champion and activist in her literally), knowledgeable and hearty but it was
own right for PLWHA travelled four countries not meant to be.

How am I alive?
I turned 56, today, disaffection against the
Friday August 19, 2016. Government of Kenya
Happy birthday to me, by law established”.
David Onyango Oloo. Who knows? I could
It was not always have gone the way of
obvious I would live to Githirwa wa Muhoro,
see this day - and for that my fellow political exile
I say thanks. who died in Toronto
I could have died in a hail of GSU bullets on in February 1994; Mwakudua wa Mwachofi
Sunday, August 1, 1982, when as a very naïve another comrade who died in Wisconsin
first year University of Nairobi undergraduate in July 1996; Kariuki wa Gathitu, Gupta
I was among a throng of enthusiastic students Thiong’o, Njuguna Mutahi, Bantu Mwaura
trooping past the police headquarters fists or many of the dozens of my friends and
shaking, arms waving, screeching pambana! comrades who have rejoined the ancestors in
power! at the top of our young hope filled the intervening decades.
lungs. So once again, I am grateful to be alive today
I could have passed away at Kamiti Maximum to celebrate my fifty sixth year on planet
any year between 1982 and 1987 when I earth.
was incarcerated for “exciting sedition and

Sankara is born
On Wednesday, January 9, 1991 a took him all the way to Yiro, South
handsome young boy was born at the Ugenya to meet my auntie, my father’s
Scarborough Centenary Hospital in oldest sibling who died recently at
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His mother almost a hundred years old. Sankara was
a twenty - something budding feminist amazed that this old woman a retired
and environmentalist had made Canada employee address him in the Queen’s
her home in the early 1980s. His father English.
had just hit his thirties. If I have one enduring regret, it is the
Both parents were unanimous about decision I made at the end of 2005 to
one name for the child even before he come back to Nairobi to head as the
was conceived, and boy or girl the name National Coordinator of the Kenya
Sankara was agreed upon. Sankara Social Forum headlining the Eastern
His mother, a lapsed Catholic and his African Committee to plan for the 2007
father, a Marxist-Leninist atheist, had no time WSF event. Because my trip was rather rushed, I
for Christian-usually Jewish, English, German or did not have time to explain to my son my abrupt
European-appellations. Instead because our son departure from Canada where I had been very
was of Luo and Meru heritage, he has three other close to Sankara despite breaking up with Kathure
names from his father’s and mother’s side. Just Kebaara, his mother, a few years ago.
African names. I think I have said what I wanted to say and since
Sankara grew up to be an intelligent, sensitive, my son is an avid reader, I am sending him an
poetic, athletic child who did well in Tae Kwendo. email of this message so I will wrap up by saying:
From the time he was this high he became a Happy Birthday Sankara!
veteran of street demonstrations against police Jan 9, 2018
brutality, marches against apartheid, meetings
on El Salvador, Northern Ireland, East Timor,
planning against the Moi-KANU dictatorship,
protests against environmental degradation,
solidarity with North American Native
Sankara’s Mother on OO
communities and celebrations of LGBTI issues. Kathure Kebaara
On his own, he developed a talent for poetry and Comrades,
spoken word and is today respected among his Firstly, unreservedly, I offer up a salute to our fallen
peers for his creative output. brother one Onyango Oloo, my friend, my teacher,
Once when he was about six years old, I asked my comrade and my baby daddie!
Sankara what he considered himself to be in terms Secondly, let’s celebrate and honor Comrade Onyango
of nationality. He promptly responded: “Dad, you Oloo. Let’s honour this man for his contribution to
and Mom are Kenyans. I am African-Canadian”. and for truth in Kenya and the world at large. I know
So there you have it. it’s hard to believe that truth is anything; in this world
Sankara has been to Kenya when I brought him, of straight up depravity and wickedness of the highest
his mother and step-brother to attend the 2007 order.
edition World Social Forum held in Kasarani Onyango Oloo’s “baby sister” Ruth Awori Oloo
and for someone who had grown up a long time has encouraged us all to eat and make merry (as we
believing he was an only child, he was amazed to remember Oloo) because he loved food. This is true.
discover the dozens of cousins, aunties, uncles and
grandmothers he had among his Luo and Meru As many of us know, the brother also enjoyed other
relatives. He was particularly impressed when I things like music, reading, and writing.

The train connection

By Zarina Patel away seemingly oblivious to all
I first ‘met’ Oloo in a train that was going on around him.
corridor on the evening after the I later came to know via the media
August Coup Attempt as the train that this lad was Oloo. He was
hurtled on its way to Mombasa. I arrested with the notes he had
had been in Nairobi to meet with scribbled.
my Underground comrades and Many years later he called me
the Coup had of course put a stop from Canada to engage and after
to all such activities. It was no he returned to Nairobi he was
longer safe to even try and contact always in touch with Zahid and
each other, so I decided to get myself.
back home to Mombasa. That was Oloo – focussed,
The train, needless to say, was committed and totally dedicated
packed choc-a-bloc. There was to the cause. He did not do the
nothing like bookings or seating arrangements; work for any personal glory, it is a lesson we
I stood, occasionally squatted when I could, need to learn. And Oloo was brilliant. He
in the narrow corridor all the 14 hours down. had a phenomenal memory and remarkable
Every person kept to herself or himself, there ideological clarity well versed as he was in
was no conversation just a complete sense of Marxist Leninist theory.
shock, bewilderment and the odd panic. We always looked forward to his blogs to shine
And there in the middle of all this chaos, jam a torch on our present and our future in Kenya.
and anxiety I saw this figure of a young African His humanity, humility and caring will never be
lad squatting on the floor furiously scribbling forgotten.

OO was against paid activism

James Karanja Ng’ang’a
OO was totally
committed to his political
work and was talented for
activism. He had good
memory and spoke and
wrote very well. He was
critical of paid activism
which he saw as the Some of University of Nairobi students who were arrested in 1982
polite sister of counter together with OO.
revolution. which was true and pure though poor.
He said paid activism was He was totally committed to the struggle to the
sponsored, controlled and very end, and was not motivated by greed for
managed by counter class interests. position or money. Indeed, true commitment
He sought activism anchored in the grassroots matters.

OO with MM: Double Trouble?

Katiba has a Bill of
Rights which protects
fundamental rights and
freedoms. It is worth
noting that the man
under arrest, Miguna
Miguna, was one of the
authors of that seminal Rowdy ODM supporters physically confront Miguna
document. Miguna during his book launch in Kisumu.
Miguna and Onyango
Oloo are virtual doctorate degree in law, a small group of us made
Miguna Miguna contemporaries with a progressive knot of Kenyan activists. With the
only a few years formation of a pressure group opposing the Moi-
separating our birthdays. Apart from our KANU dictatorship and agitating for reforms,
common origins in western Kenya, which is Miguna and Willy were elected to the helm of
usually the first thing that that tribal obsessed the group while Onyango Oloo, Adongo Ogony,
Kenyans notice, we have a lot in common. We Omondi Obanda, Kathure Kebaara, Wangari
are both radical activists. We both attended the Muriuki and Atieno Odenyo were among its
University of Nairobi although I was a few years most dedicated foot soldiers.
ahead before I was imprisoned for sedition. We I was back in Kenya in October 2005 for
both left Kenya the same year 1987 and ended up the Kenyan Social Forum as the National
in Tanzania - although Miguna and his expelled Coordinator. Miguna also followed a few years
UoN student comrades relocated briefly to later when none other than Raila Odinga himself
Swaziland before being welcomed as government personally went to Toronto to recruit him as a
assisted refugees in Canada. member of his upcoming Presidential bid.
Onyango Oloo, together with two of his We soon reconnected and quickly became two
colleagues Justice Maurice Adongo Ogony and of the most well read and prolific contributors to
the late Githirwa Muhoro were welcomed to Jukwaa, a popular online forum that Onyango
Toronto by Miguna, Anampiu, Obanda and Oloo founded in August 2005 and administers to
others who had arrived a few months earlier. date.
We quickly became close friends, living in When Miguna Miguna fell out with his boss,
the same metropolis of Toronto. Miguna had then Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Onyango
resumed his undergraduate studies at the Oloo remained very close to the outspoken
University of Toronto and soon moved on lawyer. Oloo acted as the MC when Miguna was
to study to be a barrister and solicitor at the launching his first book, the controversial Peeling
Osgoode Law School located at York University Back the Mask and even its follow up, Kidneys for
in the northern part of the city. Upon graduation the King.
Miguna represented refugee claimants and Kenyans can no doubt recall the altercations
people dealing with difficult immigration cases we had with die hard Raila supporters in the
from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, the Caribbean course of our book tour in Kisumu, Nakuru and
and South Asia. Onyango Oloo assisted by Mombasa.
recommended a few clients to Miguna. Dear reader can you now understand the flood of
When the retired Chief Justice Dr. Willy tears streaming down my face in Durban?
Mutunga arrived in Canada to pursue his - Onyango Oloo, February 5, 2018

Oloo’s fight against land grabbers

I left the MP Shah Hospital approximately an
hour ago.
I was in the Casualty Section of the Hospital
being treated for a fresh arrow wound from an
assault inflicted by a horde of Maasai speaking
militia wielding machetes, bows and arrows,
iron bars, rungus and other crude weapons.
Our attackers are employees of the PCEA
Church with an assignment to guard a
controversial piece of public land in Kibarage
on Peponi Road across from the Westgate Mall. Onyango Oloo with Davinder Lamba of
Davinder Lamba, the Executive Director of the Mazingira Institute, a day after they were
Mazingira Institute, founder and leading light attacked in Nairobi.
of the Operation Firimbi campaign against land
grabbing and corruption, was set upon by the Westlands Environmental Caretaker Group
same vicious assailants who clobbered him on which met with National Lands Commission
the back, shoulder and upper arm. Chairman Dr. Muhammad Swazuri on June
25, 2014, urging the NLC to intervene in
On the evening of Friday, July 11, 2014, the matter in order to suspend the ongoing
Davinder Lamba got a call from Henry construction of a perimeter fence pending
Mudogo, an activist and trader in Westlands further public consultations on the legality of
inviting him to a public meeting convened by the development at the site. It is understood
area MP Tim Wanyonyi to discuss growing that the Presbyterian Church of East Africa
concerns about a parcel of land at Kibarage claims to have a title deed to what is presumably
River site adjacent to Peponi Road. public land.
This area is part of the wetlands designated as The National Land Commission responded
public land. Since the 1990s, these wetlands in by visiting the site a few days ago, and later on
Westlands which extend far beyond the above issuing a letter dated July 8, 2014 and copied
area, have been grabbed by well connected elites to Nairobi Governor Dr. Evans Kidero and the
before being hived off by private developers and OCS, Spring Valley Police Station advising that
speculators, endangering flora and fauna and any activities on the Kibarage River site Peponi
the environment. Road be suspended immediately.
It was agreed that Davinder Lamba would At the site were almost two dozen heavily armed
meet with the MP at 10 am and provide men and construction workers. We had not
the legislator with a detailed briefing on the walked more than a few steps when we were
history of protests and campaigns to conserve surrounded from the back and the front by the
the Kibarage site-actions in which Mazingira same armed men demanding in loud voices
Institute and Green Belt Movement have been what we were doing on the pavement.
at the forefront for almost twenty years.
They were wielding their pangas, bows and
Onyango Oloo, who is a senior writer with arrows and other crude weapons as they
the Operation Firimbi Bulletin, was part of a pounced on Davinder hitting him viciously
delegation which included Lillian Muchungi with iron bars. They also rained blows and kicks
and Vertisine Mbaya of Green Belt Movement; on Henry after shooting him on the forehead
Kibe Mwangi and George Njoroge of the with an arrow. He lost his mobile phone in the

process. fence) felt so threatened as to retain a

Another attacker aimed an arrow at Onyango battery of ferocious armed men to
Oloo hitting his upper arm. guard the controversial Kibarage site on
Fortunately, even though the arrow was a 24 hour basis.
embedded, it turned out to be a superficial flesh Hon. Timothy Wanyonyi denounced the
wound. outrage and when he later visited the scene of
It was not immediately apparent why the PCEA the unprovoked violent attacks together with
Church (the alleged “owner”of the parcel of his supporters, he was also indiscriminately set
land who is listed on a notice board inside upon by the same mob.
the compound as opposed to being placed - By Onyango Oloo, recuperating somewhere
prominently along Peponi Road as the client in the Kenyan capital, July 12, 2014
who commissioned the construction of the

A down-to-earth Comrade
By Josiah Omotto equity and accountability.
One of our most consistent advocates of OO resisted the
conscience - Double O, “ceased to think” temptation to take
(Engels) - once more a painful loss to recourse in the
the human rights and good governance condescending. Ever
movement - we mourn. articulate and immaculate
Today, we are reminded of the tribute - a persona not given to
Frederick Engels gave at the graveside of gramophoning recycled
Karl Max, I quote in early 1883: “the simple ideas. This is the Onyango
fact hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of Oloo that ceased to think.
ideology is that mankind must first of all eat, We are aware of your last years on earth
drink, have shelter and clothing before it can and the challenges in securing “food, drink,
pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc”. and shelter”. We take this opportunity to
Onyango Oloo, over the past decade, we commend the family, friends and Comrades
recall the many who stood up with
moments you you during those
crossed over from difficult, moments.
the CBD to join You spent your last
us in Kibera and years in Dudi, Yala
Mabatini in South and Siaya: with the
B to “eat, drink” people, in solidarity.
and share as we This Friday, in Dudi,
discussed topical the music plays at
issues of the day many of the joints -
Kibera informal settlement, one of the locations in Kenya
- your consternation where OO frequented. kasinda, ngima miyiero,
at the descent of the etc. One of their patrons
National Land Commission into the murky of conscience, ceased to think, a couple of
waters of rent seeking, your desire for the days ago. And we cry.
voters to exercise free will, your insistence on As we dance. Rest in power, friend of our
internal party democracy: your aspirations for Odindo Opiata.

Oloo changed my life forever

By Ruth Mumbi As young vibrant, upcoming women’s
- Bunge la Wamama Mashinani organizers - we had not realized that
(BLWM) part of his passion and engagement
I met Onyango Oloo back in the with us - was due to the fact that he
year 2009 when I was still new to was following his passion, championing
the social justice movement, its ways women’s political, economic and
and the marvelous faces keeping its cultural participation in all spheres of
wheels spinning. While there were marvelous life.
faces, Onyango Oloo’s face formed a critical cog In the upbeat of this campaign we once sat for
and gear levers of this movement. That year, I tea, if anyone has organized within the Nairobi’s
became one of the young women organizers he CBD (especially Bunge La Mwananchi
met and changed the life of forever. As the years members), then you know ‘Kwa Mustafa.’
progressed I became acquainted to him through By this time, Onyango Oloo had resolved to
his intellect, and charming ways of demystifying call me ‘Dada Mdogo,’ an endearing phrase
complex global matters into simplified language I had come to love. Together with the late
that we applied in our grassroots community comrade Odipo, we were busy enjoying tea and
organizing. He became one of the great discussing movement theatrics when I received
minds whose moral compass and guidance an email. The content of the email stated that
meaningfully shaped my organizing. I had gotten an opportunity to participate in a
When we met, Mulialia Okumu and I were feminist gathering with Feminist, Leadership
attending an event in Makadara then organized and Movement Building Institute. I was taken
by Fahamu. Onyango Oloo was one of the by surprise, and in my response shared with
panelists. After the event, Onyango pointed out them that I did not know what being a feminist
to Mulialia that he wanted us to accompany entailed.
him to a convening at the Centre for Oloo’s remark was, “Well I hope you are a
Multiparty Democracy as part of the organized feminist,” and went on to explain to me,
international solidarity for the Cuban 5. what role, as African feminists, the women
In that conversation, in my unawareness, I nationalists had played in the Kenyan liberation
asked Onyango what - a conviction of 5 Cuban movement in the 1900s.
individuals accused of committing espionage In this charged conversation he insisted that
by the US government - had to do with our it was my work to do research on the likes of
struggles or rather my struggle here in Kenya. the late General Muthoni Nyanjiru and Field
Especially, being a young woman from a low- Marshal Muthoni Kirima. In his wisdom, he
income area. connected their work to the Second Liberation
In 2010, I had identified my niche as a movement of the 90’s where the likes of Micere
coordinator for Bunge La Wamama Mashinani Mugo whom he truly adored fought, among
during the constitutional making process, by others.
this time Onyango Oloo and I had met several It was at this point that my journey, consciously
times and he had offered to assist us with as a feminist began. It is for this reason that
documenting the ‘Warembo ni Yes,’ a campaign I am here with you today to pay tribute to a
that was meant to mobilize the power of young comrade who showed me the importance of
women to understand their increased rights in self- education and identified my feminism even
the draft constitution. before I had known myself.
For those who were privileged to encounter

Onyango Oloo, we know that he never failed Mama Winnie Mandela, died
to show up for you, once he deemed you a Malcolm X, died
friend or comrade. Many a times in my feminist Tupac Shakur, died
organizing (especially in the online spaces) I was
met by backlash from misogynistic, patriarchal No person who chooses the revolution dies in
and sexist men, who used their platforms comfort, and his death is one indicator of this.
to attack my character and work. And Oloo Some of the words uttered by our comrades
constantly wrote them back, with poise and was that he died in poverty. What this fails to
confidence that sent them back to their silence. capture in entirety is that his ideas and wisdom
were in abundance, and they continue to live
I will miss sharing his famous spiced tea. And within us here today.
how he had mastered a way of saying, very
radical things in his speeches with calm, and Onyango Oloo was not for material wealth. He
politeness that baffled many. And I will cherish was for the movement.
our conversations that were abundant with The truth is, Oloo had started dying, a slow
lessons, strategies and hope for a better Kenya. death, way before breath left his body, the
And especially a future of women’s liberation. movement had failed him, his comrades had
failed him, life had failed him, and the world
This is how I am choosing to remember him, as had failed him.
a diverse, brilliant, charming and big- hearted
man. Whose choice of the struggle over money, In the famous words that have honored the
saw him die the death of a revolutionary just death of Che Guevara. I’d want to say this to
like; our departed comrade, mentor Big brother and
Che Guevara, died
‘You may kill a revolutionary, but you can never
Muthoni Nyanjiru, died kill the revolution.’
Comrade Jacob Odipo, died Long live the Spirit of Onyango.

Oloo, A Lesson of Human Resilience

By J. Miano sector then, not to mention that I am feminist,
I had interacted with Oloo both at KHRC and I believe Oloo was feminist too.
through HURINET and CMD through However, at the time, I was grieving many
Njeri in 2005. But I had met him much losses including a job that I passionately loved
earlier in the mid-90s through reading his but for the burn out I had suffered from
numerous articles on topical issues that he myriad personal challenges. In my broken
circulated through email. On encountering state, I did not take up Oloo’s attractive offer.
him in the flesh, my initial impressions were I was consumed by guilt but I hoped Oloo
of a quiet activist but a very intense person understood why in his own intuitive way. WSF
as I was to later realise. His calm, unruffled 2006 still went on regardless of my temporary
exterior belied a stubborn defiance. ‘paralysis’. Today, I know better and have learnt
I will always remember his compassion to live in the moment. That no matter what,
and kindness. This was manifest after I had life creates space for all of us to become.
left KHRC in the circumstances that I did We need to recognise the enormous energy of
in mid-2006. He reached out and offered human resilience which drives us to achieve
me a role in the World Social Forum 2006 beyond our imagination. The life of Oloo aptly
secretariat having heard about my exceptional demonstrates this energy. Suffice to say, Oloo
planning and mobilising skills in the human is in a better place, free at last to rest with the
rights, democracy and governance (HDG) ancestors.

Lament Re-membering OO Shujaa of the Second Libera

What price we pay Some of us are gone anyway
We who asked for nothing So the tears and jeers will hurt us not now
Though we knew if we trod a different path But your fighting and bickering
We could win more, and more of futile Will surely make our lives and sacrifice
We who toil and strive to clean the mess Unworthwhile
A mess, which we did not create As you rip up the glorious legacy
But the greedy, the heinous, who pretend, Of Onyango Oloo
But love this country not Of Mekatilili
But only themselves Koitalel
We spend time and pay Moraa wa Ngiti
Trying to clean, clean each time Kimathi wa Waciuri
To mop up Wangari Maathai
From dawn to dusk Bantu Biko
While keeping the eye fixed on the prize The living and the dead Shujaa
Of freedom And the retinue of those who suffer,
Even when time is fast running out! Torture, jail, exile, poverty, hunger, illness, death
Who have perished
Now we leave one by one
For this land then, again and now again!
Justly or unjustly
Some, unseen, unsung, unknown to you
Mainly suffering and in agony
Continue every day,
Alone, praying that it is not in vain
From where those who leave, leave
And asking only one thing:
Continue, continue! We plead!
That you desist to do the bidding of the enemy
“Organize don’t Agonize”
In our name
As Abdulrahman Babu and Tajudeen taught us
By fighting over who did what and when for us
Sing! Sing the songs of the past and of our dreams
Who did more!
Continue to chisel away We chose this path
With whatever you are, whatever you have Believe us
Chisel like mad like the ants, disciplined We did not expect to die as we do, no, not now!
An army, who knows its purpose With a constitution the world would envy
Against the main enemy Yet so empty for the millions, hollow;
Is all we ask And a county and nation, many would die for
Against decay, injustice, rot, greed and violence Yet at the height of unprecedented rot
For plenty, for justice and for equitable We could not even imagine that we could sink yet
distribution lower
Which is our right So low
Not tear ourselves apart! When our price has been paid for, over and over

eration - My Steadfast Brother, My Comrade, My Friend

again Let no other OOs continue to perish
Violence, rape, murder, corruption greed and theft Collectively or alone
What future are we laying Alone!
But yet, we make that choice Promise!
Of sacrifice and in Onyango Oloo’s case That is all I ask of my comrades
The ultimate sacrifice My kinsmen
Not imagining that others will have to pay again My sisters
too My friends
A third and fourth time! And even my foes
Unforced Kenya and Africa are large enough for all of us
They gave up youth, families, livelihoods, Remember the fallen and those who fall all
everything around us
Eyes open, open wide Daily, with no roof over their heads, no food
And it is not fashionable or sexy to die Who pay, not a romantic price
Or to fear to die, or lose your loved ones Because they do not choose
Or be jailed or live in exile, outside society Disease, homelessness, poverty and hunger
Face torture, exclusion, misunderstanding, hate And they are the majority
For fighting for justice Who pay the ultimate price
As you can all see! And who will continue to perish
Believe those who have died, If we fail to keep the eye on the prize
The living who continue to strive, Our freedom, justice, our defender, equality and
The detained, the tortured inclusion
It does not even look like our land, the horror The dream of sharing the bounty of our God given
We are not made of steel
Paid for by our ancestors
We are Kenyans like every one of you
By the Shujaas living and dead!
No different
We will pay the worst price of negligence
Yet we chose and choose a different path
For which there cannot be forgiveness
To offer just our small drop of tithe or time
Therefore, for them for us
To create an ocean of freedom, peace and justice
Desist and keep focus
Of plenty, that is promised within our borders,
Our country needs us all the more now!
The highest covenant of our nation and us to it
A luta continua!
To honor and obey, until death does us do part
Wakenya wasema: Twendelee Mbele
So close, yet so far from our reach
Through a few, who stand in our way By Anonymous Mzalendo
Against the dream and gift
Of our ancestors
For which they and others paid and continue to

Torture has been left hanging

By Irungu Houghton to interview his own torturer.
Democracy activist and former He describes the victim/torturer
Prisoner of Conscience (David) relationship as “complicated”. The
Onyango Oloo past but his sunset torturer is also a victim. Refusal to
years were increasingly more difficult. torture a fellow Kenyan is not seen
Why do the Kenyans that put as an option. It requires a belief that
almost everything at personal stake you are on higher moral ground, the
for the country suffer so much? state is under threat and people will
More ironically, why do some of be forever grateful. It also requires
those that violate the rights and a degree of dehumanisation, sadism
dignity of others suffer almost as much in the and joy in hurting others.
end? The answer lies in the way that human As they too, were forgotten or despised by
rights violations indignify both survivors and younger generations, many of the former
offenders alike. torturers have struggled with guilt, stigma,
‘Double O’ as he was affectionately known mental depression, suicidal tendencies,
to his friends, grew up under the one-party alcoholism and uncontrollable rage. With
state. He was an active leader in the university no victims to dehumanise and hurt, these
student movement in the 1980s. When the tendencies slowly surfaced in their homes and
repressive state pushed freedom of expression, communities.
assembly and association Constitutional Articles 25 and
underground, with others 28, the Prevention of Torture
he joined themwakenya Act (2017) and the National
underground movement. Coroners Service Act (2017)
Enforced disappearances, were inspired by a promise to
detentions without trial, torture end the violence of the colonial
and lengthy jail terms was the and the post-colonial periods.
response to calls for democracy, Torture is now outlawed unless
an end to corruption and social protest. Kenya is political unstable, in a state of war or
Alongside 150 other Kenyans, Amnesty facing a public emergency. Any person or state
International adopted Onyango Oloo as a officer who tortures another faces imprisonment
Prisoner of Conscience for his courage. After of 25 years or life if their victim dies.
his release, he fled into exile to organise for the Torture and inhumane treatment still happens
release of other political prisoners. in our Republic and such cases must stir the
As the democratic space widened in the 1990s, Office of Attorney General into action. It is
he returned home to organise people for social time to dust off the two Acts and develop
justice. Onyango was deeply ideological. He rules and regulations that guide their
believed that only democratic socialism offered operationalisation. Further delay dishonours the
another world free of our inequalities and the memory of torture survivors like Shujaa (hero)
state neglect of most Kenyans. Onyango Oloo.
More intriguingly, for most Prisoners of Without these rules and regulations, it is not
Conscience and their captors, this period came possible to keep our officers lawful and the rest
at a cost to both. Fellow detainee and National of us safe from unlawful torture.
Victims and Survivors Network Secretary * Above photo: Nyayo House BasementTorture
Wachira Waheire survived his imprisonment Cells.

The need for solidarity

By Abdulrahman Wandati followed him, courtesy of the Internet.
Solidarity leads to congregation. I benefitted from his research –
Congregations are around a matter. especially as it related to the theory of
Congregation raises attention Civil Society.
to the matter and highlights its Onyango Oloo knew I was not a
urgency. Concern over the matter is declared Marxist- Leninist as he was,
demonstrated. The congregants show but a Muslim. This is important in
their care for the matter. the light of the conversations that have been
A better Kenya is an urgent enough concern taking place since his demise regarding about
around which to congregate. A better Kenya, ideological legitimacy.
if not for us, for our off-springs, is a strong Conversations that seemed to suggest that
enough necessity for congregating in solidarity only persons of certain declared ideological
and legitimate enough to take as the identity of persuasions – in this case Communism.
the congregants. The Congregants – the ones in Conversations that suggested that being a card-
solidarity, have dared to imagine a better Kenya. carrying member of the Communist Party is a
Egalitarian, Equitable, sustainable; in any case, primary criterion for being a “true soldier” of
supporting life in abundance. the cause for a better Kenya.
Our solidarity is inspired then, by the present And finally conversations that declared Marxist-
but is functionally for the purpose of delivering Leninism to be the only source of the truth that
the future. A future we dare to imagine. The directs ideological discussions on this platform.
future of sufficiency for all in freedom and social In this identity I am clear in my mind of the
care. I see solidarity as demanding, requiring causes I enlist in. There is no requirement in
that we each lay ourselves bare before those like that identity that I require of any Comrade in
us, who share the conviction and Vision of a arms that S/he first take the Shahadah. This
better Kenya. Those who have taken the first Identity gives me leave to stimulate my intellect,
step towards turning the vision into a reality. strengthen my body and nourish my spirit/soul.
Solidarity is when all that one controls (skills, I choose to read all literature including Marxist-
knowledge, assets, even dreams) is declared Leninist for intellectual stimulation, adopt a
and surrendered for the common benefit of healthy lifestyle for my body’s sake and for my
the cause. Solidarity is sacrifice of among other spiritual nourishment and guidance, rely on the
things, comfort, privilege, most times, even word of Allah and the teachings of the Last of
emotions. All these may be sacrificed in our His Messengers (Upon whom be peace). And
case, as personal contributions towards the I shall be as good a Comrade to our departed
egalitarian, equitable, sustainable and therefore Comrade and to the others, as the next Guy.
a better Kenya. This to me, is Solidarity and I am a soldier for
Put another way, Solidarity is in essence, being the cause.
a full time Soldier in the cause as was Onyango
Oloo. He was a true Soldier at that. He died
“Solidarity does not assume that our struggles are the same struggles,
on the Frontline. He touched, inspired and
influenced many. Others whom he met and or that our pain is the same pain, or that our hope is for the same future.
other whom he had not. Solidarity involves commitment, and work, as well as the recognition that
Our congregation on this platform is testimony even if we do not have the same feelings, or the same lives, or the same
to this. He wrote convincingly, He argued bodies, we do live on common ground.”
respectfully, he lived simply and honestly. I - Sara Ahmed (2013) “The Cultural Politics of Emotion”

My brother, friend, confidant and teacher

By Francis O’Palla exceptional ability to grasps political
Onyango joined a group of students who concepts quickly and put them to good
had been jailed to periods ranging from six use in analyzing history and putting
to ten years, making it to the long list of contemporary historical events into
political prisoners jailed, detained or exiled perspective.
to stem dissent against the Moi regime. Onyango was not satisfied with our group
Amongst the political prisoners that discussion and boldly embarked on a
Onyango joined were myself, Thomas Mutuse, unique kind of evangelism: to convert prisoners
Ephantus Kinyua, into Marxist-
Titus Adungosi, Leninists. Due
Muga K’Olale, to his humble
Oginga Ogego, personality,
Wahinya Bore, friendliness, and
Jeff Mwangi and gift for eloquence
Maina Kinyatti. he soon had
A number of
political prisoners
came for short
stints and left us
continuing with
our sentences. From left: Wahinya Bore, Maina wa Kinyatti (partly hidden), Jeff Mwangi,
Prison condition Onyango, Seronei and Francis O’palla. Right photo: The leader of the
was made worse 1982 coup Hezekaia Ochuka gestures in a Nairobi court during his trial.
by prison warders Others who were also arrested included, Musalia Mudavadi, Moses
who constantly Wetangula, Richard Onyonka, Isaac Ruto, Gitobu Imanyara, Shem
reminded you that Ochuodho, Oginga Ogego, Wachira Waruru and David Murathe.
you have failed
yourself - ‘ ulipiga many follows speaking in
butter teke” as they would put it. Humiliating Marxist-Leninist terminologies and calling on
treatment test your will to survive to the limit. him to explain or clarify political issues that
Being stripped naked and occasional hit with they found intriguing.
a rungu for resisting uncalled for orders. Being Terms like dialectic materialism, bourgeoisie,
put in isolation without food. class struggle, lumpem, proletariat, hollo polloi,
We bore all these and many others stoically. sharp contradictions soon found home between
However, what really kept us sane was the prison walls thanks to Onyango’s evangelism
Institute of Politics that we created in prison and mobilization skills.
and Onyango Oloo was a prominent teacher of Using his rare intellectual gifts, Onyango
this Political Science master class. He sourced constantly reached out to all and sundry to
political literature that we read voraciously and expound his vision and understanding of what
discussed intensively. He chaired many tutorial it takes to create a just society. He won many
sessions and explained concepts lucidly. hearts by doing this in a way that is both
In the master class, Onyango Oloo impressed practical and non-condescending.
me with his general intelligence and his

Oloo taught me in jail

By Gitobu Imanyara
I met David Onyango Oloo during my first
stint at Kamiti Maximum Security Prison in the
mid eighties. He had been convicted, like many
of his student colleagues and former Kenya
Air Force officers, of offences relating to their
political activities.
Unlike the Air force officers who had been
charged and convicted by courts martial,
Onyango Oloo and the university students
had been convicted of sedition and given long
sentences without the benefit of any remission. Lawyer Gitobu Imanyara being led out of a
Nairobi court. He was one of the few lawyers
I was in Cell No. 7 of the notorious E Block.
Maina wa Kinyatti was Cell No. 2. Because who fought against Moi-KANU dictatorship
we were in solitary confinement and Oloo was during the struggle for the Second Liberation.
not, he would wait for the days when friendly
Nairobi Law Monthly which I then owned and
warders were on duty and they would sneak
edited and when he came back from exile in
him in during the 20 minute break from our
Canada we met very regularly.
cells and we would have very robust, free and
honest discussions on the state of our nation. We had our own disagreements and he wrote
and spoke about what he saw as my weaknesses
An avowed Marxist Leninist David would give
and failings but this only solidified our
us an eloquent and articulate exposition, in
friendship. He harboured malice to no one.
both English and Kiswahili, of Kenya’s class
struggle. Mwalimu Maina wa Kinyatti would When I came out of Kamiti Maximum
be the moderator and the 20 minute allowance security prison after my second stint there after
would swiftly end and he would be sneaked promotion from the Nyayo House Torture
out as we were bundled back to our cells. Not Dungeons during the Saba Saba uprising of the
since my days at the University of Nairobi when 90s, he wrote me a beautiful poem.
Willy Mutunga had introduced us to Marxist He was so full of common humanity. He told
doctrines had I had such clear exposition of the me about his love for one of our own with
theory and practice of Communism. whom he was in relationship and he opened up
I had of course read about his trial and to me about his personal life.
conviction and his disagreement with his Many tributes have been shared about this
counsel over mitigation in order to get non- unpretentious and dignified front line foot
custodial sentence. Oloo’s court address was soldier of our Second Liberation and Third
in the class of the great court room statements Liberations.
of the likes of Nelson Mandela. He was not I add my voice to your tributes. May what he
prepared to disown or betray his cause. He was fought for and gave his life for be achieved one
given the maximum sentence. I recall writing day. Rest in peace my younger brother, my
about his audacity and courage of conviction for friend. Your struggle was not in vain. Your life
one so young. and modesty; your commitment to the ideal of
He was in his 20s and he would live the rest of a free and equal society touched many and gave
his life in the struggle. I wrote about him in The hope to many more.

Out of Kenya and back

By Onyango Oloo figure who dominated the Voice of Kenya news
As someone who was born around the broadcasts and had photographs on the front
time many African countries were getting pages of the daily newspapers every time school
independent, my fifty plus years echoes many of children and traditional dancers entertained
the triumphs and travails of our continent. him at State House.
Ten years ago I, lost my wife a day after one of By late 1981, I was a university student in
my aunties departed from us. It is pointless to Nairobi but a few months later I was to spend
go through the litany of siblings and relatives my twenty second birthday in remand prison
lost for they are among millions who have died accused by the state of the crime of sedition for
over the years. having the audacity to write in biro on foolscap
I am a true child of the sixties which for paper a draft of an undistributed student essay
Africa started with a lot of hope and optimism calling on Kenyan youth to stand up to power
before degenerating into coups, civil wars, and protest when our lecturers and popular
assassinations, strife and turmoil. My age mates leaders were abducted from the lecture theatres
in Kenya had names like Lumumba, Obote, and homes to detention without trial and
Kwame, Odinga and Nyerere-reflecting the kangaroo courts. Within a couple of months,
pride that our parents had for Pan Africanist I had been sentenced to serve five long years
ideals. behind bars at the Kamiti Maximum Security
I remember, when I was a tiny boy of four my Prison where I served a big chunk of my
father lifting me up on a Nairobi street to see twenties.
the motorcade of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta drive Just before my twenty-seventh birthday, I was
past. And everybody was waving a Kenyan flag a newcomer to Dar es Salaam, not as a tourist
and cheering him on. but as a UNHCR refugee from Kenya escaping
But at the age of nine, when I was a Standard state authorities of Moi-KANU dictatorship
Three pupil marching with other members of who were clamping down on dissent. Our stay
our primary school, AC Luanda in Gem to in Tanzania was barely a year before I and other
Malanga for the burial of Argwings Kodhek, Kenyans were flown to Canada to shield us
Kenya’s Foreign Minister who died under from secret police of the Kenyan state who were
politically unclear circumstances. The same planning to do what they had done to Ochuka
year, in July 1969 the country was mourning and his Air Force comrades - abduct us and
the brutal assassination of Tom Mboya who was return us back to Kenya.
gunned down by a government hired killer at a A few months after my birthday in 1988, I
chemist’s shop. was on my way to Lester Pearson Airport via
When I was fifteen years old Kenya wailed Schiipol in Amsterdam to begin life as a “new
when a patriot, the popular MP J.M. Kariuki worker” and landed immigrant in Toronto,
was discovered murdered and thrown in a bush Canada.
by killers suspected to be emissaries of President I was to spend the rest of the eighties, all of the
Jomo Kenyatta. That tragic event threw the nineties and part of the early years of the twenty
country into turmoil and increased the level first century as a political exile living in Toronto,
of anti-government opposition especially by Ontario and Montreal, Quebec where I learnt a
Kenya’s Left. A few days after my eighteenth lot from the movements of women, Caribbean
birthday Kenya was in confusion when the and African Canadians, Native and Indigenous
only head of state they had known-Mzee Jomo People, Irish, El Salvadoran, Latin American,
Kenyatta died. Many did not know whether to Middle Eastern and Asian movements, students,
cry or celebrate because he had been a colossal environmental and workers’ struggles.
I did come back to Kenya in 1994 for the first

time since I fled to Tanzania. Nairobi and head the

A day before my thirty fourth East African Secretariat
birthday I got an unexpected planning the 2007 edition of
gift when none other than the World Social Forum being
the late Francis Kwinga, the held in Africa for the very first
Principal Immigration Officer time.
at his Nyayo House office I was hardly back home for
reached into one of his drawers Top left: Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki (right a month when I was thrust
and handed me a brand new photo) Below: Kenyans protesting against election into the Kenyan civil society’s
passport - thanks to the efforts results. involvement on the November
of Dr. Willy Mutunga, the late 2005 Referendum against the
George Anyona and the late infamous Wako Draft of the
George Kapten’s interventions proposed constitution.
on my behalf.
Over the next ten years I
But on my flight back to witnessed, first Mwai Kibaki
Canada on an Air India and PNU and next, Uhuru
flight, I was detained by the Kenyatta and Jubilee and install
immigration authorities of themselves in power through dubious means
that huge sub-continental’s country who leaving thousands of deaths in their wake.
accused me of being a Nigerian (as if that was
in itself a crime) on account of the fact that I On the eve of my fifty seventh birthday
produced my brand new Kenyan passport and yesterday (Aug 19, 2017), I saw NASA
my battered Canadian permanent residence present twenty five thousand pages and parade
when asked to identify myself. It took the over twenty lawyers who will represent the
speedy intervention of Mumbai based Canadian opposition at the Supreme Court to hear the
Consular authorities to verify that I was in fact, petition which those of us who have become
a bona fide Canadian tax payer who lived and cynical are firmly convinced, will be rejected
worked in Ontario. by that court but will still play a vital role
in testifying to the world how Uhuru, Ruto
In October 2005, I was head hunted while in and Jubilee stole the elections for the second
Montreal by the organizers of the Kenya Social consecutive time.
Forum to come back to

My brother, friend, confidant and teacher

Pheroz Manji the banner in the wind
Farewell, Onyango Oloo, comrade and friend. Not bound so tightly
You have fought the good fight and sustained in a scarlet fold
it even when your contributions were not not sodden, sodden
always given due recognition. with your people’s tears
The words of Guyanese revolutionary griot, but flashing on the pole
Martin Carter, are appropriate to recall: we bear aloft
Death must not find us thinking that we die down and beyond this dark, dark lane of rags.
too soon, too soon Now, from the mourning vanguard moving on
our banner draped for you dear Comrade, I salute you and I say
I would prefer Death will not find us thinking that we die.

No Weeping, Wailing or Mourning !

By Onyango Oloo credentials, inviting
If Daniel Toroitich arap Moi were to die all her FB friends
tomorrow, or next week or the following to share their happy
month, I, Onyango Oloo will not do a recollections of the
Ndombolo jig on his fresh grave. iron fisted conductor
But neither will I be caught dead, hysterically of the KANU
crying my heart out, clinging feverishly to a tyranny-to add to her
thoroughly drenched tear soaked face towel. joyful reminiscences
No weeping, no wailing, no mourning for and nostalgic reveries
Oloo. about sipping the
Former President Daniel infamous Nyayo
Yesterday, September 2, 2014 the former milk as a toddler in
repressive Kenyan head of state announced to arap Moi
anyone who cared to know that he is now only
ten years short of clocking a century on Planet In the grip of acute trauma, I shuddered in
Earth. wonderment, speculating in consternation if
perhaps the minds of millions of my Kenyan
I was completely disgusted and thoroughly compañeros had been taken over by the kind of
nauseated. Not at the thought that the lanky shady, dodgy aliens that Will Smith and Tommy
former despot was celebrating his birthday. Lee Jones had been battling tenaciously in three
No, not at all. indelible MIB Hollywood blockbusters.
Even if Pol Pot, Papa Doc, Idi Amin Dada and Let me tell you how I remember the aging
Adolf Hitler were alive today they would have despot who is close to polluting the universe for
had every right to celebrate their respective born a hundred years.
days. I was barely 22 when his putrid regime hauled
What pissed me off were the miles of slimy me off a train and swung me in the Kamiti
orgiastic phlegm oozing from every orifice of slammer for having the temerity of jotting
Kenya’s often intellectually bereft Fourth Estate. down in my own unflattering, scrawling hand
I spied with horror, giddy television anchors writing, a first year university essay calling on
grin from ear to ear as they fellated and ululated Kenyan youth to stand up against injustice and
one of the worst dictators to emerge in Africa in fight for freedom. Two years later my father
the last fifty years. suffered a heart attack after one of his own in
I recoiled with shock to listen to a sycophantic laws who was a minister in Moi’s regime misled
choir of journalists - on the radio, in the him into believing that I, along with other
newspapers on the internet - kow tow to the jailed university students, would be released on
architect of Goldenberg; one of the chief Jamhuri Day, 1984.
suspects behind a string of unsolved political Instead, Moi forgave his close business partner,
assassinations; a veritable dinosaur who opposed Charles Njonjo who had been tarred, tainted
democratization and constitutional change. and tagged as the so called “Traitor” within
I narrowly missed suffering a massive, almost the blood soaked Nyayo kleptocracy. My dad
fatal, coronary attack when I logged on to only eventually died from a second heart attack a few
to be viciously slapped by a blithe wall update years later. To this day, I hold Moi responsible
from a young, fairly progressive female artiste for my father’s untimely demise.
who I respect a lot for her consistent reformist Moi also killed Tito Adungosi, the former

Robert Ouko Father John Kaiser

Karimi Nduthu

SONU Chairman
who happened to be
an ardent supporter
of the KANU
dictatorship even
behind bars. Adungosi
did not have to die,
but he did, as a result
of callous state neglect JM Kariuki Wallace Gichere
of a simple, treatable
Who killed Dr. Robert Ouko? How about Fr.
Kaiser? Who bludgeoned Karimi Nduthu to
death? Who threw photojournalist Wallace
Gichere out of a window?
Who was the political cannibal and vampire
who drank the blood of patriots and feasted on
their newly slaughtered flesh?
Count me out.
September 3, 2014

Willy Mutunga, former Chief

Self-made OO education. He interrogated,
Justice/President, Supreme Court critiqued, historicized, and
of Kenya demystified theories and
In glorifying our fallen Comrade knowledge in a creative manner,
I want to single out one of his including Marxism.
great revolutionary attributes The struggle he was engaged in
that must never be forgotten. for a development of humane,
OO was a self-educated just, peaceful, non-militaristic,
organic intellectual very much non-violent, ecologically safe,
in the tradition of Malcolm equitable, and prosperous
X, Mao Zedong, and other socialist societies on the planet
revolutionaries. must continue.
He never suffered the limitations of bookish Aluta Continua! Vitoria e C’erta!

A Communist to the end

By Miguna Miguna until he traveled to join our ancestors. He
My comrade resisted the life of privilege, materialism
Onyango Oloo was and conformism because that always meant
an unrepentant global diluting his principles in exchange for temporal
citizen in the mould opportunism.
of what Thomas As fate would have it, I met Oloo in Canada;
Sankara had called not in our native land, Kenya. I was introduced
“The Upright Man.” to Oloo in Toronto by Adongo Ogony who had
He was ideologically served as the Secretary General of the Students’
radical, pure and Organisation of Nairobi University (SONU) in
committed. 1982. This was shortly after they had arrived in
A prolific and dogged Toronto, Canada, from Tanzania, with Omondi
debater, writer and Obanda, James Mwangi and Githirwa Muhoro
activist. He read voraciously and published in November 1988.
long essays, poems and commentaries on I had been granted asylum in Canada in June
everything from Marxism, Pan-Africanism, of the same year, together with former SONU
imperialism, music, world politics, feminism leaders, Peter Mutonyi Gakiri, Munoru Nderi,
and globalisation to the environment. JTO Ogola, Omill Oloo and former University
Although he was named David Onyango Oloo, of Nairobi third-year law student James
he had dropped “David” after he left prison in Anampiu .
1986. Before seeking exile in Tanzania in the We had quickly established an exile pro-
late 1980s, local Kenyan newspapers had named democracy movement called the Committee
him as a member of the “Kenya Revolutionary for Democracy in Kenya (CDK) and rallied
Movement” together with Raila Odinga. Kenyans living abroad to champion for the
The ensuing propaganda against the KRM reintroduction of multi-party democracy in our
precipitated Oloo’s flight into exile. Soon, Raila mother land.
Odinga also fled to exile in Norway using a During this period, the majority of Kenyans in
Ugandan passport. Ontario were foreign students—mostly children
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, most or relatives of ruling party KANU mandarins
African socialists opportunistically opted to or their business associates. But there were a
redefine themselves. They avoided delicate few other political exiles like James Karanga,
ideological debates and rebranded themselves as Kamonji Wachiira and a man we only knew
“social democrats.” as Kamotho. Dr. Willy Mutunga who was
In the early 1990s, it was distressing for completing his doctoral studies at the Osgoode
committed communists to watch those they had Hall Law School of York University also joined
considered their compatriots - who had proudly the CDK.
worn long beards, called themselves socialists Oloo worked as a radio broadcaster, community
and who had engaged in radical opposition programme manager and consultant for a
to imperialism - jump into the capitalist band number of non-governmental organisations.
wagon overnight without much compunction. He also assisted many refugees from numerous
Not Comrade Onyango Oloo. African and Latin American countries prepare
“I’m a communist. A Marxist-Leninist,” and present their cases for asylum.
Oloo continued to proclaim defiantly Whenever he was confronted with difficult

choices between remaining loyal to his political ever met. He

principles or fitting in so that he could keep understood
a job, for instance, Oloo always stuck to his power and power
principles. dynamics. He
Many of his critics considered him an eschewed faddism.
unrepentant idealist. A stubborn fool. They He believed in
dismissed him as a man who had refused to substantive equality
change with the times. Those critics preferred between races,
dishonesty, opportunism and hypocrisy to ethnic groups,
strong principles. They considered people religions and
like Onyango Oloo who believed that the sexual orientations.
world needed to be transformed through He was fully
a socialist revolution for everyone to have committed to the
equal opportunities and to have control over establishment of
their means of production as dreamers. They a classless society.
contemptuously referred to him as an “activist He fought gallantly
who had refused to grow out of his university against artificially
mold.” constructed
In the 1990s before blogging became popular structural and institutional hierarchies.
among Kenyans, Oloo was already a veteran In the end, despite his many skills, abilities,
blogger who traversed Kenyan discussion ideological commitment and tenacity, Oloo’s
platforms like a colossus. He was ubiquitous efforts were consistently thwarted by entrenched
in platforms such as Kiseru, Kenyans Online, neocolonial interests and merchants of impunity
Kenya Community Abroad and Kenyans in in Kenya. Oloo reminded them of their
Ontario before he founded the iconic Jukwaa: ideological limitations and moral weaknesses.
Kenyan Discussion Platform around the year Had Kenya been a merit-based society,
2005 as a forum for Kenya Democracy Project, Comrade Oloo would not have died a painful,
which he had co-founded with Ogony. They neglected and lonely life. The challenge is
had also founded a publicastion they called on us to honour his legacy and seek the
“Haki” which was an organ of the Kenya transformation of Kenya so that true heroes like
Human Rights Organisation we had also him would be treated humanely here on earth.
founded during the same period. You were my revolutionary comrade, trusted
He is the only genuine male feminist I have confidant and valued friend.

Rest in peace Comrade

By Mwashengu wa Mwachofi It is only there that we expect to live eternally,
It pains me how comrades in real freedom, justice and peace we
sacrifice for justice, only later to sacrificed for.
die in poverty. The pain is aggravated by the Since we believe in what we are fighting for
reality that some of us decamped to join the and that we are on God’s side, we expect
perpetrators and together, they continue to him to be just and reward us accordingly -
thrive in the ill-gotten wealth. with Jesus Christ standing for us in the final
However because death is not meant to be judgment Justice will finally be done.
the end of life and that beyond it we shall live May Comrade David Onyango Oloo Rest in
eternally, I am relieved that comrade David Eternal peace.
Onyango Oloo is on the way to heaven.

Oloo made me drop my Christian name

By Oloo Janak distinctly traditional African symbolism,
Although I had a beads, some bone-like things, carved into some
chance to meet and sort of decoration which I never quite got to
work with Onyango understand but I took them to mean he was
Oloo from around deeply committed to Pan Africanism and the
1994, his name had objects gave him a sense cultural connection
become familiar and identity.
to many of us as He had a friendly and generally quiet mien,
politically conscious even in agitated environments, presenting his
students those days. arguments very logically and passionately at
He and I shared meetings. He would always offer to take up
names: he was tasks and was eager to get processes moving.
David Onyango I worked with Onyango Oloo in successfully
Oloo and I was organising the Nyanza Region Social Forum,
William Onyango Oloo, a situation which that led me attend World Social Forum event in
caused some unease and fear in me and was Nairobi.
later to land me in trouble with the Kanu/Moi He gave the event his all, working hard
regime shortly after. throughout until it ended.
The sense of nationalism, Pan Africanism and Throughout our years of interaction, I had
cultural re-orientation, inspired by an anti- come to look at him as a very passionate and
imperialist feeling among some of us, was fairly down to earth compatriot, and we had
growing. I was among those inspired by his many moments sitting out and talking about
decision to drop his Christian name “David”, the reform movement at various city restaurants
and by author, Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s earlier over coffee or at meetings.
decision to drop his Christian name “James”, I
also quietly dropped “William”. For some time after he disappeared from my
radar, I thought Onyango Oloo had, like of the
So, for a while, I was simply also known as pro-reform comrades, taken a back seat, or got
“Onyango Oloo” a name change that led to my engaged in some job or consultancies, either
arrest later. locally or internationally. I even thought he
In 1985-6, I was the South Nyanza had gone back to Canada, until I saw face book
correspondent for a Nairobi based Weekly posts indicating he was at his rural village in
Newspaper, and contributed to “Weekly Lwanda Dudi, near Yala Township, trying to eke
Review” using the name: Onyango Oloo. In out a living as a poultry farmer.
1987 I adopted the name: Oloo Janak after I I joined colleagues who kept in touch a bit,
sensed that my letters were being monitored. through a number he had provided on his
So, in the heat of the advocacy for the new face book posts but then I lost touch after a
constitution I was pleased to have met Onyango while, only to learn after a while, that Comrade
Oloo “Wa Canada”, in person and work with Onyango Oloo had passed on!
him in some spaces through to around 2015 We have lost a passionate social reform advocate
when he disappeared from my radar. who contributed a lot to the movement for
I would always meet him at forums or with social change in Kenya and no doubt within the
friends, and hanging on his neck were some global community.

A die-hard Marxist-Leninist
By Patrick Ochieng’ without trial like Oyugi, Alamin,
Onyango Oloo’s inspiration to Kamoji or jailed on trumped up
be what what he was from the charges like sedition for Mutunga
South African Communist Party and Kinyatti.
ideologues, their publications and It is however the events of Sunday
the work of Radio Freedom in Dar August 1, 1982, an attempted coup
es salaam. He read Jaramogi’s Not by a section of the Airforce that saw
Yet Uhuru, conceived and launched chants of Pambana rent the air at
a long running current affairs the University with soldiers shooting
programme on radical community in the air that would change things
radio in Canada, linked with ANC completely for Oloo.
in Toronto and became a member of The ecstasy that followed, the
the Nelson Mandela Reception Committee for rampage with which comrades joined the forces
Mandela’s first Canadian visit. These gave Oloo in to the streets only took minutes before forces
his early depth in revolution. loyal to the regime crushed the rebellion. Soon
It is Oloo who made me aware that a key the state unleashed the paramilitary GSU on
female member of the SACP together with the campus, the Chancellor announced the campus
spouse of a Kenyan trade unionist ghost wrote had been closed and ordered students to go
Jaramogi’s book Not Yet Uhuru. back to their homes, thoroughly beaten, and
Oloo joined the University of Nairobi in 1981 bashed with some having raped.
to do history, economics and literature, at a It was when Oloo was returning to Mombasa
time when Moi’s dictatorship was at its peak. where his family lived, that police boarded the
At the time a Marxist-Leninist underground train and demanded everyone’s identity. Oloo
movement was active at the two Universities, produced his student identity and that invited
Nairobi and Kenyatta led by luminaries such the harrowing story that followed. His suitcase
as Ngugi wa Thiongo, Prof. Edward Oyugi, was frisked, Das Kapital, The Wretched of the
Dr. Willy Mutunga, Kamoji Wachira, Maina Earth were some of his priceless possessions.
wa Kinyatti among others. The movement was Upon further digging they came across his
formally known as December Twelve Movement handwritten essay, A Plea to Comrades, a call
(DTM) adopted from the year Britain gave to action on December 12 to intercede for
Kenya its flag independence. comrades and lecturers rounded up students in
A pamphlet produced by DTM in 1981 known the crackdown. Oloo was promptly escorted
as Cheche that articulated the movement’s back to Nairobi by police and the rest as they
basic thesis of neo-colonialism was one of say is history.
Oloo’s first sparks in to subversive thoughts Although the political establishment brutalized
when he attended symposia by the radical you and never did anything to take the pressure
lecturers at which these pamphlets were shared. off till you bowed out but not once did you
A second publication Pambana that exposed betray the cause, you owned and amplified the
the dictatorship and called on compatriots to legitimate rage of the disenfranchised.
organize hit the Campus in 1982. Oloo as you go to the next earth, salute
It is these activities that prompted the police to comrades Titus Andungosi, Prof Katama
start the crackdown that begun in June 1982 Mkangi, Odhiambo Mbayi and Jaramogi who
that saw what the regime described as “bearded went before you.
Marxist dissidents” arrested and detained

With Oloo all the way

By Njuki Githethwa
We have supported one another
for many years, individually and
collectively, as comrades and
friends, siblings and relatives,
locally and abroad. We have
shared what we have, little or plenty, financial
and in kind, houses, means of travel, computers,
office space, love, solidarity, moral support,
what we could share. January 2019: Comrades Njuki, Booker,
News came through. Gacheke when they visited OO’s home in
OO had relocated to his ancestral home in Muhaka, Dudi.
Luanda Dudi, Muhaka Sub-Location, Kisa
West, Kakamega County. He will refocus his social media posts. He bought his last phone
life into supporting grassroots community here.
development projects. He had erected his very OO has grandiose plans at his home in Dudi
own dala (Dholuo for home) right opposite on self-sustaining projects: raising poultry,
AC Luanda Primary School on a piece of land goats, sheep, cattle, pigs, connect electricity and
bequeathed him by his parents and ancestors. flowing water, work for communications in the
But OO was ailing. His material condition was county, set up a community based organization,
dire. Comrades and friends on the email list he it even had a name: Barrack Obama Centre for
had created swung into action. Social Progress.
Social media outlets were flooded with solidarity He will publish his book, memoirs, digital
messages and appeals for support. His Mpesa verses, his novel in drafts - FaceBook Achieng.
number was open. Solidarity financial support He will intensify struggles for a socialist
flowed in. revolution, another world is possible, a new
Some comrades even pledged and gave monthly social order, a just and equitable society.
contributions for over six months. Solidarity But OO is hospitalized severally.
visits from comrades, friends, siblings and Solidarity support continues. His medication
neighbours were in step. must continue. His health need to be back to
Long progressive conversations flowed shape. His dreams are valid. His life struggles
effortlessly: memories, of aimless politics, greedy are real, but it’s what we could do, could have
politicians, ideological poverty, progressive done; this system destroys all of us.
internationalism, Pan Africanism, struggle
and survival of comrades and activists, settling
with the love of his life, rich foods, celebratory “The real question is not whether
drinks, visions, dreams.
Refreshing walks along the footpaths of Dudi
life exists after death.
village. Birds chirp happily. Neighbours The real question is whether you
greet respectfully. There is new company in
the village. Forays into Luanda town where are alive before death.”
modernity abounds. This is the town he used
check, respond and send countless emails and

Back to my roots
Comrades, friends and fellow Jukwaa members:
First of all, my apologies for my long,
long absence from this forum. Now, some
explanations are in order.
Since June 2017 I was domiciled in Durban,
Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. In the course of
my stay there, I fell seriously sick. At one point
I spent over five weeks marooned in hospital.
What was I suffering from?
Well, the doctors told me I was afflicted with in which I moved in almost immediately just
T.B. That was on top of the HIV positive status before Christmas last year.
that I discovered I had in 2016. I also was
suffering from high blood pressure. I resolved there and then to become a rural
based dweller growing vegetables; raising
Having left hospital, I retreated to my sister’s poultry, goats, sheep and cows. Did I mention
home in Durban. that the house had no electricity?
In December 2018 our family made a decision Briefly the main factors behind my absence
that we should travel back to Kenya, and that from the net have been travel, sickness and
I set up my own home in my home village of relocating to the rural Kenyan countryside.
Luanda Dudi in Kisa West Location, Kakamega
County in western Kenya. By the way, I am not ashamed to admitting that
I am currently wallowing in temporary poverty.
Using the available resources, my family and I
set up a modest home - which turned out to be Sincerely,
a small mabati stucture called kiru in Dholuo, Onyango Oloo

Onyango Katukimbia ....

Miaka bora ya ujana, katumika gerezani,
Adhiambo Odhiambo
Buriani wangu mwendani, mbele umetangulia.
(Malkia Kadzo)
Singizio la uhaini, Onyango kashitakiwa,
Toka bara hadi Pwani, mbiu Mateso nayo matusi, shujaa livumilia,
twalisikia, Mikononi mwa mabepari, kulikomboa taifa,
Wenzio tumefanyani, Onyango katukimbia, Buriani wangu mwendani, mbele umetangulia.
Katu sijaamini, kikomo katuekea, Kwenye wimbi la fikira, mara nyingi ulizama,
Buriani wangu mwendani, mbele umetangulia. Wala hukukata tamaa, bali kaishi kwa ari,
Buriani wangu mwendani, mbele umetangulia, Pumzika sasa peponi, Onyango shujaa wetu,
Tu makiwa wa’harakati, huzuni metuachia, Buriani wangu mwendani, mbele umetangulia.
Lala pema peponi, moyoni tabakia, Shujaa wetu buriani, salama nakuombea,
Buriani wangu mwendani, mbele umetangulia. Amekuita jalali, nawe mwito kw’itikia,
Bila haya mi nasema, Onyango wetu shujaa, Ulalapo kaburini, pumziko nakutakia,
Vitabuni nikisoma, sifazo lizisikia, Buriani wangu mwendani, mbele umetangulia.

“I promise that you will read my book, soon”

Jukwaa, the discussion forum I launched in
August 2005. In the 8 years that I have been on
Facebook, I have accumulated close to the limit
of 5,000 friends - reminding of the wry quip by
Bill Gates when he was quitting that popular
social media platform that no one can have so
many actual friends in real life. I am constantly
on Twitter and my e-mail inbox is bursting at
the seams.
So what gives?
Well, this moratorium is to give me the freedom
to write more. For those who still don’t get it,
let me break it down.
You see, Onyango Oloo is always writing. Every
day and every night. Most of my pieces are
political, ideological, polemical.
And it is precisely why I am announcing that
that starting on what Kenyans celebrate as
Mashujaa Day (Sheroes/Heroes Day), Onyango
Oloo will not compose a single sentence in
English, Kiswahili, Luo or Sheng that touches
on one country in Africa called Kenya.
I am doing this in order precisely to write
some more. Some of my friends and family
members already know that I am working on a
manuscript or two or three.
Given the energy I spent on digital essays every
single night, guess how many chapters of how
many books I would have completed by now?
Anybody who is familiar with my pieces must
Onyango Oloo be familiar with the vast amount of research and
reading that I do, references and citations that
I make. This apart from the professional work
I am hereby announcing that starting on that I do as a paid consultant.
October 20th, 2017, I, Onyango Oloo will stop How about if I divert that energy to completing
writing any digital essays on Jukwaa and cease just one book?
distributing my posts on Facebook, Twitter, So folks on Jukwaa, Facebook,Twitter, Goole+,
Googel+, KPTJ or any of the many e-mail KPTJ and other e-mail forums, this is Onyango
groups that I belong to. Oloo saying Sayonara and Adios.
The reason for this moratorium is paradoxical, You will hear from me when my new book is
but really quite simple. being launched. Which should be quite soon -
So far, I have started over 5,400 topics on I promise everyone.
... Don’t grieve for me, for now I am free
From the tree of life, each leaf must fall
The green, the gold, the great, the small:
Each one in God’s own time, He’ll call
With perfect love He gathers all.

Don’t grieve for me, for now I am free

I am following the path God set for me
I took His hand when I heard Him call
I turned my back and left it all.

Perhaps my time seemed all to be brief

Don’t lengthen a while for me if you must
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It’s only for a while that we must part.

At every turning of my life I came across good

Friends who stood for me
Even when the time raced me by.
Farewell, a farewell my friends
I smile and bid you goodbye. Put no difference in your tone.
All I can say is to echo a South African saying Wear no air of solemnity or sorrow.
Hamba Kahle! Fare thee well! Laugh as we always laughed
Call me my old familiar name, At the little jokes we enjoyed together
Onyango Oloo Then when you must come this way alone
Speak to me in the easy way I’ll greet you with a smile and say
which you always used. Welcome Home.
* The poem was found among Oloo’s
Onyango Oloo ....

1960 - 2019

“Kenya’s Uhuru must not be transformed into freedom to

exploit, or freedom to be hungry and live in ignorance.
Uhuru must be Uhuru for the masses - Uhuru from
exploitation, from ignorance, disease and poverty”

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