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Drying is one of the most common unit operations in the industry. This operation is a combined
heat and mass transfer process by which volatile components are evaporated from a material to
yield a solid product (Perry & Green, 2008).
Systems undergoing a drying process have different characteristics which are mainly affected
by the physicochemical conditions being set. One of the parameters that characterize the drying is
the liquid content of the solid material being dried. It is greatly affected by the temperature and
pressure on the material, as well as the saturation of the gaseous phase in contact with the liquid.
These factors, in turn, will affect the rate of evaporation of the liquid and the equilibrium
relationship between the liquid and the solid material. The equilibrium liquid content is the limit
to which a given material can be dried by means of a drying medium of given temperature pressure,
saturation, etc. It is determined mainly by the nature of the material, the temperature of the drying
medium, and the partial pressure of the liquid in the vapour phase found in the drying medium
(Brown, 1950).

Figure 1. An example of a rate-of-drying curve as a function of free moisture content

(Geankoplis, 2003)
In the process of drying at constant operating conditions, a general behavior can be patterned.
To properly understand the mechanism of drying, the rate-of-drying curve shown in figure 1 can
be used as reference. Initially, a solid that is very wet with the liquid to be removed can be
considered (point A). At the start of drying, the temperature of the wet mixture rises up to the point
when it attains a steady-state drying temperature. In some cases, if the solid is initially hot before
the drying starts (point A’), an initial unsteady-state adjustment period (point A’ to B) occurs which
is often termed as the induction period. The evaporation of the liquid then happens in such a way
that the liquid film above the surface of the solid is continuously maintained. For this period, the
mass transfer of the liquid from the depth of the solid towards the surface is equal to the mass
transfer at which the liquid from the surface evaporates towards the surroundings. With the said
phenomenon, the rate of drying remains constant (point B to C). The drying behavior being
described is displayed at the constant-rate period. However, the constant rate of drying does not
last long. A point is reached when there is not enough liquid in the surface of the solid to maintain
a continuous film; the liquid movement from the depth of the solid towards the surface cannot
cope up with the increasing rate of evaporation. Consequently, the rate of drying falls off rapidly
(C to E), signalling the start of the falling-rate period. The critical point is reached when the
constant-rate period ends and is transitioning towards the falling-rate period. During the falling-
rate period, dry spots on the solid surface will appear and it continues until the liquid to be
evaporated is no longer unbound with respect to the solid. Depending on the nature of the solid
material, two or more falling-rate periods may exist. Figure 1 shows two falling-rate periods, point
C to D and point D to E, each period having distinct drying mechanisms. After a longer period of
time, the equilibrium liquid content is then attained (point E).
Various methods in describing the drying characteristics of a wetted material as well as the
prediction of its drying time at constant and falling rate periods are established. For the drying
process in batch mode, the best method is through the use of experimental drying curves. These
drying curves must be based from experimental data obtained under conditions where the feed
material, relative exposed surface area, gas velocity, temperature and humidity are essentially the
same throughout the duration of the process (Geankoplis, 2003).
In this experiment, the rate of drying curve under constant drying conditions was determined.
Additionally, the effect of varying air velocity on the rate of drying was determined. Generally,
the factors involved in this process will dictate the design of the drying equipment to be used which
then affects the capital and operating costs needed (Perry & Green, 2008).

II. Materials and Methods

Tray Drier

Tray, sand, thermometer, balance, anemometer, stopwatch, wet and dry-bulb thermometer


Initially, the free-cross-sectional area of each compartment with the trays in place was
measured. The surface area of the tray as well as the cross-sectional area of the duct at the
anemometer station were also determined.
The temperature and velocity of the air was then adjusted to the desired value by regulating
the steam pressure and setting the dampers to proper openings. After the conditions have
been constant, a weighed tray of wet sand was placed. At frequent intervals, the following
measurements were made:
a. Velocity of the air
b. Wet and dry – bulb temperature of the air entering and leaving the drier and before and
after if passes over each day.
c. Weight of each tray of material
The drying process was continued until there is no further loss in weight. The experiment
was then continued under different conditions of air velocity and steam pressure.
III. Results

Moisture Content (g water/ g DM) Constant-Rate Period


Falling-Rate Period


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
time (min)

Figure 1. Moisture content of the material as a function of time.

Table 1. Drying characteristics

Constant rate of drying (g H2O/ m2min) 1.7950
Critical moisture content (g H2O/ g dry material) 0.1888
Falling rate period (g H2O/ m2min) 4.901 – 0.09Xt

Table 2. Effect of varying air velocity on the rate of drying.

Elapsed Time Exit Air Velocity Weight of Sample
(min) (ft/min) (grams)
0 787.4016 109.51
10 728.3465 109.09
20 905.5118 108.71
30 905.5118 108.11
40 629.9213 107.75
50 885.8268 106.69
60 885.8268 105.54
70 925.1969 103.93
80 964.5670 102.79
90 964.5670 102.79
100 964.5670 102.79
IV. Discussion

Various calculation methods are present in predicting the time of drying for both
the constant and falling rate periods. For this part of the experiment, the data obtained from
the rate-of-drying curve (Figure 1) will be used to obtain these values. Under constant
operating conditions, the drying rate is defined as

Ws dX ' (1)
A dt

dX '
where Ws is the weight of bone dry sawdust, A is the area of exposure and is the
change in free moisture content with time. Equation 1 is a first-order ordinary differential
equation and the time for constant and falling rate periods can be solved through separation
of variables.

Presented in Figure 1 is the moisture content of the material being dried as a

function of time. It can be seen from the figure that there are two (2) trends. The first period
has a linear behavior in which moisture content decreases in a constant manner. This period
represents the constant rate period where the rate of loss of the unbound water is constant.
The second period represents the falling rate period where there are variations in the way
the moisture content is decreased. The falling rate period is characterized by the removal
of bound water within the material in which the nature of the material being dried affects
the drying rate.
From figure 1, the drying characteristics were determined. In particular, the
constant drying rate, the critical moisture content and the rate at the falling rate period were
determined. The data obtained are summarized in Table 1. These data are necessary so that
scale up calculations can be made. Additionally, these data are essential in predicting
optimum drying time.
The effect of varying air velocity in the rate of drying was also determined.
Although no conclusive picture can be made, in general, it can be seen that the rate of
drying decreases with an increase in the air velocity. It could be that the contact between
the air and the material to be dried is decreased when the air velocity is increased thus
decreasing the rate of mass and heat transfer.

V. Conclusion
In this experiment, the rate of drying was determined under constant drying conditions.
The data obtained were presented in graphical form against the moisture content. It was
found out that the constant rate of drying is 1.7950 g H2O/ m2min, critical rate of drying
is 0.1888 g H2O/ g dry material and the rate at the falling rate period is 4.901 – 0.09Xt.
Additionally, the effect of varying air velocity on the rate of drying was determined. In
general, it can be seen that the amount of water removed is decreased with increasing air
velocity. It could be that the contact of the air and the material to be dried is reduced when
the velocity is increased.

VI. References
Brown, G. G. (1950). Unit Operations. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Geankoplis, C. J. (2003). Principles of Transport Processes and Separation Processes. New
Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
McCabe, W. L., Smith, J. C., & Harriott, P. (1993). Unit Operations in Chemical
Engineering (5th ed.). Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
Perry, R. H., & Green, D. W. (2008). Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook (8th ed.).
New York: McGraw-Hill.

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